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Zeal Polytechnic, Pune.: Third Year (Ty) Diploma in Electrical Engineering Scheme: I Semester: V

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Subject Code: 22523



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Scheme - I

Sample Question Paper

Program Name : Electrical Engineering Program Group

Program Code : EE/EP/EU
Semester : Fifth 22523
Course Title : Industrial AC Machines
Max. Marks : 70 Time: 3 Hrs.

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Sub-questions in a main question carry equal marks.
(5) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(6) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1Attempt any Five of the following. 10 Marks

a) Define slip and synchronous speed of 3 phase induction motor.
b) State any two application of repulsion motor.
c) Define chording factor and distribution factor.
d) Define synchronous reactance &synchronous impedance.
e) State methods of starting of synchronous motor.
f) List any four applications of BLDC motor.
g) Draw schematic diagram of AC servo motor.

Q.2Attempt any Three of the following. 12 Marks

a) "Three phase induction motor can never run on synchronous speed".Justify
b) Draw neat diagram of star-delta starter for three phase induction motor.
c) Explainhunting in synchronous motor.State its causes and effects.
d) Derive the EMF equation of Alternator. State the meaning of each term used therein.

Q.3Attempt any Three of the following. 12 Marks

a) Compare slip ring induction motor with squirrel cage induction motor on any four
b) "Three phase induction motor is known as generalized transformer". Justify.
c) Explain the reason for a single phase induction motor being not self-starting.
d) A 3 phase, 50Hz, 8 pole alternator has star connected winding with 120 slots and 8
conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.05 Wb, sinusoidally distributed. Determine
the phase and line voltages.

Q.4 Attempt any Three of the following. 12 Marks

a) The power input to a six pole,3 phase,50 Hz induction motor is 42 kW, the speed
being 970 rpm . The stator losses are 1.2 kW and friction and windage losses are 1.8
kW. Find i) slip, ii) Rotor Output iii) Rotor copper loss and iv)Efficiency.
b) Describe with neat sketch the working of shaded pole induction motor.

c) Discuss the role of capacitor in single phase capacitor start capacitor run induction
d) Describe the working of synchronous reluctance motor with the help of neat diagram.
e) Draw and explain torque speed characteristics of stepper motor.

Q.5 Attempt any Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) A three phase, 4 pole,50Hz, induction motor has rotor impedance of(0.03 + j 0.15)
ohm per phase. Calculate speed of motor when delivering maximum torque. Calculate
the resistanceto be added to achieve 3/4th of maximum torque at the time of starting.
b) Draw and explain torque speed characteristics of universal motor and suggest the
applications of the same.
c) Define voltage regulation of alternator.A 400V,10 KVA , 3 phase star connected
alternator has resistance per phase of 1.0 ohm. Open circuit voltage per phase of 90V
is obtained for field current of 1.0 A. For the same field current,short circuit current
per phase is 15A. Calculate: i) Synchronous impedance,ii) synchronous
reactance,iii)open circuit voltage per phase and iv) Regulation while supplying a load
current of 15Aat 0.8 power factor lag.

Q.6Attempt any Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Draw and explain V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor.
b) A 20 pole,693V, 50 Hz,3 phase, delta connected synchronous motor is operating at no
load with normal excitation. It has armature resistance per phase of zero and
synchronous reactance of 10 ohm. If the rotor is restarted by 0.5 degree(mechanical)
from its synchronous position , compute i) rotor displacement in electrical degrees ii)
armature emf/phase iii) armature current /phase, iv) power drawn by the motor and v)
power developed by armature.
c) In case of alternator, explain armature reaction and its effects on i) unity power factor,
ii) zero pf lagging and iii) zero pf leading.

Scheme - I

Question Test Paper - I

Program Name : Electrical Engineering Program Group

Program Code : EE/EP/EU
Semester : Fifth 22523
Course Title : Industrial AC Machines
Max. Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Sub-questions in a main question carry equal marks.
(5) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(6) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

a. State working principle of three phase induction motor..
b. Give any two advantages of slipring rotor over squirrel cage rotor.
c. A three phase,50 Hz induction motor runs at 960rpmon full load
Find number of poles and percentage slip.
d. Draw the torque slip characteristics of three phase induction motor.
e. State the function of centrifugal switch in single phase induction motor.
f. Give any two application for i) Universal motor and ii) Hysteresis motor.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks

a. Draw the power flow diagram of three phase induction motor.
b. A 3 phase, 50 Hz 8 pole induction motor has full load slip of 2%. The rotor
resistanceand standstill rotor reactance per phase are 0.001 ohm and 0.005 ohm
respectively. Find the ratio of maximum to full load torque and the speed at which the
maximum torque occurs.
c. Compare soft starter with conventional starter on any four parameters.
d. Explain with necessary diagram,working of capacitor start capacitor run induction
e. Describe the procedure to maintain capacitor start induction run single phase induction

