Storm Bee-User Manual

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owner's manual

This manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, your motorcycle may look and setup differ from This manual will provide you a better understanding of your electric motorcycle.Please take your time to read
the information supplied in this owner’s manual. Please visit our website for updates and additional information about your motorcycle.
this manual carefully and all safety labels before riding.
This Manual covers Riding tips for maximum range
the following motorcycles:
Range varies in STORM BEE electric motorcycles similarly to how it varies Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1
in gas motorcycles. The range variety of STORM BEE electric motorcycles I m p o r t a n t N o t i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1
STORM BEE R(road)All terrain comes from the riding application after each full charge. In addition to
riding habits, energy consumption is also affected by environmental Tra n s p o r t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2
conditions (such as extreme cold or hot weather, riding on steep soft
ABS (optional) road, etc.). To achieve the maximum range with a single charge, please
pay attention to reduce the maximum speed, less sudden acceleration Safety Information .......................................................................2.1
Headlight and Turn Signals
and maintain a constant speed to ensure the maximum range.
S a f e R i d i n g R e q u i r e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .1
All terrain tires (19-inch diameter front
To reach the maximum range, please following the tips below: Impor tant Information ..................................................................2.2
and 17-inch diameter rear)
① Avoid frequent and acute acceleration and braking. Location of Impor tant Labels ........................................................2.4
②under safe riding conditions, please reduce the riding speed by using
STORM BEE E(enduro)Trail version the throttle to decelerate instead of pulling the brake lever. When you’re
riding the STORM BEE, if the motorcycle is moving and the throttle is in the Operation and Component Locations ........................................3.1
ABS (optional)
idle position, the energy regenerative brake will reduce the speed of the
Headlight and Turn Signals STORM BEE and converting the kinetic energy to charge the battery pack.

Off-road tire (21-inch diameter front Display and Indicator ...................................................................4.1

③Maintain a correct tire pressure (Please refer to Recommended tire

and 18-inch diameter rear) pressure table page10.12) Dashboard Overview ....................................................................4.1

④Remove unnecessary goods and reduce load.

STORM BEE F(off road)Off-road ⑤The maximum range in winter or summer could be slightly different. Feature Setting .........................................................................5.1

version In conclusion, you can estimate your range according to the above factors Da s h b o a r d S e t t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .1
and your riding habits.
Off-road tire (21-inch diameter front System Feature Setting .................................................................5.3
Note: The range will be reduced according to the various tough road
and 18-inch diameter rear)
conditions during off-road riding.

Feature Introduction .........................................................................6.1 Power management .....................................................................8.1

Handlebar Controls ......................................................................6.1 Bat ter y Pack ...............................................................................8.1

Riding mode Button .............................................................................6.4 Power and charging .......................................................................8.2

Parking Brake Operation .......................................................................6.5

B a t t e r y Pa c k Re m o va l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 5 Power system management .........................................................9.1

Battery Pack Installation .....................................................................6.6 p o w e r s y s t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .1

Te r m i n a l B ox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .1

Starting and Operating ....................................................................7.1

Check before riding ................................................................................7.1 Maintenance Your Motorcycle .....................................................10.1

Key switch/ Steering lock .......................................................................7.2 Maintenance Items .................................................................................10.1
R i d i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 3 Maintain Records ............................................................................10.1
Pa r k i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 4 Regular Maintenance ....................................................................10.1
Temperature indicator .............................................................................7.4 Maintenance Schedule .................................................................10.1
ABS(Anti-lock braking system).........................................................7.5 Torque Management .........................................................................10.3
Front fork adjustment ...........................................................................7.7 B a t t e r y Pa c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . 5
Rear shock adjustment .........................................................................7.9 Braking System ..............................................................................10.5

Liquid-cooling system .......................................................................10.8

Reduction gearbox .........................................................................10.10

Suspension system .............................................................................10.11 Warranty and after-sales information .......................................12.1
Wheels and Tires ............................................................................10.11 Limited Warranty conditions ................................................................12.1
C h a i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 .1 2 Warranty period for sales motorcycles ......................................................12.1
Headlight Adjustment ........................................................................10.13 Parts Covered by warranty ...................................................................12.2
Light Bulb Replacement .........................................................................10.14 Warranty Labor Coverage ..............................................................12.2
Motorcycle Cleaning ......................................................................10.15 General Exclusions from Warranty ....................................................12.2
Parking and Long-term Storage .......................................................10.16 Motorcycle owner responsibility................................................12.3
Storm bee parts ....................................................................................10.16 Wa r ra n t y l i m i t a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . 4
Fuse ................................................................................................10.16 How to obtain warranty service ...................................................12.4
Electric Circuit diagram .........................................................................10.19

Troubleshooting ...........................................................................11.1 Annex ...........................................................................................13.1

Storm bee Troubleshooting ......................................................................11.1 Maintenance Record Sheet ......................................................................13.1
Precautions for hot and cold weather ......................................................11.1 After-sales services record sheet .........................................................13.7
Safety Interlock ...................................................................................11.2 Comparison table of spec ........................................................................13.9
Storm bee Precautions ...................................................................11.2

System warning message .....................................................................11.3

General troubleshooting ................................................................11.7

Introduction Introduction
Important Notice Transporting
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing SURRON STORM BEE electric motorcycle. We sincerely welcome you It is highly recommended that the electric motorcycle be firmly secured on the transport frame using ratchet
to the community of SURRON electric motorcycle riders. straps while it is being transported. It is recommended that the soft straps must be used to reduces scratches or
other damages.
This manual is designed to provide you with a better understanding of the operation, maintenance requirements
and troubleshooting of your electric motorcycle. Please take your time to read this manual carefully as well as all It is recommended to fix the ratchet straps according to the points shown in the figure. The front two are tied to
safety labels before riding. Please DO NOT use it until you understand the basic operation and features of the the handlebar and the back two are tied to the left and right swing arm. Please do not damage the chain or
STORM BEE electric motorcycle. brake line when tied the strap. The tie down straps should be at a 45° angle from the motorcycle. Follow the
manufactures instructions for the ratchet straps you are using.
You can also find this manual to download on our official website If there is any critical
update, it will be released on the official website. Please visit our official website to get the latest version.
1.1 1.2
Please ensure that this manual stays with the motorcycle at all times, even when you resell it.If you have any
questions regarding the operation or maintenance of your motorcycle, please contact the after-sales service
department of Sur-ron at:


If the power supply is damaged or the charging system malfunctioned, please contact your

authorized dealer designated by the manufacturer immediately for replacement or repair.

Safety Information Safety Information
Safety Riding Requirement Ensure you have the legal qualification to ride the motorcycle is designed and manufactured for off- Important Information
motorcycle before operation. road use only. The tires are not made for paved
Your electric motorcycle can provide many years of Several important operation considerations are listed
surface use and the motorcycle does not have Turn
Never consume alcohol or drugs before operation of
service and pleasure if you take responsibility for below:
signals or other features required for use on public
your electric motorcycle.
your own safety and understand the challenges you
roads. If you need to cross a paved or public road,
Always turn the key switch(A) and motor stop
can meet while riding. There is a lot you can do to Persons unwilling or unable to take responsibility for get off and walk your motorcycle across.
switch(B) to the OFF position when not actively
protect yourself whilst riding. You will find many their actions should not use this motorcycle. You
Modifications to the motorcycle may render the riding. It is extremely easy to forget that the
helpful recommendations throughout this manual. assume all responsibility while operating your
motorcycle unsafe and may cause severe personal motorcycle is still in standby mode because it is
The following are a few that we consider to be most motorcycle. The seller assumes no liability for misuse
injury. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for completely silent. An accident can occur if the
important. or operator negligence.
non-approved modifications. motorcycle is left powered up while getting on or off
2.1 STORM BEE is a high performance electric motorcycle Prior to each use, the rider must check everything in the motorcycle. 2.2
and should be treated with extreme caution. Be very careful when loading or adding accessories
the “check before ride”section on page 7.1, and the
to your motorcycle. Large, bulky, or heavy items may
charge level of the battery pack as indicated on the
Proper safety gear, including a regionally/nationally
dashboard display charge indicator.
adversely affect the handling and performance of A
approved helmet, riding boots, eyewear, gloves, and
your motorcycle.
protective clothing should be worn while riding to It is important to keep your motorcycle properly
reduce the risk of potential injury. We highly maintained and in safe riding condition. Having a
recommend the use of full height motocross boots breakdown can be difficult, especially if you are
since the vast majority of motorcycle injuries are stranded off-road far from your base. To help avoid
through leg and foot impact. problems, inspect your motorcycle before every ride
and perform all recommended maintenance
Read all warnings and instructions in this manual as
according to the maintenance schedule and
well as all the safety labels before operating your
adjustment requirements listed in this manual. Be
electric motorcycle. B
sure you understand the importance of checking all
Never allow a guest to ride your electric motorcycle items thoroughly before riding. If you are the STORM
without proper instruction. BEE off-road version owner, please understand your
Safety Information Safety Information
Turn the motor stop switch (B) OFF when pushing or motorcycles electronic components will consume a Location of Important Lables MCU Label A
moving the motorcycle. small amount of power and the battery pack will
drain extremely slowly. If you don’t ride for an
Use the parking brake (C) when you are stopped on a
extended period of time (30 days or more), you may
ramp or steep hill. Do not hold partial throttle to keep
need to charge the electric motorcycle for a few
the motorcycle stationary on a ramp or steep hill, it
hours prior to your next ride. The battery pack will be
can trigger the locked rotor protection which cause
damaged if it is stored for a long time under low
the motorcycle to slip back. Battery pack Warning
Label B
VIN label (A) The motorcycle chassis number
information (B)
C _____________CAUTION_____________ High Voltage Warning
2.3 2.4
Only charge the STORM BEE battery pack with the Label A
motorcycle’s original charger or the manufacture
approved accessory charger.
The battery pack does not require nor benefit from

deep discharging. To get the most battery pack life,

recharge the battery pack after each ride. Constantly B

leaving a battery pack in a deep discharging state A Motor Serial Number (A)
Please recharge the battery pack of your electric will cause battery cell damage.

motorcycle after each use. Once fully charged, Failure to follow battery pack storage and charging

disconnect from AC power supply. Make sure that the instructions as described in this Manual may void the
charging is carried out in an open space or with warranty of your STORM BEE electric Motorcycle.
monitoring. These guidelines have been rigorously tested to

ensure maximum battery pack efficiency and service.

