GW Resources of Delhi-2023
GW Resources of Delhi-2023
GW Resources of Delhi-2023
October 2023
CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD, केन्द्रीय भूमि जल बोर्ड,
STATE UNIT OFFICE-DELHI, राज्य एकक कायाडलय,
MINISTRY OF JAL SHAKTI जल शक्ति िंत्रालय,
DEPARTMENT OF WR, RD & GR, जल संसाधन, नदी विकास एिं जल संरक्षण विभाग,
This report will serve as useful tool for administrators, planners and
government authorities in decision support and planning of ground water
development schemes and management and regulation of this precious resource.
(S.K. Mohiddin)
Head of Office,
CGWB, SUO, Delhi
पश्चिमी ब्लॉक-2, व िंग-3, सैक्टर-1 आर. के. परु म, नई दिल्ली-110066. िरू भाष: (011)-20861123 ई मेल:-
West Block-2, Wing-3, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. Ph. No. (011)-20861123 E mail:
As on March, 2023
Assessment of ground water resources of NCT Delhi is based on the hydrogeological data
collected during the field investigations carried out by the scientists of Delhi State Unit
Office, CGWB and extraction & artificial recharge data gathered from State Government
Agencies. Main Contributors are – Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of NCT
Delhi; Irrigation and Flood Control Department, Govt. of NCT Delhi; Delhi Jal Board;
Census of India, 2011; Indian Meteorological Department; New Delhi Municipal
Corporation; Delhi Cantonment Board; DMRC, Delhi Parks & Garden Societies; Delhi
Pollution Control Committee. NWIC (National Water Informatics Centre, Ministry of Jal
Shakti has also extended great help in spatial distribution of geo referenced extraction data.
However, Indian Railways & CPWD has not provided any data and have been used in this
report on pro rate basis.
The computation of the dynamic ground water resource of NCT Delhi and preparation of the
report has been done by the team lead by Sh. Vijayakumar, Scientist-B in association with
Sh. V. Praveen Kumar, AHG under the active supervision and guidance of Sh. S.K.
Mohiddin, Officer In-charge, CGWB, SUO-Delhi.
This year CGWB is using online software IN-GRES to assess Dynamic Ground Water
Resource as on 31 March 2023 using all input data of 2022.
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background of Ground water Resources Estimation ............................................ 1
1.2. Previous Ground Water Resource Estimation of NCT Delhi ............................... 2
1.3. Constitution of State Level Ground Water Coordination Committee ................. 3
1.4. Brief outline of the meetings of the SGWCC, NCT Delhi ..................................... 3
2. NCT DELHI: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ........................................................... 6
2.1. Administrative Setup of NCT Delhi ........................................................................ 6
2.2. Population & Land use ............................................................................................. 6
2.3. Hydrometeorology ..................................................................................................... 8
Climate .............................................................................................................................. 8
Rainfall .............................................................................................................................. 9
Rainfall Analysis .............................................................................................................. 9
Other Climatic Parameters ........................................................................................... 11
2.4. Physiography & Drainage ...................................................................................... 12
2.5. Geomorphology ....................................................................................................... 13
2.6. Geology ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.1. Alluvium Aquifer ............................................................................................. 15
2.6.2. Hard Rock Aquifer .......................................................................................... 16
2.7. Hydrogeology and Subsurface Aquifer Dispositions ........................................... 16
2.8. Fresh –Saline Ground Water Interface ................................................................. 18
2.9. Basement Topography ............................................................................................ 20
3. DEPTH TO WATER LEVEL ......................................................................................... 21
3.1. May 2022 .................................................................................................................. 22
3.2. August 2022.............................................................................................................. 23
3.3. November 2022 ........................................................................................................ 24
3.4. January 2023............................................................................................................ 25
3.5. Seasonal Water Level Fluctuation: 2022-23 ......................................................... 26
3.5.1. May 2022 to August 2022 ................................................................................ 27
3.5.2. May 2022 to November 2022 (Pre & Post Monsoon).................................... 28
3.5.3. May 2022 to January 2023 .............................................................................. 29
4. GROUND WATER QUALITY IN NCT DELHI ........................................................... 30
4.1. Groundwater Quality Monitoring ......................................................................... 30
4.2. Electrical Conductance ........................................................................................... 31
5. “INDIA-Groundwater Resource Estimation System (IN-GRES)” .................................. 33
6. GEC 2015 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 34
6.1. Concept of Aquifer Wise Assessment .................................................................... 34
6.1.1. Periodicity of Assessment ................................................................................ 34
6.1.2. Ground water Assessment Unit & Sub Units ................................................ 34
6.1.3. Ground Water Resources of Assessment of Unit .......................................... 35
6.2. Assessment of Annually Replenishable or Dynamic Ground water Resources 35
6.2.1. Rainfall Recharge............................................................................................. 35
Water Level Fluctuation (WLF) Method .......................................................... 36
Normalization of Rainfall Recharge .................................................................. 37
Rainfall Infiltration Factor (RIF) Method ........................................................ 37
Percent Deviation ................................................................................................. 37
6.2.2. Recharge from other Sources ......................................................................... 38
Recharge from Canals ......................................................................................... 38
Recharge from Surface Water Irrigation .......................................................... 38
Recharge from Ground water Irrigation .......................................................... 39
Recharge due to Surface Water Bodies ............................................................. 39
Recharge due to Water Conservation Structures ................................................... 39
6.2.3. Recharge During Monsoon Season................................................................. 40
6.2.4. Recharge During Non-Monsoon Season ........................................................ 40
6.2.5. Total Annual Ground Water Recharge ......................................................... 40
6.2.6. Annual Extractable Ground Water Recharge (EGR) .................................. 40
6.3. Estimation of Ground water Extraction ............................................................... 40
6.3.1. Normalization of Ground water Extraction .................................................. 41
6.3.2. Components of Ground water Extractions.................................................... 41
Ground Water Extraction for Irrigation (GEIRR) .......................................... 41
Ground water Extraction for Domestic Use (GEDOM) .................................. 42
Ground water Extraction for Industrial use (GEIND) .................................... 42
6.4. Stage of Ground water Extraction ......................................................................... 42
6.4.1. Validation of Stage of Ground water Extraction .......................................... 42
6.4.2. Categorization of Assessment Units ............................................................... 43
6.4.3. Allocation of Ground water Resource for Utilization .................................. 44
6.4.4. Net Annual Ground Water Availability for Future Use .............................. 44
6.5. Ground water Assessment in Urban Areas........................................................... 44
6.6. Ground water Assessment in Water Level Depletion Zone ................................ 45
7. GROUND WATER RESOURCE ESTIMATION 2023 ................................................. 46
7.1. Data Sources and Constraint for Various Data Elements ................................... 46
7.2. Assessment Unit Area ............................................................................................. 47
7.3. Norms Followed in the Assessment GWRE 2023 ................................................. 48
7.3.1. Specific Yield .................................................................................................... 49
7.3.2. Rainfall Infiltration Factor ............................................................................. 49
7.3.3. Norms for Canal Recharge ............................................................................. 51
7.3.4. Norms for Recharge Due to Other Sources ................................................... 51
7.3.5. Norm for Future Allocation for Domestic Use .............................................. 52
7.3.6. Norm for Natural Discharges ......................................................................... 52
7.4. Results of Groundwater Resources Estimation 2023 ........................................... 52
7.4.1. Annual Groundwater Recharge ..................................................................... 52
7.4.2. Annual Extractable Groundwater Recharge .................................................... 52
7.4.2. Annual Groundwater Extraction ................................................................... 52
7.5. Stage of Groundwater Extraction and Categorization of Assessment Units ..... 53
7.7. Comparison of GWRE 2023 with Previous GWREs of NCT Delhi ................... 62
8. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................... 67
List of Tables
1. Previous Ground water Resources Estimation.
2. Composition – State Ground water Coordination Committee, NCT Delhi.
3. 3a. Details of Administrative Units of NCT Delhi
3b. Area, Population & Details of Towns, Villages, NCT Delhi.
3c. Utilization of Lands in NCT Delhi.
4. Sources of Irrigation & Irrigated Area (2021-22), NCT Delhi
5. Climate Seasons – NCT Delhi
6. Climatological Parameters of NCT Delhi.
7. Rainfall Probability
8. Generalized Stratigraphy of NCT Delhi.
9. Monitoring wells showing seasonal fluctuation in water level
10. Validation Criteria for Stage of Ground water Extraction (SGWE), GEC 2015.
11. Criteria for Quantity and Quality Based Category, GEC 2015.
12. Data Sources Used in Ground water Resources Estimation 2023, NCT Delhi.
13. Basic Details of Assessment Units of NCT Delhi-GWRE 2023.
14. Specific Yield Norms, GEC 2015 Methodology.
15. Rainfall Infiltration Factor Norms, GEC 2015 Methodology.
16. Norms Adopted in GWRE 2023 of NCT Delhi.
17. Month & Season wise IMD Rainfall Data for NCT Delhi.
18. Norms for Recharge from Canal & Other Water Bodies
19. Assessment Unit Wise Dynamic Ground water Resource Estimation 2023, NCT Delhi
(Fresh Component).
20. District Wise Dynamic Ground Water Resources Estimation 2023, NCT Delhi.
21. Category Wise Assessment Unit Percentage.
22. District Wise Annual Extractable Resource of Different Categories.
23. Category Wise Recharge Worthy area of Assessment Units
24. Categorization of Assessment Units, GWRE 2023.
25. Improved List of Assessment Units from GWRE 2022.
26. Deteriorated List of Assessment Units from GWRE 2022
27. Comparison of GWREs of NCT Delhi.
List of Figures
1. Previous Ground water Resources Estimation.
2. Map - Administrative Units of NCT Delhi.
3. Utilization of Land in NCT Delhi (2021-22).
4. Land Utilization and Area Under Irrigation, NCT Delhi (2021-22).
5. Climatological Data (IMD), NCT Delhi.
6. Isohyetal map-NCT of Delhi.
7. Plot of Annual Rainfall, Departure & Cumulative Departure.
8. Rainfall Probability Curve-NCT of Delhi.
9. Digital Elevation map of NCT Delhi.
10. Map - Rivers and Drainage of NCT Delhi.
11. Map - Geomorphology of NCT Delhi.
12. Map - Geology of NCT Delhi.
13. Map showing Locations of Exploratory wells.
14. Disposition of Aquifer System in NCT Delhi.
15. Map – Spatial Distribution of Fresh Ground water Zones - NCT Delhi.
16. Panel Diagram showing Aquifer Disposition in NCT Delhi.
17. Map - Depth to Bedrock - NCT Delhi.
18. Monitoring Wells Vs Water level Range:2022-23
19. Monitoring Wells Vs Water level Range:2022-23 (Pie Chart)
20. Map – Pre-monsoon (May 2022) Ground water Levels - NCT Delhi.
21. Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage-May 2022
22. Depth to Water Level Map, August 2022
23. Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage-August 2022
24. Map – Post-monsoon (November 2022) Ground water Levels - NCT Delhi.
25. Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage-November 2022
26. Depth to Water Level Map, January 2023
27. Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage-January 2023
28. Seasonal Water Level Fluctuation
29. Seasonal Fluctuation Map, May-2022-August 2022
30. Fluctuation in Water Level May-2022-August 2022: Area Coverage
31. Seasonal Fluctuation Map, May-2022-November 2022
32. Fluctuation in Water Level May-2022-November 2022: Area Coverage
33. Seasonal Fluctuation Map, May-2022-January 2023
34. Fluctuation in Water Level May-2022-January 2023: Area Coverage
35. Ground Water Quality Samples, NCT Delhi.
36. Electrical Conductivity in Ground Water, NCT Delhi
37. Distribution of EC in Ground Water May 2022: Area Coverage.
38. INGRES Dashboard
39. Map – Categorization of Tehsils as per GWRE 2023, NCT Delhi.
40. Comparison of GWREs of NCT Delhi.
List of Annexure
I. State level Ground Water Coordination Committee, NCT Delhi
II. Minutes of the first meeting of State Ground water Coordination Committee.
III. Minutes of the second meeting of State Ground water Coordination Committee.
IV. Minutes of the third meeting of State Ground water Coordination Committee.
Ground water Resources Estimation plays a pivotal role in effective implementation and
monitoring of various guidelines issued by Govt. of India & State Governments. In view of
the substantial changes observed in ground water resource scenario throughout the country,
there is an emphasis has been laid in National Water Policy on periodic reassessment of
ground water resources of the entire country for quantification, sustainable development and
The ‘National Water Policy 2012 adopted by the Government of India regards water as a
scarce natural resource, fundamental to life, livelihood, food security and sustainable
development. It emphasizes that the efforts to develop, conserve, utilize and manage this
resource must be guided by the national perspective. Correspondingly, safe water for drinking
and sanitation is considered as pre-emptive needs, followed by high priority allocation for
other basic domestic needs including needs of animals, achieving food security, supporting
sustenance agriculture and minimum eco-system needs.
