Cie v2!5!52538 Alan Nebrida Final
Cie v2!5!52538 Alan Nebrida Final
Cie v2!5!52538 Alan Nebrida Final
Wireless power transfer (WPT) has garnered significant interest as a potentially transformative tech-
nology in the energy sector, as it presents a novel approach to powering and charging devices. The
functionality of this technology is predicated upon the utilization of electromagnetic coupling to facilitate
the wireless transmission of energy between two entities. Despite the considerable potential, wireless
power transfer (WPT) faces significant obstacles that restrict its practical feasibility. One notable chal-
lenge that arises is the decrease in power transfer efficiency as the distance between the transmitter
and receiver increases. Moreover, the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technology is further limited by its
reliance on accurate alignment between the transmitting source and the receiving device, thereby posing
challenges for its practical implementation. The issues present substantial obstacles to the widespread
commercialization of wireless power transfer (WPT). This study seeks to improve the efficacy of power
transfer by optimizing the resonance frequency of the power transfer in response to the challenges. By
systematically manipulating various parameters, including coil dimensions, input voltage levels, and op-
erational frequency, a novel approach is proposed to enhance the efficiency of power transfer. The study
additionally offers valuable insights regarding the correlation between the distance separating the coils
and the efficiency of power transfer. The findings of this study offer a thorough empirical analysis and are
supported by a strong theoretical framework, resulting in a substantial coefficient of determination (R²
= 0.937118). This finding suggests that the linear regression model under consideration could account
for approximately 93.7118 percent of the variability observed in the distance. The findings of this study
establish a pathway towards enhanced and feasible wireless power technology, thereby establishing a
robust basis for the prospective commercial implementation of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems.
Keywords: Wireless Power Transfer, Coupled Magnetic Resonance, Resonance Frequency, Inductive
In today’s world, there has been a notable surge ity and mobility of such devices for end-users.
in the production and enhancement of portable Wireless energy transfer, also known as Wireless
electronic devices, including mobile phones, lap- Power Transfer (WPT), refers to the transmission
tops, and various other electronics and commu- of electrical energy from a power source to an
nication devices. Irrespective of their wireless electrical load without the use of physical wires
communication capabilities, these devices neces- for interconnection. Various physiological tech-
sitate periodic charging, typically accomplished niques, such as laser technology, the piezoelec-
by connecting them to a power source via a wall tric principle, radio waves, microwaves, inductive
outlet. This phenomenon amplifies the pursuit coupling, and strong electromagnetic resonance,
of novel methodologies aimed at enabling wire- have been employed thus far for the purpose
less power transmission to enhance the portabil of wireless energy transfer. The utilization of a
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
magnetic field for the transmission of substan- of wireless transmission proves advantageous
tial quantities of power ultimately gives rise to in situations where the installation of intercon-
dissatisfaction and potential health hazards for necting wires is impractical, poses risks, or is
individuals. The efficacy of the technique is no- unfeasible. The attainment of wireless power
table; however, it is accompanied by a limitation transfer will enhance the portability and mobili-
due to its reliance on an unobstructed line of ty of electronic devices by significantly improv-
sight and the potential for harm to living organ- ing the convenience of the charging process and
isms stemming from its underlying mechanism. eliminating the need for cord insertion into a
Wireless energy transfer through the utilization socket. Furthermore, in the context of wireless
of electromagnetic resonance phenomena has charging, the safety of the charging process is
emerged as a viable option, particularly for short enhanced by mitigating the risk of electric shock
distances, owing to its notable attributes such as resulting from the deterioration of an aged cord.
high-power transfer efficiency and the absence The present study employs resonant inductive
of adverse impacts on human health. According coupling as a means of wireless power transfer.
to the study conducted by Karalis et al. (2008), The research study employs a low power sup-
The technologies of wireless power transfer ply for the purpose of power transmission. The
(WPT), electromagnetic induction, and microwave study’s focus is confined to the development of
power transfer have gained significant recogni- a simplified wireless power transfer (WPT) sys-
tion in academic and scientific fields. Neverthe- tem utilizing a resonant-coupled inductor config-
less, the concept of electromagnetic resonance uration. This study encompasses several com-
couplings has only emerged in recent times. The ponents, namely the matching sections, the
wireless power transfer technology necessitates derivation of the relationship between the cou-
the incorporation of three primary components: pling coefficient and distance, and the examina-
substantial air gaps, optimal efficiency, and a tion of various parameters such as the quality
significant power output. Electromagnetic reso- factor, coupling coefficients, mutual inductance,
nance coupling represents the sole technologi- and resonance frequency of the resonators. To
cal approach that addresses the three elements. facilitate the discernment of the system’s oper-
The primary aim of this study is to provide a com- ational status, the investigator employs a 12V,
prehensive characterization of resonant coupled 5W CYD LED bulb as the designated load. This
inductors utilized in wireless power transfer sys- study will not encompass alternative approach-
tems. The primary objectives of this study are as es for enhancing the efficacy of wireless power.
follows: (1) To devise a wireless power transfer
system; (2) To construct a model of the wireless Methodology
power transfer system and execute simulations; The present research investigation employed a
(3) To ascertain the maximum distance over which systematic methodology in the development,
the model can transmit power effectively, consid- creation, and evaluation of the suggested sys-
ering various orientations of the power transmit- tem. The methodology is visually depicted in
ter; (4) To compare the outcomes of the simula- Figure 1, which is appropriately labeled as the
tions with empirically measured values; and (5) Methodology Flow Chart. The chart present-
To formulate a systematic approach for analyzing ed herein offers a systematic representation
data and establishing a methodology for char- of the sequential actions undertaken through-
acterizing wireless power transmission systems. out the duration of this research endeavor.