While unplugged with the key in the OFF position, the A
Safety Information Safety Information


2.5 2.6

The motorcycle may have the following information for different sale region models:

A. VIN label (Australia) – certification label

B. VIN label (North American) – certification label

C. VIN label (European Union) – certification label

D. Tire and loading information labelE. VIN label

Operation and Component Locations Operation and Component Locations
A. Mirrors Indicator’, on page 4.1. and’Feature Setting‘, on page 5.1.
This STROM BEE electric motorcycle is equipped with G. Key Switch/Steering Lock
convex mirrors. A convex mirror has a curved
For description and operation, see’Starting and Operating’, on page 7.2.
surface. Convex mirrors offer a greater field of view
H. Front Brake Fluid Reservoir
than a similar flat mirror. However, the greater field
of view makes objects seem further away than they For description and operation, see ‘Maintenance’, on page 10.5.
really are. Care must be used when judging the I. Motor Stop Switch
distance of objects seen in these mirrors.
For description and operation, see‘Feature Introduction”, on page 6.3.
B. Rear Brake Lever
J. Front Brake Lever
For description and operation, see‘Feature
3.1 For description and operation, see’Feature Introduction’, on page 6.3. 3.2
Introduction”, on page 6.1.
K. Right Handlebar Control
C. Parking Brake Lever
For description and operation, see’Feature Introduction’, on page 6.3.
For description and operation, see‘Feature
L. Throttle grip
Introduction’, on page 6.2.
For description and operation, see’Feature Introduction’, on page 6.3.
D. Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir
M. USB port
For description and operation, see’Maintenance’, on E K L
page 10.5. 5V 2.4A USB port

E. Left Handlebar Control N. Seat Installation bolt

For description and operation, see’Feature Fix the seat on the frame,see ‘Feature Introduction’,on page 6.5.
Introduction’, on page 6.1.

F. Dashboard M
For description and operation, see’Display and N
Operation and Component Locations Operation and Component Locations
A. Headlight E. Brake/Tail/License plate Light
For headlight operation, see“Feature For Brake/Tail/License plate Light replacement, see“Maintenance”, on page 10.14.
Introduction”, on page 6.2. F. Sidestand strap
For headlight replacement,
This strap is a safety feature that prevents the sidestand down when riding causing
see“Maintenance”, on page 10.14.
you to lose control of the motorcycle and cause personal injury.
For headlight alignment, see

“Maintenance”, on page 10.13.

B. Front Turn Signals A
E Park only on a flat firm surface, otherwise the motorcycle could fall
3.3 For turn signals operation, see“Feature 3.4
over causing damage.
Introduction”, on page 6.3.

For turn signals replacement, F G. Sidestand Switch

see“Maintenance”, on page 10.14.
This switch is a safety feature that prevents motor operation when the sidestand is
C. Integrated Charging port G
down. If the sidestand were down when riding it could contact the ground causing
For description and operation, see“Power
you to lose control of the motorcycle and cause personal injury.
Management”, on page 8.2.
H H. Chain Adjuster
D. Rear Turn Signals
Located on left and right side. See “Maintenance”, on page 10.9.
For rear turn signals operation, see“Feature
I. Sidestand
Introduction”, on page 6.3.
The sidestand supports the motorcycle when parked. The key switch should be in the
For rear turn signals replacement, I
OFF position when parked.
see“Maintenance”, on page 10.14.
Operation and Component Locations Operation and Component Locations
A. Battery pack

F o r d e s c r i p t i o n a n d o p e ra t i o n , s e e ’ P o w e r
A Management’, on page 8.1.


For description and operation, see’Power System

Management’, on page 9.1.

C. Motor and Reduction gearbox

For description and operation, see’Power System

Management’, on page 9.1.
3.5 3.6

A.Temperature Sensor

Monitoring the temperature of the MCU, will activate

B C the liquid-cooling system when necessary.
Display and Indicator Display and Indicator
A. Charge Indicator The temperature indicator is on the right side of the
Dashboard Overview LCD dashboard display, indicating the temperature
This indicator and readout display the amount of
energy remaining in the battery pack similar to the of the motor, MCU and battery pack. When the

fuel gauge on a gasoline powered motorcycle. temperature of one of these components exceeds
the rated temperature limit, the temperature
B. Odometer
indicator will flash. For description and operation,
The odometer displays the total distance the see“Starting and Operating”, on page 7.4.
motorcycle has been ridden in kilometers or miles.
G. Warning Code Display
C. Speedometer
When the motorcycle fails, the corresponding
The speedometer is a digital display in either Warning Code will be displayed. For Warning Code,
4.1 kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour see "Troubleshooting" on page 11.4 4.2
(mph).For description and operation, see“Feature
Setting”, on page 5.2.

D. Transmission ratio Display

It displays the current transmission ratio of STORM

BEE electric motorcycle.

E. Riding mode

This area displays the riding mode (1,2,3)

corresponding to the Riding mode of ECO, RAIN and
SPORT. The Riding mode button is located on the
right handlebar assembly.For description and
operation, see“Feature Introduction”, on page 6.4.

F. Temperature Indicator
Display and Indicator Display and Indicator
A. TURBO Mode Indicator B. System Warning Indicator C. Reverse mode indicator(R) until the high beam is turned off.

This indicator shows the working state of There are two working states for the The indicator illuminates when the G. Low Power Indicator
turbo mode. The indicator will dissapear system warning indicator light. An orange motorcycle is in reverse mode; the When the power of the battery pack is low
when turbo mode is not available. The flashing light indicates the power down indicator dissapers when the motorcycle is (SOC < 20%), the low power indicator flashes. If the
indicator illuminates when turbo mode is available. state and if a fault has been detected, the indicator out of reverse mode. power is very low (SOC < 10%), the indicator stays
If the indicator is flashing slowly, turbo mode is in illuminates a solid orange light. See D. Turn Signals on.
use. If the indicator is flashing fast, turbo mode is ‘Troubleshooting’ for detailed Warning Code, on
Once the Turn Signals is switched on, the H. Ready Indicator
about to end. page 11.7.
Turn signals remains flashing until the Turn It indicates that the motorcycle is ready to
signals request has been canceled. move if the throttle is twisted.
A B C E. ASR indicator
4.3 I. ABS 4.4
The Acceleration Slip Regulation feature is (Anti-Lock Brake System)Indicator
turned on and off by the ASR switch, and
The indicator illuminates or flashes when
the ASR indicator turns on and of f
ABS system fails or is in the OFF mode. For
accordingly. When the Acceleration Slip Regulation
description and operation, see“Starting and
(ASR) feature of the motorcycle is in the locked on
D G Operating”, on page 7.5.
state, this indicator illuminates. When the ASR
indicator flashes, both the signal of the speed sensor
E H and the ASR feature is abnormal. Please check
whether the gap between the wheel speed sensor
F I and the code disk is in the range of 0.8 ~ 1.2mm, and
whether the wheel speed sensor is abnormal

F. High Beam Indicator

When the headlight high beam is on, this

indicator illuminates blue, and remains on
System Feature Setting System Feature Setting
Display - Odometer dashboard in its normal
operating. Then select Miles
per Hour (MPH) or Kilometer
per Hour (km/h).

2. is displayed when selecting Miles per Hour

Select total or trip mileage: 3. is displayed when selecting Kilometer per
1. To select the display of total or trip distances, Hour (km/h).
momentarily press the MODE button when the Display - Transmission ratio
dashboard in its normal operating mode and the
5.1 5.2
speed is 0km/h.
2. Trip mileage and maximum speed are displayed
synchronously. The speedometer displays the
current speed during riding.
Dashboard Setting B. Select Button(SEL)
3. is displayed in dashboard when selecting Transmission ratio setting:Press and hold the SEL
The features and displays on the dashboard can be To select the corresponding feature by pressing SEL button with the dashboard off and turn the key
the total mileage.
customized to your personal preferences by using button when entering the feature menu. switch ON whilst still holding the SEL button for
4. is displayed in dashboard when selecting
the MODE and SEL buttons combined with the R\S C. Reverse mode\Switch setting button R\S more than 2s with the dashboard in its normal
the trip mileage.
button on the Handlebar Control operating. Then enter into the transmission ratio
To set different feature by R\S button when entering
A. Mode Buttom( MODE) the system feature mode. The R\S button can switch Select Miles per Hour (MPH) or Kilometer setting mode, and ' ' flashes at a frequency of
the ASR level during normal riding. per Hour (km/h) : 1 / s e c . To a d j u s t t h e t ra n s m i s s i o n ra t i o by
By momentarily pressing or holding the MODE button
momentarily press MODE to decrease by 0.1, or SEL
you can reset fields and toggle through the trip 1. Press and hold the MODE button with the
button to increase by 0.1. Press and hold SEL button
menus and display options. dashboard off and turn the key switch ON whilst still
for more than 2 seconds to save the current setting.
holding the mode button for more than 2s with the
System Feature Setting System Feature Setting
Example: The factory stock rear tire is 18-inch, Note: Display one of the English letters in field A setting menu display mode: flashing (display the 8、Exit System Feature Mode Setting (X)
factory configurated rear sprocket is 52 gears, and (Different English letters are displayed according to setting for the current feature when entering)
factory configurated front small sprocket is 14 gears. different feature modes)
The features are listed as follows:
Display one of the Numbers in field B (Different
1、Level setting of brake energy regenerative feature
Rear Wheel size No. of Rear Transmission Numbers are displayed according to different feature
(inch) Sprocket teeth ratio (B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5) Factory default at B2 (feature is
disabled in B0, and strengthens in turn from B1 to
19≥ 52 0.9 System Feature Mode Setting: B5)

18寸 52 1.0 MODE button and SEL button in dashboard: Press the 2、Level setting of slide energy regenerative feature
two buttons at the same time to enter the system (E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5) Factory default at E3 (feature is
18寸 ≥57 1.1
feature setting mode and the first feature (stay on) of disabled in E3, and strengthens in turn from E1 to E5)
5.3 5.4
the dashboard is displayed. Press and hold the R/S
3、Level setting of ASR feature (A1 A2 A3) Factory
button in Right Handlebar Control to select X in the
System Feature Setting default at A2 (feature strengthens in turn from A1 to
feature menu to exit the System Feature Mode, or
System Feature Mode Display exit automatically without any operation for 10
4、Setting of e-brake feature (P0 P1) Factory default
at P1(feature is disabled in P0, and Actived in P1)
Momentarily press R/S button in Right Handlebar
5、Setting of tilt protection feature (C0 C1) Factory
Control: Cycle through the current menu
default C1(feature is disabled in C0, and Actived in
Press and hold R/S button in Right Handlebar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Control: enter the setting menu of the currently it is recommended to turn of f the tilt
6、Beebox function (T0 T1) Factory default at T0
selected feature menu or select the current setting protrction in off road environment, to avoid
(feature is disabled in T0, and Actived in T1)
and return to the feature menu
the loss of power due to the triggering of tilt
7、Reserved feature (F0 F1 F2) Factory default at F0
feature menu display mode: always on (display the
(feature is disabled in F0, and strengthens in turn protection when performancing some jump
A B setting for the current feature, and initially display
from F1 to F2) tricks.
BX when entering)
Feature Introduction Feature Introduction
locked in current state; switching between active and electric motorcycle is very quiet when riding, and the
Handlebar controls disable. If you short press 3 times again, ASR will be horn can be used to warn pedestrians or other
turned off. motorists present.

