TRS419 Web
TRS419 Web
TRS419 Web
Extent of Environmental
Contamination by Naturally
Occurring Radioactive
Material (NORM) and
Technological Options
for Mitigation
The following States are Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency:
The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute
of the IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957.
The Headquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and
enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.
© IAEA, 2003
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Printed by the IAEA in Austria
December 2003
However, radioactive residues are found not only in fuel cycle activities,
but also in a range of other industrial activities, namely:
Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information con-
tained in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsi-
bility for consequences which may arise from its use.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any
judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territo-
ries, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated
as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be
construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4. Related IAEA publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5. Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. FUELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. WATER ................................................. 33
6. METALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7. INDUSTRIAL MINERALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Definition of NORM:
For brevity and clarity the acronym NORM is used in this report to encompass
all naturally occurring radioactive materials where human activities have
increased the potential for exposure in comparison with the unaltered situation.
Concentrations of radionuclides may (i.e. TE-NORM) or may not have been
several sections related to waste management. Two general themes are the
need to:
behavioural patterns. For example, an oil well or mine located in an
unpopulated, remote area poses less of a risk for potential exposures to the
general public than similar facilities located near a populated area. Likewise,
rural populations in tropical developing countries will face a different potential
for exposure than a rural family in Europe (different types of homes, amount
of time spent at home, etc.). Thus, exposure scenarios to be considered when
determining the concentration levels at which NORM related doses are
considered significant will depend on living conditions and human behaviour in
that region.
As a result of region specific considerations, the amenability of NORM to
regulatory control and the mode for the implementation of such controls are
subject to scientific and technical debate. Attempting to set up a system of
clearance levels for NORM is further complicated by the fact that introducing
new regulations or extending existing controls to residues containing TE-
NORM is likely to have a significant technological and socioeconomic impact,
given their wide occurrence and often large volumes.
(a) To provide the first step in an effort to develop a global knowledge base
on the occurrence and characteristics of NORM in a wide variety of
industrial and domestic activities;
(b) To identify and assess potential technologies that have been or could be
used to help reduce the potential for or magnitude of potential exposures.
(1) At the source to limit the amount of radioactivity extracted with the raw
(2) During the process in the form of recycling/reuse or treatment;
(3) At the back end of the process through special disposal practices;
(4) In the form of remediation approaches in cases where some form of
remediation is needed.
report includes a summary of a variety of processes that may involve NORM
and some examples of the amounts and characteristics of NORM containing
feedstocks, residues, by-products and products associated with these processes.
1.3. SCOPE
Original Enhanced Increased level Environmental
concentration concentration of exposure impact
Avoid at Change Take precautions Condition or
source process or avoid use remediate
processes is the basis for understanding the waste arisings, waste forms
produced, related modes of disposal, and thus the potential for contamination
situations that can lead to enhanced public exposure. In general, the types of
information needed are those required to conduct an environmental impact
statement, although in a more general sense.
The report also addresses possible changes in production and waste
management technologies in order to reduce the arisings of wastes or their
radioactivity, or to change their form into one more manageable or less
harmful. Recycling and reuse of NORM containing residues is also addressed
with an emphasis on the need for proper consideration of the potential for
human exposures to recycled or reused NORM.
This report also serves as a source of information regarding technologies
that have been or are being considered for use to remediate sites contaminated
with NORM. Furthermore, because contaminated sites result from TE-NORM,
technologies that have been applied, or are being considered for application, to
limit the amount of residues and/or the activity concentration of NORM
containing residues resulting from a given process are also discussed.
Technological options discussed include changes in the industrial process and
feedstocks for the process in addition to changes in waste handling and
management procedures, and the cleanup/remediation of historical wastes.
While it is understood that exposure of the public can be kept low under
normal operational conditions for most industries, absence or loss of institu-
tional control over contaminated lands on which large amounts of NORM
containing residues have been placed can result in redevelopment, intrusion
and uncontrolled reuse of NORM containing materials. Thus, this report will
also discuss the importance of properly considering such possibilities in the
scenarios used to define the clearance levels to be applied for NORM.
Development of specific criteria related to the issues of clearance,
exemption and transborder movement of radioactive materials will not be
discussed. Similarly, issues such as radiation protection at the workplace and
direct exposure to NORM in consumer products are not subjects of this report.
In the European context such issues have already been discussed extensively
[5–7] and are the subject of a variety of IAEA guidelines now in draft form.
Likewise, the sources, impacts and abatement technologies associated
with Rn accumulation in buildings resulting from decay of 226Ra which has
potential exposure, and thus, radiological dose to the public. Typical cases are,
for example, plasterboard made from phosphogypsum or slag and fly ash
additives in concrete.
Although not specifically addressed in this report, the issue of co-contam-
inants, such as heavy metals, also needs to be addressed, as these can have
technological as well as regulatory implications. Remediation and waste
management strategies and techniques have to be tailored in such a way that,
when solving the NORM problem, no additional problems arise. For example,
thermal waste treatment processes, which may be effective for the volume
reduction of many wastes, will lead to the volatilization and subsequent
accumulation/enhancement of polonium and lead isotopes along with mercury
in residues.
containing NORM are summarized following the specific discussions for
individual industries. A series of appendices describe in more detail specific
examples of industries involving NORM in selected Member States.
NORM comprises radionuclides associated with the 238U and 232Th decay
chains as well as 40K. These radionuclides are very long lived and have some
progeny that are long lived, such as 226Ra. The distribution of radionuclides in
the geosphere depends on the distribution of the geological media from which
they are derived and the processes which concentrate them at a specific
location in specific media. The key to understanding these distributions,
therefore, is to understand the distribution of the source materials and the
physical and geochemical processes that lead to elevated concentrations of
radionuclides under specific conditions.
The tables that follow provide a perspective regarding the concentrations
of radionuclides in different natural materials. Table I includes a summary of
typical concentrations of radionuclides in different geological media. Table II
includes a summary of concentrations of radionuclides in natural resources that
when exploited can result in enhanced NORM concentrations. It should be
noted that the NORM problem often goes hand in hand with elevated concen-
trations of other elements that are considered toxic or hazardous, such as
arsenic or heavy metals. Thus, in a comprehensive approach, the potential
hazards associated with non-radioactive substances should also be considered.
(data from Ref. [14], other references are given therein)
Rock type Total K Bq/kg ppm Bq/kg ppm Bq/kg ppm Bq/kg
Igneous rocks
crustal 0.8 300 40 30 3–4 10–15 0.5–1 7–10
mafic 0.3–1.1 70–400 10–50 1–40 1.6, 2.7 7, 10 0.5, 0.9 7, 10
salic 4.5 1100–1500 170–200 150–180 16, 20 60, 83 3.9, 4.7 50, 60
Granite >4 >l000 170–200 150–180 17 70 3 40
(crustal average)
Sedimentary rocks
sandstones 2.7 800 120 110 12 50 3.7 40
Clean quartz <1 <300 <40 <40 <2 <8 <1 <10
Dirty quartz 2? 400? 90? 80? 3–6? 10–25? 2–3? 40?
Arkose 2–3 600–900 80–120 80 2? <8 1–2? 10–25?
Beach sands <1 <300? <40? <40? 6 25 3 40
Carbonate rocks 0.3 70 10 8 2 8 2 25
Continental 2.8 850 112 100 10.7 44 2.8 36
upper crust
Soils 1.5 400 65 50 9 37 1–8 66
are relevant in the case of potential effects of NORM on human health and the
(1) The concentrations of NORM can be enhanced above its natural levels in
a product, by-product or residue.
(2) The availability for release into the biosphere of the NORM in products,
by-products or residues can be enhanced through physicochemical
changes or simply due to the method by which the residues are managed.
TABLE II. (cont.)
This section includes a brief overview of these two concepts and their
impact on the potential for and the magnitude of radiological effects associated
with the management of residues resulting from exploitation of natural
resources. Emphasis is placed on the fact that it is not only technologically
enhanced concentrations of NORM that are a concern but also NORM that
has been altered from its natural state, and is thus more available for release
into the biosphere or for direct human exposure.
conditions (pH, redox potential and gas partial pressures), and chemical
equilibria are disturbed, which can lead to the precipitation of scales
(which scavenge, for instance, radium); conversely, ‘mixing corrosion’
resulting from the mixing of waters with different CO2 partial pressures
can lead to the dissolution of scales.
(b) Combustion processes volatilize certain nuclides, such as lead and poloni-
um, and concentrate non-volatile nuclides, such as radium, in the ash.
(c) Physical disaggregation enhances dissolution and dispersal owing to
increased surface areas.
(d) Sedimentation can lead to accumulation of naturally occurring radionu-
clides, which are often associated with heavy minerals, for example, rutile
and zircon.
(e) (Preferential) adsorption on clays or organic sedimentary fractions can
lead to enhanced concentrations in these fractions; size fractionation
(sieving, floatation, etc.) leads to further concentration enhancement in
fines and slimes.
products, and the ensuing residues and existing contamination problems with
an emphasis on the fate of the NORM. The intention is not to give a compre-
hensive description of each process, rather to describe the various processes or
product streams in enough detail to raise the awareness of NORM within
different industries and provide a perspective on areas where concentrations of
radionuclides can be enhanced in products, by-products or residues or where
the potential for human exposure to NORM in these materials is enhanced as
a result of industrial activity. Indications are also given of where these
exposures could be decreased.
4.1.1. Introduction
Oil and gas are used in a number of different ways, including: fuel for
electricity production and transport, lubricants, and numerous industrial and
consumer products. In terms of the raw materials, gas and oil originate from the
breakdown of organic matter in a sedimentary formation (the source rock) and
may become trapped in a suitable reservoir structure. Many types of reservoir
structures are known, but all require that the vertical migration of oil and gas
from the porous reservoir rock be prevented by an impervious covering known
as the caprock (often rock salt or clay) [16]. Global crude oil production for
2000 is summarized in Table III and crude oil production since 1971 is
illustrated in Fig. 2. Global natural gas production for 2000 is summarized in
Table IV and production since 1971 is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Table I provided ranges of typical concentrations of radionuclides in
different geological materials. Radionuclide concentrations are not exceptionally
high in common sedimentary materials; however, elevated levels can be found in
shales. The radionuclides tend to exist in equilibrium in rock formations. The
formation water, often a brine with low sulphate concentration, preferentially
dissolves radium relative to the parents uranium and thorium. Thus, radium and
its progeny are present in larger concentrations than uranium and thorium in the
water. As noted above, the fraction of water in the oil–gas–water mixture tends
to increase during the time in which a reservoir is exploited. Thus, NORM in
extraction and separation facilities for a specific reservoir becomes more
prevalent over time. Radon emanating from the rock formation and resulting
from decay of radium in the water will be present in the gas phase.
1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
FIG. 2. Global crude oil production (in Mt) since 1971 (from Ref. [17]).
4.1.2. Processes
The general components of the oil and gas extraction and front end
production process are illustrated in Fig. 4. In general, the oil–gas–water
Producer Mt
of world total
Saudi Arabia 427 12.0
United States of America 354 10.0
Russian Federation 322 9.1
Islamic Republic of Iran 186 5.2
Venezuela 172 4.8
Mexico 171 4.8
China 163 4.6
Norway 158 4.4
Iraq 127 3.6
United Kingdom 127 3.6
Rest of the world 1348 37.9
World total 3555 100.0
1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
FIG. 3. Global natural gas production (in Mm3) since 1971 (from Ref. [17]).
mixture is brought to the surface through the well tubing. This mixture is then
processed through a separator which removes the gas. The gas is then processed
and transported to a gas plant where it is divided into the different gas
Producer Mm3
of world total
products. After the gas has been removed, the oil–water mixture is sent to a
heater/treater and divided into the oil and water phases. The separated crude
oil phase is distributed to stock tanks prior to being transported to a refinery.
Additional gas which can be obtained in the heater/treater and in the stock
tanks is also routed to the gas plant. After being separated from the oil, the
formation water is routed to a water treatment plant and then discharged to the
sea or held in (often unlined) open storage basins for further use or reinjected
into the oil/gas bearing formation.
4.1.3. Residues
Oilfield equipment can contain hard radioactive scales and softer scale
bearing sludges which appear as coatings or sediments [18]. Gas field
equipment may be contaminated internally with films, coatings or plating of
concentrated NORM [19]. The scales and sludges containing NORM are
formed primarily during the extraction and production stages, starting when
the oil–gas–water mixture is brought to the surface and also forming during the
separation process. Initially, NORM is brought to the surface through the
downhole tubing as part of the oil–gas–water mixture. Hard scales precipitate
from the formation water onto the downhole tubing in response to changes in
temperature, pressure and salinity as the water is brought to the surface. The
scale is typically a mixture of carbonate and sulphate minerals. One of these
sulphate minerals is baryte (BaSO4), which is known to readily incorporate
radium in its structure. When compared with other NORM containing wastes
in the oil and gas industry, the concentrations of 226Ra are the largest in these
scales and are enhanced substantially from concentrations found in the natural
During the separation process, different radionuclides in the decay chain
are also separated. Figure 4 provides a rough illustration of the flow of the
different radionuclides in the separation process. In the separation process, the
deposits tend to be in the form of soft scales, sludges or films. Radium sludges
tend to accumulate on the oil and water side of the separation process,
especially in areas where there are changes in pressure or temperature and
where the oil products are stored or water is discharged into (unlined) surface
Likewise, radon and its progeny can be found in the gas and in films on
the inside of the gas handling equipment. The radon appears to concentrate
preferentially in the ethane and propane streams relative to the natural gas
output of the plant [20]. Lead-210 and 210Po that accumulate in films are
especially problematic because they are more difficult to measure on the inside
of piping and equipment due to the lack of a strong gamma decay. These
Residual or
Sales Gas (Rn + D)
To Storage
Chiller Flare
Rn + d
Ethane (Rn + d)
Propane (Rn + d)
Gas Plant
LNG Butane
Rn + d Plant Fuel
Gas Compressor Gas Plants
Well Flare
Rn + d
Head Rn + d
Gas Rn + d Gas
Crude Gas Rn + d
Gas Crude
FIG. 4. Example flows of NORM in oil, gas and water separation (‘d’ stands for daughters).
(By courtesy of M. Scott (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA).)
deposits can be found throughout the natural gas systems. In order to measure
for 210Pb and 210Po, it is necessary to open the piping or valves and to swab the
inside of the pipe or to use a pancake type Geiger–Müller detector [19].
As introduced above, the process residues containing technologically
enhanced NORM associated with the oil and gas industry occur in the form of
scales, sludges and films. There are also additional NORM containing residues
or contaminated soils from the water discharges produced. The amounts and
characteristics of these residues vary considerably in different installations [18].
Data for oil wells in the United States of America suggest that an average of
roughly 100 t of scale per well is generated each year. Many wells are known to
not currently yield residues containing NORM. Accounting for this yields an
estimate of roughly 400 t of scale per year for each NORM generating well. Van
Weers and co-authors [16] provide a number of examples of amounts of scales.
It is known that the amount of scale increases as a well ages due to the
increasing ratio of water to oil and in some cases the introduction of salt water
into the formation to enhance recovery.
An American Petroleum Institute report [21] estimated that more than
140 000 drums (roughly 28 000 m3) of technologically enhanced NORM
containing residues (~ > 3300 Bq/kg) accumulate on an annual basis in the USA.
Estimates for the North Sea [22] suggest a somewhat lower value of 20 t of
scale per well each year, although this value is based on a single, new well field
which would be expected to generate less scale than some of the fields that
have been operating for longer periods of time.
Another residue is the formation water that has been separated from the
oil–gas–water mixture. Studies of the large quantities of water produced from
wells at oil and natural gas drilling and production sites have indicated that a
number of the wells yielded water with an average radium concentration in
excess of 1.85 Bq/L [23]. Other data suggest that average radium concentra-
tions in water from some wells can be as high as 111 Bq/L [24]. As a
comparison, the radium concentration limit for discharges of water from US
commercial nuclear facilities is approximately 2.2 Bq/L [25].
As noted above, the separated water is often re-injected into the oil
bearing formation, which is considered in some Member States a sound waste
management approach posing minimal potential impacts to human health,
provided that there is no hydraulic connection to usable groundwater resources
and that once the well is abandoned, the casing is properly cemented to prevent
leakage into these aquifers. However, in many cases, the water is discharged
into holding surface ponds (in the case of a land based well) or discharged
directly into the sea (in the case of an offshore well). When discharged into
ponds, the water is generally allowed to percolate into the ground or to
evaporate. In this case, NORM in the water will concentrate in the bottom
sludges or residual salts of the ponds. Thus, the pond sediments can become a
residue posing a potential radiological health concern. The activity concentra-
tions of radionuclides in these soils have been reported to be in the range from
1×104 to 4×104 Bq/kg.
Table V includes illustrative ranges for the activity concentrations of
radionuclides in different residues associated with oil and gas. The largest
concern in terms of radionuclide activity concentrations for NORM in the oil
and gas industry involves the hard scales which form on the inside of the down-
hole tubing. At many oilfield sites the downhole tubing can become coated with
scale deposits that contain radium. Because of the loss of flow capacity in the
downhole tubing, these scales must be removed occasionally. When they are
removed, they become a waste management concern. The composition of scale
has been studied in detail for a number of years. NORM scale and sludges in
production equipment have been shown to have radionuclide activity concen-
trations as high as several million Bq/kg [24, 26], which would place them at the
upper end of the concentrations suitable for near surface disposal (these are
extreme cases and not indicative of typical values).
Average radionuclide concentrations of 1000–100 000 Bq/kg are more
common [23]. In terms of exposure, the scales tend to be relatively insoluble,
(adapted from Ref. [29])
thus the radionuclides would only be released slowly into the environment [27].
Furthermore, owing to the nature of the scales, the emanation coefficient of
radon is substantially less than that of other materials such as mill tailings or
sludges [28].
Sludges that accumulate in tanks and other settling areas within the
production equipment tend to have less enhancement of NORM than the
scales; however, the concentrations can still be a concern. Table V indicates
ranges from background to roughly 1×104 to 4×104 Bq/kg. Sludges and films in
natural gas equipment show a similar range of concentrations. Films of 210Pb
and 210Po in gas plants have been found in higher concentrations [26]. The
radionuclides in sludges are more available for release into the environment
than was the case for the scales. Thus, although radionuclide activity concentra-
tions are less than those of scales, potential exposures via the food chain and
radon pathways are more likely.
low high
Surface Licensed Low Plugged
spreading NORM level and Deep
Surface with Industrial disposal waste Surface Injection abandoned Hydraulic geological
spreading dilution Burial landfill facility facility mine well well fracture repository
Degree of
isolation from
the public — and cost!
Actual costs may vary according
to circumstances and do not always
increase in this order.
FIG. 5. Disposal alternatives for NORM wastes. Disposal of more concentrated wastes
requires greater isolation of waste from the general public (from Ref. [30] based on an
original American Petroleum Institute figure [31]).
microbes +
nutrients waste retaining
material walls
sand filter
Here, contamination with 210Pb is also of concern, as this can only be detected
from the inside, owing to the low penetration depth of its radiation. However,
sludges and scales present in a facility should be dealt with appropriately as
part of the decommissioning strategy (Fig. 7). Some options for disposal of
decommissioned offshore platforms are deep water disposal, creation of
artificial reefs and partial removal to depths of 26 m or more [33]. These
approaches take advantage of natural dilution in the vast amounts of sea water,
but may have implications vis-à-vis the London Convention (LC) [34].
In reviewing the analysis of the NORM situation in the oil and gas industry
in the European Union, and more specifically for North Sea offshore production
[18, 29], one can conclude that very little need for environmental remediation is
likely to arise. The routes of disposal for both operational and decommissioning
residues vary from country to country and include discharge into the sea as well
as land storage in low level storage facilities, such as COVRA in the Netherlands
[35]. The agreements under OSPARCOM [36] aim to eliminate sea disposal and
discharge. The situation is similar in the USA, although national requirements
have not been developed for disposal of residues containing NORM from the oil
and gas industry [21]. However, only limited information is available for other
areas, where there may still be concerns about how these residues are managed
and the issue of NORM has only recently gained more attention. Environmental
contamination problems may arise when scales are dumped into the sea from
offshore platforms or dispersed in terrestrial environments. The windborne
dispersal of scales, when not properly managed, can be a problem in arid
countries [37]. Abandoned sites with NORM contaminated soil, where produced
Offshore Installation Onshore Facilities
Discharge to
Temporary the Sea as Production
On-Site Storage Waste
On-Shore Storage
Off-Site Storage
Disposal Disposal
Offshore: On-Site Offshore: Off-Site
FIG. 7. Disposal chart — NORM waste in oil and gas production [33].
water was discharged into unlined ponds, could be of radiological concern when
people move onto the site.
radium can still accumulate, although in lower concentrations, in sludges or
other residues associated with water handling.
