Nagaland State Report Resource 2020
Nagaland State Report Resource 2020
Nagaland State Report Resource 2020
Prepared by
The State of Nagaland, situated in the Northeast of India, comprises of hilly terrain
bordered in parts of the west by low lying, alluvial tracts adjoining the State of Assam.
It has three neighbouring states, Arunachal Pradesh on north, Assam on west and
Manipur on south. The State is located in the northern extension of the ArakanYoma
ranges representing orogenic upheavals in this part of the country during Cretaceous
and Tertiary periods. The state is largely a hilly region and the highest mountain in the
state is Saramati which is 3841 m above mean sea level.
Nagaland has large multicoloured hilly terrain in the north eastern part of India. The
hills are steep and are separated by rivers which flow either to the east orwest creating
deep gorges between the hill ranges. Inspite of good rainfall in the state, the major part
of rainfall is lost as surface run-off except Dimapur valley. Hence, there is acute
shortage of water during the summer. The prominent sources of water are streams,
small rivers, springs and nallas which also act as main contributors to the ground water
storage. There is necessity to assess the ground water resource potential of the state
periodically for scientific planning of its development. Keeping this objective in view,
the ground water resource potential of Nagaland has been reassessed based on
‘Ground Water Resource Estimation Methodology – 2015’ (GEC’15).
This report presents the Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Nagaland estimated
based on GEC’2015 in web based IN-GRESS software with base year as 2020. The
present assessment has been done for eleven districts. The annual extractable groundwater
resources is 1.95 BCM, of which annual allocation for domestic needs up to 2025 is
0.02 BCM and 1.93 BCM is available for irrigation and other uses. Present stage of
ground water extraction in the state is only
The estimation of dynamic groundwater resources for Arunachal Pradesh was jointly done
by the Directorate of Geology and Mining, Govt. of Nagaland and Central Ground Water Board,
North Eastern Region. The efforts made by the scientists of Central Ground Water Board, North
Eastern Region, Guwahati and Directorate of Geology and mining, Govt of Nagaland are
I firmly believe that the report will throw light on the Future Ground Water
Availability for various uses including irrigation and domestic sectors and help the
planners and policy makers in the ground water sector to formulate future ground
water extraction and sustainable management plan for the state of Arunachal
Chapter 1.Introduction 1
PLATES:37 - 39
1. Administrative map
2. Hydrogeology map
3. Categorization of Assessment units
1.1 Background for re estimating the Ground Water Resources of Nagaland State
The previous assessment of ground water resources of Nagaland was carried out in 2017. The
ground water resource of the state of Nagaland has been re-assessed based on the ‘Ground
Water Resource Estimation Methodology – 2015’ (GEC’15).
The Annual extractable ground water resource was worked out as 198398.85 Ham. The
current gross ground water extraction for all uses was estimated as 1960.14 in 2017 and the
Stage of Ground Water Development was 1.04%.
The ground water resource of the state has been re-estimated by Central Ground Water
Board, North Eastern Region based on GEC’2015 for the assessment year as on March 2020.
The State Level Committee for re-estimation ground water resources as on March 2020 has
been constituted by the Nagaland State Government vide office order no GM-25G&M1/2020,
dated 19.10.2020 (Annexure- I).
Geologically the state is covered by rocks ranging in age from Pre-Cretaceous to Recent. The
rock sequences comprise the geosynclinal facies, represented by the Disang Group, the Barail
Group, the Surma Group, the Tipam Group, the Namsang formation and the Dihing Group.
While the Disang and Surma Group of rocks are mainly argillaceous, the Barail and Tipam
groups are arrenacious. The Girujan clay formation overlying the Tipam sandstones is
characterised by typical blue, mottled clay and argillaceous sand stone beds. Older rocks
occupy southern parts of the State whereas younger rocks are exposed in the northern parts.
Narrow, intermontane and open valleys are found to occur in part bordering Upper reaches of
Brahmaputra flood plains of Assam. The valleys are mostly structurally controlled. Rock
types found in valley areas comprise clay, sand pebble, cobble and boulder assemblages of
unconsolidated nature.
