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National Institute of Technology Durgapur

Chemical Department
West Bengal, Durgapur-713209
June 2024


01 Introduction 3

02 Objective 8

03 Methodology 8

04 Results and Discussion 11

05 Conclusion 19

06 References 19


Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid mechanics (CFD)[1] is a
quantitative, computer-based discipline that examines the mechanics of all fluid
motion. CFD is one of the fields of modelling and simulation that, under the
premise of a mathematical model, may simulate a real-world scenario. It can be
regarded as constitutive equations, boundary conditions, and fundamental
equations for this.
The Navier-Stokes and related equations, which are the fundamental nonlinear
differential equations that describe fluid flow, are solved numerically for
predetermined geometries and boundary conditions. It is the science that uses
a numerical procedure to solve the mathematical equations governing these
processes in order to forecast fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical
reactions, and related phenomena.

Advantages of CFD
➤ Ability to simulate real conditions: Many flow and heat transfer processes
cannot be (easily) tested, e.g. hypersonic flow. CFD provides the ability to
theoretically simulate any physical condition.[1]
➤ CFD is reliable: The numerical schemes and methods upon which CFD is
based are improving rapidly, so CFD results are increasingly reliable. CFD is
a dependable tool for design and analyses.
➤ CFD Saves cost and time: CFD is a very compelling, non-intrusive, virtual
modelling technique with powerful visualization capabilities. CFD costs
much less than experiments because physical modifications are not
➤ Speed: CFD simulations can be executed in a short period of time.

➤ Ability to simulate ideal conditions: CFD allows great control over the
physical process, and provides the ability to isolate specific phenomena for
study. Example: a heat transfer process can be idealized with adiabatic,

constant heat flux, or constant temperature boundaries.

Limitations of CFD
➤ Physical models: CFD solutions are based on physical simulations of
processes that occur in the actual world (such as turbulence,
compressibility, chemistry, multiphase flow, etc.). The accuracy of the
physical models on which the CFD solutions are based determines how
accurate they can be.[1]
➤ Numerical errors: Solving equations on a computer invariably introduces
numerical errors.
* Round-off error: due to finite word size available on the computer.
Round-off errors will always exist (though they can be small in most
* Truncation error: due to approximations in the numerical models.
Truncation errors will go to zero as the grid is refined. Mesh refinement is
one way to deal with truncation error.

➤ Boundary conditions: The precision of the CFD solution, just like with
physical models, is only as good as the initial/boundary conditions given to
the numerical model. Example: flow in a duct with sudden expansion. If flow
is supplied to domain by a pipe, you should use a fully-developed profile for
velocity rather than assume uniform conditions

Applications of CFD
➤ Industrial: Aerospace, automotive, power generation, chemical manufacture,
polymer processing, petroleum exploration, pulp and paper production, medical
research, meteorology, and astrophysics are just a few of the areas and
industries that employ CFD.

➤Biomedical: Utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, flow

modelling enables the visualization and forecasting of physical phenomena
connected to the flow of any substance.
It is widely used in medical, pharmaceutical and biomedical
applications to analyze:
# manufacturing processes,

# device performance,
# physiological flows,
# fluid-structure interactions,
#The effectiveness of drug delivery systems, etc.

➤ Environmental: Modern environmental protection and improvement require

creative design approaches that ensure compliance with ever- growing and
stricter standards. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software from
Ansys enables flow modelling, which aids in finding the most practical and
affordable solutions to our environmental flow issues.

Working of CFD code

All commercial CFD packages include sophisticated user interfaces for entering
problem parameters and viewing the results in order to make it simple to access
their problem-solving ability.

Hence all codes contain three main elements (Bakker, 2002).