Decontamination methods include mechanical scrubbing, shot blasting
and high pressure water jetting. The resulting slurries are collected for disposal
in low level radioactive waste disposal facilities. At least in the past, scales were
also ground up and discharged from offshore installations or reinjected down-
hole. In certain instances scrap melting is also possible, when the NORM is
collected in the slags and by scrubbing off-gases [16]. However, in some
Member States recycling of radioactive contaminated metals is not an
acceptable practice, and the materials must be disposed of.
Facilities where scale from pipes, tanks and other oilfield equipment was
mechanically removed without awareness of its radiological contamination,
and where the scale was left on-site, may also pose public health hazards to
future occupants and nearby residents due to redistribution by dust generation
or water erosion. Reuse of contaminated pipes as structural elements in
buildings or playground equipment, or melting of contaminated metals for
recycling to other uses, may also expose the public to unsuspected radiological
4.2.1. Introduction
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
All types of coal 4.580 4.492 4.559 4.682 4.686 4.703 4.652 4.532 4.538
Hard coal [41] 3.486 3.431 3.553 3.715 3.797 3.821 3.758 3.666 3.639
Billion Short Tons
Economic Growth
Reference Case
Economic Growth
History Projections
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Australia [44] 8.5–47 21–68 19–24 20–33 16–28 11–69 11–64 23–140
Brazil [45]a 72 72 72 62 62
Egypt [46] 59 26 8 8
Germany 10–145 10–63 10–700
[48, 49] 32a 21a 225a
Lignite <1–58 <1–58 <4–220
East Germany 10a 8a 22a
Greece [5]b 117–390 44–206 59–205 9–41
Hungary [48] 20–480 12–97 30–384
Italy [49]c 23 ± 3 18 ± 4 218 ± 15
Poland [50] <159 <123 <785
18d 11d
Romania [5] <415 <557 <510 <580 <170
80a 126a 210a 262a 62a
UK [44] 7–19 8.5–25.5 7.8–21.8 7–19 55–314
USA [44] 6.3–73 8.9–59.2 12.2–77.7 3.3–51.8 3.7–21.1
a Average.
b Lignite.
c Lignite, average.
d Average for all coal seams.
4.2.2. Processes
FIG. 9. Quantities of coal and wastes (in Mt) in the coal fuel cycle in Poland [52].
tailings and sludges settling ponds discharge
waste rock piles sediment water treatment water
overburden and waste rock
backfill material
beneficiation coal
path with
raw coal radioactivity
path with
coal drainage increased
mine water radioactivity
FIG. 10. Flow chart of the materials in the coal mining process.
plants, results in additional residues in the form of sludges or dry solids. The
process flow for a typical coal fired power plant is shown in Fig. 11.
4.2.3. Residues
As shown in Fig. 11, most of the waste from a typical coal fired power
plant is generated as fly ash, which is entrained with the hot flue gases of the
combustion process. The remainder of the ash is heavier and settles to the
Coal 18 11 63
Waste rocks* 44–69 41–63 339–609
Soil in mining area* 20–25 20–23 252–307
* Values from two areas.
fly ash
At time of mass balance study 1 kg/h
lye gypsum
66 kg/h 4400 kg/h limestone
coal 2560 kg/h
188 000 kg/h
FIG. 11. Example of material flows in a coal fired power plant [55].
bottom of the boiler to form what is referred to as bottom ash. Volatile radionu-
clides, such as 210Pb and 210Po, accumulate in the fly ash and on the smaller
particles emitted with the stack emissions. They can also accumulate on the
inside of the stack as the exhaust gases cool. For the volatile radionuclides,
there tends to be an inverse ratio between the particle size and the activity
concentration. Table X provides some examples of the enhancement ratios for
different radionuclides. The source in process materials and the subsequent
partitioning of different elements in the various FGD residues is illustrated in
Fig. 12. FGD residues are generated in large amounts as sludges and gypsum
[47]; however, the NORM concentrations tend to be lower than in the ashes.
Given that water and limestone are introduced into the system as part of FGD,
it is important to understand the distribution of the elements in the source
Tables XI and XII give examples of typical radionuclide concentrations
found in residues resulting from coal combustion in a number of countries.
These concentrations, however, can vary widely depending on the mineral
Al Ca Cl F Fe Mg Na Si Ti As B Be Br Cd Cr Cu Hg I Mn Ni Pb Sb Sc Se Sm U V W Zn
Al Ca Cl F Fe Mg Na Si Ti As B Be Br Cd Cr Cu Hg I Mn Ni Pb Sb Sc Se Sm U V W Zn
FIG. 12. Partitioning of elements in FGD process materials and resulting residues [45].
238U 234U 230Th 226Ra 228Ra 210Pb 210Po 235U 232Th 40K Total
content of the coal, which, in turn, can vary with mining location and region of
the country. There are also notable differences in residues from hard coal and
lignite. Data from Brazil [57] show some enrichment during the combustion
process for most radionuclides, but a significant enrichment for the volatile
210Po in fly ashes. Ash data from Croatia for coal with relatively high concen-
226Ra 228Ra
Radium in
600 Deposits
226 226
Ra Ra
The mining process itself, however, may lead to the dispersal of radionu-
clides from brines associated with either the coal or the host rock. Owing to the
co-precipitation effects and dilution with other waters, the mine waters pumped
from the mine to the surface are typically less radioactive (Fig. 13).
Nevertheless high radium concentrations in the outflows were reported, for
example, in Poland [51, 65] and Germany [64] (Table XIII). Thus, accumulation
of 226Ra and 228Ra was observed in settling ponds and river beds in Poland [64]
and Germany [67].
Most of the residues from coal mining are deposited onto the land
surface. Only a fraction of the waste rocks is used for backfilling and for other
purposes. The radioactive sediments generated underground are emplaced
mainly in mined-out voids. In mines, where radium co-precipitates in settling
ponds, the sediments are mixed with material used for backfilling and
transported back underground [66].
Given the extent of solid fossil fuel burning and the amount of residues
produced by power plants [45], the amount of residues in countries with many
coal power plants is very large. The absence or inadequacy of flue gas filtering
and scrubbing, in particular at smaller and older units, may result in the
atmospheric dispersal of fly ashes. The scrubbing of flue gases in many larger
Basaltic rock
US coals
Common shales
Granitic rock
Black shales
Phosphate rock
FIG. 14. Typical range of uranium concentrations in coal, fly ash, and a variety of com-
mon rocks [71].
However, as the vast majority of coal and the majority of fly ash are not
significantly enriched in radioactive elements (Fig. 14), or in associated radioac-
tivity, compared with common soils or rocks [71], there does not seem to be any
great reason for investigating abatement technologies.
5.1.1. Introduction
Geothermal energy is heat produced and stored in the earth. This energy
can be economically extracted from high temperature crustal rocks, sediments,
volcanic deposits, water, steam and other gases found at accessible depths from
the earth’s surface. The heat carrier is typically either groundwater or water
injected into the system with direct contact to, and hence reacting with, the host
rock. The three technology categories used to do this are geothermal heat
pumps, direct use applications and power plants. Direct use applications and
power plants utilize groundwater which either occurs naturally in an
underground geothermal reservoir, heated by surrounding rocks, or that is
injected into the underground geothermal reservoir. World locations where
geothermal energy can be utilized are classified into three principal systems:
(1) Hot igneous systems — created by the buoyant rise of molten rock
(magma) from deep in the crust. In hot igneous systems, the rock is either
completely or partly molten, with temperatures greater than 650°C.
(2) Hot dry rock systems — heated low permeability rocks that may or may
not have been molten at one time, with temperatures less than 650°C.
(3) Hydrothermal systems — consist of high temperature water and/or steam
trapped in porous and permeable rock reservoirs usually found in porous
sedimentary rock or in fractured rock systems, such as volcanic forma-
tions. Hydrothermal systems are vapour dominated systems, which con-
tain mostly steam (with temperatures ranging from 180 to 270°C), and
liquid dominated systems (with temperatures ranging from 30 to 350°C).
The first two categories contain the most heat energy, but the technology
does not yet exist to exploit them. Research is currently being conducted to
remove the technological barriers that prevent the development of these
resources. Geothermal energy, though not yet a significant source of total world
energy, is used in a wide number of countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and
Africa. Electricity generation in the calendar year 2000 from 22 countries was
reported as 7974 MW [73]. Individual producing sites, using wells to extract the
underground heat or fluids, can range from a single well to as many as hundreds
in the geothermal fields of the USA.
The radioisotopes associated with geothermal energy are principally
radon and radium. There are no available measurements of these radionuclides,
which are found unconcentrated in the original ground fluids.
5.1.2. Processes
(a) Dry steam power plants (Fig. 15). Steam plants use hydrothermal fluids,
primarily steam. The steam goes directly to a turbine, which drives a gen-
erator that produces electricity. Water in the form of steam enters the
power plant through underground extraction wells, and the steam which
turns the turbine, thus losing its heat energy, is returned to the
Rock layers
Production Injection
well well
underground reservoir by injection wells. These plants emit only excess
steam and very minor amounts of gas.
(b) Flash steam power plants (Fig. 16). Hydrothermal fluids above 200ºC
extracted from underground reservoirs by extraction wells can be used in
flash plants to generate electricity. Fluid is sprayed into a tank held at a
much lower pressure than the fluid, causing some of the fluid to rapidly
vaporize, or ‘flash’, to steam. The steam then drives a turbine, which drives
a generator. If any liquid remains in the tank, it can be flashed again in a
second tank to extract even more energy. Only excess steam and trace
gases are emitted. The fluids now cooled on the surface are reinjected by
wells into the underground reservoir.
(c) Binary cycle power plants (Fig. 17). Most geothermal areas contain mod-
erate temperature water (below 200ºC). Energy is extracted from these
fluids in binary cycle power plants. Hot geothermal fluid derived from an
underground production well and a secondary man-made (hence, ‘bina-
ry’) fluid with a much lower boiling point than water pass through a heat
exchanger. Heat from the geothermal fluid causes the secondary fluid to
flash to steam, which then drives the turbines. Because this is a closed
loop system, virtually nothing is emitted to the atmosphere. Moderate
temperature water is by far the most common geothermal resource, and
most geothermal power plants in the future will be binary cycle plants.
‘Spent’ geothermal fluids are returned to the underground reservoir by
an injection well.
Rock layers
Production Injection
well well
Binary Cycle Power Plant
Turbine Generator
Heat exchanger
Rock layers
Production Injection
well well
(1) A production facility — usually a well — to bring the hot water to the sur-
(2) A mechanical system — piping, heat exchanger and controls — to deliver
the heat to the space or process;
(3) A disposal system — injection well or storage pond — to receive the
cooled geothermal fluid.
5.1.3. Residues
temperature and volume, can cause precipitation and gas evolution because of
the varying solubilities of some of the constituents present in fluids. The
resulting fluids have different physicochemical properties than the original, and
it is these properties that are passed on to subsequent processing stages. Scale
can form by precipitation within equipment used for extraction and distri-
bution to power systems. Sludge is formed by precipitation and sedimentation
during the cooling process. Gas evolution can occur at any stage under
appropriate conditions. These NORM containing residues include minerals
that precipitate out of solution and form scale or sludge on the inside surfaces
of the drilling and production equipment (e.g. steam turbines, heat exchangers,
process lines, valves, turbines and fluid handling equipment) used to extract
geothermal heat. Such residues contain barium, calcium and strontium salts
(carbonates, sulphates and silicates), and silica, as well as significant concentra-
tions of radium and radium decay products. Radium is slightly soluble and,
consequently, can be brought to the surface and co-precipitated with barium
and calcium salts onto the inside surfaces of drilling and production equipment,
similar to the case of oil and gas production. The principal residues of concern
are the scales in pipework and production equipment and the filter cake
produced from treatment of spent geothermal fluids prior to their reinjection.
Scales are hard, insoluble sulphate deposits that form on the inside of pipes,
tubulars, filters, pumps, well heads and other water handling equipment.
Concentrations of TE-NORM in geothermal residues will vary with the
geology and mineralogy of a geothermal resource area along with the physical
and chemical changes that occur during energy extraction. As the TE-NORM
is contained in a mineral matrix, this may lessen the radon emanation rates and
leachability; however, few data are available on these particular scales.
Drilling operations for the production and injection wells require the use
of special drilling mud and produce cuttings mixed with drilling mud. During
the extraction process, geothermal fluids containing dissolved and suspended
constituents are brought to the surface. Solids, such as rock cuttings, are
removed from used drilling muds by circulation through special equipment,
such as shale shakers, sand traps, hydrocyclones and centrifuges. After cleaning,
the mud is recycled to the drilling operation and the removed solids are
disposed of as waste. When drilling is completed, the used muds are discharged
to reserve pits for storage or disposal. Although the solid waste generated
during the drilling phase can be significant, precipitation and sedimentation
from the geothermal fluids are the primary contributors to solid waste
formation during energy extraction.
The only available estimate for annual waste generation is about 45 500 t
for Imperial Valley, California, based on 1991 data [75]. The total can be
subdivided into five waste streams, including: filter cake, 18 318 t; sulphur,
16 240 t; drilling, 9571 t; scale, 946 t; miscellaneous, 113 t. For filter cake and
scale, these amounts translate to generation rates of 87 t per MW(net) and
0.58 t per MW(net), respectively. Power plants operating in Imperial County
are estimated to produce approximately 19 200 t of filter cake and scale waste
annually. On the basis of the average density of 1.3 g·cm–3, obtained from the
final environmental impact statement for a disposal site receiving waste from
liquid dominated geothermal facilities in Imperial Valley [76], this is equivalent
to a waste volume of about 14 800 m3. There are indications that up to an
additional 40 000 t of silica scale may be produced annually from Imperial
Valley [75]. This potential additional waste represents a source of significant
Similar to the case when oil and gas are produced, uranium and thorium
and their radioactive decay products may be present in formations from which
geothermal fluids are extracted. However, the available information indicates
that no significant quantities of uranium and thorium are dissolved or
entrained in geothermal fluids [75]. The primary radionuclides present in
geothermal fluids are 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 212Pb and 222Rn from the 238U
and 232Th decay chains [77]. In addition, 40K is often the only detectable
radionuclide in water produced from Californian formations exploited for both
geothermal energy and oil and gas [75], which suggests that 40K may also be a
significant contributor to NORM in geothermal waste, but there are no data to
confirm this.
Very little information is available on the concentrations of TE-NORM in
geothermal solid waste such as filter cakes, scale in piping and production
equipment, and gases. Concentrations of NORM in geothermal residues will
vary with the geology and mineralogy of the geothermal resource area along
with the physical and chemical changes that occur during energy extraction.
Table XIV (based on Ref. [58]) gives a breakdown of typical radionuclide
concentrations found in residues from geothermal energy production.
An environmental impact report on four geothermal power plants
located in the Imperial Valley of California [78] provides the results of analyses
of filter cake and clarifier sediment samples. The data are summarized in
Table XV.
Data for 222Rn indicate that an emission rate of 1 mBq·d–1 per megawatt
of power occurs at the Geysers field [76] in northern California. Radon flux
rates were estimated to be 5.92 Bq/(m2·s) from uncovered waste disposed of in
a regulated landfill. The radon emanation coefficient was estimated to be 0.25.
Radon concentrations in dry steam and ejector gas have been reported to vary
widely, ranging from about 0.37 Bq/L to as low as 0.74 nBq/L. Average radon
concentrations were tabulated and compared for different geothermal systems
[79]. The results (Table XVI) indicate that concentrations are significantly
Residue concentration
228Th 930
228Ra 3440
226Ra 4880
210Po 3550
210Pb 3550
Total* 16 350
higher in dry steam fields. In addition, wide variations were noted, even within
individual geothermal fields.
receives waste from power plants located in Imperial County, California. The
amount of TE-NORM waste generated annually is assumed to be equivalent to
the estimate characterizing the production of filter cake and scale. Data on
other world production facilities are not currently available.
Advanced biochemical processes have been investigated and are being
developed commercially for geothermal brines and sludge [79, 80]. The purpose
of these processes is to take advantage of certain biochemical agents that can
extract trace metals and valuable salts, produce pigment free silica, and remove
radioactivity to levels within exemptions. These biochemical processes may
yield significant benefits to the geothermal industry by reducing the volumes of
specific waste streams, producing cleaner waste fractions, generating secondary
markets for processed waste, and reducing processing costs.
these particular scales. Disposal into landfill facilities has the potential for long
term radionuclide transport through groundwaters should a site liner fail.
Sludges containing TE-NORM from geothermal steam plants may be
stored on-site in pits or barrels. In addition to inhalation and direct exposure,
any brines or sludges stored in ponds have the potential for site leakage into
the ground, and potential for contamination of groundwater. Any sludges
disposed in landfill facilities have the potential for more rapid leakage into
surrounding land and groundwater should the landfill liner fail.
Potential misuse of the solid waste outside the boundaries of production
plants could result in increased public and environmental exposures. Historical
information indicates that silica scale produced in one US field has been used
for roads, dykes and levees [81]. Mixing of the silica scale with asphalt and
cement for road surfacing and bricks has also been reported [82]. In other
applications, small amounts of silica scale have been used to construct artistic
objects as part of the Community Geothermal Technology Program in Hawaii
5.2.1. Introduction
Public water supply systems derive their water from surface water bodies
such as rivers, streams and reservoirs, or underground sources through drilled
wells. Vast amounts of drinking water are obtained underground each year. For
example, the fraction of drinking water obtained from groundwater in
Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK was 65, 60, 50, 20 and 25%, respec-
tively, in 1995 [84]. 5800 Mm3 of water were delivered for 80 million inhabitants
in Germany in 1995. About 78% of this water required treatment. In the USA,
1500 Mm3 are produced annually, of which 50% is groundwater, nearly all
requiring treatment for removal of impurities.
In most developed countries (public) water suppliers are required to limit
the occurrence of contaminants such as metals and pesticides, and sometimes
also radiation in drinking water. In the USA limits have been set for radium,
uranium, alpha, beta and photon emitters in drinking water, and a draft
standard has also been developed for limiting radon in those supplies [85]. In
the European Union the need to, and the technical possibilities to, treat raw
water were investigated in a recent project [86]. Water treatment plants occur
in a variety of different sizes based on the population served. In Ref. [86] a
summary is provided of the different classifications of waterworks in Germany
and the populations served.
Surface water discharges by industries with NORM in their wastewater is
suspected, but information on this is generally unavailable.
Groundwater is found almost everywhere on the earth. Albeit, the depth
to the groundwater and the quality of different groundwaters vary greatly.
Likewise, the concentrations of radionuclides in groundwater will vary
depending on the local geology. For example, higher concentrations can be
found in granite and uranium bearing formations. Naturally occurring radionu-
clides are leached into waters when they come in contact with uranium and
thorium bearing geological media. Hence, the predominant radionuclides
found in water include those of uranium, radium, radon and their decay
products [87]. In general, the radionuclides of concern in groundwater are
226Ra and its progeny (including 222Rn). Concentrations of 226Ra are known to
vary in the USA from 4 × 10–4 to 4 × 10–2 Bq/L in surface water and from 0.02
to 0.93 Bq/L in groundwater [88–91]. Reports of 226Ra concentrations as high
as 7.4 Bq/L have been documented, but in most instances concentrations rarely
exceed 1.85 Bq/L [88]. See also Ref. [92] for more references on radioactivity
levels in water. The 228Ra to 226Ra concentration ratio has been reported to
vary from 0.2:1 to 5:1; however, a ratio of 1.2:1 is most likely representative of
average conditions in water extracted for human or agricultural use [87, 93].
The higher 228Ra concentration is mostly due to the average crustal 232Th and
238U activity ratio of about 1.2:1 to 1.5:1. Natural geochemical enrichment or
depletion processes may either increase or decrease this ratio. When present in
groundwater, 228Ra cannot be used to deduct the concentration of 226Ra.
Although radium tends to be more soluble in typical water compositions,
uranium and some 232Th progeny may be found as well, and uranium activity
levels as high as 24.1 Bq/L have been observed in both surface and
groundwater samples [93, 94]. Concentrations of total uranium, 238U plus 234U,
as high as 1.48 Bq/L have been described in groundwater samples from the
Newark Basin in New Jersey [91]. Uranium concentrations in US surface and
groundwater average about 0.037 and 0.11 Bq/L, respectively [94]. The isotopic
ratio of 234U to 238U is known to vary, with higher concentrations of 234U in
both surface and groundwater. Ratios up to 28 have been reported, but more
commonly a range of 1–3 has been found [88]. Higher 234U concentrations are
due to the alpha recoil process, which enhances the mobilization and solubility
of the decay product (234U) relative to the parent (238U). After the alpha
particle has been emitted, the uranium is often stabilized in solution as a very
mobile uranyl carbonate complex.
The isotopes 230Th and 234Th are usually not detected in groundwater
samples and are estimated to have upper mean concentrations of only 0.001
and 4 × 10–4 Bq/L, respectively [95]. Similarly, the presence of 232Th in
groundwater is believed to be very low, about 4 × 10–4, and is rarely above
0.04 Bq/L, when detected [94]. The decay products of 222Rn, the relatively long
lived 210Pb and 210Po, are also generally found at very low concentrations in
groundwater, 7 × 10–4 to 4.4 × 10–3 Bq/L [88, 95].
