28 Day Task 2 Model Essays

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IELTS Task 2

28+ Model Essays

All of the essays below conform to a

4 or 5 paragraph structure and are suitable for
both Academic and General Training Tests

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

1. Mobile phones - Advantages/Disadvantages

2. Violence in films - Problems/Solutions

3. Dependency on machines - Agree/Disagree

4. Neighbours - Problems/Solutions

5. The impact of online shopping - Cause/Effect

6. Fossil fuel alternatives - Agree/Disagree

7. Urban vs rural development - Problems/solutions

8. Health Budgets: Agree or Disagree

9. School transport - Agree/Disagree

10. Learning a foreign language - Advantages/Disadvantages

11. Dress codes - Advantages/Disadvantage

12. Homework - Agree/Disagree

13. Educational qualifications - Discuss both views

14. TV advertising - Problem/Effects/Solution

15. Homesickness - Cause/Problem/Solution

16. The Arts - TRICKY

17. Migration to cities - Evaluate the effects

18. Children’s toys - Advantages/Disadvantages

19. Cars versus bicycles - Discuss both sides

20. Childcare - do parents need training? Agree/Disagree

21. An ageing population - Discuss both views

22. Plastic Bag Ban - Agree/Disagree

23. Increase in crime rates - Problem/Solution

24. The power and influence of young people - Cause/Effect

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

25. Email - Pros and Cons

26. Food waste - Cause/Problem/Solution

27. How to limit our use of energy - Problem/Solution

28. Teenagers versus adults - Both views and your opinion

29. Nature versus nurture - TRICKY

30. Unhealthy urban environments - Causes/Solutions

Blue sentences​ = General Statement/Topic sentences

Words in bold​ = Linking words and phrases

Red words​ = These words introduce a contrasting opinion in the first or last paragraph

Yellow/Orange words​ = Show your opinion clearly

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

1. Mobile phones - Advantages/Disadvantages

Mobile phones have brought many benefits, but they have also had negative effects.

Do the disadvantages of having mobile phones outweigh the advantages?

Mobile phones have had an enormous impact on many aspects of our lives. ​They have
significantly ​changed ​the way we communicate with each other in both our personal and our
professional lives and they clearly have many advantages. ​However​, there are several
drawbacks to being constantly available and connected to the internet, which I will outline

By far the most common criticism of mobile phones is ​the fact that we are now expected to be
available 24/7. Before mobile phones were invented, the time spent away from work was our
own, but now it seems that the separation between work and free time has disappeared. ​In
addition​, mobile phones pose certain health risks and can be dangerous if drivers use them at
the wheel or if people cross busy roads while texting. There have been several mobile-phone
related accidents and fatalities. ​A final negative effect is ​that in public places such as on the
train or at the cinema, there is no escape from the noise of annoying ringtones and loud,
one-sided conversations.

On the other hand, there are several obvious benefits​. The most powerful argument in favour
of mobile phones is that they can be used to call for help in the most inaccessible places, for
example when a car breaks down in a remote area, and emergency services can be called to the
scene of an accident without delay. ​Moreover​, being easily contactable every minute of the day
has real advantages for business people and for working parents.

To sum up​, ​I feel that ​although there are some clear drawbacks to mobile phones, their
efficiency, portability and multi-functional abilities have greatly enhanced most aspects of our
lives and the plus points certainly offset the downsides.

275 words

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2. Violence in films - Problem/Solution

Many people believe that the high levels of violence in films today are causing serious social

What are these problems and how could they be reduced?

The increasing amount of violence that is shown regularly in films has been a cause of
concern for some time. Such films make violence appear entertaining, exciting and even
something to be copied. ​However​, it seems to be increasingly clear that this development is
causing problems in our society. ​This essay will argue that ​the issues related to the portrayal of
violence in films need to be urgently addressed.

It has been suggested that people who enjoy these films may stop associating the violence
with real consequences. ​They could therefore lose their sense of reality and no longer take
violence seriously or have any sympathy with the victims. This often leads to senseless, random
'thrill-seeking' crimes such as drug-dealing and car-jacking. Another worrying trend is that the
heroes of these films are shown as people to be admired, even though they are very violent
characters. This may lead some people to believe that they can gain respect and admiration by
copying this aggressive behaviour, and so the levels of violence increase.

Unfortunately, the rules regulating the film industry are outdated. What is needed now is
definite action and policies that reflect the reality of modern-day street violence, knife crime
and gang warfare. ​The government should regulate the film industry more strictly and
producers must be prevented from showing meaningless violence as 'fun'. Instead, films should
emphasise the tragic consequences of violent acts and this would make young people realise
that violence is real. The 'Breaking Bad' series was a very good example of this.

To conclude, ​I think that ​viewing violence as entertainment may indeed cause serious social
problems and that the only way to improve this situation is by rigorous censorship of violent
scenes and educating the public about the real human suffering that such violence brings.

(298 words)

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3. Dependency on machines - Agree/Disagree

We are becoming more and more dependent on machines to function in the modern world.
Some people think this is a very negative development.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is difficult to imagine how modern life could carry on without the machinery that we have
come to rely on.​ ​However​, this does not necessarily mean that the effects of our dependence
are negative. ​In this essay I will argue that​ machines have brought great benefits to most
aspects of our daily lives.

First of all, let us consider the countless advantages of machinery.​ In our homes, ​for instance​,
washing machines, kettles and all the labour-saving devices that we take for granted have
liberated many people, especially women, from hours of domestic chores. ​Similarly​ in the
workplace, computers and the communication equipment that we use form the basis of
business and commerce. Examples of the positive effect of machines in our lives are endless,
whether we consider transport, medicine or many other sectors of society.