1. Pre-processing
2. Solver
3. Post-processing


Pre-processing entails the entry of a flow issue using an interface that is user-
friendly for operators and the subsequent translation of this input into a format
that the solver can use. This action is accomplished using software tools like DM
(Design Modular of ANSYS), TGRID, and GAMBIT. The following steps are
included in the pre-processing stage (Bakker, 2002).
* Defining the geometry of the region for computational domain.
* Generating the Grids for subdivision of the domain into a number of smaller,
non-over lapping sub domains.
* Specifying the appropriate boundary and continuum conditions at cells,
which coincide with or touch the boundary.

The solution of a flow problem (Phase holdup, velocity, pressure, temperature
etc.) is defined in each cell in various nonlinear equations form. The accuracy of
CFD solutions is governed by number of cells in the grid. In general, the larger
numbers of cells better the solution accuracy.

The desired results are produced by the CFD solver's flow computations.
results. The finite-volume approach is used by ANSYS FLUENT-23.0 to resolve the
fluid's governing equations. It gives users the ability to use various physical
models, such as turbulent or laminar, incompressible or compressible, viscid or
viscous, etc. It takes the solver several iterations of the solution loop before a
converged solution is produced since the governing equations are nonlinear and
coupled (Bakker, 2002), and the major functions of the solver are as follows:

* Approximation of unknown flow variables by means of simple

* Discretization by substitution of the approximation into the governing
flow equations and subsequent mathematical manipulations.
* Solving the algebraic equations.

Post processing
The results and interpretation of the anticipated flow data are covered in this
last stage of the CFD study. Full post processing capabilities are included in the
ANSYS FLUENT software, and CFD data may be exported to external post-
processors and visualization programmes like Ensight, Field view, and Tech Plot
(Bakker, 2002).

The main outcomes of post processing are -

>Domain geometry & Grid display.
>Contour plot of all the properties.
>Vector plots.
>2D & 3D surface plots.

>X-Y plots with different properties.
>Particle tracking.


A shell and tube heat exchanger is a fundamental

component in thermal engineering, widely used for efficient heat transfer
between two fluids. It consists of a cylindrical shell with multiple tubes housed
within it. The basic design includes a tube bundle, which is composed of
numerous small-diameter tubes, typically made of materials like stainless steel,
copper, or titanium, to withstand different operating conditions including high
pressures and temperatures.[2]


During operation, one fluid, known as the tube-side fluid, flows through the
tubes while the other fluid, known as the shell-side fluid, flows over the outside
of the tubes. Heat is transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid through the
tube walls. The effectiveness of heat transfer is influenced by factors such as
flow rates, temperature differences, physical properties of fluids, and the design
of the heat exchanger.


Shell and tube heat exchangers find extensive application in various industries
including chemical processing, petroleum refining, power generation, HVAC
systems, and food processing. They are preferred for their versatility,
robustness, and ability to handle a wide range of operating conditions and fluid

Design Considerations:

Designing a shell and tube heat exchanger involves considerations such as tube
material selection, tube diameter, tube arrangement, shell diameter, baffle
design, and the choice of heat transfer enhancement techniques like fins or
turbulators. Optimization aims to maximize heat transfer efficiency while
minimizing pressure drop and material costs.


The objective of this project is

❖ To observe the effect of physico-chemical pattern on tube surface in shell
and tube heat exchanger.
❖ To observe the effect of no. of baffles on performance of heat exchanger
using CFD simulations in Ansys Fluent.
❖ To observe the effect of baffle cut on heat transfer coefficient, temperature
and pressure.
❖ To observe the effect of porous baffle on efficiency of heat exchanger.


Continuum-based numerical simulations or 3D cfd simulations were performed

to analyse the effect of various types of baffles in shell and tube heat exchanger.
cfd solver of ansys 2024 has been used to conduct all the simulations of the
present study.

