2014 - Eucalyptus Nanoemulsion - Patanjali Sir Paper
2014 - Eucalyptus Nanoemulsion - Patanjali Sir Paper
2014 - Eucalyptus Nanoemulsion - Patanjali Sir Paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of this study was to utilize the aqueous filtrate of de-oiled karanja (Pongamia glabra) and
Received 16 July 2013 jatropha (Jatropha curcas) cakes left after extracting oil for preparing biodiesel to enhance the activity of
Received in revised form eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globulus) as a pesticide by making a nanoemulsion for the control of Tribolium
16 November 2013
castaneum, a secondary pest of stored grains. The aqueous filtrate obtained from the solid cake pos-
Accepted 22 November 2013
Available online 19 April 2014
sessing insecticidal properties was used in place of distilled water to enhance the shelf life of eucalyptus
oil for a longer period of time. The eucalyptus oil nanoemulsion containing karanja and jatropha aqueous
filtrate with concentrations of 300 and 1500 ppm gave 88e100% mortality rates against T. castaneum
adults within 24 h. The LC50 values recorded for the nanoemulsions with and without the aqueous filtrate
Nanoemulsion were 0.1646 mg/l and 5.4872 mg l1, indicating greater toxicity for the nanoemulsion containing aqueous
Eucalyptus oil filtrate. The GCeMS analysis also indicated the degradation of the marker compound, i.e., 1, 8-cineole, in
Solid biodiesel waste both types of nanoemulsions, i.e., with and without the aqueous filtrate. Analysis with ATR-FTIR also
Tribolium castaneum confirmed the presence of 1,8-cineole in the nanoemulsion containing the aqueous filtrate. The nano-
emulsion formulation with the lowest average particle size, 77 nm, was chosen for extensive efficacy
trials against T. castaneum. It was found that the loss of eucalyptus oil by volatilization was stabilised in
the nanoemulsion containing the aqueous filtrate.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0964-8305/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
120 M. Pant et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 91 (2014) 119e127
infestation control, which involves the use of chemical (contact/ homogenizers, and ultrasound generators. Recently, a new low-
residual) insecticides along with fumigants (Shaaya et al., 1997). energy emulsification method has been developed by taking ad-
Although synthetic insecticides are commonly used to reduce the vantages of phase behaviour and properties to promote the for-
losses caused by insects, there is global concern about their nega- mation of ultra-small droplets with constant vigorous stirring, a
tive effects such as environmental pollution, pest resistance and “top-down” process (Ostertag et al., 2012). These low-energy
pesticide residues in food (Ogendo et al., 2008). The continuous techniques include self-emulsification, phase transition, and
application and excessive reliance on chemical pesticides have also phase inversion temperature (Izquierdo et al., 2005). In contrast,
resulted in toxicity hazards for non-target organisms and users solid nanoparticles are usually produced in a “bottom-up” process.
(Isman, 2006). The concept of “biopesticides” refers to products A recently developed process for generating nanometer-scale oil
obtained from natural sources such as animals, plants, and micro- droplets in water has been reported in the journal Angewandte
organisms, including ’’natural ingredient pesticides,’’ ’’microor- Chemie by Japanese researchers, who have developed a technique
ganism pesticides,’’ and ’’biochemical pesticides” that can help they named MAGIQ (monodisperse nanodroplet generation in
reduce pest populations and increase food production (Koul and quenched hydrothermal solution). This technique requires gener-
Walia, 2009). In recent years, studies have been focussed on the ally high temperature and pressure for the preparation of nano-
use of plant essential oils and their bioactive chemical constituents emulsions (Deguchi and Ifuku, 2013). In our nanoemulsion system,
as possible alternatives to synthetic insecticides (Rajendran and this technique is inapplicable because of the highly volatile nature
Sriranjini, 2008). Eucalyptus oil, with its wide range of desirable of the eucalyptus oil.
properties, can be used as a biopesticide for the control of various De-oiled seed cake of jatropha showed molluscicidal, insecti-
insect pests (Koul et al., 2008). cidal, fungicidal, and nematicidal activity. De-oiled seed cake of
Eucalyptus oil has been placed under the GRAS (generally karanja also possesses insecticidal and nematicidal activity (Kesari
regarded as safe) category by The U.S. Food and Drug Administra- et al., 2010; Sharma et al., 2011). Neem and karanja oil cakes in
tion and classified as nontoxic (USEPA, 1993) (Mahboubi et al., combination also showed insecticidal properties against mosquito
2013). Even the Council of Europe has approved use of eucalyptus vectors (Shanmugasundaram et al., 2008). Aqueous extract of kar-
oil as a flavoring agent in foods (>5 mg kg-1), candies, and con- anja and jatropha seed cakes had a significant effect on the termite
fectionary items (<15 mg kg1) (Council of Europe, 1992). Vilela Odontotermes obesus (Sharma et al., 2011). But there is no relevant
et al. (2009) also studied the effect of eucalyptus essential oil by information regarding the use of these aqueous extracts to
contact and head space volatile assay on food-spoiling fungi. The formulate an essential oil to increase their shelf life and
antimicrobial effect of Eucalyptus globulus oil against bacteria effectiveness.