In contemporary times, engineers and design- The collection and analysis of data constitute
ers engaged in the advancement of household the preliminary stage of the research meth-
devices are required to offer consumers an en- odology. This stage encompasses the estab-
hanced degree of convenience and adaptability. lishment of the specifications for both the
The investigation focused on a Wireless Power hardware and software elements, facilitat-
Transfer (WPT) system as a potential solution ing the formulation of the project’s design.
for addressing the inconvenience associated with The design phase of the study encompasses me-
the utilization of a power cable. The utilization ticulous deliberation regarding the hardware and
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
software components of the system. The process were implemented to guarantee the system’s
encompasses the establishment of a conceptual optimal performance. Subsequently, the inte-
framework and the identification of the requisite gration of both hardware and software compo-
materials for the hardware implementation. This nents occurred, thereby facilitating the com-
phase encompasses the determination of the al- mencement of thorough testing procedures.
gorithm, program flow, and software type nec- The subsequent phase entailed the execution of a
essary for the implementation of the software. sequence of experiments with a specific emphasis
After the completion of the design phase, the on the variables under investigation in the study.
project assembly was conducted, followed by These variables include the distances between
the execution of testing, and debugging proce- the transmitting and receiving coils, resonant
dures. During this phase, essential modifications frequency, voltage gain, and system efficiency.
Requirement Definition
Hardware Software
Wiring Coding
System Integration
Characterization of Resonant Coupled Inductor in a Wireless
Power Transfer System
Figure 1.
Methodology Flow Chart
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
The determination of the parameters of the The subsequent section encompasses the Trans-
Resonant Coupled Inductor in the Wireless mitting Loops, which serve as the primary an-
Power Transfer System was predominant- tennas within the system. The primary purpose
ly derived from the outcomes of these exper- of power amplifiers is to transmit amplified sig-
imental investigations. Comprehensive anal- nals to the surrounding environment. The am-
yses of the findings are expounded upon in plified electrical signals are converted into elec-
subsequent sections of this scholarly article. tromagnetic waves that have the ability to
propagate through space by the transmitting
Conceptualization/Development of System loops. The devices are intricately engineered to
Design function at the resonant frequency of the sys-
System Block Diagram tem, thereby enabling efficient energy transfer.
The system, as depicted in Figure 2, is structured The third section comprises the Receiving Loops,
into four main sections, all of which are essen- which function as the receiving antennas of the sys-
tial for the system’s overall functioning. The ini- tem. These devices have been designed to effec-
tial component, known as the Power Amplifier, tively capture electromagnetic waves emitted by
assumes a pivotal role within the system. The transmitting loops and subsequently convert them
device is accountable for amplifying the power into electrical signals. Like the transmitting loops,
of the input signal. The radio frequency signal these devices are also specifically engineered to
is amplified to a suitable level for transmission. function at the resonant frequency of the system,
The ability to adjust the output power allows for thereby optimizing the absorption of energy from
precise control over the desired signal strength, the electromagnetic waves being transmitted.
thereby playing a crucial role in optimizing The last component of the system is the Volt-
the efficiency of wireless power transmission. age Rectifier, which is responsible for the con-
DC Load Voltage
Figure 2.
The Block Diagram of the System
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
version of the alternating current (AC) produced imperative for the effective and streamlined
by the receiving loops into direct current (DC). functioning of wireless power transfer systems.
Since a multitude of electronic devices require The amplifier’s design is specifically engineered
direct current (DC) for their functioning, the to facilitate the integration of a feedback loop
significance of this component becomes par- originating from the transmitting antenna or loop.
amount in the context of implementing wire- The distinctive arrangement of components en-
less power transmission in real-world scenarios. ables the redirection of the antenna’s resonant
frequency towards the amplifier, resulting in a re-
Every component of the system has been meticu- liable and robust amplification of the signal. The
lously crafted to align with the precise objectives utilization of this feedback mechanism serves as
of the study. Any alteration made to each individ- the foundation for the overall optimization and
ual section has the potential to directly impact the efficacy of the wireless power transfer system.