In contrast, it is hard to find reasons to argue against the use of machines. ​Of course people
may risk losing their jobs if they are replaced by more efficient machines, ​for example ​in car
factories, and there are also health problems associated with the more sedentary lifestyles that
have resulted from manual labour becoming automated. ​Also ​the passive nature of much of
our entertainment can be counted as a drawback. Yet these are features of modern life that
individuals can change if they want to.

In conclusion​, ​I cannot deny the fact that​ our dependency on machines has the potential to
bring disaster if they all suddenly stopped working, but without them, our standard of living and
the economic growth and development of our society would collapse. Few of us would want to
go back to subsistence farming with hand-made tools. Instead of trying to turn back history, we
should​ appreciate the many benefits that machines can bring.

(295 words)

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4. Neighbours - Problem/Solution

People do not have such a close relationship with their neighbours as they did in the past.

Why is this so, and what can be done to improve contact between neighbours?

In the past, neighbours formed an essential part of people's social lives and they helped each
other in times of need. ​Nowadays people often do not even know their neighbours and as a
consequence they live more isolated lives. ​In my opinion, getting to know one’s neighbours
requires time and energy, but the results will be hugely worthwhile.

There are a number of reasons why we have less contact with our neighbours. ​Firstly, our
lifestyles are more mobile. ​This means that people move house quite frequently and
relationships tend to become more superficial. ​Secondly​, people often commute long distances
to work. ​This leads to them forming closer relationships with work colleagues than with their
neighbours. ​Finally​, modern lifestyles make us spend more time inside our houses on screens
than in the local pub. ​As a result​, we get fewer opportunities to build relationships within the

There are many ways in which neighbourhood ties could be strengthened. ​First of all, local
authorities could provide more communal areas such as playgrounds and community halls so
that there are places where neighbours can meet and make friends. ​In addition, I think that
when new people come to a street, the local residents should make more of an effort to
introduce themselves and welcome them. ​Lastly​, people could set up neighbourhood
associations that meet regularly to discuss the things which affect them.

Admittedly​, these suggestions require a great deal of time and effort, both of which seem to be
in very short supply in this day and age. ​Nevertheless​, ​I strongly believe that the community
spirit is still alive and just needs a push in the right direction.

(275 words)

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5. The impact of online shopping - Cause/Effect

More and more people are shopping online.

What might be the effect on the environment and on the types of jobs that are needed?

The popularity of online shopping continues to increase at an alarming rate. ​Indeed, it is hard
for most of us to resist the allure, convenience and affordability of a next-day-delivery being
brought right to our doorstep at the click of a button. ​But despite ​the many benefits of internet
shopping, ​in my opinion the long-term impact on the environment and on jobs needs to be
taken more seriously.

First of all, let us consider the environmental impact. ​Although people argue that home
delivery means fewer cars on the road and therefore less pollution, research has shown that
there has been no reduction in car use and that people still drive to the shops. ​This ​doubles the
amount of traffic on the road and worsens the air quality as diesel-fuelled trucks compete for
space with everyday shoppers. ​In addition​, the overuse of plastic and non-recyclable packaging
while transporting these goods is a cause of growing concern.

As for the impact on jobs​, ​it seems to me that ​as more local businesses and small shops close
down because they are unable to compete on price with the large online companies such as
Amazon, different types of workers (shop floor staff, managers, cleaners) are having to find jobs
elsewhere. Unfortunately, the delivery driver jobs which have been created from online
shopping are not suitable for everyone. Besides, these jobs are often badly-paid and have little
job security and other benefits such as sick pay.

To conclude​, consumers ​need to be better informed about how their shopping habits impact
their environment and people’s livelihoods. ​It may be worth paying a little extra to support a
local business and walking to the shops ​rather than making shopping decisions based on price
and convenience.

(288 words)

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6. Fossil fuel alternatives - Agree/Disagree

The development of alternatives to fossil fuels should be the most important global priority
today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Our reliance on fossil fuels as a main source of energy has taken a terrible toll on the
environment, and the effects of releasing so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can be
felt all over the world. ​Therefore ​it seems to me that alternatives need to be found as a matter
of urgency, ​otherwise the scale of their use will only continue to grow as more countries
develop their industries and economies.

Burning gas, petrol and coal causes increases in temperature. The results of this could be
devastating and irreversible, posing a threat to our entire planet. ​Despite pledges by world
leaders to cut CO2 emissions, governments appear to be dragging their heels in implementing
real change, as if there is no real urgency about the situation. This is a terrible mistake ​in my
opinion, and ​it is imperative that they now devote far more time and money into finding other
ways of producing energy.

While some countries have started to use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and
water power, ​insufficient investment has been made to develop and exploit the technology
available to make these alternatives accessible for all. ​So it should indeed be a global priority
to invest in research and development, especially because time is running out and solutions will
take some time to achieve.

To conclude​, ​although there are of course several other global issues that we need to address,
such as poverty and disease, ​in my opinion prioritising environmental problems caused by our
continued use of fossil fuels ​would improve the situation of people whose lives have been
affected by extreme weather, drought and flooding linked to global warming.

(276 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

7. Urban vs rural development - Problem/solution

In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has
resulted in higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the countryside.

What problems could this cause? How could these be reduced?

It is inevitable that economic growth is mostly generated in the business and industrial
centres of major cities. ​As a consequence​, urban citizens have access to jobs and facilities that
improve their living standards considerably. ​However ​the wealth is not evenly distributed, and
this creates a number of problems in rural areas, which I will outline below.

First of all​, ​young people from the countryside leave their villages in search of better
employment opportunities. The villages are left under-populated, schools and doctors’
surgeries close and the increase in the urban population puts great pressure on housing,
infrastructure and services. ​This leads to ​the creation of slum areas where conditions may be
worse than in the villages. ​Finally​, as a country's economy develops, there may be an increasing
sense of inequality as the towns get richer and the villages get poorer, and this may even result
in civil unrest.

