D&Destiny 2nd Edition - Early Access v1.1

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Dungeons & Destiny 2nd Edition

Early Access v1.1

This is an EARLY ACCESS document. It is NOT for print.

This document is NOT for resale. Permission has NOT been granted for you to copy, print, or distribute
this document.

Dungeons & Destiny and Dungeons & Destiny 2nd Edition are fan works created by Velvet Fang LLC.

Destiny and Destiny 2 © Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie logo are
among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC
and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at

What is Early Access?

Early Access is a peak behind the curtain into the development of a game. It’s when developers share their work in
progress with others, not unlike what you’d see from any other artist sharing early versions of their work. Feel free to
critique what you see! It may be a work in progress, but that doesn’t make it above feedback or commentary.

Feedback Form
Are you liking what you see? Please let us know through the feedback form linked above.

Darkness classes will be released in a separate Early Access document.

Support Dungeons & Destiny

The folks working on this project need your support! The game may be free, but unfortunately the cost of living is
not. Every little bit helps us make this project better and better.

So THANK YOU if you choose to donate! It means the world to us <3

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Table of Contents
Changelog - April 4th, 2024
Structural Changes
None of these changes are meant to adjust the balance of classes. Instead, these changes are to make the system
more presentable or to accommodate other aspects of the game better. If your perception of the game’s balance
changes due to one of the following, please let us know in the feedback form.

● Removed class-level clause on Rally Barricade (all Titans). We’re getting closer to multiclassing making an

● Restructured the early levels of all classes.

○ All classes now get both their melee Power and grenade Power together at 2nd level. The intention is
for players to spend 1st level focusing on learning the system’s weapon mechanics and their class’s
core features, and nothing else. At 2nd level they get both their grenade and melee Powers at the
same time, so players can spend that level focusing on learning the system’s Power mechanics.
○ Any feature that moved level not because of this is indicated in other sections. Reread your whole
class carefully!
○ The only exception to this is the voidwalker class. Because of the core features of this class, we cannot
restructure it in this way.

● Instead of picking any grenade Power at 2nd level, each class automatically learns 2-3 specific grenades.
Classes meant to focus more on casting Powers learn more grenades at 2nd level. The intention is to help
reduce choice-overwhelm, as well as to further emphasize which classes are casting-focused and which
classes are weapon-focused.

○ However, like normal, when your PB increases you can pick any grenade from the appropriate list, if
you want to pick a grenade as your newly learned Power.


We know there are some concerns with accessibility to new players. We’ve long since decided to have a
written section in each class that explicitly states which options to pick if you’re a new player, but because
we’re still in Early Access, we’re a long way off from writing and adding that section to the game.
Hang tight! You’ve basically got one and a half people working on the entire system (+ one artist in
charge of the entire art direction of the final PDF). We will have more new-player focused tools for the full

New Stuff
Things that weren’t there before.

● Added Resting section to Game Terms. Clarified that short rests also end/recover effects normally affected by
a brief rest, and long rests also end/recover effects normally affected by short or brief rests. Also added the
language “at least a [brief/short/long] rest” to features.

● Defined a casting time of 1 attack. I genuinely thought this was inherent to 5e’s core rules, so I didn’t
originally include it in this document. Whoops!

● Added Prone condition, and stipulated that being Prone means you can’t cast Powers that required you to be

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Error Fixes and Rewording
Hey, I’m only human. Sometimes I copy-paste the wrong feature somewhere, or I type so fast I accidentally a word.
These changes are to address such issues, or they’re an attempt to make the intended function of something more
obvious. Your perception of the system’s balance or mechanics may change because of them.

● Changed “subclass” terminology back to “archetype.” It was always called your archetype in D&Destiny 1.0
(you can see it on the 1.0 character sheet). We swapped it to “subclass” in 2E Early Access because
throughout the entirety of 1.0, nobody ever called it by its proper name and people only ever called it a
subclass, lol. But with super Powers now decoupled from archetypes, we’re hoping this will better convey that
you're choosing a particular type of gameplay when you pick your path at 3rd level.

● Various features were reworded, some more than others (we won’t list out every single one). We are trying to
address reader confusion or strengthen the concept of a feature with these changes. Stronger feature
conceptualization gives GMs more confidence for handling all the whacky hijinks players get up to, hijinks that
are usually not explicitly covered by the core rules.

● A number of typos were fixed. Try as I might, there will always be more typos.

● Removed errant mentions of “bound Powers.” This wording was a holdover from a previous version and is no
longer relevant.

● Removed “You must then use your item interaction to pick it up” from Stowing and Wielding Weapons. This is
from an earlier build where it was relevant, but we’ve moved on with our lives now.

● Not really an error, just accounting for the human condition: all shield recharge rolls were always once per
round, but many people did not read the Game Terms section, so they thought only some were once per
round while others were not.
○ In a perfect world everyone would always read the Game Terms section thoroughly, but we get why it
doesn’t happen. We added the “Like normal” text to ALL instances of shield recharge rolls to account
for this. Most mechanics aren’t vitally important enough to need this sort of constant reminder, but
with shield recharge rolls, we felt it was called for.

● Destroy Creature added to Spectral Blades (nightstalker super), Sentinel Shield (defender super),
Cataclysm, Nova Bomb, and Nova Warp (all three voidwalker supers).

● Showman (gunslinger) flavor text properly updated now.

● Added an actual range to Twilight Arsenal. Ha.

● Clarified that Destroy Creature counts as reducing a creature to 0 hit points.

● Renamed stormcaller (Master of Thunder)’s Thunderclap arc option to Boom Burst, to prevent name overlap
with Thunderclap (striker melee Power).

● Pulled in the correct version of all three striker super Powers:

○ Fist of Havoc requires you to spend duration to use its special action, just like other supers. It also
procs a Dex save instead of a Con save.
○ Tectonic Fist only lets you leap up to 5 feet, and its damage was reduced to d6s instead of d10s. No
longer need to hit a ground to use this Power. Recharge value increased by 1 (to 19+).
○ Thundercrash no longer has the bit about being Restrained when you cast it. That came from an
early pre-1.0 build (something written years ago) and I have no idea how it got here.

● Fixed wording errors with Solar and Vortex grenades, bringing them in line with Pulse grenades.

● Well of Radiance (sunsinger super) re-written for clarity.

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● Deadeye and Six-Shooter (gunslinger supers) both now specify that it modifies your weapon of choice for a
duration. This hopefully clarifies the super Power for people not too familiar with the video game.

● Removed use of the ‘action’ game term from the stormcaller’s arc charges feature and your options for
spending arc charges. Enacting an arc charge option is not technically taking a type of action. However, we did
add a clause that you cannot spend arc charges if you are Suppressed.

● Added clarifying text to various features that call for spending a Power charge, but do not invoke the effects of
a traditional Power when you do. The text indicates how to recharge the spent charge when used in these
special ways. It reads something like, “Use a recharge of d8, 7+ to recover a charge spent in this way.”

● Added the Loading property to weapon property list. Functions the same as it did in 1.0, just reworded.

Experimental Changes
What better time to try something new than during early access? One might even argue that’s the whole point of early
These changes might have a severe impact on your perception of classes or the system as a whole, which some
people may find frustrating or difficult to experience. We hope you can keep an open mind and at least try the
changes out once or twice first. Maybe you’ll like them, maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll like some parts of the changes
and not other parts. After you’ve given everything a go, be sure to stop by the feedback form to let us know your
Remember, it’s only a game, and it’s only text. If it turns out most people don’t like a change we make, we can
always change it back; it’s not that difficult.

● Storm Fist and Sunstrike switched to add-on effects.

● Flashbang, Incendiary, and Suppressor grenades now cause the Blinded, Scorched, and Suppressed
conditions (respectively) until the start of your next turn. These grenades also do not include clauses to make
a creature immune to the conditions on a successful save, meaning you or another teammate could cause the
condition on them again.
○ We’ll switch this back to the typical 1 minute/end with immunity setup if this turns out to be too much

● Changed it so you don’t make recharge rolls for ongoing Powers that require concentration. If an ongoing
Power does not require concentration, it does not prevent you from making recharge rolls for it.

● Defenders: When you give a class Extra Attack, you convey to players the default action for that class is to
attack, which isn’t necessarily something we want for defenders. So we swapped out Extra Attack for
Escalation Response, a feature that lets you grant yourself an extra action on your turn. It has a limited
number of uses per long rest (similar to Action Surge from 5e).
○ We’ll probably fiddle with this feature a number of times, adjusting its function until we either a)
decide to go back to Extra Attack, or b) arrive at a form we feel is better for defenders than Extra
Attack. This could take a while.

Balance Changes
These changes are explicitly to address balance issues. Game balance is a very complicated subject that goes well
beyond damage or perceived value. Game balance also needs to take into consideration our design goals for the
system, as well as how something affects player psychology or a GM’s ability to do their job.
Remember, this is Early Access. It’s a work-in-progress.

● Power-crafted weapons (void blades, arc staff, sentinel shield, etc—but not Golden Gun) can now only add
bonus damage for being above 1st Power level once on each of your turns (or once on a turn, for twilight

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● Healing grenade now procs a shield recharge roll instead of a flat recovery. Trying to see if this helps reduce
the pressure to always pick the Healing grenade as a known Power for solar classes.

● Suppressed no longer interacts with a creature’s resistances.

● Axion grenade Power is now Instantaneous.

● Added Weakened condition. It allows you to ignore damage resistances (but not damage immunities) and
grants advantage on damage rolls.

● Dual-wielding continues to be absolutely godawful to work around. You can no longer use a weapon with any
perks as an offhand weapon attack.
○ However, we were able to remove the closed fist unarmed strike specification on features, so there’s

● Closed Fist unarmed strike changed to just an unarmed strike on:

○ Unarmed Strikes description (in Game Terms).
○ Open-hand Techniques, Combination Blow, and Disorienting Blow (Arcstriders).
○ Brawler, Knockout, Unstoppable Fist, Hammerblows, and Impact Conversion (Strikers).

● Lots of features shifted to accommodate Extra Attack moving to the main class at 5th level.

● Expanded default weapon proficiency list and removed the additional weapon proficiencies granted by all

● Weapon Modification moved to 3rd level, and Additional Modification moved to 10th level.

● Deadeye now adds the Loading property to your weapon of choice for the duration.

● Deadeye now adds your Power ability modifier to the bonus damage it grants.
○ Expect all supers to get their damage and effects fully re-balanced in the next Early Access update.

● Six-Shooter adds your Power ability modifier instead of Power level.

● Jack of All Guns moved to Outlaw only (6th level).

● Sharpshooter:
○ Gunslinger’s Trance was renamed to Sharpshooter’s Trance and moved to 3rd level. Also now increases
your critical hit range on the turn you start the effect and affects all attack rolls, not just WoC attack
rolls. Sharpshooter’s Trance no longer ends early when you roll a critical miss.
■ I had to do a lot of rewording on this feature, and while I think I got it reasonably functional
and clear, I don’t know if I like the feature at all anymore. Might experiment with giving

Sharpshooters a completely different feature in future Early Access docs, unless a bunch of
people tell me they like it as-is
○ Over the Horizon moved to 6th level.
○ Keyhole now affects all attack rolls, not just firearm attack rolls.
○ Grim Reaper grants increases your critical hit range on the turn you begin Sharpshooter’s Trance by 2,
instead of only by 1.

● Outlaw:
○ Roadborn Tenacity’s saving throw benefit is now marked as a minimum of 1 use, for all you crazy
people who like running gunslingers that dumped Charisma.

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○ Sixth Sense moved to 6th level.
○ Watchful Eye now allows you to use your reaction to cast a class Power or move up to half your speed.

● Showman:
○ Added a new 6th level feature, Shine Bright. Reduces gunslinger melee Power recharge values for you.
○ Removed Fan the Hammer feature and folded it into a new feature, Flaunt and Flair, at 15th level.
○ Removed Makeshift Parry from main pizazz list, shifted to Flaunt and Flair.
○ You may now use Smooth Moves multiple times in a row, spending 1 pizazz per use.

○ Not really a balance change, just wanting to address some feedback: For those of you who want to be
super knife-y like in v1.0, you still can: pick Gambler’s Dagger as your first gunslinger Aspect, Knock
‘Em Down as your second Aspect, and Gambler’s Dodge as your class Power. You can still be knife-y
and also now have pizazz! Or be a knife-y Sharpshooter, or knife-y Outlaw! Not all knife-y gunslingers
are shameless showoffs, so the class is structured to give people more character options for their
stabby mcstabbersons.

● Open-Hand Techniques now allows you to add your damage modifier to offhand unarmed strikes. Might
remove this if it makes players feel a bit too shoe-horned into playing arcstrider as a punchy only class.

● Arc Staff now costs 2 rounds of duration for its special attack action.

● Fast-Acting moved to 5th level.

● Opportunity Strikes can now be invoked even while Aiming.

● Way of the Swift:

○ You’re Mine feature now requires a bonus action to invoke. You don’t need to invoke it at the start of

● Additional Prowess moved to 15th level.

● Critical Eye (Focus action) causes disadvantage on all saving throws until the start of your next turn when you
take it.

● Black Hole overhauled to a Strength save against being Restrained and Weakened.
○ Blood Bound added: when a creature within the void anchor’s area is reduced to 0 hit points, you may
invoke Blood Bound to cause all other creatures to take 1d6 void damage. You may only invoke Blood
Bound once on a turn.

● Gave all strikers heavy armor proficiency.

● Strongest at Your Weakest moved to 18th level.

● Enduring moved to 10th level.

● Spring in Your Step moved to Gladiators only (6th level).

● Knockout (Aspect) only grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls of unarmed strikes.

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○ Not too happy with this; it seems boring. Might experiment with the effects of this Aspect in the

● Engineer:
○ Handy Knack provides a maximum bonus of +2. While we’re fairly certain it wasn’t actually that wild
with no cap (just not enough ability points to go around tbh), we put the cap on to account for the
rare buck-wild rolled stats. The cap is also meant to reduce the pressure to invest a lot into
Intelligence when you’re still casting on Constitution and need Strength or Dexterity for weapons and
armor, too.

● Shield Throw melee Power changed to a ranged Power attack roll.

● Protective Light feature moved to 5th level.

● Generalist (Combat Speciality) changed to affect only simple weapons.

● Ricochet shield action on the Sentinel Shield super Power costs 2 rounds of durations instead of a grenade
Power charge.

● Controlled Demolition (Aspect) now causes the Weakened condition (instead of Suppressed) until the start of
your next turn.

● Invincible (Aspect Power) now marked as requiring concentration, though how it functions has not changed.
This is to prevent stacking with supers or grenades.

● Calling of the Light:

○ Full Stop now procs whenever a creature moves into a space within 5 feet of you. This opens up the
list of weapons you can use for the feature, and gives more opportunities for it to proc.

● Saving throws changed to Intelligence and (Choose Strength or Wisdom).

● Generalist (Combat Speciality) changed to affect only simple weapons.

● Throwing Hammer melee Power range increased to 20/40 ft.

● Hammer of Sol now costs rounds of duration to use its special action.

● Roaring Flames now also affects Power effects.

● Code of the Siegebreaker:

○ Eruption now stipulates, “You cannot gain stacks of Ignited again until you complete at least a short

● Nova Bomb’s lingering vortex reduced to a 5 ft radius sphere. Vortex Mastery (Mark) increases this to 10 ft
(was 15 ft).

● Nova Warp requires you to spend rounds of duration to use its special action.

● Harbinger of Knowledge:
○ Handheld Supernova (Mark) switched to grenade Power charge. Scales per Power level.
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○ Gift of the Void can now benefit a Power you already know.

● Harbinger of Chaos:
○ Sharing is Chaos (Mark) must now be invoked before making your Chaos roll, but a creature can
willingly fail the Charisma save.

● Added the Overwhelming Power feature to Stormtrance.

Upcoming Changes
Stuff we’re working on next!

● Re-balancing all super Power options. Examining the damage, duration costs, recharge rates, and effects of
every super Power. Experimenting with some changes to super Powers.

● Darkness classes. These are highly experimental and will likely go through a lot of changes during Early
Access. Heck, they may not even be exactly what we’re describing here when they launch, because we’re still
looking them over.
○ The three stasis classes (revenant, behemoth, and shadebinder) all use a different form of stasis
shards as their cornerstone class feature.
■ Revenants use stasis shards to maintain Overshields.
■ Behemoths use stasis shards to increase their damage output with Powers.
■ Shadebinders use stasis shards to increase their defenses and Power save DCs.
■ All three classes can use stasis shards to recover spent melee Power charges.
○ The strand classes are more similar to Light classes: each one has a wholly unique cornerstone
■ Theadrunners pluck the strands of life to grant benefits to allies.
■ Berserkers get Infuriated at their targets and just go wild.
■ Broodweavers can maintain up to two auras at a time, with a variety of aura options to choose

● D&Destiny 2nd Edition races.

● Small selection of exotic items.

● 2nd Edition weapon perk options.

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Table of Contents

Game Terms Gunslinger

Conditions The Sharpshooter
Active Camouflage The Outlaw
Aiming The Showman
Empowered Arcstrider
Overshields Way of the Swift
Scorched Way of the Warrior
Suppressed Way of the Storm
Superclass: Risen
Paracausal Powers Nightstalker
Grenade Powers Pathfinder
Arc Grenade Powers
Focus Action Options
Flux Striker
Lightning Juggernaut
Pulse Engineer
Skip Gladiator
Solar Grenade Powers Calling of the Light
Firebolt Calling of the Shield
Fusion Calling of the Sentinel
Incendiary Sunbreaker
Solar Code of the Devastator
Swarm Code of the Forgemaster
Thermite Code of the Siegebreaker
Void Grenade Powers Harbinger of Destruction
Axion Harbinger of Knowledge
Magnetic Harbinger of Chaos
Scatter Marks of the Void
Suppressor Sunsinger
Voidwall Ballad of Flame
Vortex Ballad of Grace
Ballad of Dawn

Master of Lightning
Master of Wind
Master of Thunder
Arc Action Options

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Game Terms
This section covers new game terms specific to D&Destiny 2nd Edition (D&Destiny 2E) classes. If a game term here
shares the same name as a game term from D&Destiny v1.1.7/standard 5e, use only the term as defined here.

Advantage on Damage Rolls

In Dungeons & Destiny 2E, sometimes you might have advantage on a damage roll. This means you completely roll
the damage twice, taking the higher of the two rolls and discarding the lower.

Casting Time: 1 Attack

When a creature would take the Attack action, it may substitute one of the attacks they would normally make with a
Power with a casting time of 1 attack. Because it is a substitution made on the Attack action, a 1 attack Power can
benefit from sources targeting the Attack action. For instance, if you had a feature that granted you a +2 to attack
rolls made with the Attack action on your turn, a Power cast as 1 attack on your turn would qualify for the same

Some features, spells, Powers, and other sources require you to maintain concentration in order to keep them active.
If you lose concentration, the duration of the source ends.
If a source must be maintained with concentration, the fact that it does so will be mentioned, along with the
maximum duration you can concentrate on it.
Normal activity, such as moving and attacking, doesn't interfere with concentration. The following factors can
break concentration:

● Invoking another source that requires concentration. You can't concentrate on two sources at once.

● Taking health point damage. Whenever you take health damage while concentrating, you must make a
Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take,
whichever number is higher. If you take health damage from multiple sources, you make a separate saving
throw for each source of damage.

● Being Incapacitated, Suppressed, or killed. You lose concentration if you are Incapacitated, Suppressed,
or if you die.

● Choosing to end concentration. You may end concentration at any time (no action required).

The GM might also decide that certain environmental phenomena, such as a wave crashing over you or an artillery
cannon firing right next to you, require you to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to maintain

Dual-Wielding Weapons
Agile weapons are relatively small and easy to handle, making them ideal for use when fighting with two weapons. An
Agile weapon can be held in one hand. If you take the Attack action with one Agile weapon, you may then use your
item interaction to make one additional attack with a different Agile weapon you are already wielding in another hand.
This is called making an offhand weapon attack. You do not get to add your ability modifier to the damage of an
offhand weapon attack.
If you have the option to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, all attacks must be made with a single
Agile weapon in order to invoke an offhand weapon attack. Furthermore, you must resolve the Attack action first
before making your offhand weapon attack.
Finally, offhand weapon attacks can never benefit from weapon perks, and a weapon with perks cannot be used
for an offhand weapon attack.

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There are times when you might be able to grant Expertise to an ability check. Expertise allows you to double your
proficiency bonus for the ability check, so long as the ability check can benefit from your proficiency bonus to begin
with. No matter how many sources there are that may grant an ability check Expertise, the effect can only be applied

If you could hypothetically run a straight length of string between one point and another, there is line-of-contact
between the two points. Line-of-contact does not require visual sight. Walls, doors, and other tangible objects break
line-of-contact, but smoke would only break line-of-sight and not line-of-contact. Conversely, a window breaks
line-of-contact but not line-of-sight.
If a trait, feature, Power, or other source requires line-of-sight (“a spot you can see” or “a target within sight,” for
example), it is inherently assumed the source also requires line-of-contact. A source that only requires one and not
the other will mention as much in its description.

Projectile refers to a ranged solid object or tangible mass of energy that is not also described as a beam, wave, or
shockwave. For example, an arrow shot from a combat bow or a nova bomb cast by a voidwalker are both projectiles.
A melee attack from a dagger is not a projectile, but if you threw the dagger, it would then be considered a projectile.
A shot from a trace rifle is not a projectile, because trace rifles have the Energy Weapon property.

Recoil Damage
Recoil is a special type of damage that is usually the result of your own actions. Recoil damage cannot be reduced or
ignored in any way; you must take the damage. However, recoil damage cannot cause you to lose concentration.

Though Risen may come across as demigods to Lightless people, they can’t spend every hour of every day in the
depths of some pit of Darkness, fighting wave after wave of putrid evil. They do need to rest, though how a Guardian
defines a rest is very different from your typical Ghostless adventurer.
The terms below describe the types of rests Guardians perform. Keep in mind that for any non-Risen creature,
including your Ghost, the rules for resting and recovering hit points during the rest are exactly as described by the
core 5th edition rules.

A brief rest is a very short period of downtime that lasts approximately 5 minutes. During a brief rest, you can
perform quick actions such as reloading your firearms or consuming a ration.
Brief rests can be completed while traveling to another location if the travel time is approximately 5 minutes or
longer. So long as you do not engage in combat, a forced march, or other strenuous activity, the travel can be
considered a brief rest.
When a Risen creature completes a brief rest, they recover all their energy shield points, but no health points.

A short rest is a period of downtime that lasts at least 1 hour, during which your character does nothing more
strenuous than eating, drinking, reloading weapons, reading, or any other idle activities.
Effects that end when you complete a brief rest also end when you complete a short rest. If you recover one or
more uses of a feature, trait, or other source when you complete a brief rest, you also recover those uses when you
complete a short rest.

A long rest is an extended period of downtime that lasts for at least 8 hours, during which you may sleep or perform
extended actions, such as fixing broken equipment, spending glimmer to program a new weapon, or standing watch

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for no more than 2 hours. If the rest is interrupted by strenuous activity—combat, 1 hour of walking, or similar
adventuring activity—you must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it.
You cannot benefit from more than one long rest in a 24-hour period.
Effects that end when you complete a brief or short rest also end when you complete a long rest. If you recover
one or more uses of a feature, trait, or other source when you complete a brief or short rest, you also recover those
uses when you complete a long rest.

Shield Recharge Rolls

A shield recharge roll is a measurement of how well you can recover energy shield points with your Power. You only
make a shield recharge roll when a feature, feat, trait, weapon perk, or other source says you may make a shield
recharge roll. Once you make a shield recharge roll from any source, you must wait until the start of your next turn
before you can make any other shield recharge roll again.
Each class has its own shield die (see the class table, or your class’s Hit Point Stats section). When you make a
shield recharge roll, you roll an amount of shield dice equal to your Power level and add your Power modifier to the
total rolled. You recover that many shield points, up to your maximum for shield points. The amount you roll may only
go into your shield point pool, unless the source says otherwise.

Shield Recharge Roll = (1 shield die per Power level) + your Power ability modifier

Stowing And Wielding Weapons

To wield a weapon is to have it in your hands, ready to attack with it. A stowed weapon is a weapon you have
attached to your person, but are not currently wielding. It could be holstered on your hip, slung across your back, or
strapped to your boot. All such situations are universally referred to as the weapon being stowed.
You may use your item interaction to either stow or begin wielding your choice of: a) a single one-handed
weapon; b) a single two-handed weapon; or c) two Agile weapons.
Your Ghost can also store weapons in their digital inventory. This is referred to as compiling (adding to inventory)
or decompiling (bringing back into the physical world). You must spend your item interaction to grab decompiled items
or they drop to the ground after your Ghost finishes materializing them.

Unarmed Strikes
Unarmed strikes may benefit from sources targeting melee weapon attacks.

Weapon Properties
The following weapon properties were modified for D&Destiny 2E.
Energy Weapon. This weapon fires beams, waves, or shockwaves of energy. Shots with it are not considered
Reach. This weapon adds a distance to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your
reach for opportunity attacks with it. The additional distance is indicated in parentheses in the weapon’s property list.
Versatile. This weapon can be used one-handed or two-handed. Increase the weapon’s damage die size by one
when the weapon is used with two hands to make an attack.
Loading. Some weapons take longer to perform their attacks than normal, such as weapons that charge up for
their attacks, or those that must have ammunition loaded into it each time an attack is made with it.
When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to make an attack with a Loading weapon, you can only attack
once, and your attack with the weapon must be the only attack you make using that action, bonus action, or reaction.
For example, you could not invoke the Extra Attack feature if you take a shot with a weapon that has this
property. You also could not make an attack with a Loading weapon as part of the Extra Attack feature if you already
made an attack with another weapon for that action, bonus action, or reaction.

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If a condition here shares the same name as a condition from D&Destiny v1.1.7/standard 5e, use the condition as
defined here.

● A creature under the effects of Active Camouflage is incredibly difficult to see without aid. For the purpose of
hiding, the creature is considered heavily obscured at all times. The creature’s location can still be detected by
any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves.
● Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have advantage.
● The condition ends early if the creature makes an attack roll, deals damage (either flat or rolled), or causes
another creature to make a saving throw.