(gram-negative, gram-positive), fungi, and yeast in liquid as well as The LC50 value is the concentration of a pesticide that is lethal to
in the vapour phase was studied by Tyagi and Malik (2011). 50% of a population of test animals and is usually determined for a
The values of the oral and acute LD50 of eucalyptus oil and 1,8- specific exposure period. A pesticide with a lower LC50 is more toxic
cineole for rats is 4440 mg kg1 body weight (BW) and than a pesticide with a higher number because it takes less of the
2840 mg kg1 (BW), respectively (Regnault-Roger, 1997), rendering pesticide to kill half of the test animals (Mikhaiel, 2011).
it much less toxic than pyrethrins (with LD50 values of 350e This paper focuses on enhancing the bioefficacy of the highly
500 mg kg1 BW [USEPA, 1993]) and even technical-grade pyre- volatile essential oil for a longer period of time by decreasing its
thrum (LD50 value e 1500 mg kg1 BW [Batish et al., 2008]). volatility and also increasing its effectiveness using karanja and
The preparation of a submicron emulsion, called a nano- jatropha aqueous filtrate in the eucalyptus oil nanoemulsion
emulsion or miniemulsion, has emerged as a promising alterna- formulation.
tive for both intravenous and dermal application. Nanoemulsions
are fine oil-in-water dispersions having a droplet size ranging 2. Materials and methods
from 100 to 600 nm (Solans et al., 2003). Nanoemulsions are not
only kinetically stable but are also physically stable for a long Eucalyptus globulus essential oil was purchased from Gogia
time, with no apparent flocculation or coalescence (Bouchernal Chemicals, Delhi, India. Karanja and jatropha cakes were collected
et al., 2004). In addition to specific shelf life or stability depend- from the Centre for Rural Development Technology, I.I.T, Delhi; the
ing on the individual system or mixture of ingredients (active and butanol was from Merck; and Suprol T-60 (commercial
inert), low viscosity and droplet transparency make them an Polysorbate-80 or Tween-80) was supplied by Supreme Surfactant
attractive system for many industrial applications, such as drug Limited, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
delivery systems in the pharmaceutical field; they can also be
used in cosmetics and in pesticide delivery systems (Sonneville- 2.1. Test insect
Aubrun et al., 2004).
An emulsion is a thermodynamically unstable two-phase sys- Chosen as the test insect was the red flour beetle, Tribolium
tem consisting of at least two immiscible liquids, one of which is castaneum; it is a worldwide pest of stored products, particularly
dispersed in the form of small droplets throughout the other, and food grains, and a model organism for ethological research. The
an emulsifying agent. The dispersed liquid is known as the internal source of the insect was infested flour collected from the Depart-
or discontinuous phase, whereas the dispersion medium is known ment of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi. A
as the external or continuous phase. If the aqueous phase consti- pure line culture of T. castaneum was maintained at 30e34 C and
tutes more than 45% of the total weight with a hydrophilic emul- 70% RH. The paper transfer method was used to transfer the beetles
sifier, oil/water emulsions are formed (Wang et al., 2007). Water/oil from the existing stock to the fresh jar. A clean paper strip was put
emulsions are generally formed if the aqueous phase constitutes in the glass jar containing beetles along with the flour. It was
less than 45% of the total weight and a lipophilic emulsifier is used inserted 1/3e1/4th of its length; adult beetles were collected from
(Abren and Massimo, 2008). the lower side of the strip. The strip was then withdrawn carefully
Nanoemulsions are metastable systems, and their stability de- and inserted into a jar of fresh flour. The strip was discarded and a
pends upon the method of synthesis or preparation (Gutiérrez new one was used to repeat the subculture. The method selects the
et al., 2008). The most common approach is high-energy emulsi- healthiest and most vigorous beetles and prevents any
fication, which involves high-shear stirring, high-pressure contamination.