The solution to these problems seems to lie in improving the standards of living and the
facilities available in the countryside. Perhaps incentives can be offered to factories and
companies to relocate; road and rail networks can be built to make such relocation possible;
investment could be made into developing tourism in the countryside so that more jobs are
created and the income of the local economy grows.

In conclusion​, ​however​, improving rural living standards requires investment and political will
that is sometimes not easy to generate. More pressure ​needs to be put on the government to
take the plight of rural areas more seriously and to investigate ways in which money invested in
rural economies could benefit the country as a whole.

(271 words)

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8. Health Budgets - Agree/Disagree

‘Prevention is better than cure'. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should
be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

A huge amount of money is spent curing preventable illnesses and obviously it would make
far more sense for more of this money to be spent educating the public about the long-term
benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. ​However​, in countries such as the UK where the
national health system is already under severe pressure, there is barely enough money to cope
with the current surge in demand for its services. Therefore it seems hard to imagine the
consequences of diverting a large chunk of its funding to preventative strategies.

Recent research has shown that many of today’s illnesses are related to lifestyle. Many
people work long hours, do not have time to cook healthy meals and drink too much in order to
cope with the stress of modern life. ​If the government spent more money on alleviating such
problems, for example, by subsidising gyms, taxing unhealthy food, reducing the number of
hours in a working week and introducing more annual leave, there could be a massive
knock-on effect on people's general well-being and this would be a very cost-effective solution
in the long term.

Unfortunately, such a positive outcome cannot be guaranteed, and the government would
have to take a huge risk of cutting health budgets at a time when the money is so desperately
needed. It would be extremely difficult to convince tax-payers of the benefits of investing in
public health facilities and awareness campaigns when all they see is long queues at A&E,
lengthy waiting lists for routine operations and extreme difficulty getting an appointment to
see their local GP.

So ​although ​I completely support ​the idea of diverting money to preventing rather than curing
illness, the reality is more complicated and requires careful research, thought and planning.

(291 words)

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9. School transport - Agree/Disagree

Some people think that it is the government’s responsibility to transport children

to school. Others say that parents should be responsible.

What is your opinion?

The issues surrounding how children get to school have become a subject of much discussion
recently because of a huge increase in the amount of cars on the road during rush hour.
Having a government-run system would certainly alleviate this growing problem and ​in my
opinion​ bring a host of other benefits.

Let us look first of all at the role of the parents. It goes without saying ​that parents have the
ultimate responsibility for ensuring that their child gets to school safely and punctually.
However​, the trend for going to school by car is having a harmful effect on the children, who
are missing out on opportunities to socialise, exercise and get fresh air.

Turning now to the role of the government​, it is without doubt their duty to guarantee that
every child has access to education no matter what their personal circumstances are.
Therefore, it is up to the government to provide a reliable means of getting to school. I believe
that this could have several other positive consequences. ​Firstly​, there would be a noticeable
improvement in air quality due to fewer private vehicles being on the road. ​Secondly​, it would
be beneficial for the economy, creating jobs for drivers and providing more job opportunities
for parents, especially women, who might currently be tied to school-run duties and limited in
the type of jobs they can find. The corresponding increase in household income could in the
long term improve the child’s life opportunities.

All things considered​, ​although it may be hard to justify the additional costs involved in
providing a school bus service, ​I think that overall there would be a significant improvement to
the quality of life of many different people and not just the children concerned.

(290 words)

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10. Learning a foreign language - Advantages/Disadvantages

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary school rather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Traditionally, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary school, ​but
introducing them earlier is recommended by some educationalists. This policy has been
adopted by some educational authorities or individual schools, with both positive and negative

The obvious argument in its favour is that young children pick up languages much more easily
than teenagers. ​Their brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which
facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are not inhibited by
self-consciousness. ​In addition, the greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more
frequent shorter sessions and for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining learners'
enthusiasm and progress. Their command of the language in later life will benefit from this
early exposure, while learning other languages subsequently will be easier for them. They may
also gain a better understanding of other cultures.

There are, however, some disadvantages. Primary school teachers are generalists, and may not
have the necessary language skills themselves. If specialists have to be brought in to deliver
these sessions, the flexibility referred to above is diminished. If primary language teaching is
not standardised, secondary schools could be faced with a great variety of levels in different
languages within their intake, resulting in a classroom experience which undoes the earlier
gains. There is no advantage if enthusiastic primary pupils become demotivated as soon as they
change schools. ​However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the policy

In my opinion​, anything which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and
economically, and early exposure to language learning contributes to this. Young children's
innate abilities ​should be​ harnessed to make these benefits more achievable.

(272 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

11. Dress codes - Advantages/Disadvantages

In the past, there were strict guidelines about how people should dress for work, but in recent
times dress codes seem to have been relaxed.

Is this a positive or negative development?

In my opinion, the relaxation of the dress code at work is a worrying development. ​Although
it goes without saying that employers should prioritise the quality of their staff's performance, ​I
think​ that dressing smartly at work is essential and I will outline my reasons below.

The main reason why employers need to pay more attention to the way their staff dress is
because ​casual clothes give a very bad first impression of the company, whereas formal clothes
convey an image of respectability and trustworthiness, two qualities which are important in so
many professions that involve face-to-face interaction with members of the public. ​One
illustration of this ​is in the banking sector. It is the responsibility of a manager to ensure that
customers feel confident that their money is in safe hands. A smart suit suggests that if the staff
care about their appearance then they will take care of your investment too.

On the other hand, just because someone dresses well, it does not necessarily guarantee that
they are good at their job, and vice versa. In my workplace, ​for example, the best teachers are
often the ones that care more about how to teach well than how to dress well, and their
students never seem to notice what they are wearing. There are also many creative professions
where trendy clothes convey a sense of style and individuality, which is very desirable in many

To conclude​, an employee's ability to perform well in their job has to be the highest priority in
any profession. ​However​, the need to dress smartly and appropriately should also be an
important consideration in many workplaces. ​Personally​, if I was paying large amounts of
money to a teacher in flip-flops who looked as if they had just got up, I would have serious
concerns about that person's attitude towards their work and their ability to teach me

(315 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

12. Homework - Agree/Disagree

Nowadays some parents feel that schoolchildren are given too much homework.