Scheme - I

Question Test Paper - II

Program Name : Electrical Engineering Program Group

Program Code : EE/EP/EU
Semester : Fifth 22523
Course Title : Industrial AC Machines
Max. Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Sub-questions in a main question carry equal marks.
(5) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(6) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

a. Compare cylindrical rotor with salient pole rotor on any two points.
b. Define synchronous reactance. State its formula.
c. Draw vector diagram of loaded alternator at lagging pf.
d. State working principle of operation of synchronous motor.
e. List various losses occurring in synchronous motor.
f. Give one application each for AC and DC servo motor.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks

a. State any four advantages of having stationary armature in case of three phase
b. Calculate the distribution factor for 36 slots, 4 pole, single layer three phase winding.
c. Describe any two method of starting synchronous motors.
d. Explain hunting and phase swinging in synchronous motor.
e. Draw &explain torque slip characteristics of permanent magnet synchronous motor.

3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) State the function of following parts in Induction motor.
(i) Stator
(ii) Seiprings
b) State suitable single phase motor for following applications:
(i) Table fan
(ii) Mixers and Grinders
c) State advantages of short pitch winding over full pitch winding
in alternators.
d) List different torques in synchronous motor.
e) State advantages of rotating field type alternators. (any four)
f) List applications of stepper motor.
g) List applications of servomotor.

22523 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Derive the condition for maximum torque under running condition
of a 3 phase induction motor.
b) A 16 pole, 3 phase star connected alternator armature has
12 slots with 24 conductors per slot and flux per pole is
0.1 wb. sinusoidally distributed. Calculate line emf generated
at 50 Hz.
c) Explain the effect of variable excitation on the behaviour of
synchronous motor under constant load condition.
d) Prove that for a 3z induction motor.
Rotor copper loss = S. Rotor input.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) The power input to a 500V 50Hz 6Pole 3z induction motor
running at 975 rpm is 40 kW. The stator losses are 1kW and
friction and windage losses are 2kW. Calculate :
(i) Seip
(ii) Rotor copper loss
(iii) Shaft power
(iv) Efficiency
sin ^ m b 2 h
b) Prove that Kd = in an alternator.
m sin ^ b 2 h
c) Explain working of resistance split phase single phase induction
motor with vector diagram.
d) A 400V, 50Hz seipring type three phase induction motor is
star connected and has per phase rotor resistance and standstill
reactance of 0.5 and 1.5 ohm respectively. Calculate resistance
to be added per phase to achieve maximum torque at starting.
22523 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain working of autotransformer starter for a 3 phase
induction motor with neat diagram.
b) Explain phase shifting (production of rotating magnetic field)
in shaded pole induction motor with neat diagram.
c) Explain the construction and working of permanent magnet
stepper motor.
d) Describe with neat sketch working of hystersis motor.
e) Explain construction and working of AC servomotor.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain the activities carried out during weekly maintenance of
3 ph. Induction motor.
b) Define voltage regulation of an alternator. Explain synchronous
impedance method for finding regulation of alternator.
c) State the modifications to be done in dc series motor to work
satisfactorily as ac series motor. State applications of ac series

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Define armature reaction in an alternator. Explain the effect of
armature reaction at various P.F. of loads of alternator.
b) Draw and explain ‘V’ and ‘inverted V curves’ for synchronous
c) List different starting methods of three phase synchronous motor.
Explain any one of them.
(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)
Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate‟s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate‟s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)
Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

1 a) State the function of following parts in Induction motor.

(i) Stator
(ii) Seiprings Slip rings
Sr. No. Name of part Function
1 Stator 1) Stator frame supports the core, terminal box
and protects the inner parts.
1 Mark for
2) Stator core houses stator winding.
one function
3) Stator winding produces rotating magnetic
of each part
= 2 Marks
2 Slip ring 1) The rotor winding terminals are permanently
connected to the slip rings.
2) Provides facility to connect external
resistance to rotor circuit through brushes for
starting and control.

1 b) State suitable single phase motor for following applications:

(i) Table fan (ii) Mixers and Grinders
Sr. No. Application Suitable Single Phase Motor
1 Table Fan 1) Capacitor split phase motor 1 Mark for
2) Capacitor start capacitor run motor each
2 Mixers and Grinders 1) Universal motor application
2) A.C. Series motor =2 Marks

1 c) State advantages of short pitch winding over full pitch winding in alternators.
Advantages of Short Pitch Winding over Full Pitch Winding in Alternators:
1) Short pitching reduces the amount of copper needed for end connection when
compared with full pitched coil. 1 Mark for
2) They improve the waveform of generated EMF i.e. generated EMF can be each of any
made approximately to sine wave more easily and the distorting harmonics two
can be reduced. advantages
3) Due to the elimination of high frequency harmonics, eddy current and = 2 Marks
hysteresis losses are reduced, thereby increasing the efficiency.
4) The power quality of generated emf is improved.