⑵ ASR level setting key: also Switch setting button F. Turn signals switch
R\S, located in front of the right-hand handle switch, When you push the Turn signals switch to the left or
trigger switch. When the dashboard in the normal right, the corresponding front and rear Turn Signals
condition, the R/S button can switch between ASR will flash. When the Turn signals light switch is turned
setting level. on, the Turn signals light is on.
① Short press once: display the current ASR setting Be sure to turn and other operations in accordance
level with the law. Unlike cars, turn Signals must always be
6.1 A B C ② quick short press twice: The ASR setting will be manually cancelled on Sur-ron electric motorcycles. 6.2
leveled up and display on the dashboard; keep press
Press the switch and it will return to the off position
R/S button will made the ASR level cyclically between (middle).
display A1~A3, please refer to page 5.4 for the
G. Turbo Switch
A. Rear brake Lever The Acceleration Slip Regulation (or called traction specific setting method.
control) is set by the ASR switch in the left-hand The Turbo switch is the red button on the left handle
When you pull the Lever backwards, it will control the D. Headlight high/low beam switch
handle switch and the R/S button of the right-hand switch. When the electric motorcycle is in the sport
rear brake system. When braking, the throttle should When the switch is pressed, the headlight changes
handle switch, as the current motorcycle ASR setting. mode, press the Turbo switch and the electric
be in the idle position. The brake lights are also lit. from low beam to high beam. It remains in the motorcycle will instantly output the maximum power.
B. Parking brake ⑴ ASR switch: located behind the left-hand handle selected position until it is switched back. When in the The Turbo mode is only valid in the sport mode,
control, trigger switch. high beam position, the high beam indicator on the
When parking on a slope, apply the locking brake to follow " One full throttle, limited activate time, limited
prevent the motorcycle from slipping. For instructions ① Regular no pressing: ASR off dashboad lights up interval time" principle.
and operations, please refer to page 6.5 of "Feature ② Regular long pressing: ASR is turned on and in the E. Horn button Specifically, When the motorcycle is in the sports
Introduction” setted ASR value When the Key switch is in the ON position, the horn mode and the electric motorcycle meets the operating
C. Acceleration Slip Regulation switch(ASR switch) ③ Short press 3 times in a row: ASR is turned on, and will make a sound when the button is pressed. The conditions of Turbo mode, the Turbo mode indicator
Feature Introduction Feature Introduction
on the dashboard will stay on. Press the Turbo mode 6.4 of "Feature Introduction". then stored in the battery pack, thereby helping to Riding mode button
switch and the Turbo mode is triggered, and the K. Reverse mode\Switch setting button R\S improve energy efficiency and increase the range. A
Turbo mode indicator on the dashboard will flashing slight resistance is felt when KERS is activated. The
For instructions and operations of the function
slowly. When Turbo mode activated for a certain KERS level can be changed in the System Feature
setting, please refer to page 5.1 of "Function
period of time (about 10 seconds), the Turbo mode Mode, see page 5.4 for details.
Setting".Reverse mode: When the throttle is in idle
indicator will flash rapidly, and the MCU will
position and the electric motorcycle speed is 0km/h, M. Front brake handle
automatically exit Turbo mode after another 10
press and hold the R/S function key and do not When you pull the handle backwards, it controls the A B C
seconds, then the Turbo mode indicator goes out,
release it. The reverse indicator R on the dashboard front braking system. When braking, the acceleration The Riding mode buttons include sports mode 'A',
and back to normal operation condition. It will take
will light up, and the electric motorcycle will enter handle should be in the idle position. The brake rain mode 'B' and ECO mode 'C'. You can switch
about another 10 seconds to reboot, and re-use the
the reverse mode. Twist the throttle and the lights are also lit. between Riding mode while riding.
6.3 Turbo mode again. 6.4
motorcycle starts to reverse; once it enters the
H. ABS Switch 1. Sports mode 'A'
reverse mode, releasing the R/S button will instantly
For operations and instructions, see " Starting and cut off the power. Only when the R/S button is This mode has strongest power output and

Operating" page 7.6. released and the throttle is reset to zero will the acceleration ability. It is highly recommended that

reverse mode be exited and the forward gear mode users only use this mode after familiarizing
I. motor stop switch
A themselves with the motorcycle.
will be functionally again.
When the top 'A' of the
B L. Throttle control 2. Rain mode 'B'
switch is pressed, it will
cut off the power supply Rotate the thottle handle counterclockwise to In this mode, the power is reduced, and the ASR

for operation signal. The MCU remains in the state of accelerate the motorcycle. function is turned on and stay on by default, which

no power output until the bottom 'B' of the switch is can effectively prevent the motorcycle from slipping.
When the electric motorcycle is in the riding state,
pressed. The switch does not close all operation the kinetic energy regenerative system (KERS) will be 3. ECO mode 'C'
electrical circuits, only the operating of the motor. activated when the ebrake is suddenly activated or In this mode, the power and acceleration ability are
J. Riding mode button the throttle position is back to idle. KERS will much reduced, the electric motorcycle is much easier

For instructions and operations, please refer to page generate electric energy from the riding motorcycle to ride and maximized the cruise range.
Feature Introduction Feature Introduction

Your Storm Bee electric motorcycle is equipped with Battery pack removal battery pack and the rear compression bracket 'B'of 1.Put the battery pack in the battery compartment
a parking system. When activated, the parking the battery pack from the fixed lugs and rotate them 2.Press the the front compression bracket 'C' of the
system will prevent the electric motorcycle from A to the corresponding positions according to the battery pack and the rear compression bracket 'B' of
rolling forward or backward. arrow showing on the diagram. the battery pack to the fixed lugs
A.Parking system on B C D 5.Lift the battery pack up to remove the battery pack 3.plug the battery pack discharge plug 'E' back in
and put in the safe position. first, then plug the charging plug 'D' next
Pull the rear brake lever, push the parking brake
lever into the gap between the brake lever and the Battery pack installation 4.Install the seat back in according to the arrow
brake lever housing, and release the rear brake showing on the diagram, first put the the seat on the
lever. frame and push the seat backward along the arrow
Battery pack installation direction to fix the seat hook on the subframe.
B.Parking system off
6.5 6.6
Pull the rear brake lever, the parking brake lever will 5. Use a portable tool to install the two mounting
automatically pop out of the gap between the rear screws of the front support cover of the seat 'A'
brake lever and the rear brake lever housing. E

1.Use a portable tool to remove the two mounting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
screws of the front support cover of the seat
Before removal and installation of the battery pack on
2.Push the seat and the front support cover of the the electric motorcycle, the key switch must be in the
seat forward first according to the arrow showing on OFF position, so that the whole motorcycle is in no
the diagram, and then lift the seat upwards along A power condition
the arrow. Do not change the installation steps of the charging

3.First remove the charging plug 'D'and then remove plug and the discharge plug at will. As the battery pack

the discharge plug 'E' are high-voltage components, the wrong installation
steps may cause serious injury.
4.Remove the front compression bracket 'C'of the
Starting and Operating Starting and Operating
Check before riding of the tire. As described on page 10.8, when the Steering lock
Key Switch / Steering lock
tread depth is less than 2 mm, please replace the tire
Before operating the electric motorcycle, please Using a steering lock when parking can prevent
check the following item to ensure that the electric unauthorized use and help prevent motorcycle been
motorcycle is in operational condition stolen.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Battery pack C Operating the Steering lock:
Unusual tire pressure is a common reason that cause of
Check that the battery level displayed on the battery tire failure, and may cause severe tires issues or loss the 1. Rotate the handlebar to the exteme left position.
pack or dashboard is sufficient to support your control of the electric motorcycle, which may result in 2. With the key in the OFF position, press the key
riding. We recommend you to full charge before use serious personal injury. Check the tires regularly to downward and then turn the key counterclockwise to
Chain ensure proper tire condition. the lock position.
7.1 Check the chain tension and condition. Adjust or 3. Remove the key. 7.2
replace if necessary. See "Chain" on page 10.12 Electrical System

Brake system Check whether the headlights, turn signals lights

This is a three-position key switch located above the
and brake lights/taillights are functioning properly
Pull the brake lever and push the motorcycle to see if front fork and in front of the handlebar. The switch
the front and rear wheels are locked. You should be Cooling liquid positions are as follows (the off-road version
able to lock the wheels completely by braking Check the cooling liquid level, refill or change when equipped a two-position switch):

Throttle needed. please refer to page 10.8 of "Liquid cooling 1. steering lock 'A' (off-road version does not have
system". this function)
When the key switch is in the off position, twist the
throttle and release it to check whether the throttle is 2. OFF 'B'
move smoothly and return to idle freely. 3. ON 'C'
Tyre The key should be removed from the electric
Check the tire pressure and tread depth of the tires. motorcycle when parking to prevent motorcycle been
stolen. The key can be removed in the OFF or steering
Check the cold tire pressure, maintain the correct tire
lock position.
pressure, and check for damage and abnormal wear
Starting and Operating Starting and Operating
Unlock the steering lock: that the parking brake is unlocked. structure, but high-power density, light weight
operating force on the brake lever will gradually stop
design and easy maintenance advantage. Long-term
1. Insert the key, press down and turn clockwise. After confirming that there are no obstacles and the electric motorcycle without locking the wheels.
continuous operation at high power/high speed will
OFF position passing vehicles in the surrounding area, retract the Your electric motorcycle is a powerful vehicle, so it is
result in high temperature of the power system.
sidestand, gently squeeze the brake lever to enter strongly recommended that you practice adequately,
This position is used to turn off the Storm Bee electric
the READY mode, and the green READY light on the Therefore, your Storm Bee electric motorcycle will
motorcycle, thereby disabe all the electrical system. and familiar with all the safe emergency stop
dashboard will light up, and twist throttle inward self-moniting the temperature of each component of
ON position (counter clockwise) to increase the speed; when the the power system to ensure the power system
This position is used to operate the Stormbee electric throttle is rotated outwards, the motorcycle speed Park the Storm Bee electric motorcycle operating through a comprehensive multiple thermal
motorcycle. The following visiable instruments will decreases. management strategy.
1. When the throttle is in the closed position, press
lights on when you turn the key switch ON: Braking the motor switch to the closed position. The switch A
7.3 Headlights turns on can also be used to turn off the motor in an 7.4
The brake levers are located on the left and right
Dashboard display turns on handlebars emergency.

