Slot Tech Magazine
Slot Tech Magazine
Slot Tech Magazine
Page 3-Editorial
Page 4-One Volt Too High
Page 12-Don’t Get Caught With Your Lamps Down
Page 16-Quick & Simple Repairs #106
Page 22-Subscriptions
“Goodbye CCFL”
Randy Fromm
When are you gonna light up?
When are you going to glow?
You’ve been on the floor for three, Randy Fromm's
Maybe five years or more. Slot Tech Magazine
I know you can’t hold up forever,
With your electrons stripped away, Editor
From your cathodes, coated with oxides, Randy Fromm
This lamp’s too old to continue. There’s no blue. Technical Writers
James Borg, Jason Czito,
So goodbye CCFLs, Vic Fortenbach, Diana
You’re made of such very thin glass, Gruber, Henry Kollar, Chuck
You can’t be replaced very easily, Lentine, Craig Nelson,
So fragile, with low-pressure gas. Kevin Noble, Pat Porath
I’ve found a much better source for my light, Slot Tech Magazine is published
A semiconductor’s just swell, monthly by
Slot Tech Magazine
Oh I’ve finally decided my future lies,
401 W. Lexington #777
Beyond the CCFL. El Cajon, CA 92022
tel.619.838.7111 fax.619.315.0410
What do you think you’ll do then, e-mail
Where do you think you’ll begin, Visit the website at
To repair the backlight,
So it is working again? Domestic (North America)
1 year - $80.00
Maybe you’ll get a replacement, 2 years - $140.00
There’s plenty like these to be found, International
LEDs that just cost a penny, 1 year - $160.00
2 years - $300.00
Lighting your world all around.
Subscribe online at
So goodbye CCFLs,
You’re made of such very thin glass,
You can’t be replaced very easily, Copyright 2014 under the Universal
Copyright Convention. All rights re-
So fragile, with low-pressure gas. served.
he other morning,
after a never-ending
night, one of my work
colleagues was busy clean- Once I finished what I was in case a lightning bolt
ing out the slot machines doing, I went to find the decided to strike me but
before the casino opens cleaner so he could show nothing happened. I think I
when I heard him utter- me exactly which machine have been watching too
more like shout-some it was that made him jump. many sci-fi films lately or
words, in an angry sort of He pointed toward a bank that nightmare about Van
way, words, which you will of Casino Technology ma- der Graff Generators must
certainly not be reading on chines, one in particular. have affected me more than
these pages. I imagined. However, I
These machines are very didn’t feel very brave that
He ran up to me, white- popular here in Malta and morning, so I reached into
faced, still looking flustered hardly give me any hassle, my shirt pocket and pulled
and obviously pretty upset. apart from the usual button out my little neon tester. I
He told me that one of the replacement after some touched its screw-driver tip
machines had given him a extremely delightful cus- to the chassis and earthed
nasty electric shock and tomers beat the blazes out the other end with my
that I should check it out. of them. They sometimes finger while I gazed at the
Since I was busy doing pop up weird errors but a neon in the plastic hous-
something else at that RAM CLEAR usually solves ing. The neon didn’t come
moment, I just acknowl- the problem. I have found on. This can mean two
edged his request and them to be physically ro- things. Either the
solemnly promised him I bust and can take quite a machine’s chassis wasn’t
would have a look at this bit of punishment. So far, sitting at hazardous poten-
hazardous machine as soon these machines have tials or my tester’s neon
as I could. He mentioned mainly suffered from moni- died a death.
that the machine was still tor problems (namely their
on and seemed to be work- power supply goes FUBAR) Not taking any chances,
ing fine but it still gave him but other than that, it’s all since we’re only granted
a shock. It’s not ideal to systems go. but one life and I don’t
have clients (or staff for that think it’s time for me to go
matter) receiving electric I approached the machine and meet my maker as yet,
shocks. with extreme caution, just I popped the tester into a
I picked up my tester from the carpeted So, just what did actually happen to the
floor and touched it to the next machine. cleaner, where did the 100 Volts come
Lo and behold, the neon came on! Hmmm from, and how on Earth does a neon tester
. . . Now that makes sense. THAT makes a work?
great deal of sense. It seemed that the
nasty machine wasn’t the one I tested in The measured 100 Volts is basically leaked
the first place but the one next to it. voltage and the current flows to ground as
best as it can. This being true if there is a
Just for the sake of it, I set my multi-meter circuit to ground, preferably hard wired.
on the Volts AC range and with one probe However, in the absence of such a wire, a
I touched the machine on which the tester good conductor, this voltage will hover
came on and with the other probe, the around the surface of the unit, with evil
machine I had checked originally. It mea- intent, until it finds a circuit to take it to
sured a nice and juicy 100VAC potential ground. This circuit could be some inno-
across. Just to make sure that I was on the cent individual, like a cleaner busy clean-
right track, I also took as reference the ing the equipment or it could be you,
machine on the other side of the one on while resting on an earthed object and at
which the tester came on, with the same the same time touching the equipment
100V result. with this malicious voltage present.