1 d) List different torques in synchronous motor.

Different Torques in Synchronous Motor:
1) Starting torque
2) Running torque ½ Mark each
3) Pull-in torque
4) Pull-out torque = 2 Marks

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Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

1 e) State advantages of rotating field type alternators. (any four)

Advantages of Rotating Field Type Alternator:
1) For high-voltage alternator, large space is required to accommodate
conductors with insulation, as high voltage is induced in them. If field poles
are placed on rotor and armature winding is placed on stator, large space can
be provided to accommodate large number of conductors and the required
high level of insulation.
2) It is always better to protect high voltage winding from the centrifugal forces
caused due to the rotation. So high voltage armature is kept stationary and
field winding is kept rotating. This avoids the interaction of mechanical and
electrical stresses.
3) It is easier to collect larger currents at very high voltage from a stationary
member than from the slip ring and brush assembly. The voltage required to ½ Mark for
be supplied to the field is very low (110 V to 220 V d.c.) and hence can be each of any
easily supplied with the help of slip ring and brush assembly by keeping it on four
rotor. advantages
4) Due to low voltage level on the field side, the insulation required is less and = 2 Marks
hence field system has very low inertia. It is always better to rotate low
inertia system than high inertia, as efforts required to rotate low inertia
system are always less.
5) Rotating field makes the overall construction very simple. With simple but
robust mechanical construction and low inertia of rotor, it can be driven at
high speeds. So greater output can be obtained from an alternator of given
6) If field is rotating, to excite it from external dc supply, two slip rings are
enough. One each for positive and negative terminals. As against this, in
three phase rotating armature, the minimum number of slip rings required is
three and cannot be easily insulated due to high voltage levels.
7) The ventilation arrangement for high voltage side can be improved if it is
kept stationary and field winding is kept rotating.
8) Rotating field is comparatively light and can run with high speed.

1 f) List applications of stepper motor.

Applications of Stepper Motor:
1) Computer controlled systems
2) Numerical control of machine tools
3) Tape drives
4) Floppy disc drives
5) Computer printers
6) X-Y plotters ½ Mark for
7) Robotics each of any
8) Textile industries four
9) Integrated circuit fabrication applications
10) Electric watches = 2 Marks
11) CNC system
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Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

12) Milling machines

13) X-Ray table positing system
14) Cameras
15) Wall Clocks
16) Scanners
17) Respirators
18) Digital Dental Photograph
19) Laser cutters
20) Extruders
21) Engravers
22) Analytical and Medical instruments
23) Embroidery Machines
24) Packaging Machines

1 g) List applications of servomotor.

Applications of Servomotor:
1) Computers
2) Robotics and toys
3) CD/DVD players
4) Textile industries ½ Mark for
5) Instrument servos each of any
6) Tracking and guidance system four
7) Self-balancing recorders applications
8) Remote positioning devices = 2 Marks
9) Process controllers
10) Electromechanical actuators
11) Air-craft control system
12) Programming device

2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

2 a) Derive the condition for maximum torque under running condition of a 3 phase
induction motor.
Condition for Maximum Torque Under Running Conditions:
Torque produced by three-phase induction motor is given by,
( )( N-m 1 Mark
Since synchronous speed NS is constant and the rotor standstill emf E2, rotor
standstill resistance R2 & reactance X2 are constants, the only variable on which
torque depends will be the slip „s‟.
For maximum torque,
[( ) ]
( ) 1 Mark
( ) [( )

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Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

( ) ( )
( ) 1 Mark
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 Mark
Thus the motor under running condition produces maximum torque at speed or
slip when rotor resistance is equal to the rotor reactance under running condition.
The maximum torque under running conditions is produced at a speed that
corresponds to the slip value given by the ratio of the rotor resistance to the
standstill rotor reactance (s = R2/X2).
OR Equivalent Derivation

2 b) A 16 pole, 3 phase star connected alternator armature has 12 slots with 24

conductors per slot and flux per pole is 0.1 wb. Sinusoidally distributed.
Calculate line emf generated at 50 Hz
Data Given:
Star connected alternator
No. of Poles P = 16
Total no. of slots = 12
Conductors per slot = 24
Flux per pole  = 0.1 Wb
Frequency f = 50Hz
As data of winding about short or full pitch is not given, Assuming Full-
pitched coils, Pitch factor = Kp = 1 1 Mark
A) Distribution-factor (Kd):
Slots/pole/phase: m = 12/16/3 = 0.25
Slots/pole: n = 12/16 = 0.75
Slot angle:
( ) ( ) ( )
 Distribution factor, 1 Mark
( ) ( ) ( )

