Nuclear - Iaea - Trs433
Nuclear - Iaea - Trs433
Nuclear - Iaea - Trs433
Upgrading of
Near Surface Repositories
for Radioactive Waste
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© IAEA, 2005
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
July 2005
IAEAL 05–00409
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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
radiologically insignificant levels within a few centuries. Limited quantities of
long lived radionuclides may be accepted for near surface disposal [29, 30]. In
the past, however, significant volumes of longer lived and relatively high
activity waste were placed in near surface repositories.
Safety assessments are used to derive both generic and site specific waste
acceptance criteria (WAC) [30] to identify acceptable waste characteristics,
place limits on concentrations and inventories of radionuclides in the waste and
potentially in the repository as a whole, and to specify waste form or package
Near surface disposal of radioactive waste has been carried out for more
than 50 years. There are more than 80 near surface repositories around the
world [26]. Other near surface facilities previously defined as ‘storage facilities’
are considered in this publication to be disposal facilities since the intention to
retrieve the waste was not clearly established and they are similar, both in
design and operation, to many existing disposal facilities.
The majority of near surface repositories place waste in disposal units
located close to the ground surface. Disposal units are either excavated below
the original ground level (e.g. earth trenches or concrete cells) or built above
the original ground level (e.g. mounds and concrete structures). In either case,
after operations, the disposal units are generally isolated from the surrounding
environment by an engineered cover system several metres thick. Cover
systems may comprise multiple layers designed to limit moisture infiltration
and control biotic intrusion (e.g. plant roots or burrowing animals). Barriers to
impede human intrusion may also be included. Near surface disposal also
includes emplacement of waste in rock cavities or other disposal units (e.g.
boreholes) at depths of up to several tens of metres. Repositories of this type
exist in some Member States.
Many of these repositories were developed and began operations long
before current regulatory requirements took effect or more recent site
suitability guidance, technological advances, safety assessment methodologies
and quality assurance systems became available. National laws, regulations and
disposal methods have evolved and improved with time. Various Member
States have ongoing programmes both to upgrade these facilities and/or to
develop new near surface disposal facilities.
The term ‘corrective action’, as used in this publication, comprises all
activities and measures undertaken to:
A binding international regime for radioactive waste management has
been established through Article 12 of the Joint Convention on the Safety of
Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
[3]. This article states that “each contracting party shall in due course take the
appropriate steps to review the results of past practices in order to determine
whether any intervention is needed for reasons of radiation protection”. It is
anticipated that the Joint Convention will result in safety reassessments of
certain repositories and that corrective actions will be pursued based on these
While specific regulatory requirements and approval processes vary
among Member States, regulatory oversight is an integral component of the
corrective action planning and implementation process. In addition to
regulatory body involvement, members of the local community, local
government officials, non-governmental organizations, the general public and
others may be involved in the corrective action process. Experience indicates
that stakeholder interest may be an important consideration in the planning
and implementation of corrective action. Many Member States have addressed
this by planning and implementing stakeholder involvement programmes as
part of the overall corrective action process. Examples of stakeholder
involvement activities include interaction with existing or specially formed
local community groups, public meetings, tours of the disposal facility, distri-
bution of information material and press releases, public document repositories
and Internet sites.
Quality management systems (QMSs) also play a role in the process.
These programmes vary from country to country and have undergone
substantial changes in recent years, reflecting increased adoption of ISO 9000
and ISO 14000 approaches [47]. Components of QMS programmes generally
include controls for management organization, design, procurement,
procedures and processes, documentation, inventory, inspections, tests,
equipment calibration improvements in the event of non-conformance, and
Upgrading measures are already being implemented or planned at a
number of disposal facilities in numerous countries. Examples range from
adoption of new WAC and container specifications to building of additional
engineered barriers, installing hydrologeological cut-off walls, improving cover
systems, waste retrieval and other measures. Extensive experience and
information is therefore available on actions that may be employed to upgrade
disposal facilities. This publication draws on such international experience.
1.3. SCOPE
milling waste are beyond its scope. Similarly, this publication does not address
remediation of contaminated sites unrelated to near surface disposal, or
facilities designed specifically for discharge of radioactive liquids.
radiological impacts involving short lived, high activity radionuclides may be a
significant factor in both operational exposure and inadvertent human
intrusion scenarios.
constructed in the saturated zone. In both cases, the disposal units need to be
designed and constructed to limit the flow of water into the repository and
subsequent radionuclide migration. Major disposal system components
generally include the following:
The waste form may involve a solid matrix in which radionuclides are
immobilized through treatment and/or conditioning prior to packaging. Some
wastes may not be conditioned, in which case the waste form will consist of the
originally contaminated material (e.g. paper, glassware, plastic, wood, animal
carcasses), possibly in a compacted form to reduce void space. Different types
of materials can be used to stabilize waste, e.g. cement [37], bitumen and
polymers. Combustible wastes such as contaminated clothing, plastics, paper,
wood and other organic matter may be incinerated and the ashes incorporated
in a solid matrix [38].
The waste package, which consists of the waste form and container, may
be designed to meet requirements for handling, transport, storage and disposal
[31, 37–43]. Alternatively, waste may be transferred to different containers
prior to disposal. To limit the release of radionuclides and other contaminants,
some packages include additional features such as absorbents and
impermeable liners. Concrete, polymer coated concrete, carbon steel, high
density polyethylene and other engineered materials are also used for
containers. Gas vents may be necessary if the disposal units incorporate
impermeable barriers. The integrity of waste packages is important if they
represent an engineered barrier or source of structural stability that is
important to the safety case, and/or the ability to retrieve the waste is
Additional engineered systems may consist of structural walls, solid or
free draining backfill materials placed around the waste packages, chemical
additives, low permeability soil or synthetic liners and covers. Depending on
the disposal concept, these may be supplemented by other engineered
components, including leachate collection and drainage systems, and
impermeable subsurface cut-off walls. To ensure that the engineered barrier
system is robust enough to perform as specified in the design, materials can be
used that will maintain their function and integrity under anticipated repository
conditions for the required period of time.
(a) Control erosion and ensure the physical integrity of the repository;
(b) Minimize infiltration of water;
(c) Control plant, animal or human intrusion, which is particularly important
for shallow or above ground disposal units, since the waste is emplaced
relatively close to the surface.
passive measures. Active institutional controls comprise maintenance,
monitoring and surveillance of the disposal site. These generally include:
These active controls are conducted for periods ranging from several
decades to a few hundred years. Ongoing monitoring and surveillance data can
also be used to update safety assessments, as discussed in Section 2.5.
Passive measures may include disposal unit and site markers, land use and
other legal restrictions, and archived records of waste inventories and their
location within the repository. The purpose of passive controls is to preserve
relevant operational records and reduce the likelihood of the wastes being
disturbed. Provisions for ensuring that funds will be available for the post-
closure phase are also important. Figure 1 shows the phases of the repository’s
life cycle, including the key activities during each phase.
Establishment of
waste management
phase Evaluation and characterization
of waste inventory
Repository design
Monitoring and surveillance
closure Post-closure
pathways. They may also serve as a benchmark for the testing of safety
assessment models. The data also provide the necessary baseline for
comparison with measurements taken during repository operation and
following closure.
Monitoring during the operational phase is intended to confirm facility
performance and provide data to refine assessment of repository impacts on
the surrounding environment. Visual inspections and physical surveillance of
disposal unit covers may be conducted to determine if their integrity has been
compromised by erosion, cracking, subsidence, action of burrowing animals or
deep rooted plants, and other processes. The covers may also be monitored to
detect increases in water content or infiltration phenomena.
Technical requirements for monitoring during the post-closure phase are
not expected to differ significantly from those during the operational phase.
However, additional monitoring may be required to ensure the performance of
cover systems and any other barriers installed at the time of closure.
Monitoring frequency generally decreases with time after closure if the
repository performs as expected.
Post-closure surveillance may include inspection of the repository cover,
surface drains and monitoring systems. In addition, disposal facilities with
leachate collection systems and drains may require additional surveillance.
Fences and warning signs prohibiting access to the site may also need to be
maintained. Periodic inspections will help ensure that land use restrictions and
prohibitions are complied with.
programme. This effort places special emphasis on application of the ISAM
methodology to problems of topical interest, to:
initiating events that could necessitate corrective actions are provided in the
appendix, in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4, and in Refs [44, 45, 50–63].
Corrective actions may have different objectives, depending on the status
of the disposal facility. Specific actions may be undertaken to:
Define initiating
Identify potential
corrective actions
Develop a corrective
action plan
Implement the
corrective action plan
— Repository specific requirements, e.g. new WAC, waste form or
packaging requirements, a new source of waste requiring disposal;
— Fundamental changes in government policy leading to regulatory
(b) Releases or operational exposures predicted to exceed safety standards:
— Safety system failures;
— Revised/new safety assessment results;
— Environmental monitoring results;
— Results of physical inspections;
— Premature degradation or failure of engineered barriers;
— Incomplete or inaccurate waste inventory information;
— Inadequate waste form and/or container specifications;
— Changes in physical environment;
— Independent audit or peer review findings.
(c) Actual releases or operational exposures that exceed safety standards:
— Environmental monitoring results;
— Radiation exposure;
— Accidents and incidents.
(d) Non-compliance with existing requirements:
— Operational practices;
— Post-closure care;
— Inadequate QMSs;
— Generator waste packaging or characterization.
(e) Stakeholder concerns.
performance (e.g. waste characterization, waste form or containers). Concerns
may also arise regarding waste inventory documentation and other record
keeping needs [47, 65].
16 Deterioration of waste packages
term performance and safety. This is particularly true where geomorphological
or hydrogeological changes may have affected the groundwater pathway.
If there is reason to believe that the geomorphological or hydrological
features have changed, e.g. by large scale construction work near the disposal
facility, a revised safety assessment may be necessary to determine whether the
modified groundwater pathway will affect disposal facility performance.
The first step in the identification of root causes is the assembly and
analysis of existing information and the identification of information gaps that
need to be addressed. The following example illustrates the importance of
determining root causes. Elevated concentrations of radionuclides in
groundwater may be caused by a variety of factors, e.g. inadequate waste form
or packaging, excessive ingress of water into the repository, receipt of wastes
that exceed the WAC limits, the presence of chelating agents, failure of a
drainage or leachate collection system, or a combination of factors. Until the
root cause or causes are specifically identified, the selection of corrective
actions is unlikely to be optimized.
Safety assessment methodologies provide important tools for identifying
root causes. If a safety analysis already exists, it can be used to compare
predicted results against actual experience to help determine if a given
repository component, e.g. waste package integrity or cover system effec-
tiveness, is the source of the problem. If a safety assessment is not prepared,
internationally accepted safety assessment methodologies [6, 48, 49] are
available to guide this process.
There may be situations where existing information is insufficient to
determine the root cause and further investigations are necessary. These
information gaps may include:
Potential corrective actions
Technology input
regulatory input Technology availability
and practicality
Sufficiency for attaining
near-term compliance State of development
(proven, developmental or
Sufficiency for attaining conceptual?)
long-term compliance
Compatibility with other
Time requirements for attaining repository components
Timeliness of solution
Availability of funding,
personnel and other
Cost Input required resources
Comparative estimates Stakeholder acceptance
Reliability of estimates
Identify preferred
corrective action(s)
The potential effect of a particular approach on the performance of other
aspects of the disposal system is an important consideration. As an example,
additional barriers may influence the performance of the entire repository,
resulting in changes to licence conditions, including possible changes (increases
or decreases) in waste acceptance limits. Also, the addition of barriers may
reduce disposal space. Conversely, waste retrieval may increase available
The availability of resources, as well as the funds to secure the resources,
should also be taken into account in prioritizing the various corrective action
options. This may be a major challenge in undertaking the upgrading of reposi-
tories. In certain cases, there may be insufficient funds, trained personnel or
available technologies to undertake a preferred alternative. Determining
resource availability at an early stage in the decision making process can avoid
unnecessary delays and redirection of efforts. A cost–benefit analysis may be
undertaken to identify the lifetime cost of the improvements, including
purchase, maintenance and decommissioning (where relevant).
