Hu11 Natural Dlllller:: in Lndlan Ocean Causes 11unam1
Hu11 Natural Dlllller:: in Lndlan Ocean Causes 11unam1
Hu11 Natural Dlllller:: in Lndlan Ocean Causes 11unam1
George: There was sorne 4. because of fallen trees. There were also sorne accidents
th -;=- ---- , just mino r inJ·uries.
because of slippe ry roads. Luckily, ere were no- ---- 5.
3 . illustrat·ion . Wh t d
Look at the
e h anges m pronoun s ·t a id each p erson say? Write
• necessary
. ----- sentences In indirect speech. Make
Buy a
Don't buy a
lot of expensive
2. Michael said
3. Julie told him
4. Scott said
s. Lisa said
6. Justin told him
7. Tim told him
S. Dad told the kids, "Put away your ings."
Natural Oisasters 45
5 Look at the pict W . . h speech bubble.
Then rewrite th u~es. hat is each person saylng? Wrlte an lmperative in t e
e •mperatlve In lndlrect speech. ~ ,
1. She told the cat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 2. The dentist told the patient - - - - - -
[_] V
-- --.....·-- -·
3. She said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. Her dad said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 WHAT ABOUT YOU? Complete each sentence in your own way. Use indirect imperatives.
1. When I was younger, people told m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
2. Our teacher often tells us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - -
3. Today someone said - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box.
48 UNIT5
th phras e in each pair.
8 Com plete e conv ersat ion . Circle the correc t word or
Jonat han: 1 just ta lked to Gary Feldman on th e phon e.
Barb ara: Oh, what did he tell / say?
today. He told I said that he
Jona than : He said / to ld me don 't go / not to go to work n't.
has tried / had tried to go, but he can't / could
Barbara: Why? What happ ened ?
awful. The roads are covered in ice.
Jona than : He said / told that the storm is / was really
Barbara: Really ? 1 listen ed to the weat her report last
night, and they told / said it
isn't / wasn 't going to be too bad.
3. Ryan to Debb ie (told): uThere's a problem with the
ges to the
• d" et speech to direct speech. Make necessary chan
10 Change each sent ence from '" ,re
tense and pron ouns .
1. Ms. Jone s told us that the storm was going t~ be stron
. "The rtorm ir 9oin9 to be rtron9. .
Ms. Jones.
2. Alexa said that the blizz ard was comi ng in our direct
h er .m the islands had been tem e.
3. Mr. Kirk said that the weat
Mr. Kírk:
. 1 a flood covere
4. The radio anno unce r _ª_'d_t_hª__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The radío anno unce r: .
d th oads
h d dama ged a lot of houses.
that the hum cane a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. How ard Dent on t."o~ld~m_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
How ard Dent on: -
Natural Disasters 47
11 R · h Correct form of
ewrite each conversatlon . Use lndlrect specch to tell what each person sa1'd . Use t e
say or WI. Change pronouns and verb tenses lf nece uary.
1. linda: Terri and I are going to the rnall later.
Stacy: 1 want to go with youl
Li"da told 5tacy that fhe ª"d Terri were goi" g to tJie mall later.
5tacy raid that fhe wa"ted to 90 with tJiem.
2. Chris: 1 just got back frorn Machu Picchu in Peru.
Theresa: Show me the picturesl
12 Read the article Earthquakes on page 56 in the Student's Book again. Check the statements that
5) > are true. Correct the false statements.
~ D 1. The most catastrophic earthquake recorded was in Sumatra.
D 2. Severe earthquakes cause casualties, damage to property, and serious economic consequences.
O 3. The tsunami in 2004 was caused by an earthquake.
D 4. Earthquakes with a magnitude of over 6 on the Richter Scale are generally moderate.
□ s. Location can determine the severity of an earthquake just as much as magnitude.
O 6. Older-style buildings are safer than modern buildings.
O 7. Earthquakes that happen when people are outdoors usually have a higher death toll.
_ _ deadly • ~our out of ttv_e_ of the world's earthquakes take place along the
nm of the Pac1f1c Ocean, a zone callad the Pacific Ring of Fire.
_ _ catastrophic
• Most earthquakes last a minute ar less.
_ _ moderate
• Each year, there are about a million earthquakes around the
world. Only about 100 of these cause serious damage.
48 UNIT 5
h uest ion.
14 Read an artic le abou t sto . matio n for eac q
rm chas ing. Then chec k tn.i~. faJ.le , or 110 infor
Toma does · Hurric a nes. E norrnous storms . Jusi · ~
readt ng these words make s peopl e imagi ne
catas troph tc events that can cause countless injuries
and sever e dama ges · No one Ioo ks forward to
weath er repor ts or break ing news that announce
these natur al disas ters. No one, except a small group
of abou t 100 peopl e know n as "storm chasers."
Who are th ese people, and what do they do?
A storm chase r is a perso n who tries to get as clo~e
to a s~ver ~ storm as possi ble. A few storm chase
more about storm s
are sc1ent1sts who want to learn
and how they devel op. They want to be able to learn
Storm chasers study weather data and look close ly
more so that some day they can better predict when s
at the sky to guess the timing and location of storm
and wher e storm s will occur. With more information, be there when a torna do
as they form. They hope to
they could help peop le avoid the catas troph ic
forms and to follow it as it touches ground. lf they are
destr uction and high casua lties that often happen
lucky, they will catch a tornado at least once in every
when huge storm s hit. Other s are professional
five to ten trips.
photo graph ers, movie make rs, or TV reporters.