● A creature may spend 15 feet of movement on their turn to begin this condition on themselves. The condition
lasts until the start of its next turn.
● A creature who is Aiming when they take a shot with a scope-type ranged weapon (i.e. auto rifles, combat
bows, etc) can take that shot normally up to the weapon’s extended range. They can also take a shot against
a target within the weapon’s maximum range, but that attack must always be made with disadvantage.
● Creatures cannot make opportunity attacks while Aiming.

● Whenever a creature casts an arcstrider, striker, or stormcaller Power that spends a Power charge, it gains one
stage of Amplified, to a maximum of 3 stages. Other sources may also grant one or more stages of Amplified
under certain conditions.
● Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet for each stage of Amplified you have, to a maximum of 45.
● The condition lasts until you are Incapacitated or Suppressed, or until you complete at least a brief rest,
whichever happens first.

● A Blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight.
● Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.

● An Empowered creature increases the damage of one successful weapon attack or Power attack roll they
make. The amount is determined by the rank of the Empowered condition: 1d6 (rank 1), 2d6 (rank 2), or 3d6
(rank 3).
● The condition lasts until you complete at least a brief rest, until you are Incapacitated or Suppressed, or until
the bonus damage is applied, whichever happens first.

● Overshields are a special type of additional shield point pool. The maximum amount of Overshields you can
have at a time is equal to 5 times your Power level. If you don’t have a Power level, you cannot gain
● When you take damage, that damage is first applied to your Overshields. Leftover damage from the same
source next goes to your shield points, and if there is still leftover damage, it goes to your health points.
● Overshields always last until spent, until you complete at least a brief rest, or until you are Suppressed,
whichever happens first.

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● A Prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition.
● The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls.
● An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is either within 5 feet of the creature or
Aiming. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.
● Even though a Prone creature may be on the ground, it cannot be considered grounded for the purpose of
casting Powers or invoking effects that require it to be grounded.

● A Scorched creature cannot regain health or shield points, nor can it gain Overshields or temporary hit points.
● It also has disadvantage on ability checks.

● Suppressed creatures cannot make recharge rolls, cast Powers, or cast spells.
● A Suppressed creature always fails concentration checks they make, even to maintain an effect that does not
count as a source of concentration.
● If the Suppressed creature was concentrating when it became Suppressed, it immediately loses concentration.
This includes ending effects that do not count as a source of concentration, but are described as needing to be
maintained as if they were.

● A Weakened creature’s damage resistances are ignored, including resistances granted by an energy shield.
● Damage rolls against a Weakened creature are made with advantage.

Being a Risen creature grants you the ability to control paracausal Powers. All Risen creatures have the Paracausal
Powers feature, described in this section. You also have a superclass (Hunter, Titan, or Warlock) in addition to your
normal class. Your superclass matters with regards to the attunement requirements of some exotic equipment.

Class Overview - The Light

Class Superclass Shield Die Power Ability Score Affinity
Gunslinger Hunter d8 Charisma Solar
Arcstrider Hunter d6 Intelligence Arc
Nightstalker Hunter d10 Wisdom Void
Striker Titan d6 Constitution Arc
Defender Titan d10 Charisma Void
Sunbreaker Titan d12 Intelligence Solar
Voidwalker Warlock d6 Intelligence Void
Sunsinger Warlock d8 Charisma Solar
Stormcaller Warlock d10 Wisdom Arc

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Paracausal Powers
You have Powers, special effects you can cause thanks to the paracausal forces you wield. You have a Power ability
score determined by your class (see Class Overview table). You use your Power ability score when determining your
Power attack modifier or setting the DC for Powers that call for a saving throw. When you are told to make a Power
saving throw, you make a saving throw using your class’s Power ability.

Power Ability: determined by class

Power Attack Modifier: your Power Ability modifier + your proficiency bonus
Power Save DC: 8 + your Power Ability modifier + your proficiency bonus

For instance, if your Power ability is listed as Intelligence, and you have a +3 Intelligence modifier and a +2
proficiency bonus, you calculate your Power stats as:

Power Ability: Intelligence

When told to make a Power saving throw, you make an Intelligence saving throw.
Power Attack Modifier: 3 + 2 = +5
Power Save DC: 8 + 3 + 2 = 13

You have a Power level that increases as your class level increases (see your class table; always the rightmost
column). Your Power level determines the strength of your Powers and potentially other bonuses, as described by your


You have four types of Powers: your melee Power, your grenade Power, your super Power, and your class Power. You
don’t have them all at 1st level, but instead learn and gain Powers as you level up in your class. Your individual class
will describe which Powers you learn and when.
Each Power type has a single Power charge associated with it, which is the resource used to cast your Powers.
You must expend the appropriate charge in order to cast the associated Power. For instance, to cast a melee Power,
you must spend a melee Power charge. If you don’t have a melee Power charge to spend, you cannot cast a melee
Recovering Spent Charges. You recover spent Power charges by succeeding on a recharge roll using the
Power’s recharge die. Each Power’s recharge die and score is listed in its description, such as “d6, 5+.” This means
you roll a d6 when you make a recharge roll for that Power, and you recover one spent charge on a roll of 5 or above.
You make your recharge rolls at the start of your turn. You can make one recharge roll for each Power with an
expended Power charge. For instance, let’s say you’re in a combat and you’ve just expended both your melee and
class Power charges. At the start of your next turn, you can make one melee Power recharge roll and one class Power
recharge roll. You don’t make any other kind of recharge roll because you haven’t expended any other kind of Power
If you were to recover your spent melee Power charge before the start of your next turn, such as by invoking a
class feature or weapon perk, you wouldn’t make a melee Power recharge roll at the start of your next turn because
you’ve already recovered the charge.
Rest Recovery. You automatically recover all spent melee, grenade, and class Power charges when you complete
at least a brief rest. You can only recover spent super Power charges by completing a short or long rest, or by
succeeding on a super Power recharge roll during combat. You cannot make super Power recharge rolls outside of
Recharge Rolls on Concentration Powers. You cannot make recharge rolls for a type of Power if you are
already concentrating on an effect originating from that Power type. For example, if you are concentrating on an
ongoing grenade Power, you cannot make any grenade Power recharge rolls. If the grenade Power does not require
concentration, you can make recharge rolls like normal.

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Some of your Powers may result in creating a temporary paracausal weapon. You must use your Power attack modifier
as the weapon’s attack modifier, your Power modifier as the weapon’s damage modifier, and the weapon’s save DC is
equal to your Power save DC. You may add your Power level to your Power attack modifier and Power save DC for
these weapons, but not to damage.
Though many of your stats with a Power weapon are derived from your Power ability score, Power weapons
function no differently than any other weapon. They come with a number of weapon properties, you resolve attacks
with them as you would with other weapons, and they can benefit from sources that target weapon attacks (such as
the Empowered condition).
However, Power weapons cannot be modified or upgraded, as they are temporary manifestations and always
revert to their original stats as defined by your features when cast. If a Power weapon is an exception to this, it will be
stated as such in its description.


Whenever your proficiency bonus increases by leveling up in a Risen class, you may choose to learn one new Power
from your class’s Power lists (melee, grenade, super, or class). You cannot select a Power that comes from an Aspect.
You may only select one Power total (not one Power from each list).
Regardless of how you learn additional Powers for a given Power type, you do not gain any additional charges for
that Power type. When you cast a Power, you must roll that Power’s recharge die and succeed against its recharge
value to recover the expended Power charge.

Grenade Powers
Grenade powers are listed alphabetically by affinity.

Arc Grenade Powers

Arc grenade Powers can be learned by arcstriders, strikers, and stormcallers beginning at 2nd level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a grenade of arc Light at a hard surface within range, causing three bolts of arc Light strike out from the
impact site. Choose up to three unique creatures within 15 feet of the impact site that do not have half or greater
cover from the grenade. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 arc damage on a failed save,
or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d10
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a grenade packed with arc Light at a hard surface within range, and the grenade detonates on impact. All
targets within 5 feet of the impact site must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets that fail this saving throw take
2d8 explosive arc damage and are Blinded until the start of your next turn, and targets that succeed take half as
much damage and are not Blinded.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d8 for
each Power level you are above 1st.
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Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You channel your Light into a grenade, which you throw at a target you can see within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, and add your Power level to your Power attack modifier for this. The target takes 2d10 explosive arc
damage on a hit. If you miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half this grenade’s
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw an arc-made grenade onto a hard surface within range. The grenade remains in place up to the duration,
and it monitors an active area that consists of a 15-foot cone which must extend perpendicular to the surface the
grenade is stuck to.
Immediately after sticking to its surface, any creatures in the monitored area must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 3d6 arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. For the duration, if a creature ends their
turn within the monitored area, or enters the area for the first time on a turn, they must make the same saving throw
against the damage of this grenade.
Power-Made Device. This grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For this purpose, the
grenade has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or psychic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You throw a ball of arc Light at a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot diameter
sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 arc damage. For the duration, any
creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the same damage.
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 40 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You concentrate your Light into an arc grenade and throw it onto a hard surface within range. On impact the grenade
breaks apart, releasing seeker fragments that occupy a 10-foot line on the ground, originating from the impact site
and going in a direction of your choice. The fragments remain for the duration or until the damage or duration of this
grenade is spent.

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This grenade’s damage comes from a pool of dice (four d6s). At any time, if a creature is within 5 feet of the
seeker fragments, you may choose any number of the seekers to cause damage to the creature. Roll an amount of
d6s equal to the number of seekers being used, and the creature takes explosive arc damage equal to the amount
rolled. Once a seeker deals damage to a creature, the seeker is spent and removed from the dice pool.
At Higher Levels. Add one additional d6 in the dice pool of this grenade for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 15 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a heavy compacted ball of arc Light at a hard surface you can see within range. On impact, a lightning
storm is unleashed. All targets within 10 feet of the impact site must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6
explosive arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade Power at a Power level of 2nd or higher, increase the amount of
damage you roll by 1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Solar Grenade Powers

Solar grenade Powers can be learned by gunslingers, sunbreakers, and sunsingers beginning at 2nd level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a palm-sized ball of solar Light and throw it at a hard surface within range. Three bolts of solar Light lash
out from the impact site. Choose up to three unique creatures that are within 15 feet of the impact site and do not
have half or greater cover from the grenade. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 solar
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its base damage increases by
1d10 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a palm-sized grenade brimming with solar Light, which you throw at a target you can see within range.
Make a ranged Power attack roll, and add your Power level to your attack modifier for this. If you hit, the target takes
2d10 explosive solar damage. If you miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half damage.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a ball of soothing solar Light at a hard surface you can see within range. When the grenade impacts with
the surface it releases its Light, and all creatures within 5 feet may make a shield recharge roll. Like normal,
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whenever a Risen creature makes any shield recharge roll, they must wait until the start of their next turn before they
may do so again.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade Power at a Power level of 2nd or higher, the amount of shield
points restored increases by 1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl a grenade packed with solar Light at a hard surface within range, and upon impact the grenade detonates. All
targets within 5 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets that fail this saving throw take 3d6 explosive
solar damage and are Scorched until the start of your next turn. Targets that succeed take half as much damage and
are not Scorched.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You toss a fist-sized ball of solar Light onto a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot
diameter sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 solar damage. For the
duration, any creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the
same damage.
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 40 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You concentrate your Light into a solar grenade and throw it onto a hard surface within range. On impact the grenade
explodes, releasing a swarm of seeker fragments that hover in a 5-foot cube, with at least one face of the cube
touching the point of impact. The fragments remain for the duration or until the damage of this grenade is spent.
This grenade’s damage comes from a dice pool, which consists of four d6s. Whenever a creature is within 5 feet of
the seekers’ cube, you may choose any number of the seekers to attack that creature and cause damage to it. Roll an
amount of d6s equal to the number of seekers attacking the creature, and the creature takes explosive solar damage
equal to the amount rolled. Once a seeker deals damage to a creature, the seeker is spent and removed from the dice
At Higher Levels. Add one additional d6 to the dice pool of this grenade for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

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You fling a grenade of Light onto a hard surface within range. On impact with the surface, the grenade instantly
creates a burning wall of solar Light that can be up to 20 feet long, 5 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque,
lasts for the duration, and it must travel along the ground.
All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 solar damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a success.
For the duration, any creature that ends their turn within the area, or who enters the area of the wall for the first
time on a turn, must also make the same saving throw.
At Higher Levels. Casting this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher causes its base damage to increase by
1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw or place a solar-crafted grenade onto a hard surface within range. The grenade remains in place up to the
duration or until it detonates, whichever happens first. Until then, it monitors an active area that consists of a 15-foot
cone which must extend perpendicular to the surface the grenade is stuck to.
If a creature other than yourself starts their turn within the active area, or if they enter the active area for the first
time on a turn, the grenade detonates. All targets must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 explosive solar
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
If you attempt to throw this grenade onto a creature, make a ranged Power attack roll (range 10/30). On a hit the
grenade sticks to the creature and immediately detonates, causing the creature to automatically fail their saving
throw. If you miss, the grenade falls to the creature’s feet and immediately detonates without any effect on the saving
throw the creature makes.
Power-Made Device. This grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For this purpose, the
grenade has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or psychic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d10
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Void Grenade Powers

Void grenade Powers can be learned by nightstalkers, defenders, and voidwalkers beginning at 2nd level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You drop a grenade of void Light at a space within range, and the grenade turns into an axion seeker for the duration.
As an axion seeker, it will attempt to detect and then fly toward the nearest creature hostile to you, even if you are
not aware of the creature yourself. If the axion seeker can detect more than one creature hostile to you, you
determine which one the seeker will chase.
The axion seeker is considered to have a truesight range of 40 feet (blind beyond this radius), can fit through
holes big enough for a Tiny construct of Light, and can fly up to 40 feet.
If the axion seeker reaches a hostile creature, it explodes on the creature. The creature must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 3d8 explosive void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
If the axion seeker cannot find a creature hostile to you immediately after being created, it dissipates harmlessly.
At Higher Levels. Increase the amount of damage dice rolled for this Power by 1d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.

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Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You channel your Light into a grenade, which you throw at a target you can see within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, and add your Power level to the roll for this. The target takes 2d10 explosive void damage on a hit. If you
miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half this grenade’s damage.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 40 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Instantaneous

Void Light compacts into a grenade in your hand, and you throw it at a hard surface you can see within range. The
grenade detonates on impact, causing all targets within 5 feet to have to make a Dexterity saving throw. A target that
fails this saving throw takes 3d6 explosive void damage and is knocked Prone. A target that succeeds takes half as
much and is not knocked Prone.
At Higher Levels. Casting this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher causes its base damage to increase by
1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw a void-made grenade onto a hard surface within range. The grenade remains in place up to the duration,
and it monitors an active area that consists of a 15-foot cone which must extend perpendicular to the surface the
grenade is stuck to.
Immediately after sticking to its surface, any creatures in the monitored area must make a Constitution saving
throw, taking 3d6 void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. For the duration, if a creature ends
their turn within the monitored area, or enters the area for the first time on a turn, they must make the same saving
throw against the damage of this grenade.
Power-Made Device. This grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For this purpose, the
grenade has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or psychic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You pitch a fist-sized grenade of void Light at a hard surface within range. Upon impact the grenade detonates. All
creatures within 5 feet must make a Charisma saving throw. A creature that fails this saving throw takes 2d8
explosive void damage and is Suppressed until the start of your next turn. A creature that succeeds takes half as
much damage and is not Suppressed.

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At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d8 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You toss a grenade of void Light onto a hard surface within range. On impact with the surface, the grenade instantly
creates a wall of void Light that can be up to 20 feet long, 5 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque, lasts for
the duration, and it must travel along the ground.
All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 void damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a success.
For the duration, any creature that ends their turn within the area, or who enters the area of the wall for the first
time on a turn, must also make the same saving throw.
At Higher Levels. Casting this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher causes its damage to increase by 1d6
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You throw a ball of void Light at a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot diameter
sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 void damage. For the duration,
any creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the same
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

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As a gunslinger, your superclass is Hunter and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class stats
and features.

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Weapon of Choice, Weaponized Personality 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Gunslinger Styles, Super Power, Weapon Modification 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Extra Attack 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Gunslinger 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 — 3rd
10 +4 Additional Modification 3rd
11 +4 Weaponsmithing Expertise 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 — 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Archetype Feature 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 — 5th
18 +6 Archetype Feature 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Legerdemain 5th


Shield die: d8
Shield recharge roll: (1d8 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 8

Shield points at higher levels: add 5 (or 1d8) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light, medium
Weapons: Daggers, auto rifles, grenade launchers, hand cannons, light machine guns, pulse rifles, scout rifles,
shotguns, sidearms, sniper rifles, and submachine guns
Saving Throws: (Choose Dexterity or Strength) and Charisma

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Toolkits: Weaponsmithing
Skills: One Charisma-based skilled of your choice, and any one other skill of your choice

Power ability score: Charisma
Power level: see gunslinger table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power saving throw: make a Charisma saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Hunter, you are proficient in the Survival skill, and you may take the Disengage action as a bonus action on
your turn.

Weapon of Choice
Even at 1st level, you intuitively recognize the central importance of your relationship to your gun. You study the guns
you use with intensive, loving care, and come to innately understand the individual characteristics and quirks of each
piece. By studying a single firearm with which you are proficient for an uninterrupted period of 1 hour, you come to
know every detail of its workings, feel, and character, developing an almost supernatural familiarity with it. This
firearm then becomes your weapon of choice, and you know all the properties and perks of the weapon if you did not
know them before.
You can only have one weapon of choice at a time. Your weapon of choice cannot have the Payload property. Once
you’ve turned a firearm into your weapon of choice, you cannot be disarmed of that weapon unless you are
Other class features grant additional benefits to your weapon of choice as you gain gunslinger levels.


In order to make an exotic weapon your weapon of choice, you need to study it over a period of one week and train
with it for at least 4 hours a day during this time. At the end of the week, it becomes your weapon of choice.

Your ready familiarity with your weapon of choice allows you to hit the weak points of a target with uncanny precision.
When you deal damage with a shot from your weapon of choice, you may add a bonus to your damage roll equal to
your Power level.

Weaponized Personality
Gunslingers know a well-placed word can do as much damage or win as much acclaim as a well-placed shot. You have
a natural ability to draw on your own personality as a kind of weapon, whether you pull intimidating stony silence,
unassuming roguish charm, or jovial arrogance. Choose a Charisma-based skill you are proficient with to benefit from

Gunslinger Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power

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Range: 20 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw a conjured solar knife onto a hard surface within range. The knife remains in place up to the
duration or until it detonates, whichever happens first. Until then, it monitors an active area that consists of a
5-foot radius originating from itself.
If a creature other than yourself starts their turn within the active area, or if they enter the active area for
the first time on a turn, the knife detonates. All targets in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 2d6 explosive solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
If you attempt to hit a creature with this knife, make a ranged Power attack roll. On a hit the knife sticks
to the creature and immediately detonates, causing the creature to automatically fail their saving throw. If
you miss, the knife immediately detonates within the space of the creature and you resolve this Power
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power’s damage increases by one at 5th level
(3d6), 11th level (4d6), and 17th level (5d6).

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: 30-foot cone
Recharge die and score: d6, 4+
Duration: Instantaneous

You fashion three knives out of your Light and throw them at up to three targets within range. Each knife
deals 1d4 + 1 solar damage to a target. You may not choose the same target multiple times. Each target that
takes damage from a knife is also Scorched until the end of their next turn.
At Higher Levels. The amount of damage each knife deals increases by 1d4 at 5th level (2d4 + 1 per
knife), 11th level (3d4 + 1 per knife), and 17th level (4d4 + 1 per knife).

Casting Time and Type: 1 attack, melee Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You conjure a throwing knife out of your Light and throw it at a target within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, adding your Power level to your attack modifier for this. On a hit that target takes 1d10 + your
Power ability modifier in solar damage.
Precision Throw. You may cast this Power as an action, instead of as an attack. The critical hit range of
this Power increases by an amount equal to your Power level when you do.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power’s damage increases by one at 5th level
(2d10), 11th level (3d10), and again at 17th level (4d10).

Solar Grenade Powers

Also at 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one
grenade Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Incendiary and Tripmine grenade
Powers now. If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the
solar grenade Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
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Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl a grenade packed with solar Light at a hard surface within range, and upon impact the grenade detonates. All
targets within 5 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets that fail this saving throw take 3d6 explosive
solar damage and are Scorched until the start of your next turn. Targets that succeed take half as much damage and
are not Scorched.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw or place a solar-crafted grenade onto a hard surface within range. The grenade remains in place up to the
duration or until it detonates, whichever happens first. Until then, it monitors an active area that consists of a 15-foot
cone which must extend perpendicular to the surface the grenade is stuck to.
If a creature other than yourself starts their turn within the active area, or if they enter the active area for the first
time on a turn, the grenade detonates. All targets must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 explosive solar
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
If you attempt to throw this grenade onto a creature, make a ranged Power attack roll (range 10/30). On a hit the
grenade sticks to the creature and immediately detonates, causing the creature to automatically fail their saving
throw. If you miss, the grenade falls to the creature’s feet and immediately detonates without any effect on the saving
throw the creature makes.
Power-Made Device. This grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For this purpose, the
grenade has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or psychic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d10
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Gunslinger Style
At 3rd level, you settle into a combat style that best suits your tastes as a Gunslinger, and determines how your skills
will develop. Choose the Sharpshooter, the Outlaw, or the Showman style, all detailed at the end of this class
description. The style you choose grants you special features at select levels, as seen in your class table.

Weapon Modification
Even at 3rd level, you have devoted considerable thought to how you might modify your weapon of choice to improve
its performance and suit your needs. Choose one of the following perks to apply to your weapon of choice. Whenever
you choose a new weapon of choice, or whenever you complete a 1-hour study of your weapon of choice, you can
change which perk applies.

You may always choose to deal solar damage with your weapon of choice, instead of its normal damage.

If you roll a 1 or a 2 on any of the damage dice for your weapon of choice, you may roll an additional damage
die and add it to the total. You can only do this once for your damage roll.

You give your weapon the Finesse property. This removes the High Recoil property from it, if present.

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It costs no movement to begin Aiming with your weapon of choice. You can make an opportunity attack with
your weapon of choice even while Aiming.

Gunslinger Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: 60 feet
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create fistfuls of throwing knives out of your Light, then hurl them at three spaces within range. Each
space must consist of a 5-foot cube with at least one face touching a hard surface or creature, and each cube
must have at least one corner touching another.
Every target within 5 feet of a cube must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 + your Power ability
modifier in explosive solar damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Add your Power
level to your Power save DC for this.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You channel your Light into your weapon of choice and turn it into a Deadeye Golden Gun. Until the duration
ends or until you take 3 shots you take with your weapon of choice (whichever happens first), your weapon of
choice is modified in the following ways:
● You may add your Power level to your weapon of choice’s attack modifier.
● You may increase the damage of shots you take with your weapon of choice by an amount equal to
1d8 + your Power ability modifier.
● All damage dealt with a shot from your weapon of choice is now solar damage.
● Your weapon of choice is considered to have the Loading property.

Because your Golden Gun is channeled through your weapon of choice, a shot with your Golden Gun can
benefit from any feature, condition, perk, or other source that would normally target your weapon of choice.
The duration of this Power ends early once you’ve taken your 3 modified shots with your weapon of
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from your
Golden Gun, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The bonus damage this Power grants increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are
beyond 1st.

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Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You channel your Light into your weapon of choice and turn it into a Six-Shooter Golden Gun. Until the
duration ends or until you take 6 shots you take with your weapon of choice (whichever happens first), your
weapon of choice is modified in the following ways:
● You may add your Power level to your weapon of choice’s attack modifier.
● You may increase the damage of each shot you take with your weapon of choice by 1d4 + your Power
ability modifier.
● All damage dealt with a shot from your weapon of choice is now solar damage.

Because your Golden Gun is channeled through your weapon of choice, a shot with your Golden Gun can
benefit from any feature, condition, perk, or other source that would normally target your weapon of choice.
The duration of this Power ends early once you’ve taken your 6 modified shots with your weapon of
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The size of the die you use for the bonus damage the Power grants increases by one
for each Power level you are beyond 1st, to a maximum bonus of 1d12 + your Power ability modifier for each

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and you may make one melee Power recharge roll for each hostile
creature within 10 feet of you. If there are three or more hostile creatures in this range, you automatically
succeed on your first recharge roll from this Power.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

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You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and the following additional effects:
● One weapon you are already holding is reloaded, overcoming the Cumbersome property if present.
● Until the start of your next turn, that same weapon has its critical hit range increased by 1, and its
critical miss range decreased by 1.

Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Aspects of the Gunslinger

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.


Reducing a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from your melee Power allows you to regain one
melee Power charge per creature reduced to 0 in this way, up to your maximum.

You gain a second melee Power charge. When you roll to recharge a melee Power, you only regain one melee
charge on a success.

When you roll initiative, you may also immediately cast your class Power. When you do this, you grant yourself
and all creatures of your choice within 10 feet a +5 to their initiative roll.

You learn the Improvised Explosive class Power, detailed after this Aspect list.

Aspect-based gunslinger class Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, class Power

Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You fashion an improvised bomb out of your solar Light and throw it at a space you can see within range, whereupon
it explodes. All targets within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 explosive solar damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are above 2nd.

Additional Modification
When you reach 10th level, you may apply up to two weapon modification perks (as per the gunslinger feature) to
your weapon of choice, instead of only one. You may not choose the same perk more than once.

Weaponsmithing Expertise
At 11th level, your study of firearms grants you Expertise when you make an ability check with your weaponsmithing
Furthermore, if your weapon of choice ever becomes damaged or destroyed, you can repair or recreate it over the
course of 8 hours, assuming you have adequate materials and glimmer to do so (confer with your Architect).
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Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second gunslinger Aspect.