NCT Delhi being urban area wherein space for natural recharge is reducing abreast with
infrastructural development both over the surface & under the surface posing challenges to
planners and scientist to accurately assess Dynamic Ground Water Resource of NCT Delhi.
The subsurface infrastructure developments (construction of double/triple basements,
underground metro tunnel, Station, roads etc.) are also causing imbalance in natural sub
surface flow of ground water.
As early as in 1972, guidelines for an approximate evaluation of ground water potential were
circulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India to all the State Governments
and financial institutions. The guidelines recommended norms for ground water recharge
from rainfall and from other sources. The first attempt to estimate the ground water resources
on a scientific basis was made in 1979. A High-Level Committee, known as ‘Ground water
Over Exploitation Committee’, was constituted by then Agriculture Refinance and
Development Corporation (ARDC). This Committee recommended definite norms for ground
water resources computations. In the year 1982, Government of India constituted “Ground
water Estimation Committee” (GEC) with the members drawn from various organizations
engaged in hydrogeological studies and ground water development. In 1984 this Committee,
after reviewing the data collected by central and state agencies, research organizations,
universities, etc., recommended the methods for ground water recharge estimation. This is
popularly known as GEC 1984. This was the first methodology which dealt with the subject
exhaustively and assessed the resources on a rebust method. This methodology was in
practice for next 12 years. In the year 1996, Government of India again constituted “Ground
water Estimation Committee” (GEC) with the members taken from various organizations
engaged in hydrogeological studies and groundwater development. In 1997 this Committee,
after reviewing the data collected by central and state agencies, research organizations,
universities, etc. recommended the methods for ground water recharge estimation. This is
popularly known as ‘GEC 1997’. Subsequently, GEC 1997 was revised and present
methodology in vogue is 2015. GEC 2015 recommends aquifer wise Ground Water resource
assessment to which demarcation of lateral as well as vertical extent and disposition of
different aquifers is pre-requisite. Keeping in view of the rapid change in ground water
extraction, GEC-2015 recommends resources estimation once in every three years.
1.2. Previous Ground Water Resource Estimation of NCT Delhi
The Ground water Resources of NCT Delhi was estimated first time in year 1991 as per GEC
1984 methodology taking into consideration then 9 districts area as ‘Assessment Unit’ and
then in year 2004 as per GEC 1997 methodology. Tehsil wise ground water resources
estimation was undertaken during 2009, 2011 and 2013 for then 27 Tehsils of 9 district of
NCT Delhi and for 34 tehsils of 11 districts and 1 non- revenue district during 2017, 2020
and 2022. The summarized details of all such previous resource estimation of NCT Delhi is
presented in Table 1 and depicted graphically in Figure 1.
Total Annual 29154 29710 31501 31050 34192 30090 31811.76 41051.64
Total Ground 16840 47945 39619 39215 38785 35990 29032.77 36267.14
Stage of Ground 58 161 125 126 113 119 101.4 98.16
Year of GW Assessment
GW Recharge in Ham Gw Extraction in Ham Stage of GW Development
1.3. Constitution of State Level Ground Water Coordination Committee
Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal
Shakti, Govt. of India constituted a Central Level Expert Group (CLEG) for overall re
assessment of ground water resources of the country as on 31st March 2023. Accordingly, a
State Level ‘State Ground Water Coordination Committee’ (SGWCC) was constituted by the
Government of NCT, Delhi vide order no. 16 F-16 (554)/UD/W/2015/Vol-II/314-316 dated
07th March, 2023 for re-estimation of ground water resources as on March 2023 with 15
members under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Urban Development, GNCTD
(Annexure-I). The list of members of the Committee constituted at the State level for re-
estimation of ground water resources is given in the Table 2.
First meeting of the State Level Committee (SLC), NCT Delhi was held on 06 April, 2023
under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Urban Development, Govt. of NCT, Delhi.
During the meeting CGWB gave background information on groundwater resource
estimation and its importance and it was agreed that authenticated information about revised
administrative units (33 tehsils/11 districts) in terms of its boundary, geographical area,
population and related land use data may be obtained from concerned District Magistrate
offices of NCT, Delhi. It was decided that Ground water Resource Estimation for the year
2023 would be taken up in these 33 Tehsils of 11 districts & one non-revenue unit (Nazul
land) of NCT Delhi. Further, it was agreed that Ground water Resource Assessment 2023
would be taken up as per revised methodology of GEC, 2015. CGWB highlighted that the
assessment of the Ground water Resources requires multiple data pertaining to groundwater
Extraction & recharge from various department / agencies of GNCT Delhi. In this respect,
numbers of departments /agencies of GNCT Delhi, namely DJB, CPWD, NDMC, DCD,
DDA, DMRC, PWD, I&FC, GSDL, Delhi Cantonment, Department of Industries etc., were
identified for providing the requisite input data.
Principal Secretary, Urban Development advised that all the concerned state govt.
departments must co-operate to provide the necessary data to CGWB in the format provided
by CGWB. The minutes of the first meeting are annexed at Annexure (II).
Second meeting of the SGWCC was held on 06th June, 2023 under the Chairmanship of Sh.
K.S. Meena, Special Secretary, Urban Development, Govt. of NCT, Delhi. Brief account of
status of data provided by various state departments to CGWB was deliberated and problems
being faced for preparation of GWRA. During the meeting, timeline and this process needs to
be completed by 31.07.2023 and same has to be approved by SLC by 15.08.2023.Chairman
of SGWCC has enquired about the department wise data submission and problems for not
submitting the data. And chairman has directed all the departments to provided geo-reference
data as per the decisions taken as early as possible to CGWB, so that Ground Water
Estimation process could be initiated and finalize the Ground water Resources report of NCT,
Delhi as per the data/information provided to CGWB. The minutes of the 2nd meeting is
annexed at Annexure (III).
Third & final meeting of SGWCC (State Level Groundwater Coordination Committee) held
on 28th August 2023 for approval of dynamic ground water resource as on March 2023.
Officer In charge, CGWB, Delhi State Unit Office made a presentation regarding
methodology adopted, processing of ground water extraction & recharge data and outcome of
INGRES. Tehsil wise Category as Safe, Semi-critical, Critical and Over Exploited as on
March 2023 was also presented. The Committee approved the Dynamic Ground Water
Resource 2023 estimated by CGWB unanimously. The minutes of the 3rd meeting is annexed
at Annexure (IV).
The National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi is spread in an area of 1483 and lies
between 28°24’15’’ & 28°53’00’’ North Latitudes and 76°50’24” & 77°20’30” East
Longitudes, covered under Survey of India Toposheet Nos. 53D and 53H. It is surrounded on
three sides by two States, i.e., on North, West and South by Haryana and in the East across
the river Yamuna by Uttar Pradesh.
Figure: 2
Administrative Map : NCT of Delhi Haryana
11 Districts & 33 Tehsils
North District 10
0km 2km 4km 6km
Uttar Pradesh
28.75 16
1 North
North West District East
17 11
Haryana 15 19
18 14
31 34 Shahdra
West District 21
3 2
32 33
4 East
8 7 34 5
South West District 28
New Delhi District
9 22 26 27
South East
28.5 Haryana
Legend 23
Tehsil Boundary 24
District Boundary Yamuna
State Boundary River South District
T E H S I12 L N A M E Haryana
34 NAZUL LAND Map Complilation : P R Gupte, Sr HG (Sc D)
77 77.25
Table 3a: Details of Administrative Units - NCT of Delhi
Sr.No. District Name Tehsil Name
Non-Revenue Unit Area NAZUL LAND
Table 3b: Area, Population & Details of Towns and Villages: NCT of Delhi
Area & Population
Total Area: 1483 Total Population: 167,87,941 persons
Urban Area: 1114 (75%) Urban Population: 163,68,899 (98 %)
Rural Area: 369 (25 %) Rural Population: 4,19,042 ( 2 %)
Details of Towns - Urban Area
Statutory Towns: 3
New Delhi Municipal Council: Area 42.74; Population: 2,57,803
Delhi Cantonment Board: Area 42.97; Population: 1,10,351
Delhi Municipal Corporation
Census Towns: 110 - (List – Details Annexure I)
DMC & Census Town Area: 1028 Population: 160,00,745
Land utilization data for year Table: 3c Utilization of Land in Delhi (2020-21) Area in Hectares
2021-22 reveals that out of Area according to Land use Records (Exclude Forest) 147488
1474.8 areas accounted for Area not Available for Cultivation 92700
Land Records in NCT of Delhi, (a) Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use - 76218
more than 57 % area is not (b) Barren and Uncultivated Land 16482
available for cultivation whereas Other Uncultivated Land 11124
only 192.25 is available (a) Permanent Pasture & Other Grazing Land 61
for cultivation and nearly 435 sq. (b) Land Use Under Miscellaneous Uses 1170
km is gross cropped / agriculture (c ) Cultivable Waste Land 9893
areas. Nearly 6 % of total area is Fallow Land 19225
under forest, cover mostly Net Area Sown 29000
notified ridges and other forest Area Sown more than once 18850
pockets under DDA & Total Cropped Area 47850
government forest land. Break up
Area Under Forest 9453
of land utilization is presented in
(a) Forest Under DDA 1281
Table 3b & 3c and depicted
(b) Notified Ridge Forest 7784
graphically in Figure 3.
(c ) Other Forest Area 388
2.3. Hydrometeorology
The climate of NCT Delhi is mainly influenced by its inland position and the
prevalence of air of the continental type during the major part of the year. Extreme
dryness with the intensely hot summer and cold winter are the characteristics of the
climate. Only during the three- monsoon months July, August, and September does air
of oceanic origin penetrate to this state and causes increased humidity, cloudiness and
precipitation. The year can broadly be divided into three seasons (Table 5). Data on
long-term average climatologic parameters covering monthly maximum / minimum
temperature, relative humidity, evaporation and rainfall for NCT of Delhi is given in
Table 6 and presented graphically in Fig 5.
Table 5: Climate Seasons in NCT of Delhi
Season Begin End
Cold/Winter End of November Middle of March
Summer Middle/End of March End of June
Rainy season Early July September
Figure. 5
The normal rainfall in NCT Delhi is 794 mm. The rainfall in NCT Delhi increases
from the southwest to the northwest (Fig. 4). About 81% of the annual rainfall is
received during the monsoon months July, August and September. The rest of the
annual rainfall is received as winter rains and as thunderstorm rain in the pre and post
monsoon months. The variation of rainfall from year to year is large.
Rainfall Analysis
Rainfall analysis of 34 years annual rainfall of data and probability analysis data is
plotted in figure 7 & 8 and its finding, about probability of occurrence of quantum of
rainfall with various probabilities is presented in Table 7.
Figure. 6
(Period 1930-80)
Raingauge Station
Rainfall in mm
900 mm 800 mm 700 mm 600 mm 500 mm 400 mm 300 mm
77 77.25
Rainfall in mm
0.00 600
-1.00 0
1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
Probability % Rainfall in mm
10% 922
20% 840
30% 778
40% 718
50% 664
60% 618
70% 562
80% 520
90% 476
Probability of
exceeding of Normal 58%
A perusal of rainfall data from 1984 to 2021 shows that NCT Delhi received deficient
rainfall during last 21 years corresponding to mild to severe drought conditions (Annexure-
II). Severe drought with departure of 50% was experienced in the year 1989. Normal
drought, departure 25 to 50 % was experienced during year 1986,1987, 2002 and recently
during 2014. Whereas, Mild drought, departure up to 25%, was experienced during the year
1984, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004 to 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2015 to 2022. The
probability analysis shows that probability of rainfall exceeding normal rainfall of 669 mm
is up to 48 % whereas there are 90 % chance that rainfall would limit to 476 mm. Overall,
the rainfall in Delhi is highly variable and which in turn affects the natural recharge to
ground water from year to year. The effect of climate change is visible since 2019 onwards.
The rainfall events are intense & more frequent during monsoon months with less no. of
rainy days.
Other Climatic Parameters
The cold season starts after second week of November when both day and night temperature
drop rapidly with the advance of the season. January is the coldest month during which mean
daily maximum and minimum temperature varies between 21.3°C to 7.3°C. In the winter
months when western disturbances pass over North India, minimum temperatures may
sometimes go down to the freezing point of water. From about the middle of March,
temperature begins to rise rapidly. May and June are the hottest months. While day
temperature is higher in May the nights are warmer in June. From April the hot wind known
locally as ‘loo’ blows and the weather is unpleasant. In May and June maximum temperature
may sometimes reach 46°C or 47°C. With the advance of the monsoon into the area towards
the end of June or the beginning of July day temperatures drop appreciably while the night
temperatures remain high. In October the day temperatures are as in the monsoon months,
but the nights are cooler.
The air over Delhi is dry during the greater part of the year. Humidity is high in the
monsoon months. April and May are the driest months with relative humidity of about 30%
in the morning and less than 20% in the afternoons.
During the monsoon especially in July and August skies are heavily clouded and often overcast. In
the rest of the year skies are clear or lightly clouded. But in the months January, February and early
March skies become cloudy by western disturbances.
