Irjet Partially Replacement of Coarse Ag

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Lohar Pandurang R.1, Patil Vikas J.2, Bedage Arjun B.3, Mane Amit R.4, Thorbole Shubham D.5
5GUIDE: Prof. U.A.Dhotre, Dept. of Civil Engineering, AITRC , Vita , Maharashtra , India
Abstract - Concrete is an artificial material similar in 1.1 Objective
appearance and properties to some natural lime stone rock. It
is a manmade composite, the major constituent being natural • To check suitability of coconut shell as concrete
aggregate such as gravel, or crushed rock, sand and fine ingredient.
particles of cement powder all mixed with water. The concrete
as time goes on through a process of hydration of the cement a)Compressive strength of normal M20
paste, producing a required strength to withstand the load. concrete.
The use of coconut shell as coarse aggregate in concrete has
b)Compressive strength of concrete with coconut
never been a usual practice among the average citizens,
shell with different percentage.
particularly in areas where light weight concrete is required
for non-load bearing walls, non-structural floors, and strip • To study Recycling of the coconut shell .
footings. Although coarse aggregate usually take about 50%
of the overall self-weight of concrete. The cost of construction • To study impact on environment.
materials is increasing day by day because of high demand,
scarcity of raw materials, and high price of energy. From the 1.2 All India coconut production
standpoint of energy saving and conservation of natural
resources, the use of alternative constituents in construction States/Union Area Production Productivity
materials is now a global concern. Territories ( ha) (million nuts) (nuts/ha)
A & N Islands 21.70 102.22 4711
Key Words: Light weight concrete, coursed aggregate,
Compressive strength , Spilt tensile strength. Andhra 104 1042.52 10024
1. INTRODUCTION Assam 18.80 157.86 8397

Now-a-days many engineers and scientists are in process to Chhattisgarh 0.70 9.45 14067
find various natural as well as modernized ways for the Goa 25.60 137.54 5373
production of construction materials especially concrete. Gujarat 16 168.80 10550
They are also keen in maintaining its quality and strength Karnataka 419 2339.81 5584
and therefore various other materials are used as a
replacement of a particular material in the making of Kerala 788 6259.50 7918
concrete. One such material is coconut shell which can be Lakshadweep 2.70 62.52 23156
used in concrete making by partially replacing coarse Maharashtra 21 187.56 8931
aggregate which is a very important component in concrete.
Coconuts being naturally available in nature and since its Nagaland 0.90 0.47 521
shells are non-biodegradable. India is the third largest Orissa 51 296.97 5823
producer of coconut products in the world. Coconut trees are Puducherry 2.10 31.26 14886
widely cultivated in the southern states of India, especially
Kerala. Kerala got its name itself derived from a word, ’kera’ Tamil Nadu 390 5770.60 14796
meaning coconut tree. Kerala is densely populated state and Tripura 5.80 12.50 2156
most of its population uses coconut or it’s byproducts in West Bengal 28.60 382.94 13389
their daily activities India produces about 20% of the
coconut produced in the world. Within India, Kerala
produces 45% of it. Disposal of coconut shells poses 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
environmental issues as it is not easily degradable.
Aggregates made by crushing coconut shells can be A) J.P.RIES:-
effectively used in concrete by partially replacing coarse
J.P. RIES (2011) studied that Lightweight aggregate (LWA)
aggregate up to a certain amount. This will not only reduce
plays important role in construction. Today’s move towards
the unit weight of resulting concrete made, but also provides
sustainable concrete, Lightweight aggregates contributes to
an efficient solution to the disposal of coconut shells .
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3272
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Sustainable development by lowering transportation formation of bond between concrete and moulds. Place the
requirements, optimizing Structural efficiency that results in fresh concrete in cubes in three layers, tamping each layer
a reduction in the amount of overall building Material being 25 times. The entrapped air in concrete is removed by table
used, conserving energy, Reducing labor demands and vibration. Demoulding After placing fresh concrete in
increasing the Survive moulds, it was allowed to set for 24 hours. It was marked
with some permanent identification mark. Concrete cubes
B) DEWANSHU AHLAWAT :- are now kept in curing tank for 28 days. After 28 days,
concrete cubes were removed from curing tank to conduct
DEWANSHU AHLAWAT ET AL. (2014) were investigated tests on hardened concrete.
the Coconut shell as partial replacement of coarse aggregate
in concrete. The aim of this research is to spread awareness 5. RESULT AND GRAPHCAL REPRESENTATION
of using coconut shell partial replacement of coarse
aggregate in concrete and determining its compressive 5.1 Compressive strength test
strength and density. The conclusions for the research are
the compressive strength of the concrete decreased as the The compressive strength of concrete is one of most
percentage shell substitution increased. Also increased in important properties of concrete in most structural
percentage replacement by coconut shell increase applications. For compressive strength test, cube specimens
workability of concrete . Coconut shell can be used as partial of dimensions 150 ×150 ×150 𝑚𝑚 were cast for M20 grade
replacement of coarse aggregate in R.C.C. concrete . of concrete. The specimens were demolded after 24 hours of
casting and were transferred to curing tank wherein they
3. PROPERTIES OF COCONUTSHELL were allowed to cure for 3 days 14 days and 28 days. After
curing, these cubes were tested on Compression Testing
3.1. COCONUT SHELL Machine (capacity 1500 KN) as per IS: 516-1959. The failure
load was noted. In each category three cubes were tested
Available coconut were hammered and crushed to and their average value is reported. The compressive
smaller pieces and sieved. The sieved materials were washed strength was calculated as follows,
with clean water for several times and then on sun, made
saturated and then required quantity was taken for casting.
Physical properties are tabulated in Table No. The CSA Compressive strength (MPa) =
aggregates after crushing and sieving by manual means were
presented in Figure.
Bulk Density(gm/m3) 550

