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Priolo, Raven Jave Z., Olitoquit, Mary Claire O., Millena, Nicole Jane E., Resontoc, Jimsey A., Encluna, Claudine A., Ramilo, John
Matthew B., Abdon, Jannel, Imperial, Jhoniel O., Masapol, Monica A. And Heroy, Rica.

Pasacao National High School

I. Introduction

Coconut residue is a by-product waste provide strong repellency to four different

following extraction of coconut milk from types of insect vectors (mosquitoes, ticks,
coconut kernal. Being nutritionally rich, biting flies and bed bugs). To our
cultivation of probiotics on this by-product knowledge, this is also the first report
could be a solution to transform the inedible showing that the longevity and effectiveness
waste into a commodity of high economic of these natural repellent compounds better
value. Coconut pulp residue is a by-product than the gold standard repellent, DEET
waste from the extraction of coconut milk against those blood-sucking insects.(Zhu,
and oil from coconut meat. Usually, coconut J.J., Cermak, S.C., Kenar, J.A. et al.,
pulp residues are used as fertilizer, feed to 2018).There a study that coconut are use for
animals, and enormous quantity is being making an products against mosquitos but
discarded in inappropriate locations they use coconut oil and they made an
(Sulaiman et al., 2013). However such coconut oil repellent, In this study
practices cause pollution, waste disposal researchers deside to invent another coil
problem, and an increase in handling costs cames from coconut pulp residue at that
for farmers. Hence, it is essential to find way the major disposal problem abouth
marginal solutions for the proper wasted material will be reduced ,coconut
appropriation of coconut pulp residue into pulp residue or also known as "Sapal" in the
an economically valuable product. Recent Philippines are one of the ingredients we are
studies have demonstrated the feasibility of going to use to make mosquito coil and we
coconut waste, including shell and husk will add some ingredients to make the
forbioethanol production (Hossain et al., mosquito coil effectiveness.
2017; Sulaiman et al.,2013). In this study
researchers are going to use coconut pulp Keywords: Coconut Pulp Residue,Wild
residue to make an mosquito coil. There is marjoram, Mosquito coil
considerable interest in developing plant- Coconut Pulp Residue -Coconut pulp
based repellents with greater efficacy and residues waste generated after extraction of
extended residual activity due to increasing milk or oil. These wastes end up as feed to
regulations and growing negative public animals, fertilizers and firewood/cooking
perceptions against synthetic repellents and fuel whilst large quantities often left to rot in
insecticides like DEET15. In the present the field, which causes pollution, waste
paper, we report that medium chain length disposal problems and increase handling
fatty acids derived from coconut oil that cost for farmers.(MIJEEC 2019).In this


