Reviewer Gri
Reviewer Gri
Reviewer Gri
in production agriculture.
• Agribusiness is one of the most challenging
• Improvements in the quality of purchased
businesses today.
inputs have been a large source of efficiency
• Agribusiness has held up a large share of business
niche. The volume of agribusiness is flourishing day- gains for the entire system.
• The term agribusiness coined first in 1957 by
Goldberg and Davis. • Aims at producing crops, livestock and other
• Agribusiness is not mere a business rather it is an products.
useful tool for ensuring food security throughout the
• has been the cause of much of the change
world and all sorts of basic needs as most of the basic
in agribusiness. They, in turn, have been
requirements are filled up directly or indirectly with
agro products. changed by development in other areas of
• In near future agribusiness will be the central agribusiness, particularly in technology.
metaphor of business system for not only in our
country but also to the whole world
Conduct thorough market research to identify emerging Organizing Resources and Financing
trends, gaps in the market, and consumer needs. Analyze
data and gather insights to inform your decision-making 1. Acquiring Assets
Identify and acquire the necessary resources and assets,
2. Technological Innovations such as land, equipment, and technology, to support your
agricultural business operations effectively.
Explore how advancements in agriculture technology, such
as precision agriculture and vertical farming, can be 2. Financial Options
leveraged to capitalize on new opportunities and improve
efficiency. Explore various financing options, including loans, grants,
and investors, and develop a comprehensive financial
3. Collaboration & Partnerships strategy to fund your agricultural venture.
-An industry engaged in the production, operations of a
farm, he manufacture and distribution of farm equipment
➢ COURSEPACK and supplies, and the processing, storage, and distribution
of farm commodities – Mirriam-Webster Collegiate
A Career is……
• A chosen pursuit; a field, a profession or occupation. LESSON 2. SIZE AND LAND MANAGEMENT IN
• A career is a life-work path chosen by a person to use AGRICULTURAL
personal talent and skills, provide some service or
goods, earn money, and contribute to society. An entrepreneurial farmer has the initiative, drive, capacity
• Careers are those the particular occupation for which and ability to take advantage of opportunities.
you are trained.
• Farming Exclusively for home consumption with rarely
any surpluses produced;
In agriculture, there are different career pathways, • Farming mostly for home consumption, but with the
to mention few, these are: intention of selling surpluses on the market;
• Farming Partly for the market and partly for home
• Food Products and Processing Systems consumption; or
- The careers in this area deal with food processing and • Farming Exclusively for the market.
preserving, packaging, distribution, government
monitoring & regulation)
• Plant Systems Pathway
- deal with jobs related to agronomy, horticulture, forestry, Agricultural entrepreneurs are strategic in their
turf, viticulture, and soils. planning and implementation. They look at their farm
businesses from a broad and long-time view. They make
sure that every aspect of their farm businesses supports product through capacity expansion, replication and
the goals and objectives they set. They look at ways to modernisation.
strengthen the competitiveness of the farm business
through satisfying buyers, achieving performance targets DIFFERENTIATING THE PRODUCT. Farmers make their
and staying focused on realising the long-term goals of the produce different and better than those among their
business. competitors. The farmers works hard to create unique
perceptions about his product. To achieve this, production
Having a strategy helps a farmer make good choices. It and marketing processes should be different from those of
helps a farmer to make a sure step consistent with long- competitors in order for the product to match what buyers
term goals. It usually answers the questions: need. With this, farmers can charge a higher price.
• What do I need to do to compete, progress and INTEGRATING. There are two kinds of integration,
meet my goals? horizontal and vertical. Vertical integration is where the
• How does the decision I am about to make farm controls or is involved in one or more ‘links’ in the
contribute to my goals? value chain. The farm may integrate ‘forward’ into
processing products, or ‘backwards’ into supplying inputs.
Income increasing strategies Farmer-entrepreneurs Joining other farms to produce the same product is
can create value through different strategies, such horizontal integration.
as: diversify; lower costs; expand the size of the
business; add value to the enterprise; specialise;
differentiate the product; integrate. These strategies
come in cycles.
DIVERSIFYING. To diversify is to increase the number of AGRICULTURAL SECTOR
products being produced and sold. In this way, it increases
Farmer-entrepreneurs see their farms as a business and
the sources of income, which spreads the risk of loss.
look at them as a means of earning profit. They enjoy
Successful diversifications check on resources that were
independence and freedom.
not utilized on farms. (Farmers also need to consider the
demands of the market.) Entrepreneurs also face risks, work under pressure and are
immediately accountable for whatever outcomes made
LOWERING COSTS. Means focusing on farm produce at out of their decisions.
the lowest possible cost. It is the most common strategy
used in farming. This includes focusing on less expensive Farmer-entrepreneurs may be free and independent, but
resources and inputs but more efficiency on systems. they are not alone in running their business. They operate
Products cost less, they can be sold at lower price, thus, in a complex and dynamic environment.
more competitive prices in the market which generate
more profits. Figure 4. The world of the farmer- entrepreneur
EXPANDING THE SIZE OF THE BUSINESS. Activities Illustrated in Figure 4, are the factors that affect the
agricultural business. Presentation shows four (4) major
include increasing sales, physical and financial assets of the
aspects namely: weather, social environment, economy
farm. Physical expanding the size of the farm can be in
and political environment. Indicators include supplier
different forms like: capacity expansion, replication and
inputs, government, competitors, extension workers,
modernization. However, this works more if the farm is
already profitable and competitive. agents, markets, commercial services, finance agencies
and technology support.
There are maybe other factors that you might consider
increase the income of the products is by adding value to
which are not listed above depending on the diversity of
existing or diversified products. Adding value normally
your farm products. To make sure their farm businesses
depends on buyer needs.
develop and adapt in response to these changes, farmer
SPECIALISING. This involves reducing the number of entrepreneurs need to:
varieties of farm produce to give full attention to the
• Stay focused on their purpose;
particular product of the farmer. When farmers specialise,
• Do their best to turn every event to their
they tend to develop the product specially to meet
market demands. They will also expand the volume of the
• Seize every opportunity and make the best of it;
• Make the whole system work in their favour.
• Establishment
• Survival