Winds are generally light during the post monsoon and winter months. They strengthen during the
summer and monsoon months. Except during the monsoon months, winds are predominantly from a
westerly or northwesterly direction and tend to be more northerly in the afternoon. Easterly and
southeasterly winds are more common in the monsoon months.
2.4. Physiography & Drainage
NCT of Delhi represents a mature topography with vast, gently undulatory plains dominated by
Yamuna River, low linear ridges and isolated hillocks. Physiography of Delhi is dominated by the
Yamuna river, the Aravalli range, and the plains in between formed by alluvium deposits of Recent
age. The SSW- NNE trending Aravalli Ranges are designated as Delhi Ridge, occupy the South-
Central part of Delhi and extend up to western bank of Yamuna River near Okhla in the south and
Wazirabad in the north-east. Ecologically, the Aravalli Ridge acts as a barrier between the Thar
desert and the plains and slows down the movement of dust and wind from the desert. In NCT
Delhi, the ridge area is covered with forests, acts as city’s lungs and help maintain its environment.
This green belt, a natural forest, has a moderate influence on temperature, besides bestowing other
known benefits to the people.
The area towards east of ridge has a gentle slope of 3.5 m/km towards Yamuna. The area towards
west of ridge representing Older Alluvial Plain is mostly covered by sand dunes and has a westerly
slope. Yamuna River flows across Delhi in a south- southeasterly direction with vast flood plain,
marked by a bluff of 3 to 4 m on either bank. Digital Elevation Model Map of Delhi is presented in
Fig. 9. Surface elevation varies from 332 m above mean sea level at the ridge to 62 m above mean
sea level at river Yamuna. The low-lying Yamuna flood plains, with an elevation as low as 198 m
amsl, provide fertile alluvial soil suitable for agriculture but are prone to recurrent floods.
The Yamuna River flowing in a southerly direction in the eastern part of the NCT of Delhi is the
only perennial river in the area besides the number of micro watersheds originating from the
Figure: 10
River & Drainage
NCT of Delhi
0 Km 2 Km 4 Km 6 Km
North Dist
Central Shahdra
West Dist
South East
77 77.25
quartzite ridge. The drainage on the East of the ridge enters river Yamuna, whereas on the West, it
enters natural depressions located in Najafgarh Tehsil of South-West district. The NCT of Delhi can
be divided into seven sub basins, ultimately discharging into the Yamuna (Fig. 10), namely (i) The
Najafgarh Drain is about 39 Km long, flows North-Easterly and joins Yamuna River at Wazirabad
in North Delhi. (ii) Supplementary drain, (iii) Barapullah drain (iv) Wild life sanctuary area, (v)
Drainage of Shahadra area, (vi) Bawana drain basin, (vii) Other drains directly out falling into river
Yamuna on right bank. Swamp areas are common along the flood plains of Yamuna.
2.5. Geomorphology
The ground water availability in NCT of Delhi indirectly relates with its distinct landform units,
which in turn represent underlying intrinsic geological features. Map showing these landforms of
NCT of Delhi are presented in Fig. 11. All these landforms of NCT, Delhi can be grouped into three
broad geomorphic units: namely Rocky surface, Older Alluvial Plain and Flood Plain of Yamuna
Rocky Surface: The rocky surface represents structurally controlled relict linear ridges and
isolated hillocks comprising of rocks of Delhi Supergroup. This distinct landform comprising of
isolated hills is most prominent in the South- and South-Central parts, extends from Mahipalpur to
Wazirabad in the north. Towards south of Mahipalpur the ridge gets bifurcated, one arm extends
towards Mandi and further south while the other arm takes a turn towards southeast and extends
uptoTughlakabad- Greater Kailash-Nehru Place and Okhla. It attains a maximum elevation of 362
m amsl which gradually diminishes towards north where rocks are exposed on the western bank of
Yamuna near Wazirabad.
Older Alluvial Plain: The gently undulatory terrain on either side of the rocky surface is described
as Older Alluvial Plain. This surface is separated from the Yamuna Flood Plain by a bluff.
Depending upon the morphological expressions / features, this unit is further divided into different
subunits: namely, (i) Najafgarh Older Alluvial Plain, (ii) Delhi Older Alluvial Plain and (iii)
Maidan Garhi Plain. Najafgarh Older Alluvial Plain occupying western and southwestern part of
the region is partly covered by sand dunes and sandy sheets. The gently sloping surface including
the covered pediment along the eastern flank of the ridge represents the Delhi Older Alluvial Plain.
Maidan Garhi Plain is a relatively higher plain surface and forms part of Chhatarpur Basin. A
narrow zone of badland has formed mostly along the western margins of structural ridges due to
intense development of gullies and rills.
Flood Plain of river Yamuna: The low-lying flat surface representing the Flood Plain of river
Yamuna occupying northern, northeastern and eastern parts of the NCT is an important
geomorphic unit. North of Narela, the width of flood plain varies from 15 to 17 km. The wider
Older Yamuna flood plain indicates lateral migration of river Yamuna over large areas. This belt
has good potential for ground water development. It forms the erosional terrace. The Yamuna
Active Flood Plain represents the wide belt bounded on both the sides by Eastern and Western
bunds and is naturally prone to annual / periodic floods being in the flood way and flood fringe
zone of river Yamuna. It forms depositional terrace and is characterized by abandoned channels,
cut-off meanders, meander scrolls, point bars and channel bars. Presence of number of cut- off
meanders in the Yamuna Flood Plain suggests oscillatory shifting of river. The lakes near
Bhalsawa, Kondli and Khichdipur are remnants of large meanders.
2.6. Geology
The rock formations exposed in the National Capital Territory of Delhi are mainly quartzite
interbedded with thin bands of micaceous schist. These Proterozoic age rocks occur along the
ridge, extending from Harchandpur (Haryana) in the South to Wazirabad (Delhi) in the North.
Quaternary sediments consisting alluvium deposit directly overlie the Proterozoic rocks.
Systematic geological and geomorphologic studies carried out by the Geologists of Geological
Survey of Indiahas revealed three Stratigraphic horizons and underlying three distinct
lithostratigraphic units of NCT Delhi. The highest of these is the erosional surface forming the top
of denudational hills. The second surface is Older Alluvial plain and the third is depositional
Younger Alluvial plain (Yamuna). All three lithostratigraphic units corresponding them have
undergone changes due to widespread and uncontrolled urban activity over the period. The
geological map of Delhi after Kachroo and Bagchi (1999), showing these main units is shown in
Fig. 12 and generalized stratigraphy of NCT of Delhi is presented in Table 8.
Table 8: Generalized Stratigraphic Units of NCT Delhi (compiled after GSI Study)
Unconsolidated, inter-bedded lenses of sand, silt gravel and clay confined
Newer Alluvium to narrow flood plains of Yamuna river and Aeolian deposit of South
Alluvium Delhi.
Unconsolidated thickness varies upto 300m. Interbedded, inter-fingering
Older Alluvium deposits of sand, clay and kankar, poor to moderately sorted.
Well stratified, thick bedded, brown to buff colour, hard and compact,
Delhi Super Group Alwar Quartzite intruded locally by pegmatite and quartz veins interbedded with mica
Figure: 12
In NCT Delhi region, exposures of the oldest litho-stratigraphic unit, the Delhi Quartzite ridge acts
as main recharge zone to subsurface aquifer system. The Quaternary deposits in the form of
aeolian and alluvial deposits are the major repository of ground water in the area. These two main
hydrogeological units constitute main aquifer system for NCT Delhi.
Central Ground Water Board had been engaged in Ground Water Exploration in National Capital
Territory of Delhi since its inception in 1972 and till date more than 327 boreholes are drilled out of
which 151 are Exploratory Well (EW), 176 are Observation Well (OW) / Piezometers (Pz) / Slim
holes. Locations of exploratory boreholes are shown in Fig. 13. All these boreholes were electrically
logged to identify granular zones with fresh ground water and other lithological characteristics of
subsurface litho units. All these studies have revealed that there is distinct variations in sub surface
lithology characteristics and thickness of individual subunits of the main aquifer zone, within the
Younger and Older alluvium deposits of NCT Delhi (refer Fig. 12) which make the aquifer geometry
of Delhi complicated and complex. Younger Alluvium confined to the flood plains of Yamuna River
and also along the courses of major streams, comprises of clay/silt mixed with small mica flakes, and
medium to coarse-grained sand and gravel whereas Older Alluvium comprises interbedded and
lenticular deposits of clay, silt and sand ranging from very fine to very coarse with occasional kankar.
In general, the Younger alluvium, the disposition of different sediments particularly the pervious layer
constituting the unconfined aquifer is well delineated in the Yamuna flood plain area while in the older
alluvium, the disposition of different lithological units is not well defined, and they are heterogeneous
in nature, making it difficult to identify the deep aquifer zones which are regionally extensive, both
vertically and laterally. In the Yamuna flood plain, Younger Alluvium thickness is about 40m thick and
underlain with silty clay with kankar whereas the thickness of the Older Alluvium, mainly west of
Delhi Ridge is highly variable and is dependent mainly on the configuration of the basement; at
Shahbad Mohammadpur near IGI airport the thickness of the older alluvium is 560 meters overlying
the bed rock. Whereas in areas underlain by hard rock units, mainly South, South East, Parts of New
Delhi and Central district of NCT of Delhi, the aquifers are defined by the presence of fractured zones
at different depths. These fractured zones at places are locally well defined but not regionally
The subsurface configuration of aquifers, in entire NCT of Delhi has been deciphered on basis of
available lithological and geophysical logs of exploratory wells drilled by Central Ground Water
Board under the Ground Water Exploration Programme. To mark the aquifer geometry, on the basis of
these litholog data, the different sediments i.e. clay, silt, kankar and different grades of sand, and their
admixture has been categorized as pervious (silt + kankar + sand) and impervious (mostly clay with
some silt + kankar). In the areas underlain by hard rock formation, upper most wreathed regolith and
quartzite with fractured zones at different depths and associated mica schist band constitutes unique
Figure: 14
Figure : 13
Perusal of Fig. 16 shows that in the South West district of NCT Delhi, bedrock is encountered at
many places i.e. in Dhansa, Samalkha, Kabul lines, Jhuljhuli where fresh/saline water interface
also varies greatly in entire area. All along the Najafgarh Drain and two depressions i.e.,
Gummanhera & Pindwalan Kalan, fresh water layer is somewhat deeper i.e. up to 35 m bgl but rest
of the area is having thin layer of fresh water i.e. up to the depth 25 to 28 m bgl only. In the
western parts of the district, the thickness of fresh water zone is limited. At a few locations like
Dhansa, the saline ground water is present at a very shallow depth and as we move towards areas
in the eastern part of the district, where hard rock is present, the thickness of fresh water aquifers is
more, and fresh-saline water interface occurs at deeper depth i.e. generally around 80 to 90 m bgl.
At Rajokri, the depth of fresh-saline water interface has been observed to be 150 m bgl.
In West district, the depth of fresh-saline interface varies from 25 to 50 m bgl. The depth of fresh
water zone varies from 10 to 45mbgl. The thickness of fresh water aquifers is more at places like
Dichaon Kalan and Kakrola and fresh-saline interface is at deeper depths. While in the areas
around Janakpuri, Mundka, the saline water is present at shallow depths.
In South district, depth of fresh-saline water interface varies from 75 to 100 mbgl. The thickness of
fresh water zone varies from 30 to 85 m. At locations like Gadaipur, Bhatti and Munirka, fresh
water aquifers are followed by hard rock (Delhi quartzite). In Southeast district, at places around
Madanpur Khadar, the thickness of fresh water zones is limited. Here, fresh water aquifers are
followed by saline water zone and bedrock is encountered at depth of around of 300 m.
In North West district, the depth of fresh-saline water interface varies greatly. The thickness of
fresh water aquifers is limited in this district. At locations like Auchandi, Qutabgarh&Bankner, the
saline water is present at shallower depths. In areas along Yamuna Flood Plain, fresh-saline water
interface is at deeper depth i.e., around 40 to 70 m bgl, whereas in rest of the area it is 22 to 40 m.
No bedrock has been observed up to the depth of 250 mbgl.
In Northeast district, thickness of fresh water aquifers is more in areas around Yamuna Flood
Plain. The depth of fresh-saline water interface in Yamuna Flood Plain ranges between 32 and 50
mbgl whereas in rest of the area, it ranges from 25 to 38 m bgl.
In New Delhi and Central Districts, fresh water sediments are followed by saline water and then by
quartzites (Delhi Ridge). In East & Shahdara districts, thickness of fresh water aquifers is more at
locations like Kalyanpuri, Kondli and Shakurpur up to 60 mbgl.