In general, when deciding on a corrective action strategy, the practical
limitations associated with its implementation should be considered. This could
lead to other, less complex or less costly but effective, options being chosen. For
example, the relatively high cost of robotics technology and the difficulties of
deploying qualified personnel have limited their use in repositories.
In many Member States the operation of a repository involves consul-
tation with the public, with emphasis on the local community. Existing facilities
might not be acceptable to particular stakeholders for a variety of reasons. In
this case, corrective actions may involve efforts to better communicate with the
public [70]. Public input on alternatives may be useful in the prioritization and
selection of corrective actions.
Following careful analysis of initiating events and impact significances, no
further action may be indicated. These analyses may indicate that reliance on
natural processes, including sorption, retardation (physical, chemical and
biological) and radioactive decay, will adequately mitigate the impacts. With
this option, increased monitoring and ongoing safety assessments may be
necessary to demonstrate that natural processes are indeed reducing
contaminant concentrations to acceptable levels.
define the sequence of processes and procedures to be followed while imple-
menting the corrective actions. This includes:
The lessons learned from managing the initiating events described above,
as well as others, have led to the adoption of improved approaches and
technologies for the near surface disposal of radioactive waste. General
information on this topic is provided in this section. Case studies from Member
States are given in the appendix.
Re-vegetation intended to minimize infiltration and control erosion may require
periodic reseeding and/or watering to establish the intended plant cover.
boreholes or other near surface repositories. Actual experience with waste
retrieval is limited.
Conceptually, retrieval techniques may be straightforward if the waste
remains well containerized and has not been immobilized in a medium such as
concrete. If the waste is not packaged or existing packages have substantially
degraded, removal and subsequent repackaging may be difficult. If the waste
has been immobilized in bitumen or cement or has been grouted in situ, cutting
and drilling equipment may be required. In cases of high dose rate package
removal, the use of shielding and mirrors may be used in combination with
remote handling and/or overpacking to limit worker dose.
Improved waste characterization and/or volume reduction may be
included as part of the retrieval process prior to redisposal. Upgrades to the
disposal facility, e.g. repair or placement of additional engineered barriers or
drainage systems, may also be carried out following waste retrieval. Volume
reduction, e.g. compaction or incineration, provides a denser waste form and
therefore allows more efficient use of available disposal space at the time of
redisposal. Improved waste characterization may provide valuable information
for updating safety assessments to improve predictions of future facility
performance, or detect the presence of free liquids or other wastes within the
containers that would not meet the acceptance criteria for final disposal.
In the case of borehole facilities, removal of the entire borehole unit,
including the waste, has been accomplished by Ontario Power Generation in
Canada by:
Consideration needs to be given to possible adverse interaction between waste
constituents and grouting material. For example, the presence of certain
organic compounds could inhibit the setting of cement based grout.
stakeholder issues. Extensive literature and international experience exists to
provide guidance in the selection of corrective actions appropriate for
application to specific repositories.
A.1.1. Introduction
The major issues that Belarus has confronted over the past decade in the
area of radioactive waste management are addressed in Articles 12 and 28 of
Ref. [3] and linked to upgrading of the Ekores National Radioactive Waste
Disposal Facility, which belongs to the class of ‘RADON’ type facilities. (These
facilities are so named because their designs were based on the same concept as
that of the two central facilities near Moscow and St. Petersburg operated by
the Scientific and Industrial Association RADON).
Safety issues which may raise stakeholders’ anxiety for most of the
existing RADON type facilities are related to their three key features:
(1) The facilities contain extra fractions of a emitters and long lived b and g
emitters in the near surface repositories;
(2) The question of safety of their borehole repositories for spent sealed
sources has not been settled;
(3) They are located in the vicinity of densely populated localities.
Owing to the above considerations and especially to the long lived nature
of the waste disposed of at the facilities, any measures taken to upgrade their
operational conditions and safety may, in terms of public reaction, result in
effects opposite to what is expected. Belarus met with such a situation when
implementing its national project for upgrading and rebuilding the Ekores
facility. After four years of relatively successful activities, work under the
project was stopped because of great public pressure. Following many
discussions at different levels, an advanced reconstruction strategy for Ekores
has been developed and further efforts have been made to modernize the
relevant technical solutions.
A.1.2.1. Background
Taking into account that the Ekores site had no waste segregation or
waste processing procedure, no equipment for unloading containers with SSRS,
no premises or facilities for the decontamination of vehicles and equipment,
and no monitoring boreholes, the necessity of upgrading the facility was
recognized immediately after a new regulatory regime had been established in
Belarus. A national project for reconstruction of the Ekores facility was
launched in late 1997. The project covered:
The IAEA supported this national activity by providing Ekores staff with
the relevant training, expertise and equipment support.
A.1.2.3. Reasons for the development of an advanced approach
that international experts will conduct the safety assessment and develop a
detailed plan for the appropriate management of this type of waste.
Solid radioactive waste requiring treatment and storage at the Ekores site
will come from 2 sources, new incoming wastes and those arising from waste
retrieval operations. Compactable wastes will be placed into mild steel 200 L
drums and each drum will be compacted, capped with grout and consigned for
storage. Non-compactable wastes will be placed in a 200 L drum during sorting,
then directly grouted in situ and consigned for storage.
The packages of treated SRW will be temporarily placed in approved
surface storage until the vault is empty. The surface of the vault should then be
decontaminated, monitored and subjected to a structural survey. After being
repaired it should be used for continued storage of the drums of cemented
A new building for waste sorting, treatment and packaging is planned. A
site drainage system, decontamination centre, laboratory and administrative
block are also included in the project.
To enhance the safety and security of SSRSs in the old wells and to
facilitate their subsequent retrieval, sources have been immobilized in metal
matrices in situ. The strategy for new incoming sources is to separate them into
different types, then store them in a retrievable manner. A new building for the
long term storage of SSRSs has been constructed. It has been equipped with 11
modernized borehole repositories.
short lived SSRS which have half-lives of less than 30 years, mainly 60Co, 137Cs
and 90Sr/90Y.
Sources with very long half-lives of much more than 30 years are mainly
‘smoke detector’ type sources containing 239Pu and 241Am, both of which can
be handled without b/g shielding. Special borehole facilities have been
constructed for storage of these SSRSs [74].
A.1.4. Conclusions
A.2.1.1. Background
11 8 9
FIG. 4. Layout of facilities and buildings at Novi Han (1: trench for solid wastes, 2: vault
for biological wastes, 3: vault for solid wastes, 4: storage, 5: sump water storage tanks, 6:
vault for sealed sources, 7: monitoring boreholes, 8: garage, 9: radiochemical laboratories,
10: auto channel, 11: administration builidings).
Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE), as the central authority for
the collection and disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear applications.
The Novi Han repository site covers an area of 4.25 ha.1 The site is
divided into two areas separated by a fence (Fig. 4). One area contains the
administrative buildings, garage and maintenance shops. The other contains the
disposal facilities, radiochemical laboratory and decontamination station.
The repository consists of several different disposal vaults:
(1) A concrete vault for low and intermediate level solid wastes, which
consists of 3 separate cells with a total volume of 237 m3;
(2) A concrete vault for biological wastes with a volume of 80 m3;
(3) Four steel tanks for storage of low level liquid wastes with a total volume
of 48 m3;
(4) A special 1 m3 concrete vault for spent sealed sources;
(5) A concrete trench for solid waste, which consists of 7 separate units with
a total volume of 200 m3.
1 ha = 1.00 × 104 m2.
The disposal vault for spent sealed sources is full. The vaults for solid and
biological waste and the engineered trench still have capacity for disposal of
additional waste.
All the disposal vaults are engineered disposal structures (Figs 5–7)
constructed of reinforced concrete with stainless steel linings, additional brick
walls and asphalt insulation. The vaults are underground, with only the roofs
above ground level. The four steel tanks for liquid waste are located in a
reinforced concrete underground room. The reinforced concrete vault for
spent sources is a cylinder 5.5 m below the surface. Heavy concrete and 5 lead
slabs placed between the disposal vault and the ground surface provide
protection from radiation. The engineered trench was constructed in 1984 and
is the only facility with a drainage system.
All disposal units are near surface engineered multibarrier disposal
facilities. Barriers to retard migration of radionuclides from the disposal vaults
to the environment include reinforced concrete, stainless steel lining, hydro
insulation and the site’s natural geological barrier (clayey phyllite schists). The
waste form itself is not considered to be a barrier.
1000 1200
1730 2500 1600
Reinforced concrete
300 mm
Brick wall
120 mm Bitumen
20 mm
Stainless steel
4 mm
1730 2900 1600
Disposal vault for biological waste
800 ¥ 800 850 ¥ 850
1450 2000 1700 1700 1500
Reinforced concrete
300 mm
2 Brick wall
120 mm Bitumen
20 mm
1700 1700
4000 steel, 4 mm
A.2.1.3. Waste acceptance criteria
(a) Origin:
(i) Radioactive wastes from industry, medicine, agriculture and
scientific research are accepted for storage or disposal.
(ii) Wastes from the uranium mining and milling industry and the
Kozloduy nuclear power plant are not accepted.
(b) Activity and radionuclide inventory:
(i) Solid and solidified low and intermediate level short lived wastes are
(ii) Limits for α activity for solid and solidified LILWs:
— Average activity of α radionuclides for a facility is limited to
370 MBq/t;
— Specific α activity is limited to 3.7 GBq/t;
— Specific α activity for single package solid waste is limited to
0.19 GBq/t;
— Limits of 226Ra and 232Th for single package solidified waste: up
to 3.7 MBq/t 226Ra and 1.1 MBq/t 232Th;
— Limits of 226Ra and 232Th for single package solid waste: up to
3.7 MBq/t for 226Ra and 232Th;
— In special cases the disposal of radioactive waste with specific α
activity from 3.7 to 18.6 GBq/t might be permitted.
(iii) Very short lived wastes (half-life <15 d) are not accepted for
(c) Waste form restrictions:
(i) Waste that contains free liquids is prohibited.
(ii) Flammable and explosive wastes are prohibited.
(iii) Liquid wastes are accepted after neutralization to pH7.0.
(iv) Biological waste must be treated with formalyne and solidified with
gypsum in plastic waste packages.
The Novi Han repository has been in operation for more than 30 years
without an accident or release of radioactivity to the environment, but also
without investment for upgrading. As a consequence the Committee on the
Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes temporarily suspended
repository operation in 1994. In 1995 INRNE initiated a programme to
upgrade the repository and developed an implementation plan. Activities are
supported by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Committee on the Use of
Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes, the International Atomic Energy
Agency with Model Technical Project BUL/4/005 on Increasing Safety of Novi
Han Repository from 1997–2000, and the Bulgarian Government with
financing from the State budget in 1998 and subsequently from the State fund
for Safety and Storage of Radioactive Waste.
A.2.2. Activities for increasing the safety of the Novi Han repository
The main tasks and achievements of the programme are discussed below.
