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ISSN: 2277-3754

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 6, Issue 9, March 2017

A Study on Demolished Concrete by Partial

Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
N V V S S L Shilpa Devi Gadde ,Assistant Professor, Pragati Engineering College
P.Mani Kumar, Under Graduate student, Pragati Engineering College
K.Abhiram, Under Graduate student, Pragati Engineering College

main reasons for increase of volume of demolition concrete /

Abstract— There is a large amount of demolished waste masonry waste are as follows:-
generated every year in India and other developing countries  Many old buildings, concrete pavements, bridges and
.Demolished waste includes concrete blocks which can be recycled
into stone aggregates through pre-screening, crushing, screening other structures have overcome their age and limit of
and separating of aggregate. The experimental investigations are
carried out to evaluate the effect of partial replacement of coarse use due to structural deterioration beyond repairs
aggregate by demolished waste on compressive strength and
and need to be demolished;
workability of demolished concrete.
 The structures, even adequate to use are under
Index Terms— Recycled Aggregates, Recycled Aggregate
Concrete (RAC), Natural Aggregate Concrete (NAC), demolition because they are not serving the needs in
Compressive Strength, etc
present scenario; New construction for better
I. INTRODUCTION economic growth;
Any construction activity requires several materials such as
 Structures are turned into debris resulting from natural
concrete, steel, brick, stone, glass, clay, mud, wood, and so
on. However, the cement concrete remains the main disasters like earthquake, cyclone and floods etc.
construction material used in construction industries. For its  Creation of building waste resulting from manmade
suitability and adaptability with respect to the changing
environment, the concrete must be such that it can conserve disaster/war.
resources, protect the environment, economize and lead to The primary objective is to foment the reuse and recycling
proper utilization of energy. To achieve this, major emphasis of this waste and other forms of valorisation with a view to
must be laid on the use of wastes and by products in cement contributing to the sustainable development of activities in the
and concrete used for new constructions. The utilization of construction sector.
recycled aggregate is particularly very promising as 75
percent of concrete is made of aggregates. Recycling of II. MATERIALS & METHDOLOGY
concrete is needed from the viewpoint of environmental A. Materials Used
Preservation and effective utilization of resources. Due to
modernization, demolished materials are dumped on land &  Ordinary Portand Cement 53 Grade
not used for any purpose. Such situations affect the fertility of
 Fine Aggregates
land. As per report of Hindu online India generates 23.75
million tons demolition waste annually. As per report of  Coarse Aggregates
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Delhi, in India,
 Recycled Aggregates
48million tons solid waste is produced out of which 14.5
million ton waste is produced from the construction waste B. Material Properties
sector, out of which only 3% waste is used for embankment. A TABLE I. TEST ON FINE AGGREGATES
large portion of concrete waste ends up at disposal sites. It is
anticipated that there will be an increase in the amount of
concrete waste, a shortage of disposal sites, and depletion in property results
natural resources especially. Fineness modulus 2.35
These lead to the use of recycled aggregate in new concrete
Specific gravity 2.6
production, which is deemed to be a more effective utilization
of concrete waste. However, information on concrete using II. CEMENT
recycled aggregate is still insufficient, and it will be
advisable to get more detailed information about the
property results
characteristics of concrete using recycled aggregates. The Fineness 0.08

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/JNYZE Page 34
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 6, Issue 9, March 2017
Specific gravity 3.2 uniform color of mix. The mixing duration was 2-5 minutes
Standard and then the water was added as per the mix proportion. The
consistency 29%
Setting Initial-35 mixing was carried out for 3-5 minutes duration. Then the mix
time min poured in to the cube moulds of size 150 x 150x 150 mm and
Final- 10hr 35 min then compacted manually using tamping rods as in fig -1.
The cubes are demoulded after 1 day of casting and then
TABLE III. TEST ON COARSE AGGREGATES kept in respective water for curing at room temperature with a
relative humidity of 85% the cubes are taken out from curing
after 7, 14, 21 & 28 days for testing. The demolished concrete
property Natural Recycled has been collected from the ongoing demolishing activities in
aggregate e
Pragati Engineering College campus,Surampalem.
Specific gravity 2.87 2.06
1.404kg/L 1.31kg/L

Abrasion value 31.4% 41.5%

Impact value 5.8% 13.66%
Attrition value 0.311 9.1%

C. Mix Design(M30 GRADE)

Indian Standard Recommended Method of Concrete Mix
Design (IS 10262-1982) .The Bureau of Indian Standards
recommended a set of procedure for design of concrete mix FIG -1: CASTING OF CUBES
mainly based on the work done in national laboratories. The
mix design procedures are covered in IS 10262-82. The
method given can be applied for both medium strength and
high strength concrete.
Type of cement : OPC 53 grade
Slump : 50mm
Degree of quality control : good
Type of exposure : mild
Size of aggregate : 20mm
For normal aggregate FIG -2: CURING OF CUBES

Cement : Fine Agg : Coarse Agg

456 : 604 : 1252
1 : 1.32 : 2.74 s.no % usage of recycled Workability (mm)
For recycled aggregate
1 0% recycled aggregate 50mm
Cement : Fine Agg : Coarse Agg concrete
456 : 604 : 1252
2 25% recycled aggregate 45mm
1 : 1.32 : 1.94 concrete
Demolished concrete (recycled aggregates) is taken in the 3 50% recycled aggregate 42mm
ratio of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by the weight of the concrete

coarse aggregates. 4 75% recycled aggregate 35mm


III. CASTING & TESTING 5 100% recycled aggregate 25mm

Initially the constituent materials were weighed and dry
mixing was carried out for cement, sand and coarse aggregate
and admixtures. This was thoroughly mixed manually to get