(NOTE- As Kd has maximum value of 1, student assuming Kd = 1 to be

awarded appropriate marks)

B) Phase value of Emf (Eph):

Total no. of conductors Z = 12×24 = 288
No. of conductors/phase = 288/3 = 96
No. of turns/phase T = 96/2 = 48
The rms value of emf induced in each phase winding is given by,
Eph volt
( )( )( )( )( )

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Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

1 Mark
( )( )( )( )( )

For star connected alternator,

Line emf √ √ ( ) 1 Mark
OR √ √ = 1846 volts

2 c) Explain the effect of variable excitation on the behavior of synchronous motor

under constant load condition.
Effect of Variable Excitation on the Behavior of Synchronous Motor Under
Constant Load Condition:
Consider a synchronous motor having a fixed supply voltage V and driving a
constant mechanical load. Since the mechanical load is constant, the load angle
 remains constant. Now when excitation is changed, the back emf Eb changes
but there is hardly any change in the losses of the motor. Therefore, constant
load demands constant output power and consequently the input power of motor
(=3 VphIa cos) remains same. Since the applied voltage V to the motor is
constant, the constant input demands constant (Iacos). This means that the in-
phase component (Iacos) drawn from the supply will remain constant. In
synchronous motor, the stator current (Ia) is determined by dividing resultant
voltage-phasor (ER) by the synchronous impedance Zs. If the field excitation is
changed, back e.m.f Eb also changes. This results in the change of phase position
of resultant voltage ER and current Ia w.r.t. V for different values of field
Normal Excitation:
When the excitation is adjusted in such a way that the magnitude of induced
e.m.f. is equal to the applied voltage (Eb = V), the excitation is called normal
excitation. The motor draws certain current Ia from the supply and the power
factor is usually lagging, as shown in Fig.(a). 2 Marks for
Under Excitation: explanation
When the excitation is adjusted in such a way that the magnitude of induced
e.m.f. is less than the applied voltage (Eb < V), the excitation is called under
Due to this, ER increases in magnitude. This means for constant Zs, current
drawn by the motor increases. But ER phase shifts in such a way that, phasor Ia
also shifts to keep (Ia cos) component constant. This is shown in the Fig.(b). So
in under excited condition, current drawn by the motor increases. The p.f. cos
decreases and becomes more and more lagging in nature.
Over Excitation:
The excitation to the field winding for which the induced e.m.f. becomes greater
than applied voltage (Eb > V), is called over excitation.
Due to increased magnitude of Eb, ER also increases in magnitude. But the phase
of ER and Ia also changes. The Ia increases to keep (Ia cos) constant as shown in
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Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Fig.(c). The phase of ER changes so that Ia becomes leading with respect to V in

over excited condition. So power factor of the motor becomes leading in nature.
Critical Excitation:
When the excitation is adjusted in such a way that the power factor of the motor
becomes unity, the excitation is called critical excitation. The motor draws
minimum current Ia from the supply and the power factor is unity, as shown in

2 Marks for

2 d) Prove that for a 3Ø induction motor.

Rotor copper loss = s × Rotor input.
The mechanical power P available from any electric motor can be expressed as:
P= watts 1 Mark
N = Speed of motor in r.p.m
T = Torque developed in N-m

Induction Motor Torque (T) = = 9.55 N-m

If the gross output of the rotor of an induction motor is Pm and its speed is N
r.p.m., then gross torque Tg developed is given by:
Tg = 9.55 N-m 1 Mark
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Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Gross rotor output = watts

If there were no copper losses in the rotor, the output would equal to rotor input
and the rotor would run at synchronous speed Ns
Rotor input = watts 1 Mark
Rotor Cu loss = Rotor input – Rotor output
= (Ns – N)
( )
= = s = Slip
Rotor Cu loss = s × Rotor input 1 Mark

3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

3 a) The power input to a 500V 50Hz 6Pole 3Ø induction motor running at 975 rpm
is 40 kW. The stator losses are 1 kW and friction and windage losses are 2 kW.
Calculate :
(i) Seip Slip
(ii) Rotor copper loss
(iii) Shaft power
(iv) Efficiency
Synchronous speed NS = 120f/P = 1000 RPM.