When you pull the right brake lever, it controls the 2. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and remove
front brake. the key, and keep it in a safe place.
Riding a Storm Bee electric motorcycle
When you pull the left brake lever, it controls the rear 3. Lock the parking brake to prevent the motorcycle
This section gives you a general idea of how to
brake. from moving due to the gradient (it is recommended B
operate the electric motorcycle safely
to use the parking brake when parking on flat
Starting Temperature indicator on the dashboard 'B'
ground and slope, this is a good parking habit).
____________warning____________ The indicator had two information states:
1.Turn the key switch to the ON position. 4. After each ride, please check the power and
If ABS is disabled or cannot be operated, apply too much
2. Confirm the battery percentage display on the charge the battery pack in time. In Phase 1, when riding the electric motorcycle, the
force to the brakes which will cause the wheels to lock
dashboard. temperature indicator progress bar will gradually
up. This may cause you to lose control of the electric Temperature indicator
increase until the entire temperature indicator 'B'
3. Press the motor stop switch to the start position. motorcycle and may result in serious injur y or
The air-cooled electric power system of the Storm flashes, and the orange system warning indicator 'A'
death.Progressive use of the brakes and control of the
4. Gently squeeze the left brake lever to make sure Bee electric motorcycle has a simple and reliable above the dashboard will also start flashing, and tell
Starting and Operating Starting and Operating
you the Storm electric motorcycle is about to enter and not released within 5s, the ABS ON/OFF switch and the braking distance may increase
the temperature protection mode. To prevent the ____________warning____________ request will be ignored and the ABS keeps the
motorcycle from forced reducing its power, you can Ride cautiously when turning. If you braking while current state;When the ABS switch is pressed for
When the ABS system is disabled, the ABS indicator will
choose to slow down and riding smoothly or switch turning, ABS may not be able to offset the centrifugal more than 30s, the ECU of the ABS regards the switch
continue to flash (1.2 second a time).
to ECO mode until the indicator light stops flashing. force of inertia. Such activities will cause unsafe riding signal as a fault signal, and the ABS returns to

Phase 2、If the temperature continues to rise, the

and easily cause accidents. Certain riding conditions default ON state. The ABS can only be turned OFF

orange system warning indicator 'A' above the

and environments may reduce the braking efficiency of after the power is switched on again. ABS indicator
ABS and make its braking distance equal to that of a
dashboard will stay on to inform you that the electric Disable ABS 1、When the ABS system detects a fault, the ABS fault
motorcycle without ABS.
motorcycle is now enter a temperature protection 1. In the parking state, put down the sidestand indicator will light up. If the fault is eliminated, the
strategy, and the power of the Storm Bee electric ABS warning light will disappear when the
1、ABS Switching ON/OFF conditions 2. Place the motor stop switch in the OFF position
7.5 motorcycle will be reduced accordingly. motorcycle speed reaches 5km/h in the current states 7.6
① The whole motorcycle is powered on 3. Turn the key switch to the ON position
or turn ON the key switch and reaches the speed of
② The speed of the front and rear wheels of the 4. Press and hold the ABS switch for 3 seconds and 5km/h next time;
ABS(Anti-lock braking system) motorcycle is zero then release, the rear wheels ABS function is now
2、When the ABS is in the ON mode and the speed of
turned off, and the ABS indicator light flashes at a
③ The electric motorcycle is in non-diagnostic mode your electric motorcycle reaches 5km/h, the ABS
____________warning____________ frequency of 0.2 second; Then press and hold the
indicator light goes out,
2、ABS operation method ABS switch again for 3 seconds and release it, and
The ABS anti-lock braking system maximizes the
the ABS function will switch back to ON state; press 3、When the ABS is in the off mode, the ABS warning
braking efficiency in emergency situations and the ① After turn the Key switched ON, ABS is turned on
and hold the ABS switch again for 3 seconds, now all light flashes at a frequency of 1.2 time/sec;
safety during riding. Under certain conditions, ABS can by default
shorten the braking distance, but it cannot replace good
ABS functions are turned OFF, and the ABS warning 4、When the ABS switch is pressed, the ABS warning
② When the ABS is in the OFF condition, the ABS
riding habits.
light flashes at a frequency of 1.2 second。 light flashes at a frequency of 1.2 times/sec, but
indicator flashes at a frequency of 1.2 second, when
when the ABS switch is pressed for more than 30s,
____________warning____________ the ABS is in the ON condition, the ABS indicator is
____________warning____________ the ABS warning light is always on;
Please ride safely and respect the legal speed limit on When ABS is disabled, the electric motorcycle will be
5、When the ABS is in the diagnosis mode, the ABS
the road. ③ When the ABS switch is pressed for more than 3s able to operate as a motorcycle without ABS function,
warning light is on
Starting and Operating Starting and Operating
in the "-" direction to increase the rebound speed.
____________warning____________ the ON position. Once both wheels reach 5km/h and are

When your Storm Bee electric motorcycle exceeds fully functional, the ABS light should go out

5km/h, if the ABS indicator light is still on, It indicates

that the ABS system is malfunctioning, and the ABS may

not work normally. Please contact the authorized dealer

or manufacturer for after-sales repair in time. When the Front fork adjustment B
ABS system does not work, your Stormbee electric Compression damping——FASTACE、KKE
motorcycle will operate as a motorcycle without ABS,
Use a flat-blade screwdriver to turn the screws 'A' on
which may increase the braking distance and may cause
the top of the left and right front fork to adjust the
7.7 unpredictable conditions.
compression damping. The symbol "+" means hard
____________Caution____________ 7.8
ABS work requires comparing the relative speed of the The appearance of front fork in different brands may be
(large compression damping), and the symbol "-"
front and rear wheels. Failure to use the tires specified different, please refer to the actual product. The appearance of front fork in different brands may be
means soft (small compression damping).
by the manufacturer may adversely affect the ABS different, please refer to the actual product.
Turn the adjusting screw 'A' clockwise in the "+"
function and the braking distance of the Stormbee The damping and spring preload should be adjusted
direction to increase the compression damping.
electric motorcycle Rebound damping——FASTACE、KKE reasonably according to the road conditions and the

If the speed of the front and rear wheels changes Turn the adjusting screw 'A' counterclockwise in the weight of the rider. Avoid adjusting the damping to the
Adjust the rebound damping by turning the screws
greatly, such as during a wheel lock up or off-road "-" direction to reduce the compression damping. maximum limit value, otherwise the front fork may
'B' at the bottom of the left and right front fork with a
riding, the ABS indicator will light up and ABS will be malfunction or even cause a crash.
flat-blade screwdriver. The symbol "+" means hard
disabled. ____________Caution____________ (slower rebound), and the symbol "-" means softer
____________Caution____________ Try to keep the damping adjustment balanced. (faster rebound).
To reactivate the ABS, please stop the Storm Bee electric Turn the rebound adjusting screw 'B' clockwise in the
motorcycle completely, then turn the key switch key to "+" direction to reduce the rebound speed.
the off position, wait for about 5s, and then return it to
Turn the rebound adjusting screw'B'counterclockwise
Starting and Operating Power management
Rebound adjustment——FASTACE、KKE Rear shock preload adjustment——FASTACE、KKE Battery pack
Rear shock adjustment
The rebound adjustment screw 'B' is located at the 1. Loosen the spring lock ring 'A'. The Storm Bee Motorcycle uses high-performance
Compression adjustment——FASTACE、KKE
bottom of the rear shock absorber. "+" printed on the 2. Use an adjusting wrench to turn the adjusting ring high rated lithium battery which can be used in the
The compression adjustment screw is located on the
adjustment screw means hard (slower rebound), "-" 'B'. ambient temperature range of -20℃~50℃,the best
top right side of the rear shock absorber. "+" is
means soft (faster rebound) working condition is when ambient temperature is
printed on the adjusting screw to indicate hard (large 3. Rotate the adjusting ring'B'counterclockwise to
between 10℃~30℃. Too low or too high ambient
compression damping) and "-" indicates soft (small Turn the rebound adjusting screw 'B' clockwise in the reduce the preload on the spring and rotate the
temperature will affect the battery pack performance
compression damping). "+" direction to reduce the rebound speed. adjusting ring 'B' clockwise to increase the preload of
a n d s e r v i c e l i fe. wa r n i n g D o n o t u s e i t a t
Turn the rebound adjusting screw 'B' counter- the spring.
Turn the adjusting screw 'A' clockwise in the "+" temperatures beyond the allowable range, and do
direction to increase the compression damping. clockwise in the "-" direction to increase the rebound
not charge the battery pack below 0℃.
speed. A
7.9 Turn the adjusting screw 'A' counterclockwise in the "- The charge time of the battery pack is about 4h at 8.1
" direction to reduce the compression damping. normal ambient temperature.
B When the ambient temperature is too low, the
performance of the battery pack will be affected. It is
B normal to reduce the range a little, and the
performance of the battery pack will automatically
Note: The appearance of rear shock absorber in recover after the temperature rises back to working
A different brands may be different, please refer to the condition.
actual product.
When battery pack not in use for a long time, please
Note: The damping and spring preload should be charge the battery percentage to about 60%~80%,
adjusted reasonably according to the road conditions and you will need to check the remaining battery
and the weight of the rider. Avoid adjusting the percentage every month. If the battery percentage
Note: The appearance of rear shock absorber in Note: The appearance of rear shock absorber in
damping to the maximum limit value, otherwise the drops below 30%, it must be recharged to 60% ~ 80%.
different brands may be different, please refer to the different brands may be different, please refer to the
shock absorber may malfunction or even cause a
actual product. actual product. It is strictly forbidden to wash the battery pack with a
Power management Power management
high-pressure water pump, let alone immerse the the motorcycle battery pack, the charger can not
battery pack in water. The wading of the whole charge normally.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
motorcycle should not exceed the center of the 1、Always charge the battery pack in a well-ventilated
You can directly plug the charger into the battery
wheel, otherwise it may cause water ingress in the place away from any fire hazard. If you want to charge
charging port 'A' on the portside of the motorcycle or
battery pack, internal short circuit and permanent the electric motorcycle outdoors, do not charging in the
plug the charger into the charging socket B of the
failure of the battery pack. rain or humidity condition.
removed battery pack to charge.
2、The battery pack can only be charged with a special
If water ingressed in to battery pack or battery pack The charger will turn off automatically when it is charger supplied with the original motorcycle
had other issues, it is strictly forbidden to charge the fully charged.Please disconnect the power supply of manufacturer or specified by the manufacturer. The use
whole motorcycle or battery pack again. It may A the charger and unplug the charging plug. of unauthorized chargers or accessories may cause
cause the risk of fire, combustion and explosion of
When charging, please put it in a safe place damage or failure of the battery pack, or even cause
8.2 the battery pack. 8.3
beyond reach of children. danger.
The battery pack is water resistant and sealed with a 3、Do not charge the battery pack below 0 ℃, otherwise
Avoid using the battery pack when it is has just
high voltage circuit inside. If the exernal structure is B it will damage the battery pack. It can only be charge
reached full charge. It is recommended to let it cool
damaged this will reduce the water-resistant after the temperature of the battery pack rises back to
down for 10 minutes or longer after it is fully
performance of the battery pack. If the water- a b o v e 0 ℃ . T h e m a x i m u m a l l o wa b l e c h a r g i n g
resistant structure is damaged, please contact the temperature inside the battery pack is 60 ° C. If the
after-sales service. It is strictly forbidden for It is forbidden to cover any object when charing. This
internal temperature of the battery pack exceeds this
customers to disassemble the battery pack, to avoid charger is for indoor use. Please use it in a dry and
temperature, it can only be charged after cooling to
potential damage and serious danger. Before charging, please check whether the load well ventilated environment.
below 60 ° C. If the battery pack is discharged rapidly
power of AC power network socket can meet the After charging, please put the rubber cap of due to heavy duty riding, the internal temperature of
power requirements of charger. charging socket back on. the battery pack may still be higher than 60 ° C even if
Power supply and charging
When charging, please connect the battery pack the ambient temperature is low.
Before charging, please check whether the input first, and then connect the AC power input plug. If 4、The battery pack is only allowed to return to normal
voltage range of the charger is consistent with the you plug in the AC power first and then connect to temperature by itself. Do not use other methods to raise
grid voltage, AC 95 ~ 125V / 190 ~ 250V.
Power System Management Power System Management
power system Terminal box
or lower the temperature of the battery pack. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Storm Bee Electric Motorcycle power system
5、The battery pack may not be able to charge
1、 Power cables had high current during operation, do
include MCU, motor and a reduction gearbox.
immediately after high power output or high
m a ke s u r e t h e c a b l e s a r e c o r r e c t l y a n d f i r m l y
temperature operation. The battery pack should cool
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ connected, ensure that the torque and tightness of
down for 30 minutes or longer before charging. The
1、Motor is designed to be sealed and water resistant. cable fastening bolts meet the recommended torque
battery management policy does not allow charging
The customer is not allowed to disassemble the motor requirements and cable insulation also meet the
when the internal temperature is high, otherwise the
without permission, otherwise may cause the position requirements. Do not disassemble the power cable
battery life will be shortened.
sensor malfunction or damage the corresponding seal without any permission.