By 20th level, your long experience handling all kinds of weapons—as well as performing other tricks requiring a
delicate touch or a firm grip—has endowed you with exceptionally skillful hands. Choose either Strength or Dexterity.
Your chosen score increases by 4, and your maximum possible for that score increases to 24.

Gunslinger Styles
For a Gunslinger, it isn’t enough to just draw, aim, and shoot. Even if you do that real well, you have to do it with
style. Your choice of style will shape how you fight and what tricks you can pull off as your proficiency advances.

The Outlaw
Nomad, wanderer, lone wolf—whatever they call you, as an outlaw, you know how to survive on your own, and you
have the skills to see yourself through. You prefer to keep on the move, but like to stop to tell a good story, even if its
truthfulness depends on the credulence of the listeners. One thing is indisputably true, though: you carry a golden
Light in your heart that never lets you down so long as you aim quick and sharp.

Becoming an Outlaw at 3rd level means getting comfortable with life beyond the City. You’ve developed a certain
ruggedness which allows you to pull through in dire situations. If you fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed
instead. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once). You regain all uses
when you complete a long rest.
Furthermore, you may use your Constitution modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, for determining your AC
with medium armor.

At 6th level, your sense of your surroundings has grown uncannily keen. If you are Blinded, but still able to hear,
creatures within 30 feet of you do not gain advantage on their attacks against you. Also, even while Blinded, you can
make attacks with a firearm normally against targets within 30 feet of you.


By the time you’ve reached 6th level, you have handled more guns than you can count, and accordingly know your
way around everything from boot-holstered sidearms to anti-armor heavy sniper rifles. You can add half your
proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any attack roll you make with a firearm that does not already benefit from your
proficiency bonus.

Starting at 15th level, your gunfighting focus has developed into an all-pervasive awareness of your surroundings in a
fight. If a hostile creature moves within 5 feet of you, you may use your reaction to either move up to half your speed,
granting disadvantage to opportunity attacks provoked by your movement, or cast a class Power.

At 18th level, the resolve and focus you learned from your trials results in unswerving aim. You cannot have
disadvantage on an attack roll made with your weapon of choice if the target of the attack is within its effective range.

The Sharpshooter
As a sharpshooter, you live for landing your shots precisely where you call them. You prefer to view the battlefield
through a scope, where your eagle eye can pick out the sweet spots from long range.
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Picking this style at 3rd level means you have developed a feel for zeroing in on the precise point of your aim. On your
turn, you may choose to begin a Sharpshooter’s Trance, an effect which lasts for the next minute. The critical hit
range of all attack rolls you make temporarily increases by 1, and at the start of each of your subsequent turns, it
temporarily increases by 1 again.
The duration of your Sharpshooter’s Trance does not end when you score a critical hit, but scoring a critical hit
does return your critical hit ranges to their normal state. However, the effects of your Sharpshooter’s Trance still
Your attack roll critical hit ranges return to normal when the duration of your Sharpshooter’s Trance ends.
Though your Sharpshooter’s Trance doesn’t count as a source of concentration, you must still make concentration
checks to maintain the duration of the effect as if it were.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Power modifier. You regain all uses when you complete
a long rest.


By the time you reach 6th level, you possess stupendously sharp aim. While you are Aiming with a firearm that has a
medium- or long-range band, taking a shot against a target within the firearm’s maximum range does not force
disadvantage on your attack roll.

At 15th level, you place your shots so well that you could send a bullet up the barrel of the gun your enemy points at
you. If a target is behind anything less than full cover, it gains no benefits from its cover against your attack rolls.

At 18th level, landing chained precision shots is as natural as breathing. When you take a shot with your weapon of
choice while Aiming, you have a bonus +2 to its attack and damage rolls. Furthermore, on the turn you begin your
Sharpshooter’s Trance, it temporarily increases your critical hit range by 2 instead of only by 1.

The Showman
People know Hunters like to show off, but none can do it so well as a Showman gunslinger. You delight in delivering
the unexpected, in turning the tides and making your mistakes just another step in “the plan.” When the pressure is
on, enemies box you in, and ammo runs out, you put on a smile—and then put on a show.

Choosing to develop this style at 3rd level means understanding the best payoffs are those at the end of ridiculous
odds. Whenever you’re in a combat or ability challenge and you make an ability check or weapon attack at
disadvantage, you gain one point of pizazz. You gain no pizazz if the roll is made normally or at advantage.
You can have a maximum amount of pizazz equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You lose all pizazz
when you complete a long rest.
Each option costs 1 pizazz to execute, unless described otherwise.
● Dazzling Entrance. When you enter a room that doesn’t contain any creatures hostile to you, you can spend
pizazz to do so with gusto and style. All creatures in the room must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC =
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or they become Charmed by you. A creature Charmed
by you in this way has disadvantage on noticing anyone or anything else in the room. The condition lasts for
the next 10 minutes or until you act hostile to anyone in the room, whichever happens first.
● Not So Fast. If a creature you can see makes an attack roll against you or a target within 5 feet of you, you
may use your reaction to spend pizazz in an attempt to stop them. Make an attack with a weapon you are
already wielding. On a hit you deal no damage, but you cause their attack roll to miss. You can only take this
pizazz option if the target is within either the reach or effective range of your weapon.
● Ricochet Shot. When you take a shot with a firearm, you can bounce the shot off a stone or metal surface
within the effective range of your firearm. This changes the trajectory of the shot to go in a direction of your
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choice. You may continue to bounce your shot off additional surfaces by spending 1 pizazz per surface, but the
shot cannot travel a total distance greater than the maximum range of the firearm. You must be able to see
the first point of ricochet as well as the final target of the shot, but you do not need to see any points of
ricochet in between.
● Run and Fun. If you use your action to Dash and then move at least 20 feet in a straight line, you may spend
pizazz to make weapon attacks or melee Power attacks during this movement. It costs one pizazz per attack,
though you may not use this pizazz option to make more attacks than you normally could with an Attack
action made on your turn.
● Smooth Moves. You may spend pizazz to prevent the next 5 feet of your movement from provoking reactions
due to movement. You may use this option multiple times on a turn, but you must spend pizazz each time it’s
● Stopping Power. If you hit a Large or smaller creature with an attack from your weapon of choice, you may
spend pizazz to cause that creature to have to succeed on a Strength saving throw against your weapon DC,
or its movement becomes 0 until the end of its next turn.
● The Smolder. If you make a Charisma ability check that benefits from your proficiency bonus, you may
spend pizazz to treat any roll of 9 or less as a roll of 10. You can do this after making your roll, but not before
learning the result.

At 6th level, you’ve come to learn that there’s no better way to show off than to cast your Powers. The recharge value
of gunslinger melee Powers you know is reduced by 1 for you. This includes gunslinger melee Powers you learn in the


When you reach 15th level, you learn three new ways to show off. You gain the following pizazz options.
● Do the Wiggle. If you are subject to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to prevent
yourself from taking damage, you may spend pizazz to make it so you only take half damage if you fail the
saving throw, and no damage if you succeed. You must spend the pizazz before making your saving throw.
● Fan the Hammer. You may spend pizazz and your action to take a shot with your weapon of choice against a
number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see. This point must be within your weapon’s effective
range and you must have enough ammunition in its magazine for each target. Make and resolve a separate
attack for each target, spending 1 pizazz per target chosen. You may choose a target multiple times for this,
but not more than three times. You cannot take this pizazz option with a weapon attack that normally costs an
action to perform.
● Makeshift Parry. If you have a free hand when you are subject to a projectile attack roll from a source you
can perceive, you may spend pizazz and your reaction to grab an object within reach, attempting to block the
attack with that object. Make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, contested by the source’s attack roll. If you
win the contest, the attack misses and the object is destroyed. You must be reasonably strong enough to
move the object, and the object must be of a realistic size to block the attack (confer with your Architect).


By 18th level, you know how you turn any occasion into a show of style and skill. If you roll initiative and have no
pizazz, you immediately gain 2 pizazz.

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As an arcstrider, your superclass is Hunter and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Expert Attack Power Level
1 +2 Closed-Fist Techniques, Expert Attack, Tricks of the Trade 1d6 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1d6 1st
3 +2 Arcstrider Ways, Super Power 2d6 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 2d6 1st
5 +3 Fast-Acting, Opportunity Strikes 2d6 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 3d6 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Arcstrider 3d6 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 3d6 2nd
9 +4 Archetype Feature 4d6 3rd
10 +4 Ability Score Increase 4d6 3rd
11 +4 Field Expert 4d6 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 5d6 3rd
13 +5 Strength in Flexibility 5d6 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 5d6 4th
15 +5 Master Tradesman 6d6 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 6d6 4th
17 +6 Archetype Feature 6d6 5th
18 +6 Evasive 7d6 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 7d6 5th
20 +6 Perfectionist 7d6 5th


Shield die: d6
Shield recharge roll: (1d6 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 6

Shield points at higher levels: add 4 (or 1d6) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light
Weapons: shortswords, glaives, fusion rifles, grenade launchers, hand cannons, linear fusion rifles, scout rifles,
sidearms, submachine guns, and trace rifles
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence

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Skills: One Intelligence-based skilled of your choice, and any two other skills of your choice

Power ability score: Intelligence
Power level: see arcstrider table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power saving throw: make an Intelligence saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Hunter, you are proficient in the Survival skill, and you may take the Disengage action as a bonus action on
your turn.

Open-Hand Techniques
Choosing this class means you are adept in specialized unarmed fighting techniques for close-quarters combat. You
may use your Strength or Dexterity modifier to determine the attack and damage of your unarmed strikes. Like
normal, you must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Unarmed strikes can potentially invoke Expert Attack, if you meet the conditions of the feature. You may also use
an unarmed strike as an offhand weapon attack, and you may add your damage modifier to offhand weapon attacks
made with unarmed strikes.
Finally, you roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes. This damage die increases by one at
5th (1d6), 11th (1d8), and 17th levels (1d10).

Expert Attack
Even at 1st level, you make your strikes carefully, with expert precision. You may invoke this feature to increase the
damage you deal with a successful weapon attack roll by an amount shown in the Expert Attack column of your class
table. You can only do this if you had advantage on the attack roll and the weapon used your Dexterity or Power
modifier to determine its attack and damage rolls.
You can never invoke this feature on weapons that have the Payload property.
You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy is not
Incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Once you invoke this feature, you cannot invoke it again until the start of your next turn.

Tricks of the Trade

Your inclination toward careful practice has made you quite adept in a variety of skills. You also recognize others don’t
so readily grasp how to do things best—but when it comes to whatever is in your wheelhouse, you can show them
how it’s done.
Choose two of your skill proficiencies. These are your Tricks of the Trade, and they can always benefit from
When another creature makes an ability check using either of your Tricks of the Trade, you may use your reaction
to take the Help action at the creature’s benefit. You can only do this if you are able to communicate with the creature
about the task they are performing, and only if you meet the conditions for the Help action like normal.

Arcstrider Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

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Casting Time and Type: add-on effect, melee Power
Reach: —
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

When you hit with an unarmed strike, you may spend a melee Power charge to add 1d10 arc damage to the
hit. If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points in this way, you may make a shield recharge roll. Like
normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start of your next turn before
you may do so again.
At Higher Levels. The amount of arc damage you add with this Power increases as you reach higher
levels. It becomes +2d10 arc damage at 5th level, +3d10 at 11th level, then +4d10 at 17th level.

Casting Time and Type: add-on effect, melee Power
Reach: —
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

When you hit with an unarmed strike, you may spend a melee Power charge to add 1d8 arc damage to the hit.
When you do this, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (which can include the target, but does not need to
include yourself) must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature that fails its saving throw is Incapacitated
until the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. The amount of arc damage you add with this Power increases as you reach higher
levels. It becomes +2d8 at 5th level, +3d8 at 11th level, then +4d8 at 17th level.

Arc Grenade Powers

Also at 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one
grenade Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Flux and Skip grenade Powers now. If
you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the arc grenade
Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You channel your Light into a grenade, which you throw at a target you can see within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, and add your Power level to your Power attack modifier for this. The target takes 2d10 explosive arc
damage on a hit. If you miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half this grenade’s
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 40 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You concentrate your Light into an arc grenade and throw it onto a hard surface within range. On impact the grenade
breaks apart, releasing seeker fragments that occupy a 10-foot line on the ground, originating from the impact site
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and going in a direction of your choice. The fragments remain for the duration or until the damage or duration of this
grenade is spent.
This grenade’s damage comes from a pool of dice (four d6s). At any time, if a creature is within 5 feet of the
seeker fragments, you may choose any number of the seekers to cause damage to the creature. Roll an amount of
d6s equal to the number of seekers being used, and the creature takes explosive arc damage equal to the amount
rolled. Once a seeker deals damage to a creature, the seeker is spent and removed from the dice pool.
At Higher Levels. Add one additional d6 in the dice pool of this grenade for each Power level you are above 1st.

Arcstrider Ways
At 3rd level, you commit yourself to an Arcstrider methodology: the Way of the Warrior, the Way of the Storm, or the
Way of the Swift, all detailed at the end of this class description. The path you choose determines what unique
features you receive as you advance in this class.

Arcstrider Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 17+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Arc blade 1d6 arc 5 ft. One-handed, Power weapon, thrown

You create a blade of arc Light in a free hand, which has the stats and properties shown. While holding this
weapon, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Storm’s Edge. As an action, you may spend 3 rounds of duration to throw your arc blade at a target
within 60 feet. Upon impact you instantly teleport to the blade’s location and all targets within 5 feet must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 + your Power ability modifier in arc damage on a failed save, or
half as much on a success.
You take all carried and worn equipment of your choice with you when you teleport.
If the target is a creature, make a ranged Power attack roll when you throw the blade. On a hit the target
automatically fails their Dexterity saving throw. Resolve the rest of the action as normal.
Hungering Blade. If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from this Power, you may
make a shield recharge roll. Like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the
start of your next turn before you may do so again.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power weapon or Storm’s Edge, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of your Storm’s Edge action increases by 2d6 for each Power level you are
above 1st.
Furthermore, when you cast Arc Blade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns, you
may increase the damage a successful arc blade weapon attack does by 1d6 for each Power level you are
beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self

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Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Arc staff 1d6 arc 10 ft. Power weapon, reach (+5 ft), versatile

You create a quarterstaff of arc Light in a free hand, which has the stats and properties as shown. While
holding this weapon, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet and you have advantage on class Power
recharge rolls.
Showstopper. When holding the arc staff in two hands, you may use your action and spend 2 rounds of
duration in order to lunge up to 10 feet toward a target without spending any movement. You can only do this
if your speed isn’t 0 and the lunge would put you within 15 feet of the target.
At the end of your movement, you unleash a 15-foot cone of arc Light pointed at the target. All targets in
the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 + your Power ability modifier in arc damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a success.
Reflect Projectiles. If you are a target of a projectile from a source you can see while holding the arc
staff in two hands, you may spend 3 rounds of duration to make a Power saving throw, adding your Power
level to the result. The DC starts at 10 and increases by one for every 10 points of damage the projectile does
on its own, assuming the projectile does its maximum damage, and not accounting for the effects of
resistances, immunities, or the result of saving throws the projectile may cause.
If you succeed, you reflect the projectile back at its source, turning the source into the target and using
the original stats of the source to determine the projectile’s effect. If you fail, you are subject to the projectile
like normal.
You must choose to invoke this effect before knowing the damage or effects of the projectile.
If spending duration would cause you to run out of duration on this Power, your concentration on this
Power ends and you are subject to the projectile like normal.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power weapon (or actions associated with it), it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your
At Higher Levels. The damage of your Showstopper action increases by 2d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.
When you cast Arc Staff at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns, you may increase
the damage a successful arc staff attack does by one damage die (+1d6, or +1d8 if under the effects of
Versatile) for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: 80 feet
Recharge die and score: d20, 19+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure a staff made of arc Light and hurl it at a hard, non-creature surface you can see within range.
Upon impact, the staff imbeds itself into the surface and all targets within a 10-foot radius sphere of the staff
must make a Dexterity saving throw. Increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to your Power level for
this. A target takes 4d8 + your Power ability modifier in arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. The staff then remains in place, paracausally mounted and incapable of being moved, for the
Hazardous Area. The staff has an active area that consists of a 10-foot radius sphere. If a creature ends
its turn within the area, or enters the area for the first time on a turn, it takes 4 arc damage.
Thunderlash. At the start of each of your turns while concentrating on this Power, you may spend 3
rounds of duration to cause a thunderlash. All targets in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw.
Increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this. A target takes 4d8 + your
Power ability modifier in arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

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Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from any
source of this Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The casting damage of this Power, as well as the damage of Thunderlash, increases by
2d8 for each Power level you are above 1st. Additionally, the damage of the Hazardous Area feature increases
by 2 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability
score above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and you may make one melee Power recharge roll for each hostile
creature within 10 feet of you. If there are three or more hostile creatures in this range, you automatically
succeed on your first recharge roll from this Power.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and the following additional effects:
● One weapon you are already holding is reloaded, overcoming the Cumbersome property if present.
● Until the start of your next turn, that same weapon has its critical hit range increased by 1, and its
critical miss range decreased by 1.

By 5th level, you are naturally light on your feet and move with precision and alacrity. It costs 10 less feet of
movement for you to become Combat-Prone or to stand from being Combat-Prone, and you have a climbing speed
equal to your base walking speed. Finally, you may use your bonus action to take the Aim, Dash or Hide actions.

Opportunity Strikes
Also starting at 5th level, you gain a heightened sensitivity to the narrow openings created by enemies’ mistakes in
combat. Your skill and quickness enable you to seize the opportunities created by their imprecision. If a creature you
can see misses with an attack, you may choose to use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against it. The

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creature must be within range of your currently held weapon in order for you to do this. You can do this even while

Aspects of the Arcstrider

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

While you are Amplified, you have advantage on class ability recharge rolls. Additionally, once per brief rest,
reducing a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from an arcstrider Power allows you to grant yourself

You learn the Tempest Strike melee Power, detailed after this aspect list.

You learn the Ascension class Power, detailed after this aspect list.

After casting a class Power, you gain the following benefits until the start of your next turn:
● When you make a melee weapon attack, you may choose to teleport up to 5 feet toward the target of
your attack before making your attack. You must end this teleport within reach of the target, you must
immediately attack the target after teleporting, and you take all carried and worn equipment with you
during this teleport.
● If you are also Amplified when you hit a target with a melee weapon attack, all other targets of your
choice within 5 feet take an amount of arc damage equal to your Power ability modifier.

Aspect-based arcstrider melee Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power

Range: 15-foot cone
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl arc Light in a devastating 15-foot cone shockwave. All targets in the area must make a Constitution saving
throw, taking 3d8 arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. A target that fails this saving throw is
also Blinded until the end of its next turn.
You must be grounded in order to cast this Power. If you use your action to Dash on your turn and move at least
15 feet in a straight line, you may use your bonus action to cast this Power immediately after, instead of an action.
Doing so increases the cone to 20 feet, and you teleport to a location at the end of the cone immediately after
resolving this Power.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power becomes 4d8 starting at 11th arcstrider level, then
it becomes 5d8 at 17th arcstrider level.

Aspect-based arcstrider class Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power

Range: self

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Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You teleport 10 feet upwards and create a cylinder of arc Light centered on you. The cylinder has a 10 foot radius and
a length of 10 feet, and it must always travel downwards from you. All creatures of your choice within the cylinder
gain one stage of Amplified, and all other creatures must make a Constitution saving throw, becoming Blinded until
the end of their next turn on a failed save. Any creature that gains the Amplified condition from this Power (which can
include yourself, for casting an arc Power) is also Empowered (rank 2).
At Higher Levels. Beginning at 14th arcstrider level, this class Power grants Empowered (rank 3) instead.

Field Expert
By 11th level, experience has taught you much, and diligently practicing skills that interest you has expanded your
expertise. You can choose two additional skills, toolkit proficiencies, or vehicle proficiencies you have to always grant
Expertise to. Additionally, if you make an ability check with one of your Tricks of the Trade and roll a 9 or lower on
the d20, you can treat your roll as a 10 instead.

Strength in Flexibility
Beginning at 13th level, your capacity for flexible movement enables you to perform feats beyond the normal extent
of your physical strength. If you are forced to make a Strength saving throw, you may make a Dexterity saving throw

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second arcstrider Aspect.

Master Tradesman
At 15th level, you are a true master of the skills in which you’ve chosen to specialize. If you invoke Tricks of the Trade
to assist another creature with their ability check and they roll a 9 or lower on the d20, they can treat the roll as a 10

By 18th level, your reaction times are so fast as to appear like well-honed natural reflexes. No attack roll can be made
with advantage against you if you aren't Incapacitated.

At 20th level, you simply do not allow yourself to make mistakes in critical moments. If you make an attack roll or
ability check, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. You can do this before or after rolling the d20, but it must always be
before you learn the result of your roll. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it

Arcstrider Ways
Arcstriders harness the sparking quickness of arc Light to invigorate their movements and empower their
close-combat techniques. Each perfects this application of Light in their own way, developing a methodology of
practice that reflects a fighting philosophy and shapes the advancement of skills and abilities.

Way of the Swift

It does not matter that your foes can see you coming if you are too fast for them to do anything to stop you. As a
practitioner of the Way of the Swift, you charge directly into the fray with unmatched quickness to cut down enemies
with your trenchant Light.

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At 3rd level, you’ve learned to move so swiftly creatures cannot benefit from perception-based features or reactions to
any attacks you make. For example, a creature that gets to increase its AC against a target it can see could not do so
against you.

Also at 3rd level, as a bonus action on your turn, you may choose a creature you can see within 30 feet. You can
always invoke Expert Attack against that creature when you attack it on your turn, but you cannot invoke Expert
Attack against any other creature. This effect ends if you lose sight of the creature for more than a minute.
If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you may use a bonus action on your turn to declare a new target for this

Beginning at 6th level, as a bonus action on your turn, you may teleport to an unoccupied spot you can see within 5
feet, taking all carried and worn equipment of your choice with you. The range of this feature increases to 10 feet at
11th level, and then to 15 feet at 17th level.

When you reach 9th level, you develop an effective method to induce Light-actuated paracausal invisibility from the
action of stabbing someone. When you hit a creature with a melee attack roll, you may spend a grenade Power charge
to grant yourself active camouflage until the end of your next turn or until the condition ends normally, whichever
happens first. Use a recharge of d8, 7+ to recover this spent charge.

At 17th level, you combine your skill at sensing and exploiting your enemies’ tactical weaknesses with your paracausal
ability to suddenly be where you weren’t. When you teleport and immediately make a successful attack roll against a
target that is Surprised, you can double the damage of your attack.

Way of the Warrior

Those of the Way of the Warrior operate on the tension between delicacy and force, elegance and might, flexibility and
implacability. You recognize these apparent opposites merely represent spectra, and you know how to fight most
effectively by occupying the spaces between, gracefully adapting to the situation at hand.

Starting at 3rd level, you learn to apply the principles underlying your combat stances to your regular walking gait.
Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet (to a maximum of 40), and the first 10 feet of movement on your turn
doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

At 3rd level, your flair for style leads you to developing a new way to invoke your Expert Attack feature: you don’t
need advantage on the attack roll so long as you’re under the effects of the Dodge action. You are still restricted to
the other conditions of Expert Attack like normal.

At 6th level, your tireless pursuit of perfection in your training has imbued your physicality with an impressive grace.
Even your regular movements cannot help but show a stylish flair. If you make an ability check that uses your
Charisma modifier, you may add a bonus to your ability check equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum bonus +1).

After reaching 9th level, you regain one class Power charge when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with
damage that benefited from your Expert Attack.

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At 17th level, you have learned or devised new staff moves. While concentrating on an arcstrider super Power, the
following effects apply:
● Your AC increases by 4, though this bonus may not increase your AC beyond 20. When you have multiple
sources increasing your AC, you choose the order the sources apply in.
● Your concentration can’t be broken as a result of taking any damage.
● The first time you use Storm’s Edge, Reflect Projectiles, or Thunderlash after casting your super, it costs 1 less
round of duration than it normally would.

Way of the Storm

[Flavor text TBD]

Your training with this archetype at 3rd level grants you a particular insight into channeling your arcstrider Powers.
While you have at least one ongoing stage of the Amplified condition, you have advantage on your melee and grenade
Power recharge rolls.


Also at 3rd level, training in the Way of the Storm teaches you a new technique for invoking your Expert Attack
feature. When you make a weapon attack roll that benefits from your proficiency bonus and also wasn’t made with
disadvantage, you may spend a stage of Amplified to invoke Expert Attack regardless of not having advantage. The
other conditions of Expert Attack still apply.

At 6th level, whenever you cast an arcstrider grenade, melee, or class Power that requires a creature to make a
saving throw, you may spend one or more stages of Amplified to increase the DC by 2 for each stage spent.


At 9th level, your connection to the current is sharpest in the most heated moment of a fight. If you take an amount
of damage that reduces you to half your shield points or less, you may immediately regain up to two Power charges,
which can be any combination of melee, grenade, or class Power charges. You must regain all shield points before you
can invoke this feature again.


Beginning at 17th level, if you start your turn concentrating on an arcstrider super Power, you also gain Overshields.

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As a nightstalker, your superclass is Hunter and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Born of the Wild, Focus Actions 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Nightstalker Professions, Byproduct Prowess, Super Power 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Studious Eye 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Nightstalker 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 Focus Action Mastery 3rd
10 +4 Archetype Feature 3rd
11 +4 Additional Prowess, Silent Step 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 Additional Focus Action Mastery 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Archetype Feature 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 Additional Focus Action Mastery 5th
18 +6 Unearthly Senses 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Lucid Hunter 5th


Shield die: d10
Shield recharge roll: (1d10 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 10

Shield points at higher levels: add 5 (or 1d10) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light and medium
Weapons: daggers, glaives, combat bows, hand cannons, fusion rifles, linear fusion rifles, pulse rifles, scout rifles,
sidearms, and sniper rifles
Saving Throws: (Strength or Dexterity) and Wisdom
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Skills: Nature and any two other skills of your choice

Power ability score: Wisdom
Power level: see nightstalker table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Power saving throw: make a Wisdom saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Hunter, you are proficient in the Survival skill, and you may take the Disengage action as a bonus action on
your turn.

