FOOD DRINK - Choice SB Elementary

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Objectives: Listen, read and talk about food; order food and drink in a cafe;
learn more about the future tense and zero conditionals.
ГИА Exam preparation:~ Use of English, Speaking

О Look at the photos (a-l) and the network.

What food can you see in the photos?

О B O S O Listen to Toby (1) and Chris (2)

talking about food. Which of them eats the
healthiest food? Give examples.

О Ш Е П Listen again to the first person.

Complete the information in the network.

Fruit: apple, banana, cherry, kiwi, lemon,

My food melon, orange, pear, strawberry, tomato

Vegetables: beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrot,
I usually eat a lot o f 1 meat cucumber, lettuce, mushroom, onion, potato
and 2 Cereals: bread, (breakfast) cereal, rice, pasta
I don't eat a lot o f 3 Meat: beef, chicken, lamb, pork sausages
I drink a lot o f 4 Fish: salmon, sardines, tuna
My favourite meal is 5breakfast/lunch/ Dairy: cheese, yoghurt
I often eat snacks, like 6 .
Drinks: coffee, cola, fruit juice
(orange/lemon), milk, tea, water

Snacks biscuits, cakes, chocolate, crisps,

fruit, ice cream, nuts, popcorn, sweets

О Е Э Pronunciation Listen and underline

the words in the network. Listen again and
repeat them.


v. Л. .
О Work in pairs. Use the network to tell
your partner about the food y o u eat. H o w
healthy is your partner's diet?

Food and Drink
Interviewer: Our eating habits
c h a n g e all t h e time. W h a t will
p e o p l e e a t in t e n y e a r s ' t i m e ?
E x p e r t : T h e r e will b e less f o o d a r o u n d a n d
s o m e p e o p l e will eat v e r y little. M e a t a n d fish
will b e m o r e e x p e n s i v e s o t h e r e will b e m o r e
О Your Culture Look at the photos (a-c). Which I: Will w e b u y m o r e v i t a m i n s ?
dishes are popular in your country? What E : Y e s , w e will. W e will p r o b a b l y t a k e m o r e
traditional dishes do people eat? vitamins a n d minerals b e c a u s e t h e r e w o n ' t
b e a lot of t h e m in our f o o d .
О Read the interview. Which opinions do y o u I: W h a t will h a p p e n t o f a s t f o o d ?
agree with? E : O h , fast f o o d w o n ' t disappear b e c a u s e our
lifestyle will b e v e r y fast. But it will c h a n g e -
Predictions will/won't we'll b u y salads a n d fresh s a n d w i c h e s , not
chips a n d burgers.
О Read the sentences from the t e x t and I: Will w e g o t o r e s t a u r a n t s ?
complete the rule. E : Y e s , w e will but h o m e - c o o k i n g will b e m o r e
popular b e c a u s e it's cheaper.
Affirmative I: W h a t will p e o p l e c o o k ?
Meat will be more expensive. E : It's difficult t o say. This year, J a p a n e s e f o o d
Negative is t h e m o s t popular b e c a u s e it's quick
Fast food won't disappear. a n d healthy but this fashion will p r o b a b l y
Italians won't stop eating pasta. c h a n g e . M a y b e next y e a r we'll eat S o u t h
Questions Short answers American food.
Will we all eat the same Yes, they will. / I: Will w e all e a t t h e s a m e d i s h e s ?
dishes? No, they won't. E : No, w e w o n ' t . F o o d is an important part of
Will we go to restaurants? Yes, we will. /
our culture a n d p e o p l e will a l w a y s eat their
What will they cook? No, we won't.
traditional local dishes. Italians will a l w a y s
eat p a s t a a n d t h e J a p a n e s e will a l w a y s eat
• We use will and won't to talk about the sushi. S o m e things w o n ' t c h a n g e .
present / future.