Specific Gravity 1.32

Fineness Modulus 7.28

Impact Value (%) 20

Figure No. 3.1: Coconut shell as aggregate Abrasion Value (%) 5-10

4. METHODOLOGY Water Absorption (%) 27

The raw materials used in the experimentation were locally Shell thickness (mm) 2-5
available and these included Ordinary Portland Cement as
binding agent, river sand and fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate and coconut shell as a coarse aggregate. Potable
tap water was used for mixing and curing throughout the
entire investigation.

Concrete mix design: M 20 grade of concrete was designed

by IS 10262-1982 method. The natural coarse aggregate
were replaced as 0%, 8%, 10%, 15%, 20%. The test results
were analysed and compared with conventional concrete.
Due to high water absorption of coconut shell, they were
pre-soaked in water for 24 hours, prior to mixing. Batching
and Mixing: weight Batching was practiced with the help of
electronic weight balance, Batching was done as per mix
proportions. Mixing was done by manually. Placing and
Compaction: Cubes are cleaned and oiled to prevent the

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3273
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Variation In Comressive 3 14 28
Strength 4
3 14 28 3.44
25 3.5
3.1 3.11
compressive strength(n/mm2)

3 2.85
20 19.54

17.3 16.55 2.5 2.26
15.8 15.43 2.1 2.14
15 14.71
2 1.67
11.6 1.55
10 10.46
8.2 1.5
7.53 7.69 1.13
6.3 1 0.92
5 5.9 1 0.78
2.9 0.42
0 0.5

0% 8% 10% 15% 20% 0

percentage of replacement of coconut shell 0% 8% 10% 15% 20%


5.2 Spilt tensile strength test

Split tensile strength test was conducted as per IS 5 CONCLUSIONS

5816:1999. For split tensile strength test, cylinder specimens
of dimension 150 mm diameter and 300 mm length were  From the experimental results and discussions of
cast. The specimens were demoulded after 24 hours of above researches on coconut shell, the coconut shell
casting and were transferred to curing tank wherein they has potential as lightweight aggregate in concrete.
were allowed to cure for 3 days 14 days and 28 days.These  Also, using the coconut shell as aggregate in
specimens were tested under the compression testing concrete can reduce the material cost in
machine by applying a compressive load across the diameter construction because of the low cost and its
till the cylinder splits. The failure load was recorded. In each availability in abundance.
category three cylinders were tested and their average is  Coconut shell concrete can be used in rural areas
reported. Split tensile strength was calculated as follows: and places where the conventional aggregate are
Split Tensile strength (MPa) = 2P / π DL  It is concluded that the coconut shells are more
suitable as low strength-giving lightweight
Where, P = failure load, D = diameter of cylinder, aggregate when used to replace common coarse
aggregate in concrete production.
L = Length of cylinde  From the above researches it also found that the
addition of CS decreases workability.
 The amount of cement content may be more when
coconut shell are used as an aggregate in the
production of concrete compared to conventional
aggregate concrete
 Increase in percentage replacement by coconut
shell reduces compressive strength and split tensile
strength of concrete.
 The reduction in compression strength is less in
comparison with the split tensile strength with
there placement of conventional material.
 To increase the speed of construction, enhance
green construction environment we can use

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3274
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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Lohar Pandurang Rajendra
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Prof. U.A. Dhotre


© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3275

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