________Serious warning________ which can lead to motor malfunction. 2、The power system is 90V high voltage system and

2、here is gear oil inside the reduction gearbox. Please the power cable is in orange colour. No matter the
9.1 When you find the following situations, please stop 9.2
charging immediately, disconnect the power supply, ensure that the gear oil level is in recommended motorcycle is in operation, repair and maintenance or

and do not use the electric motorcycle. Contact the position during the operation. Users are not allowed to cleaning, it is necessary to ensure that the electric
A1 (black) --------------------MCU negative terminal
after-sales service or send it to the maintenance Office disassemble the reduction gearbox without permission. motorcycle is well isolated.

3、The MCU is a precision high voltage electronic A2 (red) ------------------------MCU positive terminal
for maintenance as soon as possible.

1、The appearance of the battery pack is damaged. component. Incorrect wiring may cause damage to the A3 (yellow) --------------------MCU phase U terminal
2、Strange smell during charging. MCU. Do not disassemble the MCU and cable without
A4 (green) --------------------MCU phase V terminal
3、The temperature of the battery pack or charger is too permission, otherwise it will cause electric shock, burn
A5 (blue) ----------------------MCU phase W terminal
high and unable to cooling down by itself. and other serious accidents.

4、The power system of the Storm Bee Electric B1 (blac) --------------------negative power terminal
4、Charging can not be complete for a long time.

5、If the battery pack is on fire, please put the battery M o t o r c y c l e m u s t b e r e p a i r e d o r r e p l a c e d by a B2 (red) ----------------------positive power terminal
pack into the water immediately to prevent more professional technician authorized by the
C1 (yellow) -------------------motor phase U terminal
damage manufacturer. Users are not allowed to disassemble
C2 (green) --------------------motor phase V terminal
and modified the power system of the Storm Bee Electric

Motorcycle without permission. C3 (blue) ---------------------motor phase W terminal

Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Maintenance item If you do not feel capable of performing a given task
or need assistance, remember that your dealer Storm Bee Motorcycle Maintenance Schedule
The following table lists the brake fluid, Reduction
gearbox oil and coolant to be maintained and knows your electric motorcycle best and is fully Check item every ride Initial100km 500km 2000km 5000km 10000km/12months
replaced. equipped to maintain and repair it. Your warranty
will be void if damage, malfunctions, or performance Tyre (Front and rear)
Lubricants Oil type volume problems caused by the improper maintenance or
Brake system (front and rear)
Braking fluid DOT4 \ repair of the electric motorcycle, installation of any
parts or accessories not sold or approved by Drive chain
10W-40 SG or higher 300ml
gearbox oil manufacturer.
Battery voltage
The service intervals in this maintenance schedule
Coolant Ethylene glycol(-40℃) 160ml
10.1 are based on average riding conditions. Some items Dashboard Warning Code 10.2
will need more frequent service if you ride in
Maintenance Records Reduction gearbox oil
unusually wet or dusty areas. Consult your dealer for
Follow the maintenance schedules on page 10.2.
recommendations applicable to your individual Front fork and rear shock
After each scheduled service or routine is performed,
needs and use. It is recommended that you maintain
record the information in the Maintenance Record Brake fluid
your electric motorcycle at least once every 6 months
chapter of this manual.
by an authorised dealer, regardless of the distance
Coolant Check every 3000km
Regular Maintenance traveled.
Keeping your electric motorcycle well maintained is Maintenance Scheduled Bearing
absolutely essential to your safety. It’s also a good
To maintain the safety and reliability of your Bearing
way to get maximum performance of Storm Bee,
motorcycle, regular inspection and service isrequired
avoid breakdowns, and have much more fun. The wheel spoke
as shown in the Maintenance Schedule that follows.
required maintenance schedule that follows,
The initial maintenance is vitally important and must
specifies how often you should have your electric
not be neglected. Where time and mileage are listed,
motorcycle serviced and what items need attention. check lubrication replace adjustment maintenance
follow the interval that occurs first.
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Torque management item torque specifications instructions

Check regularly and tighten the following A Handle bar mount screws 30N.m Hexagon socket M8*20 \
B Front fork mounting bolts 28N.m Hexagon socket M8*40 \
fasteners on the Storm Bee Motorcycle according
Front brake caliper
C mounting bolts 30N.m Hexagon socket M8*35 \
to the specified torque
D Front axle bolts 55N.m Hexagon flangebolts -M14*1.5*20 \
28N.m Hexagon socket pan headstep screws M8*30 Threadlocker needed (eg.
E Subframe mounting screws KAFUTER K-0609 or similar products)
Rear sprocket mounting Threadlocker needed (eg.
F screws 28N.m Hexagon socket countersunk M8*25
KAFUTER K-0609 or similar products)

G Motor Installation Axle

Front 55N.m Hexagon flange bolts M10*72 \
left side A right side
Q H Motor Installation Axle Hexagon flange bolts M10*108
10.3 Rear 55N.m \ 10.4
E M I Swingarm Pivot 130N.m T-Shaft - Thread M16*1.5 \
F L J Rear brake pads install
10N.m Hexagon socket countersunk -M6*25
Threadlocker needed (eg.
screws KAFUTER K-0609 or similar products)
B K Rear Wheel axle nut 160N.m Hexagon self-lock nut M22*1.5 \
L Rear Shock Axle TOP 55N.m Thread length M10*1.25-16 \

M Triangular Centilever Axle Hexagon flange bolts M12*1.25-110 \

TOP 85N.m
Please refer to page10.4 Torque management
N Triangular Centilever Axle 85N.m Hexagon flange bolts -M12*1.25-95 \
O Rear Shock Axle BOTTOM 55N.m Thread length M10*1.25-14 \

P Link Rod Axle 85N.m Hexagon flange bolts M12*1.25-136 \

P Q Triple Clamp Bolt TOP M26*8 \
D C G HI J K N S T R Steering Head Nut 20N.m M30*8 \
S Front Wheel axle nut 28N.m Hexagon socket -M8*30 \
Front brake pads mounting Threadlocker needed (eg.
Please refer to page10.4 Torque management T screws 10N.m Hexagon socket countersunk -M6*25
KAFUTER K-0609 or similar products)
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Battery pack lock braking system), brake pads (front and rear cup, please clean all dust or debris on the lid 'A'.
dedicated brake pads) and recommends brake fluid
A low fluid level may indicate worn brake pads or a
Do not splash the brake fluid on the painted surface, it
_____________Caution_____________ volume and types for front and rear brake systems.
leak in the hydraulic system. Check whether the
may damage the painted surface. Spilling brake fluid
1.Battery packs are lithium-ion systems that do not Brake system HCU brake pads are worn and/or the hydraulic system is
on plastic products can cause it to corrode. Before
require maintenance but need to be recharged from time leaking. Only use the new DOT 4 brake fluid in a
Only when the HCU (hydraulic control unit) is filled removing the cover, be sure to put an oil absorbent
to time. When not in use for a long time, please charge the sealed container.
with brake fluid can the braking system operate towel under the main cylinder reservoir.
battery pack to about 60% ~ 80% of the power storage.
efficienlty. To fill the HCU with brake fluid, a vacuum The steps to add brake fluid are as follows:
You will need to check the remaining power every 1
pump and a filling machine are needed. Users need 1. Unscrew the two screws on the upper cover of the Brake disc inspection
month. If the battery pack power drops below 30%, it
to bleed air from the HCU. This should be taken to oil cup, remove the upper cover of the oil cup and the
should be recharged to 60% ~ 80%. The thickness of the brake disc should be checked
the designated authorized dealer for the work to be oil cup gasket.
2.The battery pack should be kept away from high regularly. The minimum thickness is 3.0mm
10.5 carried out.
temperature environments. Do not store it in high 2. Add new DOT 4 brake fluid.
Brake pad inspection
temperature environment or under direct sunlight. When Brake fluid level check 3. Check the lid seal to make sure that there is no
The brake pads must be checked at the specified
not used for a long time, please store the battery pack in wear or damage, and the position is correct.
Brake oil cup
intervals in the maintenance scheduled, please refer
an ambient temperature of 10°C ~ 30°C.
4. Install the upper cover screw of the oil cup (torque to page 10.2. Check the remaining amount of brake
3.Only a service agent authorized by the manufacturer 4N.m).
pad material visually from the side of the brake
can be qualified to repair or dismantle the battery pack.
A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ caliper. If the thickness of the front brake pad is less
4.Dispose of used battery packs please according to your
Before checking the liquid level, the Storm Bee electric
than 1.5mm and the thickness of the rear brake pad
local laws. The battery pack is encouraged to be recycled

and not discarded at will.

B motorcycle should be in a flat and upright state and the
is less than 1mm, replace the brake pads. If the metal

handlebars should be turned back to ensure that the oil

part of the brake pad 'A' is damaged, please replace

cup is in a horizontal position.

the two brake pads immediately.
Brake system Check through the oil level inspection window 'B' to
When adding new brake fluid, if the brake fluid Brake pad replacement
observe the level of brake fluid. If the fluid level is
This chapter introduce how to maintain Storm Bee overflows, it should be removed immediately to prevent
significantly lower than one-third of the oil mirror, It is recommended to check and run-in after
motorcycle brake system. Which covers ABS (anti- contamination of other parts.
brake fluid must be added. Before opening the oil replacing new brake pads or brake discs to ensure
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
that the brake discs and brake pads adapt and should be able to lock the rear wheels. Please check
Liquid-cooling system already use other liquids instead, the liquid cooling
match again. Correct running-in can improve the the parking brake regularly.
The motorcycle has a liquid cooling system, please system may be damaged, thereby reducing the working
brake feel and reduce or eliminate brake noise.
Parking brake inspection check and maintain according to the contents below efficiency of the liquid cooling system, and the liquid

1. Raise the Storm Bee electric motorcycle on the cooling system may not be protected against frost and

support bench to make the rear wheel off the corrosion.