M. Pant et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 91 (2014) 119e127 121
2.4. Preparation of eucalyptus oil nanoemulsion: low-energy Qualitative analysis of essential oil and its nanoemulsion was
emulsification method performed in triplicate on a GCeMS (Thermo Fisher, equipped with
Focus GC, DSQ II mass spectrometer and triplus auto sampler). A
Continuous phase of oil-in-water nanoemulsion was composed Thermo TR-5 MS capillary column (30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm) was
of distilled water and aqueous filtrate along with other ingredients used in Focus GC. The mass spectrometer was programmed in the
required for its preparation, as shown in Table 3. The active EI mode and ionization was done at 70 eV. Specifications were:
component (10% eucalyptus oil) was kept constant in the mass range, 40e250; carrier gas, helium; flow rate, 1.5 ml min1;
formulation. split mode, 1:10; injection volume, 1 ml; injector port temperature,
The surfactant was melted at 45 C and was added to the 250 C; oven temperature, 50 C, increased to 100 C at the rate of
aqueous filtrate of karanja and jatropha to get a clear micro- 5 C min-1, then increased to 280 C at the rate of 25 C min-1 (hold
emulsion. Propylene glycol was also added afterwards. To this time 20 min). Quantification was done based on peak area.
microemulsion, eucalyptus oil was added slowly, with stirring at
750 rpm. The stirring was continued for 60 min to assure a stable
2.8. Insecticidal bioassay
and fine dispersion of oil particles in form of a nanoemulsion
(Ostertag et al., 2012). Samples of the nanoemulsion formulation
Insecticidal activity of the nanoemulsion formulation of euca-
prepared were observed after 24 h of their preparation to study the
lyptus oil with and without the karanja and jatropha aqueous
stability aspect. Also, the nanoemulsion samples prepared for bio-
filtrate was determined by direct contact application (Salunke et al.,
efficacy trials were evaluated in terms of droplet size, volatility, and
2005). A stock dilution (w/v) was prepared by dissolving the
desired quantity of nanoemulsion of eucalyptus oil in water. The
appropriate amount of each of the test materials containing 300,
2.5. Measurements of emulsion droplet size 600, 900, 1200, or 1500 ppm in 100 ml water was applied to filter
papers (Whatman no. 2, 4.25 cm diameter).
Measurements of droplet size and poly dispersity index of After complete drying at room temperature for 20 min, each
nanoemulsion prepared were done with a Beckman Coulter DelsaÔ filter paper was placed in the bottom of a petri dish (9 cm diam-
nano-particle analyzer. eter). Twenty unsexed adults (1 wk old) of Tribolium sp. were
released in each petri dish covered with a lid having holes for
proper aeration.
Table 1
Essential oil components of Eucalyptus globulus with highest percentage of 1,8-
cineole i.e. 66.28%. Table 3
Different concentrations of karanja and jatropha filtrate in different formulations.
Compound identified Percentage composition
S. Ingredients Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation
cis-ocimen 21.33
no. (w/w) (in gm.) 1 (F1) 2 (F2) 3 (F3) 4 (F4)
Camphene 0.21
b-pinen 1.23 1. Distilled water 60 40 20 e
b-myrcene 1.00 2. Propylene glycol 12 12 12 12
1,8-cineole 66.28 3. Karanja and e 20 40 60
4-terpineol 0.52 jatropha
a-terpineol 1.73 filtrate
a-terpinol acetate 3.39 4. Surfactant 15 15 15 15
Aromadendrene 2.85 5. Eucalyptus oil 10 10 10 10
Globulol 1.43 6. Total 100 100 100 100
122 M. Pant et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 91 (2014) 119e127
Fig. 1. ATR-FTIR* spectra of karanja and jatropha (1:1) aqueous filtrate. * For analyzing the liquid samples by ATR-FTIR, a drop of sample is placed over the crystal (sample stage).
After the cleaning crystal properly, an infrared background is collected with a drop of water on the crystal so that water effect in the sample’s spectrum can be cleared, liquid is
simply poured onto the crystal. The whole crystal must be covered while performing qualitative analysis of the sample.
using GCeMS analysis. From this analysis, it was found that there The foregoing results indicate that biopesticidal constituents of
was a 5% degradation of active component, i.e., 1,8-cineole, after 2 eucalyptus oil (Table 1) and aqueous filtrate, i.e., 1,8 cineole, kar-
months in the formulation prepared using distilled water but there injin, and phorbol esters (Table 2), play a major role in increasing
was no change in concentration of the active component in the the efficacy and shelf life of the nanoemulsion (Fig. 5a, b) formu-
formulation (Fig. 5a and b) prepared using aqueous filtrate, as lation of eucalyptus oil against the stored grain pests (Solsoloy,
shown in the chromatogram. 1993; Silva et al., 2012).
Fig. 3. ATR-FTIR* spectra of nanoemulsion of eucalyptus oil containing aqueous filtrate. * For analyzing the liquid samples by ATR-FTIR, a drop of sample is placed over the crystal
(sample stage). After the cleaning crystal properly, an infrared background is collected with a drop of water on the crystal so that water effect in the sample’s spectrum can be
cleared, liquid is simply poured onto the crystal. The whole crystal must be covered while performing qualitative analysis of the sample. The eucalyptus oil nanoemulsion of
concentration 300 ppm was analysed using the technique.
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