О Add t w o future time expressions from the

t e x t to the list.
• tomorrow
• in t w o weeks' time, in six months' time,

О Complete the predictions for 2020 with will
or won't. Use the interview to help you.
1 People will eat fast food.
sell unhealthy food.
become more popular.
4 Italians _ _ forget pizza.
Grammar Alive
5 Vitamins be less popular. Predicting the future
6 People invite friends to their home.
7 Our lifestyle. become slower. О BEI Listen to a conversation at a fortune-
teller's. List five predictions about Janet's
LANGUAGE CHOICE 56 future. Which ones would you like to be
true for you?
О Use the cues to make questions about the
1 She will become a chef.
future of food.
1 food / be more expensive? ф Work in pairs. Use the cues to ask and
Will food be more expensive? answer about your future.
2 Italian food / still be popular? A: Will I have a lot of money?
3 fast food restaurants / disappear? B: No, you won't but you'll be'happy.
4 people / eat a lot of sweets? A starts В answers
5 our national food / become popular in the
world? 1 have a lot of money? 1 be happy
6 people / stop eating meat? 2 get married? 2 fall in love many
7 traditional dishes/change? times
8 young people / cook at home? 3 travel a lot? 3 have a beautiful
О Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions 4 have an interesting 4 do an important
from Exercise 6. job? job
A: Will food be more expensive? 5 be famous? 5 be popular
B: Yes, it will. В starts A answers
6 be a scientist? 6 be a science
О Read the situations. Use the cues to write
predictions about the future.
7 live in a different 7 travel a lot
1 People are interested in foreign food, (learn country?
to cook foreign dishes, ethnic restaurants 8 have a family? 8 have a lot of
not disappear) friends
We will learn to cook foreign dishes. Ethnic 9 have a lot of 9 live long
restaurants won't disappear. adventures?
Z Restaurants are expensive, (not go out very 10 fall in love? 10 meet a lot of
interesting people
often, learn to cook at home)
3 A lot of people are overweight, (schools not ф Now make three predictions about your
sell sweets, children drink more water) partner's future. Discuss them in pairs.
4 People want to live longer, (eat more fruit
A: You'll study in the USA.
and vegetables, hamburgers not be popular)
B: No, I won't. / That's great.

ГИА, подготовка к экзамену, грамматика 73

Warm Up
О Where are your fruit and vegetables from?
Use the list below.
We eat oranges from Spain. Our apples come
from our garden!
• my garden • my local area
• my country • a foreign country
• a different continent

О Read the article. Match the topics (a-d) with
the paragraphs (1-3). There is one extra
a animals on roofs с a roof garden
b healthy food d a good idea


О Use the strategies to match words in blue in

the text with these meanings:
1 the top part of a building roof
2 with no synthetic chemicals etc. London has thousands of
3 female birds that produce eggs to eat buildings with flat roofs and people
4 it is sweet and bees make it are now growing food on some of then
5 to produce food from plants Anita Morgan reports.
6 this gas changes our climate
7 insects that make honey 1 Azul-Valerie Thorne lived in a small village. When
8 a person who buys a house or shop she moved to London, she had a good idea - to
grow fruit and vegetables on the roofs of buildings.
0 Read the article again. Choose the best Azul-Valerie met the owner of a North London
answer (a-d) to these questions. supermarket and they started a project called Food
1 Where did Azul-Valerie want to grow food? from the Sky.
a in London parks © i n roof gardens
2 Now, local people help in the roof garden and
b in people's gardens d in a supermarket
grow organic fruit and vegetables. For example, a
2 What kind of food is her project producing? group of students from a local school are growing
a eggs and honey с fresh, organic food
mushrooms. People also go there to learn about
b cheap fruit and vegetables d unhealthy food
urban gardening and there are a lot of interesting
3 Why is the food good for the planet?
birds and insects on the roof. The project sells the
a it is local and organic с it is not expensive
b it is fresh d it creates COz fresh food in the supermarket; it is not cheap but
it is very popular. The food is healthy
4 What do they do with the eggs from the hens
and good for the planet because it is
in East London?
a sell them in supermarkets organic and does not have to travel.
b give them to people A lot of fresh fruit and vegetables
с eat them at home in British supermarkets come from
d make omelettes with them Africa or South America and this
5 What kind of shop is Fortnum & Mason? makes a lot of CO..
a an organic supermarket
b a cheap food shop
с a famous food shop
d a small food shop