The concentration of radon in groundwater is known to vary significantly.
In the USA again, for 2457 groundwater samples analysed for 222Rn, statewide
average concentrations ranged from 29.6 Bq/L in Mississippi to 513.6 Bq/L in
New Hampshire [96]. Radon concentrations have been reported to be as high
as 588.3 Bq/L in groundwater samples taken from the Newark Basin in New
Jersey [94].
Although radionuclides are found in surface water, it has been found that
groundwater is more likely to contain higher levels of this material due to the
difference in chemical compositions. Some waters may require treatment to
reduce concentrations to levels accepted by the regulators concerned. The
principal problem with water treatment is that the very processes that are
designed to remove radionuclides from the finished product — drinking or
process water — concentrate those radionuclides in filters and sludges, and
contaminate filtration equipment. The now contaminated equipment may
require treatment and cleaning, and the concentrated waste, residual sludges,
filters and other residues appropriate disposal.
Even in cases where radionuclide concentrations are significant, but not
above standards, the customary water treatment, for example to remove
hardness, can result in accumulation of NORM in process residues.
5.2.2. Processes
There are many different processes used for drinking water treatment.
Some of these processes are specifically designed to remove NORM, such as
226Ra. Many of these processes are designed to remove other contaminants and
often also remove NORM at the same time. In general, the NORM specific
processes will lead to wastes with higher NORM activity concentrations. In
some cases, these concentrations can be substantial [97].
Radium is the most common target for removal by cation exchange resins
and by a lime softening process [98]. A report prepared for the United Sates
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) [97] describes several processes
used to remove radionuclides from drinking water. The processes and target
radionuclides are cation exchange (radium), greensand filtration (radium), co-
precipitation with barium sulphate (radium), hydrous magnesium oxides
(radium), anion exchange (uranium), coagulation/filtration (uranium), lime
softening (radium and uranium), reverse osmosis (radium and uranium),
granular activated carbon (GAC) (radon) and aeration (radon). A report
prepared for the European Commission describes a general procedure for
water treatment [97] which is not specifically directed at removing NORM. The
process comprises four steps: aeration, removal of iron and manganization, pH
adjustment and filtration. Figure 18 provides an overview of how this process is
applied in Germany and the fate of NORM at each step of the process.
5.2.3. Residues
Removal of:
carbon dioxide,
If necessary:
Air methane and/or
Aeration, Stripping
to the environment
If necessary:
Collection from different
sources, mixing and interim
Removal of Fe and Mn
CaCO3 pH-adjustment to > 6.5
together, partial removal
NaOH Rn-222 < 50 Bq/L
of Ra, Pb, Po
Sludge containing
Ra-226, Po, Bi, Pb
(finally) Filtration
Polishing Disposal
In Germany:
37% landfill
(25% public,
Delivery 12% private)
30% discharge as sewage
15% recycling
quantities. In general, the more efficient and more specific the method of cation
removal, the higher the specific activities are likely to be, resulting in a
significant waste management problem. The concentrations can vary consid-
erably from location to location because of the varying geological character-
istics of different water sources in different regions of a country.
Water treatment sludges are placed in lagoons and may include lime
sludge, backflush water, spent ion exchange media and sand filter elements.
Disposal of sludges in lagoons results in the accumulation of radium in the
bottom sediments, which may have to be dredged and disposed of properly.
NORM containing sludge is also disposed of in sanitary landfills, discharged to
sewers, injected in deep wells or spread on agricultural soils, while the decanted
water is recycled. Some of these practices, however, are now forbidden in
certain Member States due to the resulting contamination with heavy metals.
Given the amounts of water that are treated in a typical water treatment
plant, the amounts of residues can be substantial. Surveys conducted by the
American Water Works Association (AWWA), which conducts periodic
surveys of the largest US water utilities [99–101], provided information on the
volumes of waste generated through water treatment in that country. On the
basis of survey data, the USEPA has estimated that, with some uncertainty, as
much as 260 000 t of NORM contaminated residues are produced annually.
That number may increase incrementally because new regulations now require
additional treatment for uranium. For example, for the whole of the USA, it
was estimated that roughly one million tonnes of NORM residues would be
produced over a 20 year period from drinking water treatment, i.e. roughly
50 000 t/a [102]. Table XVII provides some examples of the amounts and
radionuclide contents of NORM waste from different processes used in the
In Germany, it is estimated that roughly 125 000 t of different types of
sludge arise from surveyed waterworks each year for a throughput of
3600 Mm3 of drinking water [67]. For the purposes of an assessment, it was
assumed that roughly 800 t of dry sludge would result from delivery of about 20
Mm3 of drinking water on an annual basis (a large waterworks). Medium and
small waterworks were estimated to generate roughly 200 and 70 t of sludge,
respectively, on an annual basis. Typical data for the concentrations of radionu-
clides for German water treatment are provided in Table XVIII.
(waste amounts based on an average throughput of 1 million gallons
(ª380 000 L) of water per day)
The USEPA [104] indicates that NORM residues from drinking water
treatment may be disposed of in landfills or lagoons or can also be used as
agricultural conditioners. In the case of lagoons, evaporation is used as the
means to reduce the volume of the waste. However, this results in a lower
volume of residues with a higher activity concentration of radionuclides. In
cases where the concentrations of radionuclides are higher, it may be necessary
to dispose of the residues in a licensed radioactive waste disposal facility. Given
that NORM is long lived, it may be a problem to dispose of these wastes in a
near surface repository [30]. Table XIX summarizes potential disposal practices
for NORM containing residues resulting from drinking water treatment in the
USA. In Germany, it is estimated that 37% of sludges are disposed of in
landfills, 30% are treated with sewage and roughly 15% are recycled [97].
The vast majority of residues from water treatment are in the form of
sludges. However, ion exchange resins and filter media can be a significant
radiological concern given that very high concentrations of radium are possible
in those residues. From a groundwater protection perspective, disposal of
sludges is likely to be the greatest concern, because the radionuclides on resins
or filter media would not be expected to be as mobile. The use of lagoons and
evaporation ponds to dispose of residues may result in contamination of
underlying groundwater bodies. This then may require long term stewardship
or other measures to prevent future human and environmental exposures due
to migration, or due to re-use of the water or residues. Disposal of TE-NORM
into sanitary sewer systems can potentially result in accumulations of those
radionuclides in sewage sludge. Depending on the concentration levels found
in the sludge, special considerations may need to be given to the re-use or
disposal of this waste. External exposure and potential radon exposures are
likely to be of more concern for resins and filter media, because the
concentrations of NORM would not be expected to decrease substantially over
It was noted during screening exercises that sewage sludges and ashes
from incinerated sludges sometimes have elevated levels of radionuclides [105].
The sources are either elevated levels of NORM in groundwater or
(authorized) discharges into the sewerage system by various industries. The
organic solids in the sewage concentrate radionuclides, and the incineration of
the sludge further concentrates them.
The common practice of dispersing sewage sludges or incinerator ashes
onto agricultural land can lead to the accumulation of radionuclides and, in
particular, heavy metals, in the soils and eventually their uptake into crops. For
this reason various countries have regulated this practice over the last few years
or are in the process of doing so; see, for example, Ref. [106].
Several industries, for instance the paper industry, are heavy users of
process water. Owing to the substances involved, significant radionuclide
concentrations can accumulate in various products, intermediates and wastes.
Paper pulp, for instance, is capable of scavenging heavy metals and radionu-
clides. Certain chemical processes may lead to the precipitation of scales inside
tubes and other vessels, which have to be removed and require special
treatment when radioactively contaminated.
For instance, in December 1999, the radiation detectors at a steel
recycling yard in eastern Ontario found scrap piping from a pulp and paper mill
to be radioactive [107]. The piping was returned to the mill, where the owners
started an investigation and found that the pipes had been removed from the
pulp bleaching process some years previously. The field on-contact with the
scale inside the pipe was 200 mR/h. A scale sample contained about 15 kBq/kg
of 226Ra and about 4 kBq/kg of 230Th.
FIG. 19. Uranium in surface waters of the Arkansas river valley, southeastern Colorado,
April 1991 (from Ref. [108]).
separately and stockpiled. Overburden, the material overlying the deposit, is
removed using scrapers, or with trucks and loaders or mechanical shovels.
Depending on the extent of consolidation, the overburden may be broken up
by bulldozers or blasted prior to removal. Overburden may be stockpiled
outside the pit or placed in mined-out portions of the pit once pit development
has progressed to an acceptable point. Mining economics typically require that
overburden haulage be minimized. Once the ore body has been exposed, it is
ripped, loaded into trucks and transported to an on-site stockpile. The ore can
then be moved from the stockpile to the mill site as required.
The depth to which an ore body is mined depends on the ore grade,
nature of the overburden and stripping ratio. Stripping ratios describe the
amount of overburden that must be removed to extract one unit of ore. One
report indicates that stripping ratios for open pit uranium mines range from
10:1 to 80:1 with an average of around 30:1 [109]. The primary advantage of
surface mining is the ability to move large amounts of material at a relatively
low cost, in comparison with underground operations.
Waste material, including overburden, is often returned to mined-out
areas during mining to reduce haulage costs. Ore, protore and low grade
mineralized rock are outlined, and plans developed for mining and stockpiling
these materials. Often parts of an ore body delineated by drilling cannot be
economically mined by open pit methods. Where parts of the deposit lie
adjacent to the bottom of the planned pit, underground mines may be
developed from the pit bottom to recover these ores.
surface. These materials may be beneficiated as market conditions allow or left
with mine development rock in the waste rock piles.
Because of the high costs associated with moving rock underground, a
minimum of waste rock is generated, some weakly mineralized rock is
generated, and a high proportion of subore and ore is mined. Because of the
high costs of moving such materials, some waste rock may be used underground
as backfill material in mined-out areas [109]. The extracted ore is stockpiled at
the surface or transported by truck directly to the mill, protore may be
stockpiled on-site for later shipment if economic conditions warrant this, while
the waste rock is placed in different areas.
Solution mining is a general term used in the uranium and some other
mining industries to describe operations in which a leach solution, referred to
as the lixiviant, is employed to extract the target metal from subsurface ore
deposits. The chemical reactions involved during in situ leaching are the same
as those involved in the chemical aspects of a metal ore mill. A number of
solution mining techniques have been explored since the 1960s, including in situ
leaching, stope leaching and borehole mining. Stope leaching involves the
injection of lixiviant into areas that have previously been hydraulically isolated
and backfilled with low grade ore or that contain low grade ores to begin with.
The lixiviant can be recovered from a sump or well drilled to the bottom of the
mine workings. Like other solution mining techniques, this method allows the
recovery of metal from ores not economically mineable using conventional
During in situ mining, barren lixiviant is pumped down injection wells
into the ore body; production wells then bring the pregnant leach solution to
the surface for further beneficiation. Numerous well patterns have been inves-
tigated since the early 1960s, when in situ mining techniques were first
employed. They are intended to create a hydrodynamically well controlled flow
regime for the lixiviant, thus minimizing dispersion losses and the contami-
nation of surrounding aquifers. When in situ leaching is completed, the ore
body and aquifer are placed in a restoration phase, as required under State
regulatory programmes and mine permits. Typically, the aquifer must be
restored to its prior classification for water use regarding the presence of
metals, organics, pH level and radioactivity.
In some instances, it has been impossible to return the water quality to its
original baseline conditions. The contaminants most often found in
groundwater that exceed the drinking water contaminant limits include
uranium, radium, selenium, molybdenum, manganese, nitrate, sulphate, arsenic
and iron [110]. The target metal can be recovered during the early stages of the
restoration process as the water from the production wells passes through the
ion exchange system. Eventually, uranium recovery is abandoned while
restoration continues. A rinse of multiple aquifer pore volumes is typically
required to reach a satisfactory level of restoration. The number of pore
volumes required depends on the ease with which the aquifer returns to
baseline conditions and the permit requirements established in the State
permits [111, 112]. Wastewater that is not recirculated in the wells is usually
placed in an impoundment (usually with a liner to prevent groundwater
seepage) and evaporated. This water and the evaporite or sludge at the pond
bottom is considered mining waste and thus NORM in most countries, and
treated as solid or hazardous waste depending on national or local govern-
mental requirements. In some cases this material is removed for disposal, in
other cases it is left on the site after being covered with a capping material.
6.1.4. Beneficiation
The mining and processing of metal ores, other than uranium, may also
generate large quantities of NORM wastes. These wastes include ore tailings
and smelter slag, some of which contain elevated concentrations of uranium,
thorium, radium and their decay products that were originally part of the
process feed ore. The extraction process for some ores can yield a waste
product (e.g. tailings or slag) that has a higher radionuclide concentration than
that of the original ore. Tailings are the solid materials remaining after physical
or chemical beneficiation (washing, flotation, grinding and drying) has removed
the valuable metal constituents from the ore. Slag is the vitreous residue mass
left from the smelting (blast furnace melting and conversion) of metal ore for
extraction and purification. A USEPA study [58] describes NORM wastes from
the mining and processing of three categories of metals: rare earth metals (see
below), special application metals and metals produced in bulk quantities (i.e.
large volumes) by industrial extraction processes. Special application metals
are regarded as metals that have unique commercial and industrial uses, and
include hafnium, tin, titanium and zirconium. Metals mined and processed in
bulk for industrial applications include aluminium, copper, iron, lead, zinc, and
precious metals such as gold and silver. The level of NORM found in metal ores
depends more on the geological formation or region than on the particular
mineral being mined. The mining technique and its selectivity can be an
important variable that controls the NORM content in wastes. For instance, the
NORM content of adjacent ore veins or other deposits might vary considerably
and selecting the appropriate portion can reduce the NORM in the waste
stream. Table XX, based on Ref. [58], gives a breakdown of typical radionuclide
concentrations found in NORM wastes from each of the three categories of
mined metals.
Research at South African gold mines has shown that up to 70% of the
chemical contaminant load found in mine water discharges to the environment
originate from pyritic oxidation processes in the underground stopes [113]. The
impact of ore remains during dewatering of some underground areas and
flooding following mine closure may hence be significant and has been investi-
gated in various regional studies in South Africa, especially with regard to the
amount of salts discharged to river systems [114, 115]. Chemical (especially
heavy metal) pollution, caused by the penetration of such water from
abandoned mines into adjacent operating mining areas, is of particular concern.
Radioactivity still needs to be integrated into many studies on chemical
pollution problems.
The systematic analysis of certain industrial processes is complicated by
their complex and interlinked materials streams. Typical examples are the
heavy mineral, rare earth and ceramics industries that are discussed later on.
The primary feed material in all cases may be placer deposits, the heavy
mineral content of which is split into different processing streams which may
become reunited further on as waste streams of one industry join the feed
streams of another. A discussion based on individual radionuclides may also
not be appropriate, as frequently several occur together.
In the following sections the material flows for selected processes, types
of primary feed materials or particular end products, and the ensuing waste and
contamination problems, are discussed in more detail. The intention is not to
give a comprehensive geographical coverage, but to describe the various
processes or product streams in detail, in order to raise the awareness for the
potential occurrence of NORM.
Elevated radionuclide concentrations have been reported frequently in
AMD/ARD. For instance, 238U and 226Ra concentrations of 175 and 0.29 Bq/L,
respectively, have been measured in the ARD of the uranium mining and
milling facility of Poços de Caldas, Brazil [118]. Similar 238U concentrations in
AMD of a coal mine in Brazil are reported in Ref. [39], but saline waters from
German hard coal mines have even higher radium concentrations, up to
63 Bq/L of 226Ra and up to 28 Bq/L of 228Ra [67].
In situ leaching processes may result in the development of contaminated
water plumes that extend beyond the boundary of producing well fields.
Examples of this have been reported in the copper and uranium mining
industries [119, 120].
Several options were explored for conditioning and disposal of residues
from the treatment of mine waters and leachates from tailings ponds at the
former Wismut uranium mines in Germany [121]. Near surface disposal in
waste rock piles was considered less favourable due to the lower specific
activity of the waste rock. Either disposal underground in the mines, above the
final groundwater level, or in tailings ponds are the chosen solutions.
6.3.1. Introduction
encouraged, in particular for ‘disposable’ or one way products, such as cans and
The bauxite ore can contain significant concentrations of radioactivity as
shown in Table XXII. This radioactivity can be due to either or both of 238U and
232Th, depending on the ore gangue mineralogy. Some of the contained radioac-
tivity may be associated with trace quantities of minerals which commonly have
radioactivity associated with them, such as ilmenite and monazite. Some
disequilibrium of the radionuclides in bauxites has also been observed.
6.3.2. Processes
Bayer process
crusher digester precipitator
off-gas collection
and treatment
molten insulation
not always blended to an alloy specification, cleaned and then generally cast
6.3.3. Residues
Without proper close-out procedures, this can result in airborne dust pollution
once the surface layer has dried out.
Airborne dusts are a major potential pathway to exposure from the
radioactivity in red mud. During operation the heaps are kept wet to minimize
dust and after the heaps have been built the waste is covered with coarser
residue and soil to reduce dust arising and radon/thoron emanation to meet
regulatory requirements for the end use of the land.
Considerable attention has been given towards making further use of red
mud. It has been used in the past, for example, in the manufacture of building
materials [123], although this may lead to exposure under local conditions due
to higher than average radionuclide levels. Red muds are also being used to
improve the cohesive and water retention properties of sandy soils (soil
conditioner) [127, 128], although there is some resistance to this [129], primarily
because of the presence also of other potentially polluting constituents. There
are also moves to use the mud for the treatment of acidic mine wastewaters
[130, 131]. The potential exists for further useful applications of red mud;
however, the NORM content of the mud needs close consideration in any
application, for example the potential to have 210Po and 210Pb in dusts if the
mud is thermally processed.
6.4. IRON
6.4.1. Introduction
Iron ore almost always consists of iron oxides, the primary forms of which
are magnetite (Fe3O4) and haematite (Fe2O3). Iron ore is the primary source of
pig iron for the world’s iron and steel industries. It is therefore essential for the
production of steel, which in turn is essential to maintain a strong industrial
base. Almost all (98%) iron ore is used in steel making. Iron ore is mined in
about 50 countries, but the seven largest of these produce about three quarters
of total world production (Table XXIII). Australia and Brazil together
dominate the world’s iron ore exports, each having about one third of total
exports [112].
Owing to their geochemical properties, iron ores, in particular when they
are weathered, are good scavengers for radionuclides and heavy metals.
6.4.2. Processes
Owing to the large quantities produced and the nature of the deposits,
iron ore mines are typically open pit mines. Lump iron ore is exported around
6.4.3. Residues
Ferrous slags are valuable co-products of iron and steel making. In 2000,
about 19 Mt of domestic iron and steel slags were consumed in the USA. Of
this, iron or blast furnace slag accounted for about 57% of the tonnage sold.
Steel slags, produced from open hearths, basic oxygen furnaces and electric arc
furnaces accounted for the remainder.
The presence of small concentrations of uranium in feedstocks (iron ore,
coke, limestone, etc.) for iron and steel making can result [132] in enhanced
Iron ore,
limestone, Sintering Gas Cleaning
raw materials
Dust (Po, Pb)
Bleed to waste
Wet Gas
Blast Furnace Iron to Steel making
Scrubbing Gas
Waste Solids
Low level
NORM Slag Applications NORM
Radioactivity has been measured in iron sintering plants in the
Netherlands and the UK [133–135], but some major world producers have not
indicated whether there is radioactivity in their processes. The ores used for
metal production in, for example, Sweden at present normally have low levels
of natural radioactivity [136]. Some steel companies deal with NORM (in
association with other hazardous components) in their processes at concentra-
tions of less than 100–1 000 000 Bq/kg in quantities of up to millions of tonnes
per annum. Concentrations of radioactivity in wastes for disposal of up to
100 000 Bq/kg have been reported. The quantities of NORM waste involved
were recently published in an EU report [6].
Consideration has been given to the recovery of valuable metal from
steelwork wastes, and treatment options were reported on from furnaces in the
Netherlands [134]. Studies are under way on the potential to treat wastes, such
as dusts containing 210Po and 210Pb, to reduce the volumes of waste and possibly
to condition the waste into an appropriate form for disposal.
Downstream intermediates and wastes containing low concentrations of
radioactivity will need to be assayed to ensure that activity is not accumulating
as TE-NORM, such as 226Ra bearing scales in gas scrubbing processes, which
need to be handled appropriately.
6.5.1. Introduction
enhancing the commercial value of the operation and reducing the radionu-
clide contents in the waste stream (by 30%).
6.5.2. Processes
Much modern copper mining is done in open pits from where the ore is
hauled to a mill. In some locations, the in situ leaching process has also been
used successfully to extract copper from deep ore horizons [119]. The method
of extracting copper from ore has been improved with modern technology, the
exact process varying with the type of ore. The non-copper minerals in the ore,
called gangue, also vary.