Figure. 17
The analysis of number of monitoring wells in the different categories of the water levels for all four
monitoring periods of year 2022-23 (January, May, August & November) reveals that zone (shallow
aquifer) having depth to water level up to 5 meters bgl varies considerably over two monitoring
periods which shows that upper zone (shallow aquifer) is actively responding to stresses on ground
water system. The changes in water levels in the depth range of 5mbgl to 10mbgl and 10mbgl to
20mbgl and >20 mbgl, during 3 monitoring period as compared to May is not prominent. This may be
interpreted as stressed water level conditions suppressing dynamic changes in water levels. Whereas
number of monitoring stations showing water level below 40 m remain almost same in all four-
monitoring period, indicating very high stressed water conditions in deep aquifers (Hard Rock Aquifer)
of NCT Delhi
Figure. 18
Monitoring Wells Vs Water Level Range:2022-23
No. of Monitoring Wells
40 35 36 38
30 28 28 30 27 25
24 22
20 15 17 15
10 9 7 6
5 7 7 6
0 to 2m >2 to 5m >5 to 10m >10 to 20m > 20 to 40m >40m
Water Level Depth Range (WL in m BGL)
May-22 Aug-22 Nov-22 Jan-23
No. of Wells/
3.1. May 2022
The Depth to water level recorded in NCT Delhi during May-2022 ranges from 1.25 mbgl at
Ranikhera to 66.01 mbgl at Gadaipur. A map showing May 2022 ground water levels in NCT of
Delhi is given in Fig. 19 and areas under various depth zones is presented in Fig. 20. Around 16% of
NCT Delhi have shallow water level up to 5 m bgl which falls in parts of North West, North, West,
South East and South West. Deep water levels of 20mbgl to 66 mbgl is observed in around 17% of
NCT Delhi, which falls mainly in South & New Delhi districts &small pockets of South West, North
East and West districts. In rest of NCT Delhi i.e. 67%of areas have water level ranging between
5mbgl to 20 mbgl.
Figure. 20
63, 4%
0-5 m bgl
244, 16%
(Area in sq 13% > 5-10 m bgl
Area %) > 10-20 m bgl
393, 27%
587, 40%
> 20-40 m bgl
3.2. August 2022
The Depth to water level recorded in NCT Delhi during August-2022 ranges from 0.43 mbgl
at Rani Khera to 66.51 mbgl at Gadaipur. A map showing August 2022 ground water levels in
NCT of Delhi is given in Fig. 21 and areas under various depth zones is presented in Fig. 22.
Around 18% of NCT Delhi areas have shallow water level up to 5 m bgl which falls in parts
of North, North West, Central, South East and South West districts. Deep water levels of 20
to 66mbgl observed in around 18% of NCT Delhi, which falls in South West, North, North
East & East districts. In rest of NCT Delhi, 64 % areas have water level in range of 5 to 20
Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage - August 2022
75, 5%
3.3. November 2022
The Depth to water level recorded in NCT Delhi during November-2022 ranges from 0.62mbgl at
Rani Khera to 66.75 mbgl at Gadaipur. A map showing November 2022 ground water levels in NCT
of Delhi is given in Fig. 23 and areas under various depth zones presented in Fig. 24. Around 19% of
NCT Delhi, which falls in parts of North, North West, Northeast, South East, Central, West and
Southwest districts have shallow water level up to 5 m bgl. Deep water levels of 20 to 66mbgl
observed in around 17% of NCT Delhi, which falls in South, North East, Shahdara, West, New Delhi
& South West districts. In rest of NCT Delhi, 64 % areas have water level in range of 5 to 20 mbgl.
Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage - November 2022
43, 3%
3.4. January 2024
The Depth to water level recorded in NCT Delhi during January-2023 ranges from 0.96mbgl at
Rohini Sector-23to 66.6 mbgl at Gadaipur. A map showing January 2023 ground water levels in
NCT of Delhi is given in Fig.25 and areas under various depth zones presented in Fig. 26. Around
18% of NCT Delhi, which falls in parts of North, North West and some small pockets of South East
Central & Southwest districts have shallow water level up to 5 m bgl. Deep water levels of 20 to 67
mbgl observed in around 17% of NCT Delhi, which falls in South, South East, New Delhi, West,
North, East & South West districts. In rest of NCT Delhi, 65 % areas have water level in range of 5
to 20 m bgl.
Figure. 26
Figure. 27
Water Level Depth Zone Area Coverage - January 2023
64, 4%
262, 18%
0-5 m bgl
> 5-10 m bgl
398, 27%
(Area in sq 560, 38% > 10-20 m bgl
> 20-40 m bgl
Area %)
> 40-80 m bgl
3.5. Seasonal Water Level Fluctuation: 2022-23
The seasonal water level fluctuation, i.e. the changes in depth of water levels of August 22,
November 22 and January 23 with respect to May 22 water level reveals the effect of subsequent
utilization of groundwater for various needs like Industrial, Irrigation, Domestic etc., on overall
groundwater regime of the area. Number of wells showing change in groundwater levels in the
region over different periods is presented in Fig. 28 (a,b& c) and Table 9.
Figure: 28 a
Figure 28b
30% 25%
20% Rise
10% 2% 3% 4%
0 to 2m >2 to 4m >4m
Fluctuation in Water Level
Figure: 28 c
40% 36%
30% Fall
10% 2% 5% 4% Rise
0 to 2m >2 to 4m >4m
Fluctuation in Water Level
3.5.1. May 2022 to August 2022
A perusal of Fig. 27(a) and Table 10 reveals that comparing water levels of May 22 to August22,
total 78(66%) of monitoring wells of the NCT Delhi show a rise in water level whereas rest 34%
shows declining water level. The extent of rise and fall in water levels is shown in map presented
in Fig. 29 and in pie chart (Fig.30).
Figure. 29
Figure. 30
31, 2% 4, 0% 11, 1%
7, 1%
Fall 0-2
3.5.2. May 2022 to November 2022 (Pre & Post Monsoon)
A perusal of Fig. 27(b) and Table 10 reveals that comparing water levels of May 22 to November
22, total 84 (73%) of monitoring wells of the NCT Delhi show a rise in water level whereas rest
27 % shows fall in water level. The extent of rise and fall in water levels is shown in map
presented in Fig. 31 and in pie chart (Fig. 32).
Figure. 31
Figure. 32
40, 3% 0, 0%
118, 8% 2, 0%
3.5.3. May 2022 to January 2023
A perusal of Fig. 27c and Table 10 reveals that comparing water levels of May 22 to January 23,
total 72 (61%) of monitoring wells of the NCT Delhi show a rise in water level whereas rest 39%
shows declining water level. The extent of rise and decline in water levels is shown in map
presented in Fig. 33 and in pie chart (Fig.34).
Figure. 33
Figure. 34
Groundwater situations and groundwater quality of NCT of Delhi and it varies with depth and space.
It is mainly influenced by local geology and inherent salinity, and uneven development of
In alluvial formations, in general, the quality of ground water deteriorates with depth, which is
variable in different areas. The fresh ground water aquifers mainly exist up to a depth of 25 to 35 m
in North West, West and parts of South west districts and in minor patches in North and Central
districts. In South, Southeast & Southwest district, especially in Najafgarh Jheel area the fresh water
occurs up to a depth of 30 to 45 mbgl. A localized area located just north of Kamala Nehru Ridge
(part of Delhi ridge falling in Central District) covering area of Dhirpur, Wazirabad and Jagatpur are
characterized by shallow depth of fresh water aquifers that is in the range of 22 to 28mbgl,
regardless of proximity to River Yamuna. In the flood plains of Yamuna, in general, fresh water
aquifers exist down to depth of 30-45mbgl and especially in Palla it reaches to the depth of 60 to
75mbglbelow which brackish and saline water exists. The ground water is fresh at all depths in the
areas around the ridge falling in Central, New Delhi, South and eastern part (Ridge Area) of South-
West districts and also in Chattarpur basin. In the areas west of the ridge, in general, the thickness of
fresh water aquifers decreases towards North-West, the thickness of fresh water zone is limited in
most parts of west and southwest districts.
4.1. Groundwater Quality Monitoring
Monitoring of groundwater quality is an effort to obtain information on chemical quality through
representative sampling in different parts of NCT Delhi. Groundwater is commonly tapped from
phreatic aquifers through representative dug well / bore wells or hand pump located nearest to the
monitoring station. A total number of 66 water samples were collected from NCT of Delhi, as part of
groundwater quality monitoring work, during May 2020. List of locations and result of chemical
analysis for its basic parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, CO3, HCO3, Cl, NO3, SO4, F, Ca, Mg, TH.
Map showing locations of water sample locations is presented in Fig. 35.
The overall results of hydro chemical analysis are attached in Annexure VI(a) and Annexure
VI(b) whereas distribution of major groundwater quality parameters in NCT of Delhi are
described as under.
It is observed that nearly 32% areas of NCT Delhi falling in North, North West, West and
South West districts show EC more than 3000 µS/cm at 25°C whereas rest 68 % area has EC
in range from 0 to 3000 µS/cm at 25°C. Nearly 4% (60 sq km) areas of North East, Central,
South East & South district has EC of 0 to 750 µS/cm at 25°C (Fig. 37).
28, 2% 60, 4%
419, 28%
584, 39%
169, 12%
224, 15%
5. “INDIA-Groundwater Resource Estimation System (IN-GRES)”
The assessment involves computation of Annual Ground Water Recharge and Annual
Extractable Ground Water Resources, Total Annual Ground Water Extraction (utilization)
and the percentage of utilization with respect to Annual Extractable Ground Water Resources
(Stage of Extraction). The assessment units (blocks/taluks/mandals/tehsil/firkas etc.) are
categorized based on the Stage of Extraction (SoE) i.e ‘Safe’ if SoE < 70 %; ‘Semi-critical if
SoE> 70 and <= 90 %; ‘Critical’ if SoE>90 and <=100 % and ‘Over-exploited’ if SoE> 100
1. To provide common and standardized platform for Ground Water Resource Assessment
for the entire country based on Ground Water Resource Estimation Committee-2015
(GEC-2015) methodology.
2. Pan-India operationalization (Joint assessment by CGWB and State Ground Water/
Nodal Departments).
3. Visibility dashboards allowing user to view the data/map and download reports (Figure
Present Ground water Resource Estimation 2023 (GWRE 2023) has been carried as per
revised methodology, known as Ground water Estimation Committee 2015 (GEC 2015). The
foremost recommendations of revised GEC 2015 methodology are summarized as follows.
Detailed report on GEC 2015 is available on CGWB web site (
GEC 2015 recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment for Replenishable
ground water resources or Dynamic ground water resources and for In-storage ground water
resources or Static ground water resources for both Unconfined and Confined aquifer.
Wherever the aquifer geometry has not been firmly established for the unconfined aquifer,
the in-storage ground water resources must be assessed in the alluvial areas up to the depth of
bed rock or 300m whichever is less. In case of hard rock aquifers, the depth of assessment
would be limited to 100m. In case of confined aquifers, if it is known that ground water
extraction is being taken place from this aquifer, the dynamic as well as in-storage resources
are to be estimated. If it is firmly established that there is no ground water extraction from
this confined aquifer, then only in-storage resources of that aquifer must be estimated.
GEC 2015 methodology recommends that the ground water resources should be assessed
once in every three years as per the present practice such that time lag between assessment
and publication of the results is minimized.
GEC 2015 methodology recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment.
However, until aquifer geometry is established on appropriate scale, it recommends that the
existing practice of using watershed in hard rock areas and blocks/ mandals/ firkas in soft
rock areas may be continued. In case of NCT Delhi, Tehsil Subdivision boundary has been
considered as assessment unit. In all it is 33 Tehsils plus one Nazul Land has also been
considered as assessment unit. Hence, there are 34 assessment units in NCT, Delhi.
Like earlier GEC methodology, out of the total geographical area of the assessment unit, hilly
areas wherever slope is greater than 20%, are to be identified and subtracted as these areas
have more runoff than infiltration. No such area is identified in Delhi where slope is more
that 20%.
The ground water resource beyond the permissible quality limits in terms of the salinity has
to be computed separately. There is a small patch in NCT, Delhi where Salinity in ground
water is reported from ground level. However, saline ground water occurs at very shallow
depth. GEC 2015 methodology recommends that after the assessment is done, a quality flag
may be added to the assessment unit for parameters salinity, fluoride and arsenic. It is
proposed to have all these areas of an assessment unit in integer hectares to make it national
database with uniform precision.
6.1.3. Ground Water Resources of Assessment of Unit
The ground water resources of any assessment unit are the sum of the total ground water
availability in the principal aquifer (mostly unconfined aquifer) and the total ground water
availability of semi-confined and confined aquifers existing in that assessment unit. The total
ground water availability of any aquifer is the sum of Dynamic ground water resources and
the In-storage or Static resources of the aquifer.
GEC 2015 advocate that the development planning should be on dynamic resource only as it
gets replenished every year. Changes in static or in-storage resources reflect impacts of
ground water mining. Such resources may not be replenishable annually and may be allowed
to be extracted only during exigencies with proper recharge planning in the succeeding
excess rainfall years.
