Yau 2006
Yau 2006
Yau 2006
Since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates has
received considerable amount of attention from the economists, international investors and policy makers.
The work reported here employs various linear and non-linear, time-series methodologies to investigate the
short-term and long-term interrelationships among the stock prices of Taiwan and Japan and the NTD/Yen
exchange rate during the period of January 1991–July 2005. The findings from this study include: firstly, the
stock prices of Taiwan and Japan impact each other for short durations; secondly, with regard to relationship
between stock prices and exchange rates, the portfolio approach is supported for the short-term and the
traditional approach is more plausible for the long-term in the Taiwanese financial market, whereas the
portfolio approach is not suitable for the Japanese stock market; and thirdly, there appears to be no long-term
relation between NTD/Yen exchange rate and the stock prices of Taiwan and Japan.
# 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) in 1997 struck the economy of many Asian countries.
They have experienced the continuous devaluation of their domestic currencies and severe hit
against the stock markets. However, the financial and economic conditions in these countries
have since gradually recovered. Nevertheless, the issue of whether stock prices and exchange
rates are related has brought out considerable attention from the economists, international
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 2 2621 5656x2591; fax: +886 2 2621 4755.
E-mail addresses: yauhy@mail.ntcb.edu.tw (H.-Y. Yau), niehcc@mail.tku.edu.tw (C.-C. Nieh).
Tel.: +886 2 2393 5263x6365.
1049-0078/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
536 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
For instance, Aggarwal (1981), Soenen and Hennigar (1988), Smith (1992), Bodnar and Gentry (1993), Barton and
Bodnar (1994), Dropsy and Nazarian-Ibrahimi (1994), Choi and Prasad (1995), Prasad and Rajan (1995), Ajayi and
Mougoue (1996), Fang and Loo (1996), Abdalla and Murinde (1997), Kwon, Shin, and Bacon (1997), Kanas (2000) and
Bhattacharya and Mukherjee (2003) among others.
The traditional approach claims that a depreciation of domestic currency makes local firms more competitive and
results in an increase in their export, which in turn raises their firms’ value and their stock prices. This implies a positive
relationship between exchange rates (by American quotation) and stock prices. On the other hand, the portfolio approach
argues that an increase in stock price induces investors to demand for more domestic assets and thereby causes an
appreciation in domestic currency, which implies that stock prices and exchange rates are negatively related.
By European quotation, the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates of traditional or portfolio approach
is just the reverse.
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 537
the economy of a country is, the more vulnerable it is to macroeconomic shocks from abroad
through shifts in the trade balance. Additionally, as an export-oriented country, Taiwan heavily
depends on electronics products exported to its major trading partners. Japan, like most of the
other Asia-Pacific countries, is a main competitor to Taiwan. In the case when the exchange rate
of NTD against Japanese Yen (NTD/Yen) appreciates, Taiwan exporters may lose their
competitiveness in the world markets and their stock prices would shrink. Studies investigating
the causal relations and the international transmission between these two financial assets of Japan
and Taiwan can also be found in Sewell, Stansell, Lee, and Below (1996), Chen and Wu (1997),
Granger, Huang, and Yang (2000) and Pilbeam (2001).
In prior empirical studies concerning the exchange rate, the US dollar was mostly utilized as
the base-currency, while a few studies used the Japanese Yen instead.5,6 Because Japan is one of
the major trading partners of Taiwan, the exchange rate of the NTD/Yen plays a crucial role and
may possibly influence Taiwan’s economy as well as stock market. Therefore, while
investigating the relationship or financial transmission between these two countries, it may be
more appropriate to consider Yen as the base-currency (i.e. NTD/Yen in this paper).
The main purpose of our study is to fully investigate the dynamic short-term causal relations
and the long-term equilibrium relations between these two major financial assets, the stock prices
of Japan and Taiwan and the exchange rate, by employing various conventional and advanced
time-series techniques. The findings of the lead–lag relations and the long-term co-movements
among the three variables considered may provide the multinational enterprises and the
international investors an excellent reference for their asset allocations.
