Part 5 Thay Hoang Gui Da Sua Lai

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Câu số 1: Câu số 111:

Residents made an ------ to the city council to try to get The responsibilities of each team member should be explained as

the speed limit lowered in their neighborhood. ------ as possible.

A. appealingly A. clearest

B. appealed Câu
B. 113:

C. appeal
Salespeople who have read Professor Vance’s book
C. clearly
report that they are more ------- in their negotiation
D. appeals D. clearer
skills now.
A. confidences
B. confident
Câu số 113: Câu số 117:
C. confidence
Because checked bags are often stacked up, it is ------ for D. confidently
The new cooking classes at the Crestline Institute are aimed

travelers to put fragile items in their carry-ons. ------- at young adults living on their own for the first time.

A. advises A. specify

B. advice B. specificity

C. advising C. specifically

D. advisable D. specific

Câu 118: Câu 119:

The journal article states that the research team’s ------- The shopping center project was not as ------ to new investors as

are confirmation of the medication’s effectiveness. the planners had expected.

A. finding A. attracts

B. findings B. attract

C. find C. attractive

D. found D. attractively

Câu 101: Câu 106:

The national media ------- ignored the report on bridge The mechanic ------- that the tires on the vehicle were heavily

safety and recommendations. worn and in need of replacement.

A. large A. noting

B. largest B. note

C. largely C. noted

D. larger D. to note
Câu 124: Câu 128:
The amount of traffic to a Web site will ------- A government grant was given to the Arlene Theater
improve if the owner invests in ads on social to improve the ------- of its facility for people in
media. wheelchair.
A. substantiating A. accessible
B. substantially B. accessibility
C. more substantial C. accessed
D. substantial D. accessibly

Câu 107: Câu 117:

The employees at Sweet Story Bakery always The ------ nature of the charity’s fundraising
seem to have a more ------- attitude on Friday. department makes it a pleasant place to work for all
A. cheerfully volunteers.
B. cheerful A. cooperation
C. cheer B. cooperative
D. cheers C. cooperated
D. cooperatively

Câu 120: Câu 128:

Thanks to the help of his coach, Vincent Salinas Last-minute purchase items such as snacks and
is ready to participate in marathons -------. batteries are ------- placed near the checkout aisle to
A. competes increase their sales.
B. compete A. strategize
C. competitively B. strategic
D. competitive C. strategy
D. strategically

Câu 127: Câu 101:

Voters have mixed opinions about the proposed Moray Lab equipment has proven ------- when
------- of the chapel, as the cost is over $10 handling hazardous materials.
million. A. effect
A. to restore B. effected
B. restorable C. effective
C. restoration D. effectively
D. restore

Câu 107. Câu 115.

The Tungsten Review is the second The recent ------ of Duluth Motors has significantly
------- established journal among professional increased Border Auto’s production capacity.
chemists. A. acquiring
A. high B. acquires
B. most highly C. acquired
C. height D. acquisition
D. more highly

Câu 110: Câu 113:

According to the memo, the management At Bennington Corp., Ms. Heisman has been
extended the ------- to employees’ family doing well as a group member as well as working
members. -------- as a Web designer.
A. invited A. independency
B. invitations B. independence
C. invitational C. independent
D. inviting D. independently

Câu 125: Câu 106.

Ms. Saunders will take over the responsibility of The board members did not understand the -------- of
keeping the account information -------. some of the terms in the contract.
A. confide A. meanly
B. confidential B. meaning
C. confidentially C. meant
D. confiding D. mean

Câu 115. Câu 112.

Despite strong tourist activity in the area, a Following Ms. Anderson’s resignation, a new CEO
------- number of restaurants have trouble was ------- appointed by the board.
staying in business. A. promptly
A. surprised B. prompt
B. surprisingly C. prompter
C. surprising D. promptest
D. surprise

Câu 125. Câu 101:

Neither of the ------- at the meeting wanted to All buyers from Richard’s Auto Dealership can have
be the first to suggest pricing terms for the their cars ------- inspected based on their
licensing agreement. maintenance schedules.
A. negotiability A. regular
B. negotiable B. regularity
C. negotiators C. regulation
D. negotiation D. regularly

Câu 105: Câu 104:

Residents were ------- of the plan to spend city After this baseball season ends, the ------- of
funds on upgrading Hayden Park. Cooperstown Ball Park’s seats will begin.
A. support A. replaces
B. supportively B. replaceable
C. supportive C. replacement
D.supporting D. replaced

Câu 110. Câu 102:

The server had to relay the diners’ request to Team members are ------- that the project manager
the kitchen ------- when he heard one of them extended the deadline from April 1 to April 10.
was allergic to seafood. A. thank
A. swift B. thankful
B. swifter C. thankfully
C. swiftly D. thanks
Câu 126. Câu 121.
The supply manager’s responsibility is to make Please note that all vending machines throughout
sure that all office goods are -------- used. this building require ------- change.
A. productively A. exact
B. production B. exacted
C. produce C. exactly
D.productive D. exactness

Câu 107: Câu 115:

Information about the drug is --------available to Experts -------- regard Belleview Hotel as the best
patients through the hospital’s Web site. value for business travelers in Austin.
A. ready A. wider
B. readily B. widely
C. readier C. widen
D. readiest D. widest

Câu 113: Câu 108:

After a few moments of --------, Ms. Wickham The new Yao Auto commercial targets young
realized that the sign on the podium had a professionals ------- than the campaign from last
misprint. year.
A. observer A. specifically
B. observative B. specificity
C. observation C. specific
D. observe D. more specifically

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