Sorne are tour guide s who take peopl e close to the In 1996, the thriller Twister introduced storm
cente r of a storm as part of an adven ture vacation. chasing to moviegoers. Since then, a lot of peopl e
Most are just peop le who are fascinated by nature have been fascinated by the topic. There have been
and chas e storm s as a hobby. TV shows, documentaries, and hundr eds of books
written about this exciting "spor e
Storm chase rs travel thous ands of miles
a week in cars loade d with laptops, cameras, But storm chasing is not for everyone. lt is a
video s, emer genc y suppl ies, and a lot of scientific dangerous hobby. Roads are often wet and dangerous
equip ment . The most famo us storm chases occur
in to drive; severe floods can wash away cars; hailstorms
the sprin gtime in an area called Toma do Alley. lt is can cause injuries and damage to cars; and lightning
h storms can cause casualties. So why do storm chase
in the Grea t Plain s state s of the United State s-suc
do it? They say that it is amazingly fun, exciting, and
as Nebraska, Oklah oma, lowa, and Texa s-wh ere
always enormously beautiful.
sever e storm s and torna does frequently happen.
1. Storm chase
rs look for oppo rtuni ties to study and □
□ □
phot ogra ph huge storms.
□ □ o
Ther e are a lot of wom en storm chasers.
peop le who are storm chasers. □ □ □
3. Ther e are over 1,000 □ □ □
Storm chase rs look forward to tornadoes. □
k xactly when a tornado will hit a· town. □ □
5. Storm chase rs now e □ □ □
Ther e are TV show s abou t storm chasing . . □ □
6. □
. . th best movie abou t storm chasing.
7. Tw1ster 1s e □ □ □
8. Storm chasi ng is easy.
Natural Dlsasters 49
15 Read the article ·
aga,n. Answer the quest·1ons.
1 Wh
. y do people become storm chasers?
_ w_i_ll hit? - - - - -- - · - - - - - - - - - -
2. How do storm chasers predict when a st-o-rm
. . d? Describe what's
16 L00 k at the p1cture. Write about the disaster. What do you thmk happene ·
happeni ng now.
17 Put a check next to the words that are example s of emergen cy preparat ions and supplies .
O tornado O flood O shelter
O first-aid kit D power outage O bottled water
O evacuation D flashlight O earthquake
□ non-perishable tood O battery-operated radio O other: ----- --..:. ...
50 UNIT5
0 f the word that is
broa dcas t. Write the letter
18 Read th e st atem ents frorn an emer g e ncy radio
of the word s .
desc ribed in each sente nce . You wlll not use all
1 · ''A II res ident s mmt lf'ilVe th f' ír home s irnm edíat ely." a. shelt er
b. matc hes
2. :'The :-.itu,1 ti on i\ dan~wrous, iH)tl rc.sld ent s
mm t res p ond
1mm cdl,1t ely." c . non -peri shab le food
four hour s now." d. first- aid kit
3. "The cit y hr1s bef'n wíth oul elec t.ri cíly far
e. powe r outa ge
4 - "Beds have bcen set up at local schoo ls until peop le can
retur n to th eir home s." f. batte ries
cann ed g. eme rgen cy
5. "Buy iterns that will lasta long time, such as
beans and tuna fish, ín case of emer genc y." h. evac uatio n
were d i. flash light
6. "lf the lights go out, you'I I need a batte ry-po
sourc e of light ." j. bottl ed wate r
7• "P repa re a small set of medi catio ns and supp lies
to treat injur ies."
21 WHA! ABOUT YOU? Are you prepared for an emergency? Which of the following supplies do you
have m your home?
D bottled water D non-perishable food
O battery-operated radio
D candles D matches O other: - - - - - - - -
D flashlights D first-aid kit O other: - - - - - - - -
D extra batteries D tire extinguisher
A Read each sentence. lf the punctuation is correct, write C. lf the punctuation is incorrect, write 1and
correct the punctuation.
1. Mom said, "~on't go in the water." _I_
2. The child said please read me a story. _ _
3. 1said not to touch anything. _ _
4. We told the dog to stay. _ _
S. The travel guide tells visitors try to take a tour of the island. _ _
6. The woman told her son don't play with your food. _ _
B Change each statement from indirect speech to direct speech. Use correct punctuation.
1. The teacher told us to have a good weekend.
52 UNIT5
C Write each direct speech statement in indirect speech. Change the tense only if necessary.
1 Mom just told me "I d "
· , nee to get sorne emergency supplies before the storm.
D Look at the p1ctures. Complete the speech bubbles. Then comp 1et e eac h sentence in indirect
speech. Change the verb in indirect speech only if necessary.
1 J,aye a terrible
3. 4.
He _ _ _ _ __
Natural Disasters 53
B Read the statements about what to do in an earthquake. Organize the statements in order
of importance.
Check for injuries and damage. See if you can find your way out.
Drop to the ground. lf you're standing up, you could fall and hurt yourself.
Look for a table or another piece of furniture and take cover. This will help protect you from
breaking glass or things that fall. Do not move from that place until the shaking stops.
When the shaking stops, move slowly away from where you are. Be careful not to trip over
fallen objects.
C Use the statements in Exercise B to write a short paragraph about what to do in an earthquake. Use
words and expression of importance. Begin with a topic sentence. Add more information if necessary.
54 UNIT5