More recently, it has been suggested that linear conventional time series methodologies fail to
consider information across regions, and lead to inefficient estimations and lower testing power.
One proposed approach to increase power in testing is to consider the use of non-linear
techniques. In this study, we attempt to employ the advanced time-series methodologies,
incorporating the endogenous structural break, namely Zivot and Andrews (1992) (hereafter ZA)
for the unit root test and Gregory and Hansen (1996) (hereafter GH) for co-integration, to
investigate and analyze the dynamic short-term causal relations and long-term co-movements
among the three variables considered.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the data used in this
study, Section 3 introduces the methodologies used, Section 4 presents the empirical results, and
Section 5 concludes this paper.
2. Data
This research is conducted using the basis of the NTD/Yen exchange rate,7 closing Taiwan
Stock Exchange Index (TW stock) and the Nikkei 225 Index (JP stock). Data are collected from
the AREMOS Statistical Data Bank of Ministry of Education, Taiwan. The sample period runs
from January 1991 to July 2005, for a total of 175 monthly observations are obtained for each
variable. This specific period is chosen due to the fact that the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
Enders and Hurn (1994) believed that using Japanese Yen as the base-currency can be crucial in investigating the
macro-fundamental issues, especially among the Asian countries.
The issue examining the dominant power or considering of the impact of either the US or Japan on other countries’
financial markets can be found in Karolyi and Stulz (1996), Varela and Naka (1997), Sun and Tong (2000) and Durand,
Kee, and Watson (2001).
The NTD/Yen exchange rate adopted in this paper is a nominal closing exchange rate at the end of each month.
538 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
Fig. 1. Trends of NTD/Yen exchange rate (EXR), Nikkei 225 index (JP) and Taiwan stock index (TW). Note: NTD/Yen
exchange rate is multiplied by 100,000 to enlarge the scare for easier comparison.
happened in the middle of this period, thus we may capture a full picture of before and after the
crisis (see Fig. 1). We observe from Fig. 1 that both stock indices had experienced a similar up-
and-down moving pattern. However, the volatility of the JP stock is much higher than that of the
TW stock, and the JP stock is in fact in a downward trend through all the sample period.
Moreover, it is seen clearly that, after the AFC, Yen appreciated against NTD up to the year 2000.
During this period, the fluctuation of the TW stock was moderate, whereas JP stock had
experienced a dramatic decrease before the month of September 1998 when it hit its local lowest
of 13,406 from its local highest of 20,604 in June 1997. The second serious drop in the JP stock
index from 20,337 to 9775 took place in the period between March 2000 and September 2001.
This illustrates that the JP stock was heavily impacted in 2000 during the worldwide internet
bubble. Fig. 1 also shows that the increase in JP stock most likely accompanies the Yen
depreciation (again NTD), whereas the TW stock increases with the NTD appreciation (against
3. Methodologies
This paper utilizes various time-series models, conventional linear and advanced non-linear
algorithms, to analyze the long-term and short-term interrelationships among stock prices of
Taiwan, Japan, and the NTD/Yen exchange rate.
The test statistic of NP test is MZt in this paper.
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 539
According to Schwert (1989), the ADF test with long lags is superior to the others.9 The three
differencing AR models of ADF are expressed as the following forms:
Dyt ¼ fyt1 þ bi Dyti þ et (1)
Dyt ¼ a þ fyt1 þ bi Dyti þ et (2)
Dyt ¼ a þ fyt1 þ gt þ bi Dyti þ et (3)
Model (1) is a pure random walk with the lag terms. Model (2) possesses a drift. Model (3)
includes a drift and a time trend. The null hypothesis for ADF test is: H0: f = 0, with the
alternative H1: 2 < f < 0.