In your opinion, should homework time be reduced or banned altogether?

Homework is a common feature of school life and there is no doubt that giving students some
homework is a useful exercise. Too much homework, however, can cause a great deal of
unnecessary stress for pupils. In the following essay I will discuss the reasons why ​I believe it
should be reduced.

Homework is a beneficial tool for several reasons. Most importantly, it teaches pupils to work
independently and to practise the skills or knowledge acquired during lesson time. They are
able to work on projects or extended pieces of work, which they have to research either in the
library or using the internet.

In addition​, homework teaches children the discipline needed to complete work to a deadline -
a very important life skill. ​One other benefit is ​that it helps parents to become involved in their
child's learning. By helping with homework, parents can understand what is being learnt at
school and encourage their child to become interested in the topic. It may even help keep
youngsters away from their phone screens for a short period of time.

On the other hand​, it is important to note that too much homework could have a negative
impact on a child's ability to learn. Excessive amounts of homework could be very stressful and
ruin a child's enjoyment of being at school. ​In my view​, homework should be limited to one
hour every evening so that children have the time to become involved in other extra-curricular
activities such as sport or music lessons.

To conclude therefore​, homework does indeed have a value at school and should not be
banned altogether. ​However​, it is vitally important that ​homework does not dominate a child's
time at home. There must also be adequate time for family, friends and sport.

(289 words)

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13. Educational qualifications - Discuss both/opinion

'Some people say that educational qualifications are the key to a successful life. Others say
that they are not necessary'.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Educational qualifications are often seen as a passport to success, and for this reason an
increasing number of young people are pressurized into cramming for exams in order to
secure their future. ​However​, the definition of success does not necessarily mean a well-paid,
high-flying job and there are many other ways of achieving success without having to pass an

Those that argue that academic qualifications are a good thing point to the wide range of
employment options that exist for those who are well qualified. ​Opportunities for career
development in certain professions such as medicine and the law are often only available to
those with the highest qualifications. In addition, employers need to be able to distinguish
between job candidates, and school results appear to give evidence of intelligence, hard work
and ability. ​Finally​, there is far less likelihood of becoming stuck in a dead-end job, as
qualifications give you more freedom to choose the career, employer or workplace that is best
suited to your skills.

In contrast, some believe that educational qualifications do not necessarily guarantee success
in life. ​There are many examples of university ‘dropouts’ such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who
went on to astonishing success in their fields. Creativity, drive, passion, self-belief and a
determination to succeed are far more important prerequisites for success than an ability to
learn facts and regurgitate them in an exam. You do not need a qualification to have success in
a number of different areas of life, from starting a family to running your own business or
raising money for charity.

In my view, there is too much emphasis placed on academic qualifications. Employers ​need to
look beyond exam results and find alternative ways of evaluating people’s strengths and natural
talents. Creative, innovative thinkers ​should be encouraged to pursue their goals without being
hampered by the pressures of exams and out-dated recruitment procedures.

(315 words)

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14. TV advertising - Problem/Effects/Solution

What are the effects of TV advertising aimed at children?

Should TV adverts aimed at children be controlled?

The advertising industry spends millions of dollars on TV adverts that target children, and
there is no doubt that such adverts have a powerful influence on young, impressionable
minds. ​In my opinion​, the effects are almost always harmful and I would advocate a total ban. I
will outline my reasons below.

A number of studies have found that persuasive marketing can have long-term effects on a
child’s physical and psychological well-being. ​Take for example​, the food industry, which
falsely promotes certain products as being healthy, while in reality they contain high levels of
sugar and saturated fats. Children are unable to see beneath the clever marketing and are lured
into fast-food outlets with the promise of a plastic toy. This is having a detrimental impact on
our children’s health and yet the government is doing nothing to regulate these misleading

Another worrying trend caused by adverts designed to influence children is the pressure put
on children ​to buy the latest products and to conform to the image of happy, smiling people
seen in the adverts. Children are brought up believing that material possessions bring
happiness, which in turn creates a demand that will never be satisfied. Research has shown that
this leads to low self-esteem and depression in later life.

The problems that I have outlined above are just a few of the negative effects that the
all-pervasive marketing culture has on the young generation, and ​I find it incredible that ​these
companies are allowed to exploit children in such a manipulative way. The government ​must do
more ​to protect children and ​should strictly censor the type of adverts that children are
exposed to.

(276 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

15. Homesickness - Cause/Problem/Solution

People who travel to another country to live, work or study for a period of time often suffer
badly from homesickness.

Why is this? What are the best ways to reduce this problem?

I think most people who travel away from home for any length of time will feel homesick at
the beginning because missing one’s home and country is a natural reaction. ​However​, ​I think
it becomes less of a problem if people make an effort to adapt to the new environment and to
enjoy new relationships and experiences.

There are several reasons why people suffer from homesickness. ​First of all​, many young
people leave home to study abroad and for them it is probably their first time away from
family, friends and everything that is familiar. The country they have moved to may have a
completely different culture and language, so they need to adjust to this and learn how to
communicate in new ways. This can be very tiring but until they can do so they will feel out of
place and unable to form new relationships.

Secondly​, professionals who have moved abroad for work may have left older parents behind,
or even young children. For them, the separation can be worse because they feel so far from
the people they feel responsible for. ​In addition, they may be older and more set in their ways
and therefore feel less inclined to socialise and adopt new habits.

As for the solutions​, I personally think that people should try and prepare themselves for study
or work abroad. They need to learn the new language before they go and to try to be as
adaptable and independent as they can. ​At the same time, however, ​they need to set up ways
of communicating quickly and easily with people back home, so that they know what is
happening there and do not need to worry.

