Uncover 2 Students Book-1

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Ben Goldstein
• Ceri Jones
Student’s Book

Uncover 2
Student’s Book


Ben Goldstein • Ceri Jones


Ben Goldstein • Ceri Jones
with Kathryn O’Dell
Student’s Book

32 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10013-2473, USA

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© Cambridge University Press 2015
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First published 2015

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-1-107-49320-9 Student’s Book 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49323-0 Student’s Book with Online Workbook and Online Practice 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49331-5 Teacher’s Book 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49328-5 Workbook with Online Practice 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49338-4 Presentation Plus Disc 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49333-9 Class Audio CDs 2
ISBN 978-1-107-49335-3 DVD 2
Additional resources for this publication at www.cambridge.org/uncover
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Art direction, book design, layout services, and photo research: QBS Learning
Audio production: John Marshall Media

Many teachers, coordinators, and educators shared their opinions, their ideas, and their experience to help create Uncover.
The authors and publisher would like to thank the following people and their schools for their help in shaping the series.

In Mexico:
María Nieves Maldonado Ortiz (Colegio Enrique Rébsamen); Héctor Guzmán Pineda (Liceo Europeo); Alfredo Salas López
(Campus Universitario Siglo XXI); Rosalba Millán Martínez (IIPAC [Instituto Torres Quintero A.C.]); Alejandra Rubí Reyes Badillo
(ISAS [Instituto San Angel del Sur]); José Enrique Gutiérrez Escalante (Centro Escolar Zama); Gabriela Juárez Hernández
(Instituto de Estudios Básicos Amado Nervo); Patricia Morelos Alonso (Instituto Cultural Ingles, S.C.); Martha Patricia Arzate
Fernández, (Colegio Valladolid); Teresa González, Eva Marina Sánchez Vega (Colegio Salesiano); María Dolores León Ramírez
de Arellano, (Liceo Emperadores Aztecas); Esperanza Medina Cruz (Centro Educativo Francisco Larroyo); Nubia Nelly Martínez
García (Salesiano Domingo Savio); Diana Gabriela González Benítez (Colegio Ghandi); Juan Carlos Luna Olmedo (Centro Escolar
Zama); Dulce María Pascual Granados (Esc. Juan Palomo Martínez); Roberto González, Fernanda Audirac (Real Life English
Center); Rocio Licea (Escuela Fundación Mier y Pesado); Diana Pombo (Great Union Institute); Jacobo Cortés Vázquez (Instituto
María P. de Alvarado); Michael John Pryor (Colegio Salesiano Anáhuac Chapalita)

In Brazil:
Renata Condi de Souza (Colégio Rio Branco); Sônia Maria Bernal Leites (Colégio Rio Branco); Élcio Souza (Centro Universitário
Anhaguera de São Paulo); Patricia Helena Nero (Private teacher); Célia Elisa Alves de Magalhães (Colégio Cruzeiro-Jacarepaguá);
Lilia Beatriz Freitas Gussem (Escola Parque-Gávea); Sandra Maki Kuchiki (Easy Way Idiomas); Lucia Maria Abrão Pereira Lima
(Colégio Santa Cruz-São Paulo); Deborah de Castro Ferroz de Lima Pinto (Mundinho Segmento); Clara Vianna Prado (Private
teacher); Ligia Maria Fernandes Diniz (Escola Internacional de Alphaville); Penha Aparecida Gaspar Rodrigues (Colégio Salesiano
Santa Teresinha); Silvia Castelan (Colégio Santa Catarina de Sena); Marcelo D’Elia (The Kids Club Guarulhos); Malyina Kazue
Ono Leal (Colégio Bandeirantes); Nelma de Mattos Santana Alves (Private teacher); Mariana Martins Machado (Britannia
Cultural); Lilian Bluvol Vaisman (Curso Oxford); Marcelle Belfort Duarte (Cultura Inglesa-Duque de Caxias); Paulo Dantas
(Britannia International English); Anauã Carmo Vilhena (York Language Institute); Michele Amorim Estellita (Lemec – Lassance
Modern English Course); Aida Setton (Colégio Uirapuru); Maria Lucia Zaorob (CEL-LEP); Marisa Veiga Lobato (Interlíngua
Idiomas); Maria Virgínia Lebrón (Independent consultant ); Maria Luiza Carmo (Colégio Guilherme Dumont Villares/CEL-LEP);
Lucia Lima (Independent consultant); Malyina Kazue Ono Leal (Colégio Bandeirantes); Debora Schisler (Seven Idiomas); Helena
Nagano (Cultura Inglesa); Alessandra de Campos (Alumni); Maria Lúcia Sciamarelli (Colégio Divina Providência); Catarina Kruppa
(Cultura Inglesa); Roberto Costa (Freelance teacher/consultant); Patricia McKay Aronis (CEL-LEP); Claudia Beatriz Cavalieri (By
the World Idiomas); Sérgio Lima (Vermont English School); Rita Miranda (IBI – [Instituto Batista de Idiomas]); Maria de Fátima
Galery (Britain English School); Marlene Almeida (Teacher Trainer Consultant); Flávia Samarane (Colégio Logosófico); Maria
Tereza Vianna (Greenwich Schools); Daniele Brauer (Cultura Inglesa/AMS Idiomas); Allessandra Cierno (Colégio Santa Dorotira);
Helga Silva Nelken (Greenwich Schools/Colégio Edna Roriz); Regina Marta Bazzoni (Britain English School); Adriano Reis
(Greenwich Schools); Vanessa Silva Freire de Andrade (Private teacher); Nilvane Guimarães (Colégio Santo Agostinho)

In Ecuador:
Santiago Proaño (Independent teacher trainer); Tania Abad (UDLA [Universidad de Las Americas]); Rosario Llerena (Colegio
Isaac Newton); Paúl Viteri (Colegio Andino); Diego Maldonado (Central University); Verónica Vera (Colegio Tomás Moro); Mónica
Sarauz (Colegio San Gabriel); Carolina Flores (Colegio APCH); Boris Cadena, Vinicio Reyes (Colegio Benalcázar); Deigo Ponce
(Colegio Gonzaga); Byron Freire (Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario)

The authors and publisher would also like to thank the following contributors, script writers, and collaborators for their inspired
work in creating Uncover:
Anna Whitcher, Janet Gokay, Kathryn O’Dell, Lynne Robertson, and Dana Henricks

Unit Vocabulary Grammar Listening (Useful language)

1 Traditions ■■ Categories ■■ Simple present ■■ Whose shoes ■■ Keeping a

pp. 2−11 ■■ Clothes and review with be and are they? conversation going
objects have
■■ whose and
Grammar reference
p. 106

2 What’s ■■ Types of movies ■■ Simple present ■■ Deciding what to ■■ Asking for and giving
Playing? ■■ Types of TV review watch opinions
pp. 12−21 shows ■■ Adverbs of
■■ Verb + infinitive or
-ing form (gerund)
Grammar reference
p. 107

3 Spending ■■ Places to shop ■■ Present continuous ■■ Shopping habits ■■ Making requests

Habits ■■ Money verbs review when shopping
pp. 22−31 ■■ Simple present vs.
present continuous
■■ Quantifiers
Grammar reference
p. 108

4 Our Heroes ■■ Cool jobs ■■ Simple past ■■ Interview with a ■■ Asking for and giving
pp. 32−41 ■■ Adjectives of statements review teenage hero clarification
personality and ago
■■ Simple past
questions review
and ago
Grammar reference
p. 109

5 It’s a ■■ Action verbs ■■ Past continuous ■■ I saw something ■■ Telling and reacting to
Mystery! ■■ Adverbs of ■■ Adverbs of time strange last a story
manner night.
pp. 42−51 ■■ Simple past vs.
past continuous
■■ when and while
Grammar reference
p. 110

Units 1−5 Review Game pp. 52−53


Accuracy and
Writing Reading Video fluency Speaking outcomes
■■ A description ■■ At Home in Two ■■ Carpets of ■■ whose vs. who’s I can . . .
of a family Worlds Dagestan ■■ Pronouncing the ■■ identify and talk about modern
tradition ■■ Reading to ■■ What is your possessive of and traditional things
write: Our favorite place names ending ■■ talk about modern and traditional
Summer in town? in -s things in my life
Tradition ■■ A Very Indian ■■ ask and answer questions about
■■ Culture: Wedding possessions
Colorful Hands
and Heads ■■ keep a conversation going
■■ talk about sports, weddings, and
other traditions

■■ A movie ■■ Cinema’s Best ■■ A Life on Broadway ■■ Infinitive or -ing I can . . .

review Villains ■■ What kind of TV form (gerund) vs. ■■ identify different types of movies
■■ Reading to shows do you like base form after
some verbs ■■ talk about my movie-watching
write: My to watch? habits
All-Time ■■ Mumbai: From ■■ Irregular spellings
Favorite Movie of third person ■■ talk about different types of TV
Computers to Film shows, preferences, and TV habits
■■ Culture: simple present
■■ Who’s Real? (CLIL form ■■ ask for and give opinions
Hooray for Project p. 116)
Bollywood! ■■ The /∫/ sound ■■ compare Hollywood movies with
other movies

■■ A product ■■ A Day at the ■■ Unusual Fun ■■ enough and not I can . . .

review Mall in Dubai ■■ How do you spend enough ■■ identify places to shop
■■ Reading to your money? ■■ Irregular spellings ■■ talk about the things I do every
write: Product ■■ Zero: Past and of the -ing form day and the things I’m doing now
Reviews Present ■■ syllable stress in ■■ ask and answer questions about
■■ Culture: Adopt compound nouns spending and saving money
an Animal
■■ make requests when shopping
■■ talk about using money to help
people or animals

■■ A description ■■ Young and ■■ Wildlife Hero ■■ Irregular verbs in I can . . .

of a person Talented! ■■ Who is your role the simple past ■■ identify some cool jobs
you admire ■■ Reading to model and why? ■■ Spelling rules for ■■ share facts about someone’s life
write: My Hero ■■ The Chilean Mine the simple past
■■ ask and answer questions about
■■ Culture: The Rescue ■■ Short and long i being brave
Island of ■■ Amelia Earhart: sounds
Champions ■■ ask for and give clarification
Famous Flyer (CLIL
Project p. 117) ■■ talk about famous athletes from
my country

■■ A narrative ■■ Whodunit? ■■ Mysteries in the ■■ The simple past I can . . .

about an ■■ Reading to Mountains for an event that ■■ tell a story with action verbs
interesting write: An Urban ■■ What’s an interesting interrupts an
or unusual event in progress ■■ talk about what I was doing
Legend or unusual thing that in the past
event happened to you ■■ Spelling rules for
■■ Culture: ■■ talk about past events and
The World’s recently? forming adverbs
describe how I do things
Number One ■■ The Case of the ■■ Pronouncing was
Detective Missing Woman ■■ tell an interesting or unusual story

■■ An Underwater ■■ understand information and talk

Mystery (CLIL about fictional characters
Project p. 118)


Unit Vocabulary Grammar Listening (Useful language)

6 Home, ■■ Furniture and ■■ Comparative ■■ A clothing ■■ Asking for and

Sweet Home other household and superlative emergency offering help
items adjectives and
pp. 54−63
■■ Household adverbs
appliances ■■ should (not),
(not) have to,
must (not)
Grammar reference
p. 111

7 Visions of ■■ Computers and ■■ will and won’t for ■■ They’re always ■■ Asking for and
the Future communication predictions coming out with giving instructions
■■ Technology verbs ■■ Adverbs of something new.
pp. 64−73
■■ First conditional
with will (not),
may (not), and
might (not)
Grammar reference
p. 112

8 The Choices ■■ Life events ■■ be going to and ■■ An eco-project ■■ A greeing and
We Make ■■ Containers and will disagreeing
pp. 74−83 materials ■■ Present
continuous and
simple present
for future
Grammar reference
p. 113

9 Watch Out! ■■ Accident and ■■ Present perfect ■■ I’m accident-prone. ■■ Reacting to good
pp. 84−93 injury verbs statements and bad news
■■ Parts of the body with regular and
irregular verbs
■■ Present perfect
■■ Present perfect
vs. simple past
Grammar reference
p. 114

10 Have Fun! ■■ Free-time ■■ Indefinite ■■ I’ll never ■■ Making and

pp. 94−103 activities pronouns forget . . . responding to
■■ Adjectives of ■■ too and enough suggestions
Grammar reference
p. 115

Units 6−10 Review Game pp. 104−105


Accuracy and
Writing Reading Video fluency Speaking outcomes
■■ An email ■■ A Home in the ■■ A Cool Life ■■ Using must for I can . . .
about your Jungle ■■ Which do you obligation ■■ identify rooms in a house and
house ■■ Reading to write: prefer – houses ■■ Pronouncing the household items
My House or apartments? letters er and or ■■ compare two or more rooms
■■ Culture: Life on ■■ Moving House ■■ identify and talk about household
the Water appliances
■■ ask for and offer help
■■ talk about the kind of house I’d like
to live in

■■ An opinion ■■ Computers: A ■■ A Pizza Robot ■■ First conditional ■■ talk about computers and technology
paragraph Big Past, A Small ■■ How important vs. simple ■■ make predictions about the future
Future is your cell present
■■ talk about how to use technology
■■ Reading to write: phone to you? ■■ Different
How do you think sounds for the ■■ ask for and give instructions
■■ Music Sharing
people will listen letters ou ■■ talk about how I watch TV today and
to music in the ■■ The Secret of in the future
the Pyramids ■■ Using commas
future? with if clauses
(CLIL Project
■■ Culture: p. 119)
Television Grows
Up . . . and Down!

■■ An ■■ Life in the ■■ A School at ■■ Present I can . . .

application Outback Home continuous ■■ identify and talk about life events
letter ■■ Reading to ■■ What are you for future
arrangements ■■ discuss future plans and predictions
write: Farah’s going to do
Application Letter when you finish ■■ The vowel sound ■■ talk about future plans and
school? of will and we’ll scheduled events
■■ Culture: A Summer
in Alaska ■■ Time for an ■■ Using think, ■■ agree and disagree with someone
Adventure! probably, and ■■ talk about places I’d like to volunteer
maybe with will

■■ An email to ■■ It’s Hard Being a ■■ Danger in Our ■■ The present I can . . .
refuse an Teen! Food perfect with ■■ talk about accidents and injuries
invitation ■■ Reading to write: ■■ Have you never
■■ talk about things I have and haven’t
Your Invitation ever had an ■■ Forming past done
■■ Culture: Beware accident? participles
■■ ask, answer, and give details about
of the Amazon! ■■ A Deadly Job ■■ The sound of things I’ve done
have in Wh-
questions ■■ react to good and bad news

■■ Using accident ■■ talk about dangerous animals

and injury words
as both nouns
and verbs

■■ An ■■ Jodi’s Blog ■■ A New York City ■■ Indefinite I can . . .

invitation ■■ Reading to write: Food Tour pronouns with ■■ talk about free-time activities
Your Invitation ■■ How do you any- in negative
sentences ■■ talk about weekend plans
■■ Culture: April celebrate your
birthday? ■■ The sound of ■■ describe feelings and situations with
Fool’s! too and enough
■■ Punkin Chunkin! the letters gh
■■ make and respond to suggestions
■■ An Ancient
Answer (CLIL ■■ talk about April Fool’s Day and jokes
Project p. 120)



Carpets of

What is your favorite

place in town?

A Very Indian

1. Where are the women?

2. What are they like? How are they different from

other people in the photo?

3. Do you ever wear traditional clothes? When?

Vocabulary Categories; clothes and objects
Grammar Simple present review with be and have; whose and possessives
Listening Whose shoes are they?
2 | Unit 1

Vocabulary: Categories
1. Label the sets of traditional and modern pictures with the correct words.
art clothing food ✓ music places sports

a b c d

1. music 2.

e f g h

3. 4.

i j k l

5. 6.

Another word for clothing is
clothes. Clothing is usually used
for the general category. Clothes is
usually used for specific items.
2. Listen, check, and repeat. There are two clothing stores in
the mall.
3. Do the pictures in Exercise 1 show modern or traditional things? I need some new clothes.
Check (✓) the correct answers.

Photo a b c d e f g h i j k l

Traditional ✓

Modern ✓

Speaking: Likes and dislikes

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Do you like traditional or modern things for the
categories in Exercise 1? Can you name any traditional and modern things for each

I like modern music. Hip-hop is modern. I don’t like traditional music. Jazz is traditional.

I like traditional and modern sports. Sumo wrestling is traditional. Basketball is modern.

Workbook, p. 2

Reading At Home in Two Worlds; Our Summer Tradition; Colorful Hands and Heads
Conversation Keeping a conversation going
Writing A description of a family tradition
Unit 1 | 3


At Home in
Two Worlds
Meet Maria! She is 14, and she lives in Otavalo, Ecuador. She has a traditional and
a modern life. She lives in a modern house with her family. Maria has a brother. He’s
17. She also has a sister. She’s 12. Maria and her family make traditional art, and
they sell it at a big market in Otavalo. They sell their art online, too. Maria’s brother and
father are also musicians, and they play traditional music. Maria likes traditional music,
but she also listens to modern rock music at home.
Maria doesn’t have modern clothes. She wears traditional clothes and jewelry. She
eats traditional food with her family. She has meat with corn, potatoes, or beans. After
school, she sometimes eats in modern restaurants with her friends. Maria speaks
Quechua, an ancient Incan language, with her parents. She speaks Spanish with her
brother, sister, and friends. She and her sister also have English classes at school. Maria
likes her traditional and modern life!

KNOW . . .?
The market in
Otavalo has
clothing, art, and
food. It’s popular
with people from
Reading: An article about life in Ecuador and from
Otavalo, Ecuador around the world.
1. Look at the photos. Is the family modern or traditional?

2. Read and listen to the article. Who is in Maria’s family?

What do they do?

3. Read the article again. Check (✓) the things that are true
for Maria. Sometimes both answers are possible.
1. lives in a traditional house lives in a modern house
2. has a younger sister has an older sister
3. has one brother has two brothers
4. listens to traditional music listens to modern music
5. wears traditional clothes wears modern clothes
6. eats traditional food eats modern food

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. How are you like Maria? How are you different?

Maria is 14, and I’m . . .

4 | Unit 1

Grammar: Simple present review with be and have

5. Complete the chart.

Use the simple present of be to identify people and give locations and dates.
Use the simple present of have to talk about possessions, characteristics, and relationships.
be have
Wh- questions and answers
Where are you? When do you art class?
I’m in Otavalo. I’m in Quito. I have art at 10:00. I don’t have art at 9:00.

How old she? What does she have for dinner?

She’s 14. She isn’t 17. She meat. She doesn’t have fish.
Who are they? What do they have?
They Maria’s parents. They have a computer. They a desk.
They aren’t her grandparents.
Yes/No questions and answers
you in Otavalo? Do you have art at 10:00?
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, I . / No, I don’t.
Is she 14? she have meat for dinner?
Yes, she . / No, she isn’t. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
Are they Maria’s parents? Do they have a computer?
Yes, they are. / No, they . Yes, they do. / No, they .

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 106

6. Match the questions with the answers.

1. Is your brother tall? c a. I have three.
2. Are they from Ecuador? b. I’m in my English class.
3. Where are you? c. No, he’s not.
4. How many sisters do you have? d. No, he doesn’t.
5. Does Jake have a truck? e. Yes, they are.

7. Complete the conversations with the correct form of be or have.

1. A: When your music class?
B: It on Monday.
2. A: Kate and Dennis a truck?
B: Yes, they . They two trucks.
3. A: your parents home?
B: No, they . They at work right now.
4. A: your house small?
B: No, it . It big.

Speaking: My life
8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Tell your partner about something Find out about carpet makers
modern and something traditional in your life. BE in Russia. What is life like in
Dagestan? (Workbook, p. 72)
I have a traditional house. It’s very old. My clothes are modern. They . . .


Workbook, p. 3 Unit 1 | 5

Listening: Whose shoes are they?
1. Do your parents or grandparents have things from the past? What do they have?

2. Listen to Wendy and Josh talk about old things in their grandparents’ house.
Check (✓) the people the things belong to.
father grandfather great-grandfather
mother grandmother great-grandmother

a 1.04
3. Listen again. Circle the adjectives that describe the things Wendy and Josh find.
There is more than one answer for each item.
1. First object: big / small / heavy / colorful / slow
2. Second object: new / old / cool / old-fashioned
3. Third object: white / black / big / small

Vocabulary: Clothes and objects

4. Match the words with the correct pictures. Then listen and check your answers.

b 1. e a computer 6. a photograph / a photo

2. a dress 7. a telephone / a phone f

3. a hat 8. a television / a TV
4. a jacket 9. a watch
5. a pen 10. shoes

d e


5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. What are the items in Exercise 4 like today?

TVs are big today, and they have flat screens. TV shows are in color.

6 | Unit 1

Grammar: whose and possessives

6. Complete the chart.
Use whose to ask about possession.
Use a name/noun + ’s, a possessive adjective, or a possessive pronoun to show possession.
Whose computer is it? / Whose is it?
Whose shoes are they? / Whose are they?
Possessive ’s or s’ It’s Dad’s computer.
They’re our grandmother shoes.
That’s our grandparents’ house.
Possessive It’s his computer. my your
adjectives They’re her shoes. her its
That’s their house. our
Possessive It’s his. mine yours
pronouns They’re hers. his its
That’s theirs. ours

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 106

7. Write questions and answers for the information in the chart. Use possessive ’s and
s’ for the answers.

Doug Sofia my cousins Get it RIGHT!

1. hat Do not confuse whose with who’s:

who’s = who is.
Whose phone is this?
2. TV ✓ NOT: Who’s phone is this?

3. pens ✓

1. Whose hat is it? It’s Sofia’s hat.


8. Rewrite the sentences two ways. Use possessive adjectives and

possessive pronouns.
1. It’s my sisters’ soccer ball. It’s their soccer ball. It’s theirs.
2. They’re Jack’s paintings.
3. It’s my aunt’s jacket.

Speaking: Whose is it?

9. YOUR TURN Work with a small group. Each person puts two small items
in a bag. The others don’t look. Take out an item and have the others guess 1.06 Say it RIGHT!
whose it is. Take turns. If a name ends in -s, add ’s after the
final -s. You can also just use an
apostrophe (’) after the final -s. Both
are correct, and they are pronounced
Whose pen is it? It’s Doris’ pen. the same way. For example, Lucas’s
and Lucas’ both sound like Lucases.
Listen to the sentences.
Lucas has hats. = They’re Lucas’s
hats. / They’re Lucas’ hats.
Pay attention to the way you
pronounce your classmates’ names
with the possessive in Exercise 9.

Workbook, pp. 4–5 Unit 1 | 7




Conversation: A cool tradition

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Check (✓) their favorite places.

a bedroom a gym a restaurant an ice cream shop

a computer lab a library a stadium a movie theater
a park a mall a supermarket

2. YOUR TURN What is your favorite place in town? Tell your partner.

3. Listen to Tom telling Eva about a family tradition. Complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Keeping a conversation going

Tell me about it. That’s interesting. Really? Then what?

Eva: Hey, what’s that?

Tom: It’s my grandfather’s old watch. Well, now it’s my watch!
Eva: 1

Tom: Yeah. We have this cool tradition for my grandfather’s

Eva: 2

Tom: Well, we always have a party in the park. It’s his favorite
place. We eat traditional food. We have burgers and, of
course, birthday cake.
Eva: 3

Tom: Well, we never give gifts to my grandfather. After we eat,

he gives us gifts.
Eva: 4
Why does he
do that?
Tom: He wants us to have his things. So, now I have his cool watch!

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3,

but change the words in purple. Use the information
in the chart for one conversation and your own ideas
for another.

My ideas

Person aunt

Item scarf

Place in a restaurant

Food tacos

8 | Unit 1

Our Summer Tradition

by Carla Lucero
I have a big Italian family, and we have an unusual tradition.
On the last day of school, we always have dinner at an Italian
restaurant. We celebrate the start of summer! There are
always a lot of people at the restaurant – my parents, my
grandparents, my brother, my sister, my cousins, and me!
We have traditional Italian food. There are many great dishes
on the menu, like minestrone soup and pasta. We also have dessert. There
is traditional Italian music at the restaurant, too. After dinner, we go to my
grandparents’ house and watch an Italian movie. Then we look at family photos.
It ’s really fun.

Reading to write: A family tradition

6. Look at the photo. Where are the people? Who do you
think they are? Read the article to check.

Focus on CONTENT
When you write about a tradition, include this Writing: My family
information: tradition
- what - why
- when - who
- where PLAN
Choose a tradition in your family.
Make a word web with the topics from
7. Read Carla’s article again. Find examples for the
the Focus on Content box.
categories in the Focus on Content box.
When Who

Focus on LANGUAGE What

there is / there are
Use there is / there are to give information about
what, when, where, why, and who in a description of Where Why
something, such as a family tradition.
- There is a big table in the restaurant.
- There are many musicians at our summer picnic. WRITE
Now write about the tradition. Use
8. Find examples of There is / There are in Carla’s article. your notes to help you. Write at least
60 words.
9. Complete the sentence with There is or There are.
1. a lot of modern art at the museum. CHECK
2. three birthdays in my family in June. Check your writing. Can you answer
“yes” to these questions?
3. many books in our house.
• Is information for each category
4. a singer in the restaurant. from the Focus on Content box in
5. a lot of people at the wedding. your article?

6. a good show on TV. • Do you use there is and there are


Workbook, pp. 6–7 Unit 1 | 9


What color is your hair? In many
cultures, people change their hair
color for some traditions. Face
and body painting is a tradition

HANDS HEADS AND in many places, too. These

traditions are new and old!

The Romanian soccer Citrus College fans

team at the World Cup at a soccer game
Some sports teams color their hair with their team colors. For
example, a high school swim team has blue hair for a swimming
event. A professional soccer team has yellow hair for the World Cup.
Sports fans often paint their faces with school colors, too. At many
sports events, there are people in school colors from head to toe!