Slip „s‟ = (NS – NR)/NS = (1000-975)/1000

= 0.025 or 2.5%. 1 Mark

Rotor input power Pi = Motor input power – stator losses

= 40 kW – 1 kW
= 39 kW.
Rotor copper losses = slip x rotor input power = s.Pi
= 0.025 x 39 = 0.975 kW
= 975 W. 1 Mark

Shaft power = (mechanical power in rotor – friction & windage losses)

= Pi(1-s) – friction and windage losses
= 39(1 – 0.025) – 2
= 36.025 kW
1 Mark
Efficiency ɳ = [(output power)/(input power)] x100
The output power is same as the shaft power.
% Efficiency ɳ = (36.025/40) x 100 1 Mark
= 90.06 %

3 b) ( )
Prove that = in an alternator.
( )

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Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Distribution Factor of a Winding:
Distribution factor is defined as;

Kd = OR

Kd =
Consider the following figure,
Let  be the value of the angular displacement between the slots. Its value is
1 Mark

m = No. of slots/pole/phase.
m = Phase spread angle.
Then the resultant voltage induced in one polar group would be m ES.
Where Es is the voltage induced in one coil side. The following figure illustrates 1 Mark
the method for finding the vector sum of „m‟ voltages each of value Es and
having a mutual phase difference of (if m is large, then the curve ABCDE will
become part of a circle of radius r).

1 Mark

AB = Es = 2r sin(/2)
The arithmetic sum = m ES = m× 2r sin(/2)
The vector sum AE= Er = 2r sin(m/2)
The distribution factor (Kd) is proved as,
( )
( )
1 Mark
( )
( )

3 c) Explain working of resistance split phase single phase induction motor with
vector diagram.
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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)
Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Working of Resistance Split Phase Single Phase Induction Motor:

This motor consists of two windings in stator, first is main winding which is
more inductive and less resistive, hence current drawn by this winding IM is
much more lagging behind the applied voltage V as shown in vector diagram.
Second is the starting or auxiliary winding connected in series with resistor and 2 Marks for
centrifugal switch which is in ON position at the time of starting, so draws explanation
lagging current IA by small angle with V as shown in phasor diagram. The main
winding and starting winding are connected in parallel with each other. So
splitting of the current is achieved here and the starting torque, T  k. IA .IM.sin
obtained is very much sufficient to accelerate the motor and motor starts
rotating. After acquiring 75% of rated speed the starting or auxiliary winding is
cut out of circuit with opening of centrifugal switch. Then motor continues to run
with only main winding in the circuit.

Circuit Diagram:

1 Mark for

Vector Diagram:

1 Mark for

3 d) A 400V, 50Hz seipring slip ring type three phase induction motor is star
connected and has per phase rotor resistance and standstill reactance of 0.5 and
1.5 ohm respectively. Calculate resistance to be added per phase to achieve
maximum torque at starting.
1 Mark
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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)
Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

Ts = Starting torque
Tm = Maximum torque
a = ratio of rotor resistance per phase to rotor reactance per phase
= R2 / X2
Since, Ts = Tm, =1 Hence, 1=
1 Mark
Now a=
where Rx = External resistance / phase added to the rotor circuit to
achieve maximum torque at starting 1 Mark
Rx + 0.5 = 1.5
Rx = 1  1 Mark

4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

4 a) Explain working of autotramsformer starter for a 3 phase induction motor with

neat diagram.
Working of Autotramsformer Starter for a 3 Phase Induction Motor:

2 Marks for

A three phase star connected autotransformer along with suitable change over
switch forms an autotransformer starter.When the switch is in the starting
position, the stator of an induction motor is supplied with reduced voltage
through the autotransformer using suitable tap.This limits the starting current to a

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)
Model Answers
Winter – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Industrial A.C Machines (22523)

safe value.Usually 3 tappings per phase are provided to give 50,65 or 80% of the
normal line voltage across the motor terminals.When the motor attains about
80% of its normal speed, the switch is thrown to „RUN‟ position which connects
the motor directly across the supply and cuts out the autotransformer from the 2 Marks for
circuit.These actions may be carried out automatically by time-delay operated working
magnetic contactors. The provision of required taps on the autotransformer
makes the adjustment possible to suit the local conditions. Hence the motor is
started safely by reducing heavy starting inrush current.

