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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

An Elementary Study of Computational Fluid Dynamics For Various

Engineering Applications – A Review
Krutartha Sudhir Jathar1 , Vivek V.Kulkarni2
1. Undergraduate Student, Mechanical Engineering, KLS's Gogte Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.
2. Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, KLS's Gogte Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.


Abstract: Right from the 18th century enormous amount erudite knowledge about fields in which research took
of research is going in the field of fluid flow and its place and with development of the mathematics for the
application to everyday problems. From the invention of theory, a new field which was the unification of
the computer and development in the field of fluid mathematical models and computers to obtain solutions
mechanics, its governing equations and advent of for a certain type of a problem. This field has grown
numerical methods, CFD has started and has evolved immensely since then. A lot of innovation in fields
extremely. The design and the development process of any related to this happened in the 19th century, which gave
product over the years has become relatively more easy rise to variety of subjects, diverse application fields and
and less time consuming to the orthodox methods, so here lot of paths to approach a given problem. With the
the basic intention of this paper is to provide a history, discovery of fluid mechanics governing flow equations,
have the importance and feasibility study of numerical methods to solve differential equations in
computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a computational mathematics, this field took off. There are different tools
tool for various analysis of engineering related application to analyze different type of problems, starting with Finite
based problems. It deals with the current scenario, overall Element Method (FEM) for structural based problems,
scope of CFD, its relevance for engineering problems, test Finite Volume Method (FVM) for fluid mechanics,
for its validation of the obtained results and its thermal, heat transfer problems.[12]
advantages over the experimental methods.
CFD as a tool can be applied for problems related to turbo- Although, these computational methods (simulation) are
machinery, building performance for different weather virulent in the industry for design purpose, research and
conditions, storm analysis, heat exchangers, fully development (R and D), their validation might still be
developed turbulent flow in pipes, analysis of fluid flow under question. Relevance of results depend upon the
and airfoil of an airplane, cooling of electronic chips in the field of application analyzing its strengths, limitations
processor using forced convection etc. and trying to optimize the errors in development of the
model under study.
Keywords: CFD, simulation, analysis, validation, This paper looks into various aspects to be taken into
turbulence models. consideration: the field of application, the design, RandD
study, specific parameters of interest in the work under
study. It also looks into the feasibility of application of
CFD principles (methods) to the given research problem,
Now a days significant attention is given on improving
its relevance, its outcomes and their validation with the
the efficiency and minimizing the fuel consumption of
traditional or neo-traditional methods of obtaining the
engines due to the global effort of reducing Carbon-
results of the study. The scope of application of CFD is
dioxide emissions. Coming to Refrigeration systems it is
humongous, right from fluid flow to bio-mechanics using
COP (Coefficient of Performance) that matters the most,
the relative principles, however this paper relies on a
noteworthy attempts have been made by researchers
review and discussion of mainly the application of CFD
throughout the world in making these systems more
principles to core mechanical engineering problems.[12]
reliable, more eco-friendly, optimizing to get highest
output for a given input. Coming to analysis of fluid flow
through pipes, it is the reduction in the inlet pumping 2. APPLICATIONS OF CFD:
energy that is most important for such systems to work
efficiently. Since the advent of computational fields and ability of
In 17-18th century scientists through out relied mainly solving differential equations numerically, the fields in
on experimental validation of a theory rather than which CFD is applied has increased. This paper mainly
merely the mathematics. With the advent of computers, looks at applications from broader domains like
automobile, aerospace sectors with concentration in IC