Activity Activity
Radionuclide Radionuclide
(Bq) (Bq)
Ir 1.37 × 105 144
Ce 2.12 × 102
Co 1.46 × 1013 106
Ru 7.84 × 105
Cs 1.12 × 1013 55
Fe 1.14 × 109
90 11 85
Sr 1.13 × 10 Kr 7.67 × 1010
Ra 5.96 × 1011 75
Se 2.11 × 102
Tm 5.48 × 105 147
Pm 1.01 × 108
Tl 2.39 × 109 239
Pu 1.82 × 1011
65 4 241
Zn 2.79 × 10 Am 2.41 × 1010
Cd 1.80 × 107 3
H 1.70 × 1010
waste, biological waste, and the trench are shown in Figs 8–10. The inventory of
the trench is made up mainly of radionuclides of Cs, Co and Sr. In addition, a
total of 3 mg of 239Pu from contaminated equipment, protective material, etc., is
disposed of in the trench.
241Am 60Co
0.06% 18.92%
0.005% others: Ir, 170Tm, 204TI, 65Zn, 109Cd, 144Ce, 106Ru, 55Fe, 75Se, 147Pm, 3H
FIG. 8. Radionuclide inventory of the disposal vault for spent sealed sources.
90Sr 58%
204Tl 14C 134Cs
1% 5% 1%
8% 134 Cs
FIG. 10. Radionuclide inventory of the disposal vault for biological waste.
A.2.2.3. Characterization of the site
A.2.2.5. Upgrading of the monitoring and control system
A.2.2.6. Option study and conceptual design of a new waste processing and
storage facility
The improvement measures were financed by the 1998 State budget and
subsequently by the State Fund for Safety and Storage of Radioactive Waste.
They cover the recommendations of the regulators as well as technological
needs, and a new organizational structure that includes quality assurance. Some
of the important activities are the following:
(a) Repair and improvement of the existing disposal vaults (Fig. 11). This
includes repair of the concrete in the above-ground parts of the disposal
facilities, new hydro-insulation and new lids, as shown in Fig. 12 for the
disposal vault for biological waste. A new heavy protective cover was
installed over the disposal vault for spent sealed sources (Fig. 13).
FIG. 11. Disposal vault for solid waste before improvement.
FIG. 13. Improvement of the disposal facility for spent sealed sources.
A.3.1. Background
This section discusses some of the corrective actions that have been
carried out in response to initiating events associated with the waste
management areas at the Chalk River Laboratories.
Chalk River Laboratories was established in 1944 by Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd (AECL), a corporation that is owned by the Government of
Canada. Operations at the Chalk River Laboratories site began in the autumn
of 1944. Over the years, Chalk River Laboratories has served the needs of basic
research, radioisotope production, and research and development in support of
AECL’s CANDU heavy water reactor. The facilities provide storage for
radioactive wastes arising from the operation of research and development
facilities at Chalk River Laboratories, isotope processing operations, prototype
CANDU reactors, hospitals, universities and industries across Canada.
Chalk River Laboratories are located in the Province of Ontario on the
southern shore of the Ottawa River, 160 km northwest of Ottawa. The Chalk
River Laboratories site is typical of its immediate surroundings — a mixture of
exposed bedrock, glacial till, fluvial gravel and sand, small lakes and marshes.
Elevations vary from the level of the Ottawa River to 120 m above the river
level. The Ottawa River is the dominant drainage feature in the area.
Canada does not currently have any near surface disposal facilities for
radioactive waste. However, some storage practices were undertaken decades
ago at AECL sites with no specific plans to retrieve the waste at a future time,
and thus the associated facilities meet the definition of a repository as given in
Section 1.3. As a result, some of the experience gained in addressing issues
surrounding the waste management areas is relevant to the topic of the
application of corrective actions to near surface disposal facilities for
radioactive waste.
A.3.2.1. Waste management area A
This area contains seepage pits that went into operation in 1953 to receive
active liquids from various laboratories and facilities associated with reactor
operations. The seepage pits (reactor pits 1 and 2, and the chemical pit) are
located on a small dune, in an area bounded on the east and south by wetlands
and by waste management area A to the west.
This was built to store high and intermediate level liquid wastes in tanks
that are housed in stainless steel lined concrete bunkers. Water level sensors in
the concrete bunkers, which are tested periodically, are wired to alarms at
response centres in the inner area.
This is a sand trench facility that went into service in 1963 to receive
LLWs with hazardous lifetimes of less than 150 years and wastes that cannot be
confirmed to be uncontaminated. Some of the older trenches at waste
management area C have been covered with an impermeable membrane of
high density polyethylene (HDPE).
A.3.2.6. Waste management area F
A.3.4.3. Installation of cut-off walls and sorbing barriers
In the case of other plumes it has been possible to install a series of inter-
ception wells to pump the contaminated water to the surface for subsequent
treatment. In these cases the levels of 90Sr in the untreated water can be as high
as several thousands of Bq/L, while after treatment they are at a level of
approximately 10–20 Bq/L.
A.3.4.5. Retrieval
(b) Drums of contaminated solvents;
(c) Abandoned research equipment;
(d) Reactor parts that were buried following a reactor accident in 1952;
(e) Contents of some early unlined trenches;
(f) Localized areas of contaminated soils.
A.4.1. Introduction
A.4.2. Dukovany
The Dukovany repository was designed for the management of low and
medium level radioactive waste generated by nuclear power plants. It is the
largest and most modern of all the repositories in the Czech Republic, situated
within the area of the Dukovany nuclear power plant in the community of
Four rows of 28 concrete vaults (each 17.3 × 5.3 × 5.4 m) have been built
to dispose of all operational and decommissioning wastes from the Dukovany
and Temelín nuclear power plants. The vault walls and floor are made of
monolithic 10 cm reinforced concrete integrated with another waterproof layer
of 10 cm asphalt-polypropylene concrete. Eight vaults have been filled with
bituminized, cemented or supercompacted wastes. Wastes are accepted in
200 L drums. These drums are filled in 6 layers, so approximately 1600 drums
can be disposed of in 1 vault. Empty space in the vault is filled with concrete
and the vault is protected against rainwater.
The total volume of the disposal rooms is 55 000 m3 (about 180 000
drums). This is sufficient for disposal of all the low and medium level waste
from both power plants, even in the case of a prolongation of their planned
lifetimes by 10 years (to 40 years).
A.4.3. Richard
limestone. This layer is insulated from the top and bottom by a wide (30–60 m)
stratum of water impermeable claystone. During the conversion of the mine for
disposal purposes it was necessary to reinforce some parts with concrete and to
construct a drainage system for any water which might eventually reach the
The total volume of the repository exceeds 16 000 m3, and its disposal
capacity is approximately half that volume. The temperature in the repository
is a practically constant 10°C. Since 1964 radioactive waste from non-power
applications (institutional waste) has been disposed of there.
The WAC have been changed several times since 1964. Very simple waste
packages were used in the early years of the repository’s operation. The first
waste was disposed of in 60 L zinc coated drums, which were placed in 100 L
drums, which in turn were inserted into 200 L drums. The space between the
drums was filled with concrete, forming a 5 cm thick concrete barrier. The wall
of the outer drum was coated on both sides with zinc and the outside was
covered with a thin layer of bitumen paint. The drums were placed in prepared
chambers which had been formed during the mining phase.
The repository has been operating for almost 40 years without accident,
but requires systematic maintenance in the following main areas:
A.4.3.3. Records
historical records is being carried out to combine historical and contemporary
(a) Improve the safety of the disposal of LLW packages in the Richard
(b) Improve radiation protection of personnel;
(c) Demonstrate the feasibility of a safe closure of the repository;
(d) Establish a programme to evaluate the long term behaviour of the
backfill material and sealed waste packages for verification and
validation of the data necessary for the safety assessment of the
Waste producers are not satisfied with the current waste package model
(a 100 L drum inside a 200 L drum) because of the increasing need for fragmen-
tation of some kinds of solid waste. The repository contains 2 empty
unprepared chambers. These chambers can be adapted for disposal use,
including creation of a special space for large dimensioned waste.
A.4.4. Bratrství
A.5.1. Background
(a) The PHARE Nuclear Safety Programme, managed by the Task Force for
Nuclear Issues (TFNI) of DG-Enlargement, which provided funding for
projects in the then EU candidate countries in Central and Eastern
Europe. Following the accession of the majority of these countries in 2004
there are no further PHARE annual programmes and the TFNI, along
with DG-Enlargement, will be disbanded.
(b) The Euratom Research Framework Programme, managed by DG-
Research (Unit JO4).
(c) The so-called ‘B7 budget line Co-operation Programme’ that until the
end of 2000 was managed by the Nuclear Safety Policy Unit (then in DG-
Environment). Following the reorganization of the Commission’s
services, this budget line has been discontinued. The management of the
ongoing projects was transferred to TFNI (with technical support from
DG-Energy and Transport).
(d) The Tacis Programme, managed by the Europe Aid Co-operation Office
and DG-External Relations, which provides funding for projects in the
Russian Federation and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Over the course of the PHARE Nuclear Safety Programme there were
numerous projects in the field of LLW within the EU candidate countries. A
useful, though not definitive, guide to projects before 1999 can be found in
Commission Report EUR 19154. This report can be downloaded from DG-
Energy and Transport’s ‘Nuclear Issues’ web site:
As a result of the reorganization of the Commission's services in 2000, no
PHARE multicountry programme was launched that year. TFNI restarted the
nuclear safety programming activities in 2001. However, one project of interest
was implemented during the intervening period: Project -006-RO/PHARE-
SCR/A6-01, Preparatory Measures for the Long-term Safety Assessment of the
Low Level Radioactive Waste Repository Baita Bihor, Romania (completed in
September 2001).
In the past, availability of PHARE reports depended on the express
agreement of the beneficiary. Although this condition is now more relaxed,
reports are not routinely made available on-line in the same way as the ‘B7
budget line’ reports.
(a) Solution for closure of a chamber in the Richard repository, Czech
Republic (CZ 01.14.03);
(b) Reconstruction of the hot cell at the Richard repository, Czech Republic
(CZ 01.14.04);
(c) Evaluation of waste retrieval and disposal options at the Püspökszilágy
radioactive waste treatment and disposal facility, Hungary (HU 01.11.02);
(d) Design of an additional waste disposal vault and integral storage facility
for long lived waste at Baldone, Latvia (LE 01.09.01);
(e) Improvement of storage conditions and closure of the national
radioactive waste repository at Rózan, Poland (PL 01.13.01).
The following projects from the 2002 programme are relevant in the LLW
field. In view of the delays imposed by the tendering and contracting
procedures, these projects were not expected to get under way much before the
end of 2003.
The 2003 programme was the last annual programme, although in the
case of Bulgaria and Romania, further funding was to have been made
available in the years 2004–2006.
A.5.3. Euratom framework programme
● EUR 20656: Assessment and Upgrading of the Novi Han Monitoring
System (Bulgaria).
Limited details of the Tacis programme can be accessed via the following
web page on the Commission’s Europa web site:
However, there are probably very few projects that are relevant to the
LLW sector. The only one perhaps of any significance is described briefly on
the following web page:
A.6.1. Background
The French repository at the Centre de la Manche was the first near
surface disposal facility in France. It underwent numerous operational
improvements from 1969 to 1994. For example, WAC were introduced in 1979
after a number of operating years with a very simple set of proper disposal
requirements and conditions. The long term safety objectives have been contin-
uously improved and were formalized in 1985 in the ‘Basic Safety Rules’.
