Lesson On Parks: Instrucciones

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Lesson on parks



Antes de leer el texto escucha el mp3 2 o 3 veces para intentar saber de qué se trata.


Cuando tengas la idea general, escucha el mp3 y lee el texto al mismo tiempo,
descubrirás que ya reconoces varias palabras y el texto será más claro.


Escucha una vez más, pero ahora completa con las palabras que han falta mientras
escuchas, si es muy complicado pausa el audio mientras escribes, con esta práctica
recordarás vocabulario


No es necesario poner el audio en este ejercicio, encontrarás una vez más el texto pero
en esta ocasión te darás cuenta que algunas palabras están mal escritas, conforme
vayas leyendo corrige estas palabras como las recuerdes que estaban escritas en los
ejercicios previos, aquí practicarás como escribir correctamente el vocabulario.


En esta actividad encontrarás oraciones subrayadas, estas están gramaticalmente
incorrectas, quiere decir que las palabras están acomodadas mal, intenta ponerlas en
el orden correcto con las estructuras que tú ya conoces o que recuerdas como estaban
acomodadas en la primera lectura.

Actividad 5 DISCUSSION
Para finalizar con la actividad escoge una de las 2 opciones, escribe 5 preguntas con
respuestas basadas en el texto, recuerda que cuando hacemos preguntas utilizamos
auxiliares dependiendo del tiempo de la pregunta o escribe un párrafo sobre el tema.

There aren’t enough parks in my town. I don’t know why.

I think it’s terrible. I think the biggest reason is greedy

property developers. People are more interested in

making money from office buildings than making a nice

town. We need parks. Our children need somewhere to

play. Many people live in apartment buildings so they

have no garden, which means we need parks. City

planners can’t be very good at their jobs if they don’t

make parks. When I was younger, there were parks

everywhere. Children could run and run and run. There

were big areas of grass. We played football and other

games. But they’ve all gone. Now there are shopping

malls and car parks where the real parks used to be.

Today, children play in the shopping malls. This is not


___________________ parks in my town. I don’t know

why. I think it’s terrible. I think the biggest

___________________ property developers. People are

more interested in making money from office buildings

___________________ town. We need parks. Our

children need somewhere to play. Many people live in

apartment buildings so they have no garden,

___________________ parks. ___________________

very ___________________ if they don’t make parks.

When I was younger, there were parks everywhere.

Children could run and run and run. There were

___________________. We played football and other

games. But they’ve all gone. Now there are shopping

malls and car parks where the real

___________________. Today, children play in the

shopping malls. This is not good.


There aren’t ghonue parks in my town. I don’t know why.

I think it’s terrible. I think the biggest reason is egdyre

property developers. People are more interested in

magnki money from office buildings than giknam a nice

town. We need parks. Our children need somewhere to

play. Many people live in apartment buildings so they

have no dreang, which means we need parks. City

lpsernna can’t be very good at their jobs if they don’t

make parks. When I was roygenu, there were parks

everywhere. Children could run and run and run. There

were big areas of asgrs. We played football and other

agsem. But they’ve all gone. Now there are shopping

llmsa and car parks where the real parks used to be.

Today, children play in the shopping malls. This is not


There my in parks enough aren’t town. I don’t know why.

I think it’s terrible. I think the reason biggest greedy is

property developers. People are more interested in

making office from money buildings than making a nice

town. We need parks. Our children need somewhere to

play. live people Many in apartment buildings so they

have no garden, which means we need parks. City

planners can’t very their good be at jobs if they don’t

make parks. When I was younger, there were parks

everywhere. Children run could run and run and. There

were big areas of grass. We played football and other

games. But they’ve all gone. Now there are shopping

malls and car parks where real to parks the used be.

Today, children the in play malls shopping. This is not

DISCUSSION Escoge una opción
Opción 1: Escribe 5 preguntas sobre el texto y respóndelas, puede ser
cualquier tipo de preguntas .

Opción 2: Escribe un pequeño párrafo sobre el tema

1. _

2. _

3. _

4. _

5. _

6. _

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