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 1672

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Engines, Turbochargers, Heat transfer problems , aero from left to right. Temperature was specified at the inner
foils and few applications in non-traditional fields. surface. Metallic fin was meshed and specified as solid
7. Mukesh Didwania[7] carried out work on
1. An-Shik Yang[1] employed CFD as a tool in analysis of heat transfer through two different shaped
Urban and community planning to simulate, obtain flow fins. Air was facilitated by the blower at a certain
parameters and characteristics around different suitable velocity based on Reynolds number. SOLID
buildings to obtain ventilation. Simulation domain WORKS was used to create the geometry model. It had
(3kmx2kmx0.6km) was taken. A standard k- ε two three parts Solid Base, Solid Fin Surface and rectangular
equation turbulence model was used. duct. All were created independently and assembled.
Mesh was generated by ANSYS and it included
2. D.Bhandari[2] carried out work in analyzing Tetrahedral, Wedges, Pyramids, Hexahedral and
fluids(air and water) passing through a closed pipe Polyhedral mesh. The bottom wall was kept at a constant
(internal flow) using CFD software. The results obtained temperature of 430 K. No slip condition was applied
were for fully developed turbulent flow. GAMBIT was leading to a zero velocity. The side walls were adiabatic.
used for geometry modeling, Fluent for simulation. The The inlet air temperature was 280 K. Simulation was
pipe was made of steel for simulation with (length x done with FLUENT. A standard k- ε model was employed.
diameter)of 8m x 0.2m. Inlet velocities of (water, air) are
0.05,1 m/s. A standard k- ε model was used. 8. Arularasan R[8] conducted work on analysis of
a heat sink for cooling of electronic devices to select an
3. S.Kandwal[3] carried out research work for optimal heat sink design, studies on the fluid flow and
NACA 4412 airfoil, compared simulation results with heat transfer characteristics of a parallel plate heat sink
work conducted by Abbott GAMBIT and Fluent was was done. Fluent was used for simulation. Parameters
used for geometry modeling and simulation. involved were fin height, fin thickness, base height and
Unstructured mesh was used. Inlet temperature and fin pitch which ranged from 16-48mm, 0.8-1.6mm, 4-
mach number of 288.17K and 0.15. 12mm, 1.5-4mm respectively. A condition of heat input
at 100W was assumed at the heat sink base.
4. Rajesh Bisane[4] carried simulation work for 4-
stroke C.I Engine and analyzed the exhaust gas system. 9. Vinod M. Angadi[9] conducted work on analysis
Diameter of diffuser inlet and engine outlet=0.0254m, of heat transfer enhancement of car radiator using nano-
0.15m. A standard k- ε model was implemented, with fluid as a coolant. The analysis was done using STAR
GAMBIT for geometry creation. Inlet mass flow for CCM+. Aluminium oxide was used as an additive. Flow
conventional, turbocharged, supercharged was rate changed from 2-6 litre/ min . Nano particle
0.00749,0.0115,0.014 kg/s at 562K,686K,637K volumetric concentration varied from 1% to 6% of base
respectively. Outlet opening pressure= 1.325,2.89,2.94 fluid. Fin geometry was modelled on STAR CCM+ with
bar at 353K,669K,573K respectively. Tube length, space between tubes, thickness, length as
31,1.5,0.3,2 cm. Number of fins used =34. Fin material
5. Rajesh Khatri[5] conducted work on analysis of used : aluminium. Temperature was taken in the range of
laminar flow over a flat plate. A flat plate 400mm long 1000K-5000K. A 313K was the static temperature taken
was maintained at a constant temperature of 333K. The as initial conditions. Inlet temperature=50 degrees ,
fluid was passed over the plate at a velocity of 2m/s at convective heat transfer coefficient=50 W/m2K.
10. Ravi shankar P R[10] carried out work on
6. Pulkit Agarwal[6] carried out work for heat supercritical aerofoil at different angle of attack with a
Transfer from Fins of an air cooled motorcycle engine simple aerofoil. NACA SC(02) 0714 and NACA 4412
under varying climates. Fluent was used for simulation. aerofoil profiles were used for flow analysis. GAMBIT for
Speed range was 40-72 kmph. The engine was modelled geometry creation and FLUENT for simulation. The
as aluminium cylinder with fins on outer surface and a analysis was done at a Mach number of 0.6. A standard k-
stroke volume of 150 to 187 cm3 . Model creation was ε model was used. Boundary conditions were defined
done using GAMBIT. A fine mesh was created near the with properties of fluid being density, viscosity, thermal
fins. A face mesh was done by quad element. The volume conductivity and specific heat of air as 1.185 kg/m3 ,
was meshed by hex element. A fixed pressure of 0.0000183 kg/ms , 0.0261 W/mK ,1.004 kJ/kgK
101.325kPa was set as BC. Top and bottom surfaces respectively. Pressure of 101325 Pa and a velocity of 250
were specified as adiabatic walls and the flow was kept m/s was set. Table shows foil parameters-
Table 1- Parameters