4 b) Explain phase shifting (production of rotating magnetic field) in shaded pole

induction motor with neat diagram.
Phase Shifting (Production of Rotating Magnetic Field) in Shaded Pole
Induction Motor:

2 Marks for

When single phase supply is applied across the stator winding, an alternating
field is created. The flux distribution is non-uniform due to shading bands on the
poles. The shading band acts as a single turn coil and when links with alternating
flux, emf is induced in it. The emf circulates current as it is simply a short
circuit. The current produces the magnetic flux in the shaded part of pole to
oppose the cause of its production which is the change in the alternating flux
produced by the winding of motor. Now consider three different instants of time
t1, t2, t3 of the flux wave to examine the effect of shading band as shown in the
 At instant t1: The flux is positive and rising; hence the shading band
current produces its own flux to oppose the rising main flux. Due to this
opposition, the net flux in shaded portion of pole is lesser than that in
unshaded portion. Thus the magnetic axis lies in the unshaded portion
and away from shaded portion.
 At instant t2: The flux is maximum; the rate of change of flux is zero. So
the shading band emf and current are zero. Thus the flux distribution
among shaded and unshaded portion is equal. The magnetic axis lies in 2 Marks for
the center of the pole. explanation
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 At instant t3: The flux is positive but decreasing, hence according to

Lenz‟s rule, the shading band emf and current try to oppose the fall in the
main flux. So the shading band current produces its own flux which aids
the main flux. Since shading band produces aiding flux in shaded portion,
the strength of flux in shaded portion increases and the magnetic axis lies
in the shaded portion.
Thus it is seen that as time passes, the magnetic neutral axis shifts from left to
right in every half cycle, from non-shaded area of pole to the shaded area of the
pole. This gives a rotating field effect which is sufficient to provide starting
torque to squirrel cage rotor and rotor rotates.

4 c) Explain the construction and working of permanent magnet stepper motor.

Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor:

2 Marks for

OR any other equivalent figure

The constructional sketch of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor is shown in the
figure. The rotor consists of permanent magnet poles of high retentivity steel and
is cylindrical in shape. The concentrating windings on diametrically opposite
poles are connected in series to form a two phase winding on the stator. The
rotor poles align with the stator teeth depending on the excitation of the winding.
The two coils AA‟ connected in series to form a winding of Phase A with
terminals A1 and A2. Similarly the two coil BB‟ is connected in series forming a
phase B windings with terminals B1 and B2.
In figure (a) the phase A is excited, causing current iA flowing from A1 to A2 of
phase A, whereas phase B is not excited. Due to the current iA the poles are
created on stator as shown. The south pole of the rotor is attracted by the north
pole of stator phase A. Thus, the magnetic axis of the stator and rotor coincide
and α = 0⁰.
In figure (b) the phase B is excited, causing current iB flowing from B1 to B2 of 2 Marks for
phase B, whereas phase A is not excited. Due to the current iB the poles are explanation
created on stator as shown. The south pole of the rotor is attracted by the north
pole of stator phase B and the rotor moves by 90 in the clockwise direction.
Thus, the magnetic axis of the stator and rotor coincide and α = 90⁰.
Similarly, if phase A alone is excited with reversed current i A, the rotor moves

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further by 90 and when the magnetic axis of the stator and rotor coincide, we
get α = 180⁰. Further if only B phase is excited with reversed current iB, the rotor
moves further by 90 and when the magnetic axis of the stator and rotor
coincide, we get α = 270⁰.
In this way, the sequential excitation of phases A and B with forward and reverse
current, the rotor movements in steps of 90 can be obtained. It is also possible
to obtain steps of 45 by exciting both the phases simultaneously.

4 d) Describe with neat sketch working of hysteresis motor.


2 Marks for

When stator is energized with single phase ac supply, rotating magnetic field is
produced because of starting (auxiliary) and main windings, which remain in
circuit permanently. The rotor, which is hysteresis ring, cuts this flux, emf is
induced and eddy currents start circulating in rotor as it is a shorted ring. Thus
eddy current torque is developed along with the hysteresis torque in the rotor.
Hysteresis torque in the rotor is developed because the rotor magnetic material
has high hysteresis loss property and high retentivity. Now the rotor starts
rotating initially as induction motor with speed somewhat less than synchronous
speed and rotor pole axis lagging behind the axis of rotating stator field. 2 Marks for
When the speed of the rotor reaches near about the synchronous speed, then rotor working
poles are locked with stator field poles and then rotor starts rotating with
synchronous speed. At the condition of synchronism, the relative motion
between stator field and rotor field vanishes, hence no eddy current & torque. In
this condition the rotor continues to rotate because of hysteresis torque. This
torque is constant at all speeds and motor runs with perfect synchronous speed.
Due to the principle of magnetic locking this motor either rotates at synchronous
speed or not at all.

4 e) Explain construction and working of AC servomotor.

Construction of AC Servo Motor:
AC servo motor is mainly composed of a stator and a rotor. Laminated stator
core is usually made of silicon steel. Two phase windings are placed in the stator 2 Marks for
slots at 90 degree electrically apart from each other. One phase winding is the construction
field winding and the other is the control winding. Field winding and control
winding are excited as shown in figure. The rotor is squirrel cage type or drag
cup type rotor.