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do not open the lid of the liqiud cooling system tank when
2. Firmly hold the rear brake handle and hold it. the water pump and fan is operating. Coolant is toxic and Add coolant
3. Push the rear brake parking paddle firmly into the can cause personal injury or death. If any personal taken

parking position until it can no longer be pushed. c o o l a n t by a c c i d e n t , p l e a s e s e e k m e d i c a l h e l p

immediately. Please avoid excessive inhalation of coolant
10.7 4. Release the rear brake handle, and then release 10.8
steam. If you accidentally inhale too much, please
the parking brake paddles.
ventilate and breathe fresh air immediately; if the coolant
Front brake pad Rear brake pad 5. Turning the rear wheel feels obvious resistance
gets into your eyes, immediately rinse with clean water
that cannot be turned, and the motorcycle can be
and seek medical attention. Wash hands and soiled
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ parked normally at this time.
clothing thoroughly after servicing the vehicle. Keep
When using a new brake system or new brake pads, the
_____________Note_____________ children and pets away from coolant.
initial braking force may be too small. Please try to run-in B
Do not adjust the push rod adjustment screw on the handle ____________Note____________
the brake pads and brake discs at low speed and safety to
at will, because this will cause the oil circuit to fail to refill The coolant will corrode the surface painting of the
ensure that the brake system provides normal braking C
normally after the brake is worn out. vehicle. When maintain the vehicle, pay attention to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ protect the surface painted parts and well protected those

Parking brake If the parking brake cannot effectively lock the rear
parts. If it is contaminated, please wipe the coolant clean

in time.
The Storm Bee electric motorcycle is equipped with a wheels, please contact an authorized dealer or after-
1. Support the vehicle with the side stand.
Do not use other liquids instead of special coolants. If
parking brake. When the rear brake lever (located on sales service in time.
2. Please remove the left MCU Cover A of the
the rear brake handle) is in the depressed position, it
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
6. Install the tank lid B and MCU Cover A back on. table on page 10.2. Please contact your delaer and
ask them to change coolant for you.
Check coolant level
Reduction Gearbox
D The inspection and maintenance of the Reduction gearbox should be carried out at the times specified in the
maintenance schedule table on page 10.2.

controller and open the tank lid B, and add the A

coolant to the mark line C of the highest liquid level.

3. Turn on the key switch and start the liquid cooling B

system as follow: The coolant level should be checked frequently.
10.9 10.10
a. Use about 1Liter of warm water ( please be coolant level ckeck steps are as follows:
extremely careful not to casue damage on skin), A
1. Support the vehicle with the side stand when
slowly pour it on the temperature sensor D, until the liquid cooling system is inactivated.
liquid cooling system starts to work.
2. Check the position of the coolant level through the
b. Use a hair dryer to turn on the high temperature observation window A. At this time, the coolant level B
gear to centrally heat the temperature sensor D should be above the marking line B of the highest
(need to isolate the surrounding cables) until the level of the tank. Inspection and replacement of Reduction gearbox oil
liquid cooling system starts to work 1. Support the vehicle upright and stand on the level release the oil from the oil drain port until it drips
3. If the coolant level not reach the marking line B,
4. Continue to fill the tank with the remaining coolant please add the coolant in time. Check above for the ground when liquid cooling system is inactivated, discontinuously, then screw the bolt back in and
while the liquid cooling system is running. filling procedure. observe the oil mirror A on the reduction gearbox, tighten the oil drain bolt B
the normal liquid level should within the range of 1/2 3. Add new gear box oil from filling port C to make
5. Turn OFF the key switch and wait for 30 seconds Change the coolant
to 2/3 of the mirror. the liquid level reach 1/2 to 2/3 of the normal range
before observing the liquid level position. The
The coolant must be checked and replaced according
coolant should be above the mark line C of the 2. When replacing the gearbox oil, make sure turn off of oil mirror A (about 300ml).
to the times specified in the maintenance schedule
highest liquid level. the key switch, and then open the oil drain bolt B to
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Suspension system 2. Check the chain wear, tightness and lubrication
____________Warning____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. It is recommended to clean the surface of the (1) Use a stand to raise the motorcycle so that the
The shock absorber contains high-pressure gas or Incorrect tyre pressure is a common cause of tyre
shock absorber immediately after each ride, rear wheel hangs in the air. Move the chain up and
liquid. failure. Long-term incorrect tyre pressure may cause
especially the mud and sand attached to the surface down by hand and check whether the sag is within
Do not try to tamper with or disassemble the shock tyre damage, separation of the tread or loss of control of
of the main tube. When cleaning with a high- the recommended range: 35-45mm.
absorber. the motorcycle resulting in serious personal injury.
pressure water gun, it is strictly forbidden to flush
Please avoid impact, high temperature or open flame Before each ride, check the tyre pressure and adjust it to (2) When adjusting, first loosen the rear wheel axle
upwards facing the dust-proof seal lip, as this will
on the gas cylinder. an appropriate air pressure level. When the tire is cold, nut, and then adjust the left and right adjusting bolts
flush mud and sand into the oil seal lip and cause
After riding the motorcycle, the shock absorber and the use an accurate pressure gauge to check the tyre to make the chain tightness within the
wear and oil leakage.
gas cylinder may be in a high temperature state, please pressure. recommended range.
2. Do not use flammable or corrosive solvents to avoid burns. (3) Use an appropriate amount of chain oil or chain
10.11 clean otherwise it will cause damage to the dust- 10.12
Recommended tire pressure table wax to lubricate the chain.
proof oil seal. It is recommended to use a neutral Wheels and tires
detergent and a soft cotton cloth to assist in status Front wheel Rear wheel
Check the wheels for the following conditions: _____________ Caution_____________
cleaning. Off-road tires 230kPa 225 kPa
The rim is deformed or cracked. After adjustment, the left and right adjuster marks should be
3. It is recommended to apply a layer of lubricating All-terrain tires 225kPa 225 kPa the same as the horizontal fork scale line.
There are impact marks on the rim.
grease on the surface of the main pipe after cleaning
Loose or deformed spokes. Note: The recommended tire pressure range for off-
to make the surface of the main pipe fully lubricated.
road tires is 100~150 kPa in the field and forest road
There are cuts, cracks, cracks, or missing tread blocks
usage scenarios
____________Warning____________ in the tread or sidewall area.
Improper operation of the shock absorber may cause Tyre bulge. Chain
damage or even an explosion causing serious Please refer to the maintenance interval table on
The tyre tread wears unevenly.
personal injury. For maintenance, please refer to the page 10.2 for the inspection and maintenance of the
The height of the tyre line is uneven.If you find any of
maintenance scheduled on page 10.2. Please refer to chain
the above conditions, please replace the wheels or
page 7.7 for adjustment.
tires immediately. 1. Keep the chain and sprockets clean
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Chain adjustment procedure Headlight adjustment 4. To adjust the illumination angle of the headlight, 5. The correct illumination angle is 0.7-0.95 meters
1. Use a support stand so that the rear wheel is The angle of the headlights should be checked please turn the screw until the correct beam angle away from the ground from the near bright and
suspended, remove the key from the key switch and regularly. It must be re-adjusted after changing the is reached. dark
turn off the motor switch. angle of the whole motorcycle at any time because

2. Loosen the rear axle nut 'A'. changes in the angle of the whole motorcycle will
measure distance:10m illumination
affect the angle of the headlights. Before adjusting area
3. Loosen the locknut 'C' of the left and right
the headlights, the shock absorption and tyre
adjusting bolts 'B'.
pressure must be adjusted correctly. The illumination
4. Adjust the left and right adjusting bolts 'B' equally angle of the headlight can be adjusted vertically. If
lighting area
until the chain is adjusted within the specified range. the illumination angle of the headlight is not
10.13 5. Tighten the rear axle nut 'A'. suitable, it will cause the beam to point too close or 0.7m-0.95m 10.14
too far. boarder of the
6. Tighten the left and right lock nuts'C' to fix the
position of the adjusting bolt 'B'. vertical surface
7. Test ride a motorcycle.8. After the trial ride, please
Light bulb replacement
recheck whether the chain is adjusted correctly, and
When the front light 'A'/turning light 'B'/brake light/tail light 'C 'is damaged, please contact an authorized dealer
re-adjust if necessary.
for a complete replacement.

Headlight angle adjustment:

___Caution___ B A B B C B
1. When the headlight is in the low beam position,
When adjusting the
the motorcycle is perpendicular to the ground,
chain, adjust the
2. With the operator sitting on the motorcycle, verify
adjusting bolts on both
the beam angle.
sides equally.
3. The adjusting screw 'A' is located directly under
the headlight. S
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
Motorcycle cleaning
service life of the Stormbee electric motorcycle, it should between the tyre and the ground, and even cause the tyre
1. Use a sponge or clean soft cloth, neutral detergent be cleaned and maintained regularly and it is to age prematurely.
Do not store the Storm bee electric motorcycle with a battery
and water to gently clean the motorcycle. recommended to wipe it dry as soon as possible after
power lower than 30%. Discharging the battery pack below
2. Be extra careful when cleaning the dashboard- cleaning.
30% for a long period of time may reduce the life of the
board, it is easier to scratch than other parts of the Do not use any harsh chemical products on plastic parts. Parking and long-term storage
battery pack or even damage the battery pack. Damage to
motorcycle. Avoid using strong corrosive cleaners, solvents or
For motorcycles that have not been used for a long the battery pack caused by over-discharge or long-term
thinners, fuel (gasoline), rust removers or inhibitors,
3. After cleaning, rinse the motorcycle thoroughly time (more than 30 days), it is recommended to extremely low power is not covered by the warranty.
brake fluid, antifreeze, or electrolytes that have been in
with water to remove all detergent residues. charge to about 60% to 80% of the battery power,
contact with cloth or sponges. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and disconnect the cable between the Storm Bee
4. Dry the motorcycle with a soft dry towel. Only professionally trained technicians can provide
We recommend that you do not use a high-pressure water
electric motorcycle and the battery pack.
10.15 5. After cleaning, check for damage, wear or gun to clean the Stormbee electric motorcycle to avoid maintenance services to the battery pack. Please note that 10.16
The battery pack also discharges slowly when
leakage. damaging certain parts. unauthorized handling of the internal components of the
stored. Check the power of the battery pack at least
After cleaning the motorcycle, please maintain the battery pack may be dangerous. Do not disassemble!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ once every 1 month. If the power drops below 30%,
chain and other parts that need to be lubricated.
After cleaning and before starting to ride, be sure to test it should be recharged to 60% to 80%. When you are
Please let all electrical components dry before
the brakes. ready to use the Storm Bee electric motorcycle again,
operation. If the Storm bee electric motorcycle is to Storm Bee electric motorcycle parts
please fully charge the battery pack to ensure that
ridden immediately after cleaning, use the brakes
Wheel and tire cleaning the battery pack is restored to its best condition. Storm Bee electric motorcycles require the use of
several times at a safe and low speed to remove the
Avoid using strong acid wheel cleaners. If you use In order to prolong the service life of the power accessories specified by the manufacturer. Through
water on the brake pads.
this type of product to clean stubborn dirt, please try system, the Storm Bee electric motorcycle should be your dealer, you can obtain original spare parts for

to clean it in a short time and dry it immediately. stored in a cool and ventilated place. Storing the maintenance of the Storm Bee electric motorcycle.
Storm Bee electric motorcycle in a hot or humid
Improper cleaning can damage motorcycle parts. Do not Fuse
place will shorten the life of the battery pack and
use high-pressure water guns to flush bearings, seals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa r n i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The motorcycle electrical system has a multi-channel
electrical system. For more information about
electrical components and plugs. In order to prolong the Any tyre maintenance products may reduce the friction overcurrent protection device. The fuse used is a
batteries and electrical systems, see page 8.1.
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Maintaining Your Motorcycle
one-time protection device, which will fuse and Replace a Low voltage current fuse: High voltage fuse box
protect when the circuit is overloaded. When
1.Pinch the fuse box cover and open the box cover to The high-voltage fuse box 'A' is located in the left
replacing the fuse, use the same specification
the right of the fuse box. side shield of the motorcycle body.
2. To replace the fuse, you need to replace the fuse
_____________Caution_____________ of the same specification.

