FOOD DRINK - Choice SB Elementary
FOOD DRINK - Choice SB Elementary
FOOD DRINK - Choice SB Elementary
Objectives: Listen, read and talk about food; order food and drink in a cafe;
learn more about the future tense and zero conditionals.
ГИА Exam preparation:~ Use of English, Speaking
v. Л. .
О Work in pairs. Use the network to tell
your partner about the food y o u eat. H o w
healthy is your partner's diet?
Food and Drink
Interviewer: Our eating habits
c h a n g e all t h e time. W h a t will
p e o p l e e a t in t e n y e a r s ' t i m e ?
E x p e r t : T h e r e will b e less f o o d a r o u n d a n d
s o m e p e o p l e will eat v e r y little. M e a t a n d fish
will b e m o r e e x p e n s i v e s o t h e r e will b e m o r e
О Your Culture Look at the photos (a-c). Which I: Will w e b u y m o r e v i t a m i n s ?
dishes are popular in your country? What E : Y e s , w e will. W e will p r o b a b l y t a k e m o r e
traditional dishes do people eat? vitamins a n d minerals b e c a u s e t h e r e w o n ' t
b e a lot of t h e m in our f o o d .
О Read the interview. Which opinions do y o u I: W h a t will h a p p e n t o f a s t f o o d ?
agree with? E : O h , fast f o o d w o n ' t disappear b e c a u s e our
lifestyle will b e v e r y fast. But it will c h a n g e -
Predictions will/won't we'll b u y salads a n d fresh s a n d w i c h e s , not
chips a n d burgers.
О Read the sentences from the t e x t and I: Will w e g o t o r e s t a u r a n t s ?
complete the rule. E : Y e s , w e will but h o m e - c o o k i n g will b e m o r e
popular b e c a u s e it's cheaper.
Affirmative I: W h a t will p e o p l e c o o k ?
Meat will be more expensive. E : It's difficult t o say. This year, J a p a n e s e f o o d
Negative is t h e m o s t popular b e c a u s e it's quick
Fast food won't disappear. a n d healthy but this fashion will p r o b a b l y
Italians won't stop eating pasta. c h a n g e . M a y b e next y e a r we'll eat S o u t h
Questions Short answers American food.
Will we all eat the same Yes, they will. / I: Will w e all e a t t h e s a m e d i s h e s ?
dishes? No, they won't. E : No, w e w o n ' t . F o o d is an important part of
Will we go to restaurants? Yes, we will. /
our culture a n d p e o p l e will a l w a y s eat their
What will they cook? No, we won't.
traditional local dishes. Italians will a l w a y s
eat p a s t a a n d t h e J a p a n e s e will a l w a y s eat
• We use will and won't to talk about the sushi. S o m e things w o n ' t c h a n g e .
present / future.
О Complete the predictions for 2020 with will
or won't. Use the interview to help you.
1 People will eat fast food.
sell unhealthy food.
become more popular.
4 Italians _ _ forget pizza.
Grammar Alive
5 Vitamins be less popular. Predicting the future
6 People invite friends to their home.
7 Our lifestyle. become slower. О BEI Listen to a conversation at a fortune-
teller's. List five predictions about Janet's
LANGUAGE CHOICE 56 future. Which ones would you like to be
true for you?
О Use the cues to make questions about the
1 She will become a chef.
future of food.
1 food / be more expensive? ф Work in pairs. Use the cues to ask and
Will food be more expensive? answer about your future.
2 Italian food / still be popular? A: Will I have a lot of money?
3 fast food restaurants / disappear? B: No, you won't but you'll be'happy.
4 people / eat a lot of sweets? A starts В answers
5 our national food / become popular in the
world? 1 have a lot of money? 1 be happy
6 people / stop eating meat? 2 get married? 2 fall in love many
7 traditional dishes/change? times
8 young people / cook at home? 3 travel a lot? 3 have a beautiful
О Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions 4 have an interesting 4 do an important
from Exercise 6. job? job
A: Will food be more expensive? 5 be famous? 5 be popular
B: Yes, it will. В starts A answers
6 be a scientist? 6 be a science
О Read the situations. Use the cues to write
predictions about the future.
7 live in a different 7 travel a lot
1 People are interested in foreign food, (learn country?
to cook foreign dishes, ethnic restaurants 8 have a family? 8 have a lot of
not disappear) friends
We will learn to cook foreign dishes. Ethnic 9 have a lot of 9 live long
restaurants won't disappear. adventures?
Z Restaurants are expensive, (not go out very 10 fall in love? 10 meet a lot of
interesting people
often, learn to cook at home)
3 A lot of people are overweight, (schools not ф Now make three predictions about your
sell sweets, children drink more water) partner's future. Discuss them in pairs.
4 People want to live longer, (eat more fruit
A: You'll study in the USA.
and vegetables, hamburgers not be popular)
B: No, I won't. / That's great.
О Read the article. Match the topics (a-d) with
the paragraphs (1-3). There is one extra
a animals on roofs с a roof garden
b healthy food d a good idea
N o Comment
'I don't eat snails. I prefer fast food.'
Roger Von Oech, American inventor