Born of the Wild

The void calls to you, drawing you to the quietude of empty spaces. You typically feel more at home in the wilds than
within the confines of the City walls, and as such you are particularly familiar with natural environments. You gain the
following benefits:
● You have a climbing speed and swimming speed equal to half your base walking speed.
● You have superior vision in dim and dark conditions, granting you darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. If you already had darkvision,
the range of your darkvision increases by 10 feet.
● Nonmagical and non-paracausal difficult terrain doesn't slow your movement.
● If you’re traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
● You may always use your Wisdom ability score when determining your modifiers for Arcana, Investigation, and
Nature checks.

Focus Actions
As a nightstalker, your preternatural focus grants you heightened awareness and increased combative capabilities. You
may now take a special type of action called a Focus action, your options for which are detailed at the end of this class
Known Focus Actions. You know a number of Focus actions equal to your Wisdom modifier. Whenever your
Wisdom modifier increases, you may learn a new Focus action.
Focus Action Weapon Attacks. You may not use a Payload weapon to resolve any Focus action that calls for
weapon attacks. Furthermore, unless the Focus action calls for it, you do not deal damage when you hit with a
weapon attack made via a Focus action.
Action Cost. It is its own action to take a Focus action, therefore features, traits, perks, and other sources that
affect other actions such as the Attack action or the Cast a Power action do not affect Focus actions. But if a Focus
action calls for casting a Power, you must have and spend an appropriate Power charge like normal in order to take
that Focus action. If a Focus action calls for a damage roll, sources that target damage rolls (such as the Empowered
condition) do still apply.
Swapping Known Focus Actions. Being able to take a Focus action means you’ve spent long hours practicing
that action. If you spend a week of downtime practicing with a new Focus action, you may forget one Focus action you
currently know in order to learn the new one. You cannot do this if the chosen Focus action cannot be forgotten.
Focus Save DC. Your Focus save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

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Nightstalker Melee Power
At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Smoke Bomb melee Power.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: 20 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You devise a clever, compact smoke bomb infused with a pinch of void Light, which you throw at a hard surface you
can see within range. It sticks to the surface and remains in place for up to 1 minute. At any point during this time
you may choose to cause the puck to detonate, starting the effects of this Power.
Paracausal Sensors. Whenever a creature moves within 5 feet of the puck, you are aware of that creature’s
presence and whether it is hostile to you (unless the creature is immune to divination). This effect stops when the
smoke effect starts.
Smoke Effects. The puck breaks apart and an opaque cloud of smoke spreads to fill a 10-foot radius sphere,
centered on where the puck broke. The cloud spreads around corners, and the area of the cloud is considered heavily
obscured. A creature with darkvision can’t see through the cloud, and nonmagical/non-paracausal sources of light
can’t illuminate it. Creatures of your choice can see through the cloud as if it were only a lightly obscured area.
The cloud disperses at the start of your next turn.

Void Grenade Powers

Also at 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one
grenade Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Spike, Voidwall, and Vortex grenade
Powers now. If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the
void grenade Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You throw a void-made grenade onto a hard surface within range. The grenade remains in place up to the duration,
and it monitors an active area that consists of a 15-foot cone which must extend perpendicular to the surface the
grenade is stuck to.
Immediately after sticking to its surface, any creatures in the monitored area must make a Constitution saving
throw, taking 3d6 void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. For the duration, if a creature ends
their turn within the monitored area, or enters the area for the first time on a turn, they must make the same saving
throw against the damage of this grenade.
Power-Made Device. This grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For this purpose, the
grenade has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or psychic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

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You toss a grenade of void Light onto a hard surface within range. On impact with the surface, the grenade instantly
creates a wall of void Light that can be up to 20 feet long, 5 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque, lasts for
the duration, and it must travel along the ground.
All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 void damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a success.
For the duration, any creature that ends their turn within the area, or who enters the area of the wall for the first
time on a turn, must also make the same saving throw.
At Higher Levels. Casting this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher causes its damage to increase by 1d6
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You throw a ball of void Light at a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot diameter
sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 void damage. For the duration,
any creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the same
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Byproduct Prowess
When you reach 3rd level, the constant practice and use of your Focus actions has resulted in additional prowess
gained. Choose one of the following features.

While wearing Guardian armor, you have a bonus +1 to your AC.

While dual-wielding, if you make an offhand attack that hits, you can add your ability modifier to the damage
of your offhand weapon. You may also dual-wield a one-handed weapon with an agile weapon, though you can
only use your agile weapon as your offhand weapon attack.


You gain the Detect Light and Dark feature as defined by the sunsinger class.

You don’t turn up on scanners as a living creature, and your general shape is always obscured to scanners.
Creatures cannot use scanners to passively detect your presence or to overcome the Blinded condition when
targeting you.


You may have Expertise with the Survival skill when you use it to navigate or traverse the wilderness.

Nightstalker Profession
At 3rd level, you choose to focus on and train in a Nightstalker profession: the Farwalker, the Pathfinder, or the
Assassin, all detailed at the end of this class description. Your choice grants you unique features as you level up in this

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Nightstalker Super Power
When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: 20/120 feet
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You craft a bow of void Light and shoot a single arrow from it at a target you can see within range. Make a
ranged Power attack roll (add your Power level to the attack roll for this). On a hit, the target takes 3d8 +
your Power ability modifier in void damage. Hit or miss, the bow dissipates and a void anchor forms directly on
the target. The void anchor is what you concentrate on for this Power.
Void Anchor. A void anchor is an intangible 5-foot diameter sphere of void Light paracausally mounted in
place. The anchor creates a 10-foot radius sphere of active area centered on itself. Upon creation, all creatures
of your choice within the active area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or they become Restrained and
Weakened. (Increase the DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this saving throw.)
For the duration, if a creature enters the anchor’s active area or ends its turn within the active area, you
may choose to subject it to the same Strength saving throw.
A creature Restrained in this way may retry the same Strength saving throw at the start of each of its
turns, ending the Restrained condition on itself early on a success.
A creature Weakened in this way stops being Weakened when it leaves the void anchor’s active area or
when the duration of this Power ends, whichever happens first.
Blood Bound. If a creature within the active area of the void anchor is reduced to 0 hit points, all other
creatures of your choice within the active area take 1d6 void damage. You may only invoke this damage once
on a turn.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage this Power causes on a hit increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 17+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Range Properties

Dusk Bow 1d8 void 30/80 ft. Loading, Power weapon, special,

You create a combat bow out of your void Light in your free hands and begin concentrating on it. It has the
stats and properties shown. While holding this weapon, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Hail of Arrows. As an action you may spend 4 rounds of duration to shoot three arrows from the bow all
at once. Each arrow must be shot at a target within a 30-foot cone. You may choose multiple different targets,
or the same target multiple times. Resolve the attack and damage rolls of each arrow separately.
Stowed Light. While concentrating on this Power, you may use your item interaction to stow the dusk
bow within your Light. The duration of the Power continues as normal (it is still considered a source of
concentration), but you do not need to make concentration checks to maintain the duration while the bow is

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Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from a
shot with your dusk bow, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of your dusk bow increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are beyond

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Void blade 1d6 void 5 ft. Agile, Power weapon

You create two knives of void Light, each in a free hand. Both weapons have the stats and properties shown.
While holding both weapons, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. You are also enveloped by the
void when you cast this Power and may grant yourself Active Camouflage for the next minute with the same
bonus action.
Reach of the Void. When you make a melee Power attack with these weapons, you can choose to move
up to 5 feet toward the target as part of the attack, but only if doing so would put you within reach of the
target. This movement cannot provoke reactions, and you must make your attack against the target you
moved toward.
Vanish. Once on your turn, you may spend 2 rounds of duration to give yourself Active Camouflage for
the next minute.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. When you cast Spectral Blades at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your
turns, you may increase the damage a successful void blade weapon attack does by 1d6 for each Power level
you are beyond 1st.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and you may make one melee Power recharge roll for each hostile
creature within 10 feet of you. If there are three or more hostile creatures in this range, you automatically
succeed on your first recharge roll from this Power.

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Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: Self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the benefits of the Dodge action and the following additional effects:
● One weapon you are already holding is reloaded, overcoming the Cumbersome property if present.
● Until the start of your next turn, that same weapon has its critical hit range increased by 1, and its
critical miss range decreased by 1.

Studious Eye
By the time you reach 5th level, you’ve developed a keen sensitivity to the weaknesses of your enemies. When you
take a Focus action, you may also choose one creature you can see. Make a Wisdom (Perception) check against a DC
equal to 8 + the CR of the target (round up). Alternatively, if the creature is aware of your presence, it can choose to
contest your check with a Wisdom (Survival) or Charisma (Deception) check, creature's choice.
If you succeed on your roll, you may assess the creature in one of the following ways, and your GM will report
truly to you. If the creature doesn’t have a stat to report (for instance, if a creature doesn’t have energy shields), that
is conveyed to you as well.
● Defensive Assessment. You learn the armor class, current health points, and maximum health points of the
● Shield Assessment. You learn the energy shield alignment, current energy shield points, and maximum
energy shield points of the creature.
● Tactical Assessment. All damage vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities.
● Calculative Assessment. All condition immunities and all saving throw proficiencies.

Aspects of the Nightstalker

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points from a melee attack that benefited from Active Camouflage,
you gain Active Camouflage that lasts for the next minute.

When the puck of your Smoke Bomb detonates, creatures of your choice within the area of the cloud are also
granted Active Camouflage, which lasts for the duration of the cloud.

When you cast a nightstalker class Power, you are also granted Active Camouflage until the start of your next

Focus Action Mastery

At 9th level, and again at 13th level and 17th level, you may select one Focus action you know to master. You receive
their listed mastery effects. Once you’ve mastered a Focus action, you cannot forget it. The lengthy time you spent
studying and practicing that Focus action in order to master it prevents you from doing so.
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Additional Prowess
When you reach 11th level, you may choose a second option from your Byproduct Prowess feature, or you may select
an option from the sunbreaker’s Combat Speciality feature. You can’t select an option you already have from either

Silent Step
Also at 11th level, after so long practicing evasion and disappearance, becoming unseen is second nature to you. You
can use the Hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Additionally, whenever you gain Activate Camouflage, you
may take the Hide action as part of gaining Active Camouflage.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second nightstalker Aspect.

Unearthly Senses
At 18th level, your perceptive senses are supernaturally acute, to the point that you can practically see the invisible.
When you attack a creature you can't see, your inability to see it doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls
against it. You are also aware of the exact location of any creature with Active Camouflage within 30 feet of you,
provided you aren't Blinded or Deafened.

Lucid Hunter
At 20th level, your unbreakable connection to the all-pervasive void keeps your mind clear as an interstellar vacuum.
Once per long rest, you may take two Focus actions on your turn, instead of only one.

Nightstalker Professions
Nightstalkers’ scouting abilities, stealth skills, and control over void energies all vary from one practitioner to the next,
but are broadly regarded as belonging to three distinct professions. Your chosen profession will influence what you
learn and how you use it as you venture deeper into the night.

As a professional Farwalker, you delve into the wilds more often than most, striking out to the farthest distances and
plunging into the greatest unknowns. Many lose themselves when they push as far as you. It is only due to your
preternatural survival instincts that you are able to return from these peregrinations mostly the same.

Also at 3rd level, the range you can throw your Smoke Bomb melee Power increases to 40 feet (mortar), and the puck
of your Smoke Bomb can remain in place for up to 10 minutes before detonating. The cloud of your Smoke Bomb now
lasts for up to 1 minute, though you need to concentrate on it.

At 6th level, when you cast nightstalker class Power, you may also teleport up to 5 feet, taking all carried and worn
equipment of your choice with you when you do. This increases to 10 feet beginning at 11th level, then to 15 feet at
17th level.

When you reach 10th level, you learn how to quickly assess more than just the surface level details of your
opponents. When you invoke your Studious Eye feature, you learn additional information depending on the
assessment option you select.

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● Defensive Assessment. You also learn if the creature has an action, bonus action, or reaction it may use to
recover hit points, increase its AC, or grant itself temporary hit points / Overshields.
● Shield Assessment. You also learn if the creature has an action, bonus action, or reaction it may use to
regain energy shield points or to change its energy shield alignment.
● Tactical Assessment. You also learn if any of these items are caused by a feature, and under what
conditions the feature functions.
● Calculative Assessment. Additionally, if a creature is immune to being Poisoned or Suppressed, you are now
able to cause it to become Poisoned or Suppressed on your turn, but only until the start of your next turn.
This is regardless of the normal duration you would impose.

At 15th level, you may now use your Focus action to cause creatures who don’t benefit from your Smoke Bomb
become disoriented by it, if you cast Smoke Bomb on your turn. When such a creature makes an attack while within
the cloud of your Smoke Bomb, they must first succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Focus save DC. If
they fail, they attack a creature of your choosing instead. If they succeed, they don’t have to make this saving throw
again for the duration of the cloud.

As a professional Pathfinder, you specialize in using your knowledge of the terrain as much a fighting tool as your
weapons. Frequently, it is up to you to clear the path through the night for your allies, regardless if that means
through thick forests or thick battles.

Starting when you pick this Profession at 3rd level, you have advantage on melee and class Power recharge rolls you
make while at least two allies you can perceive are within 10 feet of you.

At 6th level, creatures you grant Active Camouflage to (including yourself) have a bonus +10 to Stealth rolls they
make. They also leave behind no tracks when they move.

At 10th level, when you hit a target with an attack via a Focus action, their speed is halved until the end of their next
turn, and they cannot take reactions for the same duration.


At 15th level, you may now take the Revive action as a bonus action on your turn, or as a reaction to a Ghost
capturing the Light of a Guardian you can see within reach.

Not all nightstalkers are so altruistic with their skills. Under the profession of the Assassin, you call upon a
supernatural awareness of your enemies that allows you to stalk any battlefield with impunity, and strike with deadly

When you train into this Profession at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action on your turn to grant yourself truesight.
This Light-enhanced supernatural sight allows you to see clearly in normal, paracausal, and magical darkness. You see
all creatures and objects as ghostly outlines, even ones that are Invisible or under the effects of Active Camouflage.
Furthermore, you automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them.
This sight goes to a range of 10 feet. It lasts until you complete at least a brief rest or until you are Incapacitated
or Suppressed, whichever happens first.

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You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.

Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of only once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.

Beginning at 10th level, when you take the Attack action and make your attacks against a Blinded, Deafened,
Paralyzed, Poisoned, Scorched, or Suppressed target, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage rolls of those


When you reach 15th level, you may now use your Focus action to gain Active Camouflage. When you do, you may
use this feature to force all creatures of your choice within 30 feet, creatures who could originally clearly see you, to
make a Wisdom saving throw against your Focus save DC. If a creature fails the saving throw, it is Frightened of you
until it completes a brief rest. If it cannot figure out where you are before the start of its turn, it is Paralyzed until it
figures out where you are or until the Frightened condition ends for it, whichever happens first.
A Frightened creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself early
on a success. A creature who succeeds on its saving throw, or for whom the effect ends, is immune to being
Frightened in this way for 24 hours.
You regain use of this feature when you complete a short or long rest.

Focus Action Options

Focus actions are listed alphabetically.

Critical Eye
You focus on a single, well-placed shot. Take a shot with a medium- or long-range weapon against a target you can
see. Resolve the shot as normal, except your critical hit range is increased by 2 for this shot.
When you take this Focus action, you have disadvantage on all saving throws you make until the start of your
next turn. You cannot take this Focus action if you have disadvantage on your shot.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Critical Eye Focus
action unless stated otherwise.
● Your critical hit range is increased by 4 for this Focus action, instead of only by 2.
● All shots you take with medium- or long-range weapons have their critical miss range reduced by 1.

Delayed Activation
You cast a void grenade Power you know, but instead of resolving it now, you envelope it in a Light-crafted device.
The grenade Power lies dormant while within the device.
Place the device on a hard surface you share a space with when you use this Focus action. For the next 10
minutes, the first time a creature enters a space within 5 feet of the device, the device activates. If the duration
passes without activating, the device and the grenade within fade away harmlessly.
Until the device activates, you cannot make grenade Power recharge rolls. You always know when the device
Activation Effect. Your void grenade Power resolves and the device is destroyed. If the grenade Power requires
an impact point, that point is the space where you placed the device. If the grenade Power requires an attack roll,
make the attack roll against the creature that caused this activation using the distance between where you placed the
device and the creature to determine range effects.

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Power-Made Device. This device holding your grenade can be destroyed if it takes any amount of damage. For
this purpose, the device has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level, fails all saving throws, and is immune to poison or
psychic damage.
Hiding the Device. A creature must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) check against your Focus save DC in
order to spot the device. A creature that does not spot the device has disadvantage on saving throws against the
effects of the grenade. Alternatively, if the grenade requires an attack roll, the attack roll has advantage if the
creature does not spot the device.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Delayed
Activation Focus action unless stated otherwise.
● The recharge value of all void grenade Powers you know is reduced by 1 for you.
● You may always add your Power modifier to the damage you deal with any void grenade Power you cast, if
the grenade Power doesn’t already add your Power modifier to its damage roll.
● On the turn you start the effects of a void grenade Power casted via this Focus action, a creature that fails its
saving throw or is hit by the grenade’s attack roll is also Restrained until the end of their next turn. A grenade
that does not call for a saving throw or attack roll does not invoke this effect.

Got Your Back

Make an attack roll against a target you can see. If your attack hits, a creature of your choice may use their reaction
to make a weapon attack against the target. The creature can only do this if the target is already within reach or
range of their currently held weapon.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Got Your Back
Focus action unless stated otherwise.
● The creature who takes the reaction granted by this Focus action also becomes Empowered (rank 1). This
becomes Empowered (rank 2) when you reach 7th level, then it becomes Empowered (rank 3) when you
reach 14th level.
● Also if you hit with this Focus action, the creature who uses their reaction has advantage on their weapon

Leeching Strike
Make a melee weapon attack against a hostile creature you can perceive. Resolve the attack as normal, except you
cannot benefit from the effects of a critical hit with this attack, and you recover 1d6 shield points on a hit. Beginning
at 17th level, you recover 2d6 shield points on a hit instead.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Leeching Strike
Focus action unless stated otherwise.
● After dealing damage with this Focus action, the target must make a Constitution saving throw against your
Focus save DC. A creature that fails this saving throw is Poisoned for the next minute. A Poisoned creature can
repeat the Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on itself early on a
success. A creature who succeeds on their saving throw, or for whom the effect ends, is immune to being
Poisoned in this way for 24 hours.
● When you cause a creature to become Poisoned in any way, you may use your bonus action to begin a Leech
condition on yourself. For the next minute or until you are Suppressed (whichever happens first), each time a
creature takes poison damage from any Poisoned condition you caused, you recover 1d4 shield points. You
regain the option to use your bonus action in this way when you complete a short or long rest.

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Until the start of your next turn, when a hostile target you can see makes a weapon attack against a creature you can
also see, you may make a weapon attack against the hostile target first. If you hit, the target suffers a -4 penalty to
the first attack roll it makes on its turn, or a -2 penalty to save DC on the first Payload weapon attack it makes on its
You can only attack a hostile target once on their turn in this way, and you can only make your attack if the hostile
target is within reach or range of your currently held weapon. You are also limited in the amount of total weapon
attacks you can make with this Focus action (equal to your Wisdom modifier, minimum 1 weapon attack).

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Overlook Focus
action unless stated otherwise.
● If you hit with an attack made via this Focus action, you may use your reaction to force the target to make a
Constitution saving throw against your Focus save DC. It is Incapacitated until the end of its current turn if it
fails the save.
● If you hit with an attack made with any Focus action and do not normally get to deal damage on the hit, you
may choose to deal an amount of damage equal to your Wisdom modifier anyways (damage type same as the
weapon’s damage type).

Take two shots with a combat bow that does not have the Loading property, or make two melee attacks with an Agile
or One-handed melee weapon that deals piercing damage. Make your attack rolls first, granting each roll a bonus +2
to hit. If you miss with one attack, you miss with all attacks. If you hit with both attacks, resolve the attacks as
However, if you hit with all attacks and at least one was a critical hit, you may use a bonus action to cause all
attacks to be resolved as critical hits. You regain the option to use your bonus action in this way when you complete at
least a brief rest.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Pincushion Focus
action unless stated otherwise.
● This Focus action grants a bonus +4 to the attack rolls instead.
● When you take any Focus action that calls for making one or more attacks, and you resolve those attacks with
a melee weapon you can normally dual-wield with, you may use your bonus action to make an offhand
weapon attack.

Poisonous Smoke
You cast your Smoke Bomb melee Power and, after accounting for all the normal effects of the Power, all creatures of
your choice within the cloud must make a Constitution saving throw against your Focus save DC. A creature that fails
this saving throw is Poisoned for the next minute. A Poisoned creature can repeat the Constitution saving throw at the
end of each of their turns, ending the effect on itself early on a success. A creature who succeeds on their saving
throw, or for whom the effect ends, is immune to being Poisoned in this way for 24 hours.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Poisonous Smoke
Focus action unless stated otherwise.
● Creatures Poisoned by you via this Focus action are also Suppressed.
● Creatures Poisoned by you in any way also take 1d6 poison damage at the start of each of their turns. This
becomes 2d6 poison damage at 17th level. You cannot combine this effect with any other effect that causes
damage with the Poisoned condition.
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Sunder Armor
Make a weapon attack against a hostile creature you can see, ignoring an amount of the target’s AC equal to your
Wisdom modifier for this. If a creature can normally ignore the effects of critical hits when you hit them with this
Focus action, they lose that effect until the start of your next turn.

If you choose to master this Focus action, you receive the following benefits. Benefits affect only the Sunder Armor
Focus action unless stated otherwise.
● If you hit with this Focus action, the creature’s AC is reduced by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier
until the start of your next turn.
● Also if you hit with this Focus action, you may use your bonus action to cause all attack rolls against the
creature to have their critical hit range increased by half your Wisdom modifier until the start of your next
turn. You regain the option to use your bonus action in this way when you complete at least a brief rest.

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As a striker, your superclass is Titan and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class features.

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Brawler, Reckless Engagement, Reckless Reversal 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Striker Trainings, Super Power 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Extra Attack 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Striker 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 — 3rd
10 +4 Enduring 3rd
11 +4 Archetype Feature 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 — 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Archetype Feature 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 — 5th
18 +6 Strongest at Your Weakest 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Bring the Thunder 5th


Shield die: d6
Shield recharge roll: (1d6 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 6

Shield points at higher levels: add 4 (or 1d6) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light, medium, heavy
Weapons: glaives, zweihanders, auto rifles, grenade launchers, hand cannons, light machine guns, pulse rifles,
rocket launchers, shotguns, and submachine guns
Saving Throws: Strength and (Dexterity or Constitution)
Skills: Any two skills of your choice
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Power ability score: Constitution
Power level: see striker table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Power saving throw: make a Constitution saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Titan, you are proficient in the Athletics skill. You also hit harder with your unarmed strikes than others do.
You always roll a d6 for the damage of your unarmed strikes. This damage die increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at
11th level, and finally to 1d12 at 17th level.

Even at 1st level, you know to rely on your fists more than any other weapon. This mindset has granted you the
following benefits:
● You may use your Strength or Dexterity modifier to determine the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed
strikes. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
● You may also use an unarmed strike as an offhand weapon attack, and you may add your damage modifier to
unarmed strikes made as offhand weapon attacks.
● Once on your turn, you may move up to half your speed toward a hostile creature you can perceive. You must
end this movement closer to the creature than how you started.
● You are considered proficient with improvised melee weapons.

Reckless Engagement
Straight out the grave, you are confident in your own might, and remain aggressively self-assured in challenging
combat situations. At the start of your turn you can choose to throw all caution to the wind and begin a Reckless
Engagement. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls and on close-range firearm attack rolls until
the end of your turn, but all attack rolls against you have advantage until the start of your next turn.

Reckless Reversal
If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points while under the effects of Reckless Engagement, you may make a
shield recharge roll. Like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start of your
next turn before you may do so again.

Striker Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: varies, melee Power
Range: varies
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

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You thrust your fist forward and expel arc Light in a beam that fills a cone. The cone’s size and the damage of
this Power is determined by the action types spent, choosing from this list:
● 1 action: the cone is 10 feet and the damage is 2d8 arc.
● 1 action + 1 bonus action: the cone is 15 feet and the damage is 4d8 arc. Your base walking speed
is also halved until the end of your next turn.
● 1 action + 1 bonus action + 1 reaction: the cone is 20 feet and the damage is 6d8 arc. Your base
walking speed becomes 0 until the end of your next turn.

All targets in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the damage of this Power on a failed
save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. The damages of this Power each increase by 1d8 at 5th level (3d8 / 5d8 / 7d8), 11th
level (4d8 / 6d8 / 8d8), and once more at 17th level (5d8 / 7d8 / 9d8).

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: self (airborne only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

Wreathed in arc Light, you rapidly descend from a height of at least 5 feet, but no more than 30 feet, and
slam into the ground. A shockwave of arc Light expels in a 5-foot radius around you. All targets within the
area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
You cannot cast this Power if there isn’t a ground within range.
At Higher Levels. Increase the damage of this Power by 1d8 at 5th level (3d8), 11th level (4d8), and
17th level (5d8).

Casting Time and Type: add-on effect, melee Power
Reach: —
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

When you hit with an unarmed strike, you may spend a melee Power charge to add 1d8 arc damage to the hit.
At Higher Levels. The amount of arc damage you add with this Power increases as you reach higher
levels. It becomes +2d8 at 5th level, +3d8 at 11th level, then +4d8 at 17th level.

Arc Grenade Powers

At 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one grenade
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Flashbang and Pulse grenade Powers now. If
you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the arc grenade
Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a grenade packed with arc Light at a hard surface within range, and the grenade detonates on impact. All
targets within 5 feet of the impact site must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets that fail this saving throw take
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2d8 explosive arc damage and are Blinded until the start of your next turn, and targets that succeed take half as
much damage and are not Blinded.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d8 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You throw a ball of arc Light at a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot diameter
sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 arc damage. For the duration, any
creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the same damage.
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Striker Trainings
At 3rd level, choose a training discipline that shapes your abilities and reflects the role you prefer in combat. Choose
the training of the Juggernaut, the Engineer, or the Gladiator, detailed at the end of this class description. The training
you choose determines the unique features you get as you level up in this class.

