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Department of
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
About the Department EIE

♦ The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering was started in the year
♦ The main objective of the department is to fulfil the requirement in the areas of Control
System, Instrumentation, Process Control, Embedded System, Signal Processing and
Industrial Automation.
♦ The department produced 37 batches of undergraduates so far in which 17 batches were
under Bangalore University and 20 batches under Visvesvaraya Technological University.
♦ The department has well-equipped labs to ensure that the students of the department get
enough practical experience apart from the theoretical concepts.
♦ The Research and Development Centre was started in the academic year 2010-2011 to
guide and assist the research scholars.

Vision and Mission of the Department EIE
Graduates of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering will have clarity of purpose and solid
decision-making abilities to be confident, selective and competitive in managing their careers and further
Academic pursuits and to extend their hands for social service.

M1: To evolve continually as a Centre of Excellence in offering quality in Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering education.
M2: To nurture the students to meet the Global Competency in Industry and Academia.
M3: To provide Reliable, Modern and Integrated Technology to support and facilitate Teaching,
Learning, Research and Service.
M4: To promote collaboration with industry and Institute for constructive interaction for better Integration
of Theory and Real-Time Applications.

▸ Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
• To provide foundation in Mathematical, Scientific, and Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
necessary to solve Engineering Problems.
• To prepare Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering graduates for Industry, Academia and globally
employable with Professional Ethics.
• The graduates of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering should be able to use their
comprehensive skill set to launch a Carrier in Industry, Research and to become an Entrepreneur.
• To provide a knowledge base for creating new Innovative Techniques in Instrumentation and Process
Industry with Multidisciplinary projects.

▸ Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

• To provide students with core competence in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
• To provide our graduates with skill development in Process Automation and Control Engineering.

Program Outcomes (PO) EIE
• Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,
and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

• Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.

• Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

• Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research

methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.

• Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
Program Outcomes (PO) EIE
• The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.

• Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

• Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.

• Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

• Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering

community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Program Outcomes (PO) EIE
• Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

• Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Head of the Department EIE
▸ Dr. Aswathappa P
▸ B.E, M.E, Ph.D.
▸ Associate Professor in EIE from past 23 years.
▸ Completed Ph. D in Allahabad University in the year 2016 in the field of Biomedical
▸ Recognized as Research guide under VTU University.
▸ Member of BOE,BOS, Squad and Sports at VTU.
▸ Secretary of ITSA.
▸ Member of disciplinary committee of EIE Dept. and Anti-Ragging Committee at BIT hostel
▸ Lifetime Member in International Association of Engineers, Member Number: 269340
▸ Continuous Improvement Committee and Alumni committee.
▸ Published 8 papers in recognized journals/conferences.
▸ Applied for a patent on “Impact Of Innovative Pedagogy, Teaching And Learning
Methodologies For Higher Educational Institutions.” (Date of filing of Application :
▸ Area of Interest: Power Electronics, Bio-medical Engineering and Modern Control

Citations EIE



Patents EIE
Faculty Patent
S.N Year Patent Title
Name Number
1 Dr. Aswathappa P 2023 “Impact Of Innovative Pedagogy, 202331005061
Teaching And Learning Methodologies
International Association of
For Higher Educational Institutions”
2 Dr. H N Suresh “Facial Emotion Detection Using 202241024446
2022 Convolution Neural Networks”
Department of Industrial Policy
and promotion, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry,
Government of India

3 Dr. Aswathappa P 202141026215

2022 “Internet Of Things And Cloud Based
International Association of Agriculture Monitoring System”.

4 Dr. Aswathappa P 2021 “Optical Fibre Controlled 2020101958

International Association of Manufacturing System Using Cut-off
Engineers Feedback Technique

Teaching Staff EIE

Professors -01
• Dr. M B Meenavathi

Total Faculty Professors -07
Professors -02 10 • S S Vidya
• D Bharathi
• Dr. Aswathappa P
• Venkatesh Murthy N K
• Dr. L K Sudha
• R B Viswanathreddy
• Anjan Kumar B S
• Lalitha H
• Neethashree N R
Non-Teaching Staff EIE