Hamilton (1994) and Elder and Kennedy (2001) both argued that a strategy is necessary to
determine which of the three ADF models should be employed in conducting the unit root test.10
In this paper, we follow the determining rule by Dolado, Jenkinson, and Sosvilla-Rivero (DJS)
(1990) to determine the appropriate model for each variable.11
The PP test for unit roots adopts the basic ADF-related hypothesis, which first calculates the
ADF statistics and modifies them to PP statistical values (Phillips-type test) under the
circumstance that the error term is allowed to be of weak dependency and heterogeneous
variance. In a later research, Ng and Perron (2001) modified Za and Zt statistics of PP test and
further constructed four test statistics, known as NP unit root test.
Since the estimation might be biased if the lag length and bandwidth are pre-designated
without rigorous determination, based on the ‘‘principle of parsimony’’, our unit root tests utilize
Modified Akaike information criterion (MAIC) suggested by Ng and Perron (2001) for ADF and
NP and Bartlett kernel based criterion proposed by Newey and West (1994) for PP to determine
the optimal number of lags and optimal bandwidth, respectively.
3.1.2. Advanced non-linear unit root test with structural break—ZA test
One major drawback of conventional unit root tests is in the implicit assumption that the
deterministic trend is correctly specified. Perron (1989), which developed a unit root model with
an exogenous structural break, argued that if there is a break in the deterministic trend, the unit
root test will lead to a misleading conclusion that there is a unit root when in fact there is not.
Further elaborated work by Zivot and Andrews (1992) overthrew the presumed exogenous break
point and developed a unit root test with endogenous structural break, which has been regarded as
a more suitable test for the stationarity of series. The three models of ZA tests are expressed as the
Ayat and Burridge (2000) also argued that the ADF test has become the most popular of many competing tests in the
Elder and Kennedy (2001) developed a student-friendly testing strategy in determine the appropriate ADF model by
applying traditional OLS method.
The determining rule by DJS (1990) is to test for the significance of trend coefficient in the third model first, followed
by testing for the significance of the drift coefficient in the second model. If both outcomes result in insignificant, the first
model is selected.
540 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
following forms
Model A : DY t ¼ mA A A A
1 þ g 1 t þ m2 DUt ðlÞ þ a Y t1 þ b j DY t j þ et (4)
Model B : DY t ¼ mB1 þ g B1 t þ g A B
2 DTt ðlÞ þ a Y t1 þ b j DY t j þ et (5)
Model C : DY t ¼ mC1 þ g C1 t þ mC2 DUt ðlÞ þ g C2 DTt ðlÞ þ aC Y t1 þ b j DY t j þ et
where DUt(l) is 1 and DTt ðlÞ ¼ t Tl if t > Tl, 0 otherwise. l ¼ T B =T and TB represents a
possible break point. Model A allows for a change in the level of the series, Model B allows for a
change in the slope of trend of a series, while Model C combines both changes in the level and the
slope of trend. Since the appropriate model and the optimal lag lengths are crucial in interpreting
the results of the tests, we adopt the findings from the ADF tests to select the model and the lag
lengths for the ZA tests.
Gonzalo (1994) compared several methods of estimating co-integration, which include ordinary least squares, non-
linear least squares, maximum likelihood in an error correction model, principle components, and canonical correlations
The 1990 equation form is from Johansen and Juselius (1990).
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 541
To analyze the deterministic term, Johansen decomposed the parameters m0 and m1 in the
directions of a and a? as mi = abi + a?gi, thus we have bi = (a0 a)1a0 mi and
gi = (a?0 a?)1a?0 mi. The nested sub-models of the general model of null hypothesis
P = ab0 are, therefore, defined as:
H0 ðrÞ : Y ¼0
H1 ðrÞ : Y ¼ ab0
H1 ðrÞ : Y ¼ ab0 þ a ? g 0
H2 ðrÞ : Y ¼ ab0 þ a ? g 0 þ ab1 t
H2 ðrÞ : Y ¼ ab0 þ a ? g 0 þ ðab1 þ a ? g 1 Þt
Johansen (1994) emphasized the role of the deterministic term, Y = m0 + m1t, which includes
constant and linear terms in the Gaussian VAR. A decision procedure, following Nieh and Lee
(2001) among the hypotheses H(r) and H*(r) of the above five different models, is presented in
the following procedure14:
H0 ð0Þ ! H1 ð0Þ ! H1 ð0Þ ! H2 ð0Þ ! H2 ð0Þ ! H0 ð1Þ ! H1 ð1Þ ! H1 ð1Þ ! H2 ð1Þ
! H2 ð1Þ ! ! ! H0 ð p 1Þ ! H1 ð p 1Þ ! H1 ð p 1Þ ! H2 ð p 1Þ
! H2 ð p 1Þ
We diagnose models one by one until the model that cannot be rejected for the null.