The first step in milling is crushing. The crushed ore is mixed with water
and ground down in a ball mill. The next step is a flotation process, where the
copper minerals are suspended in a froth and then skimmed off, while the
unwanted components of the ore sink into the slurry. The unwanted
components, called tailings, sink to the bottom and are separated. The froth
containing the copper is dried, and the product is called copper concentrate. It
contains 15–33% copper.
Sometimes the ore cannot be processed by flotation. In such cases
leaching processes, for example heap leaching, with or without microbiological
action (bioleaching) are employed. After leaching, the solution is processed by
solvent extraction and electrowinning to produce metal cathodes. Older
technologies would have resulted in less pure products (concentrate) that must
be smelted or refined to remove the rest of the impurities.
Copper sulphide concentrates can be smelted using several technologies,
depending inter alia on the concentrate mineralogy. In the smelting furnace,
volatile impurities rise to the surface as gas bubbles. Other impurities form a
liquid — molten slag — that is less dense than the copper melt and rises to the
top. The slag containing impurities such as iron, calcium oxide and silica is
skimmed off the top. The melt containing up to 50% copper, called copper
matte, still contains impurities including iron and sulphur. The copper matte
goes through a converter. Applying air forces silica back into the copper matte
to gather up the impurities and make more slag, which is then separated off.
The resulting metal contains up to 99.5% copper and is known as blister
For use in electrical wire and instruments, copper must be of even higher
purity, which is achieved by electrolytic refining. Blister copper is poured into
molds to make slab-like anodes of about 1 m × 1 m and 7 cm thick. The copper
anodes are lowered into tanks containing a solution of copper sulphate in
sulphuric acid. They are arranged so that hanging between them are sheets of
pure copper that act as the cathodes. An electric current is passed through the
tank. The anode copper slabs dissolve. Impurities sink to the bottom as sludge.
Pure copper is deposited on the cathode sheets.
6.5.3. Residues
Copper slags, like other metal smelting slags, may find further uses, for
example as grits for ‘sand’ blasting applications [137].
Investigations at gold and copper mines in Cuba [138] have indicated that
the 226Ra concentrations range between 53 and 7216 Bq/kg in various minerals
and residues. Water samples had a 226Ra concentration of between 4 and
160 Bq/L. A study on NORM in the copper industry of Arizona in the USA
[119] reported that groundwater from six mines had 226Ra concentrations
ranging from non-detectable to 4.81 Bq/L, 228Ra from non-detectable to
4.51 Bq/L and total uranium from non-detectable to 7.73 Bq/L. That same
study found extremes for NORM in surface water, particularly for uranium
nuclides such as 238U, that ranged from 0.004 Bq/L to 25 Bq/L in 19 samples
taken from five mines. Some of the uranium deposits exploited in eastern
Germany are associated with copper shales. Uranium concentrations in these
shales are quite variable, but may reach up to 2 g/kg [113].
6.6. GOLD
6.6.1. Introduction
6.6.2. Processes
insignificant amounts of radioactivity are partitioned into this stream. These
may end up in slimes from the electrowinning process or in slag from melting
furnaces. Activity concentrations are, however, very low.
Disregarding the relatively small amount of radioactivity that may be in
extracted uranium products (e.g. at some mines in South Africa) and the minor
residues mentioned above, the radionuclide content of the tailings remains very
similar to that of ore. Form
The residues from gold mines include tailings, waste rock and wastewater
from either dewatering operations or as fissure water, the latter, however,
usually ending up as process water. The remaining underground ore also
constitutes a residue to be considered in terms of its influence on mine water. Tailings
67 Waste rock
The inventory of waste rock is usually much smaller than that of the
tailings. In South Africa it amounts to an estimated 6 × 108 m3 (minus the
amount reused) from underground mines [145]. Water ingress into waste rock
dumps may generate significant chemical pollution due to seepage of contami-
nated water requiring implementation of active water management measures
It is important to note that many waste rock dumps are of a temporary
nature, often being processed through the plant at the end of life of a mine or
being crushed for use in civil construction projects. When applicable, measures
to prevent the unauthorized use of the material may be appropriate.
In South Africa waste rock has been used in the past for construction
work on mines, and contractors were also allowed to crush and sell waste rock.
Re-use still presents a useful management option, but is presently only allowed
following formal authorization for unrestricted use (e.g. residential
construction) or restricted use (e.g. the construction of roads and bridges).
External gamma radiation and indoor radon doses around 20 and 80 µSv/a,
respectively, have been assessed for residential floor slabs containing waste
rock with nuclide concentrations within the range 10–50 Bq/kg as an aggregate
[146]. The use of waste rock as capping material for tailings impoundments is
also being investigated [147].
This section relates to reef sections and ore not removed from mining
areas and exposed to water and oxygen. Underground water is typically
collected in settlers at the bottom of the mine, where lime is added to
precipitate heavy metals. This also reduces radioactivity, especially uranium and
thorium concentrations [148]. The sludge is sometimes removed to gold or
uranium extraction plants for processing, but may also be pumped onto tailings
impoundments. Overflow water from settlers is mainly recycled as process
water, but excess water may be discharged to the environment.
For the larger dewatering and post-closure mine flooding problems,
various methods for water treatment have been investigated (e.g. reverse
osmosis, ion exchange, precipitation methods and anaerobic bacterial
techniques) [149]. The GYPSIX method starts with the addition of lime, with
subsequent treatment of the water with cation and anion ion exchange resins
for regeneration. Various alternative acid and alkali regeneration and
subsequent precipitation processes may result in marketable products [149].
Other investigations [114,115] stress the importance of proper planning of mine
closure on a regional basis, with the objective of minimizing the volumes and
improving the quality of contaminated water that may require treatment prior
to discharge. Radiological impacts are treated as part of some studies but still
need to be integrated into others.
during demolition of gold reduction plants provides a great financial incentive
for proper cleanup operations [152]. This involves the recycling of these
materials through the milling and extraction plants. The recycling and reuse of
equipment (e.g. metal scrap and electric motors) is normally also maximized.
These are lands from previous mining operations, including sites contam-
inated through previous metallurgical plant operations and sites from which
tailings impoundments have been removed for reprocessing. Cleanup criteria
are aimed in the first instance at decontamination to legally defined levels
below which the land can be excluded outright from any further regulatory
concern, but they may also be influenced by future land use (e.g. suitability for
residential development or restricted to industrial use only). More than 20 such
sites have been or are in the process of being remediated in South Africa [153].
Cleanup of former mine land and other contaminated sites is mainly
performed by excavating the contaminated soil to approved levels, predeter-
mined by pathway modelling of doses associated with residential, industrial,
recreational or other use [154]. Other options include cleanup to levels statisti-
cally indistinguishable from those of surrounding unaffected land or to an
optimized level below a given reference level. When economic values justify
this, excavated residues may be recycled for the recovery of gold. Otherwise
material has been removed to a tailings impoundment of a nearby licensed
mine [155].
Where gold is extracted as a by-product from primary copper ore, the
radioactivity problem with regard to gold mainly originates from NORM in the
anode slimes generated during the final stage of the copper extraction process,
from which gold is extracted. In Australia, the slimes can in extreme cases
contain 210Pb at (1–3) × 105 Bq/kg and 210Po at 6 × 105 to 1 × 106 Bq/kg, but
these are refined on-site. More of a problem are slimes containing 210Pb at
(1.5–2) ×104 Bq/kg and 210Po at (6–8) × 103 Bq/kg produced in relatively small
quantities, which are removed from the site for refining elsewhere [157]. No
published information is available and the problem is currently being investi-
The impacts of oxidized pyrites and associated acid leaching from tailings,
waste rock piles and ore remains on aquatic systems are likely to cause the
largest impacts from gold mining. A general discussion on this subject is
presented in Section 3. The impact of the South African gold mining industry in
terms of water consumption from a river was found to be represented by age
weighted annual doses within the range 0–0.5 mSv/a [158], with the higher
doses coming from mine release points. That study seems to confirm results of
an earlier study concluding that the radiological impact of South African gold
mine releases on surface water sources is reduced over relatively short
distances to almost background levels [159]. Presently the study is being
extended to the river sediments [160]. Studies done as a regulatory requirement
at South African mines indicated the radon and dust doses to be even lower.
For radon, background concentrations were also measured within the range
14–111 Bq/m3 with an average of 48 Bq/m3 and a standard deviation of
19 Bq/m3 [161]. With this background distribution the contribution of the mine
tailings sources became statistically insignificant at the locations of the critical
groups. The studies covered only the existing situation at mines, and post-
closure assessments still need to be done.
6.7.1. Introduction
Heavy minerals, defined as those with a density above 2.8 g·cm–3, are
minor constituents of a wide range of rocks, and comprise a wide variety of
minerals, including oxides, phosphates and silicates. They are typically harder
than the other minerals in the rocks from which they originate and, therefore,
survive the erosion and transport processes. Hence, economic deposits of heavy
minerals occur predominantly when they have been concentrated by marine,
alluvial and/or wind processes and are called placer deposits.
Heavy minerals such as monazite, zircon, xenotime, ilmenite and rutile
and ores such as cassiterite are the raw materials in the extraction processes of
certain metals or their compounds. Zirconium, titanium, thorium, tin and the
rare earth elements (REEs) are the major target elements. REEs comprise 16
chemical elements, including those with atomic numbers 57 (lanthanum)
through 71 (lutetium), as well as yttrium (atomic number 39), which has similar
chemical properties.
Indicative production quantities of these minerals worldwide are given in
Table XXVI. Thorium production is discussed in more detail in Section 8.3.
Tin is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion. It is also used as an
alloying agent, for example in bronze, and as a biocide in antifouling paint. A
crystalline tin–niobium alloy is superconductive at very low temperatures.
Titanium metal is used for alloys with aluminium, molybdenum,
manganese, iron and other metals. These alloys of titanium are used principally
in the aerospace industry. Titanium is a component of human joint replacement
parts, including hip ball and sockets. It has excellent resistance to sea water and
is used for propeller shafts, rigging and other parts of ships exposed to salt
water. A titanium anode coated with platinum provides cathodic protection
from corrosion by salt water. Titanium dioxide is used extensively as white
paint pigment, as it is permanent and has good covering power, and is not toxic
as opposed to, for example, lead white. TiO2, in fact, accounts for the largest use
of the element (>95%).
The last few decades have seen an increasing use of REEs, for instance as
polishes, catalysts, incandescent and other special glasses, steel additives and as
burnable poisons in nuclear reactors. EuVO4 and Eu2O3 phosphors provide the
red colour in colour television tubes.
Of world zirconium production, more than 95% is used as zircon in
foundries (30%), refractory manufacture (30%), ceramics (30% as glazes) and
glass making. The majority of the zircon used is consumed as a zircon ‘flour’
with a particle size of around 1 µm. Zirconium metal is used in the nuclear
industry for cladding fuel elements since it has a low absorption cross-section
for neutrons.
Niobium metal is a component of some stainless steels and also alloys
with non-ferrous metals. These alloys have good strength and other properties,
and are used in pipeline construction.
6.7.2. Occurrence
Heavy minerals occur in mineral sand placer deposits and in veins, or are
disseminated predominantly in alkaline intrusions in hard rock. Well known
placer deposits in the Indian Ocean region are the cassiterite sands of
Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia), the tin province of
Australia along the West Pacific, heavy mineral placers on the coasts of
Mozambique, South Africa [163], western Australia, northeast Sri Lanka and
the western and eastern coasts of India, with other smaller deposits in the USA.
Ilmenite (FeTiO3), rutile, leucoxene and sphene are sources of titanium
and are usually associated with iron. Titanium is also readily mined in one of
the purest forms, rutile (TiO2), from beach sand. The deposits are mainly
located in the Americas, Australia, sub-Saharan Africa, Scandinavia and
Monazite ([Ce,La,Y,Th]PO4), xenotime (YPO4), bastnaesite ([Ce,
La][CO3]F) and others are the source of REEs. Since some REEs behave
(geo-)chemically rather similarly to uranium or thorium, the latter may be
found associated with them. Monazite forms in phosphatic pegmatites but is
actually a standard trace constituent in many ordinary igneous, metamorphic
and vein filling rocks. Notable occurrences of monazite are widespread and
diverse. They include beach and river sand deposits in India, Australia, Brazil,
Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Florida and North Carolina, USA. In
Malaysia [164] the minerals are also by-products of ‘amang’ processing plants.
There are notable occurrences of xenotime in Arendal, Hittero and
Tvedestrand, Norway; Madagascar; several locations in Brazil; and in Colorado,
California, Georgia and North Carolina, USA.
Large resources of yttrium in monazite and xenotime are available
worldwide in both ancient and recent placer deposits (monazite and xenotime),
weathered clay deposits (ion adsorption ore), carbonatites and uranium ores. It
is probable that the world’s resources are very large relative to expected
Cassiterite occurs in the form of placers in alluvium, as well as lodes in
hard rock. Granites have been shown to contain significant amounts of radium
[165]. According to Ref. [166], accessory minerals containing uranium and
thorium are commonly found in granitoids, alluvium and residual soils derived
from granitoids. Thus, it is not surprising to observe that alluvial tin ores, in for
example Malaysia, are associated with NORM due to the presence of minerals
such as monazite, zircon (ZrSiO4), xenotime, ilmenite, struverite (Ta/Nb
bearing TiO2), columbite ([Fe,Mn][Nb,Ta]2O6), tourmaline and others.
Bastnaesite deposits in China and the USA constitute the largest
percentage of the world’s rare earth economic resources, while monazite
deposits in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Thailand and the USA constitute the second largest segment. Xenotime, rare
earth bearing (ion adsorption) clays, loparite, phosphorites, apatite, eudialyte,
secondary monazite, cheralite and spent uranium solutions make up most of
the remaining resources. Undiscovered resources are thought to be very large
relative to expected demand.
6.7.3. Processes
Ore Mining Process
Oversize HMC
Mill Dust Screening
Clay Fines (Slimes) Dry and Wet
Mill Dust Separation
Stack Particulates Monazite
Mineral Spillage concentrate
TiO2 Pigment
FIG. 22. Flow sheet showing separation of heavy mineral ore into pigment, zirconia/
zirconium and rare earths, as well as the associated major waste streams (after Ref. [167]).
separation/upgrading might be required using further comminution and
recycle, magnetizing, roasting and/or leaching. The mineral concentrates can
then be sold or chemically processed further. Titanium
Rutile can be sold directly into the market, but ilmenite is often further
chemically processed to produce synthetic rutile [167], or pyrometallurgically
treated to produce a titania slag — see Fig. 22 and Appendix II. Most of the
titanium minerals (>95%) are chemically processed into pigment [167]. The
titanium minerals are isolated from the raw ore by various hydrometallurgical
processes, the layout of which is illustrated in Fig. 22. The further processing
into the metal or purified TiO2 takes different dry and wet chemical routes that
are discussed in detail in Appendix II. The wet TiO2 production process
employs either sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Zircon Tin
At tin smelting plants, tin ore concentrates from tin mining or tin tailing
processing plants (see Appendix A for examples from Malaysia) are used as
feed materials to produce metal tin. At the end of the process, tin slag is
produced as residue. Tin smelting, dating back to prehistoric times in Britain,
has resulted in millions of tonnes of glass-like slag in various parts of the
country, but the hazard from this material is likely to be low [168]. Tin slag
typically contains significant amounts of tantalum and niobium. It can be used
as raw material to the tantalum extraction plants. Struverite is also a good raw
material for tantalum extraction. However, secondary residue containing
naturally occurring radionuclides is expected to be produced from the
extraction plants.
76 Niobium and tantalum
Niobium minerals usually contain both niobium and tantalum. Since they
are rather similar chemically, it is difficult to separate them. Niobium can be
extracted from the ores by first fusing the ore with alkali, and then extracting
the resultant mixture into hydrofluoric acid, HF. Current methodology involves
the separation of tantalum from these acid solutions using a liquid–liquid
extraction technique. Electrolysis of molten fluorides is also used [136].
A detailed description of the niobium production processes in Brazil,
which is the most important producer in the world, is given in Appendix IV.
Operational environmental impacts associated with discharges of liquid
effluents into the environment can be considered negligible. In a broad way it
can be said that at least 60% of each individual radionuclide total activity
leaves the operational process along with the residues generated in the
floatation step. In the case of 238U this figure reaches 70% of the total. This
finding has a very relevant bearing concerning economic recovery of uranium.
However, the contamination of groundwater by 226Ra and 228Ra in the area of
influence of the settling ponds containing barium sulphate precipitate is a
relevant issue. Typical concentrations of about 5.0 Bq/L for each of the above
mentioned radionuclides have been observed. In this case, the adopted
management strategy/mitigation used by the company is to pump the water
from the aquifer and treat it before release into the environment. The niobium
industries described in Appendix IV did not show any relevant environmental
radiological impact due to the release of effluents into the environment. The
main concern relates to the potential use of some of the process residues as
landfill for house construction sites, for which very high effective doses may be
observed. The contamination of groundwater, as has been reported for one of
the industries, is also of concern if people come to have direct assess (ingestion)
to this water.
The main minerals used as sources of REEs are monazite, xenotime from
placers and bastnaesite (China), coperite and pyrochlore from hard rock.
Specific extraction processes have been developed by the local industries. An
overview of the extraction processes is given in Fig. 21 and more details are
available in Appendix III.
6.7.4. Residues Titanium
In ilmenite processing to produce synthetic rutile and titanium dioxide
pigment, large amounts of hydrated iron oxide (30 000 t/a is produced in
Malaysia) and gypsum residues are produced and stored in ponds or dumped
above ground on the plant premises.
The dumping at sea of the waste from TiO2 production, dilute sulphuric
acid, caused serious environmental concern and has been stopped, at least in
Europe. Per tonne of TiO2 produced, 6–8 t of a dilute (20–22%) acid are
generated. The acid is too dilute for further commercial use and often contam-
inated by heavy metals and, indeed, NORM. In a process with a relatively high
energy consumption the acid is concentrated and accessory salts, mainly ferric
sulphates and co-precipitates, are removed. The acid is fed back into the
production process, while the ferric sulphate is used commercially as a
flocculant for wastewater treatment, mainly for removal of phosphates as
sparingly soluble ferric phosphates. Any ferric oxides produced are landfilled.
Fewer environmental pollution problems are encountered when pigment
is produced from rutile rather than ilmenite. The chloride process, using a rutile
feed, generates about 0.2 t of waste per tonne of TiO2 product; the sulphate
process, using ilmenite, generates about 3.5 t of waste per tonne of product.
Producing synthetic rutile from ilmenite results in about 0.7 t of waste, mainly
iron oxide, per tonne of product. Direct chlorination of ilmenite generates
about 1.2 t of waste, mainly ferric chloride, per tonne of TiO2 [125].
In the chemical processes described above, the titanium is removed from
the other metals present. All radionuclides present in the feedstock (and in
other process inputs, for example, petroleum coke) go to the chemical
processing waste stream. The final commercial products therefore seldom have
radiation issues associated with them. A range of by-product minerals
produced in smaller quantities are either sold, stored or disposed of.
In some cases the radionuclides can be removed to varying degrees from
the titanium intermediate products prior to being sold commercially [169].
However such processes have proved in practice to be technically difficult and
costly. The waste created from this removal is similar to that produced from the
downstream pigment and metal manufacturing processes. Therefore the
removal of the radionuclides by the producer often serves only to move the
location of the waste production, rather than to produce a waste which has less
environmental risk. The early removal of radioactivity adds, possibly unneces-
sarily, to the overall cost of the final products. The relative quantities and the
characteristics of the wastes need to be scrutinized.
The waste arising from the chemical processing of titanium feedstocks
can be considered as ‘mixed industrial waste’, as it contains metals such as Pb,
As, Zn, Mn, Mg, V and Nb, in addition to the radionuclides and neutralized acid
effluent. This waste is kept in designated waste disposal areas, many of which
Oversize from Dry mining: Buried below sand tailings or overburden, usually
screening process at a depth of at least 3 m. Occasionally, if of a suitable quality,
used for constructing on-site roads.
Dredging: Direct discharge into the dredging pond.
Clay fines (slimes) Dry mining: Pumped, either directly or as an underflow from
thickeners, to shallow solar drying slime impoundments.
Subsequently disposed of in mined-out pit areas. An amount may
be incorporated into the subsoil as part of the rehabilitation
Dredging: Portion is entrained in tailings, trapped under tailings or
pumped to a thickener and combined with sand tailings. The
remainder is discarded into the dredging pond.
Sand tailings Dry mining: Pumped as slurry from the wet concentrator to the
mined areas for disposal.
Dredging: As above, but directly discharged in the dredging pond.
Secondary separation
TABLE XXVII. (cont.)