Striker Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Arc Light overcomes you, and you become the conductor of the current. While concentrating on this Power,
your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Furthermore, you always recharge one spent melee Power
charge at the start of each of your turns.
Havoc Slam. As an action, you can spend 3 rounds of duration to slam your fists into a hard surface
within reach, sending out a shockwave of arc Light all around. All targets within 5 feet must make a Dexterity
saving throw (add your Power level to your Power save DC for this). A target that fails its saving throw takes
3d8 + your Power ability modifier in explosive arc damage, and a target that succeeds takes half as much.
Overwhelming Power. You cannot hold any items while concentrating on this Power. Any items you were
holding when you cast this Power are immediately dropped.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of your Havoc Slam action increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 19+
Duration: Instantaneous

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You leap up to 5 feet into an unoccupied space slam your fists into a hard surface where you land, sending out
a shockwave of arc Light. The shockwave fills a 15-foot radius sphere centered on you. All targets in the area
must make a Constitution saving throw (add your Power level to your Power save DC for this). A target that
fails its saving throw takes 3d6 + your Power ability modifier in explosive arc damage and is Paralyzed for the
next minute. A target that succeeds takes half as much damage and is not Paralyzed.
A Paralyzed target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on itself
early on a success.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. Increase the amount of damage dice rolled for this Power by 1d6 for each Power level
you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 17+
Duration: Instantaneous

You fly up to 40 feet and crash into a hard surface, sending out a shockwave of arc Light all around you. All
targets within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 + your Power level in explosive
arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Increase your Power save DC by an amount equal
to your Power level for this saving throw.
Your flight with this Power cannot provoke opportunity attacks. Additionally, if you do not crash into a hard
surface at the end of your flight, your Light pitters out harmlessly.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 2.5 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 10 times
your Power level.

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Creatures of your choice who start their turn within 5 feet of your barricade, or who move within 5 feet of
your barricade for the first time on a turn, are Empowered (rank 1). A creature Empowered in this way has
advantage on the damage roll it applies the Empowered bonus damage to.
You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health
At Higher Levels. This barricade grants Empowered (rank 2) beginning at 7th level. When you reach
14th level, it grants Empowered (rank 3) instead.

Casting Time and Type: 1 reaction, class Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

If you are the target of an attack roll or subject to a Dexterity saving throw to avoid taking damage, you can
use your reaction to cast this Power. The attack roll misses you, or you automatically succeed on the Dexterity
saving throw. You take no damage from the source when you automatically succeed on the Dexterity saving
throw in this way.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 15 times
your Power level.
Only creatures of your choice may pass through the barricade.
You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health

Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Aspects of the Striker

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

The recharge value of your arc grenade Powers are reduced by 1. When you cast an arc grenade Power with
the Cast a Power action, it’s modified in the way described.
● Arcbolt: Choose one additional target.
● Flashbang: You may add your Power level to the save DC.
● Flux: A creature that fails the saving throw now takes the full damage of the grenade, and a creature
that succeeds takes half damage.

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● Lightning: Its area is considered paracausally difficult terrain. The grenade cannot be destroyed from
damage, though you can choose to end its effects on your turn.
● Pulse: Increase the damage die size by one.
● Storm: The radius decreases to 5 feet and the duration increases to 1 minute (concentration). If a
creature ends its turn in the area, or if it enters the area of the grenade for the first time on a turn, it
must make the saving throw against the grenade’s damage. Once a creature makes a saving throw
against the grenade’s damage, it does not need to do so again until the start of its next turn. Finally,
on your turn, you can spend 3 rounds of duration to move the grenade up to 15 feet in a direction of
your choice.

Your unarmed strikes have a +2 bonus to their attack rolls. When you invoke your Reckless Reversal feature
from the damage of an unarmed strike, you may regain an additional 1d6 shield points. This is instead an
additional 1d8 shield points beginning at 9th level, then 1d10 beginning at 13th level, and finally at 17th level
it becomes an additional 1d12 shield points instead.

You learn the Frontal Shield class Power, described after this Aspect list.

Aspect-based striker class Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power

Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

Until the start of your next turn, whenever you take damage from a source, you reduce the damage you take by an
amount equal to your Power level + your current stage of Amplified. This reduction occurs after taking into account
the effects of resistances or vulnerabilities. If this results in you taking less than 0 damage, you take 0 damage

Starting at 10th level, you can push yourself to new limits, keeping yourself fighting despite grievous wounds. If you
drop to 0 hit points and don’t immediately lose your Light, you may attempt a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you
succeed, you drop to 1 health point instead.
Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. If you complete a long rest, or if your Ghost
resurrects you from death, the DC of this feature returns to 10.
You cannot invoke this feature if you have already used a different feature, trait, or other source that prevents you
from being reduced to 0 hit points since the last time you completed a long rest.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second striker Aspect.

Strongest at Your Weakest

By 18th level, your resolve allows you to strike back even harder after you take a devastating blow, rather than be
knocked back on your heels. If a hostile creature reduces your energy shield points to 0, you may choose to grant
yourself either a bonus to hit on the first attack roll you make before the end of your next turn, or a bonus to the DC
of the first saving throw you cause a creature to make before the end of your next turn. The bonus for either of these

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is equal to your Power ability modifier. You cannot invoke this feature again until you regain at least one energy shield

Bring the Thunder

At 20th level, your upwelling Light surges at the ready as easily as you flex your fist. If you start your turn without a
super Power charge, you may regain a super Power charge. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest
before you can use it again.

Striker Trainings
To fill your fists with arc Light and bring them down like thunder is the Striker’s calling—but how you train shapes the
kinds of punches you throw. Your chosen training discipline determines which abilities you will acquire, and how your
fighting fitness develops.

First to the fray and last to leave, you are the unstoppable blow that breaks the enemy line, and the unflappable
counterstrike that clears the way for your allies.

At 3rd level, even if you miss an attack roll with an unarmed strike, you still deal an amount of bludgeoning damage
equal to your Strength modifier. Furthermore, you may use your Constitution modifier, instead of your Dexterity
modifier, for determining your AC with medium armor.

At 6th level, no opponent is ever too much for you to take on. When you invoke Reckless Engagement, you are
immune to being Frightened until the start of your next turn. If you are already Frightened when you invoke Reckless
Engagement, the effect ends early for you.
In addition, if an effect would knock you back or cause you to fall Prone, you may use your reaction to remain
where you are and not fall Prone.

Beginning at 11th level, your training develops exceptionally sure footing through exercises to resist being pushed.
You are immune to being knocked back or knocked Prone. When a creature attempts to shove or grapple you, they
have disadvantage on their ability check.

At 15th level, you fully embrace the old idea that a good offense is the best defense. The recharge value of striker
melee Powers is reduced by 1 for you.
Furthermore, when you cast a striker melee Power, you may also grant yourself Overshields. You may use this
feature a number of times equal to your Power modifier. You regain all uses when you complete a long rest.

You choose to fight according to careful battle-plans, and even when you must strategize on the fly, your tactics are
always considered and your blows are precisely placed.

At 3rd level, your work as a builder and fortifier gives you proficiency with the Technology skill and the electronics
toolkit, if you weren’t already. Additionally, your Intelligence (Technology) and electronics toolkit ability checks may
always benefit from Expertise. Finally, you may add your Intelligence modifier to your Power attack rolls and Power
save DCs (max +2 bonus).

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Also at 3rd level, your control over the Light you channel allows you carefully craft the range of its effects. You can
give a number of creatures equal to 1 + your Power level immunity against your striker Powers and Engineer features;
they take no damage and trigger no effects. You may change which creatures receive this benefit on your turn.

At 6th level, you understand the ability to destroy comes as much from intelligent placement as it does raw strength.
Striker Powers you cast are considered siege weapons: they deal twice as much damage to objects, structures, and

At 11th level, deliberate practice shaping your explosive Light enables you to have up to two grenade Power charges
at a time. When you make a grenade Power recharge roll, you may only roll once, and you only recover one charge
with a successful roll.

At 15th level, you can maintain concentration on up to two different arc grenade Powers at the same time, and
concentrating on an ongoing grenade Power does not stop you from making grenade Power recharge rolls. You make
separate concentration checks for each ongoing grenade Power.

You are fully committed to the belief that a bigger punch is a better punch, and train accordingly to embody the
singular, earth-shattering blow of an overwhelming lightning bolt.

At 3rd level, you really know how to knock someone down. The critical hit range of unarmed strikes you make is
increased by 1. You also have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to grapple or shove a creature, and
you can attempt to grapple or shove a creature up to one size larger than you normally could.

When you reach 6th level, you’re always ready for a fight. You have advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, if you
are surprised at the start of combat and aren’t Incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you
cast a striker super Power before doing anything else on that turn.


By the time you reach 6th level, you have grown used to striding swiftly to make sure you are always first to the fight.
Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet (to a maximum of 40 feet) while you are not wearing heavy armor.

At 11th level, you roll with the punches so well that they often roll right off you. When you are subjected to a
Dexterity saving throw to prevent yourself from taking damage, you take no damage if you succeed on your saving
throw, and you only take half damage if you fail.

At 15th level, your training enables a pathway for the reuptake of Light you’ve expended through your advanced
training techniques. If you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you may make a super Power recharge roll.

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As a defender, your superclass is Titan and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class features.

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Selfless, Defender's Voice 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Combat Specialty, Defender Callings, Super Power 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Escalation Response (1/long rest), Protective Light 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Defender 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 Escalation Response (2/long rest) 3rd
10 +4 Radiant Light 3rd
11 +4 Archetype Feature 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 Escalation Response (3/long rest) 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Archetype Feature 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 Escalation Response (4/long rest) 5th
18 +6 Brilliant Light 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Champion of Light 5th


Shield die: d10
Shield recharge roll: (1d10 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 10

Shield points at higher levels: add 6 (or 1d10) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Medium, heavy
Weapons: Glaives, zweihanders, daggers, auto rifles, hand cannons, light machine guns, pulse rifles, rocket
launchers, shotguns, and submachine guns
Saving Throws: Strength and (Choose Charisma or Constitution)
Skills: One Charisma-based skilled of your choice, and any one other skill of your choice
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Power ability score: Charisma
Power level: see defender table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power saving throw: make a Charisma saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Titan, you are proficient in the Athletics skill. You also hit harder with your unarmed strikes than others do.
You always roll a d6 for the damage of your unarmed strikes. This damage die increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at
11th level, and finally to 1d12 at 17th level.

You instinctively put others’ safety before your own, and will do whatever is necessary to keep your allies from harm.
When a creature you can see makes an attack roll against a target other than yourself that is within 5 feet of you, you
may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
If the target you want to defend is not within 5 feet of you, but is within your speed, you can still invoke this
feature if, as part of your reaction, you move up to your speed toward the target. This reduces your speed on your
next turn by the same amount. You can only do this if the movement would put you within 5 feet of the target, and
only if you would still have at least 5 feet of movement for your next turn.

Defender’s Voice
Even at 1st level, your voice carries a certain authoritative weight, making those willing to listen predisposed to heed
you. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks you make when speaking to creatures that are not hostile
to you.

Defender Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, melee Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You grant yourself Overshields.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: 20-foot line
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

You form a round shield out of your Light and throw it in a 20-foot line. The shield can deflect off of hard
surfaces and creatures, allowing the line to alter direction up to two times along its length. Make a single

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ranged Power attack roll and compare it to all targets in the line. A target takes 1d10 + your Power ability
modifier in void damage if your attack roll hits them. The shield dissipates after.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d10 at each of the following levels: 5th, 11th,
and 17th.

Casting Time and Type: 1 attack, melee Power
Reach: equal to the reach of your unarmed strikes
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You envelope your fist with void Light and strike out at a target within reach. The target must make a
Strength saving throw, taking 2d8 void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. A target that
fails this saving throw is also either knocked Prone or knocked back 10 feet, your choice.
If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before casting this Power, you may also add
your Power level to your Power save DC for this cast.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d8 at 5th level (3d8), 11th level (4d8), and
17th level (5d8).

Void Grenade Powers

At 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one grenade
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Magnetic and Suppressor grenade Powers now.
If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the void grenade
Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You channel your Light into a grenade, which you throw at a target you can see within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, and add your Power level to the roll for this. The target takes 2d10 explosive void damage on a hit. If you
miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half this grenade’s damage.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You pitch a fist-sized grenade of void Light at a hard surface within range. Upon impact the grenade detonates. All
creatures within 5 feet must make a Charisma saving throw. A creature that fails this saving throw takes 2d8
explosive void damage and is Suppressed until the start of your next turn. A creature that succeeds takes half as
much damage and is not Suppressed.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d8 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

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Combat Specialty
At 3rd level, you have developed a fighting specialization with a distinct style. Choose one of the following options.
You can’t select a Combat Specialty option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

While wearing Guardian armor, you have a bonus +1 to your AC.

While dual-wielding, if you make an offhand attack that hits, you can add your ability modifier to the damage
of your offhand weapon. You may also dual-wield a one-handed weapon with an agile weapon, though you can
only use your agile weapon as your offhand weapon attack.

When you are wielding a simple weapon and no other weapons, you have a bonus +2 to attack and damage
rolls with that weapon.


When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a martial weapon or firearm, you can
reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.


You have a bonus +2 to attack rolls you make with weapons that have the Loading property.

You have a bonus +1 to all weapon DCs calculated using your proficiency bonus, including payload DCs.

Defender’s Calling
Upon reaching 3rd level, you begin to follow your specific calling as a Defender. Choose from the Calling of the Light,
Calling of the Shield, or Calling of the Sentinel. This choice grants you unique features to hone your defender abilities
with as you level up in this class.

Defender Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Sentinel shield 1d8 void 5 ft. One-handed, Power weapon, thrown
(20/60), versatile

You craft a shield made of pure void Light in a free hand with the stats and properties shown. While holding
this weapon in at least one hand, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet and your AC increases by 2.

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Ricochet Shield. As an action, you may spend 2 rounds of duration to throw the shield in a 50-foot long
line. The shield can deflect off of hard surfaces and creatures, allowing the line to alter direction up to three
times along its length. Make a single ranged Power attack roll, adding your Power level to the result, and
compare it to all targets in the line. A target takes 2d10 + your Power ability modifier in void damage on a hit.
Rally. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 rounds of duration to hold your shield with both hands and
focus your Light through it, creating a 10-foot radius sphere of ambient void Light. All creatures of your choice
within the sphere become Empowered (rank 1), and they have their AC increased by an amount equal to your
Power level.
The sphere lasts until the start of your next turn, and your speed becomes 0 when you use this bonus
action. A creature loses this benefit if they leave the sphere. Additionally, if you let go of the shield, all effects
of this bonus action end immediately.
Recall. Whenever you throw the shield while concentrating on this Power, it dissipates at the end of its
throw and reforms in your free hand after.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of your Ricochet Shield action increases by 1d10 for each Power level you
are above 1st. Your Rally bonus action grants Empowered (rank 2) beginning at 7th defender level, then
Empowered (rank 3) at 14th defender level.
Furthermore, when you cast Sentinel Shield at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns,
you may increase the damage a successful sentinel shield weapon attack does by 1d8 for each Power level you
are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: 60-foot cone
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Twilight greataxe 2d6 void 5 ft. Two-handed, Power weapon

You conjure three greataxes out of your void Light and throw them at three targets within range. Each
greataxe must land no more than five feet away from another greataxe. After impact, all targets within 5 feet
of any greataxe must make a Dexterity saving throw (increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to
your Power level for this). A target that fails its saving throw takes 3d10 explosive void damage, whereas a
target that succeeds takes half as much.
Lingering Weapons. Each greataxe remains conjured for the duration, with the stats and properties
shown. Creatures of your choice may wield your greataxes just as they would any other weapon, though the
attack and damage rolls of these conjured weapons are derived from your stats, not theirs. For instance, if
you had a Power attack modifier of +5 and a Power level of 1st, a creature wielding your conjured greataxe
would have a total attack modifier of +6 regardless of their own stats.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power (including from the Lingering Weapons), it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your
At Higher Levels. The initial cast damage of this Power increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are
above first.
Additionally, when you cast Twilight Arsenal at a Power level beyond 2nd, once on each turn wherein a
creature makes a weapon attack with one of your twilight greataxes, you may increase the damage that
attack does by 1d6 for each Power level you are beyond first.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: self

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Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a Ward of Dawn, a 10-foot radius sphere of protective void Light centered on yourself. The sphere
is semi-transparent, partially blocks sound, and acts as a wall against projectiles, waves, beams, or
shockwaves attempting to enter or exit the edge of the sphere. Creatures of your choice can move through
the sphere normally. All other creatures treat the area of the Ward of Dawn as magically difficult terrain.
You can only cast this Power while grounded. The sphere is mounted to the ground after you cast it; it
does not move with you when you move.
Protective Light. When you cast this power, all creatures of your choice within the Ward gain
Overshields. If a creature ends their turn within the Ward, or enters the Ward for the first time on a turn, you
may choose to grant them these Overshields as well.
Ward of Dawn Stats. Your Ward of Dawn has an amount of health points equal to 50 times your Power
level, and an AC equal to 10 + your Power level. It is mounted. It is immune to all damage and effects
originating from Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 2.5 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 10 times
your Power level.
Creatures of your choice who start their turn within 5 feet of your barricade, or who move within 5 feet of
your barricade for the first time on a turn, are Empowered (rank 1). A creature Empowered in this way has
advantage on the damage roll it applies the Empowered bonus damage to.
You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health
At Higher Levels. This barricade grants Empowered (rank 2) beginning at 7th level. When you reach
14th level, it grants Empowered (rank 3) instead.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

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You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 15 times
your Power level.
Only creatures of your choice may pass through the barricade.
You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health

Escalation Response
By the time you’ve grown to 5th level, you’ve fully internalized that you are the first and last defense of your fireteam,
and this resolve allows you to escalate your response to threats appropriately. On your turn, you may use this feature
to grant yourself a second action for your turn. You regain your use of this feature when you finish a long rest.
As your defender level increases, so too does the number of times you may use this feature between long rests.
You earn two uses beginning at 9th defender level, then three uses at 13th defender level, and finally four uses at
17th defender level. Regardless of level, you regain all uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.

Protective Light
Also at 5th level, whenever you or another creature of your choice within 15 feet of you must make a saving throw,
you can extend a defensive envelope of your Light to grant a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Power modifier
(minimum +1 bonus). You must be conscious and not Suppressed to grant this bonus.

Aspects of the Defender

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

Whenever you cast your super or class Power, you and all Risen creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you
gain Overshields. The radius of this effect increases as your defender level increases, becoming a 10-foot
radius at 11th level, and then a 15-foot radius at 17th level.

You have 3 uses of this aspect. If a hostile creature takes void damage from one of your defender Powers, you
may choose to spend a use to increase the damage taken by 1d10. The target also becomes Weakened until
the start of your next turn.
The bonus damage granted by this Aspect increases as your defender level increases. It becomes +2d10
beginning at 11th defender level, then +3d10 at 17th defender level.
You regain all uses of this aspect when you complete a short or long rest.

While you have Overshields, you have advantage on grenade Power recharge rolls. If you reduce a hostile
creature to 0 hit points with damage from a melee weapon attack or melee Power, you gain Overshields.

You learn the Invincible grenade Power, detailed after this aspect list.

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Aspect-based defender grenade Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power

Range: self
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: 1 round, concentration

You fashion a shield of void Light around yourself. Until the start of your next turn, your speed is halved and you are
immune to all damage except psychic, if you can maintain concentration. At the start of your next turn, you unleash
your Light in a 15-foot cone. All targets within the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or they are knocked
Prone. Those that fail their saving throw also take 2d6 + your Power ability modifier in explosive void damage.
Maintaining Concentration. Whenever you would normally take damage, make a concentration check like
normal. If you succeed you don’t take the damage, but if you fail, you take the damage and this effect ends.
At Higher Levels. The amount of damage dice you roll for this power increases by one for each Power level you
are above 2nd.

Radiant Light
Starting at 10th level, you and nearby allies take comfort and strength from the reassuring radiance of the Light
emanating from you. You and any other creatures of your choice within 15 feet of you can't be Charmed or
Frightened. You must be conscious and not Suppressed to grant the bonuses of this feature. If a creature is Charmed
or Frightened when they start their turn within this area, the effect ends early for them.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second defender Aspect.

Brilliant Light
At 18th level, your Light is an oriflamme unmistakeable to your allies. The range of your Protective Light and Radiant
Light features increases to 30 feet.

Champion of Light
When you reach 20th level, your Light is unshakeable, like the roots of the Last City’s mighty walls. If you fail a
concentration check, you may choose to succeed instead. You must complete at least a brief rest before you can
invoke this feature again.

Defender Callings
As a Defender, when you choose a calling, it is more than deciding how to train. It also reflects the ideals you believe
will bring humanity to a second Golden Age. The calling you choose will determine the development of your abilities,
and shape the support you provide your allies.

Calling of the Light

Those who heed the Calling of the Light protect their allies by getting ahead of threats, and putting an end to the
danger themselves. You forgo defense in favor of wielding devastating power. Anything that comes between you and
the objective will be pummeled, crushed, and broken upon the edge of your Light.

At 3rd level, you can reinforce your attacks with your Light. Once on your turn, you may add a bonus to the damage
roll of a successful weapon attack equal to your Power modifier.

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Starting at 6th level, when you land a hit on an unwary adversary, it brings them to a standstill. Creatures provoke
opportunity attacks from you if they move into a space within 5 feet of you. Furthermore, whenever you hit a creature
with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 until the end of its turn.

At 11th level, your fighting experience has grown quite extensive. Choose one of the following features.

Choose an additional Combat Specialty.

When you cast a defender melee Power, you may do so once without expending the melee Power charge. You
must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.

If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage originating from a grenade Power, you may make
a grenade Power recharge. You may do this once for each creature reduced to 0 in this way.

At 15th level, your attacks are made with great aptitude and verve, and hit especially hard more often than would
typically be expected. The critical hit range of all attack rolls you make is increased by one.

Calling of the Shield

Those Defender Titans who would directly protect the weak and downtrodden, and keep their allies safe in battle often
answer the Calling of the Shield. Whether leading at the front line or serving as an indomitable backstop, Defenders of
this calling stand as unflappable bulwarks against the Darkness.

At 3rd level, your protection of your allies is solid as a plasteel buttress. If you invoke your Selfless feature and the
attack roll still hits, you may choose to take the damage instead.

At 6th level, you may use a bonus action in an attempt to draw the enemy’s attention toward yourself, and away from
your allies. All hostile creatures within 30 feet who can clearly hear your battle cry must make a Charisma saving
throw against your Power save DC. If a creature fails, it has disadvantage on any attacks it makes that are not
directed at you until the start of your next turn.

When you reach 11th level, you are keenly aware your allies depend on your strength as a frontline defender to stand
with you in the thick of battle, and you throw your all into keeping them safe. When you invoke your Selfless feature,
the attack roll must beat your AC instead of the target’s AC.

By the time you reach 15th level, you are unflagging and tireless in your defense of your allies, and staunch in the
face of your own demise. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to drop to 1 health point instead. You
must complete a long rest before you can invoke any feature that prevents you from being reduced to 0 hit points

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Calling of the Sentinel
If you yearn to lead your allies in the charge, protecting and empowering them as you surge forward together, then
you have heard the Calling of the Sentinel. Your place is at the fore of the fighting, side by side with your staunch
friends, where you can be their shield wall.

Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to imbue your defensive Light with a soothing aura.
Whenever you cast a defender class Power, all Risen creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you may recover 1d8
shield points. This increases to 2d8 at 11th defender level, then to 3d8 at 17th defender level.

Beginning at 6th level, you gain a second grenade Power charge. When you make a grenade Power recharge roll, you
may only roll once, and you only recover one charge with a successful roll.

When you reach 11th level, you gain a second use of your reaction each round. This second reaction may only be used
to invoke your Selfless feature.

At 15th level, you have refined your Light to the point of reclaiming the energy of allies that benefit from it. If an ally
benefiting from your super Power (Empowered by your super, wielding a weapon from your super, etc) reduces a
hostile creature to 0 hit points, you and all other Risen creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you may make a
shield recharge roll. Once you invoke this feature, you must wait until the start of your next turn before you can do so
again. Furthermore, like normal, whenever any Risen creature makes any shield recharge roll, they must wait until the
start of their next turn before they may do so again.

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As a Sunbreaker, your superclass is Titan and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Inner Flame, Stamina Surge 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Combat Specialty, Sunbreaker Codes, Super Power 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Extra Attack 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Sunbreaker 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 — 3rd
10 +4 Archetype Feature 3rd
11 +4 Endless Flames 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 — 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Indomitable Flames 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 — 5th
18 +6 Archetype Feature 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Fight Forever 5th


Shield die: d12
Shield recharge roll: (1d12 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 12

Shield points at higher levels: add 7 (or 1d12) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Medium, heavy, shields
Weapons: shortswords, glaives, zweihanders, auto rifles, grenade launchers, hand cannons, light machine guns,
pulse rifles, rocket launchers, shotguns, submachine guns, and trace rifles
Saving Throws: Intelligence and (Choose Strength or Wisdom)

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Skills: One Intelligence-based skilled of your choice, and any one other skill of your choice

Power ability score: Intelligence
Power level: see sunbreaker table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power saving throw: make an Intelligence saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Titan, you are proficient in the Athletics skill. You also hit harder with your unarmed strikes than others do.
You always roll a d6 for the damage of your unarmed strikes. This damage die increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at
11th level, and finally to 1d12 at 17th level.