Johansen (1992, 1994) developed a testing procedure based on the ideas developed by Pantula (1989) to determine the
number of co-integrating rank in the presence of linear trend (Johansen, 1992) and quadratic trend (Johansen, 1994).
The residuals are tested to determine if they are I(0) or I(1) processes. Rejection of the null implies an I(0) residual
and, therefore, indicates the presence of co-integration.
542 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
If the variables are non-stationary and co-integrated, the adequate method to examine the
causal relations is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) (Granger, 1988); otherwise a VAR
model is used in the case of no co-integration found among the variables (Granger, 1969).16
The standard GC test then examines if there exists feedback (bi-directional) or one-way
causality between variables. Considering two series, Xt and Yt, the GC test is in the form as follows:
Xn1 X
DX t ¼ a1 þ a11 ðiÞ DX ti þ a12 ð jÞ DY t j þ 2 Xt (15)
i¼1 j¼1
n2 X
DY t ¼ a2 þ a21 ðiÞ DX ti þ a22 ð jÞ DY t j þ 2 Yt (16)
i¼1 j¼1
where 2 Xt and 2 Yt are stationary random processes intended to capture other pertinent
information not contained in lagged values of Xt and Yt. The lag lengths, n and m, are decided
by AIC in our study. The series Yt fails to Granger cause Xt if a12(j) = 0 (j = 1, 2, 3, m1); and the
series Xt fails to cause Yt if a21(i) = 0 (i = 1, 2, 3, n1).
The more recent researches have largely applied the impulse response functions (IRF) and
variance decompositions (VDC) to conquer the difficulty of interpreting the estimated
coefficients of a VAR model. An IRF traces the response of current and future values of the
endogenous variables to a one standard deviation shock through the dynamic structure of the
VAR. The IRF is in the following expression:
Xt ¼ m þ F jk ðiÞeti (17)
where m is a 3 1 vector of constants, eti is a 3 1 error vector, Fjk(i) is a 3 3 matrix with
Fjk(0) = I3 and elements of Fjk(i) are the ‘‘impact multipliers’’, which examine the interaction
among NTD/Yen, JP stock and TW stock over the entire path.17
VDC, on the other hand, decomposes forecast error variance (FEV) in an endogenous variable
into percentage shocks to its own and other endogenous variables in the VAR, which in turn offers
information about the relative importance (exogenous ordering) of each random innovation to the
The corresponding variance–covariance matrix of the k-step ahead forecast error and its
decomposition can be expressed as follows:
^ ^ 0
EðX t E tk X t ÞðX t E tk X t Þ
¼ D0 Eðmt m0 t ÞD0 0 þ D1 Eðmt m0 t ÞD0 1 þ þ Dk1 Eðmt m0 t ÞD0 k1 (18)
The Engle and Granger’s (1987) ‘‘Granger representation theorem’’ argued that error correction and co-integration
are equivalent representations.
The number of three represents three variables of NTD/Yen exchange rate, Taiwan stock exchange index and the
Nikkei 225 index of Japan.
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 543
where EPtk xT ¼ D½xt jxtk ; xtka ; xtk2 ; . . ., Xt is VMA representation of
X t ¼ a0 þ 1 C e
i¼0 i ti , D i = C i V, m t1 = V 0
e ti, C i is a 3 3 matrix with C 0 = I3 , and V is a
3 3 lower triangular matrix of the Choleski decomposition.