The consolidated formations are confined to the south eastern part of the State along the
Burma (Myanmar) border and the unconsolidated alluvial plains in the northern part of the
The state of Nagaland enjoys sub-tropical humid climate with maximum temperature upto
38o C and minimum winter temperature goes down to 2.2o C. Humidity is very high ranging
from 74 to 87%. Nagaland experiences the influence of the South West Tropical monsoon
which persists from May to September, with occasional winter showers. The average annual
rainfall of the state is recorded to be 1738 mm. The average number of rainy days in the state
is around 135 days, varying from 60 to 190 days.
having yield prospects varying from 10 to 20 m3/hr. The valleys underlain by Tipam
sandstones form good aquifers with yield prospects varying from 30 to 80 m3/hr. In the
consolidated formations, ground water abstraction structures can be constructed in
structurally weak zones.
Ground water at deeper levels is found to occur under semi-confined to confined conditions.
Auto flow zones have also been identified in some parts of the state. Ground water emerges
as perennial springs which are the main source of water supply for domestic needs in the
Exploration carried out by CGWB infers that yield potential of deep tube well in the valley
fill and alluvial formations ranges from 3 to 62 m3/hr for considerable drawdown. The
transmissivity ranges from 9 m2/day to more than 300 m2/day and permeability range varies
from 0.4 m/day to 5 m/day.
Hydrogeological studies conducted by the CGWB infer that the deep tube wells can be
constructed in alluvial, valley fill deposits and structurally weak zones of the semi-
consolidated and consolidated formations. Development of perennial springs and providing
storage for better supply can be adopted in the hilly areas.
The previous ground water resources assessment of the state was done based on the
recommendations of Ground Water Estimation Committee – 2017 (GEC’17) as on March
2017. Ground water resources assessment of the state was done based on the
recommendations of Ground Water Estimation Committee – 2017 (GEC’17) as on March
The revised methodology GEC 2015 recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment.
Ground water resources have two components – Replenishable ground water resources or Dynamic
ground water resources and In-storage resources or Static resources.GEC 2015 recommends
estimation of Replenishable and in-storage ground water resources for both unconfined and
confined aquifers. Wherever the aquifer geometry has not been firmly established for the
unconfined aquifer, the in-storage ground water resources have to be assessed in the alluvial areas
up to the depth of bed rock or 300m whichever is less. In case of hard rock aquifers, the depth of
assessment would be limited to 100m. In case of confined aquifers, if it is known that ground water
extraction is being taken place from this aquifer, the dynamic as well as in-storage resources are to
be estimated. If it is firmly established that there is no ground water extraction from this confined
aquifer, then only in-storage resources of that aquifer has to be estimated.
Keeping in view of the rapid change in ground water extraction, the GEC 2015 recommends that the
resources should be assessed once in every three years. In addition, there will be an estimation of
ground water extraction after the second year of each assessment.
This methodology recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment. An essential
requirement for this is to demarcate lateral as well as vertical extent and disposition of different
aquifers. A watershed with well-defined hydrological boundaries is an appropriate unit for ground
water resource estimation if the principal aquifer is other than 44 alluvium. Ground water resources
worked out on watershed as a unit, may be apportioned and presented on administrative units
(block/taluka/mandal/ firka). This would facilitate local administration in planning of ground water
management programmes. Areas occupied by unconsolidated sediments (alluvial deposits, aeolian
deposits, coastal deposits etc.) usually have flat topography and demarcation of watershed
boundaries may be difficult in such areas.
Even if the demarcation is done, this may lead to trans boundary movement of ground water
because of excessive pumping in one of the watersheds. Until Aquifer Geometry is established on
appropriate scale, the existing practice of using watershed in hard rock areas and blocks/mandals/
firkas in soft rock areas may be continued.
It is recommended that ground water recharge may be estimated for the entire assessment unit. Out
of the total geographical area of the unit, hilly areas wherever slope is greater than 20% are to be
identified and subtracted as these areas have more runoff than infiltration. The hilly areas wherever
slope is more than 20% may be demarcated using DEM data and geomorphological maps. This would
allow the valleys, terraces, plateaus occurring within >20% slope zone to be considered for recharge
computations. It is quite likely that with hilly areas, densely forested area may also be excluded; this
may affect to some extent ground water losses caused due to transpiration by deep rooted trees in
the area of assessment. Apart from this it is also important that the areas where the quality of
ground water is beyond the usable limits (for drinking water in particular) in terms of salinity is to be
identified and handled separately. This methodology recommends that after the assessment is done,
a quality flag may be added to the assessment unit for parameters salinity, fluoride and arsenic.