Geometry and Meshing

Using the CAD environment of Ansys Workbench, the geometry of water-water
1-1 pass single tube Counter-current heat exchanger was designed considering
data of table.1 Fig.1 shows the HEAT EXCHANGER having optimum performance.

a. Length of shell tube 150mm
b. Inner dia. of Shell chamber 14mm
c. Outer dia. of shell chamber 15mm
d. Shell inlet/outlet inner dia. 6mm
e. Shell inlet/outlet outer dia. 5mm
f. Length of Tube 165mm
g. Inner dia. Of Tube 5mm
h. Outer dia. of Tube 6mm

The material of the components of heat exchanger is Copper. The physical

properties of copper are taken from the fluent data base. Water is used as the
shell side hot fluid with inlet temperature 363.15K and tube side cold fluid with
inlet temperature 288.15K. The thermal properties of water are also taken from
fluent data base. The water inlet boundary conditions are set as Flow opening
inlets and outlet boundary conditions are set as pressure opening outlets. The
exterior wall is modelled as adiabatic. The simulation is solved to predict the heat
transfer and fluid flow characteristics by using k-ε turbulence model.[2]
Governing equations
For turbulent flow modelling, the k-e turbulence model is adopted for
calculation process. The governing equations[1] for continuity, momentum,
energy in the computational domain are shown as follows:




Incompressible Navier stokes equation:

Boundary Conditions
❖ Shell side is set as flow opening the flow rate varied from 3cm/s to 7cm/s
For different simulations and temperature is set to 363.15K.
❖ Tube side Inlet is set to flow opening the flow rate is set to 5cm/s and the
temperature is set to 288.15K.
❖ Both shell side and tube side are set as pressure openings with pressure set
to atmospheric pressure.
Energy equation and realizable K-epsilon(2-eqn) model is used with the Scalable
wall functions. Methods used for Pressure, Momentum, Turbulent kinetic
energy, Turbulent dissipation rate and Energy were Second order upwind.

Mesh Independence
Meshing is a crucial step in numerical simulations and computational modelling,
particularly in fields such as computational fluid dynamics(CFD). It involves
dividing the complex geometric domain into smaller parts called elements. It
allows complex geometries to be modelled and analyzed.[3]
To determine the optimum Mesh size for independent
simulation results, We varied the mesh size from 0.5mm to 2mm and observed
its affect on the tube outlet velocity, While keeping the tube inlet velocity
constant at 2cm/s.

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A graph is plotted between Mesh size and Cold outlet velocity. Based on the plot
we concluded that 0.6mm is the Optimum Mesh size that won’t affect the
simulation results.

Results and Discussion

Effect of physico-chemical changes on Tube:

The disc like pattern were created around the

tube to observe its effect on heat transfer from hot fluid to cold fluid as It
increase the surface area required for heat conduction.

Fig-3: Design of patterned tube

11 | P a g e
We observed the tube outlet temperature as well as heat transfer coefficient was
decreased as compared to non-patterned tube. It happened as the heat
resistance increased by a large amount so it did not meet our objective.
Effect of number of baffles on temperature and pressure
Adding Baffles increases the hot fluid residence time in shell that leads to
increase in Heat transfer between the two fluids. The number of baffles was
varied to observe its effect on the outlet temperature of the cold fluid and the
pressure in the shell chamber.[5]

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

12 | P a g e
The images under subsection (a) in Fig-4,5,6 shows the Pressure variation in shell
chamber with 2Baffles, 5Baffles, 7Baffles. The Images under subsection (b) in Fig-
4,5,6 shows the variation of temperature at cold outlet.

Based on the plot between no. of Baffles and temperature, a significant
temperature increase of 0.6 degrees Celsius and a minimal pressure change
were noted when two baffles were used compared to the unbaffled heat
exchanger. This suggests that using two baffles is optimal.