Foreman Mechanic
1. Krishnappa S L 8. Srikantha M N
9. Karunesha H V
10. Srikanth P
2. B S Bharath
3. Ravi V
4. Kempaiah B C Attender
5. Govinda 10. Anand V

Assistant Instructor
6. Hema Malini M
7. Nagaveni T B

Department Staffs EIE

Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs of the Department

Faculty’s Area of Specialization EIE

Faculty Name Area of Specialization

Dr. Meenavathi M B Digital Image Processing
Instrumentation and Process Control, Biomedical Signal Processing,
Dr. Aswathappa P
Process Automation
Dr. Sudha L K Mechatronics, Nanotechnology, Industrial Automation

Mrs. S S Vidya Embedded Controllers, Cryptography, Control Systems

Mrs. Bharathi D VLSI Design Biomedical Systems

Mr. Venkatesh Murthy N K Neural Networks, ARM Processors, Embedded systems, C++, JAVA

Mr. Viswanath Reddy Process Control Systems, IoT, Operating Systems, C++,JAVA

Mr. Anjan Kumar B S Embedded Systems, Biomedical Signal Processing

Mrs. Lalitha H Wireless Communications, Digital Signal Processing

Mrs. Neethashree N R Image Processing, Embedded systems, Robotics

Physical Facilities- Infrastructure EIE
Physical Facilities- Infrastructure

Computer Lab R and D

AEC Lab Measurements and Process Control & VI Lab

Physical Facilities- Infrastructure EIE

HoD Room Staff Room1 Staff Room 2

Staff Room 3 DD & HDL Lab

Physical Facilities- Infrastructure EIE

Department Entrance Department Library Department Office

Foreman Room Class Room Centre of Excellence

Teaching – Learning Process EIE
• Highly qualified Teaching
• Well Equipped laboratories
• Smart Classrooms
• Industry related laboratories
• Outcome based Education
Methodology of teaching-learning process:
• Interactive teaching
• Demo based teaching
• Skill based training
• Industrial visits
• Inter departmental / Inter college technical activities

Course Structure EIE

• Basic Engineering Subjects of all disciplines

1st Year • Basic Engineering labs of all disciplines

• Instrumentation and Control, Electrical, Computer Science, Electronics and

2nd Year Communication subjects and its associated laboratories

• Programming languages Such as C++, Java, HTML and its associated laboratories
• Process Automation, VLSI and Embedded Systems, Analog and digital Communication and
3rd Year its associated Laboratories, Mini Projects.
• Multi disciplinary and Interdisciplinary subjects

• Open and professional Electives in all the disciplines

• Internship, Project Phase I and II, Activity Points related to NGOs, Social
4th Year Service activities etc.

Future Plan or Vision EIE

▸ To be recognized globally for innovative research, academic programs, and industry partnerships.
▸ To provide students with a stimulating learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills.

▸ To emphasize research activities to foster innovation and contribute to advancements in the field.
▸ Building strong partnerships with industry
▸ To foster an entrepreneurial culture among the students.

Our Recruiters EIE

Opportunities - Higher Studies EIE

Placement and Higher Studies details of last 5 years EIE
100 91
80 74
Pass Percentage

46 44
50 43 SN Year GRE TOEFL CAT Others
35 33 34
40 31 30 32 1 2021-22 PGCET - 02
30 2 2020-21 3 2 3
3 2019-20 2 1
4 2018-19 - - - -
2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 5 2017-18 1 - - -

Appeared Passed Percentage Graduated Batches

Placement Details 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023
Class Strength 38 43 35 46 44
Number of Students Placed 31 30 33 34 32
Percentage of Students Placed 91% 66% 95% 74% 73%

Batch wise Result EIE
100 100 100 100 100
Pass Percentage

46 46 44 44 Appeared
50 43 43
38 38
35 35 Passed
30 Percentage
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Graduated Batches
Particular Result Analytics

Batch 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Appeared 46 38 43 35 44
Passed 46 38 43 35 44
Pass percentage 100 100 100 100 100
Student Achievements / Recognitions EIE

Pradyumna N Meghana K R Mahima P

(1BI19EI027) (1BI19EI021) (1BI19EI019)
2nd Rank 7th Rank 10th Rank
9.54 CGPA 9.29 CGPA 9.04 CGPA
Student Achievements / Recognitions EIE

Pradyumna N secured First position and Meghana K R secured second Position in 2019 batch.
Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off.