In inhabited hilly areas, where surface and sub-surface runoff is high and generally water level data
is missing, it is difficult to compute the various components of water balance equation. Hence, it is
recommended that wherever spring discharge data is available, the same may be assessed as a
proxy for ‘ground water resources’ in hilly areas. The assessment of spring discharge would
constitute the ‘replenishable potential ground water resource’ but it will not be accounted for in the
categorization of ground water assessment, at least not in the near future.
The ground water resource beyond the permissible quality limits in terms of the salinity has to be
computed separately. The remaining area after excluding the area with poor ground water quality is
to be delineated as follows:
(a) Non-command areas which do not come under major/medium surface water irrigation schemes.
(command area <100 Ha in the assessment unit should be ignored)
(b) Command areas which come under major/medium surface water irrigation schemes which are
actually supplying water (>100 Ha of command area in the assessment unit.)
It is proposed to have all these areas of an assessment unit in integer hectares to make it national
database with uniform precision.
The ground water resources of any assessment unit is the sum of the total ground water availability
in the principal aquifer (mostly unconfined aquifer) and the total ground water availability of semi-
confined and confined aquifers existing in that assessment unit. The total ground water availability
of any aquifer is the sum of dynamic ground water resources and the in-storage or static resources
of the aquifer.
As mentioned earlier, assessment of ground water includes assessment of dynamic and in-storage
ground water resources. The development planning should mainly depend on dynamic resource only
as it gets replenished every year. Changes in static or in-storage resources reflect impacts of ground
water mining. Such resources may not be replenishable annually and may be allowed to be extracted
only during exigencies with proper recharge planning in the succeeding excess rainfall years.
The methodology for ground water resources estimation is based on the principle of water balance
as given below –
ΔS – Change is storage
T- Transpiration
E- Evaporation
B-Base flow
It is recommended that ground water recharge should be estimated on ground water level
fluctuation and specific yield approach since this method takes into account the response of ground
water levels to ground water input and output components. This, however, requires adequately
spaced representative water level measurement for a sufficiently long period. It is proposed that
there should be at least three spatially well distributed observation wells in the assessment unit, or
one observation well per 100 sq. Km.
Water level data should also be available for a minimum period of 5 years (preferably 10years),
along with corresponding rainfall data. Regarding frequency of water level data, two water level
readings, during pre and post monsoon seasons, are the minimum requirement. It would be ideal to
have monthly water level measurements to record the peak rise and maximum fall in the ground
water levels. In units or subareas where adequate data on ground water level fluctuations are not
available as specified above, ground water recharge may be estimated using rainfall infiltration
factor method only. The rainfall recharge during non-monsoon season may be estimated using
rainfall infiltration factor method only.
The ground water level fluctuation method is to be used for assessment of rainfall recharge in the
monsoon season. The ground water balance equation in non-command areas is given by
ΔS – Change is storage
T- Transpiration
E- Evaporation
B-Base flow
Whereas the water balance equation in command area will have another term i,e,
ΔS – Change is storage
Sy - Specific Yield
Y=mx+c equation Rainfall Infiltration Factor method
The rainfall recharge estimation based on Water level fluctuation method reflects actual field
conditions since it takes into account the response of ground water level. However the ground water
extraction estimation included in the computation of rainfall recharge using water level fluctuation
approach is often subject to uncertainties. Therefore, it is recommended to compare the rainfall
recharge obtained from water level fluctuation approach with that estimated using rainfall
infiltration factor method. Recharge from rainfall is estimated by using the following relationship –
A = Area in Hectares
R = Rainfall in mm
a = Minimum threshold value above which rainfall induces ground water recharge in mm
It is suggested that 10% of Normal annual rainfall may be taken as minimum rainfall
threshold and 3000 mm as maximum rainfall limit. While computing the rainfall recharge, 10% of the
normal annual rainfall is to be deducted from the monsoon rainfall and balance rainfall would be
considered for computation of rainfall recharge. The same recharge factor may be used for both
monsoon and non-monsoon rainfall, with the condition that the recharge due to non-monsoon
rainfall may be taken as zero, if the normal rainfall during the non monsoon season is less than 10%
of normal annual rainfall. In using the method based on the specified norms, recharge due to both
monsoon and non monsoon rainfall may be estimated for normal rainfall, based on recent 30 to 50
years of data.
