Estimation of 3D Density Distribution of Chromites Deposit Using Gravity Data

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Estimation of 3D density distribution of chromites deposit using gravity data

Article · January 2013


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2 authors:

Ali Nejati Amin Roshandel Kahoo

Shahrood University of Technology Shahrood University of Technology


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Journal of Mining & Environment,
Vol.4, No.2, 2013, 97-104.

Estimation of 3D density distribution of chromites deposit using gravity

A. Nejati Kalateh*, A. Roshandel kahoo
Faculty of Mining, Petroleum and Geophysics, Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood, Iran

Received 17 March 2013; received in revised form 11 July 2013; accepted 24 September 2013
*Corresponding author: (A. Nejati Kalateh)

Surface gravity data is inversed to recover subsurface 3D density distribution with two strategies. In the first
strategy, we assumed wide density model bound to invert gravity data, and in the second strategy we carried
out the inversion procedure by band limited density. We discretized the earth model into rectangular cells of
constant and unidentified density. The number of cells was often greater than the number of observation
points. Thus we have an underdetermined inverse problem. The densities were estimated by minimizing a
cost function subject to fitting the observed data. The synthetic results show that the recovered model from
the first strategy is characterized by broad density distribution around the true model, but the recovered
model from the second strategy is closer to true models. To estimate the subsurface density distribution, we
carried out inversion of gravity data taken over chromite deposit located at southern part of Iran. The
recovered model obtained from the second strategy has appropriate agreement with previous studies.

Keywords: Density distribution, Positivity constrain, Chromites deposit, Inversion, Gravity data.

1. Introduction
Potential field data have been widely used in of inertia of causative body. Barbosa and Silva
investigations of oil and gas explorations [10], (1994) introduced the method based on compact
mineral explorations [13] and in engineering gravity inversion technique to allow compactness
studies [5, 16]. The inversion is the most essential along the several axis using Tikhonov’s
step in the quantitative interpretation of potential regularization method.
filed data. This step of interpretation of potential In this paper, the model objective function is
filed data suffers from the non-unique minimized based on a priori information via
determination of the source parameters [2]. In positivity density constraints. Firstly, the earth
other words, the potential field data is acquired on model is divided into rectangular prism with
the surface of the earth; there are many equivalent constant and unknown density. The unknown
3D density distributions below the surface that densities are determined by minimizing a model
will reproduce the same field data. objective function. Positivity density constrain are
Previous papers tried to overcome the inherent used to overcome the non-uniqueness problem.
non-uniqueness in potential field inverse The algorithm is tested on both synthetic and field
problems. Some researchers suggested the density examples.
variation and attempted to invert the unknown
geometrical parameters [4, 11, 14]. Another group 2. Methodology
of researchers introduced more qualitative prior The vertical attraction of gravity, g , in Cartesian
information. Last and Kubik (1983) minimized coordinates for a 3D model such as Figure 1 can
the total volume of the source of anomaly and be obtained as Equation 1.
Guillen and Menichetti (1984) used the moment
Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013

z z standard deviation error related with the i th data

g x, y, z x ,y ,z 3
dx dy dz (1) point.
z y x
The model objective function is given by
where, x ,y ,z is the density distribution, Equation 6.
is the Newton’s gravitational constant, and r can ws w z r
m s 0
be computed as Equation 2.
2 2 2 2
r x x y y z z (2) w z r 0
wx dv
w z r 0
wy dv
w z r 0
wz dv
W 0


where, V is the volume of the causative body, ws

Figure 1. A three-dimensional body with density
distribution. Usually, the region to be investigated is , w x , wy and w z are spatially dependent
subdivided into a set of homogeneities [1].
weighting function while s
, x
, y
and z
It is required to discretize the problem for coefficients that defined the relative importance of
obtaining a numerical solution to the inverse each components in objective function. w z is the
problem of gravity field data. The forward
modeling of gravity data defined as Equation 1 depth weighting function and 0
is the reference
can be rewritten as the following matrix equation model and W is the total weight of model
by dividing the source region into the 3D prism
[15]. parameters [7]. w z is defined by Equation 7.

g G (3) 1
w z /2 (7)
(z z0)
where, G is the kernel matrix which has elements
that compute at i th data point of a unit density in In Equation 7,  is usually equal to 2.0 [8] and
j th prism as Equation 4. z 0 depends upon the cell size of the model
zi z discretization. The reference model can be
Gij dx dy dz (4)

z j yj x j
r3 obtained from previous studies or it can be
considered as the zero models. The function ws
The data misfit function is given by Equation 5. controlled the relative similarity of the inverted
2 model to 0 at any position. The weighting
Wg g g obs (5)
functions w x , w y and w z can be used to enhance
Where, g g z 1, , gzN is the field data or attenuate structures in various regions in the
vector, g is the predicted data, model domain [8]. The inverse problem is solved
by finding a model that minimizes m and
Wg diag 1 1
, ,1 N
and i
is the
misfit data function g
simultaneously. The

Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013

inversion process can be done by subspace grid spacing is 50m. A model consisting of 1600
minimization method [7]. cells of 25 m in each depth level is used and the
model extends from 0 to 500m (40*40*20).
Let denote the perturbation of model We invert the gravity data by considering a wide
parameter. It can be represented as Equation 8. density model bound between
3 3
3.0 g/cm and 3.0 g/cm for studying
V (8)
effect of density constrains to recover synthetic
model. The model objective function defined in
where, the vector V are generated mainly from Equation 6 is minimized in which s 0.0001
the gradient of data and model objective function
[12] and is the coefficient obtained from and x y z
1.0 . 3-D weighting
Equation 9. functions are set to 1.0 because, there is no
L l, preferred density distribution in each direction of
L V T F T GTWgTWgG W TW FV synthetic model and the depth weighting
parameters are considered with   2.0 in
n (9)
l V T F TG TWgTWg g g obs Equation 7. The recovered model data is shown in
n Figure 3 [8].
V T F TGTW TW 0 The recovered model shown in Figure (3) is
characterized by broad density distribution around
Where, F is the Jacobean matrix of model the true model (shown as white rectangle blocks).
parameters, is the Lagrangian multipliers and The range of inverted density model is obtained
n is the number of iterations. The final model between -0.18 to 0.99 g / cm 3 . Root mean square
parameters computed as Equation 10. error between model gravity data and predicted
(10) data is 0.01 mGal .
Next we inverted same data with positivity
3. Synthetic example density constraint. Maximum density contrast was
As a first example the gravity data shown in equal to 1.0 g / cm 3 . It’s useful when a reliable
Figure 2 is inverted. It is produced by two estimate of maximum density contrast is
rectangle block model at depth 25m, 50m and available. Imposition of such a bound can often
150m, 250m on side respectively. Density improve density distribution in recovered model.
contrast of two rectangle block set to The result is shown in Figure (4).
1.0 g/cm2 . The data is free noise and data

Figure 2. Gravity data was produced by two rectangle model having density of 1.0 g/cm2 and uniform
background. The color scale indicated the gravity data in mGal.

Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013

Figure 3. Recovered density model of free noise gravity data. The color scale indicates the density distribution in
g / cm 3 . Synthetic models are shown with white rectangle blocks.

Considering density constraint, synthetic model The chromite veins may extend into fractured
has been recovered well and density distribution Serpantine rocks. The gravity data are acquired in
concentrates at the location of true model. Root the study area (shown in Figure 7) with 10m
mean square error between synthetic gravity data spacing along 8 lines in the north-east direction
and predicted data is 0.01 mGal . The maximum and spaced 10 m apart. Our study of the data set
density value is slightly less than 1.0 g / cm 3 , has focused on a part of data shown in Figure 8. Y
which is in fact very close to the true maximum axis indicates north direction. In study area
density value in this case. Overall, we have a experimental methods are used to determine the
reasonably recovered model that delineates the mean density. The average density of host rocks is
essential structure of the true model. 2.79 g / cm and the average density in a
Figure 5 shows the same data contaminated with relatively pure sample of chromite is measured 4.0
2% independent Gaussian white noise. Recovered
density distributions are characterized by broad g / cm 3 approximately. The depth model
tails at depth like Figure 3 and focus on the top of parameterization is extended to 40 m. Root mean
synthetic model. Root mean square error between square error between real gravity data and
model gravity data and predicted data is 0.069 predicted data is 0.015 mGal .
mGal . According to Figure 8, maximum density
We invert the noisy data with limited band of distribution is concentrated at depth 20 m
3 approximately. Nejati et. al. (2005) showed that
density between 0.0 and 1.0 g / cm . Root mean
most volume of chromite mineralization in
square error between model gravity data and prospected area located at the depth of 20 m by
predicted data is 0.063 mGal . The Result is 3D compact inversion of gravity data [9].
shown in Figure 6. The recovered anomalies also
appear at the depth that corresponds well with the 5. Conclusions
true depth of the rectangle model. Results shows In this paper, 3D density distribution was obtained
that the density constrains are effective in placing by Li and Oldenburg (1998) method with two
the recovered anomaly at depth of the true strategies. In the first strategy, wide density model
causative body. bound was assumed to invert synthetic and real
gravity data. The results show that the recovered
4. Real data model is characterized by broad density
As a final example, field data taken over a distribution around the true model. In the second
chromite deposit located at southern part of Iran is strategy, the inversion procedure was carried out
inverted. The host rocks of deposit are Serpantine.
Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013

by band limited density. When the reliable of gravity data taken over chromite deposit
estimation of maximum density contrast was located at south part of Iran to estimate subsurface
available from geological and geophysical prior density distribution. The recovered model
investigation, the results of second strategy were obtained from second strategy has appropriate
closer to true models. We carried out the inversion agreement with previous studies.

Figure 4. Recovered density model of free noise gravity data with density constrain between 0.0 to 1.0 g / cm 3 .
The color scale indicates the density distribution in g / cm 3 . Synthetic models are shown with white rectangle

Figure 5. Data contaminated with 2% independent Gaussian white noise. The color scale indicates the density
distribution in g / cm 3 . Synthetic models are shown with white rectangle blocks.

Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013

Figure 6. Noisy data and inverted density distribution. The color scale indicates the density distribution in g / cm 3
Synthetic models are shown with white rectangle blocks.

Figure 7. Location map of study area

Nejati Kalateh & Roshandel kahoo/ Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.4, No.2, 2013



Figure 8. Real data and inverted density distribution. The color scale indicates the density distribution in
g / cm 3 . Y- axis is north direction. a) Y- axis out of the page and b) Y- axis in the right direction.

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