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Working of AC Servo Motor:

These motors are used for position
control or in servo mechanisms, hence
are termed as servomotors. A voltage
Vm is applied to the main or reference
winding at zero angle, while Va is the
voltage applied to control winding
which controls the torque-speed
characteristics with 90 angle. The 90
space displacement of the two
coils/windings and the 90 phase 2 Marks for
difference between the voltages working
applied to them result in production of
rotating magnetic field in the air gap. This rotating magnetic field is cut by rotor
conductors and emf is induced in them. Since rotor is short-circuited, the rotor
currents flow. The interaction between rotor currents and rotating magnetic field
results in force (or torque) acting on rotor. Due to the force or torque acting on
the rotor, it is set in motion.

5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

5 a) Explain the activities carried out during weekly maintenance of 3 ph. Induction
Activities Carried out During Weekly Maintenance of 3 ph. Induction
1) Check belt tension. In cases where this is excessive it should immediately be
reduces and in the case of sleeve bearing machines the air gap between rotor
and stator should be checked.
2) Blow out windings of protected type motors, situated in dusty locations. 6 Marks
3) Examine starting equipment for burnt contacts where motor is started and
stopped frequently.
4) Examine oil in the case of oil ring lubricated bearings for contamination by
dust, dirt, etc (This can be roughly ascertained on inspection by the colour of
the oil)
Preventive maintenance on a weekly basis includes remedial measures for the
1) Start each motor to determine if it comes up to speed within the normal
time frame.
2) Measure line current and compare to previous records and if it is within the
FLC of the motor‟s nameplate rating. Line currents should be balanced
with in the tolerance limits.
3) Listen to each motor for any unusual noises.
4) Inspect switches, fuses, starter, and other control equipment.
5) Observe any excessive sparking of brushes.
6) Check lubricant levels of bearings and look for any leaks.
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7) Look for corrosion on slip rings.

8) Check brushes for excessive sparking while the motor is running.
9) Check oil rings for rotation with the shaft for the motors that have this
10) For motors lubricated and cooled by oil mist systems its important to check
the oil mist flow paths/pressure components.

5 b) Define the voltage regulation of an alternator. Explain synchronous impedance

method for finding regulation of alternator.
Voltage Regulation of an Alternator:
The voltage regulation of an alternator is defined as the change in terminal
voltage from no-load to full-load expressed as fraction or percentage of full-load 1 Mark for
voltage, keeping the speed and field excitation constant. any
OR definition or
% Voltage regulation = x 100 any formula
The voltage regulation of an alternator is defined as the change in terminal
voltage from no-load to full-load expressed as fraction or percentage of no-load
voltage, keeping the speed and field excitation constant.
% Voltage regulation = x 100

Voltage Regulation of 3-phase Alternator by Synchronous Impedance

1) Plot the OCC and SCC on the same field current base as shown in following

2) Consider field current If. The open circuit voltage corresponding to this field
current is E1.The short circuit armature current corresponding to field current
If is I1.On the short circuit, voltage E1 is being used to circulate short circuit
armature current I1 against the synchronous impedance Zs. This is illustrated
in following figure:

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1 Mark for
each point

= 5 Marks

Now = I1ZS
( )

( )

3) By performing resistance test the effective armature resistance Ra can be

4) The synchronous reactance can be calculated as
√( )
5) Once we know Ra and Xs the phasor diagram can be drawn for any load and
any p.f. Following figure shows the phasor diagram for usual case of inductive
load. Here current Ia has been taken as reference phasor.

The E0 can be found out as: √( )

But, OB = and BC =
√[( ) ( ) ]

5 c) State the modification to be done in dc series motor to work satisfactorily as ac

series motor. State applications of ac series motor.
Modifications are necessary in a dc series motor so that it operates satisfactorily
1 Mark for
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on ac supply. The modifications are as follows: each of any

1) AC series motor is built with a few field turns as possible in order to reduce three points
series field impedance. = 3 Marks
2) A.C series motor is provided with a large number of poles with less flux per
3) The motor is provided with large number of armature conductors to
compensate the reduced field and to develop the required torque.
4) The air gap is made very small because of weak field.
5) All parts of the magnetic circuit of an a.c series motor must be laminated to
reduce the eddy current losses.
6) A.C series motors are designed to operate on low frequency, low voltage
7) The armature coils are single turn coils and brushes of less width are used.
8) The compensating winding is provided in the pole faces of an a.c series
motor to neutralize the armature reaction effect.
9) The motor is suitable for low voltage. It requires transformer to operate it.
10) Inter poles are provided for good commutation, high efficiency and high
11) Use of high resistance carbon brushes are made.
12) Width of brushes is kept small to avoid sparking.
Application of A.C Series Motor:
1) Electric traction 1 Mark for
2) Stone crushing machine each of any
3) Washing machine three
4) Mixers and grinders applications
5) High speed vacuum cleaners = 3 Marks
6) Sewing machines
7) Food processors
8) Drilling machine