To conclude​, ​if people are aware of the problems and are willing to make changes, they can do
a lot to reduce their homesickness and ensure that their stay abroad is a positive, exciting

(317 words)

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16. The Arts - TRICKY

In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value artists such as
musicians, painters and writers.

What can the arts tell us about life that science cannot?

Developments in science and technology have had an enormous impact on the way we live
our lives. ​However​, the continuing importance of the arts is a reflection of the fact that they
can teach us a great deal about the world, in a way that science and technology cannot.

The first thing that the arts provide is a way to experience aspects of life which we might
otherwise never actually know for ourselves. A novel may transport us to faraway places or put
us in the mind of a person suffering great hardship; a painting may depict an event from history
that we can learn from. In these ways, we can develop an understanding of human experience
and thus develop greater empathy for others.

Secondly​, art gives us beauty. Whether in the form of a painting or piece of music, beauty
enhances our lives and reminds us of the positive side of life when we might otherwise feel
despondent. Going to see a play or film can be an uplifting experience, offering a means of
escape from the realities of life.

Thirdly​, unlike science, art is not right or wrong: we appreciate art very subjectively and what
we like is a matter of personal taste and interpretation. ​Thus, ​it shows us that life is not always
about objective truths that can be measured or require proof.

In conclusion​, although art may appear less useful than science, in reality it gives people a great
deal of knowledge and understanding, as well as providing comfort and inspiration. As a
complement to the practical benefits of science, it gives us a wide variety of enriching
experiences that enable us to live better lives.

(280 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

17. Migration to cities - Evaluate the effects

Nowadays the way modern society is developing is being shaped by people’s migration to
large cities.

In what ways is migration to large cities affecting society? Is this a positive or negative

Cities have always been an engine of development worldwide, attracting people and
resources​, ​but​ ​nowadays the pace of change is increasing rapidly. ​As a result​, modern society is
now more urbanized than at any time in its history and societies are experiencing both negative
and positive changes.

One possible negative development is​ the danger that through migration, society may
generally become more selfish, using up resources in terms of energy, food and facilities at a
faster rate than in the countryside. ​Moreover​, ​once people lose contact with the values,
traditions and possibly languages of the communities they left behind, society will undergo
further change.

The negative impact of urbanization on society generally cannot be ignored. ​However,

migration also benefits society​. This is because large cities are dynamic and in a state of flux,
offering people opportunities such as jobs and the chance to try out new ideas. The
contribution of such ideas to the wealth of any country can transform society enormously,
funding more facilities in fields such as health and education.

As well as​ transformation through new ideas, innovative ways of living - for example
eco-houses and flexible working practices like partially working from home - can in turn affect
the whole of society. The quality of life for city inhabitants can then be significantly improved,
which in turn stimulates growth and improvements in rural areas.

On balance​, ​in my opinion​ the contribution made by migration to society is positive and the
transformation is not restricted to cities alone. It can stimulate developments beyond city
boundaries, creating wealth, ideas, jobs and improvements in society at large.

Adapted from ​Direct to IELTS ​by Sam MacCarter, Macmillan 2013

(265 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

18. Children’s toys - Advantages/Disadvantages

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children a large number of toys?

There is an incredible array of toys available to the modern parent, and the fact that most of
them are made from plastic means that they are reasonably cheap.​ ​Because of this​, parents
are often tempted to treat their children to new toys on a regular basis rather than on special
occasions such as birthdays. This essay will argue that far too many of these plastic toys ​end up
in landfill​, and that ​parents should restrict ​the number of playthings that they buy.

There is no doubt that toys have an important educational value​, stimulating the imagination
and preparing the younger generation to survive and prosper in the adult world. Old-fashioned
toys such as dolls and teddy bears ​provide comfort​ to younger children and help them to
become ​well-balanced and caring​ adults. Wooden toys such as skittles and spinning tops can
be used to develop motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, while computerised toys can
build literacy and numeracy skills​ in an enjoyable and an engaging way.

Having said that, there are a number of drawbacks to having too many toys.​ First of all,
children are easily bored and ​may not appreciate the value​ of the toy, throwing it away after a
few days in the expectation of getting something better. This has negative consequences for
the environment. Secondly, their ​concentration span may suffer​ if they are constantly
surrounded by too many tempting objects, and they become unable to focus on any one game
without becoming distracted. Finally, older children ​can become spoilt​ and may also become
targets of envy from classmates if they are perceived as having far more possessions than their

To conclude​, ​I strongly believe​ that parents should resist the urge to shower their offspring
with a never-ending supply of toys. ​It is far better to ​spend quality time ​together as a family,
playing with simple toys as they did in the past.

(318 words)

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19. Cars versus bicycles - Discuss both/Opinion

Some people say that cars are the best way of travelling around cities while others think that
bicycles are better.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The type of transport we use is a topic that is often discussed these days. ​Concerns about
levels of pollution as well as significant increases in obesity, have led to many calls for greener
modes of transport. This essay will discuss the arguments in favour of the use of cars and
bicycles as ways of travelling around cities.

The great advantages of cycling are well-known: ​not only is it good for the health of the planet,
but it is an excellent way to keep fit. Bikes do not use valuable energy resources, nor do they
produce polluting emissions. Recent figures have shown that levels of pollution in big cities
have reached particularly harmful levels. Cycling, however, remains relatively hazardous on
busy roads, such as in London, where every year an alarming number of cyclists are killed or
injured. It is necessary that governments invest in cycle lanes and other infrastructure to make
cycling a safer and more appealing way to travel.

One major disadvantage of cycling is that​ ​it transports just a single person who can carry only a
small amount. Clearly, there are many occasions when it is beneficial to go by car, thus carrying
passengers and heavy goods. Cars are also preferable in poor weather conditions, when cycling
is at best unpleasant, or at worst positively dangerous. Drivers might argue that rather than
introducing lanes for cyclists where space is already tight, it would be better to encourage
car-sharing or other schemes such as rewarding (with reduced taxes) drivers who use
low-emission vehicles.