Effect of Baffle cut on Temperature, Heat transfer coefficient and Pressure

Keeping two baffles as optimal the baffle cut percentage varied to see its effect
on Temperature, Heat transfer coefficient and Pressure. The Heat transfer
coefficient was calculated based on the parameters Mass flow rate, Area of
Heat transfer, Heat duty, Specific heat of the hot fluid, Log mean temperature
of the heat exchanger. The Calculation was done according to the formula

20%Baffle cut

(a) (b)
13 | P a g e
30%Baffle cut

(a) (b)
35%Baffle cut

(a) (b)


The images under subsection (a) in Fig-8,9,10 shows the Pressure variation in
shell chamber with 20%Bafflecut, 30%Bafflecut, 35%Bafflecut. The Images under
subsection (b) in Fig-8,9,10 shows the variation of temperature at cold outlet.


14 | P a g e
The graph(Fig-11) was plotted based on the observations between Baffle cut %
and Temperature, at first the temperature took a down path with increase in
Baffle cut increases gradually and reached an optimum temperature.

Fig-12 describes the relation between Heat transfer coefficient and Baffle cut
percentage. It is clearly observable that 35% Bafflecut has a huge increase in heat
transfer coefficient compared to unbaffled heat exchanger.This suggests that
Based on the effect on temperature, Heat transfer coefficient and Pressure
35%Bafflecut is optimal.
Effect of Size of pores on Temparature and pressure
As we are trying to get maximum Heat transfer we introduce Pores of different
diameter on 35%Bafflecut to see their effect on Temparature and Pressure. The
diameter of the pores considered are 0.5mm,1mm and 2mm.
0.5mm Porous Baffle

(a) (b)

15 | P a g e
1mm Porous Baffle

(a) (b)
2mm Porous Baffle

(a) (b)

The images under subsection (a) in Fig-13,14,15 shows the Pressure variation in
shell chamber with 0.5mm pores,1mm Pores,2mm Pores. The Images under
subsection (b) in Fig-13,14,15 shows the variation of temperature at cold outlet.


16 | P a g e
On the basis of observations a graph was plotted between Dia. of Pores and
Temperature of cold outlet(Area Avg Weighted). From the it is clearly visible
that there is significant increase in temperature at 1mm pores. Hence 1mm
Porous Baffles are optimal.
Effect of Velocity on Temperature and Pressure
We have designed an optimized shell and tube heat exchanger for counter-
current flow with 2 baffles as the optimum number of baffles, a 35% baffle cut
as the optimum baffle cut, and 1 mm pores as the optimum porosity. Now, we
need to see the effect of velocity in this heat exchanger on the cold outlet
temperature and pressure inside Shell chamber. With a constant cold inlet
velocity of 5cm/s the hot inlet velocity was varied from 3cm/s to 5cm/s.
Shell side velocity-3cm/s

(a) (b)

Shell side velocity-5cm/s

(a) (b)
17 | P a g e
Shell side velocity-7cm/s

(a) (b)

The images under subsection (a) in FIig-17,18,19 Shows the pressure profiles
with shell side velocity variation. Those under subsection (b) shows
Temperature profile and which are under subsection (c) describes the velocity
profile along the shell chamber.
Through out the variation of velocity we observe an increase in pressure inside
Shell chamber as well as cold outlet Temperature along with increase in

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As the velocity increases we see that the turbulence near by baffles increases
leads to more heat transfer

❖ By learning computational fluid dynamics(CFD) we were able to thoroughly
analyze and optimize the heat exchanger performance focusing on
enhancing heat transfer efficiency, reducing pressure drop and improving
overall operational effectiveness.
❖ Making a pattern around the tube leads to increase in heat transfer
resistance due to which the results did not meet our objective.
❖ Adding Baffles increases the turbulence and residence time of the fluid
leads to increase in heat transfer. But this also leads to increase in pressure.
Hence optimum number of baffles are used to have maximum efficiency
and cost effectiveness.
❖ The 35% baffle with 1mm pores gives a significant increase in heat transfer
coefficient, Temperature and minimal change in Pressure which are the
required parameters for increase in efficiency of a Heat exchanger.



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