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/JNYZE Page 35
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 6, Issue 9, March 2017
Slump test is the most commonly used method of
measuring consistency of concrete which can be employed
either in laboratory or at site work. For the present work,
slump tests were conducted. The apparatus for conducting the
slump test essentially consists of a metallic mould in the form
of frustum of a cone having the internal dimensions as under:
Bottom diameter : 20 cm
Top diameter : 10 cm
Height : 30 cm
The thickness of the metallic sheet for the mould should not
be thinner than 1.6 mm. for tamping the concrete; a steel
tamping rod is 16 mm diameter 0.6 m along with bullet is
used. The mould is placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and
non – absorbent surface. The mould is then filled in four
layers, each approximately ¼th of the height of the mould.
Each layer is tamped 25 times by the tamping rod taking care
to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross section. After
the top layer has been compacted, the concrete is struck off
level with trowel and tamping rod.
The mould is removed from the concrete immediately by
S.No Usage of Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical direction. This
aggregates 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days
allows the concrete subside. The subsidence is referred as
1 0% of 16.53 25.76 28.72 32.58
slump of the concrete. The difference in level between the
recycled height of the mould and that of the highest point of the
aggregates subsided concrete is measured. The difference in height in
2 25% of 15.68 24.52 27.53 31.47 mm is taken as slump of concrete.
aggregates CONCRETE
3 50% of 14.56 23.47 26.40 30.43 By this single test one judge that whether Concreting has
been done properly or not. For cube test two types of
recycled specimens either cubes of 15 cm X 15 cm X 15 cm or 10cm X
aggregates 10 cm x 10 cm depending upon the size of aggregate are used.
4 75% of 13.54 22.33 25.35 29.43 For most of the works cubical moulds of size 15 cm x 15cm x
15 cm are commonly used.This concrete is poured in the
mould and tempered properly so as not to have any voids.
aggregates After 24 hours these moulds are removed and test specimens
5 100% of 13.29 21.33 24.40 28.44 are put in water for curing. The top surface of this specimen
should be made even and smooth. This is done by putting
cement paste and spreading smoothly on whole area of
aggregates specimen.
These specimens are tested by compression testing
GRAPH-I : COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS machine after 7 days curing or 28 days curing. Load should be
applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till the
Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by area of
specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete.

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/JNYZE Page 36
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 6, Issue 9, March 2017
TABLE-VI : % DIFFERENCE OF AVERAGE [3] Yrjanson, W. (1989). “Recycling of Portland cement concrete
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DEMOLISHED CONCRETE COMPARED TO STANDARD Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation
CONCRETE Research Board, Washington DC.
S.n %Usage %difference for [4] AASHTO T85.(2010). “Standard method of test for specific
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aggregates 7 days 14days 21days for28da
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University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
[6] Sha, Q., (1999). High-grade highway semi-rigid base asphalt
pavement, People's Communications Press.
2 50% of 11.91% 8.88% 8.07% 6.59%
[7] Topeul.B (1997). Physical and mechanical properties of
recycled concrete produced with waste concrete. Cement and Concrete
Research, Vol.27 (12):1817-1823.
[8] Ramamurthy, K. et al. (1998), Properties of recycled aggregate
3 75% of 18.0% 13.31% 11.73% 9.66%
concrete. The Indian Concrete Journal, January,
[9] Tavakoli, M. et al. (1996), Drying shrinkage behaviour of
aggregates recycled aggregate concrete. Concrete International, Vol.18
4 100% of 19.6% 17.19% 15.04% 12.70% (2):58-61.

recycled [10] Blankenagel, B. J. (2005). “Characterization of recycled

concrete for use as pavement base material.”Dissertation for
aggregates Master of Science, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Brigham Young University.USA.
IV. CONCLUSION [11] Edwards J.P., Thom N.H. and Armitage R. (2006).“Improving
 The test values of compressive strength of cubes of the utilisation of recycled and secondary materials in
demolished concrete aggregate for 7days, 14days, pavements through performance testing.”JMU conference on
waste and secondary materials within pavement engineering.
21days, and28daysare obtained and the values are
Liverpool John Moores University. UK.
compared with standard concrete.
 The test values of compressive strength 25% and
50% of demolished concrete aggregates are near to AUTHORS BIOGRAPHY
the value of standard concrete or conventional
 As we observed that the difference in compressive Devi Gadde is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Civil
strength of standard and demolished concrete Engineering in Pragati Engineering College since 2013.
aggregate for a 28days is about 12%
 The compressive strength of demolished aggregate P.Manikumar is an under-graduate student in the Department of Civil
concrete is relatively lower up to 20% than standard
Engineering in Pragati Engineering.
 From the above investigations it can be hence
concluded that the optimum replacement for this K.Abhiram is an under-graduate student in the Department of Civil
particular mix for high strength concrete is in Engineering in Pragati Engineering.
between 25-50%. Up to this replacement good
compressive strength can be achieved using recycled
 Beyond this replacement the strength acquired
reduces gradually and does not cross the target
strength and in order to overcome this problem,
suitable adjustment in mix design is required.

[1] Anonymous (2011), Post Harvest Profiles of Potato.
http://agmarknet.nic.in/profile-potato.pdf. Accessed, 27
August, 2011.
[2] G. Murali1, C.M. VivekVardhan “Experimental study on
recycled aggregates”.

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/JNYZE Page 37

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