Weekly Note For Transition Program, Nursery

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Dear Parent,

Note for: 17th April 2024 to 30th April 2024 for Nursery class


Greeting friends
Sharing and caring
Mingling with peers
Introduced 3 golden words – Please, sorry, and thankyou
Discussed about favourite vegetables and what do they
like to eat
Discussed about favourite colour
Personal, Social & Emotional
Discussed about their interests and their day
Discussed about classroom rules
1. We should use soft voices in class
2. We should share toys
3. We should not push each other
4. We should be kind to each other

Rhyme time -
Good morning song, I love you, you love me song, Baby shark
aerobics, Five little monkeys song, If you’re happy and you know it
clap your hands, The wheels on the bus, I am a music man, Daddy
finger daddy finger, Slippery fish song, Say please, sorry and
thankyou song, Five senses song, Hello hello song, One little
finger, Jolly phonic group 1 song, Hurry hurry drive the fire truck
song, What’s your name song, Rabbit rabbit song, Healthy meal
song, Being kind to friends song
 Pretend play
 Free play
 Block play
 Zumba
 Yoga
 Explored sensory bins
 Lacing beads in the pipeliner
 Beading
 Bowling activity
 Feed the caterpillar (Integrated with literacy)
 Animal race
 Colors sorting
 Crumpling newpaper
 Snipping paper with scissor
 Loose parts play
 Insert the pipe cleaners
 Prewriting patterns
 Making shapes with playdough

Self portrait (Integrated with Kuw)

Free hand drawing
Chef cap craft
Creative I am a super hero craft (Integrated with literacy)
Decorate your own crown (Integrated with literacy)
Colour collage painting (Integrated with Kuw)

Similarities and differences between blocks

Treasure hunt to find objects for a colour collage using
I am a super hero craft (Integrated with literacy)
Knowledge and Understanding of the Make your own chef cap
World Created self portraits featuring the five senses
Guess who am i? (Five senses)
Importance of sight (Memory game)
Brown bear Brown bear what do you see

Decorate your own crown

The very hungry caterpillar story
The super hero story
The magic porridge pot story
Communication Language and Literacy Introduced three golden words with song
What is your name song
Being kind to friends song
Show and tell (Integrated with Kuw and tech)
The very hungry caterpillar story -
 How many apples/fruits did caterpillar eat
Colour sorting activity
Rote counting 1 to 5 with rhymes and songs
Rote counting 1 to 10 with rabbit rabbit song
Problem Solving, Reasoning &
Build a city with blocks (1 to 10)
Rote counting 1 to 15 with ants go marching song
Jal tarang
Explored 2D shapes on a light table
Sorting big and small
Photographs for the week gone by:

Personal, Social & Emotional Physical Development

Rhyme time Bowling activity

Creative Development Knowledge and Understanding of the world

Colour collage painting I am a super hero craft

Problem solving, Numeracy and Reasoning Communication, Language and Literacy

Jal tarang Decorate your own crown

Personal, Social & Emotional Physical Development

Mingling with peer Making shapes with playdough

Creative Development Knowledge and Understanding of the world

Make your own chef cap Self portrait featuring the five senses

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