Inner Flame
The Light you carry within you is forged into the Sunbreakers’ fire, and you are initiated into its mysteries. You gain
the ability to invoke your Inner Flame, choosing one of the effects described below when you do so. However, each
time you use an Inner Flame option, you also gain a stack of Ignited. See Being Ignited for more information.
● Flare. When you are attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, you may use your reaction
to cause the creature to have disadvantage on all attack rolls they make until the end of their turn. You must
choose to do this before the creature makes their attack roll.
● Smite. Once on your turn, when you damage a hostile creature with a weapon attack, you may deal an
additional 1d10 solar damage on the hit.
● Soothe. As a bonus action on your turn, you may touch a willing creature other than yourself and allow them
to recover shield points equal to 1d8 + your Power ability modifier.

Every time you use an Inner Flame option, you gain one stack of Ignited after resolving the effect. You lose all
ongoing stacks if you are Incapacitated or if you complete at least a brief rest, whichever happens first.
Maximum Stacks. The maximum number of stacks you can have is equal to 1 + your Power ability modifier
(minimum 1 stack). You cannot use an Inner Flame option if you are at the maximum for the number of stacks you
can have.
Recoil. At the end of your turn, you take 1d4 recoil damage for each stack of Ignited you have.
Cauterize. On your turn, you can choose to consume all stacks of Ignited, recovering 1d6 shield points per stack
consumed. You must complete at least a brief rest before you can use an Inner Flame option again.

Stamina Surge
As a sunbreaker, your Light was forged in the heat of your Order’s rigorous trials, and your resolve tempered to
unfailing strength. When others might fall, you press yourself to rise again.
If you take damage that reduces you to half your shield points or less, but you still have at least 1 health point
remaining, you may use your reaction to make a shield recharge roll. Alternatively, if you start your turn with half
your shield points or less, you may use a bonus action to make a shield recharge roll.
Like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start of your next turn before
you may do so again.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
At Higher Levels. Beginning at 9th sunbreaker level, you can use this feature twice between long rests. When
you reach 17th sunbreaker level, you can use it three times between long rests.

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Sunbreaker Melee Power
At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: 20/40 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You forge a hammer from your solar Light in a free hand and throw it at a target within range. Make a ranged
Power attack roll, adding your Power level to the attack modifier for this. The target takes 1d10 + your Power
ability modifier in solar damage on a hit.
Retrieval Charge. The hammer remains manifested until the end of your next turn. No other creature
may use it (it will be impossibly heavy to wield for them), but if you are able to touch your hammer before the
end of your next turn, the hammer dissipates and you immediately regain 1 melee Power charge.
Explosive Demise. If you do not touch your hammer before the end of your next turn, the hammer
explodes. All targets within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking an amount of explosive
solar damage equal to the hammer’s damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Holding Charge. Though you do not have to concentrate on this Power, you cannot make melee Power
recharge rolls until the hammer dissipates or explodes, whichever occurs.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power increases by one at 5th level (roll 2d10),
11th level (roll 3d10), and once more at 17th level (roll 4d10).

Casting Time and Type: add-on effect, melee Power
Reach: —
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

When you hit with an unarmed strike, you may spend a melee Power charge to add 1d8 solar damage to the
At Higher Levels. The amount of solar damage you add with this Power increases as you reach higher
levels. It becomes +2d8 at 5th level, +3d8 at 11th level, then +4d8 at 17th level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

Propelled by your Light, you launch yourself up to 15 feet toward a target you can perceive and crash into it
immediately after. The target must make a Strength saving throw, taking 2d8 solar damage on a failed save,
or half as much on a success. A target that fails its saving throw is also either knocked Prone or knocked back
10 feet, your choice.
You must have a speed greater than 0 to cast this Power.
Enhanced Effect. If you use your action to Dash on your turn and move at least 15 feet, you may use
your bonus action to cast this Power immediately after, instead of an action. Doing so causes your charge to
affect all targets in a 15-foot cone originating from yourself, and going in the direction of the primary target of
the charge.
At Higher Levels. The amount of damage you add for this Power becomes 3d8 at 5th level, 4d8 at 11th
level, and finally 5d8 at 17th level.

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Solar Grenade Powers
Additionally at 2nd level, you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have
one grenade Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Fusion and Thermite grenade
Powers now. If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the
solar grenade Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 20/60 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a palm-sized grenade brimming with solar Light, which you throw at a target you can see within range.
Make a ranged Power attack roll, and add your Power level to your attack modifier for this. If you hit, the target takes
2d10 explosive solar damage. If you miss, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take half damage.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this grenade increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You fling a grenade of Light onto a hard surface within range. On impact with the surface, the grenade instantly
creates a burning wall of solar Light that can be up to 20 feet long, 5 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque,
lasts for the duration, and it must travel along the ground.
All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 solar damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a success.
For the duration, any creature that ends their turn within the area, or who enters the area of the wall for the first
time on a turn, must also make the same saving throw.
At Higher Levels. Casting this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher causes its base damage to increase by
1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Combat Specialty
At 3rd level, you learn a fighting specialization with a distinct style. Choose one of the following options. You can’t
select a Combat Specialty option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

While wearing Guardian armor, you have a bonus +1 to your AC.

While dual-wielding, if you make an offhand attack that hits, you can add your ability modifier to the damage
of your offhand weapon. You may also dual-wield a one-handed weapon with an agile weapon, though you can
only use your agile weapon as your offhand weapon attack.

When you are wielding a simple weapon and no other weapons, you have a bonus +2 to attack and damage
rolls with that weapon.

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When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a martial weapon or firearm, you can
reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.


You have a bonus +2 to attack rolls you make with weapons that have the Loading property.

You have a bonus +1 to all weapon DCs calculated using your proficiency bonus, including payload DCs.

Sunbreaker Code
Also when you reach 3rd level, you choose a code that reflects your principles and the shape of the burning Light
within you: the Code of the Devastator, the Code of the Forgemaster, or the Code of the Siegebreaker, all detailed at
the end of this class description. The code you choose grants you additional and unique features as you level up in this

Sunbreaker Super Power

Finally at 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge. You have
one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may never have
more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Burning maul 1d10 solar 5 ft. Power weapon, two-handed

You forge your solar Light into a maul with the stats and properties shown. While holding this weapon, your
base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Burning Fields. As an action you may spend 2 rounds of duration and slam the hammer into a target
within reach, sending out a shockwave of solar Light. It and all other targets (other than yourself) within 5
feet must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d10 + your Power ability modifier in solar damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a success.
If the target is a creature, make a melee Power attack roll, adding your Power level to the attack roll for
this. On a hit, the target automatically fails their Constitution saving throw. If you miss, it automatically
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from any
source of this Power, it is instantly destroyed, incinerated in Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage you roll for your Burning Fields action increases by 1d10 for each Power
level you are above 1st.
Furthermore, when you cast Burning Maul at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns,
you may increase the damage one successful burning maul weapon attack does by 1d10 for each Power level
you are beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power

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Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Hammer of sol 1d6 solar 5 ft. One-handed, Power weapon, thrown

You forge your solar Light into a hammer, holding it in a free hand. The hammer has the stats and properties
shown. While holding this weapon, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Molten Shards. You may use your action and spend 2 rounds of duration to throw your Hammer of Sol at
a target within 60 feet (mortar). Upon impact the hammer breaks into molten shards covering a 5-foot radius
sphere around the impact site. All targets in the sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 +
your Power ability modifier in solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
A target that fails its saving throw is also Scorched for the next minute. A Scorched target can repeat a
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on itself early on a success.
Recall. Whenever you throw the hammer while concentrating on this Power, it dissipates at the end of its
throw and reforms in your free hand after.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from any
source of this Power, it is instantly destroyed, incinerated in Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage you roll for your Molten Shards action increases by 1d6 for each Power
level you are above 1st.
Furthermore, when you cast Hammer of Sol at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns,
you may increase the damage one successful hammer of sol weapon attack does by 1d6 for each Power level
you are beyond 1st.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 2.5 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 10 times
your Power level.
Creatures of your choice who start their turn within 5 feet of your barricade, or who move within 5 feet of
your barricade for the first time on a turn, are Empowered (rank 1). A creature Empowered in this way has
advantage on the damage roll it applies the Empowered bonus damage to.

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You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health
At Higher Levels. This barricade grants Empowered (rank 2) beginning at 7th level. When you reach
14th level, it grants Empowered (rank 3) instead.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You craft a semi-transparent yet solid wall out of your Light, centered just in front of yourself. The wall is 15
feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 1 inch thick. It is paracausally mounted, incapable of moving from the surface it is
cast on. It also has an AC equal to 10 + your Power level and an amount of health points equal to 15 times
your Power level.
Only creatures of your choice may pass through the barricade.
You can only have one class Power active at a time. If you cast a new class Power, the effects of any
ongoing class Powers instantly end for you. This class Power also ends if the barricade is reduced to 0 health

Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Aspects of the Sunbreaker

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

Reducing a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage that comes from a sunbreaker Power creates a
sunspot, a Power effect defined after this aspect list. The sunspot is centered on the spot the creature
occupied. You have advantage on melee, grenade, and class Power recharge rolls you make while standing
within the area of a sunspot.

When you damage a target with one of your sunbreaker Powers or Power effects, you may increase the
damage done by an amount equal to 1d4 per stack of Ignited you have.

You learn the Consecration melee Power, detailed after this aspect list.

Aspect-based Sunbreaker melee Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power

Range: self (airborne only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

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Bursting with solar Light, you rapidly descend from a height of at least 5 feet, but no more than 30 feet, and slam into
the ground. A shockwave of solar Light expels in a 5-foot radius around you. All targets within the area must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. A target that fails this
saving throw is also Scorched until the end of their next turn.
You cannot cast this Power if there isn’t a ground within range.
Bonus Effect. After resolving the cast effect, you may use your bonus action to cause an additional shockwave of
solar Light. Any Scorched target within 5 feet of you takes an additional amount of solar damage equal to your Power
level + your Power ability modifier.
At Higher Levels. The cast damage of this Power increases to 4d8 at 11th level, then to 5d8 at 17th level.

Aspect-based Power effect

A sunspot is a cylinder of solar Light 5 feet tall and with a 5-foot radius. Creatures of your choice that end their turn
within your sunspots, or who enter the area of your sunspots for the first time on a turn, take 1d6 solar damage. This
amount increases to 1d8 at 11th sunbreaker level, then to 1d10 at 17th sunbreaker level.
The maximum number of sunspots you can have active at a time is equal to 1 + your Power ability modifier.
Sunspots last until you are Incapacitated or Suppressed, or until you complete at least a brief rest, whichever happens
first. You may also dismiss any amount of your sunspots on your turn.

Endless Flames
At 11th level, you learn how to stoke the fire of your Light beyond its normal limits. You may still use Inner Flame
options even when at maximum stacks of Ignited, though your total number of stacks does not increase. However,
each time you use an Inner Flame option while at your maximum for stacks of Ignited, you take 1d12 recoil damage.
This damage happens after resolving the Inner Flame effect.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second sunbreaker Aspect.

Indomitable Flames
At 15th level, you are sure of yourself and the fires of your Light. When you call upon your super Power, you do so
with unshakable poise. You are immune to being Charmed or Frightened while concentrating on your super Power. If
you are Charmed or Frightened when you cast your super Power, you end the effect on yourself.

Fight Forever
At 20th level, you are a master of the sunbreaker fighting arts. While you are concentrating on your super Power, you
regain 10 shield points at the start of each of your turns.

Sunbreaker Codes
All Sunbreakers share the same oath, but each chooses a code to live by. More than additional strictures of honor,
these codes describe methods for releasing the burning inner Light sunbreakers cultivate. The code you choose will
guide your initiation into the mysteries and techniques of the sunbreaker, and shape how you will wield the starfire of
your Light.

Code of the Devastator

Sunbreakers who practice the Code of the Devastator have chosen to refine themselves into instruments of raw power,
determined to obliterate opposition with thunderous, earthshaking blows of a Light-forged warhammer. What they lack
in subtlety, they more than make up for with their ability to flatten even the most daunting foes.

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Learning the Devastator’s Code at 3rd level has taught you to make your Light fearsome. When you draw it forth
through your Inner Flame, it is a thing of terror to your enemies.
The first time you gain a stack of Ignited after rolling initiative for a combat, you can force all creatures you
choose within 30 feet of you, who can also clearly see you, to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Power save
DC. On a failed save, they become Frightened of you until they complete at least a brief rest. A Frightened creature
may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself early on a success. A creature
who succeeds on its saving throw, or for whom the effect ends, is immune to being Frightened in this way for 24

At 6th level, the flame of your Light burns brightly, and kindles a surge in your strength. Strength (Athletics) checks
you make may always benefit from Expertise. Your weight limit is also doubled.

At 10th level, you learn the following new Inner Flame option.
● Temper Flare. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may use this Inner Flame option to make
one additional attack as part of your Attack action.

Beginning at 18th level, if you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you may make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you are reduced to 1 health point instead. Each time you invoke this
feature, the DC increases by 5. The DC returns to 10 after you complete a long rest.
You cannot invoke this feature if you have already used a different feature, trait, or other source that prevents you
from being reduced to 0 hit points since the last time you completed a long rest.

Code of the Forgemaster

The Forgemasters are those among the Sunbreakers who train to become unwavering leaders and sharp tacticians.
Adherents to this code learn to focus their Light both to weaken enemy defenses and bolster allies’ resolve. They
prefer to take initiative, bringing the hammer down before enemies can escape their scourging fire.

Though the flames may burn, it also becomes a source of comfort and strength to you and your allies. At 3rd level,
you may choose to shine bright light in a radius equal to 5 feet per stack of Ignited you have. Whenever a creature of
your choice within your bright light receives any healing, the amount of healing they receive increases by 1d6.
Creatures that receive a healing bonus from you are bathed in solar flames, making it impossible for them to be
Invisible until the end of their next turn.

Beginning at 6th level, the sparks cast from the blows of your Light are boons to you and your allies alike. Once on
your turn, if you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from a sunbreaker Power, you and all creatures
of your choice within the bright light of your Soothing Aura feature gain a bonus 15 feet of movement on their next

When you reach 10th level, you learn the following new Inner Flame option.
● Scorching Protection. If a creature hits you with a melee attack, you may use your reaction to use this
Inner Flame option. The attack’s damage is halved and the creature is Scorched until the end of your next

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At 18th level, you have tended the fires of your Light well, and now they burn high and hot at all times. Creatures
may always benefit from your Soothing Aura and Tempered Metal features while within 10 feet of you, even if you
have no stacks of Ignited.

Code of the Siegebreaker

When hope is dim and the outcome appears dire, the Sunbreakers send those who follow the Code of the
Siegebreaker. Their scorching fire burns brightest when darkness seems overwhelming, and where others would turn
away, they forge ahead. Their code calls for burning the very ground enemies stand upon, claiming the battlefield
itself with fire.

When you choose this code at 3rd level, you learn to turn the damaging effect of your Inner Flame outward. When a
creature other than yourself starts its turn within 5 feet of you, or if it moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on
its turn, it takes an amount of solar damage equal to the number of Ignited stacks you have.

Also at 3rd level, your control over the Light you channel allows you carefully craft the range of its effects. You can
give a number of creatures equal to 1 + your Power level immunity against your sunbreaker Powers and Siegebreaker
features; they take no damage and trigger no effects. You may change which creatures receive this benefit on your

Beginning at 6th level, when you stoke the fire of your Light with the bellows of your will, it can propel you forward
like a rush of hot wind. On your turn, you can choose to double your movement until the end of your turn. Once you
use this feature, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.


At 10th level, the radius of your Ignition Point feature increases to 10 feet.

At 18th level, you may use your action to unleash the full might of your Inner Flame. All targets within 20 feet of you
must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Power save DC. They take an amount of explosive solar damage
equal to 1d8 per stack of Ignited you have, or half as much on a success. All ongoing stacks of Inner Flame end for
you after. You cannot gain stacks of Ignited again until you complete at least a short rest.

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As a voidwalker, your superclass is Warlock and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Total Marks Power Level
1 +2 Enhanced Power, Melee Power — 1st
2 +2 Marked by the Void, Grenade Power 1 1st
3 +2 Voidwalker Harbingers, Super Power 2 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 2 1st
5 +3 Archetype Feature 2 2nd
6 +3 — 3 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Voidwalker 3 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 3 2nd
9 +4 — 4 3rd
10 +4 Ability Score Increase 4 3rd
11 +4 Archetype Feature 4 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 5 3rd
13 +5 Scarred by the Void 5 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 5 4th
15 +5 — 6 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 6 4th
17 +6 Adept of Light 6 5th
18 +6 Archetype Feature 7 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 7 5th
20 +6 Mastery of the Void 7 5th


Shield die: d6
Shield recharge roll: (1d6 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 6

Shield points at higher levels: add 4 (or 1d6) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light
Weapons: Glaives, daggers, fusion rifles, hand cannons, pulse rifles, scout rifles, shotguns, sidearms, and trace rifles
Saving Throws: Intelligence and (Choose Dexterity or Constitution)
Skills: One Intelligence-based skilled of your choice, and any two other skills of your choice

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Power ability score: Intelligence
Power level: see voidwalker table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power saving throw: make an Intelligence saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Warlock, you are proficient in the Arcana skill. Additionally, your control over the Power you channel allows
you to carefully craft the range of its effects. You may give a number of creatures equal to 1 + your Power ability
modifier immunity against the damage and effects of your Powers whenever you cast them (minimum 1 creature).
You must choose which creatures receive this benefit when you cast a Power, but you may change which creatures
receive this benefit on your turn.

Enhanced Power
Even at 1st level, you already understand some of the deeper workings of the Traveler’s Light, and can manipulate it
more subtly than others. When you cast a Power and roll a 1 or a 2 on any of the dice in the damage or healing roll,
you may choose to re-roll those dice once. You must use the new rolls, even if they are 1s or 2s.

Voidwalker Melee Power

At 1st level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee Power
charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee
Reach: equal to the reach of your unarmed strikes
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

With a free hand, you lash out with your Light at a target within reach. The target must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 2d6 void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d6 at 5th level (3d6), 11th level (4d6), and
17th level (5d6).

Casting Time and Type: 1 attack, melee
Range: 20 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You thrust a free hand forward and launch a ball of void Light at a target within range. Make a ranged Power
attack roll, adding your Power level to your attack modifier for this. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + your
Power ability modifier in void damage and it is Suppressed until the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for damage with this Power increases by one at 5th level
(2d6), 11th level (3d6), and again at 17th level (4d6).

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Marked by the Void
After reaching 2nd level, the first time you complete a long rest in which you sleep or meditate, the void reaches out
to you, resonating with your Light. Perhaps you are visited by visions of greatness, or perhaps you dream of drowning
in an incomprehensibly dark and cold lake. Perhaps you wake with a scream. Perhaps you wake in a cold sweat. Or
maybe you wake with only the quiet realization of what you will become. However the void reaches for you, it leaves
you irrevocably marked by its presence.
You gain one Mark of the Void of your choice, the options for which are detailed at the end of this class
description. When you gain certain voidwalker levels, you gain additional Marks of your choice, as shown in the Total
Marks column of the voidwalker table. Furthermore, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the
Marks you have and replace it with another Mark that you could get at your level.
Prerequisites. If you do not meet the prerequisite for a Mark, you do not gain its benefits, even if it is a Mark
you have.
Pinnacle Marks. Some Marks of the Void are noted as Pinnacle Marks. You can only have one Pinnacle Mark at a
Prohibited Marks and Features. You are barred from selecting certain Marks of the Void if you also have one of
the listed prohibited Marks or features.

Void Grenade Powers

At 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one grenade
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Axion grenade Power now, as well as any two
other void grenade Powers of your choice. Void grenade Powers are listed at the start of this chapter. If you opt to
learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the void grenade Power list.

Voidwalker Harbinger
When you reach 3rd level, you choose the aspect of the void you will manifest in the material world, which will
determine the progression of your abilities. You may become a Harbinger of Destruction, Harbinger of Knowledge, or
Harbinger of Chaos, all detailed below in this class description. Your choice determines what unique features you get
as you level up in this class.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d8, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You drop a grenade of void Light at a space within range, and the grenade turns into an axion seeker for the duration.
As an axion seeker, it will attempt to detect and then fly toward the nearest creature hostile to you, even if you are
not aware of the creature yourself. If the axion seeker can detect more than one creature hostile to you, you
determine which one the seeker will chase.
The axion seeker is considered to have a truesight range of 40 feet (blind beyond this radius), can fit through
holes big enough for a Tiny construct of Light, and can fly up to 40 feet.
If the axion seeker reaches a hostile creature, it explodes on the creature. The creature must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 3d8 explosive void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
If the axion seeker cannot find a creature hostile to you immediately after being created, it dissipates harmlessly.
At Higher Levels. Increase the amount of damage dice rolled for this Power by 1d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.

Voidwalker Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

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Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You spawn a 5-foot radius sphere of void Light, centered in an unoccupied space touching yourself, and direct
the sphere to seek out a creature of your choice, one you have seen within the past minute. The sphere will
know where the creature is, unless the creature is immune to divination, and will always move up to 30 feet
on each of your turns attempting to catch up to the creature.
The sphere can only fit through openings big enough for a Large creature.
When the sphere reaches the creature it detonates. You can also cause the sphere to detonate early as a
bonus action on your turn. The sphere will also detonate early if there is no path to reach the creature at the
end of your turn, or if you lose concentration.
Detonation. When the sphere detonates it causes all creatures within its area to have to make a
Charisma saving throw, taking 3d10 explosive void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this.
A creature that fails its saving throw is also Suppressed for the next minute and can repeat the Charisma
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself early on a success.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power’s detonation increases by 1d10 for each Power level you are
above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super
Range: 80 feet, mortar
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You form a spherical bolt of intensely concentrated void energy in your hands and hurl it at a hard surface
within range. All creatures within 5 feet of the impact point must make a Dexterity saving throw against your
Power save DC (increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this). A creature
takes 4d8 explosive void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Lingering Vortex. After resolving the cast damage above, a vortex of void Light forms in a 5-foot radius
sphere, centered on the impact site. This sphere is what you concentrate on. For the duration, the area of the
sphere is considered paracausal difficult terrain.
Furthermore, if a creature ends their turn within the sphere, or enters the area of the sphere for the first
time on a turn, they must make a Strength saving throw. A creature that fails this saving throw takes an
amount of void damage equal to your Power level + your Power ability modifier and is pulled up to 10 feet
toward the center of the sphere, where they fall Prone. A creature that succeeds takes half as much damage
and is not pulled.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The cast damage of this Power increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are beyond

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

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You embrace the void and channel it through your body. While concentrating on this Power, your base walking
speed increases by 10 feet and you hover 1 foot off solid surfaces, allowing you to ignore nonmagical difficult
terrain that does not reach high enough.
Overwhelming Power. You cannot hold any items while concentrating on this Power. Any items you were
holding when you cast this Power are immediately dropped.
Nova Detonation. As an action, you may spend 2 rounds of duration to explode in void Light. All
creatures of your choice within a 5-foot radius must make a Strength saving throw (increase your Power save
DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this). A creature that fails its saving throw takes 4d8 explosive
void damage and is knocked Prone. A creature that succeeds takes half as much damage and is not knocked
You may increase the radius of this action to 10 feet by spending 3 rounds of duration, instead of only 2.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are beyond 1st.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability
score above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. All Risen creatures standing in the circle may regain shield points equal to 1d8 + your Power ability
modifier. Until the rift dissipates at the start of your next turn, Risen creatures who did not already receive this
healing, but who do enter the area of your rift for the first time on a turn, may recover the same amount of
shield points as well.
At Higher Levels. The amount of d8s you roll for this Power increases by one when you reach 7th level
(2d8), and then it increases by one again when you reach 14th level (3d8).

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. Until the start of your next turn when the rift dissipates, creatures of your choice standing within the
circle are Empowered (rank 1). A creature loses the Empowered condition from this source if they leave the
area of the circle.

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At Higher Levels. This Power grants Empowered (rank 2) starting at 7th level, and then it grants
Empowered (rank 3) when you reach 14th level.

Aspects of the Voidwalker

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

The recharge value of your void grenade Powers are reduced by 1. When you cast a void grenade Power with
the Cast a Power action, it’s modified in the way described.
● Axion: You create two seekers, instead of only one, though each seeker uses the same damage roll.
Each seeker must target a different creature from the other. If the second seeker ever has no target, it
● Magnetic: A creature that fails the saving throw now takes the full damage of the grenade, and a
creature that succeeds takes half damage.
● Spike: Its area is considered paracausally difficult terrain. The grenade cannot be destroyed from
damage, though you can choose to end its effects on your turn.
● Scatter or Suppressor: You may add your Power level to the save DC.
● Voidwall or Vortex: Increase the damage die size by one.


You learn the Void Soul class Power, described after this Aspect list.


If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from one of your voidwalker Powers or Power
effects, you may begin the Devour condition on yourself, which lasts until the end of your next turn. The
condition ends early if you are Incapacitated or Suppressed. You may also make a shield recharge roll when
you begin the condition on yourself.
For the duration of Devour, each time you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you may make a shield
recharge roll. However, like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start
of your next turn before you may do so again.

Aspect-based voidwalker class Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power

Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You manifest a tiny swirling orb of void Light, like a miniature black hole, and direct it at a target you can see within
range. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or it becomes
Suppressed until the start of its next turn.
After directing the soul, it attaches to the target creature and always goes where the creature goes. However, if
you are ever more than 60 feet away from the soul, or if the creature receives an effect that allows it to end all
conditions on itself, the soul dissipates and the duration of this Power ends.
Though you do not need to concentrate on this Power, you cannot make class Power recharge rolls while it has
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Scarred by the Void
At 13th level, your long immersion in the yawning depths of the void has changed you. Choose one Mark of the Void
that you could learn at 2nd level. This becomes a permanent Mark whose effects you always have, and it doesn’t
count against the total for the number of Marks you have.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second voidwalker Aspect.

Adept of Light
When you reach 18th level, your Light is wound taut, its pathways within you coiled efficiently. Your voidwalker melee,
grenade, and class Power recharge values are all reduced by one. Your super Power recharge value is reduced by two.

