LP in Literature

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Literacy Development for Kindergarten

Prepared By: Keitaro Ryo Nazareno

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the object that starts with letter K;
2. Write correctly the capital letter K and small letter k; and
3. Appreciate the importance of letter K through and activity called Drawing K

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Letter K
B. Reference: http:/teachers.net/lessons/posts/4453.html
C. Materials: pictures practice sheet, big notebook
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Good morning Pupils! Good morning too teacher!
How are you doing today? We’re fine teacher!
Now I want you all pupils to stand up for the (Pupils stands up and pray)
Okay, everybody sit down.
Let us check the attendance first, who are absent ( Pupils will answer)
this morning?
Now that we are done checking the attendance, I
have a picture here and I want you to say
something about this picture, okay?

The children are in a classroom.

Wow, very good children!

How about the way they’re sitting down, what can
They are sitting properly teacher and behaving.
you say about that?
I’m Very good! Our first classroom rule is sitting
down properly, our second rule is raise your hand if
you want to answer, okay? Okay teacher!
What’s the first classroom rule again?
Very good! What’s the second classroom rule?
Where is your hand? Sit down properly, teacher!
Very good pupils! Raise your hand if you want to answer, teacher!
( Pupils will raise their hand)
Now, teacher will show you a picture.

( Pupils observes the picture)

Are the children in the classroom talking to each

other while the teacher is discussing?
Alright! So it means our third rule is?
No teacher!
Wow! Very good pupils. Do not talk to seatmate while teacher is talking.
What are the three rules in the classroom again?

•Sit down properly

Okay, now that our classroom rules are clear. Let’s • Raise your hand it you want to answer
start our class with a good morning song but • Do not talk to seatmate while teacher is talking
before that let me ask you guys what is the
weather for today?
Correct! Our weather for today is sunny day!
Let’s sing the song to start our class okay? Sunny day!

It’s a sunny day, it’s a sunny day, it’s a Okay teacher!

sunny day that the Lord has gave,
that the lord has gave! ( Children are singing anf dancing)
We will rejoice, we will rejoice, we rejoice
cause it’s sunny day, cause it’s sunny day.
Cause this is the weather that the Lord has gave,
we will rejoice cause sunny day.
And this is the weather that the Lord has gave!
B. Review
Did you enjoy singing the weather song class?
After singing the song of the weather Sunny day, Yes teacher!
let’s review first what’s our last discussion? The weather sunny day, teacher!
Very good! Yes teacher!
What is the color of the sun? Yellow.
Is the sun warm or cold? Warm teacher!
Very good!
C. Motivation
I guess everyone here in class already knows about
the sunny day weather.
Now, this morning teacher is going to discuss about
a new lesson but before that teacher will be
singing another song with you again. Isn’t it great?
We will be singing the Abc song. The song goes this


my ABC next time won’t you sing with me. ( Children are singing)

D. Presentation
Show pictures of capital letter K and small letter k
(Children observes the picture)

ABC teacher

E. Discussion
Base on the picture and base on the song we sang,
do you have any idea what will be our topic for this
Very good. So our lesson for this morning is all
about the letters in the alphabet but this morning
we will be focusing the letter K.

This is a letter K.

Letter K is the 11th letter in the alphabet. The

picture I showed you children is the capital letter K,
and this one is the small letter k.
Do everyone see the pictures clearly? Let me know
pupils if you’re not seeing the pictures clearly so
that I will come to your seat and show it again to
you, okay? Okay teacher!
Now that we’re clear, let’s head back to the
discussion. Let’s say that the first picture is the
Daddy K and the second picture is the Baby K.
The sound of letter K is /k/ ,everybody say K “K”
Daddy letter K sounds K, K, K and baby letter
sounds k,k,k Daddy letter K sounds K,K,K and baby letter K
Sing with me sounds k,k,k
Very good everyone!
Now teacher is will show you a picture and I want
everyone to say what the picture is, understand? Yes teacher!


Very good! Now what letter does the word King

starts? “K”
Correct! K is for King.
Now what color is it the king’s robe? “ Red”
Correct again! So have ever seen a King before? ( Children will answer)
So what does he look like? ( Children will answer)
Alright! A King is a man who has a crown and a
Next picture is?

“ A Kangaroo”

Yes, correct!
This is a picture of a Kangaroo.
Everybody say Kangaroo “Kangaroo”
Very good! What color is the kangaroo? “ Brown”
Correct! Did you ever saw a kangaroo before? No
Yes, it is because they’re a wild animal which can
be found on a zoo or some country like Australia.
They also hop to move and put their baby inside
their pouch.
Where can a kangaroo be found? Inside a Zoo or some country like Australia!
Very Good!
So the word Kangaroo starts with letter K as well,
so K is for Kangaroo.
Everybody say K is for Kangaroo
k-k-k-kangaroo K is for Kangaroo
Okay! Now everybody hop like a kangaroo and say
Kangaroo! ( Children follows)

Wow! That was great, now let’s move in to the next


The next picture is? A Key!

Very good! This is a Key, it is used for what? To open a lock teacher!
Wow! Smart thinking kids. Yes the key is used for
opening locks.
What is the first letter of the word Key? Letter K teacher!
Correct! It starts with letter K
K-k-k-k key
Class I want you to know that there are a lot of
words that start with letter K and I gave you 3.
What are those words that starts with letter K
teacher said earlier? 1. King
2. Kangaroo
Very good! 3. Key
F. Enrichment Activity
Now that you’re a familiar with the sound of letter
K, this time I will be teaching you how to write
letter k.Then I will be giving you 1 whole sheet of
paper, there you will write the letter K
independently okay?
Does everybody understand the instructions? Yes teacher!

Very Good!

G. Application
Is everybody having fun writing the letter K?
Very good! Yes teacher!
Now that you have mastered on how to write the
letter K. The next activity will be much more fun
which is drawing.
Teacher will be giving you again a piece of paper
and I want you children to draw things that starts
with letter K, after that show it in front of the class
and share everything you know about what you
have draw.
Understand? Yes teacher!

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Put a Check [✔️] on the things that starts with letter K.


V. Assignment

What is this children?

A lion teacher!

Very good! So this animal is called a Lion

The word lion starts with the letter? L teacher!
Correct! Tomorrow we will be discussing about
the letter L. And for your assignment; Draw
objects on your assignment notebook that
starts with letter L okay? Yes teacher!

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