If the fuse blows repeatedly, please contact the dealer to

check the electrical system. A B C D E

Low voltage fuse box

10.17 A 10.18
The low voltage fuse box is located at the left rear of
the steering column. F
The fuse has a protective cover, which must be
Replace the high-voltage fuse:
opened first to access the fuse. To open the cover,
The functions corresponding to the 12 volt fuse are 1. Disconnect the battery pack from the motorcycle
press down firmly on the tab, and then open the
listed below: circuit and take out the battery pack
2. Open the bayonet and remove the fuse holder 'A'.
Amp Purpose
3. Replace the fuse.The model of the high-voltage
A 5A USB power input fuse
fuse is 5A
B 15A ABS Motor fuse
C 15A ABS Power fuse
10A Signal system fuse _____________Caution_____________
A Please wear insulated gloves to replace and be careful to
E 5A DC1 Fuse
disassemble and assemble to avoid damage.
F 5A/10A/15A Backup fuse
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Troubleshooting
Electric Circuit diagram Storm Bee electric motorcycle
Note 2: ignore the cotent if may also temporarily reduce power and fail to reach
Note 1: For bike do not come with the Lights, you bike don't have ABS or trouble shooting
don't have the unit EDC2 and J1 connected GPS units top speed
All Storm Bee electric motorcycles are carefully
headlight headlight It is not recommended to ride the motorcycle when
ABS Warning light inspected before delivery. Even if the Storm Bee
electric motorcycle is inspected, some technical the battery pack temperature is below -5°C. If used
ABS Switch
horn USB dashboard fan cooltant pump problems may occur. at low temperatures, the battery pack must be
ABS placed at temperatures above 0°C for charging. The
Unit The following information provides guidelines to
horn headlight J1
battery management system does not allow the
temperature help you identify problems and do the basic
switch switch key switch battery pack to discharge below -20°C, it’s the
switch maintenance. If you are unable to solve the problem
EDC2 GPS standard specified by the battery manufacturer.
ebrake +12V 5A/20A wheel by yourself, please bring it to an authorized dealer
10.19 switch sidestand tilt +12V speed at your convenience. If there is no dealer in your It is recommended to store the Storm Bee Electric 11.1
switch switch ground signal
area, call the manufacturer customer service. Motorcycle in a suitable temperature environment
3A It can be stored in thr following conditions:
wheel high low motor low start Temperature Precautions
Battery BMS provide 12V

speed level level stop level signal when charging

1.temperature should not be lower than -20°C,
cold weather
signal brake brake switch brake better above 0°C.
power supply P+
The cold weather will not permanently affect battery
C+ 2.Before storage, charge the battery pack to 60% ~
MCU Battery pack BMS Charger capacity; However, riders may find their range and
P- C- 80% of the power state. You should check its power
power reduced as cold temperatures have an impact

reverse signal

hall signal yellow

hall signal green
hall signal blue
phase wire blue
phase wire green
phase wire yellow
TURBO mode

throttle signal
throttle power signal
throttle ground
ASR switch

state at least once a month. If the battery pack

CAN-H CAN-L on the amount of energy the battery pack can
power drops below 30%, it should be recharged to
Dashboard, MCU,
60% ~ 80%.
Therefore, when used in an environment below 0°C
GPS, ABS and Charger 3.The battery pack can only charge at temperatures
compared to an environment at 25°C, the motorcycle
above 0°C.

M may temporarily reduce its range by around 30%.

In extreme cold weather, the Storm Bee motorcycle

Storage temperatures below -20°C may permanently
BLDC MOTOR lower battery pack per formance. Keep the
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting
temperature above -20°C and following long-term dangerous and can result in burns, electric shocks
_____________Caution_____________ or even life-threatening injuries. High-voltage cables
storage guidelines (see 'Stop and long-term and even serious personal injury.
Please do not place the Electric Motorcycle or its battery in are labelled orange for easy identification.
storage'on page 10.16) will ensure that the battery For safety purposes always follow the instructions on
an environment higher than 41°C or in direct sunlight for an
pack in good condition during winter storage. the label attached to the motorcycle parts and do
extended period of time, which may accelerate the

degradation of battery performance

not touch or attempt to remove or replace any high
voltage parts, wiring (marked by the orange outer High Voltage
In order to prevent battery pack damage during charging, Component Locations
Safety interlock bushing) or connectors. In the event of an accident,
the battery management system will prevent the charger
do not touch any high voltage terminals or
from charging the battery pack at temperatures below 0°C.
If the battery management system detects a serious
components connected to the wires. In case of a fire
Similarly, damage to the battery pack can be avoided as
internal failure, one or both of two measures will be System warning message
on the Electric Motorcycle, secure yourself first and
long as the battery pack is kept at temperatures above -
taken to prevent damage to the battery pack: When a fault is detected, the yellow fault indicator
11.2 then use Class D fire extinguisher to put out the fire. 11.3
20°C in the winter and at more than 30% of the charge. Prohibited the use. If the battery pack charge is zero, 'A' on the top of the instrument will light up, and the
When the flame is out, use plenty of water or a
or if the battery management system detects some corresponding Warning Code will be displayed in the
water-based fire extinguisher to cool it down.
hot temperature serious internal problems, the motorcycle will be 'B' area on the LCD of the instrument.
prohibited from use until the problem is resolved.
In high temperatures, the battery won’t have any ____________Warning____________ A
Charging is prohibited. If the battery management
performance changes. However, when the battery Your Electric Motorcycle uses a high voltage of 90V. At
system detects some serious internal problems, it
temperature is higher than 68°C (subject to the the same time, the power system may be too hot to
will prevent charging, even if the battery pack is
standard), the battery management system will turn touch after work. Beware of high pressure and high
connected to the charger and plugged into AC power
off the output to avoid damage.The charger will temperatures and obey all the safety rules.
until the problem is resolved.
protect the battery pack by lowering the charging
________Serious warning________
power when battery temperature above 50°C, which Precautions for Storm Bee
The high voltage circuit system of the Electric Motorcycle
may increase the charging time. When the battery electric motorcycle
is not allowed to be maintained by the user. Removing B
temperature exceeds 60°C, the battery management Storm Bee Electric Motorcycle has a high voltage
and replacing high-voltage components, cables, or
system will no longer allow charging. component. Take proper precautions when using it. Please refer to the table starting on the next page for
connectors may result in severe burns or electric shocks,
The high voltage used in these components is possible causes and solutions.
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

ERROR CODE ERROR DISCRIPTION SOLUTION Battery cell discharge under Stop using the bike and wait until the temperature back to
ER-025 temperature protection (level 3) working condition
Dashboard data communication Check dashboard wire connection
ER-000 protection ER-030 BMS protection board 1 error
Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
Over discharge protection (level Bike enter Low Power Mode, check if motor is in locked
ER-003 2) rotor condition. ER-031 BMS protection board 2 error
Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
REGEN overcurrent protection (level Lower REGEN setting
ER-004 2) ER-037 Battery hall sensor error
Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
Battery discharge relay over Stop using the bike and contact manufacturer or
ER-008 authorized dealer ER-038 Battery voltage sensor error
temperature protection (level 2) Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
11.4 Battery charge relay over Stop charging and contact manufacturer or authorized ER-040 Battery all temperature sensor 11.5
ER-010 temperature protection (level 2) dealer error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer

Startup self-test over temperature Startup self-test temperature

ER-011 Turn OFF the key switch and back to ON again ER-041 sensor error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
protection (level 1)

Battery cell temperature unbalance Stop using the bike and contact manufacturer or ER-042
ER-013 authorized dealer Relay temperature sensor error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
protection (level 2)

Battery pack insulation protection Stop using the bike and contact manufacturer or ER-043 Battery discharge relay error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
ER-015 (level 2) authorized dealer
Battery cell volume unbalance ER-044 Battery charge relay error
ER-017 Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
protection (level 2) Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer

ER-100 MCU electron tube error

Battery cell under voltage protection Charging the battery pack Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
(level 3)
ER-101 MCU over current protection (level
Stop using the bike and contact manufacturer or 1) Bike enter Low Power Mode
ER-022 Over discharge protection (level 3) authorized dealer
ER-104 Motor hall sensor error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
Battery cell discharge over Stop using the bike and wait until the temperature
ER-024 temperature protection (level 3) back to working condition
AL-105 Motor locked rotor error Check if motor or motor reducer is in locked rotor condition
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting


MCU sampling error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer

ER-106 symptom Potential cause
MCU over temperature protection Bike enter Low Power Mode
ER-107 (level 2) Battery not plug into correct position Check battery plug
Motor over temperature protection Bike enter Low Power Mode
ER-108 (level 2) SoC too low Charing the battery
MCU power failure protection Check key switch and fuse Battery enters temperature protection v(-20°C to 65°C)
Battery pack Low voltage protection Charging the battery pack Bike does Fuse blown Check all wire and cables and replace fuse
ER-110 (level 3)
ER-111 Battery high voltage protection REGEN function disabled not turn on Key switch not properly engaged Recheck key switch or replace new key switch

DC converter error Replace DC converter

ER-112 Low level SOC protection (level 3) Charging the battery pack
11.6 11.7
Battery malfunction Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer
Battery cell over/under temperature Stop using the bike and wait until the temperature back to
ER-113 working condition
protection (level 3) Side stand switch protection Side stand up

ER-114 Throttle signal protection Check if throttle cable is short circuited or unable back to e-brake protection Check e-brake
idle position
Switch off the key switch and turn on again
Check if throttle cable is short circuited, cable damaged or Tilt sensor was triggered but not reset after lift up the bike
ER-115 Throttle ground protection
Throttle not in idle position when startup Check throttle position
AL-116 High level brake protection Bike
Check if e-brake is short circuited
powered on Battery low Soc protection Charging the battery
AL-117 No.1 Low level brake protection Check if side stand switch is still ON but not
moving wait until the temperature back to working
Motor temperature protection condition
AL-118 No.2 Low level brake protection Check tilt switch
wait until the temperature back to working
ER-127 Motor temperature sensor error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer MCU temperature protection
AL-128 REGEN turned OFF Check battery temperature and battery voltage Side stand switch error Disconnect or replace side stand switch