The elementary concept of GEC 2015 methodology for ground water resources estimation is
based on basic principle of water balance as given below –
Inflow – Outflow = Change in Storage (of an aquifer) 1
Equation 1 can be further elaborated as -
ΔS – Change is storage
Rrf – Rainfall recharge
RSTR- Recharge from stream channels
Rc – Recharge from canals
RSWI – Recharge from surface water irrigation
RGWI- Recharge from groundwater irrigation
RTP- Recharge from Tanks & Ponds
RWCS – Recharge from water conservation structures
VF – Vertical flow across the aquifer system
LF- Lateral flow along the aquifer system (through flow)
GE- Groundwater Extraction
T- Transpiration
E- Evaporation
B- Base flow
GEC 2015 has observed that although above mentioned components of water balance
equation are imperative, the present status of database available with Government and non-
government agencies is not adequate in most of the assessment units. Therefore, it is
proposed that at present the water budget may be restricted to the major components only
taking into consideration certain reasonable assumptions. The estimation is to be carried out
using lumped parameter estimation approach keeping in mind that data from many more
sources if available may be used for refining the assessment.
GEC 2015 recommended that monsoon rainfall recharge should be estimated on ground
water level fluctuation and specific yield approach. This, however, requires adequately
spaced representative water level measurement for a sufficiently long period. It is proposed
that there should be at least three spatially well distributed observation wells in the
assessment unit, or one observation well per 100 Water level data should also be
available for a minimum period of 5 years (preferably 10 years), along with corresponding
rainfall data. Regarding frequency of water level data, three water level readings during pre
and post monsoon seasons and in the month of January/ May preferably in successive years,
are the minimum requirements. It would be ideal to have monthly water level measurements
to record the peak rise and maximum fall in the ground water levels. In units or subareas
where adequate data on ground water level fluctuations are not available as specified above,
ground water recharge may be estimated using rainfall infiltration factor method only. The
rainfall recharge during non-monsoon season may be estimated using rainfall infiltration
factor method only.(Annexure IV & V)
Under this method the change in storage is computed by multiplying water level fluctuation
between pre and post monsoon seasons with the area of assessment and specific yield.
Change in Storage = S = h * Sy * A …… (i)
h = rise in water level due to monsoon (fluctuation between pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
water level),
A = area for computation of recharge, and
Sy = specific yield of aquifer formation
The Specific yield of a soil or rock is the ratio of the volume of water that, after saturation,
can be drained by gravity to its own volume (Todd & Mays, 2005). The Specific yield data
have either been arrived through field studies, including long-duration pumping tests and dry
season ground water balance (in hard-rock areas) or adopted from the norms recommended
by GEC-1997, which were derived from the various water-balance studies carried out by
CGWB, SGWDs and academic/research institutions. The range of specific yield
recommended by GEC 2015 for different formations of Delhi.
Substituting the expression in equation 1 for storage increase ΔS in terms of water level
fluctuation and specific yield, rainfall recharge in non-command will be as follow:
and considering another term Rc as Recharge due to canals, rainfall recharge equation in
command will be as follows:
The recharge calculated from equation 3 in case of non-command sub units and equation 4 in
case of command sub units and poor ground water quality sub units gives the rainfall
recharge for the particular monsoon season. However, it may be noted that in case base flow/
recharge from stream and through flow have not been estimated, the same may be assumed to
be zero. The rainfall recharge obtained by using equation 3 & equation 4 provides the
recharge in any particular monsoon season for the associated monsoon season rainfall. This
estimate is to be normalized for the normal monsoon season rainfall as per the procedure
indicated below.
Normalization of Rainfall Recharge
The recharge from rainfall estimated as per the above is for the particular monsoon season. It
should be normalized for estimating recharge corresponding to the normal monsoon rainfall.
( )
∑ ( )
( )
Rrf (normal) = Normalized Rainfall Recharge in the monsoon season.
Ri = Rainfall Recharge in the monsoon season for the ith year.
r(normal) = Normal monsoon Season rainfall.
ri = Rain fall in the monsoon season for the ith year.
N = Number of years data is available.
Like earlier GEC methodology, GEC 2015 recommended to compare the rainfall recharge
obtained from Water Level Fluctuation approach with that estimated using Rainfall
Infiltration Factor Method.
Recharge from rainfall is estimated by using the following relationship -
Rrf = RFIF * A* (R – a)/1000
Rrf = Rainfall recharge in ham
A = Area in Hectares
RFIF = Rainfall Infiltration Factor (in fraction)
R = Rainfall in mm
a = Minimum threshold value above which rainfall induces ground water
recharge in mm
GEC 2015 suggests that 10% of Normal annual rainfall be taken as Minimum Rainfall
Threshold and 3000 mm as Maximum Rainfall limit. While computing the rainfall recharge,
10% of the normal annual rainfall is to be deducted from the monsoon rainfall and balance
rainfall would be considered for computation of rainfall recharge. The same recharge factor
may be used for both monsoon and non-monsoon rainfall, with the condition that the
recharge due to non-monsoon rainfall may be taken as zero, if the normal rainfall during the
non-monsoon season is less than 10% of normal annual rainfall. In using the method based on
the specified norms, recharge due to both monsoon and non-monsoon rainfall may be
estimated for normal rainfall, based on recent 30 to 50 years of data.
Percent Deviation
After computing the rainfall recharge for normal monsoon season rainfall using the Water
level Fluctuation method and Rainfall Infiltration Factor method these two estimates have to
be compared with each other. A term, Percent Deviation (PD) which is the difference
between the two expressed as a percentage of the former is computed as
( ) ( )
( )
Rrf (normal, wlfm) = Rainfall recharge for normal monsoon season rainfall estimated by the
water level fluctuation method
Rrf (normal, rifm) = Rainfall recharge for normal monsoon season rainfall estimated by the
rainfall infiltration factor method
The rainfall recharge for normal monsoon season rainfall is finally adopted as per the criteria
given below:
If PD is greater than or equal to -20%, and less than or equal to +20%, Rrf (normal) is
taken as the value estimated by the water level fluctuation method.
If PD is less than -20%, Rrf (normal) is taken as equal to 0.8 times the value estimated
by the rainfall infiltration factor method.
If PD is greater than +20%, Rrf (normal) is taken as equal to 1.2 times the value
estimated by the rainfall infiltration factor method.
During the period 2020 – 2021, above calculation, normalization, estimation of PD and
consideration of rainfall recharge is taken care by INGRES software. Basic data pertaining to
Rainfall, Water level, Specific Yield, Infiltration faction factor, Paved area, Buildup area and
open area have been provided to Software. The NCT Delhi being urban area which have
more than 60% build up area do not support rainfall recharge at all places.
Recharge from other sources constitute recharges from canals, surface water irrigation,
ground water irrigation, tanks & ponds and water conservation structures in command areas
where as in non-command areas the recharge due to surface water irrigation, ground water
irrigation, tanks & ponds and water conservation structures are possible.
Recharge due to applied surface water irrigation, either by means of canal outlets or by- lift
irrigation schemes is to be estimated based on the following formula:
RSWI = Recharge due to applied surface water irrigation
AD = Average Discharge
Days = Number of days water is discharged to the Fields
RFF = Return Flow Factor
The NCT Delhi use treated water and canal water for irrigation in small area which is existing
only in North & North West district, so impact of recharge is limited to this area only.
Recharge due to applied ground water irrigation is to be estimated based on the following
RGWI = Recharge due to applied ground water irrigation
GEIRR = Ground water Extraction for Irrigation
RFF = Return Flow Factor
The ground water used by Horticulture department, Forest department, PWD and State &
Central agencies of NCT Delhi for green belt development has been used as irrigation by
ground water.
Recharge due to surface water bodies, like tanks & ponds etc is to be estimated based on the
following formula:
RTP = Recharge due to Tanks & Ponds
AWSA = Average Water Spread Area
RF = Recharge Factor
Data provided by DJB & wetland authority of NCT Delhi have been used by averaging
water spread & recharge factors for each Tehsil.
Recharge due to Water Conservation Structures
Recharge due to Water Conservation Structures is to be estimated based on the following
RWCS = Recharge due to Water Conservation Structures
GS = Gross Storage (Storage Capacity multiplied by number of
RF = Recharge Factor
Delhi Jal Board, being the Nodal Agency to keep account of water conservation structure, has
provided comprehensive data pertaining to water conservation structure spread all over Delhi.
Many authorities such as Indian Railway & PWD has failed to provide data regarding Water
Conservation Structures created by them during 2021 – 2022, hence, there is scope for
refinement of estimation of recharge from water conservation structures.
The NCT Delhi, being urban area, have very dense network of piped water supply and sewer
system. The piped water supply is only 80% efficient and remaining 20% is leaking and
recharging to ground water. This has been used while estimating recharge from other sources
depending on tehsil wise status of water supply & source of water supply.
6.2.3. Recharge During Monsoon Season
The sum of normalized monsoon rainfall recharge and the recharge from other sources and
lateral and vertical flows into the sub unit and stream inflows during monsoon season is the
total recharge during monsoon season for the sub unit. Similarly, this is to be computed for
all the sub units available in the assessment unit.
The rainfall recharge during non-monsoon season is estimated using Rainfall Infiltration
Factor method only when the non-monsoon season rainfall is more than 10% of normal
annual rainfall. The sum of non-monsoon rainfall recharge and the recharge from other
sources and lateral and vertical flows into the sub unit and stream inflows during non-
monsoon season is the total recharge during non-monsoon season for the sub unit. Similarly,
this is to be computed for all the sub units available in the assessment unit.
The sum of the recharge during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons is the total annual
ground water recharge for the sub unit. Similarly, this is to be computed for all the sub units
available in the assessment unit.
The National Water Policy, 2012 stresses that the ecological flow of rivers should be
maintained. Accordingly, GEC 2015 recommends that ground water base flow contribution
limited to the ecological flow of the river should be determined which will be deducted from
Annual Ground water Recharge to determine Annual Extractable Ground water Resources
(EGR). The ecological flows of the rivers are to be determined in consultation with Central
Water Commission and other concerned river basin agencies. In the assessment units, where
river stage data are not available and neither the detailed data for quantitative assessment of
the natural discharge are available, present practice (GEC 1997) of allocation of
unaccountable natural discharges to 5% or 10% of annual recharge may be retained. If the
rainfall recharge is assessed using Water Level Fluctuation method this will be 5% of the
annual recharge and if it is assessed using Rainfall Infiltration Factor method, it will be 10%
of the annual recharge. The balance will account for Annual Extractable Ground water
Resources (EGR).
GEC 2015 recommends various available methods for estimation of ground water extraction
in each assessment sub unit, as described below. Moreover, GEC 2015 also recommends that
the ground water extraction obtained figures from different methods need to be compared and
based on field checks, the seemingly best value may be adopted. At times, ground water
extraction obtained by different methods may vary widely. Moreover, unit Extraction adopted
needs to be normalized as per annual rainfall of period for which assessment is being carried
out. In general, the value matching the field situation should be considered. It is also
suggested that the storage depletion during a season where other recharges are negligible can
be taken as ground water extraction during that particular period.
6.3.1. Normalization of Ground water Extraction
GEC-1997 recommended to use well census method for computing the ground water
extraction. The norm used for computing ground water extraction is the unit Extraction. The
unit Extraction can be computed by field studies. This method involves selecting
representative abstraction structure and calculating the discharge from that particular type of
structure and collecting the information on how many hours of pumping is being done in
various seasons and number of such days during each season. The Unit Extraction during a
particular season can be computed using the following equation:
GEC 2015 recommends normalization of unit Extraction figures as either of following two
simple techniques, as per available data. If the unit Extraction values for one rainfall cycle are
available for at least 10 years following equation second method is to be followed or else the
first method shown in equation may be used.
Although GEC-1997 methodology recommends a default value for the unit Extractions and
each State is using its own values, generally after conducting field studies, even though
without a documentation. GEC 2015 recommends that this norm may be computed by the
state agency after conducting field studies before commencement of the assessment and
should be documented and submitted along with the results of the assessment.
Unit Extraction Method: – In this method, season-wise unit Extraction of each type of well
in an assessment unit is estimated. The unit Extraction of different types (eg. Dug well, dug
cum bore well, shallow tube well, deep tube well, bore well etc.) is multiplied with the
number of wells of that particular type to obtain season-wise ground water extraction by that
particular structure. It is recommended that a single source of well census should be
maintained for resources computation at all India level. Minor Irrigation Census of MoWR,
RD, GR would be the preferred option.
Ground water Extraction for Domestic Use (GEDOM)
Unit Extraction Method: – In this method, unit Extraction of each type of well is multiplied
by the number of wells used for domestic purpose to obtain the domestic ground water
Consumptive Use Method: – In this method, population is multiplied with per capita
consumption usually expressed in litre per capita per day (lpcd). It can be expressed using
following equation.
GEDOM= Population X Consumptive Requirement X Lg
Lg = Fractional Load on Ground water for Domestic Water Supply
The data about load factors on ground water sources can be obtained from the concerned
water supply agencies / departments in urban areas.