Recharge from other sources constitutes recharges from canals, surface water irrigation,
ground water irrigation, tanks & ponds and water conservation structures in command areas where
as in non-command areas it constitutes the recharge due to surface water irrigation, ground water
irrigation, tanks & ponds and water conservation structures are possible.
RC=WA * SF * Days
WA=Wetted Area = Wetted Perimeter X Length of Canal Reach.
Recharge due to applied surface water irrigation, either by means of canal outlets or by lift irrigation
schemes is to be estimated based on the following formula:
Recharge due to applied ground water irrigation is to be estimated based on the following formula:
AWSA= Average Water Spread Area
It is recommended to compute the evaporation through field studies. If field studies are not
possible, for areas with water levels within 1.0mbgl, evaporation can be estimated using the
evaporation rates available for other adjoining areas. If depth to water level is more than 1.0mbgl,
the evaporation losses from the aquifer should be taken as zero.Transpiration through vegetation
can be estimated if water levels in the aquifer are within the maximum root zone of the local
vegetation. Even though it varies from place to place depending on type of soil &vegetation, in the
absence of field studies the following estimation can be followed. If water levels are within 3.5m bgl,
transpiration can be estimated using the transpiration rates available for other areas. If it is greater
than3.5m bgl, the transpiration should be taken as zero.
The sum of the recharge/ accumulations during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons is the total
annual ground water recharge/ accumulations for the sub unit.
The sum of normalized monsoon rainfall recharge and the recharge from other sources and
lateral and vertical flows into & out of the sub unit and stream inflows & outflows during monsoon
season is the total recharge/ accumulation during monsoon season for the sub unit.
Similarly, this is to be computed for all the sub units available in the assessment unit.
The rainfall recharge during non-monsoon season is estimated using rainfall infiltration factor
Method only when the non-monsoon season rainfall is more than 10% of normal annual rainfall. The
sum of non-monsoon rainfall recharge and the recharge from other sources and lateral and vertical
flows into & out of the sub unit and stream inflows & outflows during non-monsoon season is the
total recharge/ accumulation during nonmonsoon season for the sub unit. Similarly, this is to be
computed for all the sub units available in the assessment unit.
The Total Annual Ground Water Recharge cannot be utilised for human consumption, since
ecological commitments need to be fulfilled, before the extractable resources is defined. The
National Water Policy, 2012 stresses that the ecological flow of rivers should be maintained.
Therefore, ground water base flow contribution limited to the ecological flow of the river should be
determined which will be deducted from Annual Ground Water Recharge to determine Annual
Extractable Ground Water Resources (EGR). The ecological flows of the rivers are to be determined
in consultation with Central Water Commission and other concerned river basin agencies.
B= Base Flow
Unit Draft Method: In this method, season-wise unit draft of each type of well in an assessment unit
is estimated. The unit draft of different types (eg. Dug well,Dug cum bore well, shallow tube well,
deep tube well, bore well etc.)is multiplied with the number of wells of that particular type to obtain
season-wise ground water extraction by that particular structure.
Crop Water Requirement Method: For each crop, the season-wise net irrigation water requirement
is determined. This is then multiplied with the area irrigated by ground water abstraction structures.
Power Consumption Method: Ground water extraction for unit power consumption\ (electric) is
determined. Extraction per unit power consumption is then multiplied with number of units of
power consumed for agricultural pump sets to obtain total ground water extraction for irrigation.
Unit Draft Method: In this method, unit draft of each type of well is multiplied by the number of
wells used for domestic purpose to obtain the domestic ground water extraction.
Consumptive Use Method: In this method, population is multiplied with per capita consumption
usually expressed in litre per capita per day (lpcd). It can be expressed using following equation.
The Load on Ground water can be obtained from the Information based on Civic water supply
agencies in urban areas.
3.10.3 Ground water Extraction for Industrial use (GEIND):
Unit Draft Method: In this method, unit draft of each type of well is multiplied by the number of
wells used for industrial purpose to obtain the industrial ground water extraction.
Consumptive Use Pattern Method: In this method, water consumption of different industrial units is
determined. The number of Industrial units which are dependent on ground water are multiplied
with unit water consumption to obtain ground water extraction for industrial use.
