3.4 Church Teaching
3.4 Church Teaching
3.4 Church Teaching
4 First visitors are wealthy wise men 4 First visitors are poor shepherds 4 What is clear is that their initiative stands
in contrast to the indifference or secret
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor hostility of Israel’s leaders.
Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the family. Simple shepherds were the first witnesses
world. The great feast of to this event. In this poverty
Here, Matthew hints that those outside
Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the heaven’s glory was made manifest. (CCC 525)
Palestine/Israel are sensitive to what is God doing
wise men (magi) from the East (…). In the magi,
through Jesus, while those within the nation are
representatives of the neighboring pagan religions,
hostile (Herod) or indifferent (the chief priests and
the Gospel sees the first fruits of the nations, who
welcome the good news of salvation through the
Incarnation. Their coming means that pagans can
Luke describes a king who will shepherd the people
discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and
which alludes to a Davidic ruler contrasting to the
Savior of the world only by turning towards the
current king whose roots are in Idumea (which is
Jews and receiving from them the messianic
not mentioned in the ancient text).
promise as contained in the Old Testament. (Boch, p 139)
(CCC 528)
5. Murder of innocents; Egypt was a common place for Jewish refugees because of the large The flight into Egypt and the massacre of the
innocents make manifest the opposition of
Flight to Egypt Jewish population there (1King 11:40; 2Kings 25:26; Josephus, Ant.
darkness to the light: “He came to his
12.9.7) Jesus’ life begins as a refugee, which foreshadows his future own home, and his own people received him not.”
rejection. Christ’s whole life was lived under the sign of
persecution. His own share it
The failure to get the exact location of the child caused Herod to fly in
with him. Jesus’ departure from Egypt recalls the
rage and command that all children two years and younger in exodus and presents him as the definitive liberator
Bethlehem region be slain. Herod’s rage is in contrast to the magi’s of God’s people. (CCC 530)
joy at finding Jesus.