Initially and according to its activity, the waste, packaged in various forms
(drums, etc.), was either buried in earth trenches (Fig. 14) or placed in concrete
lined trenches. Rainwater was collected in a sump located at the downgradient
end of each trench, and then conveyed to a retention tank. Depending on its
activity it was either sent to the adjacent Sainte-Hélène River or discharged
into the sea via the COGEMA installations. After one year of operation, the
earth trenches were deemed unsafe and abandoned. Use of the concrete lined
FIG. 14. Creation of the Centre de la Manche, 1969 (courtesy of ANDRA).
trenches continued for some years. These trenches were subdivided into cells
by concrete walls, and waste packages placed within the cells were stabilized
with sand (Fig. 14).
Following the discovery of water in one of these trenches in 1972, the
sand was replaced with cement to guarantee better sealing of the structure. The
construction of the structures, which represented the second barrier, was also
improved. The earth trenches, which had been built in 1969, were dismantled,
with the exception of one still in existence today. Waste packages were
retrieved, reconditioned and disposed of in other disposal units.
Starting in 1975, ‘platforms’, consisting of levelled soil covered with a
layer of local materials and a bitumen emulsion, were put into operation,
replacing the earth trenches. These platforms were equipped with water drains.
The waste packages were stacked on the platforms to form mounds. To
guarantee overall mechanical strength and to facilitate disposal operations, the
framework of the structures was built of concrete blocks containing the waste
arranged stepwise on the edge of the structure. Metallic drums were placed in
these compartments, covered with a plastic sheet and a layer of soil. The voids
between the packages were filled with gravel. The plastic sheet was later
eliminated in favour of a layer of gravel and soil.
After 1981, platforms made of reinforced concrete became the standard
disposal structures for the repository. These structures were built to withstand
earthquakes and to collect rainwater efficiently. The concrete trenches were
also abandoned and replaced with monoliths comprised of prefabricated
reinforced concrete bins or concrete blocks. Monoliths were used to enhance
protection of the waste package, depending on the type and activity of the
radionuclides contained in it. They were built on the platform structures. A
lower level consisted of a raft foundation on which the monoliths containing
the waste packages were positioned. A second raft was placed on the monoliths
supporting the waste packages arranged in a mound. Following a tritium leak,
the water collection system was modified in 1980 to separately collect rainwater
and infiltration water percolating around the waste packages. To prevent line
breakage and to avoid the use of pumps, which were liable to failure, a separate
underground gravity water recovery system was built in 1982.
FIG. 15. Tumulus of concrete packages and metal boxes at the Centre de la Manche
(courtesy of ANDRA).
the disposal facility’s operating organization in activity assessment techniques
and knowledge of the contamination or activation processes are necessary for
good inventory control. A commission appointed in 1996 by the French
Government to assess the situation at the Centre de la Manche audited this
approach and encouraged the Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Déchets
Radioactifs (ANDRA) in its efforts, ruling that the reconstituted inventory
should meet the needs of the safety analysis.
By the end of its operation in 1994 the repository, with an area of
600 × 300 m, had accepted 527 214 m3 of waste. When disposal activities were
terminated, a final cover was constructed to divert rainwater away from the
repository. The cover consists of a bitumen membrane and several layers of
earth and sand (Fig. 16).
FIG. 16. Aerial view of the Centre de la Manche. A multilayer, non-permeable cover
protects the waste disposal area (courtesy of ANDRA).
transition of the Centre de la Manche to the institutional control period. Subse-
quently, after complaints were filed against ANDRA by ecological associations
for water pollution and violations of the regulations, the Government decided
to set up a second evaluation commission in February 1996. This commission
was asked to evaluate the situation concerning the Centre de la Manche
disposal facility and to express its opinion on the impact of the Centre on the
The Government made the commission’s conclusions public in July 1996.
The commission concluded that if the intended measures were taken, the
Centre would present no significant health risk for the local population. The
commission also found the absence of a local and department-wide ‘cancer
register’ to be anomalous from the health standpoint. Its conclusions were
primarily as follows:
(g) The public had expressed the feeling that they had been disregarded in
the decisions concerning the Centre. For example, the installation of the
cap was carried out without consulting the public. The commission
proposed the formation of an information and monitoring commission,
composed of ANDRA and representatives of the local population and
the ministries concerned, which would be informed and would express its
opinion on the decisions to be taken.
includes representatives of the administration, the operating organization,
elected representatives, ecological associations and the agricultural sector.
Armed with full knowledge of the facts, it can make a statement about the
operation of the centre and its future, and will also be able to advise the local
population with complete openness.
A.7.1. Introduction
The Püspökszilágy repository was sited in 1971 and designed and commis-
sioned in 1976 according to the international guidelines in effect at that time. In
1983 the site was licensed to dispose of solid low level radioactive waste from
the Paks nuclear power plant until the expected opening of the power station’s
own disposal facility. Shipments from the nuclear power plant continued until 1996.
The site was expanded in the late 1980s. The Hungarian Geological
Survey, one of the authorities participating in the licensing procedure, has not
consented to issue a permanent licence for the new vaults. The new vault
expansion has, however, been granted a limited operating licence.
To date, approximately 4970 m3 of solid and solidified waste have been
emplaced. 1580 m3 came from the Paks nuclear power plant, which took up
some 2500 m3 of repository volume in the disposal site. About 3000 m3 have
been sealed and temporarily covered. More than 80% of the disposed waste is
classified as LLW. The current total activity emplaced is approximately
1000 TBq. More than 80 isotopes are accepted by the facility for storage or
disposal. The main radioisotopes in the waste disposed of are 3H, 14C, 60Co, 90Sr,
Tc, 137Cs, 192Ir, 226Ra,238/239Pu and 241Am.
The currently remaining unused capacity at the site has been reduced to
30 m3. This is sufficient to accommodate the annual volume of waste shipped
from non-power generation activities in the next years.
A number of safety assessments of the site have recently been
undertaken. The main conclusions of these assessments were that with
appropriate management action and reductions in performance uncertainties it
is likely that a future post-closure safety case can be developed, demonstrating
compliance with relevant regulatory requirements. To achieve this, certain
improvements were recommended. Based on the findings of the safety
assessment, consideration is given to possibly retrieving certain waste types
from the vaults and putting them into interim storage pending final disposal in
a geological repository. Allowing for disposal of further wastes by providing
free capacity within the existing facility is also under evaluation. A key
objective of the planned corrective actions is to ensure that the facility provides
appropriate long term performance.
63 m
166 m 31 m
6.6 m 6.6 m
‘A’ vault ‘A’ vault
40 m
‘A’ vault depths = 6.0 m
6.6 m
Püspökszilágy repository accepted 238Pu and 239Pu sources for disposal. These
two cases were found to comply with safeguards requirements, but these
practices have been terminated and Pu sources are now collected and stored at
the Institute of Isotopes.
The lack of defined WAC means that, other than external dose rate, an
acceptable standard is not established against which the type of waste received
can be judged to be in conformance or not. The operating organization of the
facility recognized that inconsistencies existed in the records of waste histori-
cally stored at the site.
The repository has operated for more than 30 years without accident or
significant release of radioactivity to the environment, but also without any
investment for upgrading. As a consequence, the equipment has become
obsolete and the physical conditions of the operating systems have degraded.
In 1998 the new operating organization of the facility, the Public Agency for
Radioactive Waste Management (PURAM), started a systematic programme
to upgrade repository safety. During 1998 and 2002 the safety re-evaluation of
the repository was the primary focus, in parallel with some basic modernization
and refurbishment measures.
One of PURAM’s objectives has been to upgrade the physical state of the
facility and to provide better conditions for future operation. The main areas of
upgrading are the following:
(a) Physical protection (new fence system, new access control, new security
(b) Radiation protection (replacement of obsolete measuring devices,
enhancement of environmental monitoring);
(c) Data acquisition (new data recording system, waste characterization
capability, new meteorological station);
(d) Transport (new transport vehicles and containers).
isotope applications, but remained unused. The centralized interim storage
facility can also be used for storage should a need arise to receive a large
amount of waste at the repository site pending later disposal.
The safety of the facility has not previously been the subject of a compre-
hensive assessment. When the temporary licence of the expanded part of the
repository expired in December 2000, the regulatory body required a compre-
hensive safety assessment as a condition for issuing the permanent licence.
Two safety analyses were completed to answer the questions of whether
the site would remain safe in the future, or if corrective measures were needed
[84, 85]. To support the safety assessment, an uncemented and a cemented
compartment in an A type vault were opened in March 2000 to check on the
condition of the engineered barriers and the disposed wastes. The basic
objective of the investigations was to evaluate the condition of the disposed
wastes as well as the condition of the more than 20 year old concrete and metal
structures. The vaults were found to be dry, and the vaults, cap and wastes were
found to be in good condition with little apparent degradation of either
concrete or waste packaging. When the investigations were finished, the
compartments were closed and sealed.
Based on the safety assessments it was concluded that the same level of
operational and environmental safety can be expected up to the end of passive
institutional control of the site. The facility as a whole is suitable for safe
disposal of low and intermediate level short lived waste. Beyond the passive
institutional control period, mostly because of the significant amount of long
lived components still disposed of (14C, 226Ra, 232Th, 234,235,238U, 239Pu and
Am), inadvertent human intrusion (or any other scenario resulting in
exposure to waste after deterioration of concrete barriers) could exceed both
the dose constraint and the dose limit. Consequently, the Püspökszilágy
repository is considered to be unsuitable for some of the long lived waste
formerly emplaced there [86].
Key recommendations relating to the future management of the site were
as follows:
(a) Certain long lived waste and high activity spent sources should be
removed from the facility.
(b) The repository cap should be redesigned.
(c) Long term settlement within the vaults should be minimized. At an
appropriate time, the vaults should be completely backfilled.
(d) Steps should be taken to minimize the chances of future human intrusion
by recording information about the facility and by providing an extensive
period of administrative control following repository closure.
Ease of implementation
Worker doses Engineering Availability of
(normal practicability funding
operations and
Safety issues
Cost of
Regulatory implementation
Project risk
Estimate of
impact of the
repository Increase in
Multi-attribute analysis disposal volume
Benefits owing
Potential to better use of
environmental the disposal
impacts during facility
Identification of
preferred option
and key
decision factors
Review and
at the same time allowing for more effective use of the available disposal
The following corrective action options are being considered in the
feasibility study:
(a) Minimum intervention: This option will most probably result in little or
no change in the environmental impact to the surrounding area in the
short term. The vaults and wastes have been found to be dry and in good
condition, indicating that there is little or no leaching of water into the
vaults. In the longer term it is expected that the cement and bitumen
sealing the vaults will degrade, allowing water to leach in and subse-
quently allowing contaminants to leach into surrounding soils. Local
communities will be affected by an increased traffic burden on the roads,
noise and dust generation. When the repository reaches capacity (in
about two years) it will be necessary to construct a new repository to cope
with subsequent waste generation.
(b) Administrative approaches: This option is similar to option (a) except
that there will be an increase in administrative control to help ensure that
the site is recorded as unsuitable for building after closure and reduce the
likelihood of future intrusion into the waste. When the vaults reach
capacity a new repository will need to be constructed to cope with any
subsequent waste.