Mastery of the Void

At 20th level, you have gazed so long into the abysses below the veneer of apparent reality that you feel you know
every impossible corner of the vastness beneath. So well do you know the void that when you look into it, it seems
like merely looking at yourself. Whenever you complete a long rest, you can replace one Mark of the Void you have
with another Mark. If the Mark you choose to remove is a prerequisite for any other Marks you have, you can also
replace those Marks. Like normal, if you do not meet the prerequisite for a Mark, you do not gain its benefits, even if
it is a Mark you have.
Additionally, you now have access to certain Marks that have the prerequisite of 20th level. These are your
pinnacle Mark options. You may only have one pinnacle Mark at any time.

Voidwalker Harbinger
Whether they sojourn alone or join Warlock orders to work alongside others, all voidwalkers also keep a personal
allegiance to an aspect of the void they have chosen to embody. They refer to themselves as harbingers of these
chosen aspects, a holdover from times long before the City Age when the arrival of a voidwalker was regarded as a
weighty portent.

Harbinger of Destruction
You manifest the destructive aspect of the void, drawing deeply on its power to wreak widespread devastation. Your
training teaches you to take hold of your Light and push yourself to make it yield even mightier destruction.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, it means you are well versed in the use of mundane wargear as well as
reality-defying arcana. You gain proficiency in medium armor, all martial melee weapons, all martial ranged weapons,
and all martial firearms.


At 5th level, choose one of the following features.

When you use your action to cast a melee or grenade Power, you may use your bonus action to make one
weapon attack.

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

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You possess a sufficient aptitude with the workings of void Light to infuse a weapon with its energies, binding
it to yourself and endowing it with capabilities beyond typical equipment. Over the course of a short rest, you
may infuse a weapon you are proficient with using the void’s energies, turning it into a Voidbonded weapon.
You gain the following benefits with your voidbonded weapon so long as it is connected to you:
● You may always use your Intelligence modifier to determine the weapon’s attack rolls, damage rolls,
or Payload DC. Like normal, you must use the same modifier for all of a weapon’s attack rolls, damage
rolls, and Payload DCs.
● You are always aware of its location if it is within 60 feet of you. You are instantly aware if any
creature other than yourself is holding the weapon.
● Once on your turn, you may increase the damage of a successful attack roll you make with the
weapon by 1d8.

If you are ever more than 5 feet away from your voidbonded weapon for 1 minute or longer, or if your
voidbonded weapon is stored in the memory of a Ghost, you lose your connection to the weapon. You also
cannot have more than one voidbonded weapon at a time. If you create a new voidbonded weapon, your
previous voidbonded weapon loses its connection.

At 11th level, your sharpened situational awareness and heightened reaction speed when drawing upon the void make
you a lethally effective mixed technique combatant. Choose an option from the sunbreaker’s Combat Specialty

When you reach 18th level, you gain a feature determined by what you selected from your 5th level Might and Magic
Extra Bonus Attack (Requires Battle Magic). When you use your action to cast a melee or grenade Power, you
may use your bonus action to make up to two weapon attacks.
Heightened Voidbond (Requires Voidbond). You cannot be disarmed of your voidbonded weapon, and the
bonus damage you may grant to your voidbonded weapon increases to 2d8. Furthermore, damage from your
voidbonded weapon is considered to be voidwalker Power damage.
Quickened Light (Requires Extra Attack). The casting time of all class Powers you know becomes 1 attack.

Harbinger of Knowledge
You manifest the mysterious aspect of the void, seeking knowledge of the unseen in the hidden recesses and
interstices below the surface of apparent reality. You work tirelessly to understand and master the intricacies of your
Light and the ways it may be applied.


By 3rd level, you've delved into the void more than most. You gain one additional Mark of the Void of your choice, one
you could get at 3rd level. This Mark does not count towards the total for the number of Marks you can have. You
cannot replace this mark once chosen.


At 5th level, you learn an additional voidwalker Power. Additionally, one voidwalker Power you know has its recharge
value reduced by 1 for you.

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By the time you reach 11th level, you’ve explored corners of the void previously unknown. You gain one additional
Mark of the Void of your choice, one you could get at 11th level. This Mark does not count towards the total to the
number of Marks you can have. You cannot replace this mark once chosen.
In addition, choose one of the following features.

You are immune to the Suppressed condition.

When you cast a voidwalker Power that forces creatures to make a saving throw, you may choose the type of
saving throw they make. All creatures affected must make the same saving throw.


You become proficient with two saving throws of your choice.

At 18th level, choose one of the following features.

You can take up to two bonus actions on your turn.

You can maintain concentration on up to two different sources at the same time. You make separate
concentration checks for each source.

Once on your turn, if a target must make a saving throw against a voidwalker Power of yours and it fails, it is
also Stunned until the end of its next turn. You can only affect a single target in this way.

Harbinger of Chaos
You manifest the unstable aspect of the void, embracing the eternal hiss of fluctuation that underlies the illusion of
solid substance. You learn to delve deep into recesses of your Light and craft it into a power few dare to obtain.

DEV NOTE: Use the Chaos table from PGB 1.1.7 for this archetype.


Already at 3rd level, the void has shown you the true path to power, and you are not afraid to plunge into its depths to
attain it. You gain the ability to channel void energies on a whim, and you use it to achieve paracausal effects. When
you use this feature, choose one effect to create: Overchannel Light, Strike from the Void, or Grace of the Void, all
described at the end of this feature. You may learn additional ways to use your Depths of the Void through obtaining
Marks of the Void or by leveling up in this archetype.
You have two uses of your Depths of the Void. When you finish a long rest, you regain all uses of your Depths of
the Void.
Finally, when you spend a use of your Depths of the Void feature, you must make a Chaos roll (a single roll of a
d20). If you roll a 1 or a 2, you must roll on the Chaos table found at the end of this archetype description.
● Overchannel Light. When you roll void damage, you can use Depths of the Void to deal maximum damage
instead of rolling.
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● Strike from the Void. When you make an attack roll, you can use Depths of the Void to grant yourself a
bonus +10 on the roll. You must choose to do this before you learn the result of your attack roll.
● Grace of the Void. When you make a shield recharge roll, you can use Depths of the Void to heal for the
maximum amount instead of making a roll.

At 5th level, when you use your Depths of the Void, you can choose to do so without making a Chaos roll. You can’t do
this again until you regain all uses of Depths of the Void.

At 11th level, you become more at ease calling upon the reality-bending powers of the void. You can use your Depths
of the Void feature three times between rests. You regain all uses of your Depths of the Void when you complete a
short or long rest.


At 18th level, you are so accustomed to staring into the abyss of the void’s power that the normal world appears
strange to your eyes. You can use your Depths of the Void feature four times between long rests, and whenever you
have to roll on the Chaos table, you can roll twice and choose either result.

Marks of the Void

Marks are listed alphabetically by level. Marks specific to certain voidwalker archetypes, as well as pinnacle marks, are
separated from the communal list.


You can read all writing, even if it is in a language you do not know.


You gain the effect of the sunsinger’s Detect Light and Dark feature.


You can see in all forms of darkness, including magical and paracausal, as if it were bright light up to a range of 30

Choose two skills you are proficient in, or one skill you are proficient in and either a toolkit or a vehicle you are
proficient with. Your choices may always benefit from Expertise.

As an action you can touch one exotic item and learn all its properties and perks.

The range of your Nova Bomb increases by 200 feet.

You gain the Psychokinesis feature as defined in the Awoken trait list.


You gain proficiency in any three languages, skills, tools, or vehicles of your choice, or combination thereof. Proficiency
with a language means you can speak, read, and write in that language.

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You no longer need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest you can
spend 4 hours meditating.

Prerequisite: 6th level

Your AC is increased by 4 while you are concentrating on a voidwalker Power. The bonus AC this Mark provides may
not increase your AC beyond 20. When you have multiple sources increasing your AC, you choose the order the
sources apply in.

Prerequisite: 6th level

As a bonus action on your turn, you may teleport to an unoccupied spot you can see within 5 feet, taking all carried
and worn equipment of your choice with you. The range of this Mark increases to 10 feet at 11th level, and then to 15
feet at 17th level.

Prerequisite: 6th level

The diameter of vortex grenade Powers you cast is 10 feet, and the radius of the Lingering Vortex effect of Nova
Bombs you cast increases to 10 feet.

Prerequisite: 12th level, Child of the Old Gods (Aspect)

A creature has disadvantage on the first saving throw they make against each voidwalker super Power you cast, if it
doesn’t have advantage.

Prerequisite: 12th level, Chaos Accelerant (Aspect)

The recharge value of voidwalker melee Powers you know are reduced by 1. When you cast a voidwalker melee Power,
it’s modified in the way described.
● Energy Drain. The damage die size increases by one.
● Pocket Singularity. Range increases by 5 feet. Whenever you would normally make an opportunity attack,
you may cast Pocket Singularity instead, if you have the charge to do so.


Prerequisite: 12th level, Feed the Void (Aspect)

When you start the Devour condition on yourself, it lasts until you are Incapacitated or Suppressed, or until you
complete at least a brief rest, whichever happens first. Furthermore, while your Devour condition has duration, you
may spend a grenade Power charge on your turn to make a shield recharge roll. Use a recharge of d8, 7+ to recover
this spent charge. Like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start of your next
turn before you may do so again.

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Prerequisite: 15th level, Chaos Accelerant (Aspect)

As a bonus action on your turn, you may spend one melee Power charge to regain a spent grenade Power charge, or
you may spend a grenade Power charge to regain a spent melee Power charge. Once you invoke this Mark, you can’t
do so again until you complete at least a brief rest.
Use a recharge of d6, 6+ to recover a melee Power charge spent with this mark, and use a recharge of d8, 6+ to
recover a grenade Power charge spent with this mark.


Prerequisite: 15th level, Child of the Old Gods (Aspect)

A creature Suppressed by you takes 2d6 void damage at the start of each of its turns.

Prerequisite: 15th level, Feed the Void (Aspect)

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points while your Devour condition has duration, you may invoke this
Mark to regain a grenade Power charge. You can’t invoke this Mark again until you complete at least a brief rest.

Prerequisite: 15th level

When you cast a voidwalker super Power, all hostile creatures within 30 feet who can clearly see you must make a
Wisdom saving throw against your Power save DC. If a creature fails the saving throw, it is Frightened of you until it
completes a brief rest. A Frightened creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself early on a success. A creature who succeeds on its saving throw, or for whom the effect ends, is
immune to being Frightened in this way for 24 hours.

Harbinger of Destruction Marks

These Marks may only be chosen by voidwalkers with the Harbinger of Destruction archetype. Marks are organized by
level prerequisite.

Prerequisite: 3rd level

After damaging a hostile creature with a voidwalker melee Power, you may use this mark to begin the Surge condition
on yourself. Until you either complete at least a brief rest, are Incapacitated, or are Suppressed (whichever happens
first), you receive the following benefits:
● Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet, to a maximum of 40 feet.
● It costs no movement for you to begin Aiming.
● You can make opportunity attacks while Aiming.
You can use this mark a number of times equal to your Power modifier. You regain all uses when you complete a
long rest.

Prerequisite: 3rd level

When you make an attack roll while Empowered, you can add a 1d4 to your attack modifier.

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Prerequisite: 9th level

While you are Empowered, the critical hit range of all weapon attack rolls you make is increased by an amount equal
to your Empowered rank.


Prerequisite: 9th level

You may invoke this Mark to grant yourself advantage on the next attack roll you make before the start of your next
turn. You can use this Mark a number of times equal to your Power modifier, and you regain all uses when you
complete a long rest.

Prerequisite: 18th level

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage that benefited from you being Empowered, you
become Empowered (same rank) immediately after.

Harbinger of Knowledge Marks

These Marks may only be chosen by voidwalkers with the Harbinger of Knowledge archetype. Marks are organized by
level prerequisite.

Prerequisite: 3rd level

You can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to any ability check you make that doesn’t already benefit
from your proficiency bonus or Expertise.


Prerequisite: 3rd level

As an action you can grant yourself proficiency in one skill, tool, language, or vehicle for the next 10 minutes. You can
invoke this Mark a number of times equal to your Power modifier, and you regain all uses when you complete a long

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can make a Power saving throw, instead of a Constitution saving throw, when you make concentration checks.

Prerequisite: 9th level

As an action while grounded, you can spend your melee Power charge to unleash a devastating wave of void Light that
travels along the ground in a 15-foot cone. All targets in the area must make a Strength saving throw. A creature that

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fails the saving throw takes 3d8 explosive void damage and is pushed back 10 feet. A creature takes half as much
damage and is not pushed back on a success.
Use a recharge of d6, 6+ to recover a melee Power charge spent with this Mark.
At Higher Levels. The damage you deal with this increases by 1d8 at 11th level (4d8 total) and once more at
17th level (5d8).

Prerequisite: 18th level

After resolving damage caused by your super Power, you may choose one hostile creature that was reduced to 0 hit
points with that damage. The creature explodes. All targets within a 5-foot radius take an amount of void damage
equal to your Power modifier. This is considered super Power damage for the purpose of Destroy Creature.

Harbinger of Chaos Marks

These Marks may only be chosen by voidwalkers with the Harbinger of Chaos archetype. Marks are organized by level


Prerequisite: 3rd level

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with a voidwalker Power, you may spend a use of your Depths of
the Void feature to become Invisible until the start of your next turn.

Prerequisite: 3rd level

Before rolling on the Chaos table, you may force one creature you can perceive within 15 feet to make a Charisma
saving throw against your Power save DC. If they fail, they are subject to the same Chaos effect as you.

Prerequisite: 9th level

Whenever you spend a use of Depths of the Void, one of the following effects randomly occurs (roll a d4):
● 1: You regain 1d6 shield points.
● 2: The recharge value of all Powers you know is increased by 1 until you regain all uses of Depths of the Void.
● 3: Until you regain all uses of Depths of the Void, the recharge value of all Powers you know is decreased by
● 4: You take 1d6 recoil damage.

Prerequisite: 9th level

If you reduce one or more hostile creatures to 0 hit points with damage from a voidwalker melee Power, you may
make a single super Power recharge roll.

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Prerequisite: 18th level

On your turn, you may spend a use of Depths of the Void to immediately regain one melee, one grenade, and one
class Power charge. You cannot invoke this Mark again until you regain all uses of Depths of the Void.

Pinnacle Marks
These marks are only available starting at 20th voidwalker level. You may only have one pinnacle Mark at a time.
Marks are listed alphabetically.

Prerequisite: 20th level, Harbinger of Chaos

When you have to make a Chaos roll, you may choose to make the result a 1. Then, instead of rolling on the Chaos
table, you can instead select which result will occur. You cannot use this Mark again for the next seven days.

Prerequisite: 20th level

Once on your turn, you may regain your spent super Power charge. You can’t use this Mark again until you complete a
long rest.

Prerequisite: 20th level

Your Power level increases by 1.

Prerequisite: 20th level

Your Intelligence ability score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24.

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As a sunsinger, your superclass is Warlock and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Power Level
1 +2 Divine Blessing, Detect Light and Dark 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 1st
3 +2 Patron of the Arts, Sunsinger Ballads, Super Power 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 1st
5 +3 Blessed Repose 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Sunsinger 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd
9 +4 Touch of the Sun 3rd
10 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
11 +4 Archetype Feature 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd
13 +5 Exquisite Sunrays 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 4th
15 +5 Heliocentric 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4th
17 +6 Nobility of the Sun 5th
18 +6 Archetype Feature 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 5th
20 +6 Divine Perihelion 5th


Shield die: d8
Shield recharge roll: (1d8 per Power level) ) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 8

Shield points at higher levels: add 5 (or 1d8) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light, medium
Weapons: shortswords, glaives, grenade launchers, hand cannons, pulse rifles, shotguns, sidearms, submachine
guns, and trace rifles
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Charisma

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Toolkits: Medical
Skills: One Charisma-based skilled of your choice, and any one other skill of your choice

Power ability score: Charisma
Power level: see sunsinger table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Power saving throw: make a Charisma saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Warlock, you are proficient in the Arcana skill. Additionally, your control over the Power you channel allows
you to carefully craft the range of its effects. You may give a number of creatures equal to 1 + your Power ability
modifier immunity against the damage and effects of your Powers whenever you cast them (minimum 1 creature).
You must choose which creatures receive this benefit when you cast a Power, but you may change which creatures
receive this benefit on your turn.

Divine Blessing
Your abundant Light is a protective balm you can share with your allies. As a bonus action on your turn you can
choose one creature you can perceive within 10 feet of you and grant them the blessing of your Light. The creature
may regain 2d4 shield points. If the creature doesn’t have an energy shield point pool, it gains an equal amount of
temporary hit points instead. These last for the next minute or until spent, whichever happens first.
You can use this feature a maximum number of times equal to 1 + your Power ability modifier. You regain all uses
when you complete a long rest.
Starting at 7th sunsinger level, this feature grants 4d4 shield points instead. At 14th sunsinger level, it becomes
6d4 shield points.

Detect Light and Dark

Your refined sensitivity to the ebb and flow of the Light keeps you cognizant of subtle changes in the space around
you. As an action, you can take one or two deep breaths, centering yourself and opening your awareness fully to the
paracausal forces around you. For the next 10 minutes, you can determine what active modifiers there are in the
area, if there are any weapons within 30 feet of you that can deal Darkness damage, and you can sense if there are
any paracausal creatures within the same range. You learn the creature’s level (or individual CR) when you detect
them in this way.

Sunsinger Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Reach: equal to your unarmed strikes
Recharge die and score: d6, 4+
Duration: Instantaneous

You strike out with solar Light against a target within reach, which must make a Dexterity saving throw. The
target takes 2d8 solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. A target that fails this saving
throw is also Scorched for the next minute.

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At Higher Levels. The number of dice you roll for this Power’s damage increases by 1d8 at the following
levels: 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 attack, melee Power
Range: 15/30 feet
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+
Duration: Instantaneous

You use a free hand to hurl explosive solar energy at a target within range. Make a ranged Power attack roll,
adding your Power level to the roll for this. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + your Power ability modifier in
explosive solar damage.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power becomes 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level,
and then finally 4d8 at 17th level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: 20-foot cone
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+

You hold up a free hand and snap your fingers, sending out a fan of burning sparks. All creatures within the
area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. A Blinded, Scorched, or Suppressed creature has disadvantage on this saving throw.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power becomes 3d8 at 5th level, 4d8 at 11th level,
and then finally 5d8 at 17th level.

Solar Grenade Powers

At 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one grenade
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Healing, Incendiary, and Solar grenade
Powers now. If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the
solar grenade Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a ball of soothing solar Light at a hard surface you can see within range. When the grenade impacts with
the surface it releases its Light, and all creatures within 5 feet may make a shield recharge roll. Like normal,
whenever a Risen creature makes any shield recharge roll, they must wait until the start of their next turn before they
may do so again.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade Power at a Power level of 2nd or higher, the amount of shield
points restored increases by 1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

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You hurl a grenade packed with solar Light at a hard surface within range, and upon impact the grenade detonates. All
targets within 5 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets that fail this saving throw take 3d6 explosive
solar damage and are Scorched until the start of your next turn. Targets that succeed take half as much damage and
are not Scorched.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You toss a fist-sized ball of solar Light onto a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot
diameter sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 solar damage. For the
duration, any creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the
same damage.
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Patron of the Arts

When you reach 3rd level, choose an artisan toolkit, or choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Animal
Handling, Performance, or Sleight of Hand. You gain proficiency with your choice, if you weren’t proficient already, and
it may always benefit from Expertise.

Sunsinger Ballad
At 3rd level you choose the form of your sunsinger ballad, which will shape the progression of your abilities. Choose
from the Ballad of Flame, the Ballad of Grace, or the Ballad of Dawn, all detailed at the end of this class description.
Your choice grants you unique features at select levels, as seen in your sunsinger class table.

Sunsinger Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Name Damage Reach Properties

Dawnblade 1d8 solar 5 ft. Power weapon, versatile

You unfurl solar wings and summon a flaming greatsword made of pure solar Light into your hands, with the
stats and properties shown. While holding this sword, you have a fly speed equal to your base walking speed,
and you shine bright light in a 10-foot radius (dim light 10 feet beyond that).
Blade Salvo. As an action while holding your dawnblade in hand, you may spend 2 rounds of duration to
swing your blade, hurling a projectile of solar Light from it at a target within 30 feet. All targets within 5 feet
of the impact site must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 + your Power ability modifier in solar
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

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Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power weapon (or actions associated with it), it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your
At Higher Levels. The damage of your Blade Salvo action increases by 1d8 for each Power level you are
above 1st.
Furthermore, when you cast Daybreak at a Power level of 2nd or higher, once on each of your turns, you
may increase the damage one successful dawnblade weapon attack does by 1d8 for each Power level you are
beyond 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You summon up a great outpouring of your Light and engulf yourself in its flames, sprouting wings of solar fire
from your shoulders and enveloping yourself in a brilliant golden aura. For the duration, you gain the following
● You shine bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light 10 feet beyond that. The area of the bright
light is considered a Light zone.
● You immediately gain Overshields. For the duration of this Power, while you have Overshields, you
have resistances to all damage types except psychic.
● All other Risen creatures of your choice within your bright light make all melee, grenade, and class
Power recharge rolls with advantage.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure a sword of pure solar Light and stab it into the ground beneath you, projecting an aura of brilliant
Light in a 10-foot radius from the sword. The sword of your Well of Radiance emits bright light in a 20-foot
radius, and dim light 10 feet beyond that.
Cast Effect. For each creature in the area of the brilliant light, choose whether they will take 3d8 solar
damage or make a shield recharge roll. A creature may only receive one or the other, not both. Like normal,
whenever a Risen creature makes any shield recharge roll, they must wait until the start of their next turn
before they may do so again.
However, if a creature’s shield recharge roll made via this Power would be made at a Power level less than
yours, they may make it at your Power level instead. Furthermore, the amount rolled may be applied to health
first, with any leftover going into shield points.
Lingering Radiance. For the duration of this Power, at the end of each of your turns, you may spend 2
rounds of duration to allow all creatures of your choice within the area to make the shield recharge roll under
the conditions described for the cast effect of this Power.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from this
Power, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized by your Light.
At Higher Levels. The amount of dice you roll for this Power’s damage on cast increases by 1d8 for each
Power level you are above 1st.

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Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability
score above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. All Risen creatures standing in the circle may regain shield points equal to 1d8 + your Power ability
modifier. Until the rift dissipates at the start of your next turn, Risen creatures who did not already receive this
healing, but who do enter the area of your rift for the first time on a turn, may recover the same amount of
shield points as well.
At Higher Levels. The amount of d8s you roll for this Power increases by one when you reach 7th level
(2d8), and then it increases by one again when you reach 14th level (3d8).

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. Until the start of your next turn when the rift dissipates, creatures of your choice standing within the
circle are Empowered (rank 1). A creature loses the Empowered condition from this source if they leave the
area of the circle.
At Higher Levels. This Power grants Empowered (rank 2) starting at 7th level, and then it grants
Empowered (rank 3) when you reach 14th level.

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (airborne only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

Enveloped in your solar Light, you rapidly descend from a height of at least 5 feet, but no more than 30 feet,
and slam into the ground. A shockwave of solar Light expels in a 5-foot radius around you. All targets within
the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become Scorched for the next minute.
You cannot cast this Power if there isn’t a ground within range.

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Blessed Repose
When you reach 5th level, your restorative Light is so abundant that you regain shield points when you heal others.
Whenever you use your Divine Blessing on a creature other than yourself, you also regain a number of shield points
equal to 5 + your Power level.

Aspects of the Sunsinger

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points while flying at a height greater than 5 feet from the ground, or
while using your fly speed in zero gravity, you may make a melee Power recharge roll. Furthermore, being
airborne does not impose disadvantage on weapon attacks and Power attack rolls you make. You also learn
the Heat Rises grenade Power, detailed after this Aspect list.

When you cast a sunsinger class Power, you and all creatures who benefit from your class Power also gain a
solar soul afterwards, detailed after this Aspect list.

You learn the Icarus Dash class power, detailed after this Aspect list.

Creatures that take damage from your sunsinger melee and grenade Powers are also Scorched for the next
minute. A creature Scorched from any of your Powers takes 1d6 solar damage at the start of each of their
turns. This increases to 2d6 solar damage beginning at 14th sunsinger level.

Aspect-based sunsinger grenade Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, grenade Power

Range: self
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: see description

You grant yourself a flying speed equal to your base walking speed. This speed lasts until you are Incapacitated or
Suppressed, or until you complete at least a brief rest, whichever happens first.

Aspect-based sunsinger class Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 reaction, class Power

Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

If you are the target of an attack roll or subject to a Dexterity saving throw to avoid taking damage, you can use your
reaction to cast this Power. The attack roll misses you, or you automatically succeed on the Dexterity saving throw.
You take no damage from the source when you automatically succeed on the Dexterity saving throw in this way.

Aspect-based sunsinger Power effect

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Similar to an arc soul, a solar soul is a tiny, glowing, yellow orb of Light, no bigger than a small coin. It hovers over a
creature’s shoulder for up to 1 minute. Once on the creature’s turn during this time, the soul will deal 2d4 solar
damage to one target within 10 feet. The creature decides who the target is and when this damage occurs. After
dealing damage or when the duration ends, the soul dissipates.
The amount of damage the soul does increases by 2d4 at 11th level (4d4 total) and then again at 17th level (6d4

Touch of the Sun

At 9th level, whenever a creature benefits from your Divine Blessing, you can choose to cause them to emit a warm
glow. Until they complete at least a brief rest, they shed bright light in a 5-foot radius, and dim light 5 feet beyond

Exquisite Sunrays
When you reach 13th level, the range of your Divine Blessing features increases by 10 feet. Furthermore, whenever
you spend a use of Divine Blessing on a creature, you also end one of the following ongoing conditions for them:
Blinded, Deafened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Scorched, or Suppressed.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second sunsinger Aspect.

At 15th level, the brilliant blaze of your Light grants you great inner clarity. You gain proficiency in Constitution saving

Nobility of the Sun

At 17th level, your noble nature suffuses your Light, and you can add your Charisma modifier to the healing or
temporary hit points a creature receives from Divine Blessing.