A wedding in, India

In some traditional weddings in India, the bride has designs
on her hands with henna, a special paint. During the wedding,
the groom colors the middle of the bride’s hair red. It is a
symbol of marriage.

A teenager in the
Omo Valley
It is hot and sunny in the Omo Valley in Africa. Mursi and Surma
people paint their faces, heads, and bodies with clay from the
earth. It protects them from the sun. It is a tradition, and it is
also art. They have white, yellow, red, and gray designs on their
faces and bodies. They have colorful clay in their hair, too, and
sometimes they make and wear interesting hats.

New or old, hair coloring and face painting are interesting traditions!

Culture: Hair coloring and face

painting traditions DID YOU
KNOW . . .?
1. Look at the photos. Where are the people? What colors do you see? Face painting
and body painting
2. Read the article. Complete the text with the headings. Then listen are thousands of
and check your answers. years old. There
Tradition and Art A New Sports Tradition are natural colors
in things from the
An Old Wedding Tradition earth, like plants
and clay. People
3. Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? use these for
1. A bride in India has paint on her hands. paint.

2. A bride in India has blue paint in her hair.

3. It is cold in the Omo Valley. Find out about a traditional
Indian wedding. What are
4. Sports players never have colored hair. BE
some of the traditions?
(Workbook, p. 73)
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer the question.
What are some sports and wedding traditions from
your culture?
10 | Unit 1

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Label the photos with the correct categories. 3. Circle the correct words.
art food places Vicky: Hey, Paolo! 1Is / Are / Do / Does you
clothing music sports have an art class this year?
Paolo: Yes, I 2am / am not / do / don’t.
I 3am / is / has / have two art classes.
Vicky: 4
Is / Are / Do / Does Mrs. Meyers one
of your teachers?
Paolo: No, she 5is / isn’t / does / doesn’t.
1. 2. Why?
Vicky: Oh, she 6is / isn’t / does / doesn’t my
aunt. She 7is / are / has / have three
art classes this year.
Paolo: I see. My art teachers 8is / are / has /
3. 4. have Mr. Klein and Ms. Rodriguez.

4. Match the sentences with the same meaning.

1. It’s my volleyball. a. It’s mine.
2. It’s Sandra’s dress. b. It’s yours.
5. 6. 3. It’s Ted’s pen. c. It’s his.

4. It’s your sandwich. d. It’s hers.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
computer hat photo TV Useful language
jacket phone shoes watch 5. Circle the correct answers.

1. I have a on my head. 1. A: We have an unusual tradition in my family.

B: Tell me it.
2. I use my to do my homework.
a. on b. in c. about
3. There are a lot of good shows on
2. A: We always have a big dinner for my
4. Lori is on the . Do you want to B: ? Me, too.
talk to her?
a. When b. Really c. Then
5. It’s cold! I have on a over my 3. A: Why is your face green?
B: Oh, it’s for the soccer game.
6. See this of my mother? It’s A: That’s . Is green your school color?
from 1980!
a. always b. never c. interesting
7. Sam and Ann left their by 4. A: We always have a picnic at the park on
the door. Saturdays.
8. I don’t have a , so I check the B: Then ?
time on my phone. a. what b. why c. where
A: We usually play games.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify and talk about modern and traditional things. ■ keep a conversation going.
■ talk about modern and traditional things in my life. ■ write about a family tradition.
■ ask and answer questions about possessions. ■ talk about sports, weddings, and other traditions.

Unit 1 | 11


A Life on Broadway

What kind of TV
shows do you like
to watch?

Mumbai: From
Computers to Film

Who’s Real?
1. What are the people watching?

2. How do you think they feel about it?

3. Do you like to do this activity?

Vocabulary Types of movies; types of TV shows
Grammar Simple present review; adverbs of frequency; verb + infinitive or -ing form (gerund)
Listening Deciding what to watch
12 | Unit 2

Vocabulary: Types of movies

1. Match the phrases (a–i) with the correct movie posters.
a. an action movie ✓ d. a drama g. a martial arts movie
b. an animated movie e. a fantasy movie h. a musical
c. a comedy f. a horror movie i. a romance movie

1 2 3 5 1. d
7 8.
8 9.

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Write the types of movies.

1. A lot of things happen quickly in this type of movie. action movie
2. The music in this type of film is great, and the actors are very
good singers.
3. People say these movies are for children, but adults watch
them, too.
4. This type of movie usually has events that couldn’t happen in
real life and great special effects.
5. The story and characters in these movies are very funny. They
make you laugh!

Speaking: More movies

2.02 Say it RIGHT!
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Name a movie for each type of movie.
The letters sh, ci, and ti can make
Bend It Like Beckham is a drama. the /∫/ sound. Listen to the
She liked the special effects in the
Twilight is a drama, too. And it’s also a romance movie. action movie.
Listen to the words in Exercise 1
again. Which other word makes
5. What are some of your favorite movies? What types of movies are they?
the /∫/ sound? What letters make
One of my favorite movies is The Hunger Games. the sound?
It’s a fantasy and an action movie. I also like . . .

Workbook, p. 8

Reading Cinema’s Best Villains; My All-Time Favorite Movie; Hooray for Bollywood!
Conversation Asking for and giving opinions
Writing A movie review
Unit 2 | 13

Let’s Go to the Movies!

Welcome to my blog about movies.

Cinema’s Best Villains

I sometimes go to the movies three times a
week! How often do you go to the movies?
My favorite types of films are horror, action,
and fantasy movies. What types of movies by Erica Thompson
do you like?
I also love the “bad guys” in movies. Here
are my top three villains.

The Penguin
Movie: Batman movies, TV shows, comic
Cruella De Vil Darth Vader books Actor: Danny DeVito Famous
Movie: 101 Dalmatians Actor: Betty Movie: Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes phrase: “Nnyuk, nyuk, nyuk.” The Penguin
Lou Gerson (voice) Famous phrase: Back Actor: David Prowse Famous is a villain in some of the Batman movies,
“You beasts!” I don’t like this movie phrase: “You don’t know the power of TV shows, and comic books. His real
very much, but Cruella is a great villain. the dark side!” This is my favorite movie, name is Oswold Cobblepot. Sometimes
She loves puppies and especially and Darth Vader is the perfect villain he’s funny, and sometimes he’s scary, but
Dalmatians – because she wants to because he never shows his face. He he’s always dangerous. I like him best in
wear them! also speaks with a strange voice. Batman Returns.

Who is your favorite movie villain?

Reading: A blog about movie villains

1. Look at the photos of the three movie characters.
What types of movies do you think they are from?

2. Read and listen to the blog post. Which of the movies

that Erica writes about does she like?

DID YOU 3. Read the blog post again. Answer the questions.
KNOW . . .? 1. What types of movies does Erica like?
David Prowse was Darth
Vader, but he didn’t talk
in the movie. Another 2. Why does Cruella De Vil like puppies?
actor, James Earl Jones,
was Darth Vader’s voice.
3. Why does Erica think Darth Vader is a perfect villain?

4. What is the Penguin’s real name?

5. Which movie doesn’t Erica like? Which one is her favorite?

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Do you agree with Erica’s best villains?
Who are your top three favorite movie villains? Why?

One of my favorite villains is . . . because . . .

14 | Unit 2

Grammar: Simple present review

5. Complete the chart.
Use the simple present to talk about routines, habits, and facts.
Wh - questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What movies you I like horror movies. I don’t like musicals.
How often does Erica go to the She to the movies She to the movies on
movies? three times a week. Sundays.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Do you like horror movies? Yes, I . No, I don’t.
Erica to the Yes, she does. No, she .
Contractions do not = does not =

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 107

6. Circle the correct words. Then answer the questions with information about you.
1. Do / Does you go / goes to the movies on the weekends?
Spell it RIGHT!
What types of movies do / does you see / sees?
Yes, I do. I see action movies and comedies. I/you/we/they he/she/it
go goes
2. What / Where types of movies do / does your friends like / likes? study studies
Do / Does you like / likes the same types of movies? teach teaches

3. How / When late do / does the movie theaters stay / stays open in your city?

7. Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency

in the correct places.
1. Jamie watches movies with his friends. (usually)
Jamie usually watches movies with his friends.
2. Amy buys popcorn at the movies. (always)

3. Carol reads movie reviews online. (sometimes) Adverbs of frequency

4. I’m at the movie theater early. (often)

always usually often sometimes never

Adverbs of frequency usually come after the verb be,

Speaking: Movie-watching habits but before other verbs.
8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer I’m never late. They never learn.
Usually and sometimes may come before the subject.
questions about where and how often you watch
Sam usually goes to the movies three times a week.
movies. Usually, Sam goes to the movies three times a week.
Where do you watch movies?

Find out about a musical on

I usually watch movies at the movie theater. BE Broadway. Who is involved in
Annie? (Workbook, p. 74)

I never watch movies at home.


Workbook, p. 9
Unit 2 | 15

Listening: Deciding what to watch
1. Who do you watch TV with? What shows do you watch together?

2. Listen to Joanna and Alex decide what to watch on TV. What shows do they want to
watch? Write J (Joanna), A (Alex), or B (both).
1. Big Brother 2. Elementary 3. The Big Bang Theory

3. Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Sheldon and Leonard are scientists on a TV show.
2. Penny is Joanna’s neighbor.
3. Alex saw Big Brother in the past.
4. Joanna likes animated shows.
5. Alex and Joanna both like dramas.

Vocabulary: Types of TV shows

4. Label the pictures with the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.

a cartoon a game show a soap opera

a crime series a reality TV show a talk show
✓ a documentary a sitcom the news

1. a documentary 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Talk about how often you
watch each type of TV show. DID YOU
KNOW . . .?
I never watch documentaries. I often watch crime series. Sitcom is short for
situation comedy.

16 | Unit 2

Grammar: Verb + infinitive or -ing form (gerund)

6. Complete the chart.
Verb + infinitive Verb + -ing form (gerund)
They want to watch a drama. Sheldon dislikes try new things.
He needs see who gets voted off Big Brother. Leonard enjoys trying different things.
Verb + infinitive or -ing form (gerund)
I like to read comic books. I like reading comic books.
They love to read comic books. They love comic books.
She hates to watch reality TV shows. She hates watching reality TV shows.
He prefers the news online. He prefers getting the news online.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 107

7. Complete the questions and answers with the -ing form (gerund) or infinitive of the
verbs. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. A: Do you want to get (get) this big screen TV?
B: No. I hate (pay) full price. Let’s see if one is on sale.
2. A: I like (watch) movies online.
B: Not me. I prefer (go) to a movie theater.
3. A: Ugh! I need (wash) the dishes before we watch TV.
B: Do you dislike (do) them? I can help you.
4. A: Does your sister like (work) for a TV studio?
B: Yes. She loves (think) of new ideas for TV shows.

8. YOUR TURN Use the words and your own ideas to write sentences that
are true for you.
Get it RIGHT!
1. my parents / like / watch / . . . My parents like watching talk shows.
Use the infinitive or -ing form (gerund)
2. my friends / enjoy / read / . . . of a verb, not the base form, after
some verbs.
3. I / need / get / . . . I want to write a TV show. NOT: I want
write a TV show.
4. I / want / see / . . . She loves to watch TV at night.
OR She loves watching TV at night.
Speaking: TV-watching habits NOT She loves watch TV at night.

9. YOUR TURN Read the sentences and check (✓) “Yes” or “No” in the “You” column.
You Your partner
Yes No Yes No
I love watching sitcoms.
I hate to watch documentaries.
I want to watch less TV.
I enjoy watching TV shows online.

10. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the information in Exercise 9.
Check (✓) “Yes” or “No” in the “Your partner” column.

Do you like watching sitcoms?

No, I don’t. I hate to watch sitcoms.

Workbook, pp. 10–11 Unit 2 | 17



TV and Movie

Conversation: It’s really funny!

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Check the shows they mention.

animated movies documentaries horror movies soap operas

cartoons dramas musicals sports news
comedies game shows reality TV shows talk shows

2. YOUR TURN What kind of TV shows do you like to watch? Tell your partner.

3. Listen to Jay and Tina talking about TV shows. Complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Asking for and giving opinions

How do you feel about What do you think about I think In my opinion

Jay: Do you watch a lot of TV, Tina?

Tina: Yes, I do.
Jay: What do you like to watch?
Tina: I really like sitcoms.
Jay: 1
Modern Family?
Tina: That’s my favorite show! It’s really funny!
Jay: I like it, too. 2 reality TV shows?
Tina: 3
they’re boring. I never watch them. What about you?
Jay: They’re OK. I sometimes watch them, but I prefer game shows.
Tina: Really? Why?
Jay: 4
, they’re exciting.
Tina: Yeah, I guess so.

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Practice the conversation in Exercise 3 again,
but change the words in purple. Use the information in the chart for one
conversation and your own ideas for another.

My ideas

Type of 1st TV show crime series

Name of 1st TV show CSI

Description of 1st TV show cool

Type of 2nd TV show soap operas

Description of 2nd TV show terrible

Type of 3rd TV show documentaries

Description of 3rd TV show interesting

18 | Unit 2

Home Review Article Videos Login Register

My All-Time Favorite Movie by Sofia Ramos

M y favorite movie is Twilight, the first film in the Twilight Saga series. It stars Kristen
Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward. The director is Catherine Hardwicke.
The movie is about Bella, a teenage girl in modern times. She moves to Forks, a small town
in Washington. She meets Edward, a smart and good-looking classmate. She discovers he
is a vampire, but she falls in love with him anyway. Another vampire wants to hurt Bella, so
Edward tries to protect her.
I like this movie because the acting is really good. The music and camerawork make it
dark and mysterious. I love watching fantasy movies, and this movie combines fantasy
and romance.

Reading to write: A movie review

6. Look at the photo in Sofia’s movie review. What type
of movie do you think it is? Read the review to check.

Focus on CONTENT
When you write a movie review, include this Writing: Your movie
information: review
- the main characters - a short description of
and actors the story PLAN
- the time and place - why you like it or don’t
Choose your favorite movie or a
- the director like it
movie you saw recently. Include the
- the type of movie
information in the Focus on Content
7. Read Sofia’s review again. What information from the
box and take notes in a chart like the
Focus on Content box does she include in each paragraph?
one below.
The main characters
and actors
The director
Connectors so and because
Use so when one event is the result of another event: The type of movie
- Edward is smart and good-looking, so Bella falls in love The time and place
with him. A short description of the story
Use because to explain the reason something happens. Why you like it or don’t like it
- I like action movies because they are exciting.

8. Find an example of so and an example of because in
Now, write your movie review. Use your
Sofia’s review.
notes to help you. Write at least 60
9. Complete the sentences with so or because. words.
1. Harry Potter has special powers, he goes CHECK
to the Hogwarts School for wizards. Check your writing. Can you answer
2. Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man a spider “yes” to these questions?
bites him. • Is information from the Focus on
3. In Toy Story, Woody and Buzz get lost, they Content box in your review?
try to find their way home. • Do you use so and because to
4. At the beginning of The Lion King, Simba is sad show how events connect?
his father dies.

Workbook, pp. 12–13

Unit 2 | 19

F orget Hollywood! Bollywood is number one in the world of cinema! Bollywood is the
name of the Hindi film industry in India. Its home is in Mumbai. Mumbai’s name
was Bombay in the past, so Bollywood gets its name from Bombay and Hollywood.
Bollywood makes about 1,000 movies every year. That’s about two times more than
Hollywood. More people watch Bollywood movies, too – over three billion people watch
them! About 14 million Indians go to the movies every day.
Bollywood movies are different from Hollywood movies. They are very long and usually
last about three or four hours. Many of them are musicals. The movie Indra Sabha has
the record for the most songs. It has 71 songs in it.
Music and dancing are very important in Bollywood movies. They often contain typical
Indian music and traditional Indian dance styles, like Kathak and Bharata Natyam. The
dancing helps tell the story in the movie. Bollywood movies also contain modern dance
forms, like hip-hop and jazz. The films often include romance, comedy, action, and
adventure in their stories.
These movies aren’t only popular in India. People around the world love watching
them! The movies are usually in Hindi, but there are often subtitles in other languages,
like Bengali, Arabic, and English.

Culture: Bollywood movies

1. Look at the photos. What types of movies do think they are?

2. Read and listen to the article. Check the best description of

Bollywood movies.
Traditional Indian movies in several languages KNOW . . .?
Hindi movies, often with singing and dancing There is often
Hollywood movies made into Indian movies an intermission
during Bollywood
movies because
3. Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true) or they are so long.
F (false)? Correct the false sentences. Moviegoers take
a short break
1. Bollywood is a combination of the words Bengali and and often buy
Hollywood. snacks during the
2. More people go to see Bollywood movies than intermission.
Hollywood movies.
3. A lot of Bollywood movies are musicals.
4. Indra Sabha has the record for the longest movie.
5. Kathak is a type of traditional Indian music.
6. Bollywood movies are popular in many countries.

Find out about the city of
4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the BE Mumbai. What is it like?
questions. (Workbook, p. 75)
1. Do you want to see a Bollywood movie? Why or why not?
2. Do you watch Hollywood movies? How often?
3. Do you prefer to watch Hollywood movies or movies
from other countries? What is better about the movies 2.3 MUMBAI: FROM COMPUTERS
you prefer? TO FILM

20 | Unit 2

Vocabulary 3. When you usually
your homework?
1. Put the letters in the correct order to make words
for different types of movies. 4. Vicky soap operas. She thinks
1. aonercm they’re boring.

2. meydoc 4. Circle the correct answers. Sometimes both

answers are correct.
3. nafstya
1. Greg loves to watch / watching sitcoms
4. roorhr at night.
2. Sandra and Kelly want to see / seeing that
2. Match the types of TV shows to their
new animated movie.
1. a talk show 3. I need to leave / leaving the theater right
after the movie.
2. a game show
4. Liv dislikes to have / having the TV on when
3. the news she does her homework.
4. a soap opera
5. a crime series
Useful language
5. Circle the correct answers.
Police officer Jules Kiln finds new clues Jan: Hey, Doug. How do you 1think / feel /
a to an old mystery on The Scene. tell about reality TV shows?
Today on Green Street, Sam is unhappy Doug: In my 2thought / opinion / decision,
b with Gina. Tara tells Mick her secret.
they’re terrible.
Tom Buckley speaks to the children of
c famous musicians on Tell Me Today. Jan: Really? I like them.
Sarah Carver gives today’s top events Doug: Not me. I 3agree / dislike / think
d and weather at 8:00 p.m. they’re boring.
Watch three people try to win $25,000 Jan: Well, I’m going to be on a reality TV
e on Make It Big. show! How do you 4think / feel / tell
about that?
Doug: Oh, uh, well . . . that’s cool, I guess.
3. Complete the sentences with the simple present
forms of the verbs.
do not like watch go

1. We usually TV in the evening.

Our favorite shows are sitcoms.
2. Casey always to the movies on
the weekends.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify different types of movies.
■ talk about my movie-watching habits.
■ talk about different types of TV shows, preferences, and TV habits.
■ ask for and give opinions.
■ write a movie review.
■ compare Hollywood movies with other movies. CLIL PROJECT
2.4 Who’s Real?, p. 116

REVIEW UNITS 1–2, Workbook, pp. 14–15

Unit 2 | 21
3 Habits



Unusual Fun

How do you spend

your money?

Zero: Past and


1. What do you think the people have in their bags?

2. Do you like to shop alone or with friends? Why?

3. How often do you go shopping? What do you usually buy?

Vocabulary Places to shop; money verbs
Grammar Present continuous review; simple present vs. present continuous; quantifiers
Listening Shopping habits
22 | Unit 3

Vocabulary: Places to shop

1. Complete the key in the map with the correct numbers.

2 3 4 5

6 7 8
7 bank and ATM
clothing store
department store
electronics store
9 10 food court
11 jewelry store
music store
shoe store
sporting goods store

2. Listen, check, and repeat. NOTICE IT

3.01 ATM stands for automated teller
3. What things are there in each place in Exercise 1? machine. A teller is a person in a
bank whose job is to receive money
There are jeans, T-shirts, and jackets in a clothing store. from or give money to customers.

A clothing store also has hats, dresses, and . . .

3.02 Say it RIGHT!

Speaking: Your favorite stores In one-word compound nouns,
YOUR TURN the first syllable is stressed. In
4. Work with a partner. What are your three favorite
compound nouns with two or more
stores? Why? words, the first syllable of the first
word is usually stressed. Listen and
One of my favorite stores is a department store. There are many
repeat the words.
different things for sale there. Another favorite store is . . .
• • •
bookstore jewelry sporting
5. Now work with the class. Make a list of everyone’s favorite stores. store goods store
Which stores are the top three favorites? Listen and circle the stressed
syllable in each compound noun.
food court music store
clothing store shoe store
Workbook, p. 16

Reading A Day at the Mall in Dubai; Product Reviews; Adopt an Animal

Conversation Making requests when shopping
Writing A product review
Unit 3 | 23


A Day at the Mall in
I’m Lucas. I’m from Mexico, but I live in Dubai now
a b
because my parents work here. I’m writing about
my life in my new city.
Today, I’m at the Dubai Mall with my family. It has about
1,200 stores, including five department stores, two
music stores, more than 25 electronics stores, and about
50 shoe stores!
Are we shopping? No, we’re not! There are a lot of other things
to do at this mall. My dad and my sister are watching the fish
in the Aquarium and Underwater Zoo right now. There are more c d
than 33,000 fish – even sharks! My mom and I are skating on
the Olympic-size Dubai Ice Rink. It’s hot in Dubai, but it’s cold
at the ice rink! Later, I want to go to the mall’s theme park, the
Sega Republic. It has 170 games and many rides.
Outside of the mall is the Dancing Fountain. The water goes
up 150 meters! At night, the water changes color because
the fountain has lights with 25 different colors.
I hope we stay here all day and night!

Reading: An article about a mall in Dubai DID YOU

KNOW . . .?
1. Look at the photos. What do you see? The Dubai Mall is
one of the biggest
2. Read and listen to the article. Match the photos (a–d) malls in the world.
with the places (1–4). More than 50 million
1. The Aquarium and Underwater Zoo people visit it every
2. The Dubai Ice Rink
3. Stores in the mall
4. The Dancing Fountain

3. Read the article again. Complete the sentences with the correct numbers.
1. The mall has about stores.
2. There are about shoe stores in the mall.
3. The aquarium has over fish.
4. There are games at the theme park.
5. The water in the fountain goes up meters.
6. There are different colors in the fountain lights.

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. What would you do at the Dubai Mall? Why?

I’d go to the ice rink. I like to ice-skate!

24 | Unit 3

Grammar: Present continuous review; simple present vs.

present continuous
5. Complete the chart.
Use the present continuous to talk about activities that are happening now.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What are you doing? I writing a book. I’m not writing about my job.
What is he ? He’s skating. He’s running.
What they doing? They’re watch TV. They skating.
Yes/No questions Short answers
you writing about Dubai? Yes, I . No, I’m .
he skating?
Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 000Yes, he . No, he isn’t.
Are we shopping? Yes, we are. No, we .
Remember: Use the simple present for facts, habits, and routines.
At night, the water changes color. = routine
Look! The water is changing color. = activity happening now

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 108

6. Complete the sentences with the present continuous forms of the verbs. Spell it RIGHT!
1. Cassandra (write) a blog about her life in the city. The -ing form:
For verbs ending in -e, remove the e,
2. What you (buy) at the electronics store? and then add -ing: write ➔ writing.
3. I (wait) in line at the pharmacy. For verbs ending with one vowel and
one consonant, double the final
4. We (not shop) at the mall today. consonant: shop ➔ shopping.

5. Marta (not get) money at the ATM now.

7. Complete the conversation with the simple present or the present continuous
forms of the verbs.
Abe: Hi, Lori. What 1 are you doing (do)?
Lori: I 2
(shop) with my parents. We 3
(look) for a
new school bag and clothes at a department store.
Abe: Just in time! School starts on Monday.
Lori: I know. We 4
(do) the same thing every year. We always
(shop) the weekend before school starts.
Abe: I 6 (not do) that! I 7 (buy) my things for school
online during the summer.
Lori: That’s a good idea! So, what 8 you (do) right now?
Abe: I 9 (watch) a movie on TV.
Lori: Lucky you!

Speaking: At the mall

8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. You are at a mall in different stores.
Think of at least five questions you can ask each other on the phone.
Use the simple present and present continuous. Find out about places in
Dubai. What are some
Where are you? What are you doing? Why . . . ? BE
things people do in Dubai?
(Workbook, p. 76)
9. Create a conversation with your partner.
Where are you? What are you doing?

I’m in the shoe store. I’m looking for new sneakers. I want ...

Workbook, p. 17 Unit 3 | 25

Spending and
Listening: Shopping habits
1. Do you usually shop at stores or online? Why?

2. Listen to a reporter talk to teens about shopping and money. What do Josh and
Megan have in their shopping bags?

3. Listen again. Circle the correct answers.

1. Josh wants a new video game / a T-shirt.
2. Josh usually buys clothes at a mall / online.
3. It’s Megan’s / Josh’s birthday.
4. Megan has a necklace / soccer ball for herself.
5. Megan wants a new job / phone.

Vocabulary: Money verbs

4. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the simple present forms
of the verbs. Then listen and check your answers.
✓ borrow earn save withdraw
deposit lend spend

2 1 Jordan’s friend is selling a bike. It costs $200. Jordan wants to buy the bike,
but he only has $50. He 1 borrows money from his aunt. His aunt
him $50. He 3 the money in his bank account.
He gets a part-time job at a pizza place in the food court, and he
$100 a week. He 5 some of that money on
movies and video games. He 6 $25 a week for a month and
puts it in the bank. Finally, he 7 $200 from the bank, and he
buys his friend’s bike!