(c) Better isolation through construction of an improved cap: This option,
along with options (a) and (b), will allow wastes to be deposited at
Püspökszilágy for another two years but will involve further development
work, including grouting voids within vaults and construction of a multi-
layered cap with clay and impermeable membranes. Construction of a clay
cap has many positive environmental impacts. These include minimi-
zation of exposure on the surface of the waste facility; prevention of
vertical infiltration of water into wastes that would create contaminated
leachate; control of gas emissions from underlying waste and creation of a
land surface that can support vegetation and/or be used for other
purposes. However, the cap will consume large quantities of clay
(depleting national resources), increase traffic levels, fuel consumption
and air pollution, and may destroy flora and fauna in the clay source area.
This option will also result in the need for a new repository when the
current facility reaches capacity.
(d) Better isolation through construction of an improved cap and installation
of curtain walls: This option will entail similar environmental impacts to
option (c), but will have additional impacts due to the construction of a
curtain wall. The curtain wall will be a major construction project using
substantial amounts of energy, cement and other construction materials.
(e) Removal of readily identifiable sources from easily accessible vaults: The
environmental impacts of this option will be mainly radiological.
However, the removed sources will likely be contaminated with non-
radioactive contaminants and will require appropriate disposal
elsewhere, generating additional environmental impacts.
(f) Removal of readily identifiable sources from all vaults: The radioactive
sources will likely be contaminated with non-radioactive contaminants
and will require alternative disposal. It is also expected that small
quantities of cement rubble will be generated from source recovery. The
cement rubble, however, will be deposited back into the vaults as it is
likely to be contaminated. The voids will then be filled using large
quantities of cement.
(g) Removal of all sources from easily accessible vaults: This option will have
a largely radiological impact. However, the removed sources will likely be
contaminated with non-radioactive contaminants which will also require
disposal at another facility. This option will involve an increase in cement
use during the grouting phase.
(h) Removal of all sources from all vaults: This option involves greater
intrusive work into the vaults, and therefore it is expected that there will
be larger volumes of cement waste, dust produced and resources used
(energy, water, etc.).
Favourable Intermediate Unfavourable Unacceptable
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Dose to Not credible for any One or more workers might One or more workers likely Breach of regulatory
operators worker to approach approach regulatory limits, but to approach legal limits – limit likely for one or
regulatory limits action to constrain doses action to constrain worker more workers
unlikely to be necessary doses probably necessary
Individual dose 0.1 mSv/a < individual dose 5 mSv/a < individual dose Individual dose
< 0.1 mSv/a <5 mSv/a <20 mSv/a >20 mSv/a
2 Dose to the Not credible for any Dose to members of the Dose to members of
public member of the public to public may approach the public may
approach regulatory limits regulatory limits under exceed regulatory
under any circumstances accident conditions limit under accident
3 Non-radiological Risks to workers Risks to workers comparable Risks equivalent to those in Risks comparable to
risks to workers comparable to those in low to those in low risk industry, moderate risk industry but high risk industry:
risk industry and easily but significant effort required requiring significant >10–3/a
managed to ensure that this is the case management effort to
ensure they are controlled
4 Non-radiological Risks to the public similar Risks to the public similar to Risks to the public similar Risks to the public
risks to the public to those generated by low those generated by low risk to those generated by significant
risk industry and easily industry, but significant effort moderate risk industry but
controlled required to ensure that this is requiring significant
the case management effort to
ensure they are controlled
Favourable Intermediate Unfavourable Unacceptable
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Post-closure Substantial improvement Some improvement on current Performance similar to Performance worse
performance on current performance performance current performance than current
6 Non-radiological No significant impact Moderate impact Significant impact Impact unlikely to be
environmental acceptable under
impact Hungarian conditions
7 Engineering Uses established Some development work or Significant development High chance of
feasibility and technology and methods use of novel technologies and work required on failure
project risk with minimal chance of the some chance of project failing technology and significant
project failing to meet to meet objectives chance that the project will
objectives fail to meet objectives
8 Timescale for No credible uncertainty Some chance of time overrun, Chance of time overrun — Cannot be
implementation could lead to option being but probability and probability and/or implemented on the
implemented later than consequences minor consequence significant required timescale
9 Socio-political No significant socio- Some concerns possible Concerns likely
acceptability political concerns expected
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 Potential for Can accommodate at least Some risks of failing to Only a fraction of the next No further arisings
allowing 25 years of arisings at accommodate at least 25 years 25 years of arisings can be can be
disposals at current projections; no of arisings at current accommodated within accommodated
Püspökszilágy significant risks to this projections Puspokszilágy
beyond those outcome
by current
reducing the likelihood of accidents through human activities. Storage
of waste containers in this manner will require monitoring and
measuring regimes.
(3) Storage at Püspökszilágy pending disposal at Püspökszilágy: This option
involves the temporary storage of waste at Püspökszilágy before it is
deposited in the vaults. The original waste in the vaults will be subject to
retrieval and better packaging methods, creating more space for
additional wastes and extending the lifetime of the repository. However,
the sources that have been removed from the vaults will have to be
disposed of in a more suitable facility elsewhere and will require the
construction of a new repository.
(4) Storage at Püspökszilágy pending disposal elsewhere: This option would
involve the transport of wastes from the source to the Püspökszilágy site,
temporary storage there, and then transport to a new repository. The
criteria against which options are scored will allow options to be distin-
guished in a useful way and help ensure that all important issues are
addressed (Table 3). Options are assigned a score between 0 and 10, with
increasing numerical scores representing increased favourability. An
option scoring zero against any criterion is regarded as unacceptable
either because:
One of the options was to have been selected by the end of 2004.
A.7.6. Summary
(replacement of the obsolete equipment, supplementary site investigations, re-
inventory, near-field and far-field studies).
In 2003, a project was launched to select the most appropriate methods
for enhancing safety and to prepare for corrective actions. Important elements
of this phase include construction of the central interim storage facility,
inventory re-evaluation, a feasibility study, a detailed work programme, licence
preparations and application for international assistance. The final step is the
implementation of safety upgrading measures based on the selected option.
For any proposed intervention, the benefits (in terms of risk or dose
averted) should be balanced against cost. In addition to the work on safety
reassessments, it is necessary to develop short term and long term plans for
providing disposal and storage capacity for all the waste types currently
disposed of at the site.
According to PURAM’s plan, the repository will be operational for an
additional 40–50 years, receiving radioactive wastes from non-nuclear power
plant waste producers. By the end of this period a deep geologic repository
should be available to receive those long lived wastes temporarily stored in the
Püspökszilágy facility that are not amenable to disposal in a near surface
repository. Bearing this approach in mind, measures will first be taken to
provide additional disposal capacity at the site.
waters. These lighthouses are no longer a problem as the RTGs have all been
returned to the Russian Federation.
As a military centre in the Baltic region under the former Soviet Union,
Latvia received relatively large quantities of radioactive waste for disposal at
Baldone, compared to the amounts of waste delivered to the corresponding
facilities in Estonia and Lithuania.
In many cases it is difficult to clearly separate defence related applica-
tions of radioactive materials from civilian applications in Latvia.
Since the beginning of the 1960s the radioactive waste produced in Latvia
has been collected and transported to the central storage/treatment/disposal
facility at Baldone, which is operated by the State enterprise RADONs.
Decommissioning waste from the Salaspils research reactor is being
temporarily stored on-site.
A new radioactive waste management agency, RAPA, has been estab-
lished. Its main tasks are radioactive waste management and decommissioning
of the Salaspils research reactor.
The storage and disposal vaults of the Baldone repository are constructed
close to the top of a small hill with soft slopes, about 60 m above the level of the
Baltic Sea. The waste handling part of the facility is shown in Fig. 20 and
includes 7 vaults. They are concrete underground vaults with capacities from 40
to 200 m3 (Table 4). As the vaults for solid waste have been filled up, a new
1200 m3 vault has been built and has been in use since the end of 1995.
Figure 20 shows the entire fenced-in area. Waste is received from the
main road shown at the lower left corner. Near this entrance is the adminis-
tration building. There is a long access road to the place where the waste is
Solid waste was generally placed in the concrete vaults without condi-
tioning. When a waste layer reached a thickness of about 1.5 m, the voids were
filled with mortar using ordinary construction cement. A similar process was
used for biological waste. In these cases, however, the waste was first sterilized
and then embedded in gypsum before final disposal. Spent sealed sources were
disposed of in their industrial shielding containers. It was not until the mid-
1980s that such sources were conditioned, that is, removed from their original
containers and placed together with several other sources in lead containers,
FIG. 20. Storage/disposal vaults at the Baldone repository.
Vault Proportion of
Volume (m3) Operating period
number radwaste (%)
any voids being filled with molten lead. In this way the volume of the waste was
reduced and long term storage safety was improved.
Before 1985 all liquid waste was stored in the stainless steel tank.
Thereafter, according to new regulations all of the stored liquid waste was
treated and the secondary solid waste disposed of. Treatment of the liquid
waste took place in 1988 and the processing equipment was later removed.
Since then, liquid waste has been stored only through the winter. In all other
seasons such waste is solidified with cement and used as mortar for the condi-
tioning of solid waste.
Since 1995, when vault 7 was put into operation, and until recently, all
radioactive waste has been conditioned and stored in transportable containers,
either steel drums or concrete containers. Now a new concept, based on IAEA
recommendations for near surface waste disposal, has been adopted and is in
The main objective of the project was to provide advice to the Latvian
authorities on the safety enhancements needed and WAC for the near surface
radioactive waste disposal facilities of the Baldone repository. The project
included the following activities:
Total activity
Vault 1
H 5.7E10
U 5.9E10
Th 6E10
Pu 1.3E11
Co 2.5E11
C 4.6E11
Pb 5.9E11
Ra 8E11
Sr 1.6E12
Cs 2.3E12
Total 6.23E12
Vault 3
Pm 1.1E10
Pu 1.5E10
Na 4.6E10
Ra 8.3E10
K 8.8E10
Fe 9.3E10
Am 2.3E11
Co 3.6E11
C 1E12
Pb 1E12
Al 1.1E12
Pu 1.3E12
H 1.8E13
Ni 9.5E12
Cs 5.8E13
Total 9.31E13
Total activity
Vault 4
Ni 1.91E10
H 3.62E10
Pu 9.96E10
Am 1.15E11
Co 2.10E11
C 3.13E11
Sr 4.91E11
Cs 1.95E12
Total 3.26E12
Vault 5
Ni 1.91E10
H 2.65E10
C 3.31E10
Total 1.05E11
Vault 6
Pu 1.06E10
Eu 2.44E10
Pm 2.53E10
C 3.57E10
Tl 5.86E10
Pb 6.32E10
Ra 2.62E11
Am 3.16E11
Pu 1.14E12
Sr 1.15E12
H 6.32E12
Co 6.98E12
Total 3.61E13
(b) Long term safety analysis of the Baldone repository, including:
— Radiological safety in the operational phase, including the planned
increase of capacity for disposal and long term storage;
— Radiological analysis for the post-closure period;
— Environmental impact assessment (non-radiological components).
(c) Recommendations for future updating of radioactive WAC.
(d) Recommendations for safety upgrades, if necessary, to the facility.
(1) The status of the Baldone repository in the short term is not a matter of
(2) Radioactive waste is stored under sufficiently safe conditions, and in
normal circumstances no significant migration of radioactive substances
into the environment or impact on nearby residents is foreseen;
(3) In general, radioactive waste management creates a comparatively low
level of risk;
(4) Regarding forthcoming needs for intervention, the resulting doses after
30 years without a cover justify the installation of a cover for the closure
period of the repository.