The load on ground water for industrial water supply can be obtained from water supply agencies in
the Industrial belt.
Stage of Ground Water Extraction (%)= Existing gross ground water extraction for all uses x 100
The estimation of ground water extraction is likely to be associated with considerable uncertainties
as it is based on indirect assessment using factors such as electricity consumption, well census and
area irrigated from ground water. Annual Extractable Ground Water Resources also has
uncertainties due to limitations in the assessment methodology, as well as uncertainties in the data.
In view of this, it is desirable to validate the ‘Stage of Ground Water Extraction’ with long term trend
of ground water levels.
needs reassessment
≤70% Safe
Command Fresh
N = population density in the unit in thousands per sq. km.
The water available for future use is obtained by deducting the allocation for domestic use and
current extraction for Irrigation and Industrial uses from the Annual Extractable Ground Water
The spring discharge is equal to the ground water recharge minus the outflow through evaporation
and evapotranspiration and vertical and lateral sub-surface flow. Thus, Spring Discharge is a form of
‘Annual Extractable Ground Water Recharge’. It is a renewable resource, though not to be used for
Q= Spring Discharge
In the area where the ground water level is less than 5m below ground level or in waterlogged areas,
the resources up to 5m below ground level are potential and would be available for development in
addition to the annual recharge in the area. It is therefore recommended that in such areas, ground
water resources may be estimated up to 5m bgl only assuming that where water level is less than
5m bgl, the same could be depressed by pumping to create space to receive recharge from natural
D = Depth to water table below ground surface in pre-monsoon period in shallow aquifers.
SY = Specific Yield
Ground water recharge from a flood plain is mainly the function of the following parameters-
This methodology recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment. An essential
requirement for this is to demarcate lateral as well as vertical extent and disposition of different
aquifers. Aquifer wise resource assessment of the state of Nagaland is not possible due to
unavailability of adequate data.
Also as per the recommendations Ground water resources worked out on watershed as a unit, is to
be apportioned and presented on administrative units (block/taluka/mandal/ firka) but the required
block level information is not available for the state for the assessment of resources ob block level.
During the reassessment of ground water resources as on March 2020, districts as on census 2011
has been considered as assessment units. The areas having a slope of more than 20% are identified
and subtracted from the total geographical area (area as per 2011 census) of the district as these
areas have more runoff than infiltration. The remaining area of each district is considered as
recharge worthy area and accordingly ground water resource for that area in each district is
It is recommended that ground water recharge may be estimated for the entire assessment
unit. Out of the total geographical area of the unit, hilly areas wherever slope is greater than
20% are to be identified and subtracted as these areas have more runoff than infiltration. The
hilly areas wherever slope is more than 20% may be demarcated using DEM data and
geomorphological maps.
No poor ground water quality zone has been demarcated in the state.
As per GEC’15 methodology Ground water draft is renamed as ground water extraction.
Gross ground water extraction includes ground water extraction from all exixting ground
water structures from irrigation and domestic uses and from industrial uses bith during
monsoon and non monsoon season.
4.5.1 Domestic extraction:
The domestic draft for the state of Nagaland has been calculated as per data and information
on drinking water status in rural from 2011 census.
The total number of irrigation structures is taken from Minor Irrigation census (2013-2014).
The districtwise average unit draft for industries is calculated from ground water extraction
demand placed by various industries for issuance of no objection certificate (NOC) from
Central Ground Water Authority. The industrial draft has been calculated only for Dimapur,
Mokokchung and Zunheboto districts since data is available only for these three districts.
The total annual ground water recharge of the area is the sum-total of monsoon and non-
monsoon recharge. An allowance is kept for natural discharge (as per GEC’97) in the non-
monsoon season by deducting 5% of total annual ground water recharge, if WLF method is
employed to compute rainfall recharge during monsoon season and 10% of total annual
ground water recharge if RIF method is employed before getting the annual extractable
ground water resource.
Stage of Ground water = Existing Gross Ground water Draft for all uses X 100
Development (%) Net annual Ground water Availability
Water level data is available only for the district Dimapur but the results could not be
validated using water level fluctuation method because the data is not continuous.