In conclusion, it seems clear that more cycling and less driving would benefit both the
environment and the individual. ​However​, many people would require incentives to
encourage them to give up their car.

(288 words)

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20. Training for parents - Agree/Disagree

Bringing up children is a huge responsibility. All parents should therefore receive training on
how to look after a child.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Parents have an enormous influence on the welfare of their offspring. ​However​, no support or
training is necessarily offered to parents when they start a family. Given the importance of a
good upbringing, this seems to be an unsatisfactory situation and ​I believe​ that more should be
done to help parents raise their children.

There are various aspects to childcare that parents need help with​. Firstly, parents need to be
able to support their children’s education. This means understanding how their school
education can be complemented by home tuition or, if this is unfeasible, what strategies
parents could adopt to encourage their children to learn.

Secondly​, parents should be informed of how they can contribute to the health of their
children, whether through providing a balanced diet or in ensuring an active lifestyle. Such
measures will also have the significant benefit of reducing the dependence on the state, which
always struggles to finance efficient health and welfare services.

Finally​, parents need to understand the child’s developmental stages and to be well-equipped
to deal with these challenges. For example, dealing with behavioural issues, from toddler
tantrums to teenage rebellion is often an extremely stressful experience, and some guidelines
on ways of coping with the depression and anxiety brought on by the modern-day pressures of
social media would reassure and help parents who struggle to understand this new

In conclusion​, although these measures can be beneficial, we must guard against being too
prescriptive and we should avoid generalising the needs of children, who are, after all,
individuals and do not respond in the same way to different situations. Nevertheless, ​I think
that ​much more should be done to guide and inform parents so that they can support their
children and help them reach their full potential.

(296 words)

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21. An ageing population - Discuss both/Opinion

The number of old people is increasing in many countries. Some people think this causes
problems, while others think old people play an important role.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

As life expectancy continues to increase, the impact on a country’s economy is keenly felt,
especially in countries where the birth rate is falling dramatically​.​ Because of this, ​it is often
thought that ​old people are a burden to society. ​However​, ​in my opinion​ they have a​ crucial
role to play.

There is an undeniable correlation between ageing and ill-health, and ​the general assumption
is that a country’s health service is put under severe stress when there are large numbers of
elderly people. ​For example, they may need 24-hour care if they suffer from Alzheimer’s
disease or other age-related illnesses. ​Yet​ studies suggest that because pensioners spend so
much of their time volunteering, looking after grandchildren and running charity shops, they
contribute far more to the economy than was previously thought.

Another reason why people consider elderly people a drain on resources is that the ‘baby
boom’ generation were able to retire at 60 and start drawing a pension​, something which is
almost unheard of these days. The government has to pay out billions of pounds and the
situation is unsustainable. ​In reality though​, pensioners actually contribute more to the
economy than they take out, because of taxes they pay on their savings and earnings.
Furthermore, their ‘free’ childcare services help maintain and sustain employment for parents,
bringing further benefits to the economy.

To conclude​, this essay has exposed some of the myths surrounding the problems of an ageing
society. Most importantly,​ in my view,​ old people are an essential part of the community,
passing on their skills, advice and knowledge to younger generations. ​It is high time that ​we
showed more respect and appreciation for our elders, whose real value cannot be measured in
financial terms.

(287 words)

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22. Plastic Bag Ban - Agree/Disagree

In many countries, ​plastic bags​ are the main source of rubbish, causing pollution on land and
in the water, so many people think they ​should be banned​.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The polluting effects of plastic are often featured in the news these days.​ ​We have realised
how damaging plastic can be and there is a strong public reaction in favour of reducing plastic
waste. ​Banning plastic bags would be one way of dealing with the problem​. ​However​, ​in my
opinion​ there are other, more effective, strategies that could be implemented, targeting not
only consumers but also the manufacturers and retailers of plastic products.

The main problem with plastic bags is that they take many years to decompose ​and are often
only used only once for convenience and then discarded, ​ending up​ in rivers and seas where
they cause particular harm to marine creatures such as whales and turtles. The obvious
response might be to ban plastic bags. ​If​ shops stopped supplying them, customers ​would be
forced to ​re-use existing bags or find other ways of carrying their shopping. This has had a great
deal of success in many countries. ​But this ban should extend to all plastic ​which is used in
packaging, much of which is unnecessary. Fruits and vegetables, for example, have their own
natural covering and do not need a further layer of plastic.

While banning plastic bags would be beneficial, this measure would not be enough to solve
the problem. ​People also need educating ​about littering and recycling in general. Many people
still do not dispose of plastic properly and as a result, ​even if​ less plastic is produced, much of
what is in existence finds its way into the natural environment. ​Heavy fines should be
introduced ​for those who do not respect the laws regarding the protection of the environment.

In conclusion,​ the required approach should be to ​both limit ​the production and use of plastic
and also to ensure ​that people understand the impact that it can have on the environment if
plastic is not correctly managed.

(310 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

23. Increase in crime rates - Problem/Solution

In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent.

Why​ do you think this is and ​what ​can be done about it?

It is certainly true that the crime rate is increasing in many areas of the world. ​Many
governments react to this problem by building more prisons to contain the criminals. ​However​,
this has proved so unsuccessful that each year bigger and tougher prisons are needed. ​Perhaps
we need to​ go back to the basics of this problem and assess the possible causes.

One of the reasons that is often given is the increase in violence both on television and in
computer games.​ While this may be responsible for making crimes more violent, ​I think it is
unrealistic to lay the blame for ​all criminal activity on​ the media. ​In my opinion​, the main
cause of crime is the increasing gap between the rich and poor, as well as the increasing use of
drugs. The majority of crimes are being committed by people in need who are forced to take
what they do not have, and by people addicted to drugs.