Divine Perihelion
By the time you reach 20th level, you are overflowing with restorative Light, and it streams forth like sunshine. When
you use your Divine Blessing feature, you may allow any creatures of your choice within range to benefit. Once you
invoke this feature, you must complete a long rest before you may do so again.

Sunsinger Ballads
Sunsinger ballads are not typically literal songs, but something far more profound: as inward expressions of the shape
of a Sunsinger’s Light, they reflect their relation to the chords of life, death, and rebirth. The ballad you choose will
guide the arrangement and progression of your abilities.

Ballad of Flame
All Guardians cross back and forth over the threshold between life and death on a regular basis, but Sunsingers who
choose the Ballad of Flame recognize a deeper harmony in the crossing, and thus find ways to glean knowledge from
beyond death. The most powerful are said to be capable of returning from the other side by the sheer strength of their
own will.

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The constant refrain of the Ballad of Flame is illumination of the dark beyond living consciousness. During deep sleep
or when returning from death, sunsingers of this ballad often receive Light-mediated visions of critical moments yet to
come. Learning to recognize and remember what these portents may foretell is a key aspect of their practice.
When you choose this ballad at 3rd level you gain two Visions, each of which is represented as a roll of a d20.
When you complete a long rest or are resurrected from death, roll two d20s. Once on a turn, if a creature you can
perceive makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you can choose to replace their roll of the d20 with one
of your Visions. If you do, the creature treats the final result of their roll as equal to your Vision. Critical success and
critical failure is determined as normal, and the creature adds any relevant modifiers to the Vision.
Each of your Visions can only be used once. You can only replace a roll with a Vision if you choose to do so before
you learn the result of the creature’s attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
If you complete a long rest or if you are killed with unspent Visions, you lose those unspent Visions.

At 6th level, you learn to imbue your attacks with a pulse of Light, magnifying their impact. Once on each of your
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an additional 1d8 solar damage. When you reach
14th level in this class, this bonus increases to 2d8.

Beginning at 11th level, the blaze of your Light burns even brighter when you unleash it. Sunsinger super Powers you
cast are bolstered in a specific way, defined below.
Song of Flame. The bright light of your super increases by 10 feet. Risen creatures of your choice who start their
turn within your bright light may choose to automatically regain one melee, grenade, or class Power charge, their
Well of Radiance. While concentrating on your super Power, you grant Empowered (rank 2) to all creatures of
your choice within your bright light at the start of each of your turns. Beginning at 14th level, you grant Empowered
(rank 3) instead.
Daybreak. If you are killed while concentrating on your super Power, you may drop to 1 health point instead,
ignoring any concentration checks to maintain your super Power and also gaining Overshields. Once you invoke this
effect, you must complete a long rest before you can invoke this or any other effect that prevents you from being
reduced to 0 hit points again.

When you reach 18th level, you learn how you may call on your Light even after death. On your turn, if you are dead
and have the option to make an RTL saving throw, you may choose to cast your super Power instead, returning to life
in a blaze of solar Light. Your hit points are completely restored and you begin the duration of your super Power. You
can only invoke this feature if you have a super Power charge remaining, and you spend a super Power charge when
you invoke this feature.
If you do not have a super Power charge when you make an RTL saving throw, you may make a super Power
recharge roll first.
You must complete a long rest before you can invoke this feature again.

Ballad of Grace
In the Ballad of the Grace, the strongest chords are those of family, camaraderie, and unity. Sunsingers of this ballad
practice harmony with these chords, strengthening themselves by sharing their Light to bolster allies.

When you reach 3rd level, the warm strength of your Light becomes a true reassurance to those around you. When
you spend a use of your Divine Blessing feature, you also grant the target creature Overshields (minimum 5

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At 6th level, you learn to imbue your attacks with a pulse of Light, magnifying their impact. Once on each of your
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an additional 1d8 solar damage. When you reach
14th level in this class, this bonus increases to 2d8.

At 11th level, you no longer have to be close to a creature to grant them the benefit of your Divine Blessing. The
range at which you can use your Divine Blessing feature increases by 10 feet.

At 18th level, your Light has grown to a veritable geyser of restorative power. You learn the Healing Rift Power as
defined by the sunsinger class, if you didn’t already know it. Furthermore, if a creature recovers shield points from
any sunsinger Power you cast, it may also gain Overshields (minimum 5 Overshields).

Ballad of Dawn
Sunlight can be harsh as well as nurturing. Sunsingers who choose the Ballad of Dawn embody this aspect of the Sun.
Singing a song of righteous retribution, they scourge the Darkness with blazing Light.

Also at 3rd level, you may always use your Charisma modifier to determine a weapon’s attack rolls, damage rolls, or
Payload DC, but only if you are proficient with the weapon. Like normal, you must use the same modifier for all of a
weapon’s attack rolls, damage rolls, and Payload DCs.

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Beginning at 11th level, if you are Empowered, you may end the condition on your turn in order to make a shield
recharge roll. Like normal, whenever you make any shield recharge roll, you must wait until the start of your next turn
before you may do so again.
Furthermore, whenever a feature, trait, or other source allows you to make a shield recharge roll, you may
become Empowered (rank 2, or rank 3 beginning at 14th level) instead of making your shield recharge roll.

At 18th level you have mastered the sword of Light and honed its edge to impossible brilliance. When you draw your
Light, you draw forth the very sunrise. You gain the following additional benefits while concentrating on your super
● Your AC increases by 4, though this bonus may not increase your AC beyond 20. When you have multiple
sources increasing your AC, you choose the order the sources apply in.
● Targets within the bright light of your super Power have disadvantage on saving throws you cause them to

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As a stormcaller, your superclass is Warlock and your Power is derived from the Light. You gain the following class

Level Bonus Features Arc Charges Power Level
1 +2 Arc Charges, Living Arc 2 1st
2 +2 Melee Power, Grenade Power 2 1st
3 +2 Harmony Within, Stormcaller Mastery, Super Power 4 1st
4 +2 Ability Score Increase, Class Power 4 1st
5 +3 Extra Attack 6 2nd
6 +3 Archetype Feature 6 2nd
7 +3 Aspects of the Stormcaller 8 2nd
8 +3 Ability Score Increase 8 2nd
9 +4 — 8 3rd
10 +4 Archetype Feature 10 3rd
11 +4 Ionic Trace 10 3rd
12 +4 Ability Score Increase 10 3rd
13 +5 — 12 4th
14 +5 Additional Aspect 12 4th
15 +5 Elementary Particles 12 4th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 12 4th
17 +6 — 14 5th
18 +6 Archetype Feature 14 5th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 14 5th
20 +6 Boundless Energy 14 5th


Shield die: d10
Shield recharge roll: (1d10 per Power level) + your Power ability modifier
Maximum Overshields: 5 times your Power level

Shield points at 1st level: 10

Shield points at higher levels: add 5 (or 1d10) for each level after first
Health points at 1st level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Health points at higher levels: add your Constitution modifier for each level after first, minimum +0

Armor: Light, medium
Weapons: simple melee weapons, longswords, shortswords, glaives; fusion rifles, grenade launchers, hand cannons,
linear fusion rifles, scout rifles, sidearms, and trace rifles
Toolkits: Electronics toolkit

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Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: One Wisdom-based skilled of your choice, and any two other skills of your choice

Power ability score: Wisdom
Power level: see stormcaller table
Power save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Power attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Power saving throw: make a Wisdom saving throw
For more information, read ‘Paracausal Powers’ at the beginning of this chapter.

As a Risen Warlock, you are proficient in the Arcana skill. Additionally, your control over the Power you channel allows
you to carefully craft the range of its effects. You may give a number of creatures equal to 1 + your Power ability
modifier immunity against the damage and effects of your Powers whenever you cast them (minimum 1 creature).
You must choose which creatures receive this benefit when you cast a Power, but you may change which creatures
receive this benefit on your turn.

Arc Charges
You are a natural conduit for arc Light, and you store that excess Light in the form of arc charges. You can spend
these charges to empower yourself through various means, your options for which are detailed at the end of this class
description. You cannot perform an option if you don’t have enough arc charges to spend. You may take multiple
options at a time, but you may not take the same options more than once on a turn.
Maximum Charges and Recovery. You have a maximum number of charges based on your level in the
stormcaller class, as shown in the Max Charges column of the stormcaller table. At the start of each of your turns, you
regain one arc charge. However, if you have not spent any arc charges since the start of your previous turn, you
regain two charges instead. You regain all arc charges when you complete at least a brief rest.
Spend Limit. You cannot spend arc charges if you are Suppressed.
Concentrating on Arc Charge Options. If you spend arc charges on an option that requires concentration, you
cannot regain arc charges while concentrating on it. You cannot begin concentration on an option if doing so would
reduce you to 0 charges, and if you fall to 0 charges while concentrating on an option, you immediately lose
Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. If you spend arc charges on an option that calls for an attack roll or saving
throw, use your Power attack modifier and Power save DC respectively.

Living Arc
Even at 1st level, your Light is already sensitive to the arc energy that animates living things. When you focus, you
can perceive subtle fluctuations in the living arc within creatures and which naturally permeates spaces. As an action,
you can hone in on these fluctuations, granting yourself advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to find living
creatures or living machines for the next hour (requires concentration).

Stormcaller Melee Power

At 2nd level you gain your melee Power, which you cast by spending a melee Power charge. You have one melee
Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following melee Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 attack, melee Power
Reach: equal to the reach of your unarmed strikes
Recharge die and score: d6, 5+

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Duration: Instantaneous

You thrust out a free hand, and a bolt of arc Light leaps from your fingertips toward a target within reach.
Make a melee Power attack roll, adding your Power level to the roll for this. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 +
your Power ability modifier in arc damage.
At Higher Levels. The number of damage dice you roll for this Power increases by one at 5th level (2d6),
then increases by one again at 11th level (3d6) and 17th level (4d6).

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a ball lightning phenomena and push it forward in a line up to 20 feet long. When it stops, all
creatures within 5 feet of its ending point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d8 arc
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. The line for this Power can travel through most forms
of cover, but is blocked by 1 inch of metal or glass, 3 inches of stone, or 6 inches of wood or dirt.
At Higher Levels. The number of dice you roll for this Power increases as you reach higher levels. It
becomes 3d8 at 5th level, 4d8 at 11th level, and then finally 5d8 at 17th level.

Arc Grenade Powers

At 2nd level you gain your grenade Power, which you cast by spending a grenade Power charge. You have one
grenade Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. You learn the Arcbolt, Pulse, and Storm grenade
Powers now. If you opt to learn a new grenade Power when your proficiency bonus increases, you choose from the arc
grenade Power list at the start of this chapter.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 60 feet (mortar)
Recharge die and score: d8, 7+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a grenade of arc Light at a hard surface within range, causing three bolts of arc Light strike out from the
impact site. Choose up to three unique creatures within 15 feet of the impact site that do not have half or greater
cover from the grenade. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 arc damage on a failed save,
or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade at a Power level of 2nd or higher, its damage increases by 1d10
for each Power level you are above 1st.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 30 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You throw a ball of arc Light at a hard surface you can see within range. The ball expands into a 5-foot diameter
sphere centered on the impact site. All targets within 5 feet of the sphere take 3d4 arc damage. For the duration, any
creature that ends their turn in the area, or who enters the area for the first time on a turn, takes the same damage.
At Higher Levels. This grenade’s damage increases by 1d4 for each Power level you are above 1st.

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Casting Time and Type: 1 action, grenade Power
Range: 15 feet
Recharge die and score: d8, 8+
Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a heavy compacted ball of arc Light at a hard surface you can see within range. On impact, a lightning
storm is unleashed. All targets within 10 feet of the impact site must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6
explosive arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this grenade Power at a Power level of 2nd or higher, increase the amount of
damage you roll by 1d6 for each Power level you are above 1st.

Harmony Within
By 3rd level, you’ve cultivated a natural inner calm and peace of mind that keeps you centered and focused. Instead
of sleeping, you can enter a deep meditation for 4 hours each day. While meditating, you may experience dreamlike
visions or practice mental exercises. When you complete your meditation, you have advantage on saving throws to
end conditions causing you to be Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Poisoned, Scorched, or Suppressed for the
next 24 hours.

Stormcaller Mastery
At 3rd level, you must decide which fork of the stormcaller’s path you wish to walk. Choose Master of Lightning,
Master of Wind, or Master of Thunder, which are detailed at the end of this class description. Your choice grants you
unique features as you level up in this class.

Stormcaller Super Power

When you reach 3rd level, you learn to cast your super Power, which you do by spending your super Power charge.
You have one super Power charge. Regardless of any other features, traits, exotic items, or other sources, you may
never have more than one super Power charge. Choose one of the following super Powers to learn now.

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, super Power
Range: 60-foot sweeping line
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Instantaneous

With free and empty hands, you summon a torrent of arc Light and focus it into a 60-foot sweeping line. All
creatures of your choice within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 + your Power ability
modifier in arc damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Add your Power level to your
Power save DC for this.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from
Chaos Reach, it is destroyed, vaporized in arc Light.
At Higher Levels. Increase the damage of your Chaos Reach by 2d8 for each Power level you are above

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, super Power
Range: self
Recharge die and score: d20, 18+
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

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You channel a raw current of arc Light through your body. While concentrating on this Power, your base
walking speed increases by 10 feet and you hover 1 foot off solid surfaces, allowing you to ignore nonmagical
difficult terrain that does not reach high enough.
Lightning Wave. You may use your action (and spend 2 rounds of duration) to thrust your hands
forward, expelling arc Light in a wave that fills a 20-foot cone. All targets in the area must make a
Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 + your Power ability modifier in arc damage on a failed save, or half as
much on a success. Increase your Power save DC by an amount equal to your Power level for this.
Overwhelming Power. You cannot hold any items while concentrating on this Power. Any items you were
holding when you cast this Power are immediately dropped.
Destroy Creature. If a creature with a CR equal to or less than your Power level takes damage from
Lightning Wave, it is reduced to 0 hit points and instantly vaporized in arc Light.
At Higher Levels. Increase the amount of damage dice rolled for the Lightning Wave action by 2d6 for
each Power level you are above 1st.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Class Power
Beginning at 4th level, you learn to cast your class Power, which you do by spending a class Power charge. You have
one class Power charge, and the maximum you can have is one. Choose one of the following class Powers to learn

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. All Risen creatures standing in the circle may regain shield points equal to 1d8 + your Power ability
modifier. Until the rift dissipates at the start of your next turn, Risen creatures who did not already receive this
healing, but who do enter the area of your rift for the first time on a turn, may recover the same amount of
shield points as well.
At Higher Levels. The amount of d8s you roll for this Power increases by one when you reach 7th level
(2d8), and then it increases by one again when you reach 14th level (3d8).

Casting Time and Type: 1 bonus action, class Power
Range: self (grounded only)
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a vortex of Light that swirls in a flat 5-foot radius circle on the ground beneath your feet, centered
on you. Until the start of your next turn when the rift dissipates, creatures of your choice standing within the
circle are Empowered (rank 1). A creature loses the Empowered condition from this source if they leave the
area of the circle.
At Higher Levels. This Power grants Empowered (rank 2) starting at 7th level, and then it grants
Empowered (rank 3) when you reach 14th level.

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Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Aspects of the Stormcaller

At 7th level, you gain one of the following Aspect features of your choice. You can’t choose an option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again.

You and all creatures who benefit from a stormcaller class Power you cast also gain an arc soul afterwards,
detailed after this aspect list. For instance, a creature receives the arc soul after recovering shields from a
Healing Rift, or it receives an arc soul after becoming Empowered from an Empowering Rift. The option to
grant a creature an arc soul for benefiting from your class Power lasts for the duration of the class Power,
whereas the duration of the arc soul itself is separate.

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with damage from a stormcaller Power, you may spend a
use of this Aspect to gain Overshields. You have a number of uses equal to your Power modifier (minimum 1
use). You regain all uses when you complete a long rest.

You learn the Lightning Surge melee Power, detailed after this aspect list.

Aspect-based stormcaller Power effect

An arc soul is a tiny, glowing, blue orb of Light, no bigger than a small coin. It hovers over a creature’s shoulder for
the next minute. Once on the creature’s turn during this time, the soul will deal 2d4 arc damage to one target within
10 feet of the creature. The creature decides who the target is and when this damage occurs. After dealing damage or
when the duration ends, the soul dissipates.
The amount of damage the soul does increases by 2d4 at 11th level (4d4 total) and then again at 17th level (6d4

Aspect-based stormcaller melee Power

Casting Time and Type: 1 action, melee Power

Range: self
Recharge die and score: d6, 6+
Duration: Instantaneous

You teleport up to an unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet, calling a storm of arc Light around you when you
rematerialize. All targets within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 arc damage on a failed
save, or half as much on a success. A target that fails this saving throw is also Paralyzed until the end of their next
At Higher Levels. The damage of this Power becomes 4d8 starting at 11th level, then it becomes 5d8 at 17th

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Ionic Trace
Starting at 11th level, your grasp on the flow of arc energies grows firm, enabling you to allow your lightning to return
to you. If a hostile creature is reduced to 0 hit points within 10 feet of you, you can regain a number of arc charges
equal to your Power modifier.

Additional Aspect
At 14th level, you may choose a second stormcaller Aspect.

Elementary Particles
When you reach 15th level, your ability to remain clear-minded in any situation grants you proficiency in all saving

Boundless Energy
At 20th level, you are a perpetual conduit for the natural arc energy that pervades space. You can draw upon it to
replenish your Light almost like drawing breath to fill your lungs. As a bonus action on your turn, you may regain all
spent arc charges. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Stormcaller Masteries
Every stormcaller learns to embody the full fury of the storm, but each chooses which attributes to master. Your
chosen mastery determines the course you will take on the stormcaller’s path, shaping your training and leading you
to develop different abilities as you grow more proficient in channeling your chosen aspect of the storm.

Master of Lightning
You embody the raw destructive power of lightning. From a distance your Light is a beautiful, awe-inspiring spectacle,
but anything in reach of the lightning surging through your fingers beholds only crackling terror. You channel the fury
of your summoned storm from an epicenter of unswerving focus, guiding its wrath from one target to the next.

Even at 3rd level, your arc Light is so voluminous it often jumps to additional targets. Whenever you damage one or
more targets with a stormcaller Power, you may choose one of the damaged targets. That target, as well as a number
of targets equal to your Power modifier (minimum 1) who are within 10 feet of it, each take 2 arc damage. This effect
happens after resolving the casted stormcaller Power.
The damage this feature causes increases to 3 arc beginning at 11th level, then to 4 arc at 17th level.

Beginning at 6th level, you have advantage on initiative rolls.

At 10th level, choose either all stormcaller melee Powers you know, all stormcaller grenade Powers you know, or all
stormcaller class Powers you know. Those Powers all have their recharge value reduced by 1 for you. If you learn a
new stormcaller Power of the same type in the future, that Power also has its recharge value reduced by 1 for you.

When you reach 18th level, the arc storms you summon become superlatively energetic. When you roll damage for a
stormcaller super Power, you may spend 10 arc charges to automatically deal the maximum damage for that Power.

Master of Wind
You embody the shattering power of gale-force winds. Whether pointedly directed or swept wide to wipe clean a whole
battlefield, your Light is a mighty tempest, as if all the wind and thunder of a howling hurricane bend to your will.

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At 3rd level, your mastery of the storm’s winds has deepened, and your advancement along the path of the
stormcaller brings you to a new understanding of the current. When you take an arc action on your turn, you also gain
the benefits of the Disengage action.

At 6th level, you can invoke your Light with the quickness of stormwinds in moments of need. If you take an amount
of damage that reduces you to half your shield points or less, but you still have at least 1 health point remaining, you
may invoke this feature to trigger a pulsewave of wind-heightened speed. All creatures of your choice within 15 feet of
you can double their base walking speed on their next turn. They are also considered to be under the effects of the
Disengage action while they have this bonus speed.
You must regain at least 1 energy shield point before you may use this feature again.

Starting at 10th level, the amplitude of your internally circulating arc Light surges in protective resonance at moments
of danger. When you fail a saving throw, you can spend 2 arc charges to re-roll that saving throw once. You can
choose to use either result.

Beginning at 18th level, summoning a storm is like remembering your true self. It feels restorative and invigorating,
even in especially perilous moments. When you cast your super Power on your turn, you may make a shield recharge
roll. The amount you roll may be applied as health points first, with any leftover going to your energy shield points.
In addition, whenever you invoke your Pulsewave feature, you and all creatures affected by it may make a shield
recharge roll.
Like normal, whenever a Risen creature makes any shield recharge roll, they must wait until the start of their next
turn before they may do so again.

Master of Thunder
You embody the bone-shaking power of rolling thunder. Where you step, the thunder descends—and when you let fall
those crackling bolts, even an army can’t stand against you.

At 3rd level, you learn to let your Light flow around those that surround you, like thunderbolts finding their path
through the sky. If you start your turn with at least two hostile creatures within 10 feet of you, you can immediately
regain a melee Power charge, and stormcaller melee Powers you cast gain an additional damage die until the end of
your turn.

Starting at 6th level, you are so attuned to your inner thunder that you can lash out with it like a natural reflex.
Whenever you would normally be able to make an opportunity attack, you may instead cast a melee Power with the
invoking creature as either the target or the center of effect, whichever is more appropriate.

Beginning at 10th level, as a bonus action on your turn, you may create an aura of paracausally difficult terrain which
lasts until you complete at least a brief rest, or until you are Incapacitated or Suppressed, whichever happens first.
The aura has a radius of 10 feet, is centered on you, and always moves with you. You may use this feature a number
of times equal to your Power level (minimum once). You regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest.

At 18th level, choose one of the following features.

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The radius of your Feedback feature increases to 15 feet, and the radius of your electronet aura also increases
to 15 feet.

You can take up to two reactions in a round, instead of only one. Your second reaction may only be spent on
opportunity attacks.

Arc Charge Options

Options are listed alphabetically by charge cost. Some options are limited to certain stormcaller archetypes and are
listed separately.

Costs 1 charge

When you make a successful weapon attack, you may spend arc charges to increase the weapon’s damage by 1d6
arc. The damage die size you roll for this arc action increases by one at 5th (1d8), 11th (1d10), and 17th stormcaller
level (1d12).

Prerequisite: 5th level
Costs 6 charges

Taking this arc action on your turn causes the casting time of your stormcaller grenade Powers to become one attack
until the end of your turn.

Costs 3 charges

You touch a digital lock, one that has not been equipped to resist Light interference, and override its function, allowing
you to instantly unlock it for the next 6 seconds.

Costs 1 charge

You create a tiny orb of blue light no bigger than a small coin. For the next hour, this orb hovers over your shoulder
and shines bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light 5 feet beyond that. You can dismiss this orb at any time (no
action cost). Creatures of your choice in the area of the bright light can benefit from your Harmony Within feature as if
they met the conditions of the feature.

Costs 2 charges

You extend the life of a common battery or power cell by a number of hours equal to your Power modifier. Because of
the paracausal nature of Light, you can use this arc action even on a non-rechargeable battery or power cell.
Regardless, the battery or power cell becomes irrevocably destroyed when its Light-induced life ends.

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Cost varies

When you make a Power recharge roll, you may spend arc charges to grant yourself advantage on the recharge roll.
The amount of arc charges you spend is determined by the type of recharge roll you’re making: 2 charges for melee
or grenade, 3 charges for class, or 4 charges for super.

Master of Lightning Arc Charge Options

As a Master of Lightning, you may spend arc charges in the following ways, in addition to the normal option list shared
by all stormcallers.

Prerequisite: 5th level
Costs 4 charges

When you cast a stormcaller grenade, you may spend arc charges to increase the damage die size of the grenade for
that cast.

Prerequisite: 9th level
Costs 4 charges

After taking damage that reduces you to half your hit points or less, you may spend arc charges to cause all creatures
of your choice within 5 feet to take an amount of arc damage equal to your Power modifier. You cannot enact this
option if damage you take reduces you to 0 hit points first.

Master of Wind Arc Charge Options

As a Master of Wind, you may spend arc charges in the following ways, in addition to the normal option list shared by
all stormcallers.

Prerequisite: 5th level
Costs 4 charges

You touch a creature you can see and its AC increases by 2 until the start of your next turn. It is also immune to the
effects of critical hits during this time.

Prerequisite: 9th level
Costs 6 charges
Concentration, up to 1 minute

As an action, you can imbue any willing creature you can touch with a surge of arc Light. For the duration, the
creature's base walking speed is doubled, it has a bonus +2 to its AC and advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and
it gains 10 temporary arc charges. These arc charges are kept in a separate pool. Once on each of its turns, the
creature can spend a number of these temporary charges to take an additional action. The number of charges the
creature spends is determined by the additional action the creature takes. A creature can only benefit from the
Overcharged arc action from one source at a time.
● 1 Arc Charge: Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object.
● 3 Arc Charges: Make one non-Loading weapon attack, reload a weapon that requires an action to reload.

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● 4 Arc Charges: Cast a non-super Power, make one Loading weapon attack.
● 8 charges: Cast a super Power.

Prerequisite: 13th level
Costs 8 charges

On your turn, you may spend arc charges to grant yourself the effects of the Dash or Dodge action.

Master of Thunder Arc Charge Options

As a Master of Thunder, you may spend arc charges in the following ways, in addition to the normal option list shared
by all stormcallers.

Prerequisite: 5th level
Costs 2 charges

Whenever you deal damage to a target with a stormcaller Power, you may spend arc charges to cause the target to
have to make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, it is your choice of either knocked back 10 feet or knocked Prone.
You may affect multiple targets at a time with this arc action, but you must spend charges for each target.

Prerequisite: 9th level
Costs 6 charges

When you roll damage for a stormcaller Power, you may spend arc charges to add an additional damage die to the
damage roll. However, you take the same amount (1dX) as recoil damage.
Beginning at 11th level, you may use this arc action to add up to two additional damage dice (and take 2dX recoil
damage). At 17th level, you may add up to three (take 3dX recoil damage).

Prerequisite: 13th level
Costs 8 charges

If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with arc damage, you may spend arc charges to cause all creatures of
your choice within 5 feet of the defeated target to have to make a Constitution saving throw. A creature is Blinded and
Incapacitated until the end of their next turn if they fail.

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