National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) : Summary of Ratings
National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) : Summary of Ratings
National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) : Summary of Ratings
DOMAINS: Strands of desired teaching performance. I. Social Regard for Learning (10%) 1.1 Acts as a positive role model for students. Sub-Rating (Total Score/1) x 10%) II. Learning Environment (20%) 2.1 Creates an environment that promotes fairness. 2.2 Makes the physical environment safe and conducive to learning. 2.3 Communicates higher learning expectations to each learner. 2.4 Establishes and maintain consistent standards of learners' behavior. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/4) x 20%) III. Diversity of Learners (10%) 3.1 Is familiar with learners' background knowledge and experiences. 3.2 Demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/2) x 10%) IV Curriculum (20%) 4.1 Demonstrates mastery of the subject. 4.2 Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners 4.3 Makes good use of allotted instructional time. 4.4 Selects teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to objectives of the lesson. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/4) x 20%) V. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (20%) 5.1 Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about progress of learners. 5.2 Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor & evaluate learning. 5.3 Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners' understanding of content. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/3) x 20%) VI. Community Linkages (10%) 6.1 Establishes learning environment that respond to the aspirations of the community Sub-Rating (Total Score/1 x 10%) VII. Personal Growth & Professional Development (10%) 7.1 Takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a profession. 7.2 Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice. 7.3 Reflects on the extent of the attainment of learning goals. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/3) x 10%) Grand Total (Rating) = 24
8 8
= 30
= 16
= 30
= 26
I. Social Regard for Learning (10%) ..
II. Learning Environment (20%) .. III. Diversity of Learners (10%) IV Curriculum (20%) V. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (20%) VI. Community Linkages (10%) . VII. Personal Growth & Professional Development (10%)
Total Descriptive Rating
0.80 1.50 0.80 1.50 1.73 0.80 0.80 7.93 Very Satisfactory
Rated by:
EUSTAQUIO C. JIMENEZ, JR. Secondary School Principal IV KEY TO DESCRIPTIVE RATING 8.60-10.00 - Outstanding 6.60-8.50 - Very Satisfactory 4.60-6.50 - Satisfactory 2.60-4.50 - Unsatisfactory 2.50 & below - Poor
h School
0.80 7.93
IV- PLUS FACTORS: (5 for each indicator but not to exceed 1 point for the total)
FOR TEACHERS (1) Rendered the following technical assistance 1.1 to co-teachers in improving their teaching competence 1.2 to school administrators in planning and managing in-service trainings. 1.3 as consultants in the preparation of supplementary instructional material. (2) Conducted Action Research whose findings & recommendation have been adopted by the school. (3) Subject area coordinator/chairman in division (4) Served as ______ teacher on innovative teaching techniques and classroom management.
______ ______
SUMMARY OF RATINGS I- Instructional Competence (70%) ...... __________ A. Lesson Planning and Delivery (45% for teachers, 40% for master teachers) ... B. Technical Assistance (For Master Teachers only - 15%) ... C. Learners' Achievement (20% for Teachers, 10% for master Teachers) .... D. School, Home and Community Involvement (5% for Teachers, 5% for Master Teachers) ....... II- Professional and Personal Characteristics (20%) ...... III- Punctuality and Attendance (10%) .... Total ... 1.6 0.40 1.76 0.80 8.10 3.54
Total Plus Factor (not to exceed 1 point) .. ________ Over-All Rating . ....8.10 Add: Cross Rating (NCBTS) . Average Rating / Final Rating ..... Descriptive Rating . 7.93 8.02
Very Satisfactory
s) ...
ers) ....
s) .......
s (20%) ......
.. ________
Very Satisfactory
I- INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE (70%) A. Lesson Planning and Delivery Assessment, Management of Time and Learning Environment (45% for teachers, 40% for master teachers) 1. Formulates/adopts objectives of lesson plan. 2. Selects content and prepares appropriate instructional materials/teaching aids. 3. Selects teaching methods strategies. 4. Relates new lesson with previous knowledge/skills. 5. Provides appropriate motivation. 6. Presents and develops lessons. 7. Convey ideas clearly. 8. Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking. 9. Ensures pupils/students participation. 10. Addresses individual differences. 11. Shows mastery of the subject matter. 12. Assesses lesson to determine desired outcomes within the allotted time. 13. Diagnosis learner's needs. 14. Evaluates learning outcomes. 15. Maintains clean and orderly classroom. 16. Maintains classroom conducive to learning. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/16) x 45% or 40%) B. Technical Assistance (For Master Teachers only - 15%) 1. Provides assistance to teachers in improving their teaching competence. 2. Prepares prototype instructional materials for use. 3. assist in the conduct of in-service trainings/conferences. 4. Serves as demonstration teacher on innovative teaching techniques, classroom management, materials development. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/4) x 15%) C. Learners' Achievement (20% for Teachers, 10% for master Teachers) 1. Improves learners' achievement level over pretest. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score x 20 or 10%) D. School, Home and Community Involvement (5%) 1. Organizes and maintains functional homeroom PTCA. 2. Conducts Homeroom PTCA meetings to report learners' progress. 3. Disseminate school policies/programs/accomplishments to the schools clientele. 4. Participates in community projects and in civic organizations. 5. Encourages involvement of parents in school programs and activities. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/5) x 5%) Total Rating II- PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS (20%) 1. Decisiveness 2. Honesty/Integrity 3. Dedication/Commitment 4. Initiative/Resourcefulness 5. Courtesy 6. Human Relations 7. Leadership 8. Stress Tolerance 9. Fairness/Justice 10. Proper Attire/Good grooming Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/10) x 20%) III- PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE (10%) (Including meeting and required school activities) Punctuality - number times tardy during the rating period. Attendance - number of days absent during the rating period. Total Score Sub-Rating (Total Score/2) x 10%) Grand Total (Rating)
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 126
X 8
X X X X X 42
X X X X X X X X X X 88
X X 16
Equivalent RATING
8 0.40
8.8 1.76
0.80 8.10