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
1. Do you earn money? How do you earn it?
2. Do you usually save money or spend money? What do you spend money on?
3. Do you ever borrow money? Who lends you money?
4. Do you ever lend money? Who borrows money from you?
5. Where do you or your parents deposit and withdraw money?
5 7

26 | Unit 3

Grammar: Quantifiers
6. Complete the chart.

Use quantifiers to show the amount of something. Get it RIGHT!

With countable plural nouns With uncountable nouns
enough = as many as needed
How many T-shirts do you have? How much money do you have? not enough = less than what
is needed
I have some / / enough I have / a lot of / enough Enough goes before nouns and
T-shirts. money. after adjectives:
I don’t have many / / I don’t have much / any / a lot of / I don’t have enough money to buy
a lot of / enough T-shirts. money. a phone.
I’m not old enough to get a job.
Are there many / any / / Is there / any / a lot of /
enough T-shirts in your dresser? enough money in your bank account?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 108

7. Circle the correct words.

1. Cynthia has much / a lot of money. 4. How much / many time do you spend
at the mall?
2. I save some / any money every month.
5. I’m not old some / enough to drive a car.
3. Are there much / any department stores
in that mall? 6. There aren’t a lot of / much cars for sale here.

8. Complete the conversation with the correct words.

a lot of enough how much ✓ any some

Eddie: Oh, no! The bus is coming, and I don’t have 1 any money.
Can I borrow 2 money from you?
Maya: Well, I don’t have 3 money. I only have $5.
is a ticket?
Eddie: It’s $2.50.
Maya: Oh, OK. I have 5
money, so I can lend you $2.50.
No problem.
Eddie: Thanks!

Speaking: A money quiz

9. YOUR TURN Read the questions and use the words to write answers that are true for you.
Then add one more question to the list. Write the answers.

a lot of some enough not enough not any

1. How much money do you save a month?

2. How many times do you go shopping each month?
3. How much do you spend on clothes each month?

10. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 9.

How much money do you save a month?

I don’t save any money. How much money do you save?
I save a lot of money.

Workbook, pp. 18–19 Unit 3 | 27


What We

Conversation: Shopping time

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Check the things they spend
money on.
a video game comic books plans with friends
birthday gifts for friends food shoes
bus tickets jewelry sporting goods
clothes music things for a cell phone

2. YOUR TURN How do you spend your money? Tell your partner.

3. Listen to Lisa talking with a store clerk. Complete the conversation.


USEFUL LANGUAGE: Making requests when shopping

I’d like to buy I’d prefer I’ll take it! Can I try it on?

Lisa: Excuse me. 1

a dress.
Clerk: OK. How about this blue dress? It’s new.
Lisa: 2
a different color. Does it come in black?
Clerk: Yes, it does. Here it is.
Lisa: Nice. How much is it?
Clerk: It’s $49.
Lisa: 3

Clerk: Of course. What size do you wear?

Lisa: Size 8.
Clerk: OK. What do you think?
Lisa: Actually, it’s not big enough. I need a larger size.
Clerk: OK. Try a 10. How is it?
Lisa: Great. 4

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words
in purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation and your own
ideas for another.

My ideas
Item a sweater

First color red

Second color green

Price $35

First size a small

Second size a medium

28 | Unit 3


by Wayne, October 16 by Victoria, December 2

The K-Light Jacket is a great jacket. The jacket is I’m writing this review about my new TS1 tablet.
at Tom’s Sporting Goods Store in a lot of colors. It J & T Electronics sells it for $309.00. Don’t buy
costs $49.99. The jacket is warm, and it’s good for this tablet! It’s terrible. I work hard to earn my
hikes in cooler weather. It’s money, and this tablet isn’t worth it. There is one
not warm enough for very good thing – the size. It’s very small. But it’s also
cold weather. Buy this jacket very slow, and sometimes it stops working. You
today. Wear it on your next can’t download many apps on the
hike! Note: Don’t buy your tablet. Save your
usual size. I usually wear money! Don’t
a medium, but I have spend it on this
this jacket in a large. awful product.

Reading to write: Product reviews

6. Look at the reviews. Do you think the people like the
products? Read the reviews to check.
Writing: Your product
Focus on CONTENT review
When you write a product review, include:
- the name of the product - the price PLAN
- what you like about it - what you don’t like about it Choose a product you have. Write
- where you can buy it - your recommendation notes about it.

7. Read Wayne’s and Victoria’s reviews again. Find examples for Name
the categories in the Focus on Content box for each review. Where to buy it
Focus on LANGUAGE What you like
You can use the imperative to make recommendations. What you don’t like
Use the base form of a verb for affirmative sentences. Recommendation
Use don’t with the base form of a verb in negative
- Buy this TV now! Don’t buy that TV! WRITE
- Get the new Lazer cell phone today. Don’t get the new Write a review about the product. Use
Starz cell phone. your notes to help you. Write at least
60 words.
8. Find examples of imperatives in Wayne’s and Victoria’s reviews. CHECK
9. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences with Check your writing. Can you answer
the imperative. Write an affirmative and a negative sentence “yes” to these questions?
for each item. • Is information for each category
at home or work / use / this cell phone from the Focus on Content box in
your review?
• Do you use the imperative
2. correctly?
on this book / money / spend

Workbook, pp. 20–21 Unit 3 | 29


Adopt an
Students around the world are saving their money, and
then they’re saving animals!
One way students save an animal is to “adopt” one. This means students
give money to an organization. The organization uses the students’
money to help animals. The students get a photo of the animal and
information about it. For example, some students adopt tigers. They give
money to an organization that helps tigers in Asia. Other students adopt
whales. They look at photos of whales online, and they choose a whale
to help. The whales have names! Students get a photo of the whale,
and they can also see how the whale is doing online.
Mrs. Monson’s students are adopting an animal in another
way. They’re helping a cat without a home. Now, the cat is
living in their classroom! Her name is Shadow. She eats a
lot of food, and she needs to see a vet. The students are
having a bake sale and selling cakes and cookies. They’re
using the money to feed and take care of Shadow. Shadow
plays when the students are working! She sleeps in the
classroom, too. At the end of the year, one student gets to
keep Shadow!

Culture: Students helping animals KNOW . . .?
Many students in
1. Look at the photos. What animals do you see? Where do the United States
they live? have bake sales
to earn money.
2. Read and listen to the article. What does it mean to adopt They make food
a pet? and sell it at
school events.
3. Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true) or They spend
the money on
F (false)? Correct the false sentences.
different things,
1. An organization helps tigers in the United States. like adopting an
animal or buying
2. An organization helps whales in the ocean. sports uniforms.
3. The tigers have names.
4. Students get a photo of the animal they help.
5. Shadow is living at a school.
6. Shadow doesn’t eat enough food.

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Answer the questions.

1. Do you know anyone who earns or saves money to help
people or animals? What do they do?
Find out about the number
2. How could you earn money to help people or animals? BE zero. Who created it?
What people or animals would you help? (Workbook, p. 77)


30 | Unit 3

Vocabulary 3. Why they always money
inside the bank instead of at an ATM?
1. Where do you buy or get these things? Label
the pictures with the correct places. 4. Peter his birthday money right now.

a bank a food court a pharmacy 3. Circle the correct answers.

a bookstore a music store a sporting goods store 1. There aren’t much / many shoe stores at
the mall.
2. Are there much / many watches at the
jewelry store?
3. I don’t have some / enough time to go to
the ATM.
4. Do you want to eat some / enough food now?
1. 2.
Useful language
4. Complete the conversation with the correct
sentences and phrases.

I’d like to buy I’d prefer

I’ll take them! Can I try them on?

3. 4. Jack: Hello. 1 some

new pants.
Clerk: OK. How about these blue pants?
Jack: 2 brown pants.
Clerk: OK. We have these in brown. What size
do you need?
Jack: A medium, I think.
5. 6.
Clerk: Sure. Take a medium and a large.
So, do you like them?
Grammar Jack: Yes, the medium pants are good.
2. Complete the sentences with the present
continuous or simple present forms.
1. Kyle coffee at the café every
2. What you usually at a
department store?

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify places to shop. ■ make requests when shopping.
■ talk about the things I do every day and the things ■ write a product review.
I’m doing now.
■ ask and answer questions about spending and ■ talk about using money to help people or animals.
saving money.

Unit 3 | 31


Wildlife Hero

Who is your role

model and why?

The Chilean Mine


Amelia Earhart:
Famous Flyer

op le doing?
1. What are the pe

ink the boy feels about the m
2. How do you th

people you feel this way
3. Who are some

Vocabulary Cool jobs; adjectives of personality
Grammar Simple past statements review and ago; simple past questions review and ago
Listening Interview with a teenage hero
32 | Unit 4

Vocabulary: Cool jobs

1. Label the pictures with the correct jobs.
an actor a painter a singer ✓ a writer The word actor can be used for both
men and women. The word actress
a dancer a runner a soccer player
is sometimes used for women.
a lawyer a scientist a tennis player

1. a writer 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Write the jobs in the correct places in the chart.

4.02 Say it RIGHT!
The letter i can make the short i
sound /ɪ/. It can also make the long
Sports Arts and Academic i sound /aɪ/. Listen to the sentence.
Entertainment The first i in scientist is long. The
second i is short.
a writer
/aɪ/ /ɪ/
My parents are scientists.
Listen to the jobs again. Which other
Speaking: Who does that job? words have a short i (/ɪ/)? Which
ones have a long i (/aɪ/)?
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Can you think of a person
(a family member, a friend, or a famous person) for each job?

My uncle is a lawyer. My mom is a lawyer, too.

5. Would you like these jobs? Why or why not?

I’d like to be a writer. I want to write short stories.

I wouldn’t like to be a writer. I don’t like to work alone.

Workbook, p. 22

Reading Young and Talented!; My Hero; The Island of Champions

Conversation Asking for and giving clarification
Writing A description of a person you admire
Unit 4 | 33

Superstars Home Contact About Us

From sports and music to technology and film, today’s

Young and Talented! stars are young and talented! These young people are at
the top of their professions. Find out why!

Javier Nick D’Aloisio Beyoncé won

“Chicharito” was born in her first talent
Hernández Australia, but show when she
was born in he grew up in was seven and
Guadalajara, Mexico. He started London, England. He got his first joined her first band, Girl’s Tyme,
playing soccer when he was computer when he was nine, and when she was eight. This band
seven. At 15, he signed his first he wrote his first app at 12. In later became Destiny’s Child. In
professional contract. In 2010, 2013, at 17, he sold an app to 2001, she became a solo singer.
he moved to England to play for Yahoo for 30 million dollars! He She made her first solo album
Manchester United. He won an also got a job with the company. in 2003. She is now one of the
award for Most Valuable Player best-paid singers in the world,
(MVP) in 2011 when he was and she also acts.
23 years old. He now plays for
both Manchester United and the
Mexican national team.

Reading: A web page about young stars

DID YOU 1. Look at the photos. Do you know these people? What are their jobs?
KNOW . . .?
Talent often runs 2. Read and listen to the article. At what age did each person take the first step
in the family. Javier to his or her future job? What was the first step?
Hernández's father
and grandfather were 3. Read the article again. Complete the sentences with Nick D’Aloisio, Javier
professional soccer Hernández, or Beyoncé.
players. Beyoncé's
sister is also a singer 1. and won awards for their
and actress. talents.
2. became a millionaire at age 17.
3. worked with a group and then worked alone.
4. and moved to
different countries.
5. got a job with a famous company.
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of a famous person from your country
who is alive today. What does he or she do? What is he or she famous for?

Diego Luna is a famous actor from Mexico City. He’s famous for TV shows
in Mexico and for movies in Mexico and in the United States.

34 | Unit 4

Grammar: Simple past statements review and ago

5. Complete the chart.

Use simple past statements to describe things in the past and to talk about
past events and activities. Use ago to say how far back in the past something
happened or was.
Affirmative statements Negative statements
Spell it RIGHT!
He MVP in 2011. He wasn’t MVP in 2010.
be They were in Brazil a week They weren’t in Spain last For regular verbs:
ago. week. + -ed: work ➔ worked
He for Mexico. He didn’t play for Spain. + -d: live ➔ lived
Regular verbs
I moved a month ago. I last week. -y ➔ -i + -ed: try ➔ tried
She a solo album in She didn’t make an album in double consonant + -ed: shop ➔
Irregular 2003. 2001. shopped
I got a tablet a year . I a laptop. For irregular verbs: See p. 121.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 109

6. Circle the correct words.

1. Gene Kelly was / were a famous dancer, 3. You wasn’t / weren’t in class when
actor, and singer. the famous writer was / were there.
2. I wasn’t / weren’t very good at singing when 4. The Olympic runner was / were
I was / were young. very tired after the race.
7. Rewrite the sentences in the simple past. Add the phrases in parentheses.
The verbs in blue are irregular. Check the correct forms of those verbs on page 121.
1. John wants to be a professional tennis player. (10 years ago)
John wanted to be a professional tennis player 10 years ago.

2. You write great short stories. (last year)

3. Lorena is getting a job as a lawyer. (last week)

4. I sing in a band. (in 2012)

5. The scientists don’t work in the lab. (a week ago) Get it RIGHT!
Remember that you do not add -ed to
the end of irregular verbs in the simple
6. The runners are shopping for new shoes. (yesterday) past.
She sang alone. NOT: She singed

Speaking: Who is it?

8. YOUR TURN Think of a famous person. Write five facts about his/her life.
Use the suggestions or your own ideas.
where he/she was born when he/she became famous an award he/she won
his/her job how old he/she is
Find out about a wildlife hero.
9. Work with a group. Tell your group about your famous person. BE What is her job? (Workbook,
Can they guess who it is? p. 78)

She was born in Mexico. She is a singer, and she started singing when
she was nine years old. She also acted in soap operas. She . . .

Is it Thalía? Yes, it is! 4.1 WILDLIFE HERO

Workbook, p. 23 Unit 4 | 35


Listening: Interview with a teenage hero

1. Did you see or help in an emergency in the past? What happened?

2. Listen to Marcos talk to a news reporter. What was the emergency?

What did Marcos do?
3. Listen again and circle the correct answers.
1. Marcos was in his house / outside when the fire started.
2. He saw smoke / a strange light in the sky.
3. Max was in the house / outside.
4. Marcos / Max’s dad saw a ladder in the yard.
5. Marcos broke / opened the window.

f 6. Max climbed down the ladder / into Marcos’s arms.

Vocabulary: Adjectives of personality

4. Match the pictures with the correct sentences. Then listen and check
your answers.
1. a George is very quiet. He doesn’t talk a lot.
2. Katy’s really funny. She makes me laugh a lot.
3. Lou is very serious. He studies all the time.
4. Martina’s really brave. She isn’t scared of anything!
5. Leticia is so cheerful. She’s so happy and always smiles.
h 6. Julia was calm during the emergency. She didn’t get excited, and she called
the police right away.
7. Brett is really friendly. He likes to meet new people.
8. Tonya is very kind to animals. She helped a cat get down from a tree.
9. Sometimes, Isabel is stubborn. She doesn’t listen to her sister.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. In what situations do the adjectives

describe you?
I’m calm and brave in an emergency. I’m usually friendly at parties. I’m . . .

36 | Unit 4

Grammar: Simple past questions review and ago

6. Complete the chart.

Use simple past questions to ask about past things, events, and activities.
Use ago to ask how far back in the past something happened or was.
Wh- questions and answers Yes/No questions and answers
How was he an hour ? he happy an hour ago?
He was happy. Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
Where were they? Were they at home?
They at home. Yes, they . / No, they weren’t.
How long ago did it start? Did it start an hour ago?
It started an hour ago. Yes, it did. / No, it .
Regular verbs
Why you him? you carry him?
I carried him because he was hurt. Yes, I . / No, I didn’t.
What you ? Did you see a fire?
Irregular I saw a fire. Yes, I . / No, I didn’t.
verbs Where did they put the ladder? Did they put the ladder against the house?
They put it against the house. Yes, they did. / No, they .

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 109

7. Complete the sentences with the simple past forms of the verbs.

1. When were you scared in the past? Why you scared? (be)
2. your friends ever a fire? When they it? (see)
3. When one of your friends brave? you with him or her? (be)
4. you a stranger in the past? Who you ? (help)

8. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 7.

When were you scared in the past? Why were you scared?

I was scared last night. It was dark and stormy outside.

9. Complete the conversations with the simple past forms of the verbs.

✓ go see talk think

1. A: Did you go out last night?

B: Yes, I did. I saw my cousin play tennis. She’s a great tennis player.
2. A: Who you to at the party?
B: To Sam and Patricia. They were very friendly.
3. A: you Carl in class?
B: No, but I saw him about an hour ago. He was really cheerful.

Speaking: I was brave!

10. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about a time you were
brave. Use one of the suggestions or your own idea.
you helped someone you did something you you gave a presentation
in danger were afraid to do

When were you brave? What happened? What did you do?
When were you brave?

I was brave last month. I went outside in the dark to find our cat.

Workbook, pp. 24–25 Unit 4 | 37



Conversation: Everyday heroes

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Match the role models
with the reasons.
1. Usain Bolt a. saved his sister from a fire
2. big sister b. helps children
3. Anne Hathaway c. teaches well
4. grandfather d. is the fastest runner in the world
5. a school friend e. is nice, smart, and hardworking
6. history teacher f. dances well

2. YOUR TURN Who is your role model and why? Tell your partner.

3. Listen to Darren and Lydia talking about heroes. Complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Asking for and giving clarification

Are you saying that What do you mean? What I’m trying to say is that I mean

Darren: We talked about heroes in class today.

Lydia: That’s interesting.
Darren: Yeah, but I didn’t agree with most of the people in the class.
Lydia: Really? 1
Darren: Most people chose movie stars. I don’t think they’re heroes.
Lydia: 2 celebrities can’t be heroes?
Darren: Well, they can be, but maybe they shouldn’t be.
, acting isn’t heroic.
Lydia: But a lot of movie stars help people.
Darren: Yes, but most celebrities help people after they’re famous.
I think everyday people are
more heroic.
Lydia: Oh, I see. So, who is your hero?
Darren: My Aunt Karin. She started a rescue center for wild animals.
Lydia: Well, that is pretty heroic!

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words
in purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation and your own ideas
for another.

My ideas
Type of hero the class chose pop star

Activity singing

Darren’s/your hero grandfather

Reason He fights for peace.

38 | Unit 4

MY HERO by Gloria Marconi

My hero is Captain Sullenberger. He is famous because he saved the lives of many
people. In 2009, he was the pilot on a flight from New York City. The airplane engines
stopped working. Captain Sullenberger stayed calm and landed the plane in the
Hudson River. After 2009, he wrote two books about being brave.
I admire Captain Sullenberger due to his heroic act. I also admire him because he is
serious about safety. Now he is a safety expert, and he gives people and companies
advice about being safe. He’s also kind and teaches children about aviation and safety.
Since he’s a good role model, he is my hero!

Reading to write: Gloria’s hero

6. Look at the photos in Gloria’s text. What job does her hero have? Why is he a hero?
Read the description to check.

Focus on CONTENT
When you write about someone you admire,
include this information:
- who he/she is and his/her job
- heroic things he/she did or does
- his/her personality Writing: Your hero
- why you admire him/her
7. Read Gloria’s description again. What information First, choose a person you admire. It
from the Focus on Content box does she include? can be a famous person or someone
you know. Use the categories in the
Focus on Content box and take notes.
Connectors to show reasons: because, since, due to Who he/she is and
Use a subject and a verb after because and since. his/her job
The clause with because or since can be at the Heroic things he/
beginning or end of a sentence. she did or does
I admire my mother because she works very hard.
Since my aunt helps animals, she’s my role model.
His/Her personality
Use a noun after due to. The clause with due to can be Why you admire
at the beginning or end of a sentence. him/her
Nelson Mandela was famous due to his fight for peace.
Due to his fight for peace, Nelson Mandela was famous. WRITE
Now, write about the person you
8. Find examples of because, since, and due to in admire. Use your notes to help you.
Gloria’s description. Write at least 60 words.

9. Circle the correct word or phrase. CHECK

1. My cousin Lou was Player of the Year because / due to his skills. Check your writing. Can you answer
“yes” to these questions?
2. Because / Due to Jenny is kind, we admire her.
• Is information for each category
3. Painters Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera were even more
from the Focus on Content box in
famous since / due to they were married to each other.
your description?
4. J. K. Rowling is a well-known writer since / due to her • Do you use connectors to show
Harry Potter series. reasons correctly?

Workbook, pp. 26–27 Unit 4 | 39


O nly about three million people live in Jamaica, a small Caribbean
island, but many famous athletes are from this country. Athletics
is an important part of life in Jamaica, and its athletes are national
heroes. Most elementary schools have sports programs, and many high
school students compete in an athletics championship, or “Champs,” in
Kingston every year. Many of the schoolchildren are Olympic champions of
the future.
Jamaica’s first Olympic heroes were Arthur Wint and Herb McKenley. They
won gold and silver medals in the men’s 400m race in 1948. From that
moment, Jamaican athletics became a national obsession. In 1980, at the
Moscow Olympics, Merlene Ottey became the first Jamaican woman to win
a medal. She won bronze in the 200m race. She won eight more Olympic
medals over 20 years, including two in the 2000 Sydney Olympics at age 40!
In 2008, in Beijing, a new hero won the men’s 100m and 200m Olympic
gold medals: Usain Bolt. In the London Olympics, in 2012, he became
the first athlete to win the “double-double” when he won gold medals in
both races again. Jamaican Yohan Blake won silver in both of those races.
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won the gold in the women’s 100m and silver in the
200m, bringing home two more medals for Team Jamaica. In fact, Jamaica
dominated the medals list in the 2012 Olympics. They won 12 medals, all in
track and field events. Jamaica really is the home of champions!

KNOW . . .?
Culture: Athletes from Jamaica Over 30,000
people go to
1. Look at the photos. Which country do you think the article is “Champs”
about? Do you know who the runners are? to watch the
athletes. Many
2. Read and listen to the article. Circle the main idea. young runners
a. Jamaican high school students are heroes. break national
records at the
b. Jamaican men and women are equally good at athletics. championship.
c. There are many Olympic champions from Jamaica.

3. Read the article again. Are the sentences true or false?

Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1. Jamaica is unusual because it’s small, but many athletic
champions are from there.
2. Arthur Wint and Herb McKenley were the only Jamaican
athletes to win a medal in the 1948 Olympics.
3. Merlene Ottey’s first Olympic medal was gold.
4. Usain Bolt won both the 100m and 200m races in Beijing
and London.

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Make a list of famous

athletes from your country. Why do people admire them? Find out about a mine accident
and rescue. How many people
Lorena Ochoa is famous because she was one BE
were in the mine? (Workbook,
of the top female golfers in the world. p. 79)

Yes, and people admire her because she started

a golfing school for people in Mexico.


40 | Unit 4

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Label the pictures with the correct jobs. 4. Complete the sentences with the simple past.
Then rewrite the sentences with the correct
time periods and ago.
1. I had (have) lunch at 1:00 p.m. Now it’s
2:00 p.m.
I had lunch an hour ago.
2. Jack (start) school on Monday. Today
is Thursday.
1. 2.

3. I (call) you at 9:15 a.m. Now it’s

9:20 a.m.

4. Marcos (be) Most Valuable Player in

March. Now it’s April.

3. 4.
Useful language
2. Complete the sentences with the correct
adjectives. 5. Complete the conversations with the correct
cheerful funny serious kind Are you saying that I mean
1. My brother isn’t good at telling jokes. He’s not What do you mean? What I’m trying to say is that
very .
Kim: I think athletes are overpaid.
2. Martin is always telling jokes. He’s not very
Todd: 1
Kim: 2
, they make too
3. Jacquelyn doesn’t smile or laugh very often. much money.
She’s not very .
4. Liz and Josh help kids with their homework
after school. They’re very . Luke: My brother is the fastest runner in
the world!
3. Circle the correct words. Sara: 3
he runs faster than
1. Where were / did you last weekend? Usain Bolt?
Luke: No. 4 he runs really fast!
2. Were / Did you play sports in high school?
3. Was / Did Mike a fast runner as a child?
4. Were / Did your parents at home last night?

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify some cool jobs.
■ share facts about someone’s life.
■ ask and answer questions about being brave.
■ ask for and give clarification. CLIL PROJECT
■ write a description of someone I admire. 4.4 Amelia Earhart: Famous Flyer,
■ talk about famous athletes from my country. p. 117

REVIEW UNITS 3–4, Workbook, pp. 28–29 Unit 4 | 41


It’s a

Mysteries in the

What’s an interesting
or unusual thing that
happened to you

The Case of the

Missing Woman

1. Who do you think made these statues on Easter Island?

2. Why do you think people made them?

An Underwater

3. Do you know of any mysterious things or places? Where are they?

Vocabulary Action verbs; adverbs of manner
Grammar Past continuous; adverbs of time; simple past vs. past continuous; when and while
Listening I saw something strange last night.
42 | Unit 5

Vocabulary: Action verbs

1 g
1. Look at the pictures a. I caught the thief
of a police officer’s after he fell.
story. b. I chased the thief
Match the sentences down the street.
with the pictures. c. The thief climbed
the wall.
d. The thief hid the bag.
e. The thief fell on
the ground.
f. The thief jumped into
someone’s yard.
2 3 4
✓ g. The thief stole
5 6 a bag and ran by
my police car.
h. The thief threw the
bag over a wall.

7 8

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Work with a partner. One person is a reporter and the other is the police officer.
Ask and answer questions for each event in the story in Exercise 1.

What did the thief steal? Where did he run?

He stole a bag. He ran by my . . .

Speaking: What can you . . . ?

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of as many answers as you can
for each question. Make a list.

What can you . . .

1. catch? 2. chase? 3. climb? 4. hide? 5. jump over? 6. throw?
catch – a thief, a basketball,
a baseball, a bus, a cold . . .