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 1673

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Parameters Thicknes Cambe Lower L.E4. RajeshStall

Bisane results-
angle Zero lift
s r Flatness Table 5- Result
radius angle
NACA SC(02) 0714 13.9% 1.5% 9.4% 2.9% 4.5 -5
NACA 4112 12% 4% 76.1% 1.7%RESULT 6 Conventional
4 Turbocharg Supercharg
ed ed
Table 2- Parameters
Location Inlet Outle Inl Outle Inl Outle
Parameters L.E Stall Zero lift
t et t et t
radius angle angle Gauge 1.337 1.82 7.5 1.36 8.1 1.30
(degrees) (degrees) Pressure 8 3
NACA SC(02) 0714 2.9% 4.5 -5 Velocity( 4.439 3.172 2.6 0.56 1.7 1.24
NACA 4112 1.7% 6 4 m/s) 9 3
Temperatur 563 444 70 658 63 558
Remarks- SST model could be used for better results, as
1.An-Shik Yang results were- It showed that due to it is better for engine analysis. It takes into account k-ω
presence of two high rise building and a low height at inner boundary layer and k- ε at outer boundary layer.
building in between, the wind velocity was at 1m/s. A
better ventilation at 1.5-2m/s was obtained eliminating a 5. Rajesh Khatri results-
high rise building. Table 6- Result
Remarks- Can be implemented with k-ω or SST models
to obtain further accuracy and perform a comparative RESULT ANALYTICA SIMULATIO %
study. L N error
2. D.Bhandari results- exp.
Table 3- Result Heat transfer 8.77 9.28 5.49
coefficient(W/m2 %
RESULT Simulation Experiment % error K)
al w.r.t exp. Heat Flux (W/m2) 115.76 121.81 4.96
Centerline 1.19,0.061(m/s) 1.22,0.0612 2.45 %; %
velocity(Ai 2 (m/s) 0.359 % It was observed that boundary layer thickness was
r,Water) maximum for Reynolds number 10,000 and minimum
Skin 0.01, 0.009 0.00795,0.0 -25.4% ; for Reynolds number 50,000 It was observed that the
friction 1 10% variation of nusselt number was linear till the Reynolds
coefficient( number increased to 5876. The CFD results showed a
air,water) 5.5% error with the analytical solutions, indicating
Remarks- A k-ω model is better for fully developed reliability of the CFD code.
turbulent, it can implemented to obtain more fine Remarks- The type of turbulence model used is not
results. CFX is less time consuming and utilize less space defined. SST model works good for such problems.
for same meshing. Type of meshing is not specified, that
will decide what package to be used for better results 6.Pulkit Agarwal results- - It was observed that with
and convergence. increase in temperature on the fin surface , increasing
atmospheric temperature which resulted from decrease
3. S.Kandwal results- in heat transfer due to less temperature gradient. It was
Table 4- Result also noted that the heat lost at same vehicle speed
increased with decrease in atmospheric temperature.
RESULT Simulation Experimental% error With constant temperature, heat transfer increased with
w.r.t velocity.
exp. Remarks- Type of turbulence model is not clearly
Coefficient of 0.654, 0.649, 0.007 -0.77% ; defined. A standard k- ε turbulence model is used for
lift and drag 0.001 85.1% building simulation, but its seen that k- ε SST model
Remarks- SST model works better for airfoils. Also produces better results.
research could be conducted by simulating using CFX
package for unstructured mesh type as it works better. 7. Mukesh Didwania results-
Table 7- Result