The net annual ground water availability is to be apportioned between domestic, industrial
and irrigation uses. Among these, as per the National Water Policy, 2012, requirement for
domestic water supply is to be accorded priority. The ground water requirement for domestic
water supply is to be kept based on projected population to 2025. The GEC’ 15 methodology
provides following empirical formula for allocation of ground water for domestic
A = 22 * N * Lg
Lg= Fractional Load on ground water for domestic and industrial water supply
( 1.0)
The net ground water available for future use is obtained by deducting the allocation for
domestic use and current extraction for Irrigation and Industrial uses from the Annual Extractable
Ground Water Recharge.
Additional potential recharge for spring discharge could not be calculated as requisite data
like spring discharge/number of days running is not available.
MARCH 2020
5.1 Total Resources of the state
The total annual ground water recharge in the state of Nagaland is 216653.51 Ham. The
Annual extractable ground water resource of the state worked out to be 194988.14 Ham after
deducting the natural discharge during non-monsoon season. Current annual gross ground
water extraction for all uses is 2023.18 Ham. The Net Ground water availability for future
use is estimated to be 192805.8 Ham.
The over-all stage of ground water development of the state is 1.04%. All the districts of the
state fall under safe category.
5.3 Comparison with the earlier ground water resources estimate and reasons for
Significant departure from earlier estimates
A comparison is made between the previous estimate based on GEC’15 as on 2017 and
present estimate based on GEC’15 as on March, 2020 and presented in tabular statement
given below.
The comparison depicts that there is a decrease in total annual net ground water recharge by
about 3789.7 Ham in the 2020 estimate. This marginal change in ground water recharge is
mainly due to refinement of data
Comparison between ground water resources estimation for Nagaland for 2015 (based
on GEC’15) and 2020 (based on GEC’15)
Sl. ITEM GEC’15 (2017) GEC’15 (2020) COMPARISON
No poor ground water quality zone has been demarcated in the state.
5.5 Additional Annual Potential Recharge in Shallow Water and flood prone areas
Additional annual potential recharge in shallow water areas has not been calculated due to
non-availability of data.
The Automation of dynamic ground water resource estimation of Nagaland for the year 2019-
20 has been done through IN-GRES software (India Ground Water Resource Estimation
System). IN-GRES is the common portal to input, estimate, analyze, and access static and
dynamic groundwater resources. India GEC system will take Data Input through Excel as
well as through Forms, compute various Ground water components (recharge, draft, flux,
etc.), classify assessment unit into appropriate categories, develop visibility dashboards for
each of the components. System allows user to view the data in both MIS as well as GIS
view. User can also download the reports in formats like CGWB, etc.
India GEC system is divided into 3 modules – Input, Computation and Output.
i. Input module – Input Module refers to the Data Entry module at an Assessment Unit level.
Data Input is done via 2 methods i.e.
a. Excel based input – In this, the user needs to download District level data sheet template
where he/she can fill the data at an Assessment Unit level. User now needs to upload their
fully filled excel sheet into the system.
b. Form based input – In this, the user is shown a form and he/she can fill/edit the data in
data sheet in an online mode. Once user is done with editing online, he/she can Submit the
data file.
ii. Computation module – Computation Module refers to the ground water calculations for
an assessment unit. These computations are based on GEC 2015 methodology and are used to
calculate Annual Extractable Ground Water Resource, Total Current Annual Ground Water
Extraction (utilization) and the percentage of ground water utilization with respect to
recharge (stage of Ground Water Extraction) for an assessment unit. Based on these
percentages an assessment unit is categorized into Safe, Semi-critical, Critical and Over-
exploited categories.
iii. Output module Once categorized the data is shown in two views:
a. MIS Dashboard – MIS dashboard shows the results of the assessment for the entire India,
and also State wise in tabular form. The MIS dashboard shows all type of recharges,
extractions, inflows and outflows computed for both monsoon and non-monsoon periods of
the year and then reflect the overall stage of extraction at the selected Geo-Zoom Level.
b. GIS Dashboard – GIS dashboard shows the data in Web Geo-Server format, implemented
in interactive GIS platform allowing user to all GEC related information in the map itself.
GIS view represents the data on India map and color codes each District/Assessment unit
based on the categorization.
