Quiz-5 Full

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Quiz 5

Process control CL 302 (11.04.2024)

● Total Marks: 65 == [18+22+25]+[5 bonus] Total Time: 50 mins
● Write your name, roll number and group number on answer sheet.

1) Consider the distillation column as below. the symbols

𝐵,𝐷, and 𝐹 denote molar flow rates, while 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧
are the mole fractions of the more volatile component.
The measurements in the compositions are not
available. [5+2+3+5+3=18]

a) Design a feed-forward controller and draw

schematically the block diagram to control the
distillate composition 𝑦. Mention the manipulated
variable and disturbance variable. (use FT for flow
measurement) Use the following TFs between CV
and MV and CV and DV. (where 𝑌(𝑠) = 𝐿(𝑦(𝑡))) [5]
𝑌 ′ (𝑠) 5𝑒 −10𝑠
= ; TF between output and MV
𝑀𝑉 ′ (𝑠) 80𝑠+1
𝑌 ′ (𝑠) 2𝑒 −20𝑠
= TF between output and DV
𝐷𝑉 ′ (𝑠) 50𝑠+1


Disturbance variable: F
Control variable: y
Manipulated variable: D

Block Diagram (Refer to Fig 15.11 from book)

b) Propose a feed-forward controller transfer function considering steady-state operation.

(assume all other transfer function as unity) [2]
Ans: For steady state conditions 𝐺𝑝 = 5 and 𝐺𝑑 = 2 and
𝐺𝑓 =
𝐺𝑣 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑝
𝐺𝑓 = = −0.4
c) Propose a feed-forward transfer function model considering dynamic operation of the
distillation column. (assume all other transfer function as unity) [3]
5𝑒 −10𝑠 2𝑒 −20𝑠
Ans: For dynamic operation 𝐺𝑝 = and 𝐺𝑑 = and
80𝑠+1 50𝑠+1

Bharatkumar Suthar | Chemical Engineering | IITB

𝐺𝑓 =
𝐺𝑣 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑝
2𝑒 −20𝑠
− −10𝑠
−2(80𝑠 + 1)𝑒 −10𝑠
𝐺𝑓 = 50𝑠 + 1 = (−160𝑠 − 2)𝑒 =
5𝑒 −10𝑠 250𝑠 + 5 5(50𝑠 + 1)
(1)(1) 80𝑠 + 1

Converting into a lead-lag unit the delay term can be approximated in the lag term
(denominator) and the expression can be rewritten as
−0.4(80𝑠 + 1)
𝐺𝑓 =
60𝑠 + 1

d) Instead of controlling the distillate composition 𝑦, If the output flow rates that is 𝐷 and
𝐵 has to be maintained in a specific ratio of 3:1. Schematically draw a ratio control
strategy (scheme II having constant gain for the ratio station) for the same. [5]





Manipulated stream,

Schematic of Ratio control strategy (scheme II)

e) If the span of flow-transmitters of 𝐷 and 𝐵 are 15 L/min and 10 L/min. What should be
the value of the gain of the ratio-station in scheme II where the ratio station input and
output signal varies from 4-20 mA? [3]
Ans: The correct value for the gain of the ratio station for 𝑆𝑏 = 10 L/min and 𝑆𝑑 =
15 L/min
𝑆𝑏 10
𝐾𝑅 = 𝑅𝑑 = 3× =2
𝑆𝑑 15

Bharatkumar Suthar | Chemical Engineering | IITB

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