5. Join another pair. Compare your lists.

Workbook, p. 30

Reading Whodunit?; An Urban Legend; The World’s Number One Detective

Conversation Telling and reacting to a story
Writing A narrative about an interesting or unusual event
Unit 5 | 43

WHODUNIT? the butler the maid

Max Luther walked through the living room to go to his study at 4:00 p.m., and the painting was on the wall.
When he came back to the living room at 4:30, the painting wasn’t there. Who stole it? What was everyone
doing between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m.?
From 4:00 to 4:15 p.m., the butler and the maid were preparing for a party in the dining room. At 4:15,
the butler took coffee to Max in the study. Max was reading a newspaper. The painting was on the wall.
Max’s daughter, Clarissa, and her friend, Ray, were playing tennis outside. At 4:20, the butler came outside.
He told Clarissa that there was a phone call for her. She went into the house without the butler, but there
Max Luther wasn’t anyone on the phone. She talked to the maid in the dining room for a few minutes. The butler came
into the dining room and joined the conversation.
At 4:30, Clarissa went back out to the garden. Ray was climbing over a wall by the tennis court. He was holding
a tennis ball in his hand. Then they heard a shout from the house. The painting was gone!

Clarissa Ray

Reading: An article about a stolen painting KNOW . . .?
1. Look at the pictures. What was the crime? Where did it Whodunit is an
happen? informal word for
Who did it? People
2. Read and listen to the crime story. Who do you think stole use it to describe
the painting? How do you think it happened? crime stories with
a mystery.
3. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Where was the painting?

2. What time did the painting disappear?

3. Why were the butler and maid in the dining room?

4. Why did Clarissa go into the house?

5. What did Ray lose behind the wall?

4. Work with a partner. Who stole the painting? Explain your idea. Then check your
idea on page 121.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a small group. Do you know any other stories about a thief
(real or fictional)? What did the thief steal? Did the police catch him or her?
There was a famous bank robbery last year.
The thief stole $500,000. The police . . .

44 | Unit 5

Grammar: Past continuous

6. Complete the chart.

Use the past continuous to talk about activities that were in progress in the past.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What you doing? I was talking on the phone. I wasn’t talking to Max.
What was Max reading? He was reading a newspaper. He reading a book.
What were they doing? They playing tennis. They weren’t playing soccer.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Were you talking to Max? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Was Max reading? Yes, he . No, he wasn’t.
they playing tennis? Yes, they were. No, they .

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 110

7. Complete the police report with the past continuous.


Police officer: Alfred Baker Name of witness: Jim Hanson Crime: Stolen bike

Q: What 1 were you doing (do) at the time?

A: My friends and I 2
(play) in the park. I 3 (stand) on a hill.
From there, I saw the thief steal the bike.
Q: What 4 the thief (wear)?
A: He 5
(wear) a blue jacket and jeans.
Q: 6
your friends (watch) the thief?
A: No, they 7 . They 8 (ride) their skateboards. They didn’t see him.

8. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Adverbs of time
Then answer the questions with your own information. Use adverbs of time to say when things happened
or were happening at a specific time in the past.
yesterday at 8:00 a.m. / you / what / were / doing
this morning/afternoon; yesterday
1. What were you doing yesterday at 8:00 a.m.? last night/Monday/weekend/week/month/year
at 2:00 p.m./4:00 p.m./10:00 p.m.
2. I was
doing / were / last Saturday at 2:00 p.m. / your friends / what
3. 5.03 Say it RIGHT!
In the word was, the a makes the
4. short /u/ sound, and the s makes the
/z/ sound. Listen to the sentences.
Speaking: What were you doing? What was she doing yesterday
afternoon? She was playing tennis.
9. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of something you were doing Pay attention to your pronunciation of
at one of these times. Give your partner clues. Your partner guesses. was in Exercise 8.

yesterday at 12:00 p.m. last night Find out about an

last Saturday afternoon last Friday at 2:00 p.m. archeological dig in Bolivia.
BE What did Scotty and his team
I was sitting in a stadium and watching find out about the bones?
something last Saturday afternoon. (Workbook, p. 80)

Were you watching a soccer game?

Yes, I was.

Workbook, p. 31 Unit 5 | 45

Listening: I saw something strange last night.
1. Did you see or read about something you couldn’t explain in the past? What was it?

2. Listen to Kati tell Todd about an unexplained event. What did she see?

3. Listen again. Who did it? Write K for Kati or T for Todd.
1 5.04

1. was at home last night

2. was watching TV last night
3. was studying last night
2 4. is going to watch the sky tonight

3 Vocabulary: Adverbs of manner

4. Look at the pictures and the boldfaced words. These words are adverbs. You can
form adverbs from adjectives. Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs.
Then listen and check your answers.

quick ➔ quickly bad ➔ badly Spell it RIGHT!

slow ➔ slowly happy ➔ happily To change an adjective to an adverb:
- change -y to -i and add -ly:
loud ➔ loudly terrible ➔ terribly ✓
happy ➔ happily
quiet ➔ quietly hard ➔ hard - change -ble to -bly:
terrible ➔ terribly
careful ➔ carefully good ➔ well

1. Gina slept terribly last night.

2. The dog barked .
3. The snail was moving .
4. The archaeologist worked with the bones .
5. Richard plays the piano .
6. The plane flew by .
7. Carlos sings .
8. The children were playing .
9. We entered the room .

8 5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions using
the adverbs in Exercise 4. Use the words below or your own ideas.
catch a ball clean your bedroom play tennis sing
check your homework cook run throw a ball

Do you run quickly?

No, I don’t. I run slowly.

46 | Unit 5

Grammar: Simple past vs. past continuous;

when and while
6. Complete the chart.
Use the past continuous for an event that was in progress.
Use the simple past for an event that interrupted the event in progress.
Use when or while with the phrase in the past continuous.
Use when with the phrase in the simple past.
I studying when I saw red lights in the sky.
(event in progress) (event that interrupts)
While/When I was studying, I red lights in the sky.
(event in progress) (event that interrupts)
When it happened, my parents sleeping.
(event that interrupts) (event in progress)
It while/when my parents were sleeping.
(event that interrupts) (event in progress)

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 110

7. Circle when or while. Sometimes both answers are possible.

1. Karl caught the ball when / while Sandra was running.
2. Olivia was practicing the piano when / while the phone rang.
3. I heard the loud sound when / while I was cleaning my room.
4. When / While the police officer was chasing the thief, he fell.
5. When / While someone knocked on the door, I was watching TV.
Get it RIGHT!
8. Complete the sentences with the simple past or past continuous.
Use the simple past, not the
1. Janet watched a mystery movie while she was eating (eat) dinner. past continuous, for an event
2. I was running in the park when I (see) a police officer. that interrupts an event in progress.
Our team was playing well when
3. When the lights (go) out, Doug was working. I scored a goal.
4. When the fire alarm rang, you (take) a test. NOT: Our team was playing well when I
was scoring a goal.
5. While the cat (hide) under the bed, we heard her meow.

Speaking: While you were . . .

9. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Talk about things that happened NOTICE IT
while you were doing some of these things in the past. A nightmare is a very bad dream.

cooking eating exercising sleeping studying

My phone rang while I was sleeping last night.

Really? When I was sleeping, I had a nightmare.

10. YOUR TURN Join another pair. Tell the pair two things that happened
to your partner.

Last night, Jake had a nightmare while he was sleeping.

Workbook, pp. 32–33 Unit 5 | 47



Conversation: An unusual dream

1. Watch or listen to the teenagers. Circle the correct words.
1. The boy’s soccer team won / lost the game.
2. The girl’s cat chased / ran toward her.
3. The girl / The teacher gave the class some chocolate for her birthday.
4. Two girls wore / gave each other the same shirt.
5. Someone made / took the boy’s lunch at school.
6. Someone stole the boy’s bike / lock.

2. YOUR TURN What’s an interesting or unusual thing that happened to you recently?
Tell your partner.

3. Dave is telling Anna about a nightmare. Listen and complete the conversation
with the words from the box.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Telling and reacting to a story

then what happened Did I tell you about That’s weird! In the beginning

Dave: 1
my dream last night?
Anna: No. Tell me about it.
Dave: OK. 2 , I was in a park
at night. I was walking slowly when a bear jumped out at me!
Anna: Oh, no! What did you do?
Dave: I hid behind a big tree, and I waited quietly. But the tree got smaller and
Dave: I know. Then the bear found me and chased me! While the bear was
chasing me, I screamed loudly!
Anna: So, 4 ?
Dave: The bear caught me, and I woke up! It was scary!

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words
in purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation and your
own ideas for another.

My ideas
Place on a street

First action riding my bike quickly

Animal dragon

Hiding place a car

Second action threw my jacket at it

48 | Unit 5

by Stacy Meyers
“Oh, no! I have to help,” thought Mickey. One day last summer, he was driving
slowly along a quiet road when he saw a car next to the road. A man had a flat tire,
and he was trying to change it. Mickey stopped his car and helped the man. While
they were changing the tire, they talked about their families. Then the man asked
Mickey for his address. At first, Mickey said no, but the man asked him again and
again, so Mickey gave it to him. One week later, Mickey got a letter:
Dear Mickey,
Thanks for your help. I know a lot about computers but nothing about cars!
Bill Gates
Finally, Mickey knew who the man was – the founder of one of the world’s largest
computer companies. He was also one of the richest people in the world. And
there was a check for $10,000 with the letter!

Reading to write: A narrative about an unusual event

6. Look at the illustration. What do you think happened?
Read Stacy’s story to check.

Focus on CONTENT
When you write a story, include:
- a beginning: It should get the readers’ attention
and make them want to read more. Writing: Your narrative
- a middle: It has details about the events and is
in chronological order. PLAN
- an ending: It brings the story to a close. A story Think of an interesting or unusual
can have a surprise ending. story. It can be something that really
happened, or you can create the story.
7. Read Stacy’s story again. What gets the readers’ attention Write notes about the events in the
at the beginning? What is the surprise ending? order they happened.

Sequencing words Middle:
Use sequencing words to:
- start a story: One day/night/time, . . . In the beginning, . . .
- order events: At first, . . . Next, . . . Then . . .
After that, . . . Ten minutes later, . . .
- end a story: In the end, . . . Finally, . . . Ending:

8. Find examples of sequencing words in Stacy’s story.

9. Complete the story with the correct words. Write your story. Use your notes to
help you. Write at least 80 words.
at first finally later one night then
, I was doing my homework quietly in my bedroom Check your writing. Can you answer
when I heard a strange noise outside. 2 , I didn’t want “yes” to these questions?
to go outside, but 3 I opened the door, and I went into • Does your story have a beginning,
the yard. There was a very small dog, and it was barking loudly. a middle, and an ending? Are the
While I was playing with the dog, my mom came home. She was events in chronological order?
laughing. Five minutes 4 , my dad and sister arrived.
They were laughing, too. 5 , I understood. The dog was • Do you use sequencing words
my birthday present! correctly?

Workbook, pp. 34–35 Unit 5 | 49


The World’s Number One

A Sherlock Holmes is famous for solving impossible crimes carefully and easily. He lived
at 221B Baker Street in London. He played the violin well and was good at science.
He didn’t really exist, but he became famous in England more than 125 years ago,
and he’s famous all over the world today.
B Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the original Sherlock Holmes stories. The first
story appeared in a British magazine in 1887. It was the first of 56 stories. Doyle also wrote
four Sherlock Holmes books. Doyle was working as a doctor when he wrote the first stories.
He often wrote the stories while he was waiting for his patients.
C The detective’s assistant, Dr. Watson, is almost as famous as Holmes, and the two always
worked together. Holmes liked to explain the crimes to Watson. In the movies, Holmes
answers Watson’s questions with the phrase, “Elementary, my dear Watson,
elementary,” which means, “The answer is easy.” But Holmes never really said this
in any of the original stories or books.
D There are over 200 Sherlock Holmes movies and TV shows with many different
actors playing the roles of Holmes and Watson. In a recent TV series, Elementary,
the stories take place today. Holmes lives in New York City, and his assistant, Dr.
Watson, is a woman.
E Sherlock Holmes is everywhere! There are Sherlock Holmes games, toys,
hats, comic books, and video games. There’s even a Sherlock Holmes social
networking page!

Culture: Sherlock Holmes

1. Look at the photos. What do you know about Sherlock
Holmes? What can you tell about him from the photos?

2. Read and listen to the article. Match the paragraphs (A–E)

to the topics.
1. Holmes in Today’s Culture
2. Partners in Crime
3. Holmes in Movies and on TV DID YOU
4. Fame: Past and Present KNOW . . .?
Sherlock Holmes
5. Sherlock Holmes Stories died in one of
Doyle’s stories
3. Read the article again. Circle the correct answers. in 1893, but the
1. Sherlock Holmes was a real / an imaginary detective. writer brought
him back to life
2. The writer of Sherlock Holmes was a doctor / detective. because his fans
got angry!
3. In the movies / books, Holmes’s famous phrase is
“Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary.”
4. There are about 125 / 200 Sherlock Holmes movies and Find out about a young woman
who disappears from her
TV shows. BE
home. What happened to her?
(Workbook, p. 81)
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Are there any famous
fictional characters in your country? Who are they and what
do they do?
Pascualina is a famous fictional character. There are many
books about her. She travels around the world and . . . 5.3 THE CASE OF THE MISSING WOMAN

50 | Unit 5

1. Match the phrases to make sentences. 2. (last Wednesday afternoon)
1. A police officer a. his bag into the river.
chased the thief
b. at his friend’s house 3. (Friday evening)
until the police officer
2. The thief threw finally found him.
3. Then he jumped c. into the river and 4. Write sentences using the simple past and past
swam away. continuous.
4. The thief hid d. down the street for 1. he / answer / the phone / while / he /
2 kilometers. eat / dinner

2. Complete the sentences with the correct

adverbs of manner. 2. we / have / a picnic / when / it / start /
to rain
1. Carlos slept (terrible) because
of the storm.
2. My brother sat (quiet) and 3. Mark / not wear / a helmet / when / he /
watched his favorite Sherlock Holmes movie. fall / off his bike
3. The detective studied the crime scene
4. He worked (hard) to solve the Useful language
crime. 5. Complete the conversation with the correct phrases.

Grammar then what Did I tell you That’s weird. In the

happened about beginning
3. Look at Gabe’s calendar. Write sentences in the
past continuous about what he was doing. Elsa: Hey, Ned. 1 my vacation?
Ned: No, you didn’t. Did you have a good time?
Monday Elsa: 2 , I had a great time. But
Wednesday then my bag was stolen at a restaurant.
1 8:00 p.m.
shop for mom’s 3 4:00 p.m. Ned: Oh, no!
birthday present watch a soccer Elsa: Oh, yes! I put my bag on the back of my chair
game with brother while I was eating. I didn’t even see it happen.
Ned: 3
12 8:00 a.m –
4:00 p.m. clean Elsa: I know. Luckily, a police officer was sitting
the garage next to me. She saw and chased the thief!
8:00 p.m. hang out at a Ned: So, 4 ?
café with friend
Elsa: She caught the thief and gave me back my
1. (last Monday night)

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ tell a story with action verbs.
■ talk about what I was doing in the past.
■ talk about past events and describe how I do things. CLIL PROJECT
■ tell an interesting or unusual story.
5.4 An Underwater Mystery,
■ write a story about an interesting or unusual event. p. 118
■ understand information and talk about fictional characters.
Unit 5 | 51

Uncover Your Knowledge

UNITS 1–5 Review Game
■ Make teams and choose game
In one m
modern ute, name a pieces.
tradition and a
somethin example of ■ Put your game pieces on your
these ca for each of
music, a : food team’s START.
nd sports ,
Ask a te
ammate ■ Flip a coin to see who goes first.
e he or s about
Ask two he know
two Yes h- questions an
s. ■ Read the first challenge. Can you
/No que d
te answ Your
do it correctly?
Talk wit
h a team
about tr mate Yes Continue to the next
families aditions in yo
, such a ur
gs. See
s birthd
ays or
can kee how lon
p the g you
going b conversation No Lose your turn.
y asking
answer and
ing que
The first team to do all of the
In one m
inu challenges wins!
many typ te, name as
es of mo
vies as
you can.

Ask a teammate five

questions about people’s
possessions in the
classroom. Use whose. Your
teammate answers.
m e fiv
n a or
inute, acters nt
ne m har e
In o erent c five di s.
dif f om V sho w
rs fr T ab sta ake
acto pes of o t
ty w ut em five
us atc you ent
in hin r m s
of g the g h ov Role-p
lay a You want to Look around
Ask a
a f a ie conve teammate for
of lwa requ adv bits - with a r sa tion go shopping at the room. Tell
ten ys e er his/her opinion
, , nc b teamm
an som usua y: s about ate the mall. Ask a a teammate about three
d n et lly team a sports teammate where five things different TV
ev im , or
er. es
, event sporting to buy three you see shows. Disagree
. Keep
conve the different things. happening with your
going ation Your teammate right now. teammate’s
for t
minut wo answers the opinions.
es. questions.

52 | Units 1–5 Review



Tell a teammate five

sentences about the
way you do things. Use
adverbs of manner, suc
as carefully and well.

nce about
Start a sente
t using while
a past even
have a
or when and
GRAMMAR teamma te fi nish it.
Tell your te am or
nu al dre
about an u reacts
VOCABULARY story. Your
hra ses
using p
to the story pp e n ed?
hat ha
like then w rsation going
o minutes
fo r tw
mmate, as
With a tea stions
r four que
and answe e re
t you w
about wha
doing st
ory of
mate the st
Tell a team orting
ovie or sp
an action m t least four
event using
action verbs.
Ask your teammat
ques tions an d
to find
Yes/No questions
e in the
out about a tim
or sh e was
past when he
lpful. Yo ur
brave or he
e an sw er s.
Tell a teammat
e about
one of your he
roes. Your
teammate asks
for clarification.
Tell a
things teammate
a th
happe bout yours ree
ned in elf tha
ago to th t
say ho e past. Us
w far e
the pa back
st. in
th one
int ree jo min
ere u
s bs y te,
thi ting a ou th nam
k a te are nd th ink a
As ma ions bo ee er r
m st rin
In one inute, tea que g g. you
e m o s in ny
minute, In one minute, In on ribe a tw u ma w
Role-play shopping desc s ing w h o r
name ten make four with a teammate. mate
u ho nd You e
different sentences about team djectives, a ch. at
Make requests to a
three ’t say the
m am ers
m .
jobs. things in the buy objects in the but d o n
me. te sw
classroom using classroom. Use r so n’s na s to an
p e trie
a lot of, any, expressions like team ou are
enough, and I’d like to buy, I’d wh y
some. guess cribing.
prefer, I’ll take it! Your des
teammate responds.

Units 1–5 Review | 53


Home, Sweet


A Cool Life

Which do you
prefer – houses or

Moving House

1. What is this house like?

2. Who do you think lives here?

3. Would you want to live in a house like this? Why or why not?

Vocabulary Furniture and other household items; household appliances
Grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; should (not), (not) have to,
must (not)
Listening A clothing emergency
54 | Unit 6

Vocabulary: Furniture and other household items

1. Match the words with the correct pictures.
a. a bed c. a chair e. a dresser g. a shower i. a table ✓k. an armchair
b. a bookcase d. a desk f. a mirror h. a sofa j. a toilet l. cabinets


1. k 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Answer the questions with the words in Exercise 1.

1. Which items do you sit on? 6.03 Say it RIGHT!
The letters er and or can make the
/ər/ sound. Listen to the sentence.
2. Which items do you put things in? A photo of an actor is over my bed.
Listen to the words in Exercise 1
3. Which items do you put things on? again. Which words have the
/ər/ sound? What letters make
the sound?
4. Which items do you get into?

5. Which item do you look into?

4. Work with a partner. Describe the furniture and items in Exercise 1.

The armchair is big. It’s brown and blue.

Speaking: Your house

5. YOUR TURN Which things from Exercise 1 are in your house? What other things
do you have? Make a list.

Kitchen: cabinets, two chairs, . . .

6. Work with a partner. Tell your partner about the things in your house.
There isn’t a table in our kitchen. There are a lot of cabinets.
We have two chairs by the window . . .

Workbook, p. 36

Reading A Home in the Jungle; My House; Life on the Water

Conversation Asking for and offering help
Writing An email about your house
Unit 6 | 55

A Home in the

n the middle of the Amazon rain forest, with monkeys, snakes,
and tropical birds, there’s a very unusual place. Twenty meters
up in the trees is the Ariaú Amazon Towers Hotel – the biggest
treetop hotel in the world.
Walking paths connect two restaurants, two theaters, two swimming
pools, and many guest rooms. You climb high on the paths to get
to the standard rooms. Each room has a bedroom and a bathroom.
Climb farther to get to the tree houses and Tarzan suites. Each of
these has a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and a balcony with
amazing views of the Amazon.
The Amazon River isn’t far away, and visitors can see the “Meeting of
the Waters.” Two of the most powerful rivers in the Amazon, the Rio
Negro and Rio Solimões, meet here. The black water of the Rio Negro
is darker than the brown water of the Rio Solimões, and you can
see both rivers side by side. The waters of the two rivers don’t mix
because the Rio Solimões runs more slowly than the Rio Negro.
It’s a long way up, but a stay at the hotel is worth the climb!

Reading: An article about an unusual hotel

1. Look at the photos. What do you see? Where do you think DID YOU
it is? KNOW . . .?
The Rio Negro
2. Read and listen to the article. Why is the hotel unusual? is home to the
amazing pink
3. Read the article again. Answer the questions. dolphin, one of the
1. Which animals live near the hotel? rarest animals in
the world.

2. How high up in the trees is the hotel?

3. What rooms do tree houses and Tarzan suites have?

4. What is the “Meeting of the Waters”?

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Would you like to stay in a treetop hotel?
Why or why not?
I’d like to stay in a treetop hotel!
I love nature and animals.

I wouldn’t like it because . . .

56 | Unit 6

Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives

and adverbs
5. Complete the chart.
Use comparative adjectives and adverbs to show how two things are different from each other.
Use superlative adjectives and adverbs to compare three or more things.
Comparative Superlative
Adjectives dark ➔ darker big ➔ dark ➔ big ➔ the biggest
powerful ➔ more popular ➔
good ➔ better bad ➔ worse good ➔ the best bad ➔ the worst
The Rio Negro is than the Rio Solimões. The bathroom is the darkest room in the hotel.
Adverbs fast ➔ slowly ➔ fast ➔ the fastest slowly ➔ the most slowly
far ➔ farther far ➔
well ➔ better badly ➔ worse well ➔ badly ➔ the worst
The Rio Solimões runs more slowly than the Rio Negro. The water runs in the summer.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 111

6. Complete the sentences with the comparative adjectives or adverbs.

1. Brazil is bigger than (big) Mexico.
2. The Rio Negro runs (fast) the Rio Solimões.
3. A vacation in the Amazon is (exciting) a vacation in Antarctica.
4. The furniture in my room is (good) the furniture in your room.
5. We got (wet) our parents on the hike because they used umbrellas.

7. Circle the correct words.

In Spain, I toured the Guadix cave homes with my sister. They are some of the 1strangest /
more strangely homes in the world. People live in cave houses there. The houses are
more dark / darker than normal houses because they don’t have many windows.
In the summer, the caves are 3cooler / coolest than normal homes, and in winter they are
the warmer / warmer.
Our tour guide spoke 5quickest / more quickly than most tour guides. He talked the
faster / fastest near the end of the tour. My sister understood the guide 7better / best
than I did, so she repeated everything 8slower / more slowly for me.

Speaking: Compare!
8. YOUR TURN Discuss the questions with a partner.
1. Who studies longer at night?
2. Who is better at sports?

I study for an hour at night. I study for two hours. I study longer than you.

Find out about two people

9. Join another pair. Compare your answers to Exercise 8. Then answer living in an old mine. What
these questions. rooms are in the house?
1. Who studies the longest at night? (Workbook, p. 82)

2. Who is the best at sports?

Jack studies for four hours at night.
He studies the longest.

Workbook, p. 37 Unit 6 | 57

Things That
Listening: A clothing emergency
1. Who washes your clothes? Do you wash your own clothes?

2. Listen to Jackie tell her sister Chloe about her clothes. What’s wrong
with her pants? With her sweater?

3. Listen again and circle the correct answers.

1. Jackie washed her dark and light clothes .
a. together b. separately c. by hand
2. Jackie’s sweater is made of .
a. cotton b. jean material c. wool
3. Jackie washed her clothes on .
a. hot b. warm c. cold
4. Jackie learned how to fix her sweater from .
a. her sister b. a website c. a label

Vocabulary: Household appliances

4. Write the words next to the correct numbers. Then listen and check your answers.

a dishwasher a microwave a toaster an alarm clock

a hair dryer a refrigerator a vacuum cleaner an iron
a lamp ✓ a stove a washing machine an oven
5 8


Fridge is short for
1. a stove 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. 7. 11.
4. 8. 12.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. In what rooms do you use each of the household
appliances in Exercise 4? How often do you use them?

I use the stove in the kitchen. I use it two times a week.

58 | Unit 6

Grammar: should (not), (not) have to, must (not)

6. Complete the chart.

Use should not for advice and recommendations. Use have to for responsibilities.
Use not have to for things that are not required. Use must for obligation. Use must not for prohibition.
Affirmative Negative
You wash dark clothes separately. You shouldn’t wash darker clothes with lighter ones.
She should look at the labels. She put it in a sunny room.
You choose the temperature first. You don’t have to wash it by hand.
It has to be cool. It be cold.
You must use cold water. You use hot water.
They follow the directions. They must not miss a step.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 111

7. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative of the words.

1. We shouldn’t put (should / put) metal in the microwave.
It can start a fire.
2. Sara (have to / wash) her clothes today.
She can do it tomorrow.
3. I (should / get) a small hair dryer for my
trip. My suitcase only has room for small things.
4. Jack and Paula (have to / buy) a new
dishwasher. Theirs broke.
5. Don (must / use) his vacuum cleaner before 8:00 p.m.
His parents don't like noise late at night.