ER-129 CAN communication error Check all wire and cables e-brake error Disconnect or replace e-brake
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

symptom Potential caus Potential cause symptom Potential caus Potential cause

Tilt sensor error Disconnect or replace tilt sensor USB not plug properly Check USB connection and plug again
USB port no
Throttle error Replace throttle power USB converter error Replace USB converter
Bike powered MCU not plug in position Check MCU plug
on but not
moving Motor hall not plug in position Check motor hall plug

MCU or motor hall sensor error Replace MCU

Replace motor

11.8 Bike start ok Coulombmeter not connect properly Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer to repair 11.9
but battery battery
SoC not
display Coulombmeter error Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer to repair

Battery enters temperature protection wait until the temperature back to working condition

A/C power missing; charger not plug Check power source and plug again
Charger not properly
Charger malfunction Replace charger

Battery malfunction Contact manufacturer or authorized dealer

Low battery Charge battery

riding mode
malfunction Battery temperature protection wait until the temperature back to working condition
and power
reduced MCU or motor temperature protection wait until the temperature back to working condition

Riding mode switch error Replace riding mode switch

Note: We will keep updating all the informations above, please check latest version on our website.
Warranty and after-sales information Warranty and after-sales information
CONDITION OF WARRANTY Enduro (E) PARTS COVERED BY THE WARRANTY under abnormal circumstances, damages due to
accident, collision, abuse, neglect or exceeded use
SURRON hereby warrants new SURRON bike Of f-road used motorcycles but not used in SURRON warrants to the customer that the
like Competition level.
purchased from an authorized SURRON dealer to be Competition: motorcycle is defect-free both in terms of material
free from defect in materials and workmanship for and workmanship from the factory. Any part found 4.Modification, alterations, and installation of not
Duration: 6 months from date of purchase.
the period of time stated herein, subject to certain to be defective during the motorcycles stated genuine SURRON or SURRON authorized Power
Limitations: This warranty is not transferable and
limitations stated herein. This warranty applies only warranty period subject to the limitations of this System like motor, gearbox, battery and MCU.
applies to the original purchaser only.
if the bike has been properly set-up and serviced for warranty policy will be repaired or replaced free of 5.Normal wear components, including but not
Applies to: Storm Bee Enduro (E), Storm Bee Off-
pre-delivery by an authorized SURRON dealer. The charge. limited to, the following: tires, brake components,
Road (F)
warranty applies only if the motorcycle has been drive chain, handle grips, all bearings, all seals, all
Competition motorcycles or any other SURRON
operated and maintained in accordance with the transmission gear, suspension valving/seals, all
12.1 owner’s manual or other SURRON literature models used in Competition: Labour to replace parts that are covered in the sprockets, foot pegs and seat. 12.2
delivered with the bike. This warranty is void if the Duration: 30 days from date of purchase. SURRON warranty, which are found to be defective in
6.Damage, malfunctions, or performance problems
ONLINE OWNER’S REGISTRATION/ DEALER PRE- material or workmanship, is no charge to the
Limitations: This warranty is not transferable and caused by continued operation of the motorcycle
DELIVERY INSPECTION has not been completed in full original purchaser. Warranty repairs must be done
applies to the original purchaser only. after an error code shown or other warning indicates
and entered into SURRON Distributor website within only with the authorization of SURRON.
a mechanical or operational problem
Applies to: Storm Bee Enduro (E), Storm Bee Off-
7 days of purchase by the original selling dealer. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS FROM WARRANTY
Road (F) 7.Misuse, such as, but not limited to, using not
PERIOD OF WARRANTY FOR SURRON This warranty does not cover any failures resulting suitable lubricants and coolants etc.
Any SURRON motorcycle utilized commercially in
MOTORCYCLES connection with generating income and/or is from, or caused by: 8.Damages or malfunctioned to the component and
Duration: 12months (24 months for battery only) commercially licensed or tagged (e.g., Rental, 1.Lack of proper maintenance or contrary to the electric system due to owner installing non genuine
from date of purchase or 5,000miles, whichever Wholesale etc.,) during the warranty period will be requirements described in the Owner’s Manual. SURRON parts or replacement parts not approved by
comes first. covered for 30 days from the date of purchase.The SURRON.
2.Modification, alterations, and installation of parts
Limitations: This warranty is not transferable and warranty period is effective on the date of purchase that are not genuine SURRON parts or supplied as 9.Damages to the paint, coatings or corrosion of
applies to the original purchaser only. by the Original Purchaser and remains in effect only original equipment. metal parts due to external influences such as
as stated above. stones, salt. Fading or painted or metal coated
Applies to: Storm Bee All Terrain (R), Storm Bee 3.Parts or components damaged by use or operation
Warranty and after-sales information Warranty and after-sales information
surfaces.In addition, SURRON warranty are only for responsible for conveying the Owner’s Manual and person to create a liability or any warranty property, loss or time, or inconvenience. SURRON
end-user customers, not applicable to bike or all safety warnings, instructions, and Limited obligation on its own behalf. SURRON in its sole has the right to continuously upgrade the design
accessories not imported or distributed by SURRON Warranty if the unit is sold, loaned, or otherwise discretion will make the final disposition of any and electric system or improve not limited to the
or authorized by SURRON. transferred to another person. component(s) submitted for warranty evaluation. All motorcycle, power system or battery pack. Some
parts and components returned to SURRON, and countries do not allow limitations on how long an
OWNER RESPONSIBILITY 5.Return the SURRON motorcycle or parts to an
replaced under this warranty shall become the implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may
authorized SURRON dealer within ten (10) working
1.Owner is responsible for maintaining their property of SURRON not apply to you. also excluded from this warranty
days after discovery of any defective parts. Your
motorcycle in accordance with the schedule printed are any incidental or consequential damages
SURRON dealer should initially determine if the LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY
in the Owner’s Manual. including loss of use. some countries do not allow
particular SURRON component(s) in question are to
The limited warranty described in the Warranty the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
2.Owner is responsible for the costs of maintenance be submitted to SURRON for evaluation. All warranty
information pages is the only warranty which consequential damages, so the above exclusion
to the motorcycle including service at scheduled work must be performed by an authorized SURRON
12.3 applies to your motorcycle. SURRON makes no other 12.4
intervals. Service work done by the owner will void may not apply to you. This warranty gives you
warranty or guarantee of any kind expressed or specific legal rights, and you may also have other
the warranty. Failures caused directly by lack of
6 .O w n e r i s re s p o n s i b l e fo r p e r fo r m i n g a l l implied. no implied warranties of merchantability or
maintenance or improper maintenance will void the rights, which vary, from country to country. The
recommended and necessary routine care and fitness for a particular purpose or any purpose, is
warranty. contents stated herein are subject to change without
maintenance and engage in proper use of your applicable to any product sold by SURRON buyer notice.
3.If warranty repairs are needed, they must be SURRON motorcycle and Battery pack as detailed in and all other parties who contract with SURRON,
performed by an authorized SURRON dealership the Owner’s Manual including obtaining any hereby specifically and knowledgeably waive any
with correct qualifications. The owner may be asked firmware updates available at each service interval and all warranties, expressed or implied. This To receive any type of warranty service, take your
to provide the following documentation of proper or in a timely basis following a notification that a limited warranty does not cover any incidental or SURRON motorcycle and warranty registration proof
maintenance: a maintenance record which displays new update is available of which must be completed consequential damages, including loss of value of to any authorized SURRON dealer during normal
the date of service and service work performed by by an authorized SURRON dealer. Learn and obey all the motorcycle, lost profits or earnings, out-of- service hours. If you believe that your vehicle has a
an authorized dealer, copies of repair orders/ federal, state, and local laws governing the pocket expenses for substitute transportation etc., defect which could cause a crash or could cause
receipts. operations of a motorcycle, generally, and an expenses associated with returning the covered injury or death, you should immediately inform
4.The original registered owner as documented on electric motorcycle, specifically. product back to its owner, mechanic's travel time or SURRON or your SURRON authorized dealer. If you
the SURRON motorcycle warranty registration form is 7.SURRON does not authorize any company or communication charges, loss or damage to personal fail or does not meet the conditions and scope of the
Warranty and after-sales information
warranty terms, we can still provide repair services Note: We will complete the warranty work as soon
upon your request with certain charge. If you are as possible, but not responsible for delays in work
unable to get satisfactory warranty service at a caused by factors beyond our control. The
SURRON dealer, or you are dissatisfied with a aforementioned factors include but are not limited
warranty decision, please write e-mail to the to: shortage of spare parts, delay in transportation,
following address: force majeure, etc.

12.5 12.6
Schedule Schedule

After you have had your Motorcycle serviced, please makesure that the appropriate maintenance record has

beencompleted.Use the space“Remark” to record issues you want toremind yourself about or mention at

the next service.

100KM 500KM
Odometer reading Performed by Date Odometer reading Performed by Date

13.1 13.2

Maintenance Record Sheet Maintenance Record Sheet

Remark Remark
Schedule Schedule

1000KM 2000KM
Odometer reading Performed by Date Odometer reading Performed by Date

13.3 13.4

Maintenance Record Sheet Maintenance Record Sheet

Remark Remark
Schedule Schedule

5000KM 10000KM|12 months

Odometer reading Performed by Date Odometer reading Performed by Date

13.5 13.6

Maintenance Record Sheet Maintenance Record Sheet

Remark Remark
Schedule Schedule

After-sales services record sheet After-sales services record sheet

Odometer reading warranty item Performed by Date Remark Odometer reading warranty item Performed by Date Remark

1 6

13.7 2 7 13.8

3 8

4 9

5 10
Schedule 附表

Comparison Table of Export model parameters

versions/spec STORM BEE R(road) STORM BEE E(enduro) STORM BEE F(off road)

Dimension: 2075mm×805mm×1240mm 2120mm×805mm×1265mm 2070mm×805mm×1240mm

Ground clearance: 315mm 335mm 285mm

Seat height: 950mm 975mm 910mm

Dry/Curb weight: 104kg/136kg 100kg/132kg 95kg/127kg

Carrying capacity: 107kg 107kg 120kg

Front tire 110 / 80-19 All terrain tire 80 / 100-21 off road tire 80 / 100-21 off road tire

Rear tire 140 / 70-17 All terrain tire 100 / 90-18 off road tire 100 / 90-18 off road tire
13.9 ASR + BERS + ABS (optional) ASR + BERS+ ABS (optional) ASR+BERS
Assistance functions:
Wheel base: 1430mm
Front fork travel: 290mm
Rear shock/wheel travel: 115/290mm
Power system: Mid-drive BLDC motor + FOC sine wave controller
Rated power: 10KW
Maximum power: 22.5KW
Maximum torque: 520N.m
Top speed: 110km/h
range 100Km(@50km/h)
Battery Type: 90V/48Ah lithium-ion removable battery pack
Charge time: 4h
Frame design: aluminum forged frame
Riding mode: Eco / Rain / Sport mode + “Turbo ” mode


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