Solving these problems is not easy.​ We could try to ensure that more jobs are created so that
the divide between rich and poor is reduced. However, criminals need to be trained and
rehabilitated so that they can enter the workforce. Furthermore, providing employment only
addresses part of this problem; so far there has been little success in the war against drugs.

I believe that crime will continue to rise​, particularly in crowded and overpopulated areas,
unless we can find an effective way to address these issues​. Perhaps we can help to break the
cycle by trying to ensure fewer young people enter a life of crime in the first place. ​We could do
this​ through education and by making sure that they are able to work.

(287 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

24. The power and influence of young people - Cause/Effect

Young people in the modern world seem to have more power and influence than any
previous young generation.

Why is this the case? What impact does this have on the relationship between old and young

Due to the large social and technological changes that have increased the experience gap
between the generations, young people today certainly play a bigger role in society than their
parents’ or grandparents’ generation did. ​In my opinion​, this has had a negative impact on
society and I will outline my reasons for thinking this below.

Young people are generally better educated than they were because they have been trained
from a young age to use computer technology. ​They have access to information in a way that
was unimaginable for earlier generations. ​This means that ​they are probably better informed
than their parents or grandparents were at their age, and their hi-tech skills give them
confidence in dealing with the very rapid changes in technology that are so uncomfortable for
many older people. ​In addition​, young people have become powerful consumers with large
disposable incomes and spending power. ​Therefore​, they are given far more attention and are
taken much more seriously than they were in the past.

As a result of all these developments, relationships with older people are often difficult.
Teachers and parents are no longer treated with respect, and their experience is undervalued
because young people think they know everything or at least can find all the answers on the
Internet. In many cultures​ this has led to​ a lack of discipline in schools, family breakdowns and
even serious social problems.

To conclude​, the current generation gap is the responsibility of both younger and older
generations. Both have to make an effort to understand each other, and young people need to
realise that they still have so much to learn. ​I strongly believe that​ older people have valuable
experience and skills that can only be gained with age and not through a quick search on the

(298 words)

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25. Email - Advantages/Disadvantages

Email has had a huge impact on professional and social communication, but this impact has
been negative as well as positive.

Do the disadvantages of using email outweigh the advantages?

It is certainly true that the use of email has greatly changed the way we communicate with
each other at work as well as socially. ​But it is also true that not all the effects of this
innovation have been positive. ​In my opinion​, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, and I
will outline the reasons below.

A common criticism of email in the workplace is that it causes extra work and stress. ​This is
because​ employees receive more messages than they can answer every day and since email
writers expect a quick response, this further increases pressure on employees.​ Other
objections​ to email for both social and professional users include the way it encourages people
to spend even longer at their computers. ​More worryingly, ​people are often expected to check
their work emails while they are on holiday, which means that they never get a proper chance
to ‘switch off’ and make the most of their annual leave.

Despite these negative effects, however, email has brought important benefits as well. ​One
such advantage of using email is that it is a fast and easy way to communicate with family,
friends and work colleagues wherever they are in the world. ​It not only​ allows people to stay in
touch with each other ​but it also​ allows them to send all kinds of information (such as pictures,
photos and diagrams) very quickly, cheaply and with a very good quality of reproduction. This is
a huge advance on earlier communication systems. ​Another bonus​ is that there is always a
‘paper trail’: all correspondence is automatically stored in the email account and can be quickly
retrieved without having to dig through boxes of paperwork.

To sum up​, ​while​ there are some obvious drawbacks to using email, this fast and user-friendly
technology has greatly improved our ability to communicate both professionally and socially.
Therefore​, ​I think ​email has brought us so many benefits that it is difficult to imagine life
without it.

330 words

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26. Food waste - Cause/Problem/Solution

Why do people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food we waste?

Food waste has been getting a lot of attention lately.​ ​The world produces far more food than
it did 30 years ago, ​yet​ almost half of it is thrown away and huge amounts of perfectly edible
food items are never eaten, while nearly a billion people still don’t have enough to eat. ​This has
got to change.

First of all, let us look at the reasons why people throw away food.​ In the past, when food was
scarce​, people found ​innovative ways​ to preserve seasonal ​produce​ and use up​ leftovers​.
However, people in developed countries now have so much food that they can afford to let it
go to waste. ​In addition to this​,​ people have become ​overly-concerned with appearance​,
which means that fruit and vegetables that do not conform to a ‘perfect’ size, shape or colour
are​ discarded ​before they even reach the supermarket shelves. ​Finally​, ​supermarkets​ make the
situation worse by confusing consumers with multiple descriptions for expiry dates, so many
foodstuffs go to landfill unnecessarily.

There are many ways to solve this problem. Firstly​ as individuals we can make simple changes
such as buying ​smaller quantities, planning our meals, making better use of the freezer, and
using a compost bin or wormery in the garden. We can ​also​ ​put pressure on the supermarkets
through our buying choices, for example by avoiding their ​bulk-buy​ deals and by campaigning
for food which is fit for human consumption to be given away to charities and those in need.
This consumer pressure has had ​some success ​in countries such as France where it is now
illegal​ for supermarkets to send food to landfill sites.

To conclude​, nobody wants to see good food go to waste. It harms our environment and is
morally indefensible. ​We are not just wasting food that could end ​global hunger​, but using up
the ​planet’s resources​ in the process. ​In my opinion​, consumers need to make their feelings
about waste reduction clearer. Enough consumer pressure will encourage ​supermarkets and
the government​ to make it easier for everyone, from producers to retailers and shoppers, to
make the changes necessary to reduce food waste.

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

27. How to limit our use of energy - Problem/Solution

Scientists have been warning for many years about ​protecting the environment ​and that we
should ​limit the use of energy​ in our daily lives. Despite these warnings, ​many people do not do
What are the​ reasons​ for this?
How can people be​ encouraged to take an interest​ in protecting the environment?