8. Complete the sentences with should (not), (not) have to, or must (not).
Get it RIGHT!
1. Jenny get a lamp for her bedroom.
Use must for obligation, not for things
It’s really dark.
that are responsibilities.
2. The label says, “You put the hair dryer in water.” You have to bring a pencil to class.
You will get hurt. (= It’s your responsibility to bring
a pencil.)
3. I set my alarm clock on Saturday because I don’t You must use a pencil on the test.
work on the weekend! (= It’s an obligation to use a pencil.
You’re not allowed to use a pen or
4. We make the vegetables in the microwave. They’re a marker.)
better on the stove.
5. My sister wash her clothes at the laundromat.
She doesn’t have a washing machine at home.

Speaking: Guess the appliance

9. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of an appliance. Describe it, and tell your
partner how you should (not), (not) have to, must (not) use it. Your partner guesses
the appliance. Take turns.
It’s small, and it’s often white. You have to plug it in. You use it in
the kitchen. You shouldn't put metal in it.

Is it a microwave?

Yes, it is!

Workbook, pp. 38–39 Unit 6 | 59


At Home
Conversation: I have to clean the house.
1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Are
these reasons for preferring houses NOTICE IT
or apartments? Write H (house) or Some words are different in
A (apartment). American English and British
1. They’re usually bigger. American English British English
apartment flat
2. They’re quieter. yard garden
3. They usually have a garden.
4. They’re usually closer to the center of a city.

2. YOUR TURN Which do you prefer – houses or apartments? Tell your partner.
Give a reason for your answer.

3. Josh is helping Cara with her chores. Listen and complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Asking for and offering help

Can I ask you for a favor? Could you help me out? Would you like some help? I’ll give you a hand.

Josh: Are you ready to go the mall?

Cara: I’m sorry, but I can’t go yet. I didn’t finish my chores. I have to clean the
living room.
Josh: 1

Cara: Oh, yes. That’d be great. I’ll clean the furniture, and you can vacuum.
Josh: OK. Let’s get started.
Cara: I need to get the cleaning supplies out of that cabinet. I can’t reach them.
Josh: Wait. 2
Cara: Great, thanks.
Josh: Hey . . . 3
Cara: Of course.
Josh: I need to get a birthday present for my sister. 4
Cara: Sure. Let’s finish cleaning the living room and then shop for your sister.

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words in
purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation and your own ideas
for another.

Your ideas

Room to clean the kitchen

Chore #1 clean the sink

put the dishes in the

Chore #2 dishwasher

60 | Unit 6

To santiagoG@middleschool.cup.org
From jorge.vegasrg@net.cup.org
Subject My House

Hi Santiago,
I’m excited you’re coming to stay with us in our new house for the summer! We live
in a big house with four bedrooms. My parents have the biggest bedroom, and they
have their own bathroom. My sister and I have our own bedrooms. There’s a fourth
bedroom, but now it’s my mom’s office. My bedroom is pretty big. I have two beds,
so you can sleep in my room. There’s room for your clothes in my dresser.
Downstairs there’s a big living room. We have a sofa, two armchairs, and a huge
TV! My favorite room is the kitchen. There’s a big table where we eat, talk, and play
games. There’s a dishwasher, so we don’t have to wash dishes by hand!
Tell me about your apartment.
Your cousin,

Reading to write: A description of Jorge’s house

6. Look at the photo of Jorge’s house. How many bedrooms
do you think it has? Read the email to check.
Writing: An email
Focus on CONTENT about your house
When you write about your house, include:
- the size, age, and kind of house PLAN
- how many bedrooms it has Use the categories in the Focus on
- what other rooms it has Content box and take notes about
- your favorite room and why
your home.
- some of the furniture or appliances there
Size, age, and kind Weekend
7. Read Jorge’s email again. What information does he Number of bedrooms
include for each category from the Focus on Content box? Other rooms
Favorite room/why
Focus on LANGUAGE Furniture/appliances
Use commas to separate items in a list.
I have a desk, two chairs, and big bed in my bedroom.
Use commas to join two complete sentences Write an email describing your house
with conjunctions like and, but, and so. to a friend or someone in your family.
We usually cook in the oven, but sometimes we use Use your notes to help you. Write at
the microwave. least 80 words.

8. Find examples in Jorge’s email of the comma rules in the

Focus on Language box.
Check your writing. Can you answer
“yes” to these questions?
9. Put commas in the correct places. • Is information for each category of
1. My bedroom is small but it’s comfortable. the Focus on Content box in your
2. There are four chairs a big table and two lamps in our kitchen. description?

3. The dishwasher isn’t working so I have to wash the dishes • Do you use commas correctly?
by hand.
4. I packed a hair dryer a toothbrush and shampoo in my suitcase.

Workbook, pp. 40–41 Unit 6 | 61


LIFE ON Did you know that some people live on the water? You
can find houseboats on lakes, rivers, and canals all over
THE the world. There are hundreds in Sausalito, California.

Thirteen-year-old Ryan Harvey moved to a houseboat
community with his family two years ago. We asked
Ryan about a typical Saturday on his houseboat.


Early morning is the best time
to see marine animals because 5:00 P.M. VISIT FRIENDS
it’s the quietest time of the day. We often go out in our kayaks to
Sometimes, I can see seals right see other families on their boats.
outside my bedroom window. I paddle faster than my parents!
They’re amazing!


I go with Dad to get our mail at the Dad makes dinner, and we eat on the balcony on top of
marina. It’s where all our neighbors meet. our houseboat when the weather is nice. Because we’re
I always see my friends there. far from the town, there aren’t any streetlights. You can
see the stars at night!
1:00 P.M. LUNCH
The kitchen is very small, so only
one person fits. Mom and I take There’s not much room on the houseboat,
turns making lunch. I usually but you’re closer to nature. It’s also safer and
cook more slowly than my mom. quieter than the city. I love life on the water!

Culture: Living on a houseboat

1. Look at the photos. Do you think the boy is at home or
on vacation?

2. Read and listen to the article. What are some advantages

to living on a houseboat? What are some disadvantages?

3. Read the article again. Number the activities in order

from 1–6.
Ryan’s mom cooks.
Ryan’s family eats outside.
Ryan sees animals.
Ryan’s family goes out on the water.
Ryan’s dad cooks.
Ryan and his dad go for a walk.

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Would you like to live Find out about someone who
on a houseboat? Why or why not? What other kind of house BE buys a house. Why does he want
would you like to live in? to move it? (Workbook, p. 83)

I’d like to live on a houseboat because . . . I’d also like to live . . .


I wouldn’t like to live on a houseboat because . . . I’d like to live . . .

62 | Unit 6



2 12 11
6 7
8 10

1. Write the words for the furniture, items, and 3. Circle the correct words.
appliances next to the correct numbers. 1. Look at that sign. You must not / don’t have to
1. 7. eat in the library.
2. 8. 2. You have to / shouldn’t turn off the computer
3. 9. before you leave. It can’t stay on all night.
4. 10.
3. You don’t have to / shouldn’t download any
5. 11.
computer games onto the school computers.
6. 12.
The teacher doesn’t like it.

Grammar 4. You should / don’t have to cook tonight. I’m

going to make dinner.
2. Write sentences with the comparative or
superlative form of the adjectives and adverbs. 5. You must / should ask for help if you have
a problem. It’s a good idea.
1. these tablets / be / good / those laptops

Useful language
4. Look at the underlined words in the
2. Tara / have / comfortable / bed / in the conversations. Write A if the person is asking for
house help. Write O if the person is offering help.
A: The iron is up so high in that cabinet. I can’t
reach it.
3. we usually / walk / far / our cousins
B: Would you like some help?
A: Sure. That’d be great.
4. my dog / bark / loudly / your dog A: I don’t understand this recipe. Could you help
me out?
B: Sure. Let me see it.
5. the water / move / slowly / in the winter A: Hey, Sue. Do you want to go to a movie?
B: Sure, but, can I ask you for a favor first?
A: OK.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify rooms in a house and household items. ■ ask for and offer help.
■ compare two or more rooms. ■ write an email about my house.
■ identify and talk about household appliances. ■ talk about the kind of house I’d like to live in.

REVIEW UNITS 5–6, Workbook, pp. 42–43 Unit 6 | 63


VISIONS of the


A Pizza Robot

How important
is your cell phone
to you?

Music Sharing

The Secret of
the Pyramids

1. What is this city like? How is it different from our cities today?

2. How do you think people communicate in this city?

3. Would you like to live in a place like this? Why or why not?

Vocabulary Computers and communication; technology verbs
Grammar Will and won’t for predictions; adverbs of possibility; first conditional with will (not),
may (not), and might (not)
Listening They’re always coming out with something new.
64 | Unit 7

Vocabulary: Computers and communication

1. Match the words (a–i) with the correct pictures.
a. a flash drive d. a printer g. a touch pad
b. a keyboard e. a smartphone h. a touch screen
c. a mouse f. a tablet ✓ i. Wi-Fi

1. i 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Circle the correct words.

1. Do you usually use Wi-Fi / a touch pad or a mouse? 7.02 Say it RIGHT!
The letters ou can sound like the
2. You can save your work on a flash drive / a touch pad. /uh/ or /ow/ sound. Listen to the
3. You use Wi-Fi / a printer to go on the Internet. My cousin has three computers in
4. You use a mouse / a keyboard to type an email. her house.
Which words in Exercise 1 have the
5. You can carry a smartphone / a touch screen easily in letters ou? What sounds do they
one hand. make?

6. I prefer a flash drive / a mouse to a touch pad.

Speaking: A computer quiz

4. YOUR TURN Use the words from Exercise 1 to give information about you.
Something I use:
• at school: • every day:
• to do homework: • to play games:
• at home: • to communicate with friends:

5. Work with a partner. Share your answers to the quiz in Exercise 4.

I use Wi-Fi, a printer, and a touch pad at school.

Workbook, p. 44

Reading Computers: A Big Past, A Small Future; How do you think people will listen to music in
the future?; Television Grows Up . . . and Down!
Conversation Asking for and giving instructions
Writing An opinion paragraph
Unit 7 | 65

The Future of
Computers: A Big Past, A Small Future
Over 65 years ago, the world’s first computer was “born.” Scientists called it “The
Baby,” but it was huge. It filled an entire room! Three people made the computer
and programmed math problems for it. On June 19, 1948, the computer solved
its first math problem – in 52 minutes! At that time, this was amazing.
Computers are now much smaller. With touch-screen technology, many
computers don’t need extra things, like a keyboard or a mouse. In the future,
computers probably won’t need these things at all. Some computers, like the
smartphone, can fit in one hand. Computers are also more powerful today. There
is more computing power in a smartphone than there was in all of the computers
on Apollo 11, the first spacecraft to take people to the moon!
How else will computers change in the future? A computer’s “brain” is a chip
inside the computer, and in the future, people will definitely be able to save much
more information on a computer chip. So, computers will be smaller and even
more powerful. Perhaps they’ll even think like humans! Maybe we won’t need to
tell computers what to do because they’ll decide for themselves!

Reading: An article about computers DID YOU

1. Work with a partner. Look at the photo of an old computer.
KNOW . . .?
How was it different from modern computers? There are more
than two billion
2. Read and listen to the article. What was the first personal computers
7.03 in the world today,
computer like? including tablets
and smartphones.
3. Read the article again. Circle the correct answers.
1. The first computer fit in .
a. a hand b. a room c. a building
2. The Baby found the answer to math problem(s) in 52 minutes.
a. 1 b. 3 c. 65
3. The computers on Apollo 11 were a smartphone.
a. more powerful than b. less powerful than c. as powerful as
4. Today, many computers don’t have .
a. keyboards b. chips c. touch screens

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of at least five things you think computers
should do in the future.
Computers should clean our houses in the future. They should . . .

5. YOUR TURN Join another pair. Share your ideas from Exercise 4. Which idea do you
think is the best?

66 | Unit 7

Grammar: will and won’t for predictions

6. Complete the chart.
Use will and won’t to predict future events.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What will my smartphone do in the future? Perhaps it’ll think like a human. It drive a car.
How computers change? They be smaller. They won’t be bigger.
Yes/No questions Short answers
my smartphone think like a human? Yes, it will. No, it .
Will computers change? Yes, they . No, they won’t.
Contractions: I will = I’ll you will = you’ll he will = he’ll she will = she’ll it will =
we will = we’ll they will =

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 112

7. In 1900, an American engineer made these predictions. Complete them with will or
won’t and the correct verbs.

buy eat not be not cook ✓ not live not wait talk

1. Animals won’t live in the wild.

2. People on wireless phones.
3. We all of our own meals. We them in stores.
4. The letters C, X, and Q in the alphabet.
5. We until summer to eat vegetables. We them in winter.

8. Work with a partner. Which predictions in Exercise 7

are true now?

9. Write sentences about the future with will and won’t. Adverbs of possibility
How sure are you? Use definitely, certainly, probably,
maybe, or perhaps.
1. we / have / Wi-Fi connections in our clothes Sure Pretty sure Not as sure
We’ll probably have Wi-Fi connections in our clothes. definitely probably maybe
certainly perhaps
2. cars / not need / human drivers Use adverbs of possibility to say how sure you are
about a prediction. Definitely, certainly, and probably
come between the subject and will or won’t, or
3. people / live / to be 120 years old between will and the base form of the verb. Perhaps
and maybe come before the subject.
They definitely will think like humans.
4. we / not use / pens and pencils They’ll probably think like humans.
Perhaps they will think like humans.

Speaking: Predictions about my future

10. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about
the future. Make predictions about the items below or your own ideas. Find out about a new
technology. How do the
people get pizza?
your school/job your friends/family your town/city your computer (Workbook, p. 84)

What will you do in the future?

I’ll probably write software for computers.


Workbook, p. 45 Unit 7 | 67


Listening: They’re always coming out with something new.
b 1. Do you and your friends play video games? What do you play?

2. Listen to Jenna and Karl talk about a video game. Who wants to work
with computers in the future?

3. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

c 7.04
1. Karl has a new game console.
2. There aren’t any boy characters in Cyber Chase.
3. Jenna and Karl play Ocean World.
4. Jenna wants a game console for her birthday.

d 5. Karl thinks Jenna should get a Ztron 2100.

6. Karl is taking a computer class.

Vocabulary: Technology verbs

4. Match the pictures with the correct sentences. Then listen and check your answers.
1. c To see the bottom of the web page, scroll down. To go back to the top,
e scroll up.
2. Click on the item you want.
3. To see more of the city on the map, zoom out. To look at your street,
zoom in.
f 4. You can sign into your web page from any computer. Don’t forget to
sign out when you’re done!
5. Do you shut down your computer at night?
6. Turn on your computer with the power button.
g 7. I back up my files every day.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Tell your partner how to do one of these things
on a computer. Use the phrases in Exercise 4.
listen to music read a blog watch a video write an email

Turn on your computer. Then sign into your email account. Next, . . .

68 | Unit 7

Grammar: First conditional with will (not), may (not),

and might (not)
6. Complete the chart.
Use the first conditional to show results or possible results of future actions.
Use if and the simple present in the main clause and will (not), may (not), or NOTICE IT
might (not) and the base form of a verb in the result clause. The if clause can come
at the beginning or end of
the sentence. Use a comma
You’ll see all of the choices if you zoom out. after the if clause when
it comes at the beginning.
If I make games, they won’t be boring.
If you scroll down, you’ll see
I ask my parents, they might get it for me for my birthday. more characters.
You’ll see more characters
I may not get the Ztron 2100 a newer model comes out. if you scroll down.
What kind of games you make if you’re a designer? Action games.

If I beat you, will you do my homework? Yes, I will. / No, I .

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 112

7. Circle the correct words.

Get it RIGHT!
1. If Joe learns / might learn to write code, he gets / might get a
Do not use the simple present in the
great tech job. main clause with the first conditional.
2. If my parents get / will get a new computer, they don’t buy / I’ll win if we play that game.
NOT: I win if we play that game.
won’t buy a tablet.
3. You don’t lose / won’t lose your files if you back / may back them up.
4. I buy / may buy a new smartphone if I get / will get enough money
for my birthday.
5. Will I get / Do I get to your blog if I click on / will click on this link?
6. If my computer stops / will stop working, I don’t finish / may not finish
my homework.
7. If you decide / will decide to get a printer, which one do you buy /
will you buy?
8. Your tablet shuts down / will shut down if you click on / will click on that.

8. Complete the paragraph with the simple present or will (not).

If I 1 pass (pass) all of my exams, my parents 2 (buy) me a
new tablet. If I 3
(get) a new tablet, I 4 (start) my own
website. I 5 (post) a video of my dog riding a skateboard if I
(make) my own website. If one million people 7 (like) my
video, I 8
(be) famous! I 9
(not be) famous if no one
(watch) my video. If I 11 (fail) any of my exams, my
parents 12 (not buy) me a tablet. I should start studying!

Speaking: A lot of Ifs!

9. YOUR TURN Ask and answer questions with the ideas below or your own ideas.
Use will (not), may (not), or might (not).
If I have a website in the future, . . . If I buy a computer in the future, . . .
If I make a video in the future, . . .

What will you post if you have a website in the future?

If I have a website, I’ll post funny videos.

Workbook, pp. 46–47 Unit 7 | 69



Conversation: Using your cell phone

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. How many think their cell phones
are important? How many don’t think they’re important? Write
the numbers.

Important Not important

2. YOUR TURN How important is your cell phone to you? Tell your partner.

3. Kendra is telling her grandmother how to make a call on a smartphone. Listen and
complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Asking for and giving instructions

you need to all you have to how do I How does it work?

Grandma: Can I borrow your phone to call Grandpa?

Kendra: Sure. Here’s my smartphone.
Grandma: 1

Kendra: First, 2
press the round button to turn it on.
Grandma: Like this?
Kendra: Yes. That’s it. See . . . it’s a touch screen. Now, click on the
phone icon.
Grandma: OK. So, 3 make a call?
Kendra: Click on the contacts icon and scroll down to Grandpa’s name.
Grandma: OK. Now what?
Kendra: 4
do is click on his name.
Grandma: I see. That was easy!

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words in purple.
Use the information in the chart for one conversation and your own ideas
for another.

My ideas

Task text Aunt Linda

Type of icon text message

Task send a text

scroll down to Aunt Linda’s name

Step 1 and click on it

Step 2 type your text and click on “send”

70 | Unit 7

TechIt Question of the Week:

How do you think people will listen to music in the future? Marcus Howard posted 10/18

In my opinion, people will listen to music from computer chips in their

clothing. One reason is that it will be an easy way to listen to music.
People won’t need to carry MP3 players or even smartphones for
music. Small computer chips will be in sunglasses, hats, jackets, and
shirts. Another reason is that some of this technology exists already.
For example, you can buy sunglasses that play music. If this trend
continues, it will be popular in the future. In conclusion, I think people
will listen to music in their clothing, and it will be great!

2 0

Reading to write: An opinion paragraph

6. Look at the title and the photo. How does Marcus think Writing: Your opinion
people will listen to music in the future? Read his paragraph
paragraph to check.
Focus on CONTENT Choose one of the topics about the
In an opinion paragraph, include: future or your own idea. Write notes
- A an introduction to the topic and your opinion about it.
- B reasons for your opinion
How do you think people will . . . in
- C facts and examples to support your reasons
- D a conclusion with your opinion
the future?

communicate with listen to music

7. Read Marcus’s paragraph again. Label the sentences in each other shop
the paragraph with the items in the Focus on Content read books use their
box (A–D). travel smartphones

Topic and opinion:

You can use these phrases in opinion pieces: Reason Fact / Example
To give opinions: In my opinion, I think (that)
I believe (that)
To give reasons: One reason Another reason
is (that) is (that)
To conclude: In conclusion, For these reasons,

8. Find examples of the phrases in the Focus on Language box
Write an opinion paragraph about your
in Marcus’s paragraph.
topic. Use your notes to help you.
9. Complete the paragraph. Write at least 80 words.

another reason is that I believe that one reason is that CHECK

for these reasons in my opinion Check your writing. Can you answer
“yes” to these questions?
, people will ride in cars without drivers • Is information for each category
in the future. 2 it will make streets safer. from the Focus on Content box in
The cars will drive themselves with new technology. If people your paragraph?
don’t drive, accidents won’t happen. 3
it will save people a lot of money. The cars will be electric, • Do you use the expressions
and people won’t have to buy gas. 4 from the Focus on Language box
this will happen because the technology already exists. correctly?
, people won’t drive cars in the future.

Workbook, pp. 48–49 Unit 7 | 71


Television Grows Up . . . and Down!

People in every country and every culture watch television. You watch TV differently than
your parents and grandparents did. And TV watching will probably be different in the future.

The story of TV started How will people watch TV in the

over 80 years ago. In future? Some newer inventions are
1936, there were only 3D television and smart TVs with
about 200 televisions. Wi-Fi connections. Some people say
Sixty years later, there our TVs at home will get even bigger,
were one billion TVs while the gadgets we watch TV on
worldwide. The first will get smaller; for example, there
TVs were big, square are “TV watches” and “TV glasses.”
boxes, and the TV Most people agree that TV watching
shows were in black and white. People had will definitely stay popular.
to get off the couch to turn on the TV and In 1973, the first big-screen TV was in
change the channel with a button on the stores. Today, TVs are getting bigger
front of the TV. Color TVs arrived in the – and smaller. People have huge
1950s. Today, all TVs are in flat-screen TVs, and some have
color, and people change the surround sound. It’s like being at a
channel with remote controls. movie theater at home. “TVs” are
And there are more channels. also getting smaller. Many people
When TV started, there were watch TV shows on their tablets
only a few channels, and now and smartphones. Some shows
there are hundreds! are only available online.

KNOW . . .?
The remote control
arrived in 1956.
Culture: How we watch TV Surround sound,
sound that comes
1. Look at the photos. How are TVs today different than they from speakers
were in the past? instead of just
the TV, was first
2. Read and listen to the article. What is the main idea? available for TVs
in 1982.
a. how we watch TV today
b. the history of TV watching
c. the future of TV watching

3. Read the article again. Are the sentences true or false?

Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1. The first TVs were in color and black and white.
2. In 1996, there were about one billion TVs in the
3. Today, there are over 500 TV channels.
4. Big TVs aren’t popular today because people watch
shows on their phones.
5. There are some shows you can only watch online.
6. In the future, everyone will watch 3D TV shows. Find out about Napster. What is
it? (Workbook, p. 85)
4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. How do you watch TV
now? How do you think you’ll watch TV in the future?

Workbook, p. 85
72 | Unit 7

Vocabulary 4. Match the phrases to make sentences.
1. If you’re going to a. if your computer
1. Label the photos with the correct words.
be late, breaks?
2. If you get a smaller b. I won’t pass my
computer, test tomorrow.

3. If I don’t study c. will you send me a

1. 3. tonight, text message?

4. What will you d. it will be easier to

do carry.

Useful language
2. 4.
5. Circle the correct answers.
2. Circle the correct words. 1. A: This is a great new video game.
1. How often do you scroll up / back up your B: How does it work / need / do?
2. A: What / How / Who do I send an email
2. If you zoom in / sign into, you can see my from my phone?
house on the map.
B: First, sign into your email account.
3. Will you please turn on / shut down my
3. A: Can you help me download this app?
computer when you’re done with it?
B: Sure. First, you need to / click on /
4. Click on / Zoom out that link to see the
will to go to the app store.
photos I posted.
4. A: How do I shut down my tablet?
Grammar B: All you like to / don’t have to /
3. Write sentences about the future with will or have to do is hold that button down for a
won’t and the word in parentheses. few seconds.
1. Everyone works at home. (probably)
Everyone will probably work at home.
2. People have robots in their houses. (perhaps)

3. Students don’t use flash drives. (definitely)

4. We go to the moon for vacation. (maybe)

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ talk about computers and technology. ■ ask for and give instructions.
■ make predictions about the future. ■ write an opinion paragraph.
■ talk about how to use technology. ■ talk about how I watch TV today and in the future.

7.4 The Secret of the
Pyramids, p. 119

Unit 7 | 73



A School at Home

What are you going

to do when you
finish school?

think this pe rson has to m
1. What de cision do you

Time for an
your life?
s do yo u have to make in
2. W hat decision

a difficult de cision?
have to make
u do when you
3. What do yo

Vocabulary Life events; containers and materials
Grammar be going to and will; present continuous and simple present for future
Listening An eco-project
74 | Unit 8

Vocabulary: Life events

1. Match the pictures (a–j) with the correct words and phrases.

c 1. h be born
a 2. finish school
3. get a job
4. get married
5. get your driver’s
6. go to college
7. go to school
8. have children
f 9. retire
d 10. take a year off


2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. In which order do people usually do the life events in Exercise 1?

First, people are born. Then they go to school. After that . . .

Speaking: About someone’s life

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Tell your partner about a parent’s life or the life
of another relative or adult you know. What do they have in common?

My mother was born in 1967. She went to school in Durango, Mexico. She went
to college at the University of Texas. After college, she got a job at . . .

My Uncle Jim was born in 1967, too. But he went to school in . . .

Workbook, p. 50

Reading Life in the Outback; Farah’s Application Letter; A Summer in Alaska

Conversation Agreeing and disagreeing
Writing An application letter
Unit 8 | 75

Life in the by Lauren Birch

The outback is a large area in the
middle of Australia. Not many people
live there, and most of them are
sheep farmers. Matt Clark lives on a
“sheep station” with his parents and
sister. I interviewed Matt to find out
about life in the outback.

Q Do you work?
Yes. I help my parents on the farm and take care of the sheep.
A It’s very hard, but I love it!
Q Where do you go to school?