Secondary separation
Monazite concentrate Either stored below ground on-site in discrete, well documented
sites for subsequent reprocessing into monazite or, if treated as
waste, blended with mine sand tailings before disposal in the mine
Clay fines (slime) Clay solids removed from the mill water system are pumped to
shallow solar drying ponds. When partially dry, the solids are dug
out and deposited on the spiral plant tails stockpile and treated as
Stack particulates Atmospheric emissions are mitigated by equipping stacks with
bag houses or cyclones to trap particulates. Alternatively, stack
outlets may be connected to the dry mill dust extraction system.
Intercepted material is disposed of with mill dust.
Mineral spillage Collected throughout dry mills mechanically (e.g. by sweeper,
‘bobcat’ and front end loader) or by vacuuming. Dry spillage is
recycled back into the process through a dry feed bin. Wet spillage
can be fed back through the wet heavy mineral concentrate or
feed retreatment systems. Alternatively, spillage can be taken
back to the mine site as part of the dry mill tailings, or as a con-
centrator feed that is then spread on the mine face and re-mined.
* The radiologically benign nature of these wastes does not require delineation of the
waste disposal sites other than the delineation of the former mine pit.
are lined with impermeable material to prevent leaching from the repository.
In Malaysia gypsum is produced as a residue. It is estimated that about 1000 t/d
of gypsum residue is produced. At the time of maintenance, small amounts of
radioactive scales are also collected. Zircon
The wastes associated with zircon processing are primarily those arising
from mineral processing usually in association with the mining operation.
Zircon itself along with foundry and refractory wastes are the subject of
examination but generally do not represent a significant environmental
problem, as they are chemically inert. Extensive studies [170] have been carried
out on the landfill disposal of zircon foundry waste. Measures to minimize the
inhalation of dust during handling must be adopted. When zircon is fused, in
refractories or technical ceramics manufacture, the silica fume produced is
collected in bag houses. The fume contains enhanced concentrations of 210Pb
and 210Po. The production can result in the accumulation of radionuclides in
off-gas systems [171], pipework and filters and in some cases in discharge to the
stack gases. Protective equipment may need to be considered in some plants.
The small volume of waste produced during zirconia and zirconium metal
manufacture is of some concern [171] and must be stored in metal containers
in special repositories. There are reports [170] that these residues are high in
226Ra and that such facilities need to be licensed in the USA. Gamma radiation Tin
about 12 000 t. Other contaminated materials (including soils contaminated
with thorium hydroxide) are estimated to amount to 11 000 t.
6.7.6. Remediation
Th U
(ppm) (Bq/kg) (ppm) (Bq/kg)
Ore 5–70 40–600 3–10 70–250
Primary separation
Product Heavy mineral 80–800 600–6600 <10–70 <250–1700
Waste Sand tailings <10 £ 50 <100 £ 400 <10 <250
Oversize <10 £ 50 <100 £ 400 <10 <250
Clay fines (slimes) <30 <250 <10 <250
Secondary separation
Products Ilmenite 50–500 400–4100 <10–30 <250–750
Leucoxene 80–700 600–5700 20–50 500–1200
Rutile <50–350 <400–2900 <10–20 <250–500
Zircon 150–300 1200–2500 150–300 3700–7400
Monazite 50 000– 41 000– 1000– 25 000–
70 000 575 000 3000 75 000
Monazite 10 000– 80 000– 500–2500 12 000–
concentrate 55 000 450 000 60 000
(a semi-product
that may either
become a waste
or be refined into
Xenotime ~15 000 ~120 ~4000 ~100
Waste Tailings 200–6000 1500–50 000 10–1000 250–25 000
(incl. monazite tails)
Clay fines (slimes) ~600 ~5000 ~30 ~750
Oversize 80–650 700–5300 50–150 1200–3700
Mill dust ~250–2500 ~2000–21 000 ~10–250 ~250–6200
Stack particulates ~500–5000 ~4000-41 000 ~10–500 ~250–12 500
Th U
(ppm) (Bq/kg) (ppm) (Bq/kg)
Synthetic rutile production
Waste Neutralized acid ~90–540 ~700–4400 ~10–60 ~250–1500
effluent solids
Non-magnetic fines 50–600 400–5000 10–100 250–2500
Kiln scrubber solids ~25–270 ~200–2200 ~3–30 <100–750
Kiln discharge ~135 ~1100 ~15 ~400
to be used for the rehabilitation of old, legacy mine sites and/or at closed
processing sites. Disposal of solid wastes from the treatment of baddeleyite in
Europe is considered to have the potential to give the highest doses.
Pressures for land use along coastal regions and for water use are
common. These pressures are also major drivers of the waste disposal and land
rehabilitation techniques selected. Potential for exposure is reduced by burying
and/or covering, followed by revegetation to reduce the chance of erosion.
Coverage and revegetation (to stabilize against erosion) are required by
local regulatory requirements designed to limit radon emanation and/or ingress
of surface water and the formation of acid mine drainage containing pollutants
not normally containing radionuclides, depending on the mineralogy of the
7.1.1. Introduction Beneficiation
Generally, the starting material for the production of phosphoric acid (see
below) is beneficiated phosphate ore, referred to as marketable phosphate
rock. During beneficiation, phosphate particles are separated from the rest of
Production / consumption of phosphate fertilizers
in 1997/98
W Eur C Eur/ N Am L Am N East S Asia E Asia China
FIG. 23. World annual phosphate (P2O5) production and consumption [175].
the ore. Beneficiation can be very simple, just screening or sieving the material
and the overburden can be piled up or returned to the mine, or very elaborate,
including washing, flotation steps, producing phosphatic clay tailings (clay slime
from washer stages of beneficiation) and sand tailings (from flotation stages of
beneficiation). Phosphatic clay tailings are stored in large settling areas. Sand
tailings are either returned to the mine and used as a backfill in mined-out
areas, used for construction of clay tailings retention dams or mixed with clay
tailings to increase the solids content of the clay tailings and reduce settling
times. In general, beneficiation does not reduce the radionuclide concentration
in the ore. Figure 24 provides a flow diagram with an example of the radionu-
clide balances during beneficiation [181].
(data from IFA 2000)
Finland 277 42
Total Europe 277 69
Canada 125 64
USA 11 419 8 026
Total North America 11 544 8 090
TABLE XXX. (cont.)
MINING SITE Overburden
Matrix to
Weightrrfraction:100% overburden
Ra:1406rBq·g–1 piles
Flotation Feed
waste SandrTailings
to sand
FLOTATION Weightrrfraction:40%
material 226 disposal
Pebble Ra:185rBq·g–1
To dryer,
chemical plant,
or customer
FIG. 24. Simplified flow diagram of mass and radioactivity balances for phosphate min-
ing and beneficiation (after Ref. [181]).
The phosphoric acid (H3PO4) arising from the treatment with acid (HX) is
separated and further processed.
Most acidulation (95%) is done with sulphuric acid, which leads to the
formation of gypsum (CaSO4·xH2O), which is not very soluble in the resulting
reaction mixture. Solid gypsum crystals precipitate and can be easily separated
from the raw phosphoric acid by filtration following a washing step. A neutral-
ization step may be included. Unless the phosphoric acid is used for fertilizer
production, it is further purified to the extent needed for its further use.
Purification of the phosphoric acid is achieved by solvent extraction. In terms
of rounded figures, the production of 1 t of phosphate (P2O5) results in the
generation of 4–5 t of phosphogypsum [6, 18, 182–185]. A number of variations
on this scheme (Fig. 25) are in use, mainly to reach higher yields and cleaner
and more concentrated phosphoric acid.
In general, about 80% of the 226Ra, 30% of the 232Th and 14% of the 238U
is left in the phosphogypsum. Uranium and thorium become enriched in the
fertilizer to about 150% of their original value (70% of the total U and Th
budget) [6, 182, 183, 186]. However, the amounts of radioactivity that are
fractionated to gypsum vary significantly.
Sulphuric acid
Rock Gypsum
Matrix Acid treatment Filter (optional)
Raw Acid
U 100%
Th 100% Gypsum pile
Concentration and
Ra 100%
228 Purification Steps
Ra 100%
238 238
U 70% U 30%
232 232
Th 86% Th 14%
Phosphoric acid 226
Ra 20% 226
Ra 80%
228 228
Ra 20% Ra 80%
Fertiliser Other
production applications
FIG. 25. Flow diagram of the sulphuric acid phosphorus extraction process.
USA [183]
South and central Florida 507–1358 41–366 577–1853 437–1765 11
North Florida 270–599 22–451 348–551 355–566
Europe [191, 192, 178] 15–1700 500 1300 900 10
South Africa [193]
Local rock 45–48 64–73 76–132 205–284
Togo rock 17 61
Australia [180] 280–350 10–24 320–440 150–360 4–7
acid production facility may have one or more phosphogypsum stacks. Stacks
may be covered, with water covering up to 60% of the top section of the stack
[190]. Radium activity concentrations in the gypsum range from background to
1700 Bq/kg (Table XXXII).
Additional waste streams in the phosphoric acid process arise from scale
deposited in small quantities in process piping and in filtration receiving tanks,
and from filter cloths used to filter the solid gypsum from the acid liquid, which
have to be removed regularly because of wear. Worn out pipes and other parts
containing scales are also to be removed from the plant. Even though these
wastes do not add much compared with the volume of phosphogypsum
produced, they involve concentrations up to 1000 times higher (Table XXXIII).
Wastes of this kind are presently disposed of on gypsum piles along with
the gypsum, or in normal landfills in cases where the gypsum is discharged into
the sea or rivers [191]. Table XXXIV shows that for a given facility most of the
226Ra originates in the phosphogypsum (98.9% of the total 226Ra inventory).
Filter cloths and filter parts contribute only 0.083 and 0.0006%, respectively, to
the total 226Ra. Hence, the disposal of these odd wastes does not contribute
significantly to the resulting radiation exposure via releases of radioactive
materials to surface or groundwaters and/or via atmospheric releases of radon,
as long as they are not removed from the pile. In the long term, radiological
problems may arise due an unauthorized removal of wastes.
Some countries have elaborate systems to manage these wastes. In the
Netherlands, for instance, scales are packed into containers for long term
storage at the COVRA facility [35]. Material and radionuclide flows in and residues from the hydrochloric
acid process
additive in animal fodder [198]. During the phosphorus extraction, CaCl2 and
CaF2 salts are produced as by-products, containing most of the radionuclides.
In the first phase of the phosphorus extraction process, the formation of
monocalciumphosphate, CaF2 is formed, which is then separated, filtered and
disposed of as waste. About 0.5 t CaF2 is formed per tonne of treated P2O5. In
the second phase of the process the monocalciumphosphate is precipitated as
dicalciumphosphate and filtered off.
The CaCl2 solution (the filtrate) is always discharged in the surface water
because dried calcium chloride cannot be disposed of due to its high efficiency
in attracting water from air. Contact with even the smallest amount of
rainwater would have the effect of washing away the pile very quickly. The most
commonly applied treatment step prior to discharge of the calcium chloride
solution is its neutralization by addition of calcium carbonate. In that step most
of the toxic metals in the ore form insoluble hydroxide/carbonate sludges that
can be removed by allowing the solution to settle. This waste stream has to be
disposed of as toxic solid waste with a high solubility under acidic conditions.
The slurry containing heavy metals and 2000–4000 Bq/kg of 226Ra is disposed
of. Also the 238U released from the ore will be precipitated by the addition of
lime and buildup of CaF2 on the dump site, resulting in uranium levels ranging
from 3600 to 6000 Bq/kg in fluorophosphate precipitates [182]. The wastewater
contains after this neutralization step predominantly CaCl2, which remains in
solution and is disposed of in the surface water. The CaCl2 solution still
contains ª20 Bq/L of 226Ra. Another possible step prior to discharge is the
specific removal of radium. The addition of barium sulphate or barium chloride
to the calcium chloride solution allows for the separation of a co-precipitate
(Ra,Ba)SO4. This can be removed by filtering, and the separate crystals can be
disposed of. Owing to the fact that the radium mass in solution is very low (less
than 1 ppb) the process is very effective but leaves a relatively low volume
waste with a very high radon production requiring safe long term disposal
Some additional wastes are to be expected from the extraction liquids
used in the extraction process, the elevated metal corrosion due to the use of
hydrochloric acid and contaminated piping and metal service parts. Scales are
to be expected in relatively low amounts compared with the sulphuric acid
process. For the other waste streams from this process no detailed description
of the volumes and masses involved is available, nor information on the distri-
bution of radioactivity among the different streams.
The CaF2 is disposed of in stacks which are generally constructed directly
on virgin or mined-out land with little or no prior preparation of the land
95 Material and radionuclide flows in and residues from the nitric acid
Phosphate rock can be melted in a furnace (1400°C) with sand, iron oxide
and coal for the production of elemental phosphorus. Phosphorus and carbon
monoxide, driven off as gases, are vented out of the furnace via a stack. Furnace
off-gases pass through dust collectors and then through water spray
condensers, where the phosphorus is condensed and trapped in water. The
residual solids in the furnace contain ferrophosphorus and calcium silicate
(CaSiO3), also known as slag. Slag is the principal waste by-product of
elemental phosphorus, and ferrophosphorus is considered to be a by-product.
The latter is used in specialty markets, such as speciality steels, cast alloys and
paint pigments [199]. The slag holds nearly all the uranium, thorium and radium
and some of the lead isotopes, while part of the lead and polonium isotopes
leave the oven in the gas stream due to the elevated temperatures. The electric
dust filter separates part of the radionuclide content from the gas stream, while
polonium leaves the process mainly with the off-gas. A flow scheme of the
furnace process is given in Fig. 26. Radionuclide flows and contents in residues from the thermal process
The quantity of the slag amounts to 85% of the raw phosphate ore and
contains the major fraction (93%) of 238U and 226Ra [6, 182, 183, 186]. The slags
find use as substitutes for valuable raw materials, for instance as road building
aggregate, ballast in concrete and in wallboards.
The quantity of dust produced with thermal processing is less than 1% of
the raw phosphate ore and contains levels of 210Pb and 210Po of the order of
1000 Bq/kg [200]. Lead-210 and 210Po can be immobilized with cement.
According to Baetslé [182], the 226Ra concentration in the slag is
1300–1500 Bq/kg and the 238U concentration is 1100 Bq/kg. Higher concentra-
tions were found in slag at a US plant. A flow diagram on the radioactivity
balances in that plant is shown in Fig. 27. Table XXXV presents some data on
radionuclide concentrations in different residues from the furnace process.
Ore Dust Water spray CO Gas
Sand Furnace separation burner
Coal slag dust
Coke Phosphate Rock
Ra: 37 Bq·g–1 226
Ra: 1369 Bq·g–1
U: 74 Bq·g–1 238
U: 1184 Bq·g–1 Silica
Slag Ferrophosphorous
Ra: 2257 Bq·g–1 226
Ra: 74 Bq·g–1
U: 2257 Bq·g–1 238
U: 1517 Bq·g–1
FIG. 27. Flow diagram and radioactivity balances for elemental phosphorous production
in a US plant [186].
may be backfed into the oven (re-feed of the contaminants to the slag) or has
to be disposed of with the slag. The 210Po and 210Pb in the dust can be
immobilized with cement.
Furnace slag:
USA [201–206] 407–1517 444–2072 56 31 9–41
Europe [191, 192, 200] 1000 1000–1500 — — —
USA [201–206] 7–44 359–407 27–144 37 3
Calcined dust:
Europe [200] — — 1000 — —
radium ions into leachate and surface run-off from phosphogypsum piles is
mainly determined by the solubility of the gypsum, which is generally very low.
The dose resulting from ingestion of contaminated drinking water or food
products after contamination of surface or groundwater is generally of no
concern even for a member of a critical group living close to the pile. Exposure
due to dust inhalation and radon is generally low due to the predominantly
liquid stage of the gypsum stack. Furthermore, gypsum hardens out when dry.
Intrusion may result in high exposure, predominantly due to radon, and
external radiation (gamma radiation levels up to 0.3 mSv/h at the stack [178,
The river dumping of gypsum as was formerly carried out in Huelva,
Spain [188], may result in the contamination of the river borders and increased
exposure to the people living close by, mainly due to external exposure and
exposure to radon.
The problems linked with the disposal of CaF2 sludge are comparable
with the potential exposure problems linked with the gypsum deposits, except
that the former also contains uranium and may contain higher levels of radium
if BaSO4 is used for radium recovery from CaCl2 liquid waste. Doses to a
critical group living close to a CaF2 dump reached a maximum of 0.5 mSv/a and
were mainly due to radon [6]. The surface water disposal of the CaCl2, if no
BaSO4 radium recovery step is included, may result in an important contami-
nation of river sediments and borders or alluvial areas.
The furnace slag is a glassy material containing the radioactivity in a
vitrified matrix, resulting in limited leaching of radionuclides. In addition, the
slag has a high carbonate content, which also reduces radionuclide solubility
[208]. However, USEPA’s Report to Congress on Special Wastes from Mineral
Processing [209] documents groundwater contamination at several phosphate
slag waste management sites. Therefore, despite its properties, slag may still be
susceptible to significant leaching, depending on weathering conditions.
Following land pressure, former phosphate mines and historic phospho-
gypsum dumps and CaF2 heaps may be reallocated for industrial or domestic
use [200].
is required for the production of a product containing 20% available P2O5 after
acidulation of the rock with sulphuric acid. In triple superphosphate (TSP),
phosphoric acid is used as an acidulating agent. The uranium content in the TSP
compared with that in the initial phosphate rock depends on the uranium
concentration in the acid used to produce the TSP. Dicalcium phosphate and
diammonium phosphate are produced from wet phosphoric acid by neutral-
ization with lime and ammoniac.
The radioactivity content of fertilizers is highly variable and depends on
the radionuclide content of the marketable phosphate ore and on the method
of production. Table XXXVI shows some values reported by Baetslé [182],
extracted from a number of references. Moreover, several liquid extraction
processes have been developed to recover uranium from H3PO4, resulting in
uranium free fertilizer [182].
Fertilizers are generally depleted in 226Ra content and display a uranium
concentration pattern which is the result of either the dilution or the concen-
tration effects of the fertilizer production process on the initial phosphate
concentration in the ore. Being a natural product at the onset, fertilizers are not
considered radioactive materials.
Although most of the uranium and thorium remain in the fertilizer,
fertilizer application does not contribute to the general dose (max. 2 mSv/a for
an individual [182]). Commercial calcium phosphates from furnace grade
phosphoric acid do not contain any of the radionuclides present in natural
Work carried out in Finland has shown that the annual contribution of
238U contained in NPK fertilizers was about 0.25% of the total uranium
naturally occurring in the upper 10 cm of the soil. Similar results have been
reported in Belgium, where it was found that 226Ra contamination in phosphate
fertilizers added to the soil represents only 0.25% for 14 kg/ha of phosphorus
and 0.96% for 54 kg/ha of phosphorus of the total 226Ra in the upper 20 cm
layer of the soil. The long term effects of phosphate fertilization on radioac-
tivity have been studied in the USA. TSP produced from Florida phosphate
rock and applied at the rate of 30 kg/ha of phosphorus during more than 50
years did not change the concentrations of U, Th and Ra in corn leaves and
grain, wheat grain and straw, or soybean leaves and beans, in comparison with
non-fertilized plots [210].
in the manufacture of rock wool insulation. Phosphate slag is also used as
railroad ballast and as stabilization material for stockyards [209, 211]. Forty
percent of the phosphate slag produced in the USA is used in construction
CaSiO3 slags from the furnace process might be used for road
construction. Exposure increases above that of asphalt containing slag are of no
For some additional information on the use of slag in building materials
the reader is referred to Section 7.2.
(1) The potential for releasing radium and non-radioactive contaminants into
the environment;
(2) The radon exhalation into the atmosphere;
(3) The potential reuse of materials due to the loss of institutional control,
see, for example, Refs [212, 213].
There are several properties of these wastes that long term management
options have to cope with:
— The long time persistence of the potential hazards due to the long half-
lives of the relevant radionuclides;
— The solubility of the wastes in water.
7.2.1. Introduction
Building materials can contain NORM. This can be of natural origin, that
is contained in the raw material (e.g. natural stone), or it can be due to the
addition of industrial products (e.g. zircon sand), intermediates or by-products
(e.g. coal ash, phosphogypsum and furnace slags). Recycling of industrial
residues and wastes has been encouraged for reasons of minimizing resource
use and is often favoured by industry since it adds value to a material for which
otherwise disposal costs might arise. Concern has arisen, however, over the
potential content of radiological and other contaminants in the recycled
materials. Owing to the wide variety of raw and recycled materials and their
possible NORM content, no general data are presented here. The NORM
content in natural resources may also vary considerably over short distances,
for example in granite quarries.