Cooley and LeRoy (1985) criticize that orthogonalized IRF and VDC based on Choleski
decomposition are, in general, not meaningful. King, Plosser, Stock, and Watson (1999) and
Zhou (1996) further pointed out that as there is more than one common trend in a model, different
ordering of variables may significantly affect the results of IRF and VDC if the common trends
are not absolutely uncorrelated. The newly developed generalized-VAR (the G-IRF and G-VDC)
models by Pesaran and Shin (1998) overwhelm the shortcoming of orthogonalized IRF and VDC,
which have the advantage of being invariant to the ordering of the variables.18 Dekker, Sen, and
Young (2001) compared traditional VAR with G-VAR in estimating linkages of the Asia Pacific
equity markets. It was found that the generalized approach significantly gives more realistic
results, particularly for those markets with closest geographical and economic links. Other
literature applying G-IRF for the interactions among variables can also be found in Ewing
(2003), Peel and Venetis (2003) and Hacker and Hatemi-J (2003).
4. Empirical results
Firstly, the results of the three unit root tests, ADF, PP and NP, are summarized in Table 1,
which show that the null of non-stationarity cannot be rejected for any levels of the series. After
first differencing, however, the null is rejected at least at the 5% significance level for all series.
We thus conclude that all the variables considered in this paper are the I(1) type series.
We further adopt the advanced ZA non-linear unit root test considering a structural break. The
results of the ZA test are presented in Table 2 and shown in Fig. 2. All three variables carry unit-
root in the level and reject the null of ‘‘non-stationarity’’ in the first difference. This again insures
the I(1) type series for all the variables considered. The same order of integration among non-
stationary series found from both linear and non-linear tests enable us to go further co-integration
tests.The empirical findings for the long-run relationship through Johansen co-integration tests
considering of both a linear trend and a quadratic trend among NTD/Yen, JP stock and TW stock
are summarized in Table 3. The lag lengths for our models of co-integration are two based on the
smallest number of AIC. We follow Nieh and Lee (2001) decision procedure described in Section
3 among the hypotheses H(r) and H*(r) of the five Johansen models. The result shows that no co-
integrating vector is found. This indicates that there exists no long-run equilibrium or co-
movement relationship among stock prices of Taiwan and Japan and exchange rate of NTD/Yen.
The Gregory and Hansen (1996) test expands previous Johansen’s test to enable testing over
periods incorporating structural breaks. Consistent with the finding from the above Johansen
tests, the results of the GH test, shown in Table 4, reveal no co-integration relationship among the
three variables in the presence of a possible regime shift.
Since the results from the former Johansen and GH tests indicate no co-integration existing
among the three variables considered, we simply apply Granger (1969) VAR model to test the
causal relationship between each set of pairwise variables. The results of the GC test are shown in
Table 5 that bi-directional causality was revealed between stock prices of Taiwan and Japan.
After discussing advantages and disadvantages of traditional impulse response functions for non-linear models, the
concept of a generalized impulse response function, which is applicable to both linear and non-linear models, is first
introduced by Koop, Pesaran, and Potter (1996).