A My sister and I go to the “school of the air.” We have classes

with other kids and a teacher on our computer. We can see and
hear each other with web cams. We take quizzes and tests
online, and we also email homework to our teacher.
Q How do you see friends?

A My friends live far away, but we’re lucky because my family has
a small airplane. We fly to the nearest town every month to see
friends and go shopping. My school has special events, too. I’m
going to go to a camp next month!
What are you going to do after you finish school? Will you
Q stay on the farm?
I’m going to study agriculture in college in
A Sydney. But I think I’ll come back here to
live. I was born here, and this is my home. DID YOU
KNOW . . .?
About 60,000
people live in
Reading: An interview about life in the outback the outback, and
there are over 70
1. Look at the photos. Where do you think it is? Would you want to live there? million sheep!

2. Read and listen to the article. Why does the reporter interview Matt?
a. to find out about an unusual school
b. to find out about life on a sheep farm
c. to find out about his college plans

3. Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1. Most Australians live in the center of Australia.
2. Matt works with his parents.
3. Matt flies in a plane to get to school.
4. Matt’s friends don’t live near his sheep station.
5. Matt’s family goes to a town every week.
6. Matt plans to leave his home and return in the future.

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Answer the questions.

1. How is Matt’s life different from your life?
Matt’s life is different from mine because he has to work, and . . .

2. What do you think are the positive and negative things about life in the outback?

One positive thing is . . .

76 | Unit 8

Grammar: be going to and will

5. Complete the chart.

Use be going to to talk about plans in the future.

Use will to talk about predictions and unplanned decisions.
8.03 Say it RIGHT!
be going to will
The i in will is a short i (/ɪ/), and the
Wh- questions and answers e in we’ll is a long e (/e/). However, in
What are you going to do? Where will he live? speaking, will and we’ll often sound
alike. They both can sound like /wɪl/.
I’m study agriculture. He’ll live in the outback.
Listen to the sentences.
I’m not going to study history. He live in Sydney. I will get married to Tom next year.
We’ll get married in May.
Yes/No questions and answers
Ask and answer the questions
Is he going to study history? you stay here? in Exercise 6 with a partner. Pay
attention to the pronunciation of
Yes, he . / No, he isn’t. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. will and we’ll.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 113

6. Match the questions with the answers.

1. e Will Sheila retire next year? a. No, they’re not.
2. When are you going to go to college? b. Yes, she is.
3. Will you get your driver’s licenses in June? c. I’m going to start in September.
4. Are Tom and Rita getting married next month? d. We’ll be done in a year.
5. When will you finish school? e. Yes, she will.
6. Is Lily going to have children? f. No, we won’t. We’ll get them in July.

7. Complete the conversation with the correct form of be going to for future plans or
will for predictions and unplanned decisions.
Mom: I’m worried about Neil.
Dad: Why? What’s the problem?
Mom: He says he 1 is going to get (get) an after-school job.
Dad: That 2 (be) really difficult! 3 he
(stop) playing soccer?
Mom: No, he 4 (stay) on the team.
Dad: When 5
he (study)?
Mom: I don’t know. I don’t think he should get a job until the summer.
Dad: I agree! Maybe he 6 (change) his mind.
I7 (talk) to him tonight.
Mom: You can try, but he probably 8
(not listen) to you. NOTICE IT
Think, probably, and maybe are
often used with will for predictions
Speaking: Future plans and predictions and unplanned events.
He thinks he’ll live in the outback.
8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. First, tell your partner about what you He probably won’t live in Sydney.
are going to do or not going to do in the future. Then give predictions Maybe they’ll get married next year.
about what you will or won’t do.

I’m going to take a year off when I finish school. I’m not going to start
college right away. I think I’ll go to Brazil. I’ll probably go to the rain forest. Find out about children who
I don’t think I’ll go to Rio . . . . are homeschooled. What are
some subjects they study?
(Workbook, p. 86)


Workbook, p. 51 Unit 8 | 77


Listening: An eco-project
1. Do you know anyone who took a year off after finishing high school?
What did he or she do?

2. Listen to Olivia tell Dan about her sister’s plans for a year off.
What are her sister’s plans?
3. Listen again. Circle the correct answers.
1. Olivia’s sister is going to .
2 a. Costa Rica b. Europe
2. She’s going to .
a. help sea turtles b. pick up trash

3 3. She’ll probably work in .

a. a surf shop b. a restaurant
4. Olivia wants to after she finishes high school.
a. travel in Europe b. work in Paris
5. Dan wants to work before he goes to college.
a. on an eco-project b. at home
Vocabulary: Containers and materials
4. Look at the pictures. Write the phrases next to the correct numbers.
Then listen and check your answers.
a cardboard box a glass bottle a metal can a plastic bottle
5 a cloth bag ✓ a glass jar a paper bag a plastic carton

1. a glass jar 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.

5. Work with a partner. Answer the questions.

1. What things come in the containers in Exercise 4?

7 Peanut butter comes in a glass jar or a plastic jar.

Pasta sauce does, too.

2. Do you recycle containers in your home? What do you recycle?

In my home, we recycle . . .

78 | Unit 8

Grammar: Present continuous and simple present

for future
6. Complete the chart.

As with be going to, use the present continuous to talk about future plans.
Use the simple present to talk about scheduled future events.
Present continuous Simple present
Wh- questions and answers
Why she going there? When she start the project?
She’s taking a year off. She starts next week.
She’s not traveling. She doesn’t start tomorrow.
Yes/No questions and answers
they helping the turtles? Does class start in five minutes?
Yes, they are. / No, they . Yes, it . / No, it doesn’t.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 113

7. Complete the sentences with the present continuous or simple present. Get it RIGHT!
I 1 ’m going (go) to a class at the recycling center next week. The class Use the present continuous, not will,
(be) on Tuesday. It 3
(start) at 10:00 a.m., and it to talk about future arrangements.
I’m going to Italy on July 15.
(end) at 4:00 p.m. My friend Vic 5
(take) the
NOT: I’ll go to Italy on July 15.
class with me. We 6
(not drive) to the recycling center. We
(walk). Two people 8 (teach) how to make chairs
out of recycled cardboard boxes. I 9
(not collect) boxes for the class
because the recycling center 10 (provide) the boxes next week.

8. Correct the mistakes in the underlined words.

1. My roommate and I recycle our metal cans tomorrow.
2. The class started at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.
3. I’m excited because I’ll volunteer at a recycling center next month.
4. We are having a meeting for the eco-project at 11:00 next Tuesday.
5. My sister and I will go to Costa Rica on May 10.

Speaking: Reuse it!

9. YOUR TURN Choose a container from the Vocabulary on page 78,
and think of something you can make out of it. Then plan a class
to teach people how to make the object. Fill out the chart.

Type of container
What you will make
Date of the class
Where the class is
When the class will start
When the class will end

10. Work with a partner. Tell your partner about your class. Your partner asks questions.

In my class, I’m teaching people how to make flower vases out of plastic bottles.

How many vases are you making?

Workbook, pp. 52–53 Unit 8 | 79




Conversation: I’m going to get a degree.

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Check (✓) the
8.06 things they are going to do when they finish school.
be the leader of a country play a sport
buy something study a language
get a driver’s license visit someone
have children volunteer somewhere
marry someone work

2. YOUR TURN What are you going to do when you finish school?
Tell your partner.

3. Listen to Lenny and Katie talking about their plans for when
8.07 they finish school. Complete the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Agreeing and disagreeing

Absolutely! I disagree I suppose you’re right. Maybe, but I think

Katie: I can’t believe we’ll finish school in two years! What are you
going to do then?
Lenny: I’m definitely going to college.
Katie: What are you going to study?
Lenny: I think I’ll study marine biology!
Katie: Wow! That’s going to be difficult.
Lenny: 1
I’ll love the science
classes, so it won’t be too hard. What about you?
Katie: I’m going to take a year off. I want to volunteer at
a recycling center. I think it’s important.
Lenny: 2
Not enough people
care about helping the environment.
Katie: Well, 3 . A lot of people
do things to help the environment.
Lenny: 4

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the

words in purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation
and your own ideas for another.

Your ideas
Finish school in May

Subject to study engineering

Type of classes math

Where to volunteer an animal shelter

Who/What to help animals

80 | Unit 8

To Morton@net.cup.org
From FarahA@net.cup.org
Subject Application letter

Dear Mr. Morton:

I am interested in volunteering at Clinton Hospital this summer. One day, I want to be a doctor and get
a job in a hospital. I’m going to college in the fall, and I’m going to study medicine.
I’d like to help sick people. My mother was sick last year, and she had wonderful doctors. This inspired
me to become a doctor. I want to help people have healthier lives.
For these reasons, I’d like to volunteer at your hospital. I’d work in any area, but I’d rather work with
patients. Thank you for considering me for this volunteer position.
Farah Ajam

Reading to write: An application letter

6. Look at the photo of Farah. What kind of job do you think Writing: Your
she wants in the future? Read the email to check. application letter


When you write an application letter, include this First, think about a volunteer position
information: that interests you. Choose one of
- 1 The position you’re interested in these volunteer opportunities or use
- 2 Your long-term goals your own idea. Take notes.
- 3 Your motivation for wanting the position
- 4 Repeat the position you’re interested in a day-care a park
- 5 Thank the person you’re writing to center a sea turtle
a library program
7. Read Farah’s letter again. What information does she a recycling
include for each step in the Focus on Content box? center
Write the numbers by the sentences.
The position:

want, would like (’d like), would rather (’d rather)
Your long-term goals Your motivation
Use the infinitive form of a verb after want and would like
to talk about things you want in the future.
- He wants to be a scientist. He’d like to work with animals.
Use the base form of a verb after would rather to talk
about a preference.
- I don’t want to work in a hospital. I’d rather work in a
doctor’s office. WRITE
- I’d rather work in a doctor’s office than in a hospital. Write an application letter for the
volunteer opportunity. Use your notes
8. Find examples in Farah’s letter of the expressions in the to help you. Write at least 80 words.
Focus on Language box.
9. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or base form of the verbs. Check your writing. Can you answer
1. Dina and Marcos want (get) married in the spring. “yes” to these questions?
2. I’d rather (use) these cardboard boxes than throw • Is information for each category
them away. from the Focus on Content box in
your letter?
3. Jenny would like (retire) at age 60.
• Do you use want, would like, and
4. We don’t want (go) to college right away.
would rather correctly?
We’d rather (take) a year off first.
5. I’d like (help) people learn about recycling.

Workbook, pp. 54–55 Unit 8 | 81


Do you have summer plans? Are you looking for an interesting experience? Then do something
different and discover Alaska. We organize summer activities for young people. Help others and gain
experience in a possible future career! Here are our three most popular programs.

Work with professional ocean scientists at an aquarium and

wildlife rescue center. You’ll learn about octopuses, sea lions,

and other ocean animals. You’ll learn from the scientists as they
study these animals. Volunteers help with research and animal
rescue, and they teach others about marine life. This is a great
first step to a career in marine biology!

Work in one of the many parks in Alaska. You’ll stay in a cabin right
in the park and use public showers and a dining room near your cabin.

You’ll help keep the park clean, and you’ll learn a lot about Alaska’s wild
animals, like bears and moose. Many volunteers will take park visitors
on hikes and tell them about Alaska’s plants and animals. This is an
excellent experience for people interested in a job in conservation.

Work and live in a local Alaskan community. You can work at a school

and help children with their schoolwork and teach them computer
skills. You’ll even have the chance to start your own program. For
example, you could start a recycling program or an afterschool club.
You’ll teach others, and you’ll also learn about life in the community.
It is a good experience for people interested in a teaching career.

KNOW . . .?
Culture: Volunteer programs in Alaska Some high schools
in the United States,
1. Look at the photos of volunteer activities in Alaska. What do Canada, and other
you see? What do you think the volunteers do for each job? countries require
students to do
2. Read and listen to the article. Match the volunteer programs volunteer work before
in the article (A–C) with the future careers (1–3). they finish school.
1. a conservationist
2. a teacher
3. a marine biologist

3. Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1. Who are the volunteer projects for?
2. Where do park volunteers live?
3. In which program can you start your own project?

4. Which programs involve animals?

5. Which programs involve teaching others?

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Which place would you like
to volunteer? Why? Do you know of any similar projects in Find out about someone who
your city or country? wants to have an adventure.
What are some things she might
do? (Workbook, p. 87)
I’d like to volunteer at a park because I love nature.

In my country, there’s a . . .


82 | Unit 8

Vocabulary 4. Write sentences. Use the present continuous
or simple present.
1. Complete the sentences with the words and
1. we / go / to a restaurant / tonight
finish school get a job
get a driver’s license go to college 2. the volunteer program / start / on June 15
1. My sister is going to in Boston
next year. 3. the recycling center / close / at 10:00 p.m.
2. You have to take a test before you can tonight
and have a car.
3. Amy would like to at a 4. they / get married / in April
computer design company.
4. I’ll in May. Then I’m going to
work during the summer. Useful language
5. Circle the correct answers.
2. Complete the name of each container
and the material it is made from. 1. A: I think it’s a good idea to volunteer
somewhere before college.
B: I suppose you’re . It’s a great
a. right b. true c. false
1. M _ _ _ _ C__ 2. P _ _ _ _ B__ 2. A: That table made of plastic bottles is cool.
B: . I think it’s sort of ugly.
a. I agree b. I disagree c. Absolutely
3. A: People should retire when they’re 60.
3. G _ _ _ _ J__ 4. C _ _ _ _ B__ B: , but I think some people like
to keep working, and that’s OK, too.
Grammar a. I disagree b. Never c. Maybe
3. Circle be going to for future plans or will for 4. A: I think everyone should recycle plastic,
predictions. paper, and glass.
Mark: What 1will you / are you going to do B: !
this summer? a. Absolutely b. Never c. Not now
Jenny: My cousin from Canada 2will / is going to
visit us in June, and we 3will / are going to
go on a trip to the mountains.
Mark: Do you think you’ll go hiking?
Jenny: Yes, we 4will / are.
Mark: That sounds nice. I think it 5will /
is going to be fun.
Jenny: Yeah, I know we 6will / are going to have
a good time.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ identify and talk about life events. ■ agree and disagree with someone.
■ discuss future plans and predictions. ■ write an application letter.
■ talk about future plans and scheduled events. ■ talk about places I’d like to volunteer.

REVIEW UNITS 7–8, Workbook, pp. 56–57 Unit 8 | 83




Danger in Our Food

Have you ever had

an accident?

A Deadly Job

e teen going to
1. What is th
th in k it ’s dange
Do you
th is is exciting?
o you thin
2. Why d
ds do?
y o u o r your frien
vities do
h a t e x c iting acti
3. W

Vocabulary Accident and injury verbs; parts of the body
Grammar Present perfect statements with regular and irregular verbs; present perfect questions;
present perfect vs. simple past
Listening I’m accident-prone.
84 | Unit 9

Vocabulary: Accident and injury verbs 5

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
bang burn cut hurt sprain
break crash fall off slip ✓ trip

1 4

8 10

1. We need to move the computer cord, so I don’t trip over it.

2. Be careful! Don’t your finger with the knife.
3. If you your leg, you’ll have to use crutches.
4. Watch out! You can on the ice.
5. This road is dangerous. Be careful you don’t your car.
6. The stove is hot. Don’t your hand.
7. Always wear a helmet in case you your bike.
8. Look out! You’re going to your head!
9. If you your back, you might need to see a doctor.
10. Put ice on your finger if you it.

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Work with a partner. Where are some common places that the accidents and
injuries in Exercise 1 happen?

People often trip over things at school. Yes, and they trip over things at home, too.

Speaking: It happened to me!

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. When was the last time the accidents and
injuries in Exercise 1 happened to you or someone you know?

I tripped over my dog yesterday! My dad cut his finger last week.

Workbook, p. 58

Reading It’s Hard Being a Teen!; Your Invitation; Beware of the Amazon!
Conversation Reacting to good and bad news
Writing An email to refuse an invitation
Unit 9 | 85

STAY Safe!
It’s H
H rrdd Being a Teen!
Being a teenager can be difficult – and dangerous! The most common injuries for teens are breaking their
bones, banging their heads, and getting cuts and burns. Here are some common ways these injuries happen.

Bicycle Accidents Car Crashes Kitchen Accidents Sports Injuries

Many teens fall off their Teens have had more car It’s easy to cut a finger with Exercise is good for you, but it
bikes. This can cause minor crashes than any other age a knife. However, burns are can also be dangerous. Many
or serious injuries. Many group. One problem is texting. the most common kitchen teens get injuries when they
bicycle injuries have happened In the United States, over injury. People have burned play sports. Injuries in winter
when teens weren’t wearing 30 percent of teens have themselves on the stove or sports, like snowboarding and
helmets. If you ride a bike, texted while driving. This with hot liquids when they skiing, are very common. In
always wear a helmet! causes many accidents. Don’t weren’t careful. Teens need to the past, most snowboarding
text and drive! And always be careful in the kitchen! injuries have happened to
wear a seatbelt! people under 30. If you play
sports, you’ll
want to wear

So, be careful and be safe . . . on the street, at home, and on the soccer field!

Reading: Common teen injuries and accidents

DID YOU 1. Work with a partner. Look at the title, subtitles, and photos. What do you think
KNOW . . .? the article is about?
The younger you
are, the faster 2. Read and listen to the article. Where do teens often get hurt?
you heal! Children
and teens recover 3. Read the article again. Check the common injuries and
from injuries accidents for teens.
more quickly
than adults. Common injuries Common accidents

spraining their hands crashing a car

Many accident head injuries falling off a bike
and injury words
are both nouns cuts falling down the stairs
and verbs.
I burned my finger. hurting their backs getting hurt playing a sport
It was a bad burn.
broken bones burning their hands on a stove

burns tripping over something

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Can you think of other common injuries and
Many people bang their heads.

86 | Unit 9

Grammar: Present perfect statements with regular

and irregular verbs
5. Complete the chart.

Use the present perfect to talk about experiences that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
Use has/have + the past participle to form the present perfect.
Affirmative statements Negative statements
Liv has slipped on the ice many times. Kyle burned his hand in years.
Regular Most snowboard injuries Eva’s never burned her hand.
verbs happened to people under 30. They haven’t crashed a car before.
I’ve crashed a car.
Martin broken his arm twice. Julia hasn’t cut her finger before.
Teens have had more crashes than any Teens worn helmets.
other age group. We’ve never seen an accident.
Contractions has = ’s = ’ve

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 114

6. Complete the sentences with the present perfect. The verbs in blue are irregular.
Check the correct forms of these verbs on p. 121.
1. I ’ve broken (broke) my arm before.
2. My parents (travel) to many countries.
3. I (sing) in a band for five years.
4. I (slip) and (fall) on the ice before.
5. My best friend (write) a blog since July.
6. My cousins (live) in Mexico since 2012.
7. My brother (trip) over our cat many times.
8. I (take) a safety class before.
Spell it RIGHT!
7. Work with a partner. Are the sentences in Exercise 6 true for you?
Past participles For regular verbs:
If not, make them negative. + -ed: bang banged
+ -d: live lived
I’ve broken my arm before. Really? I’ve never broken my arm. -y -i + -ed: study studied
double consonant + -ed: trip tripped
Speaking: True or false? For irregular verbs: See p. 121.
8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Say two true and two false things
you have and haven’t done before. Your partner guesses if they are
true or false. Take turns.
Get it RIGHT!
I’ve eaten snake. Do not put never before the verb.
I think that’s false. It goes between has/have and the
No, it’s true!
past participle in the present perfect.
9. Join another pair. Tell the pair what your partner has and hasn’t done. You have never broken your arm.
NOT: You never have broken your arm.
Dan has eaten snake. He hasn’t flown in a plane. He’s never . . .

Find out about E. coli. What

BE foods can you get E. coli
from? (Workbook, p. 88)


Workbook, p. 59 Unit 9 | 87

Actions and
Listening: I’m accident-prone.
1. Do you and your friends do any dangerous sports or activities? What are they?

2. Listen to Angie and Franco talk about accidents and injuries. Who gets hurt easily?
a. Franco
b. Angie
c. both Franco and Angie

3. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Angie has broken her arm in the past.
2. She has fallen off her bike.
3. She doesn’t wear a helmet when she rides her bike.
4. She fell off a swing when she was a baby.
1. e
5. She slipped in the kitchen once.
6. Franco has broken his arm.

Vocabulary: Parts of the body

4. Match the words (a–i) with the correct parts of the body. Then listen and repeat.
a. an ankle
b. an elbow
c. a foot
3. 9. d. a knee
✓ e. a neck
5. 4. f. a shoulder
g. a stomach
h. toes
i. a wrist

5. What other parts of the body do you know? Make a list.

eyes, a head, fingers . . .

6. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Tell your partner NOTICE IT

what parts of the body you’ve injured. Use these The plural of foot is feet.
verbs and your own ideas.
break burn cut hurt sprain

I’ve broken my wrist, and I’ve sprained my knee.

I’ve also burned my fingers.
88 | Unit 9

Grammar: Present perfect questions; present perfect

vs. simple past
7. Complete the chart.

Use the present perfect to ask questions about experiences that happened
at an indefinite time in the past. Ever is often used in Yes/No questions.
Yes/No questions Wh- questions
Have you ever broken an arm? What bones you broken?
Yes, I . / No, I haven’t. My wrist, my arm, and my leg.
she ever fallen off her bike? Why has she had accidents?
Yes, she has. / No, she . Because she’s clumsy.
Remember: Use the simple past, not the present perfect, for experiences
that happened at a definite time in the past.
Have you ever fallen off your bike? Yes, I have. I fell off my bike yesterday.
What happened the second time? I slipped and fell. I broke my wrist.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 114

8. Write questions with the present perfect. The verbs in blue are irregular.
Check the correct forms of these verbs on p. 121.
1. you / ever / lose / your keys Have you ever lost your keys?
2. your parents / ever / live / in another city
3. your / best friend / fall off / a bike
4. you / ever / slip on something
5. what bones / you / break
6. where / your teacher / travel

9. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 8.

Have you ever lost your keys?

Yes, I have.

10. Circle the correct words.

1. It’s stopped / It stopped raining. Let’s ride our bikes.
9.05 Say it RIGHT!
2. I’ve never tried / I didn’t try snowboarding. I’d love to do that. In Wh- questions, have often sounds
like /əv/. Listen to the questions.
3. My mom has read / read a good book last week.
Where have you been?
4. When have you hurt / did you hurt your foot? What have you seen?
5. My brother has banged / banged his knee a lot. He’s accident-prone. Pay attention to the way you
pronounce have in Exercise 11.
Speaking: Have you ever . . . ?
11. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions in the present perfect.
Use the phrases from the box or your own ideas. Add additional information in the
simple past.
climb a mountain have a pet try an adventure sport try Mexican food

Have you ever tried an adventure sport?

Yes, I have.
What sport have you tried?

I went globe riding two years ago. I loved it!

Workbook, pp. 60–61 Unit 9 | 89




Conversation: Good news, bad news

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. Check the accidents and
injuries they’ve had.
broken an arm cut a foot fell out of a tree tripped over a
broken a leg cut a hand sprained a wrist skateboard
burned a hand fell off a bike sprained an ankle

2. YOUR TURN Have you ever had an accident? Tell your partner.

3. Holly is telling Theo some news. Listen and complete the conversation.

3. IN_SA
USEFUL Aut tionem
LANGUAGE: vendit modi
Reacting voloren
to good dignihi
and bad newsligentur
I’m sorry to hear that. That’s too bad. That sounds like fun. That’s cool!

Theo: Hi, Holly. How’s it going?

Holly: Well . . . I have good news, and I have bad news.
Theo: What happened?
Holly: I’ll start with the bad news. I fell on a ski trip and sprained my ankle.
Theo: 1
So, what’s the good news?
Holly: I met a new friend at the hospital. She’s really nice.
Theo: 2
But, what happened to her?
Holly: She tripped over some shoes and broke her arm.
Theo: Oh, no! 3
Holly: I know. But we’ve texted each other a lot, and we’re going to the
beach this weekend.
Theo: 4

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change the words
in purple. Use the information in the chart for one conversation and
your own ideas for another.

My ideas
fell off my skateboard at a
First accident competition

First injury cut my leg

Second accident slipped on the stairs

Second injury hurt her knee

Activity seeing a movie

90 | Unit 9

To TedR12@middleschool.cup.org
From garytruss@net.cup.org
Subject Your invitation

Hi Ted,
Thanks for inviting me to the amusement park on Saturday. I’m sorry, but I can’t go
with you. My family is going on a trip with real danger. We’re going to swim with sharks
this weekend! Have you ever done that?
I’ve taken diving classes for two years. I’ve been on a lot of dives, but I’ve never seen
sharks. Actually, it will be safe. We’re going with a diving instructor, and we’ll be in
cages. But it’s still scary! Look at the photo I sent from the diving website.
Again, I’m really sorry. Have a great time! Maybe we can go to the amusement park
together in July.
Your friend,

Reading to write: An email to refuse an invitation

6. Look at the photo. What do you think Gary is going to do?
Read his email to check.
Writing: Your email
Focus on CONTENT
to refuse an invitation
When you refuse an invitation:
- thank the person for the invitation PLAN
- apologize at the beginning of the note Your friend invited you to an event,
- explain why you can’t accept the invitation and you can’t go. Write notes about
- apologize again at the end of the note it with your own ideas.
- suggest another time to do something
The event Weekend
7. Read Gary’s email again. Why can’t he go to the Why you can’t go
amusement park? When does he suggest going Another time you
to the amusement park with Ted? could go

Focus on LANGUAGE Write your email. Use your notes to
You can use these phrases to refuse an invitation.
help you. Write at least 80 words.
To thank someone:
Thanks for inviting me to . . .
Thank you for the invitation to . . .
To apologize and refuse: Check your writing. Can you answer
I’m sorry, but I . . . I’d love to come, but . . . “yes” to these questions?
Sorry, but I’m busy . . . I’m really sorry. • Is information for each category
To suggest another time: from the Focus on Content box in
Could we go . . . ? Maybe we can . . . your email?
How about another time?
• Do you use expressions from the
Focus on Language box correctly?
8. Which phrases in the Focus on Language box does Gary
use in his email?

