Anaphy-Medtech-Blood Vessel

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3. Capacitance – ability of a vein to distend and

store blood

4. Capacitance vessels – Veins

5. Capillary – smallest of blood vessels where

physical exchange occurs between the blood and
tissue cells surrounded by interstitial fluid

6. Compliance - degree to which a blood vessel can

stretch as opposed to being rigid.

7. Systolic pressure – large number recorded when

measuring arterial blood pressure; represents the
maximum value following ventricular contraction

8. Diastolic pressure – lower number recorded when

measuring arterial blood pressure ; represents the
minimal value corresponding to the pressure that
remains during ventricular relaxation.

9. Pulse pressure :

a) Pulse pressure : The difference between systolic

pressure and diastolic pressure .e.g. systolic pressure
120 mmHg , diastolic pressure 80 mmHg ....pulse
pressure is 40 mmHg

b) Pulse pressure should be at least 25% of the

systolic pressure. Below this is low or narrow...e.g.
congestive heart failure . A high or wide pulse
pressure is common in healthy people following
strenuous exercise

10. MAP

1. Blood flow – movement of blood through a

vessel, tissue or organ ,usually expressed in terms of
volume/unit of time.

2. Blood pressure – force exerted by blood against

wall of blood vessel or heart chamber; can be
described with the more generic term hydrostatic
11. PULSE :

➢ After blood is ejected from the heart, elastic fibers

in the arteries maintain a high pressure gradient as
they expand to accommodate the blood, then recoil.

➢ This expansion & recoiling effect, known as PULSE

, can be palpated manually or measured
electronically. The effect of pulsation diminishes over
distance from the heart , elements of the systolic and
diatolic components of the pulse are still evident
down to the level of the arterioles.

➢ Because pulse indicates heart rate , it is measured

clinically to provide clues to the patient’s state of

➢ It is recorded as beats per minute

Cardiac Output

➢ Cardiac output is the measurement of blood

flow from the heart through the ventricles ,

and is usually measured in liters per minute .

➢ Any factors that causes cardiac output to

increase, by elevating heart rate or stroke

volume or both , will elevate blood pressure and

promote blood flow. [ sympathetic ,

thyroid hormones, increased calcium levels ]


➢ Any factor that decreases cardiac output, by

decreasing heart rate or stroke volume or

both , will decrease arterial pressure and blood

flow. [ parasympathetic , increased or

decreased potassium levels , decreased calcium

levels, anoxia and acidosis ]


NB: Veins are compliance vessels ; therefore

arteries are greatly responsible for increased
resistance in cases of vascular disease
➢ Two types of pressure interact to drive each
of these movements : hydrostatic pressure and
osmotic pressure


➢ The mass movement of fluids into and out of

capillary beds require a transport mechanism
far more efficient than mere diffusion. This
movement , referred to as bulk flow , involves
pressure driven mechanisms .

➢ Volumes of fluid move from an area of higher

pressure in a capillary bed to an area of lower

pressure in the tissues via Filtration.

➢ In contrast the movement of fluid from an

area of higher pressure in tissues into an area of

lower pressure in the capillaries is Reabsorption.

In terms of arterial supply, the upper limb has 5
main vessels, the:

1. subclavian,

2. axillary,

3. brachial,

4. radial, and

5. ulnar arteries.

The subclavian, axillary and brachial arteries are

continuous with one another, with the brachial
artery bifurcating into the radial and ulnar
arteries which later converge in the hand.


1. The main artery of the lower limb is the

femoral artery. It is a continuation of the
external iliac artery (terminal branch of the
abdominal aorta). The external iliac becomes
the femoral artery when it crosses under the
inguinal ligament and enters the femoral
2. the profunda femoris artery arises from the
posterolateral aspect of the femoral artery.
travels posteriorly and distally, giving off three
main branches:

Perforating branches – supply of the muscles in

the medial and posterior thigh.

Lateral femoral circumflex artery – Wraps

round the anterior, lateral side of the femur,
supplying some of the muscles on the lateral
aspect of the thigh.

Medial femoral circumflex artery – Wraps

round the posterior side of the femur, supplying
its neck and head.

3. after exiting the inguinal canal, the femoral BRANCHES OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA
artery enters the adductor canal , enters the The abdominal aorta runs from the diaphragm
posterior compartment of the thigh, proximal to and ends just above the pelvis, where it divides
the knee. The femoral artery is now known as into the iliac arteries.
the popliteal artery.
There are five arteries that branch from the
abdominal aorta:

1. the celiac artery,

2. the superior mesenteric artery,

3. the inferior mesenteric artery,

4. the renal arteries and

5. the iliac arteries.



The arch of the aorta has three branches:

1. the brachiocephalic artery (which divides

into right common carotid artery and the right
subclavian artery),

2. the left common carotid artery, and

3. the left subclavian artery.

MAJOR VEINS UPPER LIMB ➢ The hepatic portal system is the system of veins
comprising the hepatic portal vein and its tributaries.
Hand-Superficial palmar arch & Deep palmar The liver consumes about 20% of total body oxygen
arch when at rest, so the total liver blood flow is quite
high. Blood flow to the liver is unique in that it
Forearm- Cephalic vein, Basilic vein Median,
receives both oxygenated and partially deoxygenated
forearm vein blood.
Arm-Brachial veins, Cephalic vein, Basilic vein ➢ The hepatic portal circulation is important in that
Shoulder- Axillary vein, Subclavian vein it captures substances from the digestive system and
sends them to the liver to be metabolized.
MAJOR VEINS LOWER LIMB Depending on the substance, such as medication,
different methods may be used to introduce them
Important veins of the leg include; into the body.
1. the internal and external iliac veins,

2. femoral vein, 3. saphenous vein,

4. popliteal vein, 5. tibial vein, and

6. the venous arch of the foot.

-The placenta accepts the blood without oxygen
from the fetus through blood vessels that leave the
fetus through the umbilical cord (umbilical arteries,
there are two of them).

-When blood goes through the placenta it picks up

oxygen. The oxygen rich blood then returns to the
fetus via the third vessel in the umbilical cord
HEPATIC PORTAL CIRCULATION : (umbilical vein). The oxygen rich blood that enters
the fetus passes through the fetal liver and enters
➢ The portal system begins in the capillaries and the right side of the heart.
venules of the digestive system. It collects venous
blood from the lower esophagus, stomach,
duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, spleen and
delivers it to the liver via portal vein. Consequently,
portal blood contains the substances absorbed by
the digestive tract.

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