Current plans for building new waste storage facilities in Latvia have
been elaborated on the basis of recommendations derived from a long term
safety analysis of the Baldone repository performed by CASSIOPEE from
2001 to 2002:
(i) Building of a dedicated long term storage facility for spent sealed sources
and long lived waste;
(ii) Modification of the design of the disposal vaults to correspond to the best
practices in other countries.
The anticipated radiological impact of the new vault no. 8 has been
evaluated in the framework of the CASSIOPEE analysis, including applicable
criteria, conditions, input data, hypotheses and recommended corrective
A.9.1. Background
In the course of burial, radioactive waste was constantly interlaid with
concrete. When the disposal facility was closed in 1988, only three-fifths of its
volume were filled. The empty two-fifths of the vault were filled with concrete,
then sand, then with concrete (0.01 m), hot bitumen and 0.05 m asphalt layers.
Monolithic concrete that was covered with bitumen and a 0.05 m thick layer of
asphalt closed the vault. A sand layer, the thickness of which was not less than
1.2 m, formed the cap.
Four wells near the repository (one on each side of the repository) and
4 wells in the anticipated direction of groundwater flow were drilled to control
the radiological situation around the repository. The groundwater level was
about 5 m below the repository bottom and had never been higher than 1.5 m
below the repository bottom. The content of radionuclides and their activities
were investigated in the water probes from each well once per quarter.
More than 95% of the total activity in the repository is from tritium. The
maximum volume of 3H activity in the wells in the year of measurement is
shown in Fig. 22.
The total b activity was measured, showing the presence of the natural
radionuclides 214Pb, 214Bi and 40K in the groundwater. A very low activity of the
65 410
70 000
60 000
Volume activity (Bq)
50 000
40 000
Cs isotope was found at times. Measurements performed after the radio-
chemical analysis of samples showed that 239,240Pu and 90Sr activities in all the
samples were almost the same and did not exceed the background values.
(a) Storage building: Assessment of the existing structure has shown that
it is not designed and constructed to a defined set of criteria to serve as
a long term disposal facility. Documentation of the materials used is
insufficient to evaluate the facility. The current status of the facility is
not known.
(b) Safety of long and short term storage: There are no indications that the
waste currently stored presents an environmental problem in the short
term. The doses from reference wells will exceed 1 mSv/a during the first
several hundred years. Doses will result mainly from release of 3H and
(c) Recommendation: Both waste retrieval and construction of additional
surface barrier concepts were examined. It was concluded that both
concepts are possible, but the retrieval option is more cost effective.
A.9.4.1. Background
RATA is in charge of the Maišiagala site and has initiated a new project
for upgrading the repository.
The initiating event for upgrading of the repository had already been
mentioned in the conclusions of the SKB study and changes in the regulatory
requirements. A new classification of radioactive waste was established and
requirements for disposal of LILW in a near surface repository were issued
A.9.4.2. Objectives
(a) Drafting of the safety analysis report;
(b) Specification of the physical protection and environmental monitoring
(c) Definition of an upgrading programme for the Maišiagala repository;
(d) Implementation of the upgrading programme.
A.10.1. Background
The Norwegian nuclear programme was initiated in 1948 with the estab-
lishment of the Institute for Atomic Energy (known from 1980 as the Institute
for Energy Technology, IFE). IFE is an industrial foundation funded from the
national budget and from commercial research programmes [91].
Waste management was initiated by the construction of a treatment plant
in 1959 and a storage facility at the Kjeller site in 1965. The drums are standard
210 L steel drums with variable shielding and inner drums, depending on the
type and activity of the waste.
In 1970 IFE received permission from the National Institute for
Radiation Hygiene (now Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, NRPA)
to bury approximately 1000 drums of radioactive waste and 19 other waste
items in a near surface repository at Kjeller.
In 1970, all LILW generated before then was disposed of in a shallow land
disposal at the Kjeller site.
The waste drums were embedded in clay and stacked in 2 horizontal
layers. The area covered 11.5 m × 23 m. The upper layer of drums was covered
by 1.5–2 m of clay and soil with no engineered barriers. The area where the
repository was established has a slightly inclined surface. A drainage sump was
established at the lowest level at one end of the repository. The amount of
water and content of radionuclides has been measured on a regular basis [92].
The process of selecting a site for the disposal of low and intermediate
level radioactive waste in Norway started in 1989, when a steering committee
was appointed by the Government to investigate possible solutions for the final
disposal of all Norwegian LILW [93].
In April l994 the Norwegian Parliament decided to build a new combined
disposal and storage facility for LILW in Himdalen, approximately 30 km from
Kjeller. Decisions were also made that the waste in the old near surface
repository should be retrieved, that the waste drums containing plutonium
should be placed in storage at the new facility, and that the rest of the waste
should be disposed of at the new facility.
The decision was not based on technical problems with the old repository,
but on findings that shallow land disposal for this kind of waste was not up to
date in 1994. Another reason was that, with the construction of the new facility,
it was better to have all Norwegian LILW at 1 site (and in a modern facility)
than split between 2 sites.
The NRPA is the official regulatory body in Norway for nuclear safety,
security and radiation protection. In 1994, the NRPA requested that IFE
propose a method of retrieving the waste packages from the repository. They
were requested to address the condition of the drums; the method to be used
for their removal, repackaging and transport; radiation protection measures
and estimated doses to the workers; how the soil close to the drums, in the
repository and surrounding area would be handled if contaminated; and identi-
fication of the ‘plutonium drums’.
IFE’s proposal was accepted by the NRPA, and in the second half of 1994
investigations were carried out. Soil samples were obtained from core drillings
in the disposal area (i.e. above the drums) and in the surrounding area. Ten
drums were retrieved to test the proposed retrieval method (lifting by hooking
a chain to the drums with the use of an excavator) and to examine the condition
of the drums. Previously, in 1993, 10 drums had been removed, so this was a
second check.
It was agreed that retrieval should not start until the new facility was in
operation and enough waste packages had been moved from the storage
facility at the Kjeller site to the Himdalen disposal facility. This approach
allowed indoor storage capacity for the retrieved and repackaged waste. Also,
the old repository was functioning well and there was no need for immediate
A.10.6. Retrieval work
contamination. The filter was changed once a week. An instrument located at
the other end of the IFE’s premises approximately 400 m away monitored
background levels. Workers frequently in contact with drums and clay were
equipped with personal air samplers. Filters in these instruments were changed
weekly and the activity on the filters was measured. Based on these daily and
weekly measurements, breathing masks were not required during the work.
The maximum committed dose from inhalation of contaminated dust was
calculated. The maximum committed dose from 137Cs was below 5 × 10–4 mSv,
from 238Pu below 5 × 10–3 mSv and from 239,240Pu less than 0.2 mSv.
Once weekly, dose rates were measured at the entrance to the controlled
area, at the IFE’s border fence, at the tent, along the walls and at a door to the
nearby building.
The dose rate in the environment depended on the number of drums
stored above ground in the controlled area. The mean dose rate was 0.19 mSv/h
Major portions of the drums were difficult to identify because labels were
either difficult to read or had been destroyed by corrosion (Fig. 24). However,
the drums containing plutonium were successfully identified and 166 drums
containing plutonium were recovered, given new identification numbers, and
repacked in new 330 L stainless steel drums. The other 831 drums were
repacked in 300 L steel drums and given new identification numbers. To give
the old drums a protective layer and fix the contamination on the surfaces,
concrete was pumped into the spaces between the old drums and the new outer
drums. The drums were then cleared for transport and brought to a nearby
storage building to await transport to Himdalen.
The new combined disposal and storage facility for LILW in Himdalen
began operation in March 1999. The main purpose of the facility is direct
disposal of conditioned waste packages, and 25% of the facility’s present
capacity is for storage. Waste packages placed there are in a ‘disposal ready
form’ and will either be encased in concrete in the repository portion of the
facility or disposed of at another site [95].
A.10.10. Conclusions
Two upgrading options were always considered for vault type historical
repositories at MosNPO RADON:
The first option requires complex design work, development of a variety
of special techniques, a system of radioactive waste management, a specific
safety assessment and possibly licensing. Only the second option is presented
here as an example of RADON’s present practice [96].
As part of the monitoring system, wells are drilled in the ground
surrounding the repository to monitor the groundwater regime, and the
chemical and radionuclide composition of the groundwater. The results of the
monitoring allow the integrity of engineering barriers to be estimated and the
corrosion resistance of the construction materials to be predicted. Analysis of
the monitoring data indirectly showed that the system of engineered barriers
does not perform to satisfaction and some corrective measures for restoration
of engineered barriers are probably needed.
To find the root cause and define effective corrective measures, it is
necessary to study the previously built and operated engineered barrier system.
The work that has been performed to evaluate near surface repositories
constructed at the MosNPO RADON site in the 1960s includes the following:
The state of each element of the multibarrier system has been studied.
Studies of one repository have shown a disturbance of the protective soil layer,
with significant losses in the waterproof properties of the clay.
If the initial hydraulic conductivity of the clay layer was 10–8–10–9 m/d, the
samples studied had a value of 10–6 m/d. Clays of the natural barrier in the near
field were found to be water saturated. The lowering of the clay permeability
caused destruction of storage integrity. After removal of the soil layer a system
of cracks on the surface of the repository can be observed. Studies have shown
that the water flow through the cracks in the concrete may reach 10–7 m3/d per
1 m2 of the surface. Additionally, geophysics and drilling work revealed the
presence of a disturbance (fracture and cavity) in the waste matrix.
To restore impermeability of the engineered barriers, a special method of
restabilization was developed and tested at MosNPO RADON. The method is
based upon secondary grouting of previously cemented waste with special high
penetrative compositions on a cement base. Special polyfunctional additives to
increase permeability, frost and water resistance, crack resistance, biological
resistance, stability and strength, as well as to decrease leachability of radionu-
clides from the cement compound, are in use at MosNPO RADON. Pumping
of the grouting compounds is done through special boreholes drilled into the
repository. The method was tested in a pilot compartment of one of MosNPO
RADON’s units and then implemented at several repositories built in the early
The results of secondary cementation were checked by repeated deter-
mination of the cement matrix (and waste) permeability. It was observed that,
as a result of the regrouting, the permeability of the waste in the
compartment decreased, reaching the permeability of host rock. The average
injection rate in practice is about 0.08 m3 of the grout solution for 1 m3 of
preliminary cemented waste form. The results obtained indicate that the
method developed for repairing near surface repository engineered barriers
can be recommended.
After the work has been done and the initial permeability of cement
matrix and waste inside the repository has been restored to the previously low
level, the next step to increase safety could be construction or reconstruction of
the final cap.
Upgrades at MosNPO RADON have achieved the following:
disposed of in shallow ground borehole repositories at regional specialized
RADON facilities, while sources with long lived radionuclides are stored in
shielded containers pending a decision on their final disposal in a deep
geological formation.
Spent sealed radiation sources are radioactive waste that can have an
extremely high radioactivity level. For example, the specific radioactivity of a
Co source can be of the order of 104 Ci/kg or higher.2 Delivered to and stored
in a special facility they represent the main part of the radionuclide inventory.
In a Russian special storage facility the average radionuclide composition of
spent ionizing sources is 137Cs (40%), 60Co (25%), 90Sr (22%), 192Ir (8%) and
Tm (4%).
The borehole repository for spent sealed radiation sources (Fig. 25) is a
stainless steel cylindrical vessel with a diameter of 200 mm and a height of
1500 mm which is placed in a steel reinforced concrete well at a depth of 4 m.
