Part 5 Thay Hoang Gui Da Sua Lai
Part 5 Thay Hoang Gui Da Sua Lai
Part 5 Thay Hoang Gui Da Sua Lai
Residents made an ------ to the city council to try to get The responsibilities of each team member should be explained as
A. appealingly A. clearest
B. appealed Câu
B. 113:
C. appeal
Salespeople who have read Professor Vance’s book
C. clearly
report that they are more ------- in their negotiation
D. appeals D. clearer
skills now.
A. confidences
B. confident
Câu số 113: Câu số 117:
C. confidence
Because checked bags are often stacked up, it is ------ for D. confidently
The new cooking classes at the Crestline Institute are aimed
travelers to put fragile items in their carry-ons. ------- at young adults living on their own for the first time.
A. advises A. specify
B. advice B. specificity
C. advising C. specifically
D. advisable D. specific
The journal article states that the research team’s ------- The shopping center project was not as ------ to new investors as
A. finding A. attracts
B. findings B. attract
C. find C. attractive
D. found D. attractively
The national media ------- ignored the report on bridge The mechanic ------- that the tires on the vehicle were heavily
A. large A. noting
B. largest B. note
C. largely C. noted
D. larger D. to note
Câu 124: Câu 128:
The amount of traffic to a Web site will ------- A government grant was given to the Arlene Theater
improve if the owner invests in ads on social to improve the ------- of its facility for people in
media. wheelchair.
A. substantiating A. accessible
B. substantially B. accessibility
C. more substantial C. accessed
D. substantial D. accessibly