The abstraction of sediments, such as sands and gravel, which typically
have low radioactivity content, per se does not lead to elevated concentrations
in the product or waste stream. However, it could be envisaged that slimes and
fines from aggregate plants may be relatively enriched, as typically the NORM
resides in these fractions. Quarried rocks, such as granite or tuff, which may be
rich in natural radionuclides, can either directly expose the population to
NORM, or increase the exposure due to radon release when applied indoors. It
is unlikely that quarrying and stone cutting residues are of significant radio-
logical concern. However, very little information is available on this type of
scenario. Indeed, the majority of radiological investigations published in the
international literature on building materials is concerned with scenarios of
residential exposure, i.e. gamma, radon and eventually thoron exposure of the
inhabitants. Some studies and estimates are available on the occupational
exposures in some particular industrial working environments [171, 219] and
for construction work [175], which are, however, outside the scope of the
present report.
In the international literature, activity concentrations are not readily
available for the raw material used for the production of building material,
whereas they are abundant for building material in use, i.e. the final product. As
regards recycling of by-products (e.g. coal ash, phosphogypsum and furnace
slag) their production is discussed elsewhere in this report, but their possible
activity concentrations are also summarized in Table XXXVII and Fig. 28.
Table XXXVII gives an idea of natural radionuclide concentrations in
building materials as final products. The table was constructed using a recent
compilation of data from European Union member and non-member states
[253] as well as a range of European and international papers. This range can
give an idea of the ‘normal’ distribution of these values. It is worth noting that
values of activity concentration of the 238U chain in building materials are
published generally as 226Ra concentration, but sometimes also as 238U. It is
Notes: Some extreme values have been reported in the literature and are marked:
(a), [220]; (b), [236]; (c), [233]; (d), [239]; (e), [242].
Shale 219
Tiles 130
Mudstone 141
Concrete 127
Clay 127
Sand 76
Cement 138
Limestone 23
Clinker 41
Marl 27 K-40
Lime 19
295 Ra-226
Chalk 14
Gypsum 30
Marble 7
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
worth noting that some materials have higher 232Th than 238U activity concen-
tration [242]. When buildings or other structures such as roads are being
demolished, i.e. when the material is converted into rubble, the given activity
concentrations can be considered the concentrations in the residues.
Table XXXVII does not claim to provide a statistically representative picture
of the situation for two reasons: firstly, because very few national represen-
tative investigations have been made in different countries; secondly, because
analytical efforts are typically focused on samples and materials that are
expected to show high activity concentrations.
Aerated or lightweight concretes are produced mainly with the same raw
materials as ordinary concrete, but a small quantity of aluminium powder is
added to create cell structure in the final product. It is mainly used for non-
supporting walls in residential construction. Lime bricks (called also white
bricks) are used as building material in house construction only in some
European countries [253]. Tuff is consolidated volcanic ash composed largely of
fragments (less than 4 mm size) resulting directly from volcanic eruptions [241].
The production and use of alum shale concrete was banned in Sweden in 1975
[220] because its disposal and possible residues of past processing could
constitute a serious concern. Use of phosphogypsum in building materials was
also banned in some countries, for example Belgium and Romania [224].
More than 280 Mt of coal ash (fly ash and bottom ash combined) are
produced annually. About 40 Mt of these are used in the production of bricks
and cement [254]. Since most of the process residues further processed into
building materials do not meet the required technical specifications, they are
typically mixed with pristine raw materials. The net effect is a dilution of the
NORM content relative to the process residues.
In 1996 it has been estimated that up to 15% of phosphogypsum was
recycled and that within the European Union some 2 Mt were recycled
annually [6]. Its activity concentration depends on the origin and the chemical
treatment of the raw material: for example, phosphogypsum from phosphate
rocks generally contains considerably higher concentrations of 226Ra than
gypsum from carbonate rocks. In any case, not only the radium concentration
but also the radon exhalation from it can be higher than normal [253].
Zircon sand extraction and milling are discussed above, where an
estimate of their activity concentration is given. Zircon flour is used in the
ceramic and refractory materials industry, particularly for glazing tiles.
7.2.2. Processing
7.2.3. Residues
Residues can arise as waste from processing (solid and liquid), including
substandard products, and the actual building materials in the form of rubble
or debris from demolished buildings or dug-up pavements and similar
Operators are frequently unaware of the presence of any radiation
hazards and, hence, manage residues without any special precautions. In
addition to the relevant necessary occupational or residential radiation
protection, which is treated in other IAEA reports, care has to be taken that the
NORM cannot be further dispersed in the environment. However, due to the
ceramic or glassy nature of the products and residues from many thermal
processes, radionuclides bound in them typically have very low release rates for
the aquatic exposure pathways. Upswept dust, radon exhalation and direct
exposure may be still of concern. On the other hand, materials that do not
originate from thermal processes, such as phosphogypsum, tend to have higher
release rates for aqueous exposure pathways.
Blast furnace slags are used mainly as aggregate in concrete (crushed) as
well as an additive in cement (finely ground). The activity concentration in
them depends on the ore type, the origin of the raw material and the
metallurgic processes. The use of (coal) fly ash and slags in concrete is a well
recognized source of gamma exposure that is due to the presence of activity
concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and, to a lesser extent, 40K, while its effect via
radon exhalation is controversial, due to the low emanation coefficient from
the ash [255]. Phosphopgypsum and gypsum from flue gas desulphurization
used, for example, in the production of plasterboard may give rise to similar
On the other hand, the use of zircon sand as an opacifier in glazes for tiles
does not seem to significantly increase the exposure of the general public to
gamma radiation [256, 257] or to exhaled radon, owing to the typically
relatively low 226Ra concentrations [257] and low emanation factors from the
glaze. However, measurements performed by some Chinese researchers in
rooms with and without glazed tiles [256] showed that the average area density
of total beta radionuclides in tile glaze was 12–13 times as much as that in
ordinary building material. Similar results were obtained in a very recent study
from China [258]. This causes an increase in external beta radiation dose
received by the public in buildings and, therefore, a possible exposure pathway
to the public from residues due to processing or possible waste material.
8.1.1. Introduction
America, 28.2% from Europe, 13.5% from Asia (including the Central Asian
states), 17.1% from Africa, 4.8% from the Russian Federation, 3.1% from
Australia and 0.2% from South America.
The majority of all past and present world uranium mining has taken
place using conventional (underground and open pit) mining methods. The use
of in situ teaching (ISL), phosphate or metal ore by-product and mine water
recovery combined has averaged since 1994 less than 21% of all production,
whereas the once predominant underground mining method has been
decreasing relative to open pit mining over the same period [261].
In milling, the ore from the mine is crushed and is then subject to a
leaching process. The solvent is usually H2SO4, or NaOH for carbonate-rich
rocks. After the uranium minerals (typically pitchblende, UO2(s)) have been
dissolved, the pregnant solution is separated from the residual solids (tails).
Typically the solids are washed in several steps with fresh solvent until the
desired level of metal value recovery is attained. The dissolved uranium is
recovered from the pregnant solution by neutralization, followed by precipi-
tation, non-aqueous solvent extraction or ion exchange. The final marketable
product normally is yellowcake [262]. The stripped solution may be replenished
and recycled for use within the leaching circuit or as the liquid component in
the crushing/grinding operation. Ultimately, the residual solids are neutralized
or washed with water prior to being pumped to the tailings pond. This wash
serves to recover any remaining solvents and reduce the quantity of acid being
placed in the tailings impoundment and thus to stop further leaching reactions.
The wash water may be recycled.
ISL combines the mining and part of the milling process. The solvent is
injected underground and the pregnant solution is extracted in a specially
designed array of boreholes. The array is designed such that outward migration
of process solutions into adjacent aquifers is prevented. In some countries,
namely Germany and the Czech Republic, a combination of underground
mining and ISL was also applied.
8.1.3. Residues
than what was economic to extract at time of mining, often called ‘protore’), as
well as drill cuttings from exploration or production drill holes. Many of these
materials contain radium, uranium and thorium, and their radioactive decay
products, and emit radon gas. The uranium bearing ore is processed at a mill
and the depleted ore residue is placed in a mill tailings impoundment. Heap
leaching as a milling process will result in a similar class of materials. These
materials generally still contain various radionuclides and often (toxic) heavy
ISL does not lead to significant amounts of radionuclide bearing spoils
and tailings, but there is a risk of incomplete control over the hydraulics of
systems that may lead to the spread of contaminated solutions into adjacent
aquifers. Some Member States have separate regulatory classifications for the
residues generated by ISL processes.
Given the diversity of depositional environments of uranium ores
described above, it is quite likely that the levels of radiation and radionuclide
distributions at national sites will be highly variable. Therefore, it is difficult to
state the radionuclide concentrations in residues.
On the international level there are a large number of both reclaimed and
unreclaimed uranium mining sites [259]. The possibility exists, and has been
documented, that members of the public will ignore advice and planning
regulations and locate houses on or immediately adjacent to such a mine or mill
tailings site. Mill tailings present a hazard in that the sand sized material
appears perfect for use as an aggregate for construction. Similarly, their ready
availability, without much need for crushing, etc., makes mining residues an
attractive building material. When used in road construction the radiological
impact may not be of concern, but this changes when the material is used for
building purposes. Examples exist from around the world where private homes
have been built from such material and then had to be demolished when this
was discovered. In cases where mining and milling sites have been redeveloped
for industrial or residential purposes, radon emissions from below may be of
concern. Section 11 discusses the various radiation exposure pathways that may
possibly be found at such settings. The relevant safety aspects are laid out in
detail in Safety Guide WS-G-1.2 [263].
The management of uranium mining and milling residues typically
involves isolation by capping in order to reduce radon exhalation and to
minimize acid generation by infiltration of atmospheric water. Relocation into
underground mines or mined-out pits is typically a good option for current
operations, but often difficult and expensive in retrospect.
Certain natural radionuclides, such as radium, have been in use for decades
outside the nuclear industry for their special properties. The use of sealed radium
sources, which found widespread use in clinical chemotherapy and materials
sciences, is of particular significance, though outside the scope of this report. The
IAEA has developed an extensive programme for making such sources safe
through conditioning and proper disposal, which is still ongoing [264].
People have also deliberately exposed themselves to radium in, for
example, spas over several decades (see Ref. [265] for a selection of links). A
selection of data and a discussion of exposure scenarios is given in Ref. [92].
However, not much information appears to be available on the downstream
fate of the radoactivity discharged from spas.
In the context of the present report only contamination of the
environment by the production and disposal of either production wastes or of
the final products after the end of their useful life is considered.
For several decades, until the late 1960s, radium was used as a luminizing
agent on watch and clock dials and arms, and on car, aircraft and shipboard
instruments. Of concern here are obsolete operations to extract radium from
ores and its further processing, factories and other establishments performing
the luminizing operations, and scrap yards handling large numbers of
instruments. The latter became a localized problem after both world wars at
defence establishments that decommissioned military hardware. Both during
and after World War II, there were many examples of informal in situ disposal
on defence sites of defective or surplus equipment, including luminized
components [266]. At various defence establishments in the UK, for instance,
dials were burnt in the open to recover the metal scrap by processes loosely
termed ‘bash, burn and bury’. The residual ashes, containing the radium, were
spread on fields, requiring remediation later [267]. However, it is believed that,
as a contaminant, buried radium from luminizing processes is largely immobile
About half of all radium extracted worldwide was handled at a factory in
Olen, Belgium. The resulting contamination and remedial activities following
the closure of the factory and its waste management facilities has already been
discussed in detail elsewhere, for example, Ref. [268].
exist. The largest reserves of thorium are in monazite in India, the USA,
Australia, Norway and the Russian Federation, and also, not yet exploited, in
Canada in the form of uranothorianite.
A sample of its current applications are [269]:
Possible future growth can be seen in the two areas of gas mantles and
nuclear energy. Biogas production in developing countries is growing slowly.
Extensive use for lighting as well as cooking could lead to significant new
demand for mantles and for thorium. On the other hand, yttrium can be
substituted for this use, leading to less radioactive waste to be managed.
Thorium has become an important alloy for aluminium in high-tech applica-
tions, such as structural parts in aircraft. The cutting, turning, milling and
drilling processes produce swarf that has to be either recycled or disposed of.
Thorium can also be used as a nuclear fuel in breeder reactors and in
closed fuel cycles. Although research had been conducted for over 30 years,
these systems have not yet reached full commercialization. This fuel cycle,
however, may provide the only practicable way of disposing of the large stocks
of 239Pu. In the longer term, therefore, thorium reactors may be built for this
purpose, even though they may be less attractive economically as electricity
9.1.1. Introduction
9.1.2. Processes
scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators. Eventually the clean SO2 is converted
first to SO3 in a converter with V2O5 as a catalyst and subsequently to H2SO4
by the progressive concentration of sulphuric acid in absorption towers.
9.1.3. Residues
The residues from a pyrites extraction process will mainly be the tailings
of the primary extraction process. Residues from sulphuric acid production
mainly consist of calcine. Pyrites flotation and sulphuric acid production from
pyrites may also cause the formation of highly active scales on the walls of
vessels and pipes, and on ceramics, plastics and rubber linings of the flotation
and sulphuric acid plants. These scales are generated mainly due to the
decreasing solubility of radium sulphates with decreasing temperatures and the
presence of co-precipitation agents in the process water.
The masses of the pyrites input and the calcine output are normally about
the same and around 15–20% higher than the mass of the acid produced.
While alkaline pyrites flotation processes do not cause any enhancement
of radionuclides, the acidic process creates scales with enhanced levels of
radioactivity (especially 226Ra) on the walls of pipes, vessels and especially
flotation cells. While the pyrites from Witwatersrand ore has specific alpha
activity concentrations of around (24–64) × 103 Bq/kg, alpha activity concentra-
tions within the range (36–86) × 104 Bq/kg have been observed in scales
collected in flotation plants [272]. Much higher alpha activity concentrations,
generally within the range (1–100) × 106 Bq/kg, have been observed in scale on
the walls of pipes and vessels of, in particular, the gas cleaning sections of
sulphuric acid plants. Similar levels, but with some impregnation, were found on
rubber linings, polypropylene and ceramic saddles and spirals used to enhance
the gas cleaning process and on refractory linings used to isolate surfaces from
the effect of high temperatures. While 226Ra dominated in those samples
analysed for various nuclides, all the subsequent progeny analyses were around
40–80% of the 226Ra activity concentrations [272]. Calcine should have similar
concentrations to pyrites, but enhancement, up to alpha activity concentrations
of (5–50) × 104 Bq/kg, has been observed in calcine both in some plant sections
and in calcine sediments [272].
While pyrites and calcine consist of milled material, contaminated
materials can be in a variety of physical forms corresponding to the items
mentioned above.
114 Environmental impacts
Rivers and estuaries are the recipients of discharges and effluents from
industry and geological materials eroded by natural processes. Owing to their
geochemical behaviour, many metals, including heavy metals and radionu-
clides, accumulate in river sediments, typically in the fine grained or organic-
rich fractions. In order to ensure unobstructed shipping, sediments are
periodically dredged from shipping lanes, harbour basins and canals. The
dredged materials are used for civil engineering or land reclamation purposes
(e.g. dykes), are landfilled or are disposed of at sea.
The amount of dredged material annually dumped in waters covered by
the London Convention (LC) [34] varies between 150 and 400 Mt. Dumping of
these materials in internal waters adds another 100–150 Mt annually. Annual
fluctuations occur due to the variation in maintenance dredging and new works
associated with shipping activities, or with exceptional projects such as the huge
dredging activities in recent years in connection with the extension of Hong
Kong airport. Probably two thirds of the material is connected with
maintenance operations to prevent silting of harbours, rivers and other
waterways. Approximately 10% of the dredged material is moderately to
heavily contaminated from a variety of sources including shipping, industrial
and municipal discharges, and natural erosion of soils and rocks. Dredged
material has always had a special position under the LC. About 70% of all
dumping permits notified to the Office for the LC in 1972 concerned dredged
material. Although the LC prohibits dumping of material exceeding exemption
levels, no numerical criteria are available and permits are based on individual
risk assessments and expert opinion [274].
Development of sites that have received such dredged material can lead
to residential or intrusion exposure scenarios. In addition, dredging bottom
sediments, which are typically ‘reduced’, and disposing of them may oxidize
ferrous oxides and sulphides, leading to acidification of the material and, hence,
release and enhanced migration of radionuclides.
Building and other structural materials, for example steel, may have
become contaminated during their use with NORM containing materials,
residues (e.g. scales, 210Pb/210Po containing soot in exhaust stacks and
chimneys) and products or may contain a priori elevated levels of radioactivity.
The relevant scenarios leading to the presence of radioactivity have already
been discussed in the preceding sections. A common problem is the joint
occurrence of hazardous substances (e.g. asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) and heavy metals) and NORM in decommissioning wastes.
The wastes arising from the decommissioning of industrial and housing
structures require separate attention as their contamination may pass
undetected. A recent report for the European Commission summarizes the
hazardous materials associated with decommissioning and demolition wastes
[278]. The implications for the decommissioning of mining and milling facilities
and the close-out of respective waste management facilities have been treated
extensively in an IAEA technical report [215] and a Safety Standard [276]. The
disposal of wastes from the decommissioning of the numerous offshore instal-
lations for oil and gas production around the world has already been
mentioned. The problem of radiologically contaminated wastes from the
decommissioning of fertilizer plants has also been highlighted by a recent
UNEP/UNIDO report [207].
Further information on decommissioning and the handling of decommis-
sioning wastes can be found in Refs [277–281].
This section is intended to describe the current situation and state of the
debate concerning the regulation of NORM containing materials and to
highlight some of the problems encountered.
Differences in national and international NORM regulations and
standards appear to be the result of differences in risk management policy
rather than differences in underlying scientific information. Radiation
originating in NORM containing materials has effects on humans and the
environment that are no different from those of any other source of radiation.
There exists, however, the problem of distinguishing and accounting for
background radiation from the same radionuclides present in the NORM
material and in the surrounding environment.
Waste management methods and approved disposal sites appear to vary
widely for specific industries, waste forms (sludge, scales, liquids and dusts) and
Member States. Statutory and regulatory controls in Member States also vary
widely, with some countries having complete schemes of NORM radiation
protection and waste management, and other countries having no separate
regulatory arrangements whatsoever. One underlying problem is the different
national approaches to what constitutes NORM, and consequently which
industries, wastes and products are covered by relevant guides and regulations.
In other words, there is at present no international consensus on the scope of
Details of the generic principles and criteria for exclusion, exemption and
clearance have been given in a Safety Standard [282].
There is general concern and uncertainty over potential impacts of
regulations on international trade and industry. While some believe that a
‘clearance’ of materials would open up the markets for these materials, others
fear that an explicit statement that a material contains radioactivity, if only
below a specified level, would brand it by implication as radioactive. It is also
feared that specification of one or the other numerical value could be used as
a political and economic instrument to influence market positions. On the other
hand, there is a variety of national and international regulations concerning
toxic and hazardous substances, such as heavy metals and certain organic
compounds, in commodities and other materials.
Notwithstanding the applicability of general radiation protection
principles, owing to the variety in occurrence and possible exposure scenarios
for members of the public, deriving allowable doses from radionuclide concen-
trations appears to be a difficult task. Related to this problem is the question of
multiple exposures of members of the public to different sources that in
themselves may not pose a concern.
Concerning workplaces, the situation is much clearer. The general
principles as laid out in Ref. [282] are applicable and often national regulations
do exist. In addition, international guidelines on radiation protection in certain
industries, such as oil and gas and uranium and thorium mining, are currently
being developed.
Exposure Environmental
Description Comments
pathway pathway/subpathway
External Direct exposure from Agricultural field Radioactive materials
radiation ground and surface adjacent to house, may serve as
water used for and/or home construction material,
bathing/recreation constructed with mine located under and
wastes; open pits collect adjacent to house.
water used by residents. Gamma and alpha
Inhalation Resuspended dust Dust entering house or Alpha exposure to lungs
breathed by inhabitants and skin
Indoor radon From walls of the base-
ment and the foundation
Outdoor radon Ambient levels entering
Ingestion, Groundwater Wells may be
water contaminated by
uranium mine waste site
Surface water Bathing and cooking
(runoff or pit water)
Ingestion, Water Plants watered from pit
plants or wells
Soil Plants grown on waste soils
Ingestion, Water Animals drink water from
meat/milk wells or pit lake.
Plants Water From well or pit lake
Ingestion, Surface water
fish (contamination flowing
to pond, lake or river)
Ingestion, Direct contamination
Note: Many of the these pathways would also be applicable to other types of mining.
accumulation of radon in tropical homes built on or near NORM containing
residues may be less of a concern, because the homes are often open and allow
free air circulation. Table XL provides some examples of considerations related
to exposure scenarios in different regions.
Misuse of NORM containing residues and waste materials, or in other
words failure of institutional control, may constitute one of the major causes of
human exposure. Owing to their accessibility and sometimes favourable prop-
erties, mining and milling residues are often used for building or fill materials.
Unless access restrictions are placed on a contaminated area, such human activ-
ities are likely to occur and thus warrant consideration when specifying appro-
priate exposure scenarios. Likewise, partially decommissioned facilities, such as
facilities that have been stripped of valuable materials (steel, copper wiring,
etc.) but have not been decontaminated, may lead to exposure in a variety of
ways: buildings may be re-occupied or contaminated materials may be reused.