О Vocabulary Look at the sentences in the Word Writing

Builder. Match the words (1-4) in bold with the
words below (a-j). Use the network in the Topic О Look at the Sentence Builder. How do you
Talk on page 71 to help you. say the words in bold in your language?
a cheese omelette b biscuits с dinner
d sushi e meat f pizza g lunch Sentence Builder because/because of
h vegetables i fish j breakfast 1 The food is good for the planet because
r л it is organic. (because + sentence)
Word Builder Confusing words
2 There is a cafe with fantastic omelettes
1 I often eat snacks like crisps and biscuits, b because of the fresh eggs. (because of +
2 My favourite meal is Sunday lunch. + noun)
3 Lasagne is a typical Italian dish,
4 They started a project called Food from V l ГИА SKILLS BUILDER 25
the Sky.

О Use the cues to write sentences.

1 supermarkets / good for / roof gardens /
their flat roofs
Supermarkets are good for roof gardens
because of their fiat roofs.
2 those vegetables / fresh / they come
from / our garden
3 omelettes in that cafe / good / the fresh
4 that honey / expensive / it comes from
Fortnum & Mason
5 we / not go / to that restaurant / the prices
6 that market / good / the vegetables are

О Work in pairs. Choose six questions £

to ask your partner.
1 How much fresh food do you eat?
2 Do you ever eat organic food?
Why/Why not? г»
3 There are similar projects to produce organic food 3 How often do you eat fast food? Ф
with hens and bees. The roof of an old factory in East 4 How often do you eat snacks?
London has hens and downstairs there is a cafe with 5 What is your biggest meal of the day?
fantastic omelettes because of the fresh eggs from 6 What time do you have dinner?
the roof. Fortnum & Mason, the most famous and 7 What is your favourite dish from your
expensive food shop in London, has bees on its roof country?
in Piccadilly. It sells the honey in the shop; 8 What is your favourite international
it is expensive but very good. You can visit dish?
9 Where does your family buy food?
the bees or watch them on a special
10 How often do you help with the food
webcam. shopping?

О Tell the class some of your answers.

Monica eats fast food once a week. Her
family buys food at the local market.

N o Comment
'I don't eat snails. I prefer fast food.'
Roger Von Oech, American inventor

ГИА, подготовка к экзамену, письмо


NUTRITION О Read the sentence from the text and complete

the pattern.
If/When you don't eat fish, your memory gets

• if/when + Present Simple tense,


О Use the cues to make conditional sentences.

1 you not drink enough water feel tired
If you don't drink enough water, you feel tired.
2 children eat a lot of sweets have problems
with weight
Warm Up 3 you not sleep eight hours every night feel
4 eat chocolate feel happy
О Lo °l< a t the
photo and name the foods (a-e).
5 not eat fruit and vegetables -* have health
Which ones do you like?
c: garlic problems
О Read the text. Which of the things below
are good (+) and which are bad (-) for us?
Can you add more foods? Grammar Alive Talking about habits
biscuits fish tomatoes fruit
О ^ Listen to the interview with a teenager.
What does he eat when:
This week's nutrition tips. 1 he leaves school?
1 Eat five or six times a day. If you are 2 he goes out?
hungry you feel moody and you can't 3 his mother cooks?
4 he is at home alone?
2 Popular snacks, like crisps or biscuits,
aren't healthy; If we eat a lot of these О Work in pairs. Use the cues to make
foods, we have problems with our weight. dialogues.
Choose healthy snacks, like fruit. A: What do you do if there is no food at home?
3 Cook your meals at home from fresh В: // there is по food at home, 1 go shopping.
products. If you use fresh products, your
A starts В answers
meals don't have a lot of bad chemicals
and are healthier. 1 there is no food 1 go shopping
4 Fish is good for the brain. When you at home?
don't eat fish, your memory gets worse. 2 your guests be 2 make a salad
5 Broccoli and tomatoes have a lot of vita- vegetarian?
mins and minerals. They help us to stay 3 want to lose 3 eat more vegetables
healthy if we eat them regularly. weight?
В starts A answers
4 want to cook 4 look in a cook book
О Which of the things from the t e x t do you do? dinner?
5 your friends be 5 cook for them
Present Conditional hungry?
6 not like the food 6 not eat it
О Read the sentences (1-2) from the text. in a restaurant?
What do they do (a or b)?
1 If you are hungry, you feel moody. О Finish the sentences to say something true
2 Tomatoes help us to stay healthy if we eat about you.
them regularly. 1 If I am tired, .
2 If I feel hungry, .
a describe a rule 3 If I feel happy, .
b predict the future