544 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
Table 1
The results of various unit root tests
JP Stock TW Stock EX Rate
Level 2.860 [3] (0) 2.487 [2] (0) 1.976 [2] (6)
First difference 5.052*** [1] (4) 8.383*** [1] (1) 6.448*** [1] (2)
Level 2.857 [3] (2) 2.543 [2] (1) 2.592 [3] (2)
First difference 13.883*** [1] (0) 12.910*** [1] (6) 13.269*** [1] (5)
Level 0.487 [2] (0) 2.118 [3] (0) 2.009 [3] (6)
First difference 3.016** [3] (9) 4.351*** [3] (9) 4.216*** [3] (2)
Notes: (1) JP Stock, TW Stock, and EX Rate are the symbols for the Nikkei Index, Taiwan Stock Exchange Index and
NTD/Yen exchange rate, respectively. (2) ***, **, and * denote significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. (3)
The critical values for 1%, 5%, and 10% levels of ADF, PP and NP, are (4.011663, 3.435858, and 3.141996),
(4.011663, 3.435858, and 3.141996) and (3.42000, 2.91000, and 2.62000), respectively. The critical values for
the ADF t-statistics are from the Mackinnon (1996) table. (4) The test statistic of the NP test is MZt. (5) The numbers in the
brackets indicate model specification. The numbers in the parentheses of ADF, and NP are the appropriate lag lengths
selected by MAIC, whereas the numbers in the parentheses of PP is the optimal bandwidths decided by the Bartlett kernel
of Newey and West (1994). (6) The appropriate models selected for the level and the first difference are based on the
decision procedures suggested by Dolado et al. (1990).
Table 2
The results of ZA unit-root tests with structural break
Break Level (tðl̂inf Þ) Break First difference (tðl̂inf Þ)
JP Stock 1992:06 4.025 (C) 2002:12 5.553 (A) ***
TW Stock 2000:07 3.895 (B) 1997:07 8.675 (A) ***
EX Rate 1993:01 3.061 (B) 1997:06 6.750 (A) ***
Notes: (1) *** denotes significance at 1% level. (2) The critical value for 1%, 5%, and 10% levels are (5.34, 4.80, and
4.58), (4.93, 4.42, and 4.11), and (5.57, 5.08, and 4.82) for Model A, Model B, and Model C, respectively,
from Zivot and Andrews (1992). (3) The characters within the parenthesis indicate the appropriate model according to the
results from ADF test. (A), (B) and (C) represent Eqs. (4), (5) and (6), respectively.
Table 3
Determination of co-integration rank in consideration of a linear trend and a quadratic trend
Rank Model 1 H0 Model 2 H1 Model 3 H1 Model 4 H2 Model 5 H2
T0(r) C0(5%) T1 ðrÞ C1 ð5%Þ T1(r) C1(5%) T2 ðrÞ C2 ð5%Þ T2(r) C2(5%)
r=0 14.4 24.3 26.2 35.2 23.4 29.8 36.0 42.9 34.5 35.0
r1 5.8 12.3 11.5 20.2 9.6 15.5 18.2 25.9 16.9 18.4
r 2 0.1 4.1 5.2 9.2 4.0 3.8 4.7 12.5 4.3 3.8
Notes: (1) T0(r), T1 ðrÞ, T1(r), T2 ðrÞ, and T2(r) denote the LR test statistics for all the nulls of H(r) vs. the alternative of
H( p) of Johansen’s five models. (2) C0(5%), C1 ð5%Þ, C1(5%), C2 ð5%Þ, and C2(5%) are the 5% LR critical values for
Johansen’s five models, which are extracted from Osterwald-Lenum (1992). (3) The model selection follows Nieh and
Lee’s (2001) decision procedure, diagnosing models one by one until the model that cannot be rejected for the null. (4)
The bold number with underline indicates the selection of the rank in the presence of linear deterministic trend. (5) VAR
length is 2 for all the models, which is selected based on the smallest number of AIC.
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 545
Fig. 2. Zivot–Andrews unit root tests on NTD/Yen exchange rate, JP stock and TW stock.
546 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
Fig. 2. (Continued ).
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 547
Table 4
The results of GH co-integration test with structural break
C 4.798 (0.400) 4.812 (0.400) 39.645 (0.400)
C/T 4.235 (0.434) 4.214 (0.417) 31.346 (0.417)
C/S 4.798 (0.400) 4.812 (0.400) 40.118 (0.400)
Notes: (1) Critical values for model C, C/T and C/S are 4.92, 5.29, 5.50 for ADF and Zt and 46.98, 53.92,
58.33 for Za, respectively (see Gregory and Hansen (1996), Table 1, p. 109). (2) Numbers in the parentheses are the point
of structural break represented by the percentage of the whole sample period.