6 Attempt any TWO of the following. 12

a) Define armature reaction in an alternator. Explain the effect of armature reaction

at various P.F. of loads of alternator.
Armature Reaction:
The effect of armature flux on main flux is called as armature reaction. 1 Mark
Armature Reaction at Various Power Factors:
When armature is loaded, the armature flux modifies the air gap flux & its angle
(electrical) with respect to main flux depends on the load power factor. This is
illustrated in waveform diagram as shown below :

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2 Marks for

a) When the load p.f. is unity, the effect of armature reaction is wholly distorting.
In other words, flux in air gap is distorted but not weakened. As shown in
figure, at unity p.f., armature flux is 90 electrically behind the main flux. The
result is that the total flux is strengthened at trailing pole tips and weakened at
leading pole tips. However the average flux in the air gap practically remains 3 Marks for
unaltered. explanation
b) When the load p.f. is zero lagging, the effect of armature reaction is wholly
demagnetizing. In other words the flux in air gap is weakened. As shown in
figure, at zero p.f. lagging, the armature flux and main flux are in direct
opposition with each other resulting in considerably reduction in air gap flux
and hence generated emf.
c) When the load p.f. is zero leading, the effect of armature reaction is wholly
magnetizing. In other words the flux in air gap is increased. As shown in
figure at zero p.f. leading the armature flux and main flux are in phase with
each other resulting in considerably increased in air gap flux.
d) For intermediate values of load p.f. the effect of armature reaction is partly
distorting and partly weakening for inductive loads which is shown in figure
for 0.7 lagging p.f. For capacitive loads the effect of flux is partly distorting
and partly strengthening.
OR Equivalent Diagrams & Explanation

b) Draw and explain „V‟ and „inverted V curves‟ for synchronous motor.
‘V curves’ and ‘inverted V curves’ for Synchronous Motor:
V curve:
V curve is a plot of the stator current versus field current for different constant
loads. The graph is plotted between the armature current Ia and field current If at
no load. This curve is known as V curve because the shape of this curve is
similar to the letter “V”. For higher values of field current the power factor is
leading whereas for lower values of field current the power factor is lagging.
Similar curves are plotted for various constant loading conditions. When such

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number of V-curves are plotted, the unity power factor line is locus of minimum
armature current. The family of curves for different loads are as shown below:

3 Marks for
diagram and
of V curves

Inverted V Curve:
When the power factor is plotted against field current for any constant load, the
3 Marks for
shape of the graph looks like an inverted V. Such curves obtained by plotting p.f. diagram and
against field current at various constant load conditions, are called Inverted V- explanation
curves of synchronous motor. The highest point on each of these curves indicates of inverted
unity power factor. V curves

c) List different starting methods of three phase synchronous motor. Explain any
one of them.
Different Starting Methods of Three Phase Synchronous Motor:
As synchronous motor is not self starting, different methods of starting are as 1 Mark for
follows: each =
1) By using an Induction (Pony) motor 3 Marks
2) By using a DC Machine / Source
3) By using Damper windings
1) By using an Induction (Pony) motor:

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A small induction motor (pony motor) is directly coupled with the synchronous
motor. The number of poles of the induction motor should be less than the
synchronous motor. First supply is given to the pony motor, when it rotates the
rotor of the synchronous motor near to the synchronous speed, the main switch
and DC switch of synchronous motor are closed. The rotor poles of synchronous
motor are pulled into synchronism. After that, supply to the pony motor is
disconnected and it can be de-coupled from the synchronous motor shaft.
2) By using a DC Machine / Source:
A DC machine is coupled to the synchronous motor. The DC machine works like
a DC motor initially and brings the synchronous motor near to synchronous
speed. The main switch and DC switch of synchronous motor are closed. The 3 Marks for
rotor poles of synchronous motor are pulled into synchronism. Once it is any one
achieved, the DC machine can be operated like a DC generator and DC power methods
generated can be supplied to the rotor of the synchronous motor.
3) By using Damper Windings:
In this method, the motor is first started as an induction motor and then starts
running as a synchronous motor after achieving synchronous speed. For this,
damper windings are used. Damper windings are additional windings consisting
of copper bars placed in the slots in the pole faces. The ends of the copper bars
are short-circuited. These windings behave as the rotor of an induction motor.
When 3 phase power is supplied to the motor, the motor starts running as an
induction motor at a speed below synchronous speed. After some time DC
supply is given to the field winding. The rotor gets pulled into synchronism and
starts running at constant speed as a synchronous motor.

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