ГИА, подготовка к экзамену, грамматика 77


ГИА Speaking Workshop 8

О Look at the menu. What would you like for О Look at the Talk Builder. Who says the
lunch or dinner today? Tell the class. sentences А, В and C, the customers or the
I'd like fish and chips and an orange juice. waiter?
Г Talk Builder At a cafe
A Hello, can I help you? waiter
Main dishes Sandwiches В What have you got for lunch?
Fish and chips £4.50 Cheese and tomato £2.25 A Here's the menu. I'm sorry there's no
Egg, sausage and chips £4.00 Chicken £2.50 lamb curry.
Tuna £2.50 C: I'd like a large pizza, please.
Cheeseburger (small/big)
A: What would you like?
B: For me, a small tuna salad, please.
Small/large/giant pizza A: What would you like to drink?
£3.00/£5.00/£6.00 B: A small bottle of water for me, please.
Today's specials Drinks C: A large cola for me, please.
B: How much is that?
Lamb curry £5.50 Cola (small/big)
A: That's thirteen pounds fifty, please.
Vegetable lasagne £4.00 £1.20/£2.50 B: Here you are.
Tuna salad (small/big) Orange juice £2.50 A: Thanks
£4.50/£5.00 Milk £2.50
Chicken salad (small/big) Bottle of water £1.50 ГИД SKILLS BUILDER 40
£3.50/£4.50 Small/regular/big coffee
(white/black/ cappuccino/ Q ggng Pronunciation Listen and repeat the
latte) £2.50/£3.00/£3.50 questions. Notice the polite intonation.
Tea £2.00
О Speaking Work in pairs. Complete the
dialogue. Then act it out and change the
words in italics.
fcfLj 4f>~ Can I 1 help you?
_ Ли;
Yes, what have you got for lunch1
ИШ! 'ii Here's the 2 . I'm sorry, there's no pizza.
What would you 3 ?
з5Е. зМзд I'd like a big cheeseburger,4 .
What would you like to 5 ?
An orange juice f o r s ., please.

ш Work in groups. Act out a situation at a

Look at the menu in Exercise 1. Add
gTOmmia Listen or watch Listen to or watch three more of your favourite dishes to it.
the dialogue. Which of the things from the
menu above do Zac and Michelle order? spaghetti / chicken kebab / paella
Choose three things from the menu:
ОЗЭбШЗЭ Listen or watch Listen to or watch a drink, and something to eat. Practise
the dialogue again. Are the sentences true asking for them.
(T) or false (F)? Work in groups of three. Choose one
1 There is no vegetable lasagne. person to be the waiter/waitress.
2 Zac is hungry because they danced a lot Use the Talk Builder to act out the
last night. situation.
3 Michelle wants to eat healthy food.
4 Michelle is interested in football. О What did you choose to eat and drink? Tell
5 Michelle is really very hungry. the class.
6 Zac is very angry with Michelle. I chose a giant pizza and an orange juice.