Table 5
Pairwise Granger causality tests
Null hypothesis Probability
JP Stock does not Granger cause EX Rate 0.6197
EX Rate does not Granger cause JP Stock 0.4588
TW Stock does not Granger cause EX Rate 0.2608
EX Rate does not Granger cause TW Stock 0.7209
TW Stock does not Granger cause JP Stock 0.0059***
JP Stock does not Granger cause TW Stock 0.0376**
Notes: (1) TW Stock, JP Stock and EX Rate are the symbols for stock prices of Taiwan, Japan and the exchange rate of the
NTD/Yen, respectively. (2) ***, ** denote significance at the 1% and 5% significant level. (3) The null hypothesis, H0, is
for ‘‘no causal relation’’. (4) Lag length is 2 selected by AIC.
However, there is no significant lead-lag causal relationship found between the NTD/Yen
exchange rate and stock prices of Taiwan or Japan in the short run.
Owing to the advantage of being invariant to the ordering of the variables the G-IRF and G-
VDC are employed in this study. The results of G-IRF and G-VDC are exhibited in Fig. 3 and
Table 6, respectively. Firstly, via G-IRFs, it shows that the JP stock and TW stock interact with
each other; whereas with a permanent effect of the response of TW stock to the shock of the JP
stock, and a transitory effect of the response of JP stock in the reverse direction.19 Moreover, the
response of NTD/Yen to JP stock is trivial, whereas the NTD/Yen has an increasing influence on
JP stock conversely. Moreover, the impulse response to each other between NTD/Yen and TW
stock starts out being negative in the short run and turns to positive in the long run. The transition
points are in the fourth month for the response of TW stock to NTD/Yen; and in the sixth month
for the response of NTD/Yen to TW stock. It reveals that the portfolio approach is supported in
the short run especially before the sixth month; while in the long run (after the fourth month) the
traditional approach is more applicable. The last finding from the G-IRFs in Fig. 3 shows that the
responses due to their own shocks (self-responses) exist apparently for both stock prices of Japan
and Taiwan; whereas the self-response of NTD/Yen exchange rate is not significant, even
decreasing as time goes by.
The further finding of G-VAR is from the implementation of G-VDC. We observed from
Table 5 that the self-explained power dominated for each of the three variables considered, which
For the transmission effects of IRF, Lutkepohl and Reimers (1992) distinguished between transitory and permanent
effects by the argument that an effect of a one-time impulse on a variable is called transitory (permanent) if the variable
(does not) return(s) to it’s previous equilibrium value of zero after some period.
548 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
Table 6
The results of the forecast error variance decomposition
Period EX Rate JP Stock TW Stock
EX Rate 1 100.00 0.00 0.00
4 99.78 0.09 0.13
7 97.02 0.56 2.43
10 90.26 1.22 8.52
JP Stock 1 0.02 99.98 0.00
4 0.78 96.64 2.58
7 2.25 95.89 1.86
10 3.82 94.89 1.29
TW Stock 1 4.95 6.67 88.38
4 2.05 6.21 91.73
7 1.70 8.45 89.85
10 2.71 10.32 86.97
Notes: (1) Each number is in a percentage value. (2) The values of the variance decomposition decomposes forecast error
variance (FEV) in an endogenous variable into percentage shocks to its own and other endogenous variables in the VAR,
which in turn offers information about the relative importance of each random innovation to the variables.
H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552 549
implies each variable has the greatest explanatory portion in describing the FEVs of its own
shocks. Other describable results are that the variance or volatility of TW stock can be explained
by JP stock as time goes by (i.e. decomposed portion of 10.32% in the tenth month), while
changes in TW stock has some influence to explain the volatility of NTD/Yen exchange rate as
time goes by (i.e. 8.52% in the tenth month).