This potential is what the cleaner must Such a tester basically consists of an NE-2
have copped and I couldn’t really blame neon lamp, in series with a 1 Megohm
him for being upset. This type of jolt, is not resistor.
pleasant in the least.
The screwdriver part connects to the point
I followed the mains cable to the plug, a 13 under test, namely a potentially hazardous
Amp type, and found the earth wire pulled voltage, the mains, for example. This can
out of its place. be 120VAC, or 240VAC, depending on
which part of the globe you come from.
Hardly surprising with all the machine Inside the plastic semi-transparent case,
movements the metal point is connected directly to
we’ve had to the neon, in series with the resistor,
carry out which is itself connected to a spring
lately. Not all which makes contact with the top bit (an
who move slot external metal tail, if you wish) which is
machines tend the part that you touch with your finger.
to do it with a
great deal of
TLC. Only a
select few, the
ones directly
involved with
keeping them
alive and kick-
ing, are the
ones who go
the extra mile
TechFest also includes instructions on LCD For more information, please visit
monitor repair, power supply repair and the website at or
more, presented by Randy Fromm, publisher contact us at techfest@slot-
of Slot Tech Magazine and your host for the or call 619.838.7111 to
event. speak to Randy Fromm directly.
Free Digital Multimeter Included!
Free CCFL Tester Included!
Free Textbooks and Handouts Included!
- James Borg
his article pertains to for a few hours, then goes Okay let’s move on to what
casino LCD monitors, out again or we see a dim, can be done to resolve
what to look for and faded monitor. these issues, using LEDs to
information about the bring life back to our moni-
lifespan of these monitors. Firstly, let’s look at some tors.
We’ll also be taking a look facts about CCFLs and their Let’s talk first about the
at Cold Cathode Fluores- lifespan. These lamps in lifespan of an LED which
cent Lamps (CCFLs) and our monitors have a rated are anywhere from 60,000
upgrading them to the lifespan of 40,000 to 50,000 to 100,000 hours. Also,
latest LED backlighting. hours under normal condi- LEDs use far less energy
tions. This is approximately and create less heat. There
It has been a while now five years. If you take a look are benefits you will see
since the casinos have at the back of your moni- with with your own eyes as
switched to LCD monitors, tors, there is a sticker with well. Once these monitors
approximately five or six the date of manufacture. If are converted to LED, you
years. By now, most of us you are seeing a date of will notice brilliant image
have learned how to keep 2008 or earlier, you are quality. Contrast is en-
them going by changing probably already seeing hanced, colors are richer
inverter boards and power some of the symptoms I and black has more depth.
supplies and we have even described above as the
learned what an A/D board CCFLs in the monitor are LEDs have advanced signifi-
is and how to fix it too. nearing the end of their cantly in the last five years.
lifespan. Also the lifespan I have tried various LED
Now we’re getting to a point of 40,000 to 50,000 hours strips to convert these
where we are seeing differ- are what they describe as monitors, some with suc-
ent symptoms in these “normal conditions.” In our cess but some not all. Some
monitors. Replacing and/or casinos, we have dust and of these strips were much
repairing the A/D boards, heat issues, especially with too wide for the channel,
the inverter boards and the some of the video slot ma- making them difficult to
power supplies do not bring chines with two monitors. install. Some were too
life back to our LCD moni- The top monitor often gets narrow and many of them
extremely hot, just from the had the LEDs too far apart,
or some reason or games, the history behind open up the CPU door to
another, we have had the company, also the reseat it, I had to resort to
a few of our Aruze games run very well. using heavy duty pliers just
games lock up for small to get the darn door open. I
hand pays. It seems the fix Anyway, after the ticket have no idea what caused
is to reprogram the printer printer was reprogrammed that ordeal.
E-mail to editor@slot- All responses
subject to publication.
S lot Tech Magazine is strictly technical. As such, the magazine's contents are not time
critical. The repair information and technical data contained in past issues is just as valid
today as it was the day it was published.
Additionally, current and future articles more-or-less assume that readers are already familiar
with what has been covered in past issues. This editorial policy assures that Slot Tech
Magazine's contributing writers are not limited to "writing down" to the level of a novice
technician but are free to continue to produce the most comprehensive technical articles in
the gaming industry.
Randy Fromm's
Slot Tech Magazine is
published monthly by:
Slot Tech Magazine Back Issues
401 W. Lexington #777
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fax.619.315.0410 Tech Magazine are $10.00/ea.
For further details on the contents of each issue,
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“I can help you bring down the
cost of casino electronics repairs”
Randy Fromm
“OK. You asked and I listened. My new tech class eliminates obsolete CRT
monitor repair and the associated monitor repair lab. In just four or five days,
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