Certain waste materials, such as fly ash, slag or phosphogypsum, are being
used for civil engineering purposes. While this use may not lead to appreciable
exposure, decommissioning or rebuilding such structures and the ensuing dust
generation or landfilling of secondary wastes may lead to exposure. The same
waste materials are used to make a variety of mainly lightweight construction
materials. Lightweight building blocks and plasterboard are typical examples
with a potential to result in external exposures.
The failure of institutional control over disposal sites resulting in a failure
of the containment may lead to a release of NORM into groundwaters or as
airborne dusts. Again, in settings where the nearby population obtains drinking
water and foodstuffs predominantly from local sources, this may lead to
exposure. Given the long half-lives associated with NORM, institutional
controls may need to be maintained for a long time [276].
Two main strategies to mitigate adverse effects on human health and the
environment from NORM containing residues can be envisaged:
(1) An ‘end of pipe’ strategy, whereby residues, wastes and effluents are
treated or whereby contaminated sites are remediated.
Geological disposal
Deep well injection Unstabilized/stabilized ✓
and disposal at solids, aqueous
abandoned mines and aqueous slurries
Mined cavity Special containers g
Notes: These recommendations should be appropriate in most cases; however, some special cases may exist that would require special con-
✓ Release mechanism requires consideration in an assessment, if appropriate.
a These are the first media to be considered when identifying transport pathways through the natural environment (Table VIII).
b Condition at the time of assessment (note, for example, that a covered landfill would need to be treated as uncovered surface disposal
Urban/suburban, temperate
Rural, tropical developing country
developed country
Less time at home (work away from Majority of time near the home, which
home) results in reduced external maximizes external exposure.
radiation exposure.
Home constructed of soil (may actually
More robust home which provides some enhance external exposure rather than
shielding while inside the home; less air providing shielding).
circulation, however, so that radon can
accumulate. Open air design of home, so that indoor
radon concentrations are not significantly
Food purchased away from home, only a enhanced.
fraction may be contaminated with
NORM. Subsistence farmer can obtain essentially
all food and milk from around the home.
(2) A ‘change the process’ strategy, whereby (industrial) processes and prac-
tices are re-engineered so as to avoid or minimize contaminated wastes,
effluents, emissions, etc.
physical properties as loose materials and because they are apparently ‘free’,
many mining and milling residues may be attractive local sources of building
material. Unauthorized reuse of such residues has been observed in both
developing and developed countries. Thus, effective passive institutional
control to prevent or discourage access to and use of the NORM containing
materials may be an important objective of remediation measures.
Remediation is typically preceded by a proper assessment of the site or of
the process in question [283]. This assessment begins with the identification and
consultation of records, if available. The historical assessment is then confirmed
by a scoping physical site characterization, for example by walk-over gamma
ray surveys. Detailed sampling and analysis may follow to more clearly identify
hot spots and to delineate materials or areas that do not require further
attention. In recent years strategies and technologies for efficient site charac-
terization have been developed [284, 285].
Similarly, residue and waste characterization is a basic step in developing
effective management techniques. Their physical, chemical and radiological
characteristics are determined. Of particular importance is the form in which
the radionuclides are present, i.e. whether they form a separate mineral phase,
are sorbed, or bound in precipitates or slags, etc. This is assessed carefully in
order to evaluate the associated risk and to decide on appropriate management
measures. For instance, radionuclides bound in a vitreous matrix, such as slag,
have a low probability to become solubilized, hence migration and subsequent
uptake in organisms is an unlikely scenario. Similarly, radionuclides may be
bound in vitreous components of fly ashes, making water mediated migration
unlikely but inhalation of unconsolidated dusts possible.
The concurrent presence of other contaminants, such as heavy metals,
arsenic, acid generating minerals and toxic organics, is taken into account when
developing a remediation plan (Table XLI). The abatement and remediation
Industry/users Component
Oil and gas Hg, heavy metals, hydrocarbons
Phosphate Cd, Zn, Pb, F
Iron and steel Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Ni
Institute/regulator Hg, heavy metals, sulphides, organic compounds
Others Hg, PCBs, asbestos, tungsten
technology is chosen such as to prevent impacts from these contaminants as
well as from NORM. That is, it is ascertained that the chosen management
strategy and technology is compatible with all the contaminants present and
that no detrimental interaction between different contaminants occurs. The
presence of such contaminants often imposes additional legal constraints on
the acceptable remediation methods and related waste disposal routes. An
available disposal site may not be licensed to accept ‘mixed’ wastes.
In addition to technical constraints, there may be a wide range of
regulatory and socioeconomic constraints on choosing the appropriate
remediation or residue management strategy [286]. Regulations in Member
States may prescribe certain techniques and prohibit or discourage others.
International agreements may also preclude or restrict other strategies, for
instance ‘dilute and disperse’ see, for example, Refs [34, 36]. As has been
discussed in great detail elsewhere [6], public reassurance and acceptability can
be a major factor for selecting a particular remediation or residue management
technique (Table XLII).
Removal of waste
Soil excavation High
Soil scraping High
Turf harvesting High
Separation and removal of waste
Soil washing Moderate–high
Flotation Moderate–high
Chemical/solvent extraction Moderate
Capping Low
Slurry walls Low
Grout curtains Low
Cement based solidification
Ex situ Low
In situ Low
Chemical immobilization
Ex situ Low
In situ Low
Technically feasible remediation and management techniques and
strategies have to be evaluated in any one case with respect to their imple-
mentability in a given socioeconomic context. As has been discussed in
Ref. [28], a variety of non-technical factors control the implementability of
remediation measures in practice. For instance, the technique preferred from a
technological point of view may not be available in a given Member State,
because of lack of infrastructure, skilled personnel or equipment.
The siting of management and disposal facilities for NORM containing
residues requires careful assessment of the geological and other environmental
properties. The siting and design process is usually controlled by a variety of
legislation in Member States and guidance on an international basis [287, 288].
Recycle and
clear ance
(chemical, thermal)
radio nuclides
Separation radio nuclides
Extraction segregation Treatment
clean soil
clean water
Solidification Disposal
and Isolation
Containment Stabilisation Groundwater
12.2.1. Containment
(a) (b)
pervious waste groundwater impervious waste groundwater
material material stream lines material material stream lines
FIG. 30. The concept of (a) pervious surround and (b) containment with impervious barrier.
may also occur. In recent years, reactive chemical barriers have been developed
that affect, for example, precipitation of contaminants while being consumed.
Certain hydraulic properties and layouts are required to direct the
groundwater movement towards the barriers and to bring the contaminants
into contact with the reactive material.
Containment can be planned for at the design stage of new waste
management facilities or can be put into place retrospectively, that is to say in
a remediation context. For backfitting facilities still in operation, there may not
be such a clear distinction between the two situations.
Engineered disposal facilities may be constructed above or below ground
level and typically consist of a bottom liner with drainage and some form of
engineered cap. Bottom liners, which would extend up to the side walls in below
ground facilities, are constructed in one or more layers of low permeability
geological material, such as clays, and/or synthetic geomembranes. Layers of
geotextiles to improve the stress resilience of the liner may be added. The
drainage systems typically consist of a layer of coarser geological material
and/or synthetic drainage mats and a collecting system of pipes or similar.
The engineered cap may also be made up of several layers: a low perme-
ability layer to prevent infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and the
exhalation of radon gas, a (coarser) drainage layer to aid surface run-off,
geotextiles to improve the mechanical stability of the capping and, depending
on the climatic conditions, a substrate for (re-)vegetation. Intermediate coarse
layers may be introduced to hinder burrowing by animals and to discourage
human access.
Rehabilitation of underground impoundments may be undertaken along
similar engineering lines. However, putting in bottom liners may not be feasible
for technical and cost reasons in most NORM related situations. Confining
wastes and contamination by slurry walls, injection screens or sheet piling, on
the other hand, is common practice. The reverse is also possible: installing a
high permeability zone, for example sand filled trenches, around the
impoundment will effect a diversion of groundwater flow.
Backfilling of mined-out materials into mine voids may have a number of
advantages. First of all, it would remove the material from the surface and thus
reduce the amount of land used, i.e. the footprint of the facility. Secondly, if the
geochemical conditions of the mined-out material and the host rock can be
brought back to near pre-mining conditions, a stable system should arise.
Mining, however, severely disturbs the hydrogeology of the surrounding area,
creating additional pathways and changing the hydrochemistry, for instance
through aeration. Before backfilling any reactive material, an assessment of the
likely consequences is required. Certain additional measures, such as sealing of
mine openings and fractures, may be needed. The additional measures may also
extend to confining the mine by slurry walls or injection screens. These
confinement measures may be combined with reactive barriers to condition
any drainage waters. Alternatively, special drainage systems to divert ground-
waters around the mine may be put in place.
12.2.2. Immobilization Concept
hoods and exhaust gas scrubbing. The wastes from the scrubbing will require
special treatment and proper disposal.
A wide variety of agents have been used, or proposed, for the solidifi-
cation of excavated waste materials. Often the objective is not only to
immobilize the contaminants, but to add value to the waste material by
converting it into a useful product, for example for construction purposes. The
use in general construction as a substitute for valuable raw materials requires
special testing and licensing procedures to ensure environmental compatibility
and compliance with quality criteria, such as compressive strength, freeze–thaw
cycle stability and leacheability. Solidified wastes may also be used in the
construction of, for example, cappings for (hazardous waste) landfills, or road
bases. If only small volumes arise, the material may be combined with material
from other waste streams requiring a similar immobilization treatment.
Combining waste streams can make the process more viable economically as
products in marketable quantities are produced.
The treatment may be undertaken on-site or off-site at dedicated
facilities. For off-site treatment, the material has to comply with the applicable
transport regulations and has to meet the appropriate safety criteria when
being handled.
As for in situ immobilization, possible (cold bonding) solidification agents
include OPC and other hydraulic binders, such as certain fly ashes, gypsum,
silicate gels (water glass) and organic polymers, particularly acrylic and epoxy
resins. The overall cost of treatment obviously depends on the amounts or
volumes requiring treatment. Some binders are more economic in larger
quantities than others. Organic polymers, in most cases, appear to be applicable
only to smaller volumes of material. It should also be noted that the long term
stability of organic binders is largely unknown.
The conversion of contaminated gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) slurries, for
example from flue gas desulphurization, into semi-hydrate/plaster of Paris
(CaSO4·½H2O) requires heat treatment in a kiln. It is only the plaster that
exhibits the necessary curing properties. It must be remembered that heat
treatment of contaminated gypsum may lead to the volatilization of 210Pb or
210Po, if present, as can be the case in flue gas desulphurization residues.
process of its own. However, for treating the radioactive remainder of a
separation step, immobilization is widely seen as a treatment with a high
12.2.3. Dilution/dispersion
terminated. It can be expected that radionuclides would behave similarly under
such conditions. However, landspreading of scales and sludges originating in
the oil and gas industry is a practice that is allowed in the USA in a few states
and in some other countries, but is not generally accepted. The main objective
is to dilute the material and to foster degradation of hydrocarbons. A recent
study [290] addressed the radiological impact depending on the radon concen-
trations for a variety of industrial, residential and agricultural scenarios. The
main recommendation from the study was for institutional controls to limit
exposures over the long term.
Note: Nuclides with half-lives of more than a year are marked in bold.
12.2.5. Separation
in certain environmental compartments. In such cases, artificial wetlands,
phyto-remediation and similar passive treatment methods might hold the
answer. Reactive barriers might also be used to prevent further dispersal of
contaminated seepage waters. Such methods and their applicability in a
remediation context will be discussed in more detail in a forthcoming IAEA
technical publication [13].
12.3.1. Tools
(1) Goal definition (ISO 14040) — the basis and scope of the evaluation,
wastes and emissions soil
supply accumulation
accumulation agricultural products
in products
in products
balancing item,
wastes, sales
minerals ++ end
end prod.
zinc oxide
works of
zinc hot
-dip galvaniz.
galvaniz. brass
zinc metal
zinc metal
zinc metal
zinc metal
zinc production
zinc production
zinc ore
zinc ore and
im ports
Zn- m anuf.
zinc zinc ore
zinc ore and
comp. Zn metal
etc. goods
FIG. 31. Example for MFA: flow chart for zinc in the Netherlands in 1990 (simplified after
Ref. [296]).
(2) Inventory analysis (ISO 14041) — process trees and material balances,
(3) Impact assessment (ISO 14042) — resources use and emissions as related
to impacts,
(4) Improvement assessment/interpretation (ISO 14043) — identification of
corrective actions.
On the basis of the results from such analyses, the potential for changing
the (industrial) process to direct the NORM into those waste streams where it
can be managed best can be assessed. There may be scope for adjusting the
process so that the NORM mainly ends up in an inert form, or, for instance,
digestion procedures may be altered such that NORM is not released or not
converted into a mobile form. Concentrating the NORM into a single residue
stream, or at least a small number of residue streams, would also make its
management more efficient. Depending on the type of radionuclide and
available disposal options, either increasing or decreasing the specific NORM
concentrations may be of advantage. The first would reduce the volumes of
waste to be treated, while the second might be desirable in a dilute and disperse
scenario, or where disposal in a conventional landfill may then become possible.
Frequently raw material abstraction and processing takes place at
different locations, even in different parts of the world. This results in residues
and wastes being generated away from the source of the raw materials, and thus
precludes such options as backfilling into the mined-out voids. Provided that
adequate waste conditioning and waste management facilities are available to
prevent the generation of environmental contamination, processing at or near
the mining location might be of advantage. While until the recent past many
developing countries relied on exports of raw materials, they now generate
added value by exporting refined materials or semi-products. This development
is frequently driven by the tightening environmental legislation in developed
countries, which often makes the management of process residues expensive.
Therefore, these changes have to be closely monitored for their environmental
implications. Again, MFA would be a useful tool on a more global basis.
It should be pointed out that MFA does not require sophisticated
computer simulation models, although they would be useful. Simple
bookkeeping of masses or volumes would be sufficient, together with radio-
logical and chemical analyses of the materials concerned.
12.3.2. Reuse/recycle
mechanical properties. Application is restricted to situations where direct
exposure and radon release are not of concern, for instance in road
construction or for backfilling in mines. Recycling in nuclear waste
management related applications, for example as structural materials or liners
in repositories, might also be considered. From a logistic point of view, this
might also be an option for various types of landfills, but national legislation
typically prevents the mixing of hazardous and radioactive materials.
It has been indicated in the industry and material specific sections that at
least nowadays the mining industry has become very resources conscious and
screens its residues for potential value and reuse. Often residues are stockpiled
for later reworking, when market conditions at a given time make processing
not commercially viable. It should be noted that such stockpiles must not give
rise to environmental contamination or human exposure, for example due to
acid drainage formation or radon exhalation.
An example of re-using residues (iron oxides) from titanium oxide
production is given in Appendix III.
hazardous substances, such as lead, cadmium or asbestos, from non-essential
uses. MFA provided an essential tool to this end.
mechanisms for remediating orphaned contaminations [297]. In cases where
remediation costs cannot be absorbed into operating cost, i.e. mainly in cases of
orphan and historical wastes, a cost–benefit analysis is particularly useful to
minimize and target public expenditure. As has been discussed in more detail
in Ref. [286], the relative benefit derived from public expenditure on
alternative projects has to be carefully judged. In many cases, however, it may
not be clear who has the responsibility to remediate historical waste sites with
the originator having ceased to exist, as is the case for example with many
industries in Eastern Europe or the FSU countries. Acknowledging that such
wastes and associated contamination may have arisen from activities in the
public interest, for example defence related activities, governments have
assumed responsibility even if the contamination was caused by a private
company. The idea is that the government, i.e. the society that received the
benefit from exploiting a natural resource, would retrospectively bear the cost.
Other mechanisms discussed at the UNEP workshop [297] include levying a tax
on current raw material use to pay for legacy wastes. This surcharge could be
paid into a remediation fund, managed either nationally or internationally. As
an additional form of insurance, consortia may be formed in a particular
industry to pay for remediation.
In many Member States at present the granting of operation licenses or
other authorizations is tied to proper waste disposal and closure plans.
Financial provisions have to be arranged for the disposal of wastes and
eventual cleanup of sites. These provisions may take the form of bonds or other
securities that will ensure adequate cleanup, even if a company ceases to
operate prematurely. In addition, governments may require the treatment and
remediation of historical wastes originating from an ongoing concern, for
example in the context of renewal of their licenses, and these activities may
have to be costed in, i.e. all (environmental) costs have to be internalized.
Given the widespread and century long occurrence of mining, the
potential need to address the problem in any one Member State may be
enormous. The potential size of the task requires a careful assessment and site
characterization in order to be able to target resources and to prioritize the
problem sites. Such cadastral surveys of mining residues have been developed,
for instance, in Germany [298].
As can be seen in the previous sections, many NORM related problems
are associated with the mining industry. The mining industry has typical socio-
economic patterns associated with it, such as the dependence of local
communities on a single industry, i.e. the mine. Very often the industry operates
under a ‘boom and bust’ scenario that is controlled by the availability of the
resource and the competitiveness of the commodity prices. Often the profit
margins are rather low and any additional cost incurred, for example by more
stringent environmental or radiation protection standards, can price a company
out of the market. Closure of the sole primary source of income usually has
disastrous effects on the local communities affected, as has been observed in
many primary resource based industries around the world.
MFAs, together with cost and economic analyses, may help to select an
optimized strategy for abating the NORM problem. While full remediation and
adjustment of waste streams to zero emission are desirable in the context of
environmental sustainability, the socioeconomic feasibility of such under-
takings must be carefully assessed. Objective assessment, however, is difficult
and the judgment of what is feasible and what not is often rather subjective. The
controlling variable is the profitability of the business concerned. The expected
return on investments vary over time and between different cultures and
different parts of the world. Among other factors, the economic viability of a
treatment facility or a remediation project depends on the size of the
The specific costs of various treatment and remediation technologies
have been investigated in a recent IAEA publication [286]. It was concluded
that very little detailed information on the various cost elements is available.
The major source of data is still the Historical Cost Assessment System
(HCAS) in the USA [299].
(a) A large proportion of the world mining operations and to a lesser degree
also milling operations are located in these countries.
(b) Environmental and radiation protection standards may be less stringent,
or their enforcement may be less strict.
(c) Artisanal mining and milling and other artisanal industries with less strin-
gent occupational health and safety precautions are widespread. As
opposed to developed countries, such activities are still more integrated
with private and family life, potentially leading to exposure of the public
of ores and other geological materials aims at arriving at the pure product,
which typically means that most radionuclides end up in slags, fly ashes, scales,
slurries and other residues. As a result the oil and gas industry, coal mining and
burning, many metal ore and industrial mineral industries, as well as water
users were identified as major producers of NORM containing residues and
Technologies to condition and dispose of NORM residues and wastes do
exist in principle, but their (economic) applicability largely depends on the
volumes of material arising. This report provides a broad overview of suitable
technologies and strategies. While such technologies do exist in principle, and
their application to legacy wastes and NORM contaminated sites is possible,
the necessary resources are often not available in regions where there is a
major need for them. The report briefly describes also low-tech and low
maintenance solutions. More details on such technical solutions will be found
in a forthcoming IAEA publication [13].
Given the long half-lives of the relevant radionuclides (mainly the
uranium series) and the limited resources and technical options to deal with
legacy wastes, the question of long term stewardship and monitoring arises.
Hence the concept of monitored natural attenuation and its implications is
increasingly being discussed.
No simple solution can be found for funding the remediation of legacy
sites. In some developed countries a decisive effort has been made over the last
two decades or so. The limited gross national products of many other Member
States has prevented them carrying out similar activities. The multinational
character of many mining operators has often made it difficult to hold them
accountable for cleanup of historical wastes in particular. The situation is slowly
changing, however, as these operators try to promote a green image of
themselves. On the other hand, the contamination legacy from small scale
artisanal mining and other artisanal industrial activities remains a difficult
problem to solve.
Appendix I
Malaysia has long been known as one of the world’s leading tin
producers. However, the overall trend of tin ore concentrate production has
been declining (from 10 000 t in 1993 to 6000 t in 1998). This is partly due to
price decreases, depletion of high grade reserves and rising production costs.
The number of operating tin mines decreased to 38 in 1998. This has left behind
more than 2000 mined-out ponds. The lengths of the ponds are up to 500 and
1000 m for gravel pump and dredge mines, respectively. Most of the ponds have
thick layers of slurry slime at the bottom. The slurry contains heavy minerals
such as ilmenite, monazite, zircon and xenotime.
I.2.1. Dredging
In gravel pump mining, powerful jets of water are used to wash out gravel
containing tin ore from the exposed face of a quarry or hillside. The slurry is
collected in a sump at the base of the slope and is then pumped by a gravel
pump to a long sloping sluice box (locally called a palong) for gravity
separation of heavy minerals. Stones are extracted and ejected from the feeder
palong, while the remaining material is evenly distributed to the different
compartments of the palong. The concentrate accumulating behind the wooden
bars on the palong is collected and taken to the tin shed for further treatment
to separate out marketable tin concentrate leaving behind tailings. The
unwanted matter — sand, mud, clay and gravel — flows to the lower end of the
palong and away along the channel to the tailings area [300].