Student Achievements / Recognitions EIE

Vismaya Prasad has secured the 6th rank and Jeevagan R G has secured the 7th rank ( 2018 Batch).
Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off and we are proud to have played a small role in their success.
The Rajya Vokkaligara Sangha has felicitated the students with a memento and cash prize.

Student Achievements / Recognitions EIE

Prototype of Early Detection of AD and PD using ML

Two Projects were selected by the KSCST in

Student Project Programme(SPP): 2022-2023
Prototype of Fire Fighter Robot with Night Vision Camera

Students Achievements EIE

79 Ranks since inception

10 Gold medals

54 Ranks (2002-21) VTU

3 Ranks from 2019 Batch

77.2 % Placement

22L Highest package

4% Higher Studies

14 PhD Awarded

Student Achievements / Recognitions EIE

Dr. Shivananju Bannur Nanjunda Mr. Rituraj

Ms. Sanjana V
♦ Student of EIE, passed out in the year ♦ Student of EIE, and passed out in the
♦ Student of EIE, and passed out in the
2006 year 2011
year 2018
♦ Worked as Research Fellow in ♦ Secured All-India Rank 69 in UPSC
♦ Excelled in the craft of Yoga and
Monash University, Melbourne, Civil Services Examination, IAS 2015
won many prestigious award
Australia. batch.
including Global Yoga Samrat
♦ Worked in Infosys Technologies as
Award (Champion of Champions)
System Engineer from 2011 to 2013.
Students Achievements – Co-curricular Activities EIE

Pranay Rakesh- 2018 batch student Received

Rs 3Lakhs prize for young entrepreneur competition

Vishwas Navada
Best Project, IISc

Students Achievements – Extracurricular EIE

Farewell of our Former HoD EIE

♦ It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our esteemed ex-head of department Dr. H N Suresh.
♦ He was my Colleague from past 24-25 years.
♦ He has been an integral part of our organization and his contributions have been invaluable to the growth and success of
our department.
Activities Conducted EIE
▪ Conducted 5 day workshop on “Full Stack Java” from 21st to 25th November 2022
▪ Conducted 5-day FDP on “Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT” from 9th May to 13th May 2022
▪ Technical Talks :
1. Technical Talk – 9:30 to11:00am, 13-05-2022
Title: “The Paperless Shop Floor “
2. Technical Talk -- 11:30am to 1:00pm, 13-05-2022
Title:- “The Next Generation Industry Revolution”
3. 3-day hands-on Faculty Industrial Training – 18-08-2022 to 20-08-2022
Title: “Design and Development of Embedded Systems using Raspberry Pi”
4. Technical Talk – 9:30 to 11:00 am, 12/05/2023
Title: “Industrial Control System Security”
▪ An online Alumni interaction and offline technical talk by Technical talk by Alumni and CEO of Kharya
Solutions Mr. Sethu Madhava was conducted on 23rd of April 2022 .
▪ Industrial Visit to Kharya solutions on Building Management System.
▪ Industrial visit to SST Technologies.
Activities Conducted EIE

Full Stack Java Workshop

The Department of EIE, BIT, organized a Five Day workshop on
“FULL STACK JAVA” on 21st to 25th November 2022 in
association with Indian Society For Technical Education (ISTE)
and Cryptovibe Pvt Ltd.
Workshop on “Full Stack JAVA and Programming” EIE

Activities Conducted EIE

The Department of EIE,BIT had organized Essay writing, Quiz

and Debate Competition on "National Education Policy” on
17th December 2022.

Technical Talks EIE

Some of the Technical Talks Organised by the Department of EIE

Industry-Institute Interaction EIE

Alumni EIE

Alumni Meet EIE

Project Exhibition EIE

TracHealth Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Exhibition Stall in BIT campus during ICAECIS-2023
19th April to 21st April 2023
Project Exhibition EIE

Project Exhibition Stall in BIT campus during ICAECIS-2023

19th April to 21st April 2023

Open Day 2023 EIE

Project Exhibition and Dhruti Utsava in BIT campus

18th May to 20st May 2023
News Letter EIE




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