Unit Extraction Method: - In this method, unit Extraction of each type of well is multiplied
by the number of wells used for industrial purpose to obtain the industrial ground water
Consumptive Use Pattern Method: – In this method, water consumption of different
industrial units are determined. Number of Industrial units which are dependent on ground
water are multiplied with unit water consumption to obtain ground water Extraction for
industrial use, as suggested below.
The existing gross ground water extraction for all uses refers to the total of existing gross
ground water extraction for irrigation and all other purposes. The stage of ground water
extraction should be obtained separately for command areas, non-command areas and poor
ground water quality areas.
levels for a minimum period of 10 years for both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period.
GEC 2015 refine these concepts further and suggest that if the pre and post monsoon water
levels show a fairly stable trend, it does not necessarily mean that there is no scope for further
ground water development. Such a trend indicates that there is a balance between recharge,
extraction and natural discharge in the unit. However, further ground water development may
be possible, which may result in a new stable trend at a lower ground water level with
associated reduced natural discharge. If the ground water resource assessment and the trend
of long-term water levels contradict each other, this anomalous situation requires a review of
the ground water resource computation, as well as the reliability of water level data. The
mismatch conditions are enumerated below Table 10.
In case, the category does not match with the water level trend given above, a reassessment
should be attempted. If the mismatch persists even after reassessment, the sub unit may be
categorized based on Stage of Ground Water Extraction of the reassessment. However, the
sub unit should be flagged for strengthening of observation well network and parameter
Present categorization of assessment units, as per GEC 1997 methodology takes into account
long term ground water level trends and stage of ground water extraction of period under
consideration. The National Water Policy, 2012 emphasis a convergence of quantity and
quality of ground water resources while assessing the ground water extraction status in an
assessment unit so as to aid appropriate management decisions. Therefore, GEC 2015
recommends to separate estimation of resources where water quality is beyond permissible
limits for the parameter salinity. Moreover, if any of the three quality hazards in terms of
Arsenic, Fluoride and Salinity are encountered in the assessment sub unit in mappable units,
the assessment sub unit may be tagged with the particular Quality hazard. Accordingly, GEC
2015 recommends that each assessment unit, in addition to the quantity based categorization
(safe, semi-critical, critical and over-exploited) should bear a quality hazard identifier (Table
11). Such quality hazards are to be based on available ground water monitoring data of State
Ground Water Departments and /or Central Ground Water Board.
6.4.3. Allocation of Ground water Resource for Utilization
In deriving equation above, it is assumed that the requirement of water for domestic use is 60
lpd per head. The equation can be suitably modified in case per capita requirement is
different. If by chance, the estimation of projected allocation for future domestic needs is less
than the current domestic extraction due to any reason, the allocation must be equal to the
present-day extraction. It can never be less than the present-day extraction as it is unrealistic.
The water available for future use is obtained by deducting the allocation for Domestic use
and current extraction for Irrigation and Industrial uses from the annual extractable ground
water recharge. The resulting ground water potential is termed as the Net Annual Ground
Water Availability for future use.
The net annual ground water availability for future use should be calculated separately for
non-command areas and command areas. As per the recommendations of the R&D Advisory
committee, the ground water available for future use can never be negative. If it becomes
negative, the future allocation of domestic needs can be reduced to current extraction for
domestic use. Even then if it is still negative, then the ground water available for future uses
will be zero.
GEC 2015 propose to have a separate ground water assessment for urban areas with
population more than 10 lakhs. Taking note of difficulties to have ground water Extraction
data in most of the urban areas and constraints to natural recharge, by rainfall infiltration and
recharge due to other sources on account of urbanization, GEC 2015 has suggested the
following few points are to be considered for Urban Areas Ground Water Resources
The difference of the actual demand and the supply by surface water sources as the
withdrawal from the ground water resources.
Consider 30% of the rainfall infiltration factor for urban areas as an adhoc
arrangement till field studies are done and documented.
The 50 % percent losses reported by piped water supply may be taken as recharge to
the ground water system.
The seepages from the sewerages, which normally contaminate the ground water
resources with nitrate also contribute to the quantity of resources and hence same
percent as in the case of water supply pipes may be taken as norm for the recharge on
the quantity of sewerage when there is sub surface drainage system.
Recharge on account of seepage from open drainage system / open channels, (like
lined / unlined canal) may be considered, till further documented field studies are
If estimated flash flood data is available, the same percent can be used on the quantum
of flash floods to estimate the recharge from the flash floods.
In some of assessment unit there may be areas where ground water level shows a decline
even in the monsoon season. The reasons for this may be genuine depletion in the ground
water regime, with ground water extraction and natural ground water discharge in the
monsoon season (outflow from the region and base flow) exceeding the recharge.
GEC 2015 suggest that, if it is concluded that the water level data is erroneous, recharge
assessment may be made based on rainfall infiltration factor method. If, on the other hand,
water level data is assessed as reliable, the ground water level fluctuation method may be
applied for recharge estimation. In such cases, the estimated recharge will be less than the
gross ground water extraction in the monsoon season. It must be noted that this recharge is
the gross recharge minus the natural discharges in the monsoon season. The immediate
conclusion from such an assessment in water depletion zones will be that the area falls under
the overexploited category which requires micro level study.
The Ground water Resource Estimation 2023 (GWRE 2023), NCT Delhi has been carried out
broadly following GEC-2015 methodology. In absence of requisites data or inadequacy if
any, the constraints and the procedure followed in the present assessment are described
All efforts are made to collect the data from the respective State Government Departments.
However, it is felt necessary to mention that due to non-availability of data from some
departments, certain assumptions have made while making the computations. Essential data
sets were generated by approximate methods by fitting a relationship with the existing data
elements and the required data elements wherever both are available and used the equation
for rest of the area. The data sources for the various data elements used in the present exercise
are presented in Table 12.
Table 12: Data Sources Used in the Ground Water Resource Estimation 2023
Data Element Used in the Computation of Data Source
1 Areas of Various sub units Assessment unit wise recharge & List and maps of new administrative
Extraction component Units of 11 Districts of NCT Delhi:
Revenue Dept, GNCT Delhi.
web site & Geospatial Delhi Limited
2 Irrigation Well Census Ground water extraction for IV Minor Irrigation Census &
irrigation Agriculture Dept of GNCT, I&FC
3 Population Census / Ground water extraction for Census of India, Agriculture statistics of
Agriculture Area / Industry domestic, agriculture and industrial GNCT Delhi, List Industries on Industry
Census / use Dept DPCC web site. DJB, Horticulture,
Delhi Cantt, DMRC, DMC etc
4 Canal/Drains Details Return Seepage Recharge due to I&FC Dept, GNCT of Delhi
Canals / Drains
5 Cropping Pattern Return Seepage Recharge due to IV Minor Irrigation Census &
Surface Water Irrigation and Agriculture Dept of GNCT Delhi
Ground Water Irrigation.
6 Details of Tanks & Ponds Recharge due to Tanks & Ponds: Statistical Book of GNCT Delhi / web
ad-hoc basis link Parks & Garden, GNCT Delhi, DJB
7 Details of Water Recharge due to Water Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
Conservation Structures Conservation Structures
8 Rainfall Recharge due to Rainfall / IMD, Govt of India web site
Normalization of Rainfall Recharge
9 Ground Water Monitoring: Water Level Fluctuation method GEMS Database of SUO, New Delhi,
Pre-monsoon and Post- and validation of SGE; GW Quality Central Ground Water Board
monsoon groundwater data for identification of poor-
levels & trends and GW quality area.
quality monitoring data of
last decade (2011-22).
10 Population Details Provision for Future Domestic and Growth rate data of NCT Delhi as per
Industrial Requirement. Census of India, 2011 report.
Long term 10 years (2011-22), pre-monsoon (May) and post-monsoon (November) water
level data of observation wells monitored by CGWB, SUO Delhi are considered for
calculating estimating zone of dynamic fluctuation and Water Level Trend. Water level
fluctuations between pre-monsoon and post-monsoon have been calculated for hard rock and
alluvial terrains separately. State agencies in NCT Delhi do not have any program for ground
water monitoring and therefore recharge estimation relied on available data of CGWB.
Monitoring station having data set pair, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period, for more
than 5 years considered. Some of the assessment units don’t have sufficient representation for
water level data. For such assessment units, monsoon recharge estimated by Rainfall
Infiltration Factor, as suggested in GEC 2015 methodology is adopted.
For estimation ground water extraction for domestic water supply, data provided by different
agencies were disseminated assessment unit wise based on coordinates. The cumulative
ground water Extraction for drinking water for entire NCT Delhi cross checked with DJB
data on difference in total water demand and supply from surface water source in NCT Delhi.
Agriculture Extraction data was provided by I & FC and Agriculture department. The
Extraction data provided by Horticulture & Forest department has been considered as
Extraction for agriculture. The agriculture Extraction data provided by Agriculture
department & I & FC department have been subsumed with that of Horticulture and Forest
department to estimate agriculture Extraction. The Extraction due to Industry is worked out
as per area wise Industries /data available on web sites of Industry and DPCC site of GNCT
of Delhi.
The ground water resource assessment of the NCT Delhi has been carried out considering
tehsil as a unit assessment area. In total there are eleven (11) districts with three tehsils in
each district of NCT Delhi, accounting for 33 assessment units and parts flood plain area
around Yamuna River, which is demarcated as a Nazul land. The Nazul land area is also
considered as additional assessment unit. First time Ground water Resources Assessment had
been attempted for these new administrative sub-units of NCT, Delhi in 2017. The
Geospatial Delhi Limited, an undertaking under Department of Revenue of NCT Delhi has
been requested to provided Tehsil wise area and GIS layer of NCT Delhi. The cumulative
area for entire NCT Delhi worked out is 1486.67 which nearly matches with total
NCT area of 1483.00 given in District Census Book of Delhi and accordingly, ground
water resources assessment has been done for each of 33 tehsil and Nazul land areas
considering total 1486 of NCT Delhi. Some assessment units of NCT has surface
water irrigation, constitute as a Canal Command Area. It is observed that such command has
less than 100 ha in respective assessment units and therefore treated as Non-Command Area
for resources estimation as per GEC 2015 methodology. The districts of South East, South,
New Delhi and Central are covered with alluvial aquifers are fringed with hard rock aquifers
viz. Delhi Quartzite occurring around Delhi ridge. Rest of the districts have alluvium aquifers
only. Basic details of all 34-assessment units are presented in Table 13.
Table 13: Basic Details of Assessment Units of NCT Delhi – GWRE 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
CENTRAL KAROL BAGH Alluvium & HR 512.5 0 512.5 0 0 0 0 512.5
CENTRAL KOTWALI Alluvium 1964 0 1964 0 0 0 0 1964
CENTRAL CIVIL LINES Alluvium 5454 0 5454 0 0 0 0 5454
EAST PREET VIHAR Alluvium 1344 0 1344 0 0 0 0 1344
EAST MAYUR VIHAR Alluvium 1677 0 1677 0 0 0 0 1677
EAST GANDHI NAGAR Alluvium 138.9 0 138.9 0 0 0 0 138.9
NAZUL LAND NAZUR LAND Alluvium 2579 0 2579 0 0 0 0 2579
NEW DELHI VASANT VIHAR Alluvium & HR 5721 0 5721 0 Saline 0 0 5721
NEW DELHI DELHI CANTONMENT Alluvium & HR 6580 0 6580 0 Saline 0 0 6580
NEW DELHI CHANAKYAPURI Alluvium & HR 3508 0 3508 0 0 0 0 3508
NORTH MODEL TOWN Alluvium 2538 0 2538 0 Saline 0 0 2538
NORTH ALIPUR Alluvium 11818 0 11818 0 Saline 0 0 11818
NORTH NARELA Alluvium 14758 0 14758 0 Saline 0 0 14758
NORTH EAST YAMUNA VIHAR Alluvium 557.3 0 557.3 0 0 0 0 557.3
NORTH EAST SEELAMPUR Alluvium 895.9 0 895.9 0 0 0 0 895.9
NORTH EAST KARAWAL NAGAR Alluvium 2114 0 2114 0 0 0 0 2114
NORTH WEST SARASWATI VIHAR Alluvium 3299 0 3299 0 Saline 0 0 3299
NORTH WEST KANJHAWALA Alluvium 8039 0 8039 0 Saline 0 0 8039
NORTH WEST ROHINI Alluvium 4098 0 4098 0 0 0 0 4098
SHAHDARA SHAHDARA Alluvium 490.2 0 490.2 0 0 0 0 490.2
SHAHDARA VIVEK VIHAR Alluvium 2244 0 2244 0 0 0 0 2244
SHAHDARA SEEMAPURI Alluvium 724.3 0 724.3 0 0 0 0 724.3
SOUTH SAKET Alluvium & HR 7197 0 7197 0 0 0 0 7197
SOUTH HAUZ KHAS Alluvium & HR 2472 0 2472 0 0 0 0 2472
SOUTH MEHRAULI Alluvium & HR 6116 0 6116 0 0 0 0 6116
SOUTH EAST SARITA VIHAR Alluvium 3020 0 3020 0 0 0 0 3020
SOUTH EAST DEFENCE COLONY Alluvium & HR 3938 0 3938 0 0 0 0 3938
SOUTH EAST KALKAJI Alluvium & HR 3394 0 3394 0 0 0 0 3394
SOUTH WEST KAPASHERA Alluvium 10879 0 10879 0 Saline 0 0 10879
SOUTH WEST DWARKA Alluvium 6784 0 6784 0 Saline 0 0 6784
SOUTH WEST NAJAFGARH Alluvium 12853 0 12853 0 Saline 0 0 12853
WEST RAJOURI GARDEN Alluvium 1048 0 1048 0 Saline 0 0 1048
WEST PATEL NAGAR Alluvium 2646 0 2646 0 Saline 0 0 2646
WEST PUNJABI BAGH Alluvium 7360 0 7360 0 Saline 0 0 7360
The GEC 2015 recommends that the state agencies should be encouraged to conduct field
studies for various norms and use such computed norms in the assessment. In absence of such
computed norms by the field study, GEC 2015 suggests an average of the range of norms to
be used as the recommended by GEC-1997. Details of such norms are presented in GEC,
2015 report. The recommended norm values are to be used for assessment, unless sufficient
data based on field study are available to justify the minimum, maximum or other
intermediate values. Following are the range of norms suggested in GEC 2015 methodology
(Table 14 & 15).