The vessel’s walls are 5 mm thick. The stainless steel loading channel of the
repository has a curved (spiral) tube with a diameter of 108 mm × 5 mm. At the
upper part of the repository there is a carbon steel conical socket which
provides for safe discharge of the transport containers. This socket is closed
with a carbon steel lid. The concrete wall of the repository is surrounded by a
clay–cement (or clay) mixture which fills the initial construction hole in the
original soil as a seal material.
Initially typical repositories were designed for the disposal of sources
with the radioactivity corresponding to a radium equivalent of 50 000 g-eq. The
maximum dose rate on the surface of a repository near the loading channel
must not be higher than 0.82 mR/h.3 The underground reservoir is heated
radiogenically by heat generation from sources. According to the initial design
the maximum allowable temperature in the reservoir is 230°C. As a rule there
are a few borehole repositories for the disposal of spent sources at regional
specialized RADON facilities [96].
The initial repository design was developed at the end of the 1950s on the
assumption that the stainless steel underground vessel and the reinforced
concrete wall would provide enough protection against the possibility of radio-
nuclide migration into the environment. Therefore only the hazard of
irradiation of personnel was calculated in the typical design of a borehole
1 Ci = 3.70 × 1010 Bq.
1 rad = 1.00 × 10–2 Gy.
radiogenically heated zone of the repository upward and a reverse flow of
dump air. The presence of water and powerful ionizing fields significantly
decreases the safety of the disposal of sources. Radiolysis of water and air
causes an accumulation of hydrogen, ozone and nitrogen oxides which produce
nitric acid when they come into contact with water. These processes accelerate
the corrosion of source containers [97].
The contamination of water in the underground reservoir was determined
to be as much as 106 Bq/L and there was considered to be a potential danger of
penetration into the surrounding soil, although this has not been observed in
practice. Radionuclide releases are also possible through the loading channel
by gas–aerosol phase. Therefore, free storage of powerful sealed radiation
sources in borehole repositories does not have a sufficiently high level of safety.
The technology should be improved and corrective measures for already
operating boreholes should be developed.
In order to ensure the long term safety of the disposal it was proposed
that the sources be allocated uniformly in a matrix material in the underground
reservoir. An additional barrier would be provided to protect sources against
direct contact with air and water and decrease radiation and temperature fields.
Different metals were considered for the matrix material. To facilitate
the encapsulation process and minimize the influence of high temperature on
radionuclides, metals with low melting temperature must be used. For
damaged sources this minimizes the volatilization of radionuclides in the
process of their encapsulation. For powerful sources, only metals can be
applied as matrices.
A technological scheme was developed, which provides immobilization
of sources in a metal matrix after they have been loaded into the borehole
repository. It was proposed that this scheme be used at regional specialized
RADON facilities to correct deficiencies in the initial design concept with open
storage of sources in underground reservoirs of borehole repositories. Use of
this new technology was then extended to the conditioning of sources in
interim or long term storage. The considerable reduction of radiation and
temperature fields in repositories due to the application of metal matrices
permitted an approximately six-fold increase in their capacity.
This technology includes methods of examining the repository, which
allow determination of the following parameters:
(f) Presence and level of water in the reservoir;
(g) Nuclide content in the water;
(h) Contamination of the receiving component;
(i) Presence of hydrogen in the gaseous phase;
(j) General dimensions of the reservoir.
A.11.3. Conclusions
2 3
FIG. 26. Immobilization technology of the MOSKIT mobile plant (1: container,
2: uploading unit, 3: MOSKIT mobile plant).
RADON type repositories the most often used corrective measure to reduce
possible contact of the waste with water is stabilization of the waste in a matrix
[99]. Special cement based grout is used for vault type repositories with solid
and solidified waste, and for borehole repositories with spent sealed radiation
sources a metal matrix is usually installed.
A.12.1. Background
Topsoil 0.5 m (average)
Copper tracer Cap compacted in 150 mm layers 2.0 m (average)
Dorbank material 0.2 m
Soil cement backfill
Concrete blocks
Dry-unscreened clay
5.2 m
Dry-screened clay
between packages
FIG. 28. Leachate from a cracked concrete container at Vaalputs.
communities with regard to the safety of the repository, and also contributed to
negative media coverage.
A.12.3. Investigations
A.12.4. Corrective actions
(a) The leachate from the containers was sealed with a durable sealant to
prevent the possibility of fixed contamination becoming available for
transport to the environment;
(b) The remaining waste packages were backfilled and covered with dry clay
to prevent further exposure to adverse weather conditions;
(c) The waste stack was sealed off with a double wall constructed of concrete
(d) The section of the trench containing the damaged packages was
effectively isolated from the environment by capping.
regulatory body required that in future the metal LLW drums be covered
within one month and the concrete intermediate level waste containers within
two months after being emplaced in the respective trenches.
A.12.6. Improvements
65.85 m
Top soil
(0.5 m)
marker Compacted cap
(2.2 m)
Backfill between Oversized
trench wall and material (0.2 m)
1m3 concrete Concrete cut-off
blocks (shoulder) (1 m 3 blocks)
FIG. 29. Vertical cross-section through the intermediate level waste trench, indicating the
position of the cut-off wall and details of the capped section.
Future compacted caps
2m 20 m 5m
[Not to scale]
FIG. 30. Vertical cross-section through new LLW trenches, showing the existing disposal
zone and future extensions.
A.13.1. Introduction
British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL) owns and operates the Drigg disposal
site, which is the UK’s principal facility for the disposal of low level radioactive
This section describes the development of the Drigg site to date, in
particular the upgrading of the site in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which
centred around the phasing out of disposal into trenches and the introduction
of a revised waste form and disposal into engineered vaults.
The Drigg site (Fig. 31) is located on the West Cumbrian coast about
0.5 km inland and some 6 km to the southeast of the Sellafield site. The total
area of the site is about 100 ha. The ground slopes gently towards the sea,
falling from about 20 m above sea level at the northeastern boundary to about
7 m above sea level on the southwestern boundary. To the east the site is
bounded by the Whitehaven to Barrow-in-Furness railway line. A small stream
flows through the site, discharging into the Irish Sea to the south of the site via
the River Irt.
The site was originally developed in 1939 as a Royal ordnance factory and
some of the surface features date from this period. Ownership of the site subse-
quently passed to the Atomic Energy Authority, which was granted planning
consent in 1957 for the disposal of LLW in the northern 40 ha of the site,
referred to as the ‘consented area’. The first certificate of authorization for
disposal of LLW was granted in 1958 under the terms of the Atomic Energy
Drigg Barrow-in-Furness
grouting railway line
cap over Groundwater Consented Potential materials
trenches cut-off wall area boundary handling facility
Leachate centre
Vault 8 boundary
drum store
Area for
future vaults
Offices Marine
Construction Pipeline
and services discharge
contractors to sea
system Drigg stream
PCM East-West
monitoring stream
0 (m) 250
Act 1954, and disposal operations commenced in 1959. Responsibility for the
site was transferred to BNFL when the company was formed in 1971.
Within the consented area there is clay, typically at a depth of about 5–
8 m below ground level, which forms a low permeability base to the disposal
trenches. Since the mid-1980s, in excavated areas where the clay layer dipped
below the excavated trench base level, bentonite was rotavated into the base of
the trench in order to provide a low permeability layer and optimize leachate
drainage. The trench bases are graded and include simple drains which, in
conjunction with the underlying clay, serve to direct infiltrating rain or
groundwater to the southern end of the trenches for collection in a series of
drains. Until 1991 the collected leachate was discharged into the Drigg stream
and hence the River Irt and the Irish Sea.
Drummed, bagged and loose waste was tumble tipped into the trenches
starting from the northern end and progressively covered with at least 1 m of
backfill (1.5 m from 1988 onwards) to create a stable surface for continued
disposal operations. Disposal was conducted solely by tipping into trenches
until 1988, when vault 8 commenced operation as part of the site upgrade
discussed below. Trench 7 operations continued, however, until
commencement of operation of the LLW high force compaction (HFC) facility
at Sellafield in 1995. The total area occupied by the trenches is about 16 ha and
the total volume about 500 000 m3. Due to the effects of self-compaction in the
trenches, a total volume of loose waste of about 800 000 m3 was actually
disposed of.
On the western side of the consented area there were 10 former royal
ordnance factory storage magazines. Between 1959 and 1967 some interme-
diate level waste, known as plutonium contaminated material (PCM), was
placed in these magazines for storage. The construction of a purpose built PCM
store at the southern end of the site allowed the 5 northerly magazines, which
contained waste principally in 200 L drums, to be emptied between 1976 and
1986 and subsequently demolished. All the PCM wastes on the site are
currently being retrieved and transported to the BNFL Sellafield site as
discussed in Section A.13.3.
(a) Installation of a groundwater cut-off wall around the north and east sides
of the trenches and construction of an interim cap over the completed
(b) Refurbishment and enhancement of the leachate drainage system;
(c) Phasing out of trench disposal of loose waste in favour of orderly
emplacement of compacted, containerized and grouted wastes in
engineered concrete vaults.
This section first describes the interim cap and cut-off wall associated
with the trenches and the upgrade to the leachate management system. The
basis for the revised disposal strategy and associated waste form of high force
compacted, containerized and grouted waste is then discussed, followed by a
description of vault 8. The upgrading to the new waste form of some of the
wastes initially placed in vault 8 and the retrieval of the PCM wastes currently
stored at the Drigg site are then briefly discussed.
The interim cap over trenches 1–6 was completed in 1989 to minimize
rainwater infiltration into the trenches and hence reduce leachate volumes.
During 1995 it was extended to cover trench 7 after completion of trench
disposals (Fig. 31).
The cap comprises a 1:25 (vertical:horizontal) graded earth mound incor-
porating a low density polyethylene membrane at a depth of about 1 m. This
membrane sheds rainwater to the perimeter of the cap, where it is collected in
drains and discharges into the Drigg stream. The surface of the cap has been
seeded with grass and mixed shrubs.
Waste degradation gas is vented passively by means of 15 cm diameter
probes driven through the cap into the waste. The probes are perforated along
their length within the waste and capped to prevent rainwater ingress. They
also facilitate water level measurements and sampling for leachate and gas
composition. Periodic monitoring of cap settlement is also carried out. This
supports any maintenance required and will input to later decisions on the
precise timing of final cap construction.
Prior to installation of the interim cap, a 450 m long, 1 m wide, low perme-
ability cement/bentonite groundwater cut-off wall was installed around the
northeast corner of the site running from the northern end of trench 7 to the
northeast corner of vault 8. In 1995 the wall was subsequently extended
alongside trench 7 prior to the capping. The base of the wall is keyed into the
same clay layer that forms the base of the trenches, with a typical wall depth of
about 8 m.
A.13.3.2. Leachate management
(1) Residual voidage should be low in order to minimize the potential for
significant settlement of the final cap;
(2) Loads across the base area of each container stack should as far as
practicable be uniformly distributed in order to ensure that ground
bearing pressures are not exceeded when the final cap is emplaced and to
minimize differential, uneven settlement.
Also very important in considering waste form options was the objective
of the site upgrade programme to significantly increase the projected
operational life of Drigg. In this regard, waste volume reduction and space
utilization in terms of waste packaging are the principal issues.
The chosen waste form is that based on HFC of the waste, emplacement
in 20 m3 steel International Organization for Standardization (ISO) containers
and grouting of the voidage within the ISO container to form a solid product
(Fig. 32). This waste form was selected from a comprehensive analysis of the
range of options available, taking into account the above requirements and also
considering operational aspects. Two new BNFL facilities were introduced in
the mid-1990s for production of the new waste form.