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 1674

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

RESULT Rectangular fin Circular fin the convenience of being able to switch off , turn on
Heat transfer -406.93 -397.85 specific terms of governing equations, conduct the
rate (W) analysis for different conditions, obtain results, start a
Pressure loss 0.091872931 0.091870584 comparative study, suggest the best method viable etc.
(Pa) This permits the testing of theoretical models ,
Increase in 10.1492 10.15789 suggesting new paths for theoretical explorations, also
temperature (K) provides a platform to test theories which could never
It was concluded that Circular fin was optimum fin for possibly have been viable through experimentation.
maximum heat transfer. Thus, CFD provides a few major advantages when
compared with experimental fluid dynamics:
8. Arularasan R results- Lead time in design and development is reduced
By keeping a minimum amount of fins, a maximum significantly along with a significant savings in allocation
possible fin pitch could be maintained so that the of equipments for experimentation. It can simulate flow
pressure drop would be minimum and air flow would be conditions which are un-paralleled , not reproducible in
maximum. Because of the manufacturability and flow experimental model test. It can recondition the
velocity or flow bypass constrains, decrease in fin parameters and get different outputs and validate. CFD
thickness was not feasible. It was found that for a low provides more closer, detailed and comprehensive
thermal resistance and low pressure drop in the selected information which can accommodate lot of parameters
heat sink model, the geometric parameters like the fin and make it as close to real life situation as possible. The
height, fin thickness, base height and fin pitch were most prominent feature of it is its cost effective feature
found to be optimal at 48 mm, 1.6 mm, 8 mm and 4mm compared to experimental fluid dynamics or wind tunnel
respectively. testing and in a way directly addresses global energy
Remarks- Type of turbulence model is not clearly consumption by consuming less power and being highly
defined. A standard k- ε turbulence model is used for efficient.
building simulation, but its seen that k- ε SST model
produces better results. Also a more fine mesh has to be 5. CONCLUSION:
used for accurate results. The entire paper presented Computational Fluid
Dynamics as a tool for different research cases and real
9. Vinod M. Angadi results- time problem solving. The range of problems
It was observed that with increase in the fluid flow rate encountered or tackled is from air flow simulation
and by keeping the base fluid constant without adding around buildings for planning cities to engine related or
any nano-particles, the heat transfer coefficient values heat transfer problems. After studying the cases and
kept increasing. Also when nano fluids in certain reviewing literature, suitable remarks were made. As it
fractions were added to the base fluid and the flow rates is seen, it can be concluded that the wide variety of
were kept constant , heat transfer coefficient increased. application of CFD is commendable, the on-going and
With increase in the value of temperature the heat previously done research compliment each other
transfer coefficient value increased. It was suggested to through validation and from the case studies it is seen
keep a higher magnitude of fluid flow rate clubbed with a that validation is satisfactory and is in close agreement
higher volumetric percentage of nano- particles with the experimental results. Hence CFD as a tool for
additives, which would ensure an enhanced heat simulation can be considered reliable for research
transfer. works, or specific problem solving.

10. Ravi shankar P R results- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:

Results- In between angle of attack from 0-15 degrees Author Krutartha Sudhir Jathar, thanks V.V. Kulkarni for
the drag pressure for supercritical aerofoil was less guiding and helping in maintaining the flow of work. The
compared to simple aerofoil , at 15 degrees drag author also thanks the Management of KLS's Gogte
pressure for supercritical aerofoil was least and at 30 Institute of Technology, Belgaum (Karnataka), INDIA, for
degrees the drag pressure for supercritical aerofoil was their constant encouragement and unconditional
more than the simple aerofoil. The velocity decrease in support towards this paper.
the flow field in supercritical aerofoil was less when
compared to simple aerofoil. REFERENCES:
Remarks- k- ε SST model produces better results. As it
takes care of free stream and near wall conditions.
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Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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