The Specific Yield values are used for the assessment units of NCT Delhi are as per its two
main hydrogeological formation, alluvium as soft rock unit and Aravalli Group Quartzites
and related meta-sediment units, as mapped in NAQUIM project of CGWB. The portion of
the specific yield norms recommended by GEC 2015, for aquifers underlain in NCT Delhi, is
given in Table 14.
7.3.2. Rainfall Table 15: Rainfall Infiltration Factor: GEC 2015 Methodology
conducting field studies and strengthen the database norms. Moreover, for urban area
assessment, GEC 2015 recommends adopting 30 % values of RIF norms on account of
apparent reduction in rainfall infiltration due to urbanization. It is observed that, although
most of the NCT Delhi is considered as Urban City, most of the assessment units have open
space and green zones, which accommodate major part of rainfall infiltration like other non-
urban areas. Therefore, except few assessment units of East Delhi and Central district, for
major parts of NCT Delhi RIF value as per GEC 2015 norms and field observations of
CGWB are adopted in GWRE 2023 is presented in Table 16. IMD Rainfall data (indiawries
website) adopted for GWRE 2023 is presented in Table 17.
Table: 17 Month & Season wise IMD Rainfall Data – NCT Delhi
Year January Febraury March April May June July August September October November December Annual
2018 4.8 0 0 12.2 18.6 57.4 247.6 185.8 148.7 0 3.8 0.5 679.4
2019 34.8 23.1 5.1 7.9 13.5 6.6 167.4 149.2 57.4 13.5 4.5 22.6 505.6
2020 23.8 2.2 69.4 14.6 15.5 30.5 166.2 233.1 37.9 0 0.6 0.2 678.5
2021 37.11 2.18 2.93 2.16 105.62 24.88 255.94 196.74 265.95 74.34 0 4.49 972.34
2022 71.82 17.57 0 0.12 54.64 22.05 184.78 57.76 160.64 99.2 0 0 668.58
Average 34.47 9.01 15.49 15.49 41.57 28.29 204.38 164.52 134.12 37.41 1.78 5.56 700.88
GEC 2015 recommends the norm in ham/million m2 of wetted area for computing the
recharge due to canals. In the absence of any field studies to refine the norms, it is
recommended to continue with the same adhoc norms as of earlier GEC 1997. The committee
strongly recommends that each state agency must conduct one filed study at least one in each
district before completing the first assessment using this methodology and where specific
results are available from case studies in some states, the adhoc norms are to be replaced by
norms evolved from these results. In absence any field study, the norms adopted in earlier
estimation are adopted in recent GWRE 2023 (Table 18).
Table 18: Norms for Recharge from Canals and Other Water Bodies
Parameters Sources of Recharge Range of Parameters
15 to 30 ham / m sqm of
Unlined Canals
wetted area
Canal Seepage Factor
Lined Canals & Canals in Hard 20 % of above values
Rock Terrain suggested for lined canals
Seepage from Tanks &
1.4 mm / day over the average Water Spread Areas
Recharge from Water
40 % of the Gross Storage. Out of 50% during monsoon season
and the remaining 50 % during non-monsoon season.
GEC 2015 has observed that the data on the field studies for computing recharge from other
sources like tanks & ponds, Water Conservation Structures are very limited. It is
recommended to follow the norms as per methodology when area specific field studies are
not available. Accordingly, for recharge due to tanks & ponds, norm of 1.4 mm / day and for
seepage recharge from Water Conservation Structures, norms of 40% of gross storage during
a year which means 20% during monsoon season and 20% during non-monsoon season is
adopted (Table 18).
7.3.5. Norm for Future Allocation for Domestic Use
Per capita water requirement norm recommended by the GEC 2015 is 60 lpcd for domestic
needs. It also suggested that it can be modified as per norm followed for domestic water
supply agency in assessment unit if any for specific case. As per information made available
from one of GNCT of Delhi report Economy Survey of NCT Delhi, same norm is considered
by Delhi Jal Board, a water supplying agency in NCT Delhi. Future allocation for Domestic
Use for 2025 has been estimated considering the said norms and dependency on ground water
in respective Tehsil of NCT Delhi.
GEC 2015 recommends computing the base flow for each assessment unit. Wherever, there is
no assessment of base flow, earlier norms recommended by GEC 1997 i.e. 5% if Water Table
Fluctuation method is used or 10% if Rainfall Infiltration Factor method is used for assessing
the rainfall recharge may be continued. Accordingly, the assessment unit component of
Natural Discharge estimated, as per above norm corresponding WLF or RIF methodology
adopted for estimating monsoon recharge is presented in Table 19.
The annual groundwater recharge includes the components of rainfall recharge and recharge
from other sources like canal/drain seepage, return flow from irrigation, seepage from
domestic water supply and recharge from water conservation structure. The Annual
Groundwater Recharge for NCT Delhi 2022 is estimated as 38152.55 ham. Assessment unit
wise details of estimation are presented in Table 19 (column 4 to 8).
During the year under report, almost all departments & Institutions of NCT Delhi have
provided geo-referenced extraction data which has been further distributed over Tehsil layer
by CGWB to find out tehsil wise extraction. The running hour and discharge have been
averaging out as demand of Software. Industrial extraction data was not provided and have
been considered on pro rata basis.
The total ground water extraction as defined in GEC 2015 methodology, involving
component of domestic ground water extraction, irrigation extraction and industrial
extraction has been estimated for NCT Delhi is 34 ham. Assessment unit wise details of
ground water extraction is presented in Table 19 (Column 11 to 14).
7.5. Stage of Groundwater Extraction and Categorization of Assessment Units
The Stage of Ground Water Extraction as on 2023 in NCT Delhi varies from 61% in Rohini
Tehshil in North West District to 153% in Vasant Vihar tehshil of New Delhi Distrct. The
overall Stage of Groundwater Extraction in NCT Delhi as on 2023 is 99%. The information
on Stage of Ground Water Extraction is given in table 19 (column 17).
7.6. Annual Allocation for Domestic use and Net Ground Water Availability for
future use
Annual Allocation for Domestic use for 2025 has been estimated as 27570.3 ham, for entire
NCT Delhi. The Assessment unit wise Annual Allocation for Domestic Use as on 2025 is
presented in Table 19, column 15. The Net Ground Water Availability for future use in NCT
Delhi is 2870 ham (Table 19, column 16).
Figure: 39
Table 19: Assessment Unit Wise Dynamic Groundwater Resources Estimation 2023 , NCT Delhi (Fresh Component)
Ground Water Recharge (ham) Annual Ground Water Extraction (ham) Allocation
Annual Net Annual
of Ground Stage of
Extractable Ground
Total Water Ground
Ground Water
Area Natural Resource Water
S.No District Assessment Unit Recharge from Total Annual Water Total Availability Category
(Sq.Km) Recharge from Discharge Irrigation Industrial Domestic for Future Extraction Quality
rainfall Ground Water Resource (10+11+12) for
other sources (ham) Domestic (%) (14/10) Tagging
Recharge (ham) future use
Utilisation * 100 (if any)
(8-9) (ham)
(ham) As/F/Salinity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Central Civil Lines Tehsil 54.54 274.75 1304.0457 1578.80 157.88 1420.92 207.13 0 763.39929 970.53 763.4 450.38 68.30 safe
2 Central Karol Bagh Tehsil 5.13 21.03 145.76915 166.80 16.68 150.12 18.648 0 153.18 171.83 744.35 0 114.46 over_exploited
3 Central Kotwali Tehsil 19.65 57.83 648.08527 705.92 70.59 635.33 19.008 0 579.6 598.61 579.6 36.73 94.22 critical
4 East Gandhi Nagar Tehsil 1.39 5.4 82.934067 88.33 8.84 79.49 2.4 0 70.3 72.70 227.56 6.8 91.45 critical
5 East Mayur Vihar Tehsil 16.77 66.92 732.00008 798.92 79.90 719.02 66.3 0 644.849 711.15 644.85 7.88 98.91 critical
6 East Preet Vihar Tehsil 13.45 53.02 695.73861 748.76 74.88 673.88 41.85 0.2 567.00586 609.06 567.01 64.82 90.38 critical
7 New Delhi Chanakyapuri Tehsil 35.09 262.54 332.25989 594.80 59.48 535.32 370.26 0 333.40654 703.67 333.41 0 131.45 over_exploited
Delhi Cantonment
8 New Delhi 65.81 1137.50 113.75 1023.75 1281.57 125.18
Tehsil 333.8 803.70316 171.25437 2.2 1108.1191 1108.12 0 over_exploited Salinity
9 New Delhi Vasant Vihar Tehsil 57.21 417.41 763.3153 1180.73 118.07 1062.66 145.35495 0 1481.9154 1627.27 1481.92 0 153.13 over_exploited Salinity
10 North Alipur Tehsil 118.19 933.33 1073.7601 2007.09 200.71 1806.38 237.7638 0 1377.76 1615.52 1377.76 190.87 89.43 semi_critical Salinity
11 North Model Town Tehsil 25.39 123.17 472.19435 595.36 59.54 535.82 77.322 0.3 441.00084 518.62 472.7 17.21 96.79 critical Salinity
12 North Narela Tehsil 148.08 1209.24 864.01083 2073.25 207.32 1865.93 174.6875 50.008 2234.16 2458.86 2234.16 0 131.78 over_exploited Salinity
13 North East Karawal Nagar Tehsil 21.15 91.68 586.81093 678.49 67.85 610.64 73.95 0 620.927 694.88 620.93 0 113.79 over_exploited
14 North East Seelampur Tehsil 8.96 36.55 768.27616 804.83 80.48 724.35 39.8145 0 577.03123 616.85 577.03 107.5 85.16 semi_critical
15 North East Yamuna Vihar Tehsil 5.57 16.75 275.17407 291.92 29.19 262.73 63 0 315.66475 378.66 315.66 0 144.12 over_exploited
16 North West Kanjhawala Tehsil 80.4 762.42 174.57576 937.00 93.70 843.30 82.6 0 491.53652 574.14 1007.38 269.15 68.08 safe Salinity
17 North West Rohini Tehsil 40.98 225.78 2012.8939 2238.67 111.93 2126.74 259.65413 0 1039.9932 1299.65 1039.99 827.1 61.11 safe
Saraswati Vihar
18 537.92 53.79 484.13 404.52 83.56
North West Tehsil 32.99 165.24 372.67999 156.75 0.56 247.21102 331.38 79.61 semi_critical Salinity
19 Shahdara Seemapuri Tehsil 7.24 27.03 522.80226 549.83 54.98 494.85 60 0 430.58035 490.58 430.58 4.27 99.14 critical
20 Shahdara Shahdara Tehsil 4.9 15.89 400.77435 416.66 41.67 374.99 26.05 0 422.73083 448.78 468.25 0 119.68 over_exploited
21 Shahdara Vivek Vihar Tehsil 22.44 71.42 570.19581 641.62 64.16 577.46 252.56 0.5 476.68419 729.74 476.68 0 126.37 over_exploited
22 South Hauz Khas Tehsil 24.72 112.52 968.07265 1080.59 108.06 972.53 193.1375 0 777.63531 970.77 777.64 1.75 99.82 critical
23 South Mehrauli Tehsil 61.16 405.05 820.99022 1226.04 122.60 1103.44 92.229 0 1208.7642 1300.99 1208.76 0 117.90 over_exploited
24 South Saket Tehsil 71.98 617.21 1550.6088 2167.82 216.78 1951.04 447.76 0 1821.5664 2269.33 1821.57 0 116.31 over_exploited
Defence Colony
25 39.39 976.72 97.67 879.05 864.77 98.38
South East Tehsil 196.7 780.01817 90.52 1.6 772.64695 772.65 14.26 critical
26 South East Kalkaji Tehsil 33.95 254.44 763.12612 1017.57 101.76 915.81 23.2452 7.5 844.77367 875.52 844.77 40.28 95.60 critical