ГИА, подготовка к экзамену, аудирование; ГИА, говорение

Language Review Modules 7 and 8
О Films/Food Choose the correct words to О have to/not have to Complete the t e x t w i t h
complete the t e x t s . have to or not have to.
My 1 favourite/brilliant film is Troy. The Restaurant chefs have an interesting job. They
zspecial/action effects are fantastic. I also like
34 know a lot of different dishes.
3animations/thrillers, like Shrek because they've They 35 create the restaurant's menu.
got funny 4dramas/ dialogues. They can sleep in the morning because they
I want to be healthy so I don't eat a lot of 36 come to the restaurant before
smeat/fruit. I eat 6cereals/vegetables, like broccoli twelve o'clock. In the kitchen they 37
and carrots. I don't eat unhealthy 7meals/snacks, wear a uniform but they 38 do boring
like crisps. My favourite edish/food is lasagne. jobs, like cleaning. /5
I often eat dairy products, like 9cheese/bread and
I drink a lot of fresh 10cola/juice. /10 О Present Conditional Complete the Present
Conditional sentences w i t h the correct
Q 1 Ж 1 USF OF FNfil ISH TASK 2 forms of the verbs in brackets.
-ed/-ing adjectives Complete the t e x t w i t h the
39 If people (work) too much, they
correct forms of the words in capital letters.
(feel) depressed.
11 The last Tarantino film was not very INTEREST 40 If parents (not cook) at home,
their children (eat) more fast food.
12 I got really because the TIRE 41 If children (not do) sport, they
dialogue (feel) sleepy and tired. /5
was. . and the action was not BORE
14 , I was more EXCITE О Agreeing and disagreeing/At a cafe Choose
15 in the music. INTEREST the correct words to complete the dialogue.
J A: Let's look at the 4Zmeal/menu. There are
О hke and would like Complete the sentences a lot of different sandwiches.
w i t h like or would like. В: I don't like sandwiches.
16 I _ to visit India next year. A: 43Me neither.ll don't agree. Salads are
17 . you eating in restaurants? healthier.
18 . you to see my photos? B: 44/ agree./Me too.
19 I _ watching films in the cinema. /4 Waiter: Hello. What would you like?
B: A tuna salad, please.
also, too/because, because of Use the words A: And 4Splease/for me a chicken salad.
in brackets to rewrite the sentences. Waiter: What would you like 46to drink/for lunch1
20 I like Italian restaurants. I cook Italian food, A: Water for me, please. 47 How much is that?/
(also) Can I help you?
21 I often go to the cinema. I watch DVDs, (too) Waiter: That's sixteen pounds fifty.
22 Everyone loves this cafe. They've got fantastic B: 48Here you are./Please. /7
cakes, (because of)
23 He made his last film in New Zealand. There
are beautiful mountains there, (because) /4 Self Assessment
be going to Use the cues to w r i t e sentences
S B Listen and check your answers. Write
about people's intentions.
d o w n your scores. Use the table to find
24 My parents / buy a new car practice exercises.
25 Jane / make a film about Venice?
26 I / not spend the summer in the city Exercise If y o u need practice, go to
27 Mike / cook lunch at home 1 Language Choice 49, 55
28 you / watch this film? /5 2 Language Choice 53
3 Language Choice 52
will/won't Use the cues to write predictions. 4 Language Choice 59; SB p.70 ex.4, 5
29 Cinema tickets / be very expensive 5 Language Choice 50, 51
30 People / not go to the cinema 6 Language Choice 56, 57
31 DVDs / disappear 7 Language Choice 54
32 people / watch all films online? 8^ Language Choice 60
33 cinemas / exist? /5 9 SB p.69 ex.3; SB p.77 ex.4


LEARNING LINKS: 1 Read and listen to the film review in Culture Choice 4 on page 103. Then do a project
about a film from your country.
2 Exam Choice 4 - » MyLab / Workbook pages 88-89.
3 Check Your Progress 8 MyLab / Workbook page 90. Complete the Module Diary.

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