Scientists have been warning us about the impact on the planet of our daily habits for many
years.​ ​Even though​ people now appreciate and accept the dangers our lifestyles poses to the
environment, many do not act to change things. This essay will consider the reasons why this is
the case and suggest some ways in which people can help in looking after our environment.

There are many reasons why some people are put off certain initiatives to reduce their impact
on the planet.​ ​One reason​ is that it may involve an extra cost to themselves. ​For example​, it is
more expensive to buy a car powered by electricity than many petrol-driven cars. Electric
vehicles and improved public transport networks should ​be financed and prioritised ​by
governments to encourage more people to use them, with ​economic incentives​ if necessary.

A further reason ​relates to the idea of responsibility. Many people see the government as
responsible for implementing and financing measures to protect the environment and do not
see why the individual should take the lead and foot the bill. ​A third reason​ is to do with
education – many people, even in developed countries, do not understand how their behaviour
is impacting the environment and how they could make a difference.

In order to change the habits and attitudes of people, a number of actions can be taken.​ The
government should ensure that people are better educated in these matters, through school
education and publicity campaigns. ​Furthermore​, certain behaviours should be made socially
unacceptable, for instance the use of polluting vehicles and unnecessary car journeys. ​Finally,
developments which have a significant positive impact, such as electric vehicles and improved
public transport networks, should ​be financed and prioritised ​by governments to encourage
more people to use them, with ​economic incentives​ if necessary.

In conclusion​, ​I believe​ ​urgent action is required​ to ​address ​environmental concerns. This can
be achieved at the level of government, ​but​ also at the individual level, and requires that
attitudes towards certain ways of living ​change radically​.

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

28. Teenagers versus adults - Both views/Opinion

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives.
Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It is one of life’s great ironies that teenagers desire the freedom of adulthood, while adults
envy the seemingly carefree life of a teenager. ​There are obvious benefits to both stages in
life. ​However,​ ​in my opinion​, not many people would welcome the trauma and anxiety of being
a teenager in today’s society, myself included.

Those who believe teenagers are the happiest age group cite their lack of responsibilities as a
significant factor. ​They are supported financially and emotionally by their parents, and
although they may be included in family decisions, they are not ultimately responsible.
Adolescents are on the threshold of adult life: they’re old enough to get a part-time job, so they
can enjoy their first taste of financial independence, and they have an exciting future ahead of
them. Young people also tend to have an active social life, and of course, there’s the
excitement of first love and first heartbreak. With all this to experience, teenagers see their
parents’ lives as boring, repetitive and stressful.

However, the reverse is also true. Adults see anxious, self-dramatising adolescents and
appreciate the joys of maturity. ​These may include a contented family life, close friendships
and a rewarding career. The greatest benefit, though, is that maturity gives you greater
confidence in your own judgement, in all areas of life. You are not afraid to express your
opinion when others disagree and, unlike a teenager, you know when to let things go.

To conclude​, both these periods can be happy times, but I look back at my own teenage years
with no desire to go back. With constant reports about adolescents suffering from depression
and mental health issues, and with the pressures of exams and social media, ​I believe​ that
adulthood is a much happier place to be.

(295 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

29. Nature versus nurture - TRICKY

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our
personality and development than any experience we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?

Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced
by the genetic research.​ We now understand the importance of inherited characteristics more
than ever before. ​Yet​ we are still unable to decide whether an individual’s personality and
development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment (nurture).
This essay will argue that​ they are both equally important.

Research relating to identical twins has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics
can be for an individual’s life.​ But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the
personality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a
development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so
powerful that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of
research findings to confirm this.

My own view is that there is no one major influence on a person’s life. ​Instead, the traits we
inherit from our parents and the situations and experiences that we encounter in life are
constantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person’s personality and
dictates how that personality develops. If this were not true, then we would be able to predict
the behaviour and character of a person from the moment they were born.

In conclusion​,​ I do not think that​ either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person,
but that both have powerful effects. How these factors interact is still unknown today, and they
remain largely unpredictable in a person’s life.

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

30. Unhealthy urban environments - Causes/Solutions

Many people feel that urban environments are more unhealthy than they have ever been.
What do you think are the​ main causes ​of this problem?
What measures​ can be effective in tackling this problem?

Towns and cities around the world are much less healthy for their inhabitants compared to
the past.​ This situation is the direct result of several factors, ​but ​many approaches exist to
address the issue.
[​ point] ​One reason for the problem is greater population density combined with increased
traffic, which, in turn, causes pollution, like air and noise, as well as stress.​ ​[example] ​For
example,​ many countries worldwide are becoming more urbanised as people move to cities
because of the entertainment and education facilities available, along with greater work
opportunities. ​[So what?]​As a result,​ city life is considerably less wholesome now both
physically and mentally than for previous generations.
​[point]​To make city environments healthier, however, several important steps can be taken.
[example] ​For instance,​ urban areas can be made greener by introducing more green spaces,
even if they are only micro-gardens with a few trees, shrubs and seats. ​[So what?] ​This can
lead to both cleaner air and reduced stress. This problem can also be addressed by public and
private buildings being made greener with the creation of roof gardens for people to relax in.
[point] ​Having transport systems that are efficient, cheap and comfortable is ​another way of
ensuring that cities are healthy places. ​Such a measure will also enhance the quality of city life
by ​[example] ​reducing air pollution and stress on the roads as people are drawn to using the
transport system. Attractive buildings that integrate work and living conditions as well as
facilities like leisure, health and education set in attractive open spaces, ​[So what?] ​can also
lead to improvements in the health of the urban environment.
To conclude​, ​despite​ cities being less healthy than in the past, the root causes can be tackled
with several simple strategies.
(293 words)

© Fiona Wattam​ IELTS Exam Training Courses

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