5. Conclusion
This study attempts to employ both the conventional and advanced time series
methodologies, incorporating endogenous structural break to explore the dynamic short-term
and long-term interrelationships among the NTD/Yen exchange rate and stock prices of Taiwan
and Japan. Firstly, it is found that from both conventional ADF, PP, and NP tests and advanced
ZA test with structural break, all variables are insured I(1) non-stationary time series. For the
long-term equilibrium relationship, the results of conventional Johansen test and advanced GH
test are consistent. Since the advanced GH co-integration test with structural break expands
Johansen’s linear model specification, the finding from GH test with no long-term co-movement
among the three variables confirms the previous result from Johansen’s tests. This further
conclusion of no long-term equilibrium between stock prices and exchange rates is consistent
with the findings of Nieh and Lee (2001) and Bahmani-Oskooee and Sohrabian (1992).
Furthermore, the results of the Granger causality test show that bi-directional feedback
relationship between stock prices of Taiwan and Japan are significant. However, there is no
significant linkage or causal relationship found between each of the stock prices and the NTD/
Yen exchange rate. The main reason could be that maintaining a stable exchange rate is the
common objective of the governments and central banks of both countries. Therefore, the
exchange rate does not interact frequently with prices fluctuations. This result differs from the
finding of Granger et al. (2000), which is possibly because of the Japanese Yen being used
instead as the base-currency in this paper. The linkage among the USD, Yen, and NTD, and the
interactions within them may be extended as a further research.
Regarding the impact innovations, some interesting findings are from the G-IRF. Firstly, the
stock prices of Japan and Taiwan interact with each other, whereas with a permanent effect of JP
stock on TW stock and a transitory effect of TW stock on JP stock. Secondly, the shock of NTD/
Yen has an increasing influence on JP stock; whereas the response of NTD/Yen to the shock of JP
stock is trivial. The positive impact of NTD/Yen on JP stock is just contrary to the traditional
approach, which may be interpreted as that Japan is more like an import-led country while having
lots of trade with Taiwan. Thirdly, the impulse response to each other between NTD/Yen and TW
stock starts out being negative in the short run and turns to positive in the long run. This reveals
that the portfolio approach is supported in the short run especially before the sixth month; while
in the long run (after the fourth month) the traditional approach is more applicable. The final
implications from the results of G-VDC indicate that each variable has the greatest explanatory
portion in describing the FEVs of its own shocks. Also, the variance of TW stock can be
explained by JP stock and NTD/Yen exchange rate by TW stock, respectively, as time goes by.
Japanese Yen is considered as a hard currency in contrast to the NTD; therefore it is assumed
that the central bank of Japan has a dominant power over the trend of the NTD/Yen exchange rate.
The central bank may adopt a monetary policy, which may benefit the stock price of Japan.
However, from the results of the FEVs, the volatility of NTD/Yen exchange rate can be explained
by the changes in TW stock as time goes by but not the JP stock. This leads to a question that
stabilizing or monetary function of policy shocks varies across countries. The exchange rate
550 H.-Y. Yau, C.-C. Nieh / Journal of Asian Economics 17 (2006) 535–552
intervention is beyond the scope of this paper, and the topic may be considered as a direction for
future study.
The overall conclusion can be drawn that the long-term equilibrium relationship among NTD/
Yen exchange rate and stock prices of Taiwan and Japan does not exist. However, for the short-
term effects, stock prices of Taiwan and Japan interact with each other, with the impact of JP
stock on TW stock persists for longer periods. Besides, for the relationship between each of the
stock price and exchange rate, the portfolio approach is supported in the short run and the
traditional approach is more plausible in the long run in the financial market of Taiwan. Whereas,
in the Japanese market, Japan is found to be more like an import-led country, with lots of trade
with Taiwan since the traditional approach applied in Japan’s case is just the reverse. Moreover,
the portfolio approach is not suitable to Japan’s market. It is believed that individual investors as
well as financial institutions in Taiwan and Japan can benefit from the findings in this study to
better strategize their stock investment and asset allocation.
The authors acknowledge Professor Dutta for his valuable comments and suggestions in the
2005 International Conference on Business and Finance held in Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Those comments have greatly enhanced the quality of this paper.
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