A.13.3.4. Vault 8
The first disposal vault at the Drigg site (vault 8) was introduced in 1988.
Its purpose is to:
FIG. 32. Fully grouted product container.
1995 were in need of further treatment to upgrade them to the new waste form
standard. Such wastes are called ‘backlogged wastes’.
The design of the nearly 1000 backlogged half-height ISO containers
generally did not minimize associated voidage nor provide a lid with a
groutable top surface. They have been transferred to the Drigg grouting facility,
where the lids were modified to allow in-fill grouting and the remaining short-
comings to be sufficiently overcome by limiting their positioning to the top of
container stacks in vault 8.
The full-height containers, containing predominantly drummed waste, are
being transferred to Sellafield for processing at the WAMAC facility, with the
wastes being compacted and returned to the Drigg site in half-height
containers. By 2003 the WAMAC facility had processed the wastes from about
600 of the nearly 1000 full-height backlogged ISO containers. Upgrading of the
full-height ISO backlogged LLW is planned to be complete by about 2005,
commensurate with the end of vault 8 operations.
The PCM wastes currently stored on the Drigg site are intermediate level
waste and are not associated with the LLW disposal facilities. These wastes
must be removed from the site, and it is BNFL policy to recover and transfer
them as soon as practicable to Sellafield for further treatment and storage.
Retrieval of crated PCM from the 5 remaining magazines commenced in 1998.
Retrieval modules have been constructed with facilities for preliminary
monitoring and packaging of the crated items in new, size specific overpacks.
Retrieved items are then transferred to a central crate monitoring facility at the
south end of the consented area so that a detailed radionuclide inventory can
be compiled prior to transfer to Sellafield in purpose-built transport containers.
Retrieval of PCM wastes from the PCM drum store is also in progress, having
commenced in 1997, also using project specific packaging, monitoring and
transport arrangements. It is planned that PCM retrieval will be fully complete
by the end of 2006, with decommissioning of all the associated facilities by
A.13.4. Conclusions
This section has described the development of the Drigg site to date.
Development has taken place from tipping of wastes into trenches to the
orderly emplacement of compacted, containerized and grouted wastes in
engineered vaults.
Future operational facilities will consist of a series of vaults within the
consented area. In the longer term, engineering measures associated with the
eventual closure of the site are planned to include a final cap, groundwater cut-
off wall and vertical drain.
The plans for site development will be regularly updated to reflect both
operational developments at the site and engineering and scientific develop-
ments and understanding. Engineering design work will be used to assess and
optimize potential alternative development plans. These plans will continue to
be discussed with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders.
Lvov 4.73E14
Kharkov 4.57E13
Year of
Facility Main purpose Design capacity
(5) Extraction of solid radioactive waste;
(6) Sorting and loading of solid radioactive waste into containers;
(7) Layered cementing of solid radioactive waste;
(8) Transfer of containers to the central disposal site.
(e) Extraction of radioactive waste from emergency repositories 5–7 of Kiev
RADON and its redisposal at the central disposal site (2002–2005);
(f) Retrieval of radioactive waste from disposal trenches at Kiev RADON
and redisposal in 2005.
A.15.1. Introduction
1 acre = 4.047 × 103 m2.
corrective actions included requirements for solidification of liquids, improved
isotopic analysis for ion exchange media, use of high integrity waste containers
for intermediate level wastes, and environmental monitoring. Federal
Government requirements for site suitability, waste form and classification,
packaging, segregation of wastes by waste class, structural stability for class B
and C level wastes, increased shipment manifest requirements, financial
assurance, institutional control and other features took effect in 1982. These
are set forth in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 10 CFR Part 61
regulations [100]. In those regulations, class A waste, which generally decays to
acceptable levels in 100 years or less, is considered to be low level waste. Class
B and C wastes are considered intermediate level wastes.
In 1980, increased stability of intermediate level waste forms was
required. Stability could be achieved by solidification or improved containeri-
zation. Use of high integrity containers for stabilization began in 1981. Most
containers were made of HDPE. In 1989, the NRC determined that these did
not meet long term structural stability requirements [101]. A cylindrical
concrete disposal vault was adopted to allow continued use of HDPE
containers. In 1993 a rectangular concrete vault was required for irradiated
non-fuel bearing reactor components.
South Carolina regulations changed in 1996, requiring all wastes to be
disposed of in engineered barriers. Two previous vault designs were continued
and a third rectangular design was added, primarily for disposal of class A
wastes packaged in drums and metal boxes. Large decommissioning project
components such as nuclear power plant steam generators and reactor pressure
vessels were determined to be structurally equivalent to the concrete disposal
vaults. Additional requirements included enhanced caps on all disposal
trenches and improved infiltration monitoring in class A trenches.
Three types of trenches are used at the Barnwell site. Large, open, class A
trenches are used for low dose rate wastes. Narrow, steep walled class B and C
trenches are used for disposal of intermediate dose rate containers. Long,
narrow trenches are used for the disposal of irradiated hardware with high dose
rates to minimize worker exposure.
Tritium was detected during 1978 in a monitoring well outside the
disposal trenches. As a result of this observation, the site’s operating organi-
zation increased the level of environmental characterization and monitoring
down-gradient of the disposal trenches. In 1991, tritium was found in a
groundwater monitoring well on facility property. An enhanced trench cap
using a bentonite clay mat, an HDPE geomembrane liner and soil drainage
layers was constructed over the older trenches. To date about 80 acres of the
approximately 100 acres of disposal trenches have been capped in this manner
to minimize infiltration and resulting leachate production. These measures
have led to adequate control of tritium concentrations outside the disposal
trenches. State controlled funds collected during operations are set aside for
closure and post-closure monitoring and maintenance.
The Maxey Flats, Kentucky, disposal facility opened in 1964. The facility
stopped accepting waste in 1978. During the operational phase, filled disposal
units were capped with a layer of soil. Waste package degradation and related
trench cap subsidence resulted in substantial water infiltration, inundation of
wastes and transport of radionuclides out of disposal trenches. Relatively high
annual precipitation and low permeability site soils contributed to a ‘bathtub
effect’ which resulted in large amounts of contaminated water in the trenches.
After extensive studies and experimentation, a final corrective action
programme was implemented by the Federal Government, which had shipped
the majority of waste disposed of at the facility. The work, completed and found
to be satisfactory in 2003, consisted of the following major elements:
(a) An additional 620 acres of adjacent land was purchased and fenced as a
buffer zone surrounding the 280 acre disposal facility.
(b) Leachate was pumped out of the disposal trenches, mixed on-site with
cement and other additives and poured into concrete bunkers at the site,
where it solidified.
(c) New disposal trench caps consisting of clay and a synthetic liner were
installed to minimize infiltration and leachate generation. Sumps with
data loggers were installed to monitor water levels in the capped trenches.
(d) New drainage channels with auto-samplers and flow meters were
installed around the perimeter of the facility.
Tritium and 14C were found to be discharging into a small surface water body
near the site. These conditions required a series of studies and subsequent
corrective actions to properly close and stabilize the site. This work, completed
in 2001, consisted of the following:
(a) An additional 170 acres of adjacent land was purchased and fenced as
part of an expanded exclusion zone around the 20 acre site. The exclusion
zone includes the small surface water body which serves to sufficiently
dilute and impound the migrating tritium.
(b) A low permeability clay cap was installed over all trenches in 1989 to
minimize water infiltration and related leachate production and
subsurface transport of radionuclides. The cap was covered with soil and
revegetated to control erosion.
(c) Groundwater monitoring wells were installed to verify the adequacy of
these corrective actions.
The West Valley, New York, disposal facility opened in 1963 and stopped
accepting waste in 1975. The 15 acre disposal site is located within a 200 acre
area. The larger area was primarily devoted to spent fuel reprocessing and high
level liquid waste storage and vitrification.
During the early 1990s, a bentonite clay and natural soil slurry wall and
geomembrane enhanced cover were placed over 2 of the 14 disposal trenches
to minimize infiltration and water accumulation. This geomembrane cover was
extended over the entire site by 1997. These corrective actions have been
successful in controlling leachate accumulation. Environmental monitoring and
maintenance continues. Final closure and long term arrangements are subject
to additional studies by the State of New York.
A.15.1.2. Arid region sites
The facility stopped accepting absorbed liquids in 1999 and required all
liquids to be solidified or stabilized prior to disposal. Also in the 1990s,
additional groundwater monitoring wells were added and monitoring of
unsaturated zone soil gases was initiated. An investigation of chemical constit-
uents was also started. The data indicate limited unsaturated zone transport of
chemical substances, but no groundwater or off-site effects. Investigation of
these chemical substances is continuing to determine if corrective action is
needed. The facility performance assessment was also updated using shipment
manifest information for the site’s early years of operation.
Construction of a multi-layer disposal cap over previously filled disposal
units is expected to take place in 2005 following completion of environmental
impact studies and a further updated safety assessment. This cap is intended to
minimize infiltration, promote natural revegetation and enhance erosion
control. Government controlled funds collected during operations are set aside
to pay for final closure and post-closure monitoring and maintenance.
The Beatty, Nevada, disposal facility was the first commercial operation
in the USA, having opened in 1962. The 36 acre low level radioactive waste
facility closed at the end of 1992 for public policy reasons unrelated to facility
performance. An adjacent but separate 44 acre chemical waste disposal site
continues to operate on the site. The facility is located in an arid desert
environment 100 miles north of Las Vegas near the proposed Yucca Mountain
geological high level radioactive waste repository.
Like the Hanford and Barnwell repositories, the Beatty site opened
before the existence of comprehensive US regulations and adopted improve-
ments over time. These included requirements to solidify liquids, prohibition of
scintillation media, transuranic isotope concentration limits and environmental
monitoring requirements. Government mandated requirements on waste form
and packaging, structural stability for intermediate level wastes, expanded
environmental monitoring and other features of the comprehensive 1982 NRC
regulations followed. Quality assurance requirements for waste shippers using
the facility and a ban on co-disposal of chemical wastes were also instituted.
Tritium migration was detected in the unsaturated zone, but the regulatory
body determined that no corrective actions are required beyond continued
The approved repository closure and stabilization activities were
implemented beginning in 1993. Key features of the closure programme
included the following:
(a) All structures were removed and the area was surrounded with a security
(b) Drainage contours were cleared of debris and sediments and regraded;
(c) All disposal trenches were capped with an 8 ft5 layer of on-site soils,
mounded in the centre at a gentle slope and covered with a thin gravel
layer to prevent erosion and promote natural revegetation.
1 ft = 3.048 × 10–1 m.
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Consultants Meetings
Providing guidance on the disposal of radioactive waste
constitutes an important and integral component of the
IAEA programme on radioactive waste management.
Low and intermediate level waste, even though it
contains a small fraction of the total activity of all
radioactive waste produced globally, represents more
than 90% of the total volume of radioactive waste. Most
of the radioactive waste produced in many developing
Member States is primarily low and intermediate level
waste. A number of activities have been initiated by the
IAEA to assist Member States in the disposal of low and
intermediate level waste, focusing on both technology
and safety aspects. Many existing disposal facilities
were developed and began operations long before
current regulatory requirements took effect or more
recent site suitability guidance, technological
advances, safety assessment methodologies and quality
assurance systems became available. National laws,
regulations and disposal methods have evolved and
improved with time. Various Member States have
ongoing programmes both to upgrade these facilities
and/or develop new near surface disposal facilities.
Upgrading measures are being implemented or planned
at a number of disposal facilities in numerous
countries, and are described in this publication.