Drop chute
Splitter Oversize
Distributor to waste
Primary Tails
to to waste
Shore Plant
Dredge concentrate
Pyritic ore
Underflow Rod Flotation
Box Pyrites
To Lanchutes mills (batch)
tables Silica
Underflow Willoughby
To Lanchutes Box
McLean Middle
magnetic separators Ilmenite
Tails Non - magnetic Tail
vibrating tables
high-tension Zircon
magnetic separators
Ilmenite Monazite
In 1989, there were 66 amang plants operating in Malaysia and these produced
3% of the total tin concentrate in the country. However, the number of amang
plants is decreasing due to the decline of the tin mining industry.
In these plants, tin ores are separated from other minerals using magnetic
separators, a classifier, shaking tables for gravitational separation, dryers and
high tension electrostatic separators (Fig. 34). After drying in the sun, the
amang is processed by using magnetic separators to separate ilmenite
(magnetic) from other non-magnetic materials (monazite, zircon, xenotime and
cassiterite). Using a Willoughby classifier, the materials are separated into an
overflow and an underflow. Both material streams are further treated in the
same manner. Alternatively, rapid magnetic separators discriminate between
magnetic (xenotime) and non-magnetic (monazite, zircon and cassiterite)
minerals. On shaking tables the heavy minerals are separated out into a
concentrate and the remainder discarded as tailings. After drying, the
concentrate is treated in a high tension electrostatic separator to separate
conducting minerals (cassiterite) from non-conducting minerals (monazite,
xenotime, zircon and quartz). The electrostatic separator effluents are then
treated in a rapid magnetic separator to separate (non-magnetic) cassiterite
and zircon from (magnetic) ilmenite and monazite.
Maclean Magnetic Separator
Magnetic Separator
mag netic non- magnetic
Ilmen ite ** Willoughby Classifier
under flow
Maclean Magnetic
Magnetic Separator
Separator similar treatment
con centrate as underflow
(discard) Vertical Dryer
High-Tension Separator
con ductor non- conductor
midd lings
* Sold to mineral traders for export
** Stockpiled for sale or further treatment Waste Stream
Waste Stream
FIG. 34. Flow chart for the recovery of cassiterite and heavy minerals from amang [306].
Malaysia did have two tin smelters. At their peak both plants were
capable of processing 60 000 t/a of tin ore concentrates. However, one of the
plants ceased operation in 1999. The tin ores recovered as described above
form the feedstock for the smelters producing tin metal. The residue produced
is slag. The total accumulated tin slag in 2000 was estimated to be 120 000 t.
Prior to the enforcement of the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act
304) in 1985, minerals and slag were not considered as radioactive. The residues
were disposed of in landfills that were subsequently redeveloped. A study [305]
showed that a public park has been contaminated with radioactive minerals
down to a depth of more than 30 cm. The study also showed that, to some
extent, the soil outside the tin mine perimeter was contaminated with NORM
from the mining activities. Following the establishment of the Malaysian
Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) in February 1985, the disposal of tin
slag in landfills has required a radiological impact assessment prior to the
AELB’s approval.
The dredged ponds can be extensive in size and most of them are quite
deep. Remediation is necessary before the former mining sites can be re-used.
Some of the mining sites have been used for the development of residential
areas after landfilling. A feasibility study on remediation of mined-out land in
Malaysia is planned, but it has not yet started.
Tin slags and contaminated soils from the former tin smelter site were
removed and transported to another site. The work was monitored by the
national regulatory authority. The site was then covered with local red soil and
can now be used for other purposes.
Appendix II
The Kroll method is used on large scales for titanium production and
involves the action of chlorine and carbon upon ilmenite (TiFeO3) or rutile
(TiO2). The resultant titanium tetrachloride, TiCl4, is separated from the ferric
chloride, FeCl3, by fractional distillation. Finally TiCl4 is reduced to metallic
titanium by reduction with magnesium. Air is excluded so as to prevent
contamination of the product with oxygen or nitrogen,
In a first step the ore is crushed to a grain size of about 12 mm and then
ground to a fine powder. Sulphides and magnetite as ore accessories are
separated by floatation and in magnetic separators, respectively, leading to an
increase of ore concentration from 18 to 45% (Fig. 35).
Two methods are used to produce TiO2 from the ore, employing either
sulphuric or hydrochloric acid.
crushing skimming off the ore
magnetic separation
The sulphate process (Fig. 36) was developed in 1915 by the Norwegians
Farup and Jebsen and has been used on an industrial scale since 1919. The finely
ground and pre-concentrated ore is digested with concentrated sulphuric acid,
converting the ferric and titanium oxides into sulphates. The large quantities of
sulphur dioxide generated are neutralized by adding sodium hydroxide. Ferric
and titanium sulphate are separated by re-crystallization. Titanium sulphate
can be converted into an oxyhydrate by boiling in water, and is then dehydrated
by roasting at 800–1000°C in a rotating furnace. The resulting TiO2 may
undergo further purification steps, depending on the intended application.
Sea dumping of the waste from the boiling step, dilute sulphuric acid,
caused serious environmental concern and has been stopped, at least in
Europe. Per tonne of TiO2 produced, 6–8 t of a dilute (20–22%) acid are
generated. The acid is too dilute for further commercial use and often contam-
inated by heavy metals and, indeed, NORM. In a relatively energy consuming
process the acid is concentrated and accessory salts, mainly ferric sulphates and
co-precipitates, are removed. The acid is fed back into the production process,
while the ferric sulphate is used commercially as a flocculant for waste water
treatment, mainly to remove phosphates as weakly soluble ferric phosphates.
Any ferric oxides produced are used as landfill.
In the chloride process (Fig. 37) the pre-concentrated titanium ore or
rutile is mixed with coke and heated to 1000°C in the presence of chlorine gas.
The chlorine reacts with the ore to give titanium tetrachloride and carbon
Sulfuric Cinder
treatment After- Pigment
chemicals treatment user
Iron (II) chloride formed during the chloride process is dissolved in water
and separated. Any hydrochloric acid formed by the dissolution of chlorine in
the residual cinders is separated and sold. The gaseous TiCl4 is condensed and
purified by re-destillation, before being re-oxidized to give pure TiO2. The
freed chlorine is fed back into the production process.
Fewer environmental pollution problems are encountered when pigment
is produced from rutile rather than ilmenite. The chloride process, using a rutile
feed, generates about 0.2 t of waste per tonne of TiO2 product; the sulphate
process, using ilmenite, generates about 3.5 t of waste per tonne of product.
Producing synthetic rutile from ilmenite results in about 0.7 t of waste, mainly
iron oxide, per tonne of product. Direct chlorination of ilmenite generates
about 1.2 t of waste, mainly ferric chloride, per tonne of TiO2.
For a number of technological reasons related to pigment application,
both processes, which generate different mineralogies of TiO2, have retained
their validity.
Titanium Coke
After- Filtra-
treatment tion
Packing Drying
where electricity is cheap (such as Canada, South Africa or Norway) electric
furnaces are used to produce a titanium dioxide rich slag, and the iron, instead of
being returned to the mine as waste as in the Becher process, is sold as pig iron.
The electric furnace route is very competitive and is seen as depressing synthetic
rutile prices, but also provides incentives to add value to residues otherwise
ending up in waste streams. Proprietary methods for process improvement have
been developed, for example the process shown in Fig. 38 [308].
The management of waste streams from the production of synthetic rutile
in Australia is illustrated in Table XLVII. The low value iron oxide (which
represented at least 40% of the ilmenite) is returned to the mine site as waste
or landfill. It is estimated that 30 000 t/a of iron oxide residue is produced in
Briquetting of fine iron oxide dust residues allows their use in blast
furnaces to produce pig iron, rather than an environmentally sensitive disposal
[307]. The heat roasting process as employed in Australia is illustrated in Fig. 39.
Limited amounts of iron oxide can also be used as an ingredient for making
paving bricks or as soil additives, as in the case of red muds from aluminium
llmenite Process
Neutralised Acid
Acid Leaching
Effluent Solids
Synthetic Rutile
heavy mineral
Simplified flow diagram of
the ERMS and EARS process
ERMS roast
Minerals magnetic
(e.g. rutile, zircon separation
chromite, silicates)
EARS acid
acid leach
inert iron HCl ERMS synthetic
oxide pellets Rutile (~96% TiO2)
FIG. 39. A proprietary process for ilmenite separation and conversion into rutile [308]
(ERMS, enhanced coasting and magnetic separation; EARS, enhanced acid regeneration
The exposure risk of producing and using titanium feedstocks is also low.
The highest potential exposure occurs during the maintenance of plant or the
removal of process scales containing high concentrations of radium.
Appendix III
Mixed rare earth carbonates and chlorides are mainly produced from
the digestion of monazite. About 24 000 t of monazite (70% local) were
processed in Malaysia. The process uses acidic and alkaline digestion,
filtration, precipitation and solvent extraction. After alkaline digestion and
filtration, the phosphate solution is separated from solid hydroxide cake
containing elements such as thorium, uranium, radium, lead and REEs. The
phosphate solution undergoes crystallization and filtration processes to
produce tri-calcium phosphate (used for the manufacture of fertilizer) and
wastewater. The hydroxide cake undergoes acid digestion and filtration to
produce a chloride solution of REEs, lead and radium and a solid thorium
hydroxide residue containing uranium, thorium and REEs. Precipitation of
the chloride solution removes lead sulphide and barium radium sulphates as
lead cake residue. Solvent extraction followed by precipitation of the solution
produces rare earth carbonates and chlorides separately. The process flow
chart [310] is shown in Fig. 40. Thorium hydroxide and lead cake are
radioactive residues that need to be managed safely. A typical composition of
thorium hydroxide from a monazite and xenotime cracking plant is shown in
Alkaline Digestion
Hydroxide cake -
Phosphate Solution
Thorium, Uranium,
Radium Rare Earth Element
Acid digestion Filtration
Rare Earth
Rare Earth
FIG. 40. Flow chart for the recovery of rare earths from amang derived monazite [303].
III.2.2. Yttrium
Insoluble residue 21 45
Rare earth chloride 8 15
Thorium hydroxide 14 1.6
Uranium hydroxide 0.6 1.6
Moisture 54 22
Initially the residues from the xenotime and monazite processing plants
were dumped in a trench on the plant premises. Later, the dumped residues
were dug out and drummed. The residues from later operation were stored in
drums. Finally, the drummed residues were stored in an above ground concrete
Xenotime Process
Waste Stream
Radioactive Waste
Filtration (Thorium Hydroxide)
Yttrium Oxalate
Yttrium Oxide
FIG. 41. Process flow chart for the recovery of yttrium oxide [304].
bunker, known as the long term storage facility (LTSF). The quantity of
thorium hydroxide and lead cake wastes is estimated to be about 12 000 t.
At the end of its operation, the rare earth plant left 32 m3 diethylhexyl
phosphoric acid (DEHPA) residues, an organic solvent used to extract rare
earths from the monazite. The residue was transported to the National
Radioactive Waste Management Centre at the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear
Technology (MINT) in Bangi for treatment and disposal.
Concentrated HNO3
10% TBP / kerosene
extraction of uranium
40% TBP / kerosene
Organic (U)
Organic (RE)
HCl stripping
scrubbing precipitation
thorium thorium
oxalate hydroxide
FIG. 42. Experimental extraction scheme for U, Th and REEs from thorium cake
(Th(OH)4 ) [309].
(800-1000ppm U)
Stage 1
Treatment with Na2CO3 Solution
Stage II
DEHPA in acid acidic aqueous
Regeneration of from (2 ppm U) (<1 ppm U)
DEHPA Neutralization,
(Treatment co-precipitation
with acid) (double)
Ca-precipitate aqueous
(High U content) (<1 ppm U)
FIG. 43. Flow chart for experimental pre-treatment of DEHPA waste [315].
Appendix IV
Mining of the ore is carried out in an open cast pit and the waste rock is
deposited in waste rock piles.
The operational process is depicted in Fig. 44. It includes the steps of ore
mining, grinding/crushing, magnetic separation, de-sliming, floatation, calcina-
tions, leaching, drying and aluminothermic reduction. After floatation the
content of pyrochlore in the concentrate is about 96%. Table IL depicts the
radioactivity concentrations in the residues generated in each step of the
operational process. Table L shows the radioactivity fluxes generated in each
step of the operational process.
Subsequently, the pyrochlore concentrate is transferred to the calcina-
tions unit and leached with 5% HCl in order to remove impurities such as
phosphorus, sulphur and lead. In this step the solubilization of barium is
observed. Afterwards, barium is precipitated by means of adding sulphuric acid
to the process. The precipitated material is then disposed of in a settling pond.
The concentrate from the leaching process is sent to the metallurgical unit
for aluminothermic reduction. The recovery of niobium in this step is about
95% efficient. The slags are removed from the unit by trucks and deposited in
a provisional pond.
ORE Product
Waste Stream
De-sliming Environment
Barium sulphate Acid leaching Environment
Calcination slags
Slag deposit
Niobium Metal Niobium Oxide Nb/Fe league
(data from Ref. [317])
The radiological impacts associated with this activity can be divided into
occupational and environmental exposures (operational and post-operational
scenarios). In the first case the main aspects are associated with external
exposure to gamma radiation in the case of the slags, where exposure rates of
about 4.0 mR/h have been recorded. Operational environmental impacts
associated with discharges of liquid effluents into the environment can be
considered negligible. However, the contamination of groundwater by 226Ra and
228Ra in the area of influence of the settling ponds containing barium sulphate
precipitate is a relevant issue. Typical concentrations of about 5.0 Bq/L for each
of the above mentioned radionuclides have been observed. In this case, the
adopted management strategy/mitigation used by the company is to pump the
water from the aquifer and treat it before release into the environment. If it is
assumed that an individual from the general public drinks groundwater at a rate
of 2 L/d, the effective dose is estimated to be about 2.0 mSv/a.
In terms of future (potential) exposures, the main concern is the use of
some of the operational process residues as building material in the foundation
of houses. Effective doses of about 400 mSv/a are predicted for the slags and
about 50 mSv/a in the case of the use of waste rock and the residues deposited
in other settling ponds. The main contributor to the total dose would be
external exposure to gamma radiation (especially 232Th daughters), accounting
for about 50% of the total dose in the case that slags are used for the above
mentioned purposes. It is important to observe that at time T0 the dose attrib-
utable to 232Th daughters will be approximately zero and will increase up to
250 mSv/a after 50 years. The main issue here is that the exposures to be
observed in the long term have to be considered carefully. Besides external
exposure to gamma radiation, the exposure associated with the inhalation of
radon will also be of concern, amounting to about 100 mSv/a, this value being
constant along the simulated period of time, i.e. 1000 years.
The company concerned is taking care to bury the residues properly to
avoid the general public having access to them in the future, as well as to avoid
undue external exposures to gamma radiation in the case of the site being
occupied. The main concern is finding a permanent solution to the avoidance
of groundwater contamination by radium isotopes once the pumping and
treatment strategy cannot be considered as a permanent solution. Remediation
may include removal of the material and isolation of the floor of the settling
pond with some sort of impermeable/semi-impermeable liner, or reduction of
the infiltration of rainwater through the deposited residues. The niobium
mineralization utilized by Niobium Industry II is the result of a residual
enrichment, caused by the leaching of carbonatites, which have apatite and
pyrochlore as main constituents. The niobium reserves are estimated as being
of about 20 Mt with an ore grade above 1.3% in Nb2O5 or 40 Mt with the ore
grade above 0.5%.
in an opencast pit. Drainage water from the mine pits is directly discharged to
the open environment. The waste rock is deposited in a waste rock dump.
The operational process is similar to that of Niobium Industry I and is
shown in Fig. 45. As the niobium ore content is lower than that of Niobium
Industry I, there is an additional step that includes the grinding of the slags to
recover the niobium still present in this material. Table LI shows the activity
concentrations of different radionuclides in the materials generated in the
operational process and Table LII the radioactivity fluxes.
Unlike in Niobium Industry I, the uranium content is higher than that of
thorium. This finding has very important implications in terms of radiological
impacts and also on the possible management of residues, as will be discussed
later. It also illustrates that any projection to be made in terms of TE-NORM
generation in the mining industry has to be done on a case by case basis even
Open pit
Open pit
ORE Environment
separation Waste Stream
Waste Stream
Final Grinding
Product of slag
(data from Ref. [317])
if the metal to be extracted is the same and also if the ore mineral is of identical
In a broad way it can be said that at least 60% of the total activity of each
individual radionuclide leaves the operational process along with the residues
generated in the floatation step. In the case of 238U this figure reaches 70% of
the total. This finding has a very relevant bearing on the economic recovery of
On the basis of the same assumptions as were considered in the case of
the use of the process residues for landfill and the subsequent construction of
houses on such sites, the predicted doses in this case will show quite different
patterns. Initially they will be lower than those of the Niobium Industry I study
case — of about 100 mSv/a. However, after 100 years the dose related to the use
of the slags begins to increase, reaching a maximum of about 800 mSv/a after
5000 years, while the doses associated with the tailings and waste rock materials
remain constant for 1000 years, beginning to decrease after that.
In the case of slags, the external gamma irradiation represents 34% of the
total dose while exposure to radon is responsible for approximately 66% of the
total dose in time T0. As time passes the contribution of radon (inhalation)
increases due to the 230Th decay.
Liquid effluent release at the present time does not constitute a major
concern if only river water consumption by cattle is considered. In this situation
the estimated doses would be negligible (below the exemption levels of
10 mSv/a as stipulated in Ref. [282]).
However, if other exposure pathways are introduced in the assessment
(such as the use of river water for irrigation) the estimated doses can reach
values up to 0.9 mSv/a.
Consideration of the exposure of the workforce [318] showed that
niobium concentrations in faeces and urine samples from workers were 42.4 ±
39.6 and 1.34 ± 0.45 mg/d, respectively. The average niobium concentrations in
faeces and urine samples from the control group were 3.4 ± 3.2 and 0.60 ±
0.45 mg/d, respectively. The amounts of niobium excreted by the workers were
significantly different from the control group. The niobium concentration in
faeces samples from workers suggests that the workers inhale coarse particles
and ingest mineral dust particles, probably as they touch their mouths with
dirty hands. The niobium concentrations in urine samples indicate that there is
systemic incorporation of the element.
Thorium was present at all stages of the process, with average concentra-
tions of less than 0.5 mg/m3 and with a mass medium aerodynamic diameter
from 0.8 to 14 mm. All workers presented measurable thorium concentrations
in their faeces. However, the results did not correlate with the personal air
sample data. The authors concluded that the thorium excreted in faeces is not
a consequence of inhalation exposures during work. On the other hand, the
amounts of uranium excreted in the faeces of workers were significantly higher
than the average concentrations excreted by the members of the control group.
Workers involved in mining operations presented the highest uranium concen-
trations in faeces, 110 mBq/gash, the lowest concentration values being reported
for the personnel involved in ore crushing operations, about 20 mBq/gash.
The niobium industries cited in this report did not show any relevant
environmental radiological impact due to the release of effluents into the
environment. The main concern relates to the potential use of some of the
process residues as landfill for house construction, a use for which very high
effective doses may be observed. The contamination of groundwater, as was
reported for one of the industries, is also of concern, when people have direct
access (ingestion) to this water. Exposures (external gamma irradiation) of the
workforce to radiation were relevant in the case of workers manipulating the
slags of the metallurgical process. In terms of inhalation and ingestion of
radionuclides by the workforce, the doses estimated did not seem to be of
major concern.
Adequate management of residues so as to avoid undue exposure (use
for building purposes) is envisaged in future scenarios.
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Please note that some of the definitions given below are broader than those given
in the current IAEA Waste Safety and Waste Management Glossaries in order to
accommodate the specific subject matter considered in this report.
protore. Rock containing subeconomic material from which economic miner-
al deposits may form by geological concentration processes such as super-
gene enrichment. A protore may become profitable with technological
advance or change in market value.
REE. Rare earth elements (or lanthanides), comprising 16 chemical elements,
including those with atomic numbers 57 (lanthanum) through 71
(lutetium), as well as yttrium (atomic number 39).
SFA. Substance flow analysis. Similar to MFA.
tailings. Residues of a milling process that usually involves grinding, sieving,
flotation and/or other physical or chemical treatment and is intended to
remove as much as is feasible of the target mineral or chemical com-
pound. Tailings consist of gangue and may include process water, process
chemicals and portions of unremoved minerals and chemical compounds.
TE-NORM. Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive
UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme.
waste. Any material that is:
(a) The unwanted/substandard output from an (industrial) process that
cannot be utilized under given circumstances (technological/economic
(b) Declared as unwanted and/or unusable (regulatory perspective).
Vandenhove, H.G. SCK-CEN, Belgium