9. Circle the correct words.

Thanks / Sorry for the invitation to your pool party. 2Maybe we can / I’d love to
come, but I broke my leg last week. I can’t get my cast wet, and the doctor said I
have to stay off my leg for several weeks.
I’m really 3busy / sorry. I hope you have a great birthday and party. 4How about /
Thanks for another time? 5Sorry / Maybe I can come over and swim in a few months.
Workbook, pp. 62–63 Unit 9 | 91

beware of the Millions of people have visited the Amazon rain forest, and more will

AMAZON! visit in the future. They have seen tiny insects, beautiful birds, and
playful monkeys. But some Amazon animals are very dangerous!

HOME Virtual Tour About Us Contact Us FAQs

BRAZILIAN WANDERING SPIDERS As you can tell from the name, ANACONDAS aren’t
aren’t very big, but they are very POISON DART FROGS are also small. They’re very
dangerous! Some say they are poisonous. They don’t bite, big snakes, and
the most poisonous spiders in but these cute and colorful they never stop
the world! frogs have poisonous skin. growing. People have
Don’t let this Their bright colors tell other seen anacondas up to
scary creature animals, “Watch out! I’m 6.5 meters long. They
bite your hands poisonous. Don’t eat me!” aren’t poisonous, but they
or feet. The golden poison dart are definitely dangerous.
frog is only about five They squeeze animals
centimeters long, but its and then eat them whole!
skin has enough poison People have found birds, pigs,
to kill 10 people! and jaguars in their stomachs!

JAGUARS are big So, who would win

and beautiful cats, a fight between an
and they can kill. anaconda and a
They are the third jaguar? Either animal
biggest cat in the could win. But it’s the
world, after lions and tiny MOSQUITO that
tigers. They eat more is the most dangerous
than 80 different animal in the rain
kinds of animals. forest. You can become
They’ve even eaten very sick or even die
anacondas! from a mosquito bite.

Watch out for these dangerous Amazon animals - big and small!

Culture: Dangerous rain forest animals

1. Look at the title and the photos. How do you think these
animals are similar? How are they different?

2. Read and listen to the article. Which Amazon animals are

small? Which ones are big?
KNOW . . .?
Some people
3. Read the article again. Answer the questions. in the Amazon
use the poison
1. Which animals are poisonous? from the poison
dart frog’s skin in
2. Why is the poison dart frog’s skin colorful?
blow darts. They
use the darts to
3. What are some animals that anacondas have eaten? hunt and kill other

4. Which cats are bigger than jaguars?

5. Which animal is the most dangerous?
Find out about some animals
BE in Australia. Which ones are
dangerous? (Workbook, p. 89)
4. Work with a partner. What are some dangerous
animals in your country? What do you know about them?
Have you or has someone you know ever had an experience
with a dangerous animal?
92 | Unit 9

Vocabulary 2. Jake / not burn / his arm

1. Match the warnings with the situations.

1. The floor is wet. a. Don’t fall off your
bike. 3. we / not fall / off our bikes
2. That box is heavy.
b. Don’t bang your head.
3. The pan is hot.
c. Don’t hurt your back.
4. This knife is very
4. my parents / not crash / their car
sharp. d. Don’t crash your car.
5. That trail has a lot e. Don’t slip!
of rocks on it. f. Don’t cut your finger.
5. you / not hurt / your back
6. There’s a book on g. Don’t trip!
the floor.
h. Don’t burn your hand.
7. The ceiling is low.
4. Complete the conversation with the
8. The road is
present perfect or the simple past.
Jim: 1
you ever (be) scuba diving?
2. Write the name for each part of the body. Lia: No, I 2
. Have you?
Jim: Yes, I 3
.I4 (go) scuba
diving last week.
1. 2. Lia: Cool! 5 you (like) it?
Jim: Yes. I 6 (love) it!
Lia: I7 never (do) any
adventure sports.
3. 4. Jim: Do you want to?
Lia: Not really.

Useful language
5. 6.
5. Circle the correct words.
1. A: I fell off a ladder last week.
B: That sounds like fun. / That’s too bad.
7. 8. Are you OK?
2. A: I’m going to the Amazon rain forest
next month.
B: That’s cool! / That’s too bad!
3. A: My mother slipped and broke her arm.
Grammar B: I’m sorry to hear that. / That’s cool.
3. Write negative sentences two ways. 4. A: My family is going to go hiking this weekend.
1. I / not slip / on ice I haven’t slipped on ice. B: I’m sorry to hear that. / That sounds
I’ve never slipped on ice.
like fun.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ talk about accidents and injuries. ■ react to good and bad news.
■ talk about things I have and haven’t done. ■ write an email to refuse an invitation.
■ ask, answer, and give details about things I’ve done. ■ talk about dangerous animals.

Unit 9 | 93
10 Fun!



A New York City

Food Tour

How do you
celebrate your

Punkin Chunkin!

1. Where are the teens?

An Ancient Answer

2. What are they doing? Are they having fun?

3. What do you do for fun?

Vocabulary Free-time activities; adjectives of feeling
Grammar Indefinite pronouns; too and enough
Listening I’ll never forget . . .
94 | Unit 10

Vocabulary: Free-time activities

1. Label the pictures with the correct phrases.
celebrate your birthday have a party play video games spend time with your family
go to a dance listen to music read books take photos
✓ hang out with friends play an instrument

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. and hang out with friends 8. and

2. Listen, check, and repeat.


3. Work with a partner. Where do you usually do the activities in Exercise 1?

Are there any activities you don’t do?
I listen to music alone in my room. I don’t go to dances.

Speaking: Top 5
4. YOUR TURN Work with a group. What are your top five favorite activities from Exercise 1?
Which one is the most popular with the group?
My top five favorite activities are taking photos, celebrating . . .

Workbook, p. 64

Reading Jodi’s Blog; Your Invitation; April Fool’s!

Conversation Making and responding to suggestions
Writing An invitation
Unit 10 | 95

JODI’S BLOG I want to go somewhere fun this weekend. I’ll go
anywhere in the city or close by. Does anyone have a
good idea? Please post a picture if you have one!


Go to the outdoor community Why don’t you listen to music You could go power kiting in the
swimming pool. It’s a great on Saturday – live music! I’m park. It’s a cool, new sport, and it’s
place to spend time with in a band with my friends, and a lot of fun! I went last weekend,
your family or hang out with we’re playing at Roks Café at and I’ve never done anything like
friends. There’s something for 9:00 p.m. We all play different it before. It’s a combination of
everyone there! You can swim, instruments. I play the drums, my skateboarding and kite flying. It
sit in the sun and read a book, friend Joe plays the piano, and looks hard, but it’s actually pretty
or go to the café for a snack. I Cassandra plays the guitar and easy. The guide helps you with
always have a good time there! sings. Come and listen to us and everything and even takes your
bring someone with you. Hey – if photo while you’re in the air!
anyone knows about future gigs,
we’ll play anywhere!

KNOW . . .?
The world’s
Reading: Weekend plans largest outdoor
swimming pool
1. Work with a partner. Look at the photos. Which activity is in Chile. It’s
looks like the most fun? more than 1 km
long. That’s the
2. Read and listen to the article. What does each person size of 20 Olympic
10.02 swimming pools.
suggest for Jodi?

3. Read the article again. Who does or did these things? Check (✓) the correct names.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Veronica Mike Jason

does an outdoor activity

spends time with his/her family

plays an instrument

does a sport

does an activity with friends

4. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. What fun things can you do on the weekend
in your city or in other areas?

You can go to an amusement park and . . .

96 | Unit 10

Grammar: Indefinite pronouns

5. Complete the chart.

Use indefinite pronouns for people, places, and things that are not specific.
People Places Things
some- somewhere something
every- everyone everywhere
no- no one nowhere nothing
any- anyone anything

Bring someone with you. I want to go somewhere fun. He helps you with everything.
No one has an idea. We’ll play anywhere. I’ve never done anything like it.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 115

6. Replace the underlined words with an indefinite pronoun.

1. I think there’s a person at the door.
2. Where’s Jack? He’s in a room in the house, I think.
3. I’ve looked for my bag in all the places in my room. I can’t find it in any place.
4. There’s no food in the fridge.
5. Ouch! I have a small object in my shoe!
6. There’s not one place to listen to music in this town.

7. Circle the correct words.

Edinburgh, Scotland, is an amazing city. 1 Anyone / Anything could have fun there. It’s the world capital
of festivals. There’s a festival for 2everything / everywhere, and there’s always 3something / somewhere
to do. In the summer, it has the biggest arts festival in the world. There are thousands of events 4everything /
everywhere in the city. Many of the outdoor shows are free. In the winter, the Scottish New Year party is a
three-day festival that 5everything / everyone goes to. 6Nowhere / No one wants to miss it! If you don’t
have 7nothing / anything better to do this summer, go to Edinburgh!

Speaking: Fun in my town Get it RIGHT!

8. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Think of the following Use indefinite pronouns with any-,
things for your town. not no-, in negative sentences.
I didn’t show anyone the photo.
an area where there’s nothing to do NOT: I didn’t show no one the photo.
a place everyone likes to go I didn’t go anywhere on vacation.
NOT: I didn’t go nowhere on vacation.
a place no one likes to go I didn’t do anything with my friends.
a place that sells everything for computers NOT: I didn’t do nothing with my
a place you can buy anything you need friends.

someone famous from your town

something to do on the weekend
Find out about food in New York
somewhere to play sports
City. What is something each
restaurant is famous for?
Clinton Park is somewhere you can play sports. (Workbook, p. 90)

So is City Stadium.


Workbook, p. 65 Unit 10 | 97

Listening: I’ll never forget . . .
1. Have you ever been on an interesting or exciting school trip? What did you do?

2. Listen to three teens talk about school trips. Match the people with the trips.
1. Kate a. an adventure camp
2. Hannah b. a party at a zoo
3. Toby c. a classroom at a museum

3. Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1. got angry at the zoo.
a. Hannah b. A zoo guide c. A monkey
1 2. A monkey threw at a party.
a. food b. a hat c. a chair
3. In the 1900s, girls and boys sat of the classroom.
2 a. together b. alone c. on different sides
4. Hannah didn’t answer .
a. a math problem b. her friend c. a boy’s question
3 5. Toby climbed on his trip.
a. a mountain b. a tree c. a tower

4 Vocabulary: Adjectives of feeling

4. Match the words (a–j) with the correct pictures. Then listen and repeat.

a. afraid/scared c. bored ✓ e. excited g. stressed i. tired

5 b. angry d. embarrassed f. nervous h. surprised j. upset

1. e 3. 5. 7. 9.
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

5. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Look at the adjectives in Exercise 4.

When do you feel this way? Ask and answer questions with your partner.

When are you afraid?

8 I’m afraid when I see a spider! When are you afraid?


98 | Unit 10

Grammar: too and enough

6. Complete the chart.

Use too + adjective + infinitive to show something is more than what we want or need.
Use adjective + enough + infinitive to show something is what we want or need. Not
enough shows something is less than we want or need.
too enough
I was too scared answer. I was strong to do it.
They were nervous to try something. The monkey wasn’t big enough reach
the food.

Check your answers: Grammar reference, p. 115

7. Complete the sentences with too + adjective + infinitive.

angry cold ✓ scared stressed tired

1. Yolanda is too scared to watch (watch) the horror movie!

2. I don’t want to go in the water because it’s (swim).
3. We rode bikes all morning. We’re (go) on a hike.
4. You’re (talk) to me now. Call me when you’re calmer.
5. Jeff is (have) fun; he needs to relax.

8. Complete the sentences with (not) enough + the adjectives and verbs.
1. We can’t have a picnic because it’s not warm enough to eat (warm / eat)
2. Lilly is (young / get) into the museum for free. She has to buy
a ticket.
3. I was (tired / fall) asleep on the train. I missed my stop!
4. My sister is (old / drive). Maybe she can take us to the mall.
5. I’m (tall / reach) my suitcase. Can you get it for me, please?

9. Circle the correct words.

1. Don’t go in the ocean. It’s not dangerous enough / too dangerous to swim.
2. I’m going to bed. I’m tired enough / too tired to watch TV.
3. Victor was sick yesterday, but he’s well enough / too well to go to school today.
4. You can’t move that box. You’re not strong enough / too strong.
5. Jan is not embarrassed enough / too embarrassed to sing in the musical.

Speaking: Are you old enough?

10. YOUR TURN Work with a partner. Use these phrases to describe
yourself or someone you know. 10.05 Say it RIGHT!
(not) hungry enough to . . . too embarrassed to . . . The letters gh can be silent or make
the /f/ sound. They make the /f/
(not) old enough to . . . too scared to . . . sound in enough. Listen to the
(not) strong enough to . . . too tired to . . .
/haɪ/ /ɪnʌf/
I’m not old enough to drive. The ladder isn’t high enough to reach
the window.

My little brother’s too scared to go snowboarding. Pay attention to the way you
pronounce enough in Exercise 10.

Workbook, pp. 66–67 Unit 10 | 99




Conversation: Birthday plans

1. REAL TALK Watch or listen to the teenagers. How do, did, or will
they celebrate their birthdays? Number the activities
in the order you hear them.

took an exam has a big party

is going to have a dance party had a pink party
prefers to celebrate at home goes on a trip

2. YOUR TURN How do you celebrate your birthday? Tell your partner.

3. Molly and Paul are talking about birthday plans. Listen and complete
the conversation.

USEFUL LANGUAGE: Making and responding to suggestions

I’d rather That’s a great idea! How about Why don’t we

Molly: What should we do for your birthday?

Paul: I don’t know. I want to have a party and do something fun.
Molly: OK. Who are you inviting?
Paul: My friends and a few people in my family.
Molly: 1
go to the beach? We can
have a picnic.
Paul: 2
do something more exciting.
Molly: OK. Let’s see . . . we could go to the water park.
Paul: Hmm . . . I’ve done that several times before. I want to do
something really different.
Molly: Hey, here’s an idea . . . 3

Paul: 4 Everyone will like that.
Molly: Great. I’ll email the invitations.
Paul: Cool. Thanks.

4. Practice the conversation with a partner.

5. YOUR TURN Repeat the conversation in Exercise 3, but change

the words in purple. Use the information in the chart for one
conversation and your own ideas for another.

My ideas

Who you’re inviting my cousins and my best friend

First suggestion go to the mountains

Activity for first suggestion go horseback riding

Second suggestion ice-skating

Third suggestion miniature golf

100 | Unit 10

To LolaP@net.cup.org
From sara98@net.cup.org
Subject An invitation

Hi Lola,
How were your exams? I’m glad to be done with them. I did well enough to pass, but the
math and history ones were really hard.
Anyway, I’m having a party to celebrate the end of the school year, and I’d like you to come.
It’s on June 23 at Mario’s Restaurant. It’s the one behind the movie theater. We’re meeting
there at 7:00 p.m. We’ll have pizza and listen to live music after dinner.
I invited 20 people. I hope everyone can come! The room is big enough for 25 people, so
you can invite a friend.
On Thursday, I have to tell the restaurant how many people are coming. Please let me know
by then if you can come.
Your friend,

Reading to write: An invitation

6. Look at the photo. What do you think Sara is inviting
Lola to do? Read Sara’s email to check. Writing: Your invitation


When you write an invitation: You are going to invite your friend to a
- give the event fun event. Think of an event and write
- give the reason for the event notes about it.
- give the details of the event
Why When
- ask for a response

7. Read Sara’s email again. What is the event? Why is she The Event
having it? Where and when is it? What activities will
there be?
Where What Activities
You can use referencing words when you don’t want WRITE
to repeat a noun. Write your invitation. Use your notes
Pronouns: to help you. Write at least 80 words.
I bought a guitar, but I haven’t learned to play it.
One/Ones: CHECK
You take great photos. I like the black and white ones. Check your writing. Can you answer
Then: “yes” to these questions?
Joe’s birthday is on Friday. I need to buy him a
gift. I hope I have time to buy something before then. • Is information for each category
There: from the Focus on Content box in
We’re meeting at the ice-skating rink. See you there! your invitation?
• Do you use referencing words
8. What nouns do the underlined referencing words in Sara’s
email refer to?

9. Circle the correct words.

1. I need a new book to read. Can you suggest any good them / ones?
2. I like to hang out with friends at The Get Away Café. Have you been it / there?
3. I have six cousins. I love to spend time with them / then.
4. Here’s an invitation to my party. I’m sorry I didn’t give it / then to you sooner.
Workbook, pp. 68–69 Unit 10 | 101

Be careful! Today is April 1. Don’t listen to your friends
when they say school’s closed for a week. Don’t run
to the window if your brother tells you it’s snowing.
! www.frenglish.ru

And don’t believe everything you see on TV and the Internet.

It’s April Fool’s Day, and you don’t want to be a fool!

April Fool’s Day probably began in the 1500s in France when

New Year’s Day moved from April 1 to January 1. Of course, there wasn’t any TV
or Internet then, so some people didn’t know about this change. People called anyone who
still celebrated New Year’s Day on April 1 a fool.
Playing jokes on April 1 became popular, and in the 1700s, this tradition spread to England, Scotland, and
eventually the United States. Today, people celebrate April Fool’s Day in many countries around the world.
News shows and Internet sites enjoy the fun, too!
A British TV station has made many April Fool’s jokes. In 1957, it showed a program about spaghetti growing on
trees. A lot of people thought it was true and called the station to ask where they could buy the trees. In 1980,
reporters said that Big Ben, the famous clock in London, had a new digital face. Everyone was angry until the
reporters told them it was an April Fool’s joke!
An Internet company is also famous for its April Fool’s Day jokes. In 2014, it advertised a keyboard for cats to
use so they could type on computers. That same year, the company said it was making a “magic hand” – a
robot that types on your cell phone for you. Both inventions were jokes!
Have you ever been foolish enough
to believe an April Fool’s Day joke?

Culture: April Fool’s Day KNOW . . .?
One of the first
1. Look at the photos. What do you see? Which ones do you think April Fool’s Day
are pictures of real things? jokes was to send
people to parties
2. Read and listen to the article. Which is NOT an April Fool’s Day that weren’t really
joke in the article? happening.
a. A clock gets a digital c. You can smell things
face. on the Internet.
b. You can buy a keyboard d. Spaghetti grows
for your cat. on trees.

3. Read the article again. Choose the correct answers

to the questions.
1. On April Fool’s Day, people .
a. don’t go to b. play jokes on c. have a party
school each other
2. Before the 1500s, New Year’s Day was on .
a. April 1 b. January 1 c. two different days
3. believed the joke about spaghetti growing on trees.
a. Everyone b. No one c. Some people

YOUR TURN Find out about a pumpkin-

4. Work with a partner. Think of two April Fool’s
BE throwing competition. What are
Day jokes to tell people. the rules? (Workbook, p. 91)
We can tell people that monkeys can talk.

Yes. And we can make a video . . .


102 | Unit 10

Vocabulary 4. Julie’s teacher was very because
Julie was late for class again.
1. Label the pictures with the correct phrases.
5. Brett was because he forgot his
celebrate a birthday play video games
grandma’s birthday.
go to a dance read books
listen to music take photos
3. Complete the sentences with the words in
parentheses and -one, -thing, or -where.
1. I like (every) in this store.
I want to buy it all!
2. We didn’t see Ken (any).

2. 3. (every) at the park had fun.

4. There is (no) to eat here.

4. Complete the sentences with enough or too +

adjectives and verbs.
1. I’m (scared / go) into the ocean.
2. We’re not (strong / lift) that box.
3. 4. 3. He felt (sick / go) to school this
4. My brother runs (fast / win)
the race.

Useful language
5. Complete the conversation.
5. 6. How about I’d rather That’s a Why don’t
great idea we
2. Complete the sentences. Shel: What do you want to do today?
angry nervous tired Andy: 1
horseback riding?
embarrassed scared Shel: I don’t think so. 2 do
1. Susan’s really . She went to bed something inside.
late last night. Andy: OK. 3
go to the mall?
2. Tim is of spiders, especially the Shel: 4
! We can shop and then eat
big ones! lunch.

3. Nina is about playing in her first

concert tonight.

PROGRESS CHECK: Now I can . . .

■ talk about free-time activities.
■ talk about weekend plans.
■ describe feelings and situations with too and enough.
■ make and respond to suggestions.
■ write an invitation. 10.4 An Ancient Answer,
■ talk about April Fool’s Day and jokes. p. 120

REVIEW UNITS 9–10, Workbook, pp. 70–71 Unit 10 | 103


Uncover Your Knowledge

UNITS 6–10 Review Game

Tell a te
three se ammate VOCABULARY
how to u ntences about
Use sho se an applianc
uld (not) e.
and mus , have (not),
t (not).

In 30 se
five app conds, name
find in a es you can
with a t a conversatio
eamma n
for and te
offer to . Ask
clean th he
e house lp
What tec
hnology w
have in th ill we
e fu
five predic ture? Make
adverbs o tions. U
f possibil se
as definit ity, such
probably, , certainly,
perhaps. and

In 30 seconds, give five

examples of computers and
communications devices
people use today.

v er satio
con te.
e - p lay a eamma u has
Rol ith a t e of yo hone
w on martp ive
end s g
Pret used a for and to
e r k ow
nev ext. As s on h
to t ruction a text. In
inst send m o
na inu ne
life m te
ev e 10 ,
en Thi
ts. favo nk of yo Have a Make three
Tell ite web ur Pretend you conversation statements
a tea si
how mm te. aren’t familiar with a about your
on th to find te with today’s teammate. Talk future using the
and e In it technology. Ask
use ternet a teammate
about what you first conditional.
tech it. Use will be doing in Use will (not),
no for instructions
verb logy on how to use
five years. Use may (not), or
s. be going to and might (not).
a computer or will.

104 | Units 6–10 Review


Role-play a conversatio
with a teamm ate. For
every suggestion about
something to do, offer a
counter-suggestion. See
how long you can keep
the conversation going.

Role-play with
out five
teammate. Act , and
different fe
e guesses
your teammat e.
the adjectiv
-play a conversa . Take
Role ammate
with a te g each other
turns tell ccident or injury
a s
about an Use expression rry
a d . m o
you h o bad or I’ to
a t’s to
like Th ar that to react
the bad

■ Make teams and choose game

Tell a teammate six
pieces. e-
of your favorite fre
time activities .
■ Put your game pieces on your
Give clues using indefinite
team’s START. pronouns to get your
teammate to name a
person, a place, or a
■ Flip a coin to see who goes first. thing (for example, it’s
something many people
■ Read the first challenge. Can you enjoy watching: this
year it will take place
do it correctly? somewhere fun.)

Yes Continue to the next Play good news/bad

news. Tell a teammate
challenge. something good or ba
that happened. Your
teammate has to res
No Lose your turn. quickly to the news.
how many you can sa
y in
The first team to do all of the Po
two minutes.
challenges wins! pa to a
rts nd
of nam
k ate ns bo e nin
A m tio r dy. e
a m es he
te qu his/ the
How can h a ur t e ve
e , fo bou . Us Ha . ?
a t a ast ion . . ate
you agree or Use the present In 30 teamm ree p est ver m
disagree in a a ke th
continuous to seconds, m
ent s qu u e eam rs.
conversation? ask a teammate name statem he yo ur t swe
Give two about his/her five ways about t and Yo an
examples of o nm e n
future plans. Then someone envir g. Agre
each. use the simple can get hurt. recyclin agree
present to ask Use accident and dis other.
when the events verbs. with ea
will happen.

Units 6–10 Review | 105

Simple present review with be and have, p. 5
Use the simple present of be to identify people and give locations and dates.
Use the simple present of have to talk about possessions, characteristics, and relationships.
be have
Wh- questions and answers
Where am I? Where do I have art class?
You’re in Quito. You’re not in Otavalo. You have art in room 9. You don’t have art in room 10.
Where are you? When do you have art class?
I’m in Otavalo. I’m not in Quito. I have art at 10:00. I don’t have art at 9:00.
How old is he/she/it? What does he/she/it have for dinner?
He’s/She’s/It’s 14. He’s/She’s/It’s not 17. He/She/It has meat. He/She/It doesn’t have fish.
Who are we/they? What do we/they have?
We/They are Maria’s parents. We/They have a computer.
We’re/They’re her grandparents. We/They don’t have a desk.
Yes/No questions and answers
Am I in Quito? Do I have art in room 9?
Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Are you in Otavalo? Do you have art at 10:00?
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Is he/she/it 14? Does he/she/it have meat for dinner?
Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t.
Are we/they Maria’s parents? Do we/they have a computer?
Yes, we/they are. / No, we/they aren’t. Yes, we/they do. / No, we/they don’t.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be or have. Write affirmative
sentences for items with a ✔. Write negative sentences for items with an ✗.
1. We dinner at 6:00 p.m. (✔) 4. You my sister. (✗)
2. Lydia 17 years old. (✔) 5. they at school? (✔)
3. Dan and Lia a music class. (✗) 6. When she lunch? (✔)

whose and possessives, p. 7

Use whose to ask about possession.
Use a name/noun + ’s, a possessive adjective, or a possessive pronoun to show possession.
Whose Possessive ’s or s’
Whose computer is it? / Whose is it? It’s Dad’s computer.
Whose shoes are they? / Whose are they? They’re our grandmother’s shoes.
Whose house is that? / Whose is that? That’s our grandparents’ house. That’s Lois’s house.
Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
It’s my/your/his/her/our/their computer. It’s mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs.
They’re my/your/his/her/our/their shoes. They’re mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs.
That’s my/your/his/her/its/our/their house. That’s mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs.

2. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. This photo is my / mine. 4. Yours / Your phone is small.
2. Who’s / Whose car is that? 5. That house is our / ours.
3. I have Sheila’s / hers pen. 6. Look at their / theirs faces.

106 | Unit 1

Simple present review, p. 15
Use the simple present to talk about routines, habits, and facts.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What movies do you like? I like horror movies. I don’t like musicals.
How often does he/she go to He/She goes to the movies He/She doesn’t go to the
the movies? three times a week. movies on Sundays.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Do you like horror movies? Yes, I/we do. No, I/we don’t.
Does he/she go to the movies? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.
Contractions do not = don’t does not = doesn’t

1. Complete the conversation with the simple present.

Dan: Hey, Jim. 1 Do you work (work) at the movie theater on Elm Street?
Jim: Yes, I 2 .
Dan: 3
it (show) animated movies?
Jim: Yes, it 4
. There is one there now, Super Kid. Why?
Dan: My brother 5 (like) animated movies. Let’s all go see it!
Jim: OK. When?
Dan: On Sunday. My brother 6 (study) in the morning, so let’s go at noon.
Jim: Great. I 7 (not work) on Saturdays.

Verb + infinitive or -ing form (gerund), p. 17

Verb + infinitive Verb + gerund
have, hope, need, plan, want dislike, don’t mind, enjoy, finish
They want to watch a drama. Sheldon dislikes trying new things.
He needs to see who gets voted off Big Brother. Leonard enjoys trying different things.
I plan to go to a movie on Saturday. We don’t mind watching commercials.
Verb + infinitive or -ing form (gerund)
hate, like, love, prefer, start
I like to read comic books. I like reading comic books.
They love to read comic books. They love reading comic books.
She hates to watch reality TV shows. She hates watching reality TV shows.
He prefers to get the news online. He prefers getting the news online.

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the infinitive or gerund
form of the underlined word. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. about documentaries / read / we / like
We like to read about documentaries . OR We like reading about documentaries .
2. work / Denny / at 6:00 / finishes

3. starts / in the afternoon / it / often / rain

4. after school / hopes / watch / her favorite show / Ann

5. movies / watch / on my computer / hate / I

Unit 2 | 107
Present continuous review; simple present vs.
present continuous, p. 25
Use the present continuous to talk about activities that are happening now.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What am I doing? You’re playing soccer. You’re not playing baseball.
What are you doing? I’m writing about my life. I’m not writing about my job.
What is he/she doing? He/She is skating. He/She isn’t running.
What are we/they doing? We/They are watching the fish. We/They aren’t skating.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Am I playing soccer? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are you writing about Dubai? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he/she skating? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.
Are we/they shopping? Yes, we/they are. No, we/they aren’t.
Remember: Use the simple present for facts, habits, and routines.
At night, the water changes color. = routine
Look! The water is changing color. = activity happening now

1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Margot shop / shops / is shopping / are shopping in a sporting goods store
right now.
2. Dan and Eduardo play / plays / is playing / are playing soccer every Saturday.
3. Where do / does / am / are you usually go / goes / going / to go after class?
4. Do / Does / Is / Are she buy / buys / buying / to buy a tablet right now?
5. We eat / eats / am eating / are eating at the food court in the mall now.
6. Do / Does / Is / Are Lexi usually buy / buys / buying / to buy her books online?

Quantifiers, p. 27
Use quantifiers to show the amount of something.
With countable plural nouns With uncountable nouns
How many T-shirts do you have? How much money do you have?
I have some / a lot of / enough T-shirts. I have some / a lot of / enough money.
I don’t have many / any / a lot of / enough I don’t have much / any / a lot of / enough
T-shirts. money.
Are there many / any / a lot of / enough Is there much / any / a lot of / enough
T-shirts in your dresser? money in your bank account?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

2. Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

A: Do you have 1many / any money I can borrow?
B: Yes, I do. How 2many / much money do you need?
A: I need 3any / enough money to buy books for my class.
B: How 4many / much books do you need?
A: I need 5a lot of / much books! About 10.
B: Well, how 6many / much do they cost?
A: I think about $300 in total.
B: Oh, OK. Well, I can’t lend you $300, but I can lend you 7enough / some
money. It’s 8not a lot of / not enough, but I can lend you $100.
A: A: That really helps. Thanks! I can pay you back in two weeks.
108 | Unit 3

Simple past statements review and ago, p. 35
Use simple past statements to describe things in the past and to talk about past events and activities.
Use ago to say how far back in the past something happened or was.
Affirmative statements Negative statements
I/He/She was MVP in 2011. I/He/She wasn’t MVP in 2010.
They/We/You were in Brazil a week ago. They/We/You weren’t in Spain last week.

I/He/She/They/We/You played for Mexico. I/He/She/They/We/You didn’t play for Spain.

I/He/She/They/We/You moved a month ago. I/He/She/They/We/You didn’t move last week.

I/He/She/They/We/You made a solo album I/He/She/They/We/You didn’t make an album

Irregular in 2003. in 2001.
I/He/She/They/We/You got a tablet a year ago. I/He/She/They/We/You didn’t get a laptop.

For regular verbs: + -ed: work worked + -d: live lived

-y -i + -ed: try tried double consonant + -ed: shop shopped
For irregular verbs: See p. 121.

1. Write statements in the simple past.

1. we / win / two medals a year ago We won two medals a year ago.
2. Dennis / grow up / in Guatemala
3. Cassie / be / Player of the Year in 2014
4. my friends / not sing / at the party last night
5. you / be / funny at the party last weekend

Simple past questions review and ago, p. 37

Use simple past questions to ask about past things, events, and activities.
Use ago to ask how far back in the past something happened or was.
Wh- questions and answers Yes/No questions and answers
How was he/she an hour ago? Was he/she happy an hour ago?
He/She was happy. Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she wasn’t.
Where were they/we? Were they/we/you at home?
They/We were at home. Yes, they/we/you were. / No, they/we/you weren’t.
How long ago did I/he/she/it/they/we/you start? Did I/he/she/it/they/we/you start an hour ago?
I/He/She/It/They/We/You started an hour ago. Yes, I/he/she/it/they/we/you did. /
Regular No, I/he/she/it/they/we/you didn’t.
verbs Why did I/he/she/they/we/you carry him? Did I/he/she/they/we/you carry him?
I/He/She/They/We/You carried him because he Yes, I/he/she/they/we/you did. /
was hurt. No, I/he/she/they/we/you didn’t.
What did I/he/she/they/we/you see? Did I/he/she/they/we/you see a fire?
I saw a fire. Yes, I/he/she/they/we/you did. /
No, I/he/she/they/we/you didn’t.
verbs Where did I/he/she/they/we/you put Did I/he/she/they/we/you put the ladder against
the ladder? the house?
I/He/She/They/We/You put it against Yes, I/he/she/they/we/you did. /
the house. No, I/he/she/they/we/you didn’t.

2. Write questions for the answers.

1. A: Where did you go last night? B: I went to a soccer game.
2. A: B: I saw a famous writer at the restaurant.
3. A: B: No, I wasn’t at the concert. I was at home.
4. A: B: Yes, I did. I studied for two hours last night.
5. A: B: I wrote about my aunt because I admire her.
Unit 4 | 109
Past continuous, p. 45
Use the past continuous to talk about activities that were in progress in the past.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
Who was I talking to? You were talking to the butler. You weren’t talking to the maid.
What were you doing? I was talking on the phone. I wasn’t talking to Max.
What was he/she reading? He/She was reading a newspaper. He/She wasn’t reading a book.
What were they/we doing? They/We were playing tennis. They/We weren’t playing soccer.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Was I talking to the teacher? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were you talking to Max? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Was Max reading? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Were they playing tennis? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

1. Complete the questions and answers with the past continuous.

1. A: What you (do) last night at 9:00 p.m.?
B: I (listen) to music, but I (not listen) to it loudly.
2. A: Rosa (watch) a detective show this afternoon?
B: No, she . She (clean) her bedroom.
3. A: they (chasing) their dog at 8:00 a.m.?
B: Yes. They (chase) it in the park, but they
(not run) very fast.
4. A: you (study) for the science test yesterday?
B: Yes, I .I (work) with Jorge.

Simple past vs. past continuous; when and while, p. 47

Use the past continuous for an event that was in progress.
Use the simple past for an event that interrupted the event in progress.
Use when or while with the phrase in the past continuous.
Use when with the phrase in the simple past.
I was studying when I saw red lights in the sky.
(event in progress) (event that interrupts)
While/When I was studying, I saw red lights in the sky.
(event in progress) (event that interrupts)
When it happened, my parents were sleeping.
(event that interrupts) (event in progress)
It happened while/when my parents were sleeping.
(event that interrupts) (event in progress)

2. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Don took / was taking photos when a thief stole / was stealing his camera.
2. The phone rang / was ringing while Britney watched / was watching TV.
3. When the detective entered / was entering the room, the maid cleaned /
was cleaning the house.
4. While I read / was reading about Easter Island, someone knocked /
was knocking on the door.
5. Someone screamed / was screaming loudly when Sara and Maria walked / were
walking their dog.

110 | Unit 5

Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, p. 57
Use comparative adjectives and adverbs to show how two things are different from each other.
Use superlative adjectives and adverbs to compare three or more things.
Comparative Superlative
dark ➔ darker big ➔ bigger dark ➔ the darkest big ➔ the biggest
powerful ➔ more powerful popular ➔ the most popular
Adjectives good ➔ better bad ➔ worse good ➔ the best bad ➔ the worst
The Rio Negro is darker than the The bathroom is the darkest room in the
Rio Solimões. hotel.
fast ➔ faster slowly ➔ more slowly fast ➔ the fastest slowly ➔ the most slowly
far ➔ farther far ➔ the farthest
Adverbs well ➔ better badly ➔ worse well ➔ the best badly ➔ the worst
The Rio Solimões runs more slowly than the The water runs the most slowly in the
Rio Negro. summer.

1. Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative adjectives or adverbs.

1. My bedroom is smaller than (small) my sister’s room.
2. Ramon fits (well) in that chair than his father does.
3. We all eat quickly in my family, but my older brother eats (quickly).
4. We stayed at (bad) hotel in the city.
5. I run (fast) my brother.
6. Scott is (powerful) player on the team.

should (not), (not) have to, must (not), p. 59

Use should (not) for advice and recommendations. Use have to for responsibilities.
Use not have to for things that are not required. Use must for obligation. Use must not for prohibition.
Affirmative Negative
You should wash dark clothes separately. You shouldn’t wash darker clothes with lighter ones.
She should look at the labels. She shouldn’t put it in a sunny room.
You have to choose the temperature first. You don’t have to wash it by hand.
It has to be cool. It doesn’t have to be cold.
You must use cold water. You must not (mustn’t) use hot water.
They must follow the directions. They must not (mustn’t) miss a step.

2. Complete the conversations with should (not), (not) have to, or must (not) and the verb.
1. You in the Hotel Flores. It’s wonderful!
2. Carla in a hotel on her trip. She’s staying with a friend.
3. We in a hotel downtown. It’s really dangerous.

4. I the dishes in the dishwasher before I go out.
5. She her full name on the form. She’s not allowed to use
a nickname.
6. You that information on the Internet. It’s against the law.

Unit 6 | 111
will and won’t for predictions, p. 67
Use will and won’t to predict future events.
Wh- questions Affirmative answers Negative answers
What will my smartphone do in the Perhaps it’ll think like a human. It won’t drive a car.
How will you/I/he/she/it/they/we You/I/He/She/It/They/We will be You/I/He/She/It/They/We won’t be
change? smaller. bigger.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Will my smartphone think like a Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
Will you/I/he/she/it/they/we change? Yes, you/I/he/she/it/they/we will. No, you/I/he/she/it/they/we won’t.
Contractions I will = I’ll you will = you’ll he will = he’ll she will = she’ll it will = it’ll
we will = we’ll they will = they’ll

1. Complete the sentences with will or won’t and the verbs in parentheses.
1. Where you (live) in the future?
2. Computers (be) faster in five years.
3. We (not buy) big phones in the future.
4. Janelle (study) computer science?
5. Most people (not use) keyboards in a few years.

First conditional with will (not), may (not), and might (not), p. 69
Use the first conditional to show results or possible results of future actions.
Use if and the simple present in the main clause, and will (not), may (not), or
might (not) and the base form of a verb in the result clause.
You’ll see all of the choices if you zoom out.
If I make games, they won’t be boring.
If I ask my parents, they might get it for me for my birthday.
I may not get the Ztron 2100 if a new model comes out.
What kind of games will you make if you’re a designer? Action games.
If I beat you, will you do my homework? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

2. Write sentences in the first conditional with the phrases in the box.

Main clause Result

1. I / take / the bus / to school I / might / be / late
2. John / buy / a computer he / will not / get / a tablet
3. you / zoom out you / will / see / the entire town
4. Mia and Sara / share / a computer they / may not / finish / their homework
5. I / back up / my files I / will not / worry


112 | Unit 7

be going to and will, p. 77
Use be going to to talk about plans in the future.
Use will to talk about predictions and unplanned decisions.
be going to will
Wh- questions and answers
What are you/we/they going to do? Where will you/I/he/she/it/we/they live?
I’m/We’re/You’re/They’re going to study I/You/He/She/It/We/They will live in the
agriculture. outback.
He/She/It is not going to study history. I/You/He/She/It/We/They won’t live in
Yes/No questions and answers
Are you/we/they going to go to Sydney?
Yes, I am. / Yes, we/you/they are. Will you/I/he/she/it/we/they stay here?
No, I’m/we’re/you’re/they’re not. Yes, you/I/he/she/it/we/they will.
Is he/she/it going to study history? No, you/I/he/she/it/we/they won’t.
Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t.

1. Write questions for the answers. Use be going to or will.

1. A: (when / you / study)
B: I’m going to study after school.
2. A: (they / get married / in March)
B: Yes, they will.
3. A: (we / drive / to the library)
B: No, we aren’t.
4. A: (where / Lea / go / to college)
B: She’ll go to the University of Chicago.

Present continuous and simple present for future, p. 79

As with be going to, use the present continuous to talk about future plans.
Use the simple present to talk about scheduled future events.
Present continuous Simple present
Wh- questions and answers
What are you/they/we doing next week? What time do I/you/they/we start?
I’m/We’re/You’re/They’re (not) collecting I/We/You/They start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
trash. I/We/You/They don’t start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
Why is he/she going there? When does he/she start the project?
He’s/She’s taking a year off. He/She starts next week.
He’s/She’s not traveling. He/She doesn’t start tomorrow.
Yes/No questions and answers
Are we/you/they helping the turtles? Do I/you/they/we start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow?
Yes, we/you/they are. Yes, I/you/they/we do.
No, we’re/you’re/they’re not. No, I/you/they/we don’t.
Is he/she taking a year off? Does he/she/it start in five minutes?
Yes, he/she is. Yes, he/she/it does.
No, he/she isn’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t.

2. Circle the correct words.

1. John is working / works on an eco-project next summer.
2. Carla and Sammy are making / make jewelry from old metal cans tomorrow.
3. The store is opening / opens at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.
4. Is the class starting / Does the class start at noon on Monday?
Unit 8 | 113
5. Where are they going / do they go tomorrow?
Present perfect statements with regular and irregular verbs, p. 87
Use the present perfect to talk about experiences that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
Use has/have + the past participle to form the present perfect.
Affirmative statements Negative statements
He/She/It has slipped on the ice many times. He/She hasn’t burned his/her hand in years.
Regular Most snowboard injuries have happened to He/She has never burned his/her hand.
verbs people under 30. I/We/They/You haven’t crashed a car before.
I/We/They/You have crashed a car. I/We/They/You have never crashed a car.
He/She/It has broken his/her/its arm twice. He/She hasn’t cut his/her finger before.
I/You/We/They have had more crashes than Teens haven’t worn helmets.
any other age group. I/You/We/They have never seen an accident.
Contractions has = ’s have = ’ve

1. Circle the correct words.

1. Marcy has had / has have three broken bones.
2. Ronaldo has gone / has went on many exciting vacations.
3. We have slip / have slipped on ice in front of our house.
4. I’ve haven’t seen / I’ve never seen an anaconda before.
5. She haven’t burned / hasn’t burned her finger.

Present perfect questions; present perfect vs. simple past, p. 89

Use the present perfect to ask questions about experiences that happened at an indefinite time
in the past. Ever is often used in Yes/No questions.
Yes/No questions Wh- questions
Have I/you/we/they ever broken an arm? What bones have I/you/we/they broken?
Yes, I/you/we/they have. My wrist, my arm, and my leg.
No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
Has he/she ever fallen off his/her bike? Why has he/she/it had accidents?
Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t. Because he/she/it is clumsy.
Remember: Use the simple past, not the present perfect, for experiences that happened
at a definite time in the past.
Have you ever fallen off your bike? Yes, I have. I fell off my bike yesterday.
What happened the second time? I slipped and fell. I broke my wrist.

2. Circle the correct answers.

1. Have you ever off your bike?
a. fall b. fell c. fallen
2. Elsa a poison dart frog at the museum yesterday.
a. saw b. has seen c. has saw
3. you snowboard in the mountains on your trip?
a. Do b. Did c. Have
4. What bones you broken?
a. did b. has c. have
5. Luke his cousins in months.
a. didn’t see b. hasn’t seen c. haven’t seen

114 | Unit 9

Indefinite pronouns, p. 97
Use indefinite pronouns for people, places, and things that are not specific.
People Places Things
someone somewhere something
Bring someone with you. I want to go somewhere fun. I see something in the water.
everyone everywhere everything
I invited everyone in my class. Lilly takes her phone everywhere. He helps you with everything.
no one nowhere nothing
No one has an idea. Jason is nowhere to be found. We have nothing ready for the party.
any- anyone anywhere anything
Does anyone have a good idea? We’ll play anywhere. I’ve never done anything like it.

1. Complete the sentences with some-, every-, no-, or any- + the word in parentheses.
1. I looked (where) in my room for my keys.
2. (one) came to the party because Ted put the wrong date on
the invitation.
3. Kate didn’t say (thing) about the party, so I was really surprised.
4. I have (thing) to do on Saturday, but I can meet you on Sunday.
5. We are (where) near Jeff’s house. How did we get so lost?
6. (one) is at the door, but I don’t know who it is.

too and enough, p. 99

Use too + adjective + infinitive to show something is more than want we want or need.
Use adjective + enough + infinitive to show something is what we want or need.
Not enough shows something is less than we want or need.
too enough
I/He/She was too scared to answer. I/He/She was strong enough to do it.
You/They/We were old enough to know better.
You/They/We were too nervous to try something. I/He/She/It wasn’t big enough to reach the food.
You/They/We weren’t tall enough to get on the ride.

2. Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Vinny is too / enough excited to sleep.
2. Melanie is good too / enough to play on the team.
3. It’s too / enough hot to play outside.
4. My parents aren’t old too / enough to retire.
5. Are you bored too / enough to leave the party?
6. It isn’t too / enough late to see a movie.

Unit 10 | 115

ROBOTS in the Real



1. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

communicate computer create design machine professor teacher

1. A is a higher-level in a university.
2. A is a thinking . It can with other ones.
3. To something is to make or draw plans for it. Next, you it.


2. Watch the video. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Professor Ishiguro is wearing a blue shirt.
2. The robot is wearing a watch.
3. Professor Ishiguro’s first name is Hitoshi.
4. One of the three students is a woman.
5. They sit at a round table.
6. The white robot can run and turn around.

3. Complete the paragraph with the correct words.

color glasses hair move same shy strange think twins

Look at these two men. What looks the 1 ? What looks different? Now
look at their faces and look at their 2
. It’s the same 3
, isn’t it?
And they both have 4
. So what do you 5
? Are they 6
OK, now watch how they 7
. What’s 8
here? This man isn’t
talking. Is he very 9

PROJECT Plan your own robot – what do you want your robot to do? Answer the
questions below. Then draw or make a model of your robot. Show your robot
to the class and tell them about it.
• What three things do you want your robot to do for you?
• Do you think you will enjoy life with a robot? Why or why not?
• What do you think robots will do in the next few years?
• Will robots make life better or worse for people? Why?

116 | CLIL project | Unit 2



1. Amelia Earhart was a famous female pilot from the United States. Label the places
from Amelia’s last flight.
Howland Island Lae, Papua New Guinea North Africa Pacific Ocean South America South Asia

2. Watch the video. Number the sentences in the order that you hear them from 1–6.
a. Next, they went across North Africa and South Asia.
b. She was one of the first female pilots.
c. She traveled with a navigator.
d. We are on the line 157–337. 4.4 AMELIA EARHART: FAMOUS FLYER

e. In 2001, a team looked for clues.

f. But the island was very small and difficult to find.

PROJECT Here are some famous mysteries. Choose the most interesting one and
find out more about it. Write an explanation of what you think happened.

MYSTERY: Sailors found the ship Mary Celeste abandoned with one lifeboat missing
WHEN: December 1872
WHERE: Atlantic Ocean, near Africa
FACTS: Weather was good, plenty of food and water on ship
MYSTERY: Building Stonehenge
WHEN: 3000–2000 BCE
WHERE: The south of England
FACTS: Made from stones weighing 45 tons from 40 kilometers away and stones
weighing almost 4 tons from 390 kilometers away
MYSTERY: The Yeti, a large animal, like an ape
WHEN: First spotted in the 1800s
WHERE: The Himalayas, in Nepal and Tibet
FACTS: Many people believe it exists, but there are no photographs of it.

Unit 4 | CLIL project | 117



Life below the

1. Label the pictures with the correct words.
diver storyteller Tokyo tower Yonaguni

1 2 3 4 5


2. Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the correct conjunctions.
and but so when

1. Not many people live on these islands, it’s quiet and calm.
2. Yonaguni is part of Japan, it has its own language and culture.
3. In the 1980s, he was diving near the island of Yonaguni he found something
4. It had streets, steps, tall towers.

3. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Yonaguni is to the north of Japan.
2. About a hundred people live on Yonaguni.
3. The people here tell old stories to their children.
4. Kihachiro Aratake is a driver.
5. It looked like a large city under the water.
6. Some scientists think the structure was once above the water.

PROJECT Do you know the story of the Lost City of Atlantis? Some
people believe Atlantis was an underwater city, like the
structures around Yonaguni.
Find out more about Atlantis and complete the chart below.
Then compare the stories of Atlantis and Yonaguni and make a
presentation about these two places.

Atlantis Yonaguni
Possible location(s)? off the coast of Japan
When did the city exist? 10,000 years ago
What do people believe
happened to the city?
What do you believe?

118 | CLIL project | Unit 5



Wonders of the
1. Label the pictures with the correct words.
Cairo stone blocks tomb pyramid

1 2 3 4

2. Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the correct numbers.
2 3 8 20 147

a. There are giant pyramids near Cairo. 7.4 THE SECRET OF THE PYRAMIDS

b. million people live in Cairo.

c. People worked for years to build each pyramid.
d. The pyramid of Khufu is meters tall.
e. There are million stone blocks in this pyramid.

3. Circle the correct answers.

1. They are called the pyramids of .
a. Cairo
b. Giza
c. Khufu
2. The builders covered the top of the tallest pyramid with .
a. gold
b. silver
c. paint
3. Each stone block weighs as much as .
a. a small car
b. a large car
c. a bus
4. The pyramids were .
a. homes
b. castles
c. tombs

PROJECT People started building the Seven Wonders of the World more than 4,000
years ago. The only one still standing is the Pyramid of Khufu. What are the
names of the other six Wonders of the World?
Choose one of the Seven Wonders of the World and find out seven interesting
facts about it. Create a poster of your Wonder and present it to your class.

Unit 7 | CLIL project | 119



Inventions from the

1. Look at this picture of a step well. What do you think it does? Label the picture with
the correct words:
arches roof stairs walkway



2. 4.


2. Watch the video. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. In northern India, the monsoon season lasts for six months every year.
2. Step wells are a system for collecting water.
3. People built step wells to collect water when it rained.
4. People still build step wells today.
5. The animals don’t get enough water.

3. How did people build step wells? Number the events in order 1–5.
a. They cut steps into the earth.
b. They made a hole near the tree.
c. They looked for a tall tree.
d. They covered these steps with stones.
e. They made the hole wider at the top.

PROJECT Read the list below. Number the inventions and discoveries from what you think are the
least important (1) to the most important (10).

the wheel clothes

rope houses
musical instruments fire
the boat knives
paint spears

Then imagine selling one of these inventions to your classmate. How will it make his or
her life better? Write three reasons your classmate should buy your invention.

120 | CLIL project | Unit 10


Irregular verbs
Base Verb Simple Past Past Participle Base Verb Simple Past Past Participle
be was, were been lend lent lent

become became become lose lost lost

break broke broken make made made

bring brought brought meet met met

build built built pay paid paid

buy bought bought put put put

catch caught caught read read read

choose chose chosen ride rode ridden

come came come ring rang rung

cut cut cut run ran run

do did done say said said

draw drew drawn see saw seen

drink drank drunk sell sold sold

drive drove driven send sent sent

eat ate eaten shut shut shut

fall fell fallen sing sang sung

feel felt felt sit sat sat

find found found sleep slept slept

fit fit fit speak spoke spoken

fly flew flown spend spent spent

forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood

get got gotten steal stole stolen

give gave given swim swam swum

go went gone take took taken

grow grew grown teach taught taught

hang hung hung tell told told

have had had think thought thought

hear heard heard throw threw thrown

hide hid hidden understand understood understood

hold held held wear wore worn

hurt hurt hurt win won won

keep kept kept withdraw withdrew withdrawn

know knew known write wrote written

leave left left

waiting in the street.
came back out through the window. He passed it to Ray. Ray climbed over the wall and gave it to someone
answer, he stayed in the garden and then climbed through the living room window. He took the painting and
The butler and Ray stole the painting. The butler told Clarissa there was a phone call. When she went to
Answer to p. 44 #4 (Who stole the painting?)

Irregular verbs | 121


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