Type of Ground Water Assessment Unit and Characteristics of Ground Water Year
Name of State / Union Territory
Ground Water Assessment Year
If predominant monsoon is, ‘South – west’, The time when it usually commences (late May or early June/
Late May or Early June
3 late June or early July)
Type of Ground Water Assessment Unit ( Block / Taluka / Mandal / Firka/ Watershed )
Ground Water Year (June to May / July to June October to September) June to May
Monsoon Season (June to September / July to October / October to December / June to December) June to September
Non – monsoon Season (October to May / Novermber to June / January to September / January to May) October to May
(in ham)
Sl Name of Type of rock Areal extent
No Ground Water formation
Assessment Unit (in hectares)
Total Hilly Area Ground Water Recharge Worthy Area Shallow Flood
Geographical Water Table Prone
Area Area Area
Command Non- Poor ground
area command water quality
area area
1 Kohima Semi-consolidated 146300 23422.96 Nil 122877 NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
Command NA NA NA NA
Poor GW Quality NA NA NA NA
District Population 2011 Decadal growth Population as
on 2020
Sl Ground Water Irrigation Domestic Water Supply Industrial Water Supply ‘All Uses’
no Assessment
Unit Monsoon Non- Annual Consumptive Use Method Unit Draft Method Annual Annual
1 DIMAPUR 063.25 145.59 208.84 342.05 473.95 816 1.08 1.62 2.7 406.38 621.16 1027.54
3 KOHIMA 0 0 0 92.14 127.67 219.81 0.24 0.36 0.6 92.38 128.03 220.41
5 MOKOKCHUNG 0 0 0 30.33 42.02 72.35 0.012 0.108 0.12 30.342 42.128 72.47
Total 759.11 1051.81 1810.92 1.14 2.23 3.42 823.692 1199.488 2023.18
Rainfall recharge in hectare Recharge from Other Sources’ in Resultant Flows into the Sub
meters (ham) hectare meters (ham) Unit in hectare meters (ham) Total annual Annual
Area of ground water Extractable
Ground Water the sub During During Annual During During Annual During During recharge/ Ground Water
Flows in
Sl Assessment Unit unit monsoon non - monsoo non - monsoo non - accumulation Resource in
hectare meters
no (ha) season monsoo n monsoon n monsoo Annual s in hectare hectare
n season season season n meters meters(ham)
season season
DIMAPUR 71167 19077.02 3711.57 22788.59 17106.7 1651.68 18758.4 4,161.19 37,450.66
0 0 0
1 2 41,611.85
2 KIPHERE 90312 3227.86 1428.31 4656.17 4797.3 246.78 5044.08 0 0 0 9,700.25 970.03 8,730.22
3 KOHIMA 122877 9012.81 1481.68 10,494.49 6448.32 326.16 6774.48 0 0 0 17,268.97 1,726.89 15,542.08
4 LONGLENG 36389 2883.22 399.66 3,282.88 3431.34 176.04 3607.38 0 0 0 6,890.26 689.03 6,201.23
5 MOKOKCHUNG 136933 10684.55 2989.47 13,674.02 6511.14 480.6 6991.74 0 0 0 20,665.76 2,066.58 18,599.18
6 MON 155100 8986.71 1950.44 10,937.15 8138.04 1100.28 9238.32 0 0 0 20,175.47 2,017.55 18,157.92
7 PEREN 141527 7437.65 2033.58 9,471.23 6352.62 565.44 6918.06 0 0 0 16,389.29 1,638.93 14,750.36
8 PHEK 182492 8700.39 2644.2 11,344.59 2360.16 462.78 2822.94 0 0 0 14,167.53 1,416.76 12,750.77
9 TUENSANG 229966 17944.92 5009.35 22,954.27 7117.02 450.9 7567.92 0 0 0 30,522.19 3,052.21 27,469.98
10 WOKHA 139599 11598.37 2920.56 14,518.93 7516.68 437.4 7954.08 0 0 0 22,473.01 2,247.31 20,225.70
11 ZUNHEBOTO 102786 8020.13 2243.98 10,264.11 6283.98 240.84 6524.82 0 0 0 16,788.93 1,678.89 15,110.04
107573.63 26812.8 134386.43 76063.3 6138.9 82202.2 0 0 0 216653.51 21665.37 194988.14
Total 8
Other Hazardous
Area effected by
Area effected by Area effected by parameters
Sl Ground Water Area of the sub Fluoride in Quality tag For the
Salinity in Arsenic in present in the sub
no Assessment Unit unit (ha) mappable sub unit
mappable patches mappable patches unit in mappable