27 South East Sarita Vihar Tehsil 30.2 170.39 461.32937 631.72 63.17 568.55 106.4 3.64 457.92954 567.97 457.93 0.58 99.90 critical
28 South West Dwarka Tehsil 67.84 541.3 1991.5884 2532.89 253.29 2279.60 854.25 0 1421.41 2275.66 1421.41 3.94 99.83 critical Salinity
29 South West Kapashera Tehsil 108.8 1234.05 1177.505 2411.55 241.16 2170.39 1788.56 0 699.59998 2488.16 821.21 0 114.64 over_exploited Salinity
30 South West Najafgarh Tehsil 128.54 1484.05 1287.5974 2771.65 277.16 2494.49 1360 0 375.58927 1735.59 777.59 356.9 69.58 safe Salinity
31 West Patel Nagar Tehsil 26.46 377.46 1229.0659 1606.53 160.65 1445.88 287.625 0.5 1107.644 1395.77 1107.64 50.1 96.53 critical Salinity
32 West Punjabi Bagh Tehsil 73.06 1047.87 818.02602 1865.90 186.59 1679.31 404.92 0.1 1079.2815 1484.30 1079.28 195.01 88.39 semi_critical Salinity
Rajouri Garden
33 580.50 58.05 522.45 630.51 120.68
West Tehsil 10.49 58.89 521.60912 39.432 0 591.07611 591.08 0 over_exploited Salinity
34 Nazul Land Nazul Land Tehsil 25.79 333.57 176.32218 509.89 50.99 458.90 228 0 86.037661 314.04 86.04 144.86 68.43 safe
Total 1487.71 12004.70 26147.86 38152.56 3703.32 34449.24 8462.44 67.11 25621.01 34150.55 27570.29 2870.00 99.13 critical
Table 20: District Wise Dynamic Groundwater Resources Estimation 2023, NCT Delhi (Fresh Component)
Annual GW Net Ground Stage of
Total Extractable Allocatio Water Ground
S. No. Name of District Total Natural Ground n for for Availability Water
Annual Discharges Water Domestic for future Extraction
Recharge from
Ground Resource Irrigation Industrial Domestic Total Use as on use (%)
other sources
Recharge from Water 2025
rainfall Recharge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 CENTRAL 353.61 2097.89 2451.5 245.15 2206.35 244.786 0 1496.18 1740.96 2087.35 487.11 78.91
3 EAST 125.34 1510.69 1636.03 163.62 1472.41 110.55 0.2 1282.15 1392.91 1439.42 79.5 94.60
4 NAZUL LAND 333.57 176.32 509.89 50.99 458.9 228 0 86.0377 314.04 86.04 144.86 68.43
5 NEW DELHI 1013.75 1899.29 2913.04 291.3 2621.74 686.869 2.2 2923.44 3612.52 2923.45 0 137.79
6 NORTH 2265.74 2409.97 4675.71 467.57 4208.14 489.773 50.308 4052.92 4592.99 4084.62 208.08 109.15
7 NORTH EAST 144.98 1630.25 1775.23 177.52 1597.71 176.765 0 1513.62 1690.38 1513.62 107.5 105.80
8 NORTH WEST 1153.44 2560.14 3713.58 259.42 3454.16 499.004 0.56 1778.74 2278.3 2378.75 1175.86 65.96
9 SHAHDARA 114.34 1493.77 1608.11 160.81 1447.3 338.61 0.5 1330 1669.1 1375.51 4.27 115.33
10 SOUTH 1134.78 3339.68 4474.46 447.44 4027.02 733.127 0 3807.97 4541.1 3807.97 1.75 112.77
11 SOUTH EAST 621.53 2004.45 2625.98 262.6 2363.38 220.165 12.74 2075.35 2308.26 2075.35 55.12 97.67
12 SOUTH WEST 3259.4 4456.69 7716.09 771.61 6944.48 4002.81 0 2496.6 6499.41 3020.21 360.84 93.59
13 WEST 1484.22 2568.71 4052.93 405.29 3647.64 731.977 0.6 2778 3510.58 2778 245.11 96.24
Total (Ham) 12004.7 26147.85 38152.6 3703.32 34449.23 8462.44 67.108 25621 34150.55 27570.29 2870 99.13
Total (Bcm) 0.12005 0.261479 0.38153 0.03703 0.344492 0.08462 0.00067 0.25621 0.34151 0.27570 0.02870 99.13
Table 21: Category wise Assessment unit Percentage
Table 22: District wise Annual Extractable Resource of different Categories
Annual Safe Semi-Critical Critical Over-Exploited Saline
Name of
S.No Resource Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual
of Assessed Extractable Extractable Extractable Extractable Extractable
% % % % %
Units (in Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource (in
Mcm) (in Mcm) (in Mcm) (in Mcm) (in Mcm) Mcm)
1 NORTH 42.08 - - 18.06 42.93 5.36 12.73 18.66 44.34
EAST 23.63 - - - - 23.63 100 - - - -
WEST 69.44 24.94 35.92 - - 22.8 32.83 21.7 31.25 - -
4 EAST 14.72 - - - - 14.72 100 - - - -
LAND 4.59 4.59 100 - - - - - - - -
6 SOUTH 40.27 - - - - 9.73 24.15 30.54 75.85 - -
7 CENTRAL 22.06 14.21 64.4 - - 6.35 28.8 1.5 6.8 - -
DELHI 26.22 - - - - - - 26.22 100 - -
WEST 34.54 29.7 85.98 4.84 14.02 - - - - - -
10 WEST 36.48 - - 16.79 46.04 14.46 39.64 5.22 14.32 - -
EAST 15.98 - - 7.24 45.34 - - 8.73 54.66 - -
12 SHAHDARA 14.47 - - - - 4.95 34.19 9.52 65.81 - -
Total 344.49 73.44 21.32 46.94 13.63 102 29.61 122.11 35.45 - -
Table 23: Category wise Recharge worthy area of Assessment Units
Total Recharge
Worthy Area
S.No Name of District of Assessed Recharge Recharge Recharge Recharge
Units (in Worthy Worthy Worthy Worthy
Worthy Area of Area of Area of Area of
% % % % Area of %
Assessed Assessed Assessed Assessed
Units (in Units (in Units (in Units (in
Units (in
1 NORTH 291.14 - - 118.18 40.59 25.38 8.72 147.58 50.69 - -
2 SOUTH EAST 103.52 - - - - 103.52 100.0 - - - -
3 SOUTH WEST 305.16 128.53 42.12 - - 67.84 22.23 108.79 35.65 - -
4 EAST 31.6 - - - - 31.6 100.0 - - - -
5 NAZUL LAND 25.79 25.79 100.0 - - - - - - - -
6 SOUTH 157.85 - - - - 24.72 15.66 133.13 84.34 - -
7 CENTRAL 79.31 54.54 68.77 - - 19.64 24.77 5.13 6.46 - -
8 NEW DELHI 158.09 - - - - - - 158.09 100.0 - -
9 NORTH WEST 154.36 121.37 78.63 32.99 21.37 - - - - - -
10 WEST 110.54 - - 73.6 66.58 26.46 23.94 10.48 9.48 - -
11 NORTH EAST 35.67 - - 8.96 25.11 - - 26.71 74.89 - -
12 SHAHDARA 34.59 - - - - 7.24 20.94 27.34 79.06 - -
Total 1487.61 330.0 22.2 233.0 15.71 306.0 20.6 617.0 41.49 - -
Table 24: Categorization of Assessment units, GWRE 2023
Name of
Name of Semi- Name of Over-
Name of Critical
S. No S. No Critical Assessment S. No S. No Exploited
District Assessment
Unit Assessment Unit
Total No. of Assessed Number of Semicritical Number of Critical Number of Over Exploited
Units Assessment Units Assessment Units Assessment Units
34 4 12 13
Table 25: Improved List of assessment units from GWRE 2022
Stage of
Stage of
Name of Ground
Name of Water Categorization in
S. No Assessment Water Categorization in 2023
District Extraction 2022
Unit Extraction
(%) in
(%) in 2023
South Hauz Khas 127.66 Over Exploited 99.82 Critical
South West Dwarka 112.61 Over Exploited 99.83 Critical
South West Najafgarh 82.83 Semi Critical 69.58 Safe
Table 26: Deteriorated list of Assessment Units from GWRE 2022
Central Kotwali 87.53 Semi Critical 94.22 Critical
East Gandhi Nagar 87.49 Semi Critical 91.45 Critical
East Preet Vihar 87.08 Semi Critical 90.38 Critical
The comparison of GWRE 2023 with the previous estimates of 1991, 2004, 2009, 2011,
2013, 2017, 2020 & 2022 has been presented in the Table No. 27 shows a decline trend. This
is on account of more refined methodology and refined database over the period. From year
2004 onward more refined GEC 1997 methodology was in vogue for next three assessments.
Moreover, the database on which computation were carried out was updated continuously. In
year 2013, data pertaining to canals / drains were updated which reflected as positive impact
on the total ground water recharge. Further, there was reduction in domestic Ground Water
Extraction which was attributed to the increased piped (surface) water supply by DJB during
the period of assessment. The regulation on drilling of new bore wells in whole NCT Delhi
has also contributed to lesser dependency on ground water and all these factors led of slight
lower development compared to previous two estimates.
Comparison of present GWRE 2023 with earlier estimates is presented in Table 27 and
Table 27: Comparison of GWREs of NCT Delhi
Methodology 1991 2004 2009 2011 2013 2017 2020 2022 2023
GEC GEC 1997 GEC 2015
Total Annual 29154 29710 31501 31050 34192 30090 28490 41051 38152
Total Ground 16840 47945 39619 39215 38785 35990 29032 36947 34150
water Extraction
Stage of Ground 58 161 125 126 113 119 102 98 99
Stage of GW Development in %
40000 120
20000 60
0 0
1991 2004 2009 2011 2013 2017 2020 2022 2023
Year of GW Assessment
GW Recharge in Ham Gw Extraction in Ham Stage of GW Development
Perusal of above, table 27 and figure 40 reveals that the stage of ground water extraction for
NCT Delhi, from year 2009 onward when refined GEC Methodology is adopted for tehsil
wise resource estimation, has remained changing (more improvement). Compared to estimate
of year 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017 and 2020 there is less annual replenishable recharge in
present (GWRE 2023) & 2022 estimates. The reduced ground water recharge compared to
the earlier estimation can be corroborated with diminishing average annual rainfall over last
five years and extreme climate events despite refinement of data pertaining to recharge from
water conservation structure. This can further be collaborated with the significant decreasing
trend in annual rainfall in NCT Delhi areas, as per analysis of rainfall data study report of
IMD1. Similarly, reduced ground water extraction compared to the earlier estimate can be
attributed less dependency on ground water resources over the period of assessment, for
drinking water supply in NCT Delhi by implementation / coverage of large additional
pockets by piped water supply of DJB. Moreover, increased urbanization also resulted less
ground water extraction for agriculture uses. However, overall development status remained
around 99 %, i.e., extraction is almost equal to the annual replenishable recharge.
It can be concluded that Dynamic Ground Water Resource of NCT Delhi is improving in
certain districts of NCT Delhi because of implementation of interventions suggested by
Hon’ble NGT, CGWB, use of treated water for Irrigation, improvement of water supply of
Delhi Jal Board and less dependency on groundwater.
As far as geo-referenced data of ground water extraction & water conservation structures is
concerned this is most vital input to INGRES for groundwater estimation, all departments of
NCT Delhi & Govt. of India, are recommended to maintain meticulous records of ground
water extraction & water conservation to be used in GWRE 2024.
Annexure I: State Ground Water Coordination Committee, NCT
Annexure II: Minutes of the first meeting of State Groundwater
Coordination Committee
Annexure III: Minutes of the Second meeting of State
Groundwater Coordination Committee.
Annexure IV: Minutes of the third meeting of State
Groundwater Coordination Committee
1 Census of India Report -2011; District Census Handbook, Directorate of Census
Operations, Delhi
2 IMD Published Rainfall Normal and Annual Rainfall Data. (
3 GSI – Published work on Delhi Area - 1997
4 GSI Study Report: Kachroo and Baghchi, 1999.
5 CGWB, SUO, Delhi: Compilation of Exploratory Drilling Data of Delhi, 2000
6 CGWB, SUO, Delhi…NAQUIM Report / Aquifer Mapping and Ground Water
Management Plan of NCT, Delhi -2016
7 CGWB, Report on GEC 2015 Methodology
8 GNCT Report Economy Survey of NCT Delhi
9 Ground Water Resource Estimation Report 2022 by Central Ground Water Board,
SUO, Delhi (
10 India WRIS Web application (