study coconut pulp residue are one of the 2019).This study aimed to assess the
main ingredient we use to make an mosquito potential of coconut pulp residue as a
coil feedstock for biofuel production. A three-
step pretreatment process involving boiling,
Wild Marjoram-marjoram is a popular herb. alkaline delignification, and enzymatic
It is also known by other common names hydrolysis was designed to increase sugar
like knotted marjoram, pot marjoram, wild concentration. The coconut pulp residue was
oregano, sweet marjoram, and garden boiled for different durations and then
marjoram.(Green Jeeva 2022).This kind of treated with varying concentrations of
plants are one of our resources of making NaOH. Enzymatic hydrolysis was
mosquito coil it will give more effect to kill performed using commercial cellulose. The
mosquitoes results showed that the three-stage
Mosquito coil-The mosquito coil is a pretreatment design resulted in higher sugar
mosquito repelling incense-like product concentrations compared to single
formulated from a paste of granulated pretreatment methods. The highest total and
insecticide and a filler, such as sawdust and reducing sugars were obtained with 3%
other solid materials, and then extruded into NaOH concentration and 20 minutes of
a coiled shape (Malaria 2018).in this study boiling time. This suggests that coconut pulp
This mosquito coil we are going to make is residue can be a viable feedstock for biofuel
production. (Mariano et al., 2018). Other
from coconut pulp residue.
study found that coconut pulp oil was
Related literature and study effective in repelling mosquitoes, with a
protection time of up to 4 hours. Another
This study investigated the potential of study by (Sukumar et. al., 2013) . And other
coconut pulp residue as a feedstock for study investigated the effectiveness of
bioethanol production. The researchers used mosquito coils made from coconut husk in
a two-step pretreatment process involving reducing mosquito populations in
thermal (boiling) and sodium hydroxide households. The study found that coconut
(NaOH) treatments to enhance sugar husk-based mosquito coils were effective in
accessibility for fermentation. Cellulase was repelling mosquitoes and did not cause any
used for enzymatic hydrolysis, and adverse health effects among the study
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used for participants. A study conducted by
fermentation. The highest sugar ( Widiarti and colleagues 2017).
concentration was achieved with 40 minutes
of boiling time and 1% NaOH investigated the effectiveness of mosquito
concentration. During fermentation, sugar coils made from coconut husk and other
concentrations decreased over time, and natural materials in repelling mosquitoes.
alcohol production peaked at 24 hours. The study found that coconut husk-based
Overall, the study suggests that coconut pulp mosquito coils were effective in repelling
residue can be an excellent raw material for mosquitoes and had a longer duration of
bioethanol production. (Mariano et al., effectiveness compared to other natural


materials. The study also found that coconut Importance of the Study
husk-based mosquito coils were safe for
human use and did not cause any adverse This study was accomplish to produce an
health effects Mosquito Coil out of Coconut Pulp. In
addition, the study was initiated to make a
Porpuse of the Study useable product of residue. Hence this study
was consider importance to the following:
The purpose of this study is to help the
environment to avoid the viruses, sick that School -To share success stories of current
brings by mosquitoes especially to reduce or former students who have achieved
some wasted material to convert into a notable accomplishments in their academic,
product that can give good benefits to us. ln professional, or personal lives. This can
this study the material we're going to use is demonstrate the school's ability to nurture
came from waste called Residue Coconut and prepare students for future success.
Pulp, this kind of meterial many people can
help this.Because coconut pulp is very Teachers - this study may help the teachers
aboundant in our country and all they knows to protect them against mosquitos and
this is a waste that can only use for specially their co teachers and family this
fertilizing and now this residue coconut pulp study can use of the teachers to motivate
can turn into mosquito coil that can protect there students that even reduce material can
our family against mosquito. be useful to help the environment

Objectives of the Study Students- this study may help the students to
boost their knowledge about wasted material
This study generally aim to produce an that can turn it into a product and this
Mosquito Coil out of Coconut Pulp. product we invented will help the students
Particularly this study nerf to achieve the against , mosquitos.
following, objective of the study
Future researcher - mosquito coil enables
1. Introduce the materials in making for future researchers to understand
Mosquito Coil. mosquito behavior, discover effective
ingredients, test formulations, and develop
2. Classify the process to be followed in innovative application methods. This
making a Mosquito Coil out of Coconut research leads to the creation of safe and
Pulp. effective repellents, protecting against
3. Measure the level of acceptance of the mosquito-borne diseases and providing
Mosquito Coil in terms of: opportunities for future researchers in this
A. Physical Appearance

B. Durability

C. Market Ability


phases such as Phase 1: Design planning and
development, Phase 2: Fabrication, Phase 3:
Conceptual Framework
Testing and Calibration, Phase 4: Final
product. Further, the output or dependent
variable refers to the coconut pulp coil high
INPUT level of acceptability based from the
An alternative mosquito coil out of coconut pulp respondents which will respond to the level
residue which is eco-friendly and safe for the of effectiveness of the product. The
environment conceptual framework of the study simply
explain that the coconut pulp coil design
following the research and development
process may provide people a eco-friendly
and affordable mosquito coil.
Research and Development process design II.Methodology
PHASE 2-FABRICATION Research designs
PHASE 4-FINAL PRODUCT The study will employ 6 months of
descriptive-evaluative research design
covering the systematic procedure in writing
research which includes the construction and
validation of the researcher-made
OUTPUT questionnaire, administration of the
A mosquito coil out of coconut pulp residue with an researcher-made test to the respondent, data
acceptable rating on its physical appearance, collection procedure, data analysis and the
durability, and marketability based from 30 discussion of results and findings.
randomly selected sample of the study
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research will be

Conceptual Framework selected from the constituents of Sta Rosa
Del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur.
The Figure presents the conceptual
framework of the study. Through the input The respondents of the study will be
and it's process, and output of the study to selected through purposive sampling.
determine the variables that causes problem, The respondents of the study will
it's process and the level of acceptability. compose of Thirty (30) samples which will
be comprised of 9 residence from barangay
The input or independent variable is the Sta. Rosa Del Sur, 7 T.L.E. Teachers, 7
alternative mosquito coil. On the other side Teachers and 7 SHS students of Pasacao
the process being used is the research and National High School. All the respondents
Development Process which include four will come from Sta Rosa Del Norte and Sta.


Rosa Del Sur, Pasacao Camarines Sur. The were made to determine the level of
respondents will be fairly selected according acceptability in terms of Physical
to the process of purposive sampling. Appearance , 5 Physical Appearance, and
another 5 for its Durability lastly, 5 for
Data Gathering Instrument Market Ability of the design.
This study will gather data through the Validation of researcher-made
researcher-made questionnaire which will be questionnaire. The researcher-made
validated through focus group discussion of questionnaire will be validated, evaluated
the researchers and the validators of the data and finalized through Focus Group
gathering instrument. The data gathering Discussion with the faculty of Pasacao
instrument will be evaluated and validated National High School in School-Based
by the selected experts following Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions of the
consistently the standards in constructing the school. The questions included in the
data gathering instrument. The researcher- questionnaire will undergone thorough
made questionnaire will be used to review and analysis by the experts in the
determine the level of acceptability of the school. They will be composed of one
design in terms of the Physical Appearance, School Head, two Master Teachers, teachers
Durability and Market Ability. and keynote speaker during the School-
Procedure Based Learning Action Cell. They will
check, critique and validate the researcher-
The following steps were accomplished by made questionnaire. After the validation, the
the researcher in order to gather the data comments, suggestions and
needed in this study. recommendations of the validators were
incorporated in the revision of the said data
Approval of the Conduct of Study. Before
gathering instrument.
undertaking the research, the researcher
asked permission from the School's Division Administration of the researcher-made
Superintendent, Public Schools District questionnaire to the participants. After
Supervisor and Principal of the chosen the validation of the researcher-made
school for the conduct of the study. questionnaire, the researcher will gather the
data following the data gathering plan and
Construction of researcher-made
procedure to the selected sample of the
questionnaire. The researcher-made
questionnaire will be constructed by the
researcher which established validity and Data Analysis
reliability. The researcher-made
questionnaire will compose of three parts The data will be processed, organized and
such as Part I: Research Title, Part II: analyzed using the appropriate statistical
Questions on the Level of Acceptance and tools.
Part III: Comments from the respondents.
The test is composed of 15 items, 2items


Frequency. This will be used to quantify the
responses of the students in the level of
acceptance of the product and its Physical
Appearance, Durability and Market Ability.

The level of the acceptability ot this product

is base from the respondents teacher,tle
teacher, residence of the barragay and
students. Further, it was used to find how the
students teachers, will be accepted the
product. The researchers produced
mosquito coil out of coconut pulp residue
for the mankinds safety. The aim of this
research is to protect and maintain the safety
and prevent illness from mosquito bites.

Mean. This treatment will be used in

describing the ratings of the product in its
acceptability in terms of physical
appearance, effectiveness durability and


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