overall performance of the system, encompassing The utilization of Multisim software simulations
both efficiency and power transfer range. Hence, played a crucial role in both the design and test-
meticulous consideration is devoted to the design ing phases of the amplifier. Although it is rec-
and implementation of each section, to guarantee ognized that the Multisim library did not include
that the overall system achieves optimal perfor- the precise components employed in physi-
mance in accordance with the research objectives. cal bench testing, appropriate generic compo-
nents were employed to ensure the fidelity of
Amplifier the simulations. In this context, Multisim has
The amplifier plays a crucial role in ensuring demonstrated its significant utility as a valu-
the effective functioning of the wireless pow- able tool for the prediction and comprehension
er transfer system, as outlined in the descrip- of circuit behaviors, particularly with respect
tion. The primary purpose of this device is to to resonance and amplification parameters.
amplify the input oscillating signal to produce The schematic diagram of the amplifier is depict-
a robust magnetic flux that can effectively in- ed in Figure 3, which represents the simulated
duce the highest possible voltage in the re- circuit. The tank circuit, denoted by the compo-
ceiving loop. The utilization of this function is nents C1 and L3, functions as a reflection of the
R2 L1 R3
C1 L3
-12V D1
Q1 Q2
Figure 3.
Schematic Diagram of Amplifier
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
antenna load, and its parameters are deliberately in the simulation. The tank circuit effectively gen-
selected to achieve resonance at a frequency of erated oscillation, which is a vital component of
580kHz. The incorporation of this design element the system’s functioning. The oscillation was sub-
serves to optimize the transfer of resonant energy, sequently amplified via the MOSFET, thereby con-
which is a primary objective of the present study. firming the theoretical functionality of the amplifier.
Although the simulation had certain limitations
Figure 4 offers significant insights into the opera- arising from the utilization of generic compo-
tional characteristics of the amplifier as observed nents, it effectively demonstrated the funda-
Ext Trig
L1 _
D1 R3 R4 L2 A B
+ _ + _
100Ω 300µH 100Ω 300µH
T1 D2 Relay
C1 C2 L3
230 Vrms R2
D3 K 110nF 0.654µH
60 Hz
0° 4700µF 1kΩ D5
Q1 Q2 V(p-p): 36.7 V
Fre q.: 581 kHz
75.0 75.0
65.0 65.0
60.0 60.0
55.0 55.0
50.0 50.0
45.0 45.0
50.0 50.0
45.0 45.0
40.0 40.0
Channel-A Voltage (Y)
30.0 30.0
25.0 25.0
20.0 20.0
15.0 15.0
10.0 10.0
5.0 5.0
0.0 0.0
-5.0 -5.0
-10.0 -10.0
-15.0 -15.0
-20.0 -20.0
-25.0 -25.0
-30.0 -30.0
-35.0 -35.0
-40.0 -40.0
-45.0 -45.0
-50.0 -50.0
-55.0 -55.0
-60.0 -60.0
-65.0 -65.0
-75.0 -75.0
0.0 500.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Channel A
Figure 4.
Amplifier output in Multisim using (a) Measurement Probe, (b) Oscilloscope
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
mental operational principles of the amplifier. ment is to convert the rippled output of the rectifier,
The obtained simulation results, as depicted in which is a full-wave waveform, into a steady direct
Figure 4(a), demonstrate that the operating fre- current (DC) voltage. This ensures a consistent
quency closely approximates the desired value and uninterrupted DC voltage supply for the load.
of 580 kHz. This observation suggests that the The selection of diodes for the rectifier holds
amplifier is effectively performing its intended significant importance in the design process,
function. The amplifier successfully operated, as particularly when considering the rectification
evidenced by the achievement of an output volt- of high-frequency signals. The selection of fast
age of approximately 36.7 volts peak-to-peak. signal diodes, specifically the 31DF4 type, for
this system, was based on their ability to effi-
Transmitter and Receiver Loops ciently rectify alternating current (AC) sig-
The coupling circuit, consisting of the transmitter nals at frequencies in the megahertz range.
and receiver loops, constitutes the fundamental
component of the wireless power transfer sys- Circuit Model and Transfer System
tem. The coupling circuit is the location where The resonator system, illustrated in Figure 5,
the effective transmission of wireless power takes can be understood by considering the lumped
place, and the distances between the transmitter circuit components: L (inductor), C (capacitor),
and receiver significantly influence its efficiency. and R (resistor). The provided diagram depicts
The design of the transmitter and receiver loops a circuit configuration that is well-suited for
allows for a variable separation along their re- both manual analysis and SPICE simulations.
spective axes. This functionality facilitates the
examination and measurement of the impact of Figure 5 depicts a circuit diagram that is visu-
the distance of separation on the overall effec- ally enhanced with illustrations. The diagram
tiveness of the system. Measurements were per- showcases the presence of four resonant circuits,
formed on a direct current (DC) load at various which are interconnected through magnetic cou-
distances, and the outcomes are illustrated in pling coefficients denoted as k12, k23, and k34.
Figure 3.13. The findings of this study offer sig- The power loop is energized by a source possess-
nificant insights into the influence of distance on ing a finite output impedance, denoted as RS,
the efficiency of power transfer within the sys- commencing from the left. The power loop can be
tem, thus emphasizing the significance of separa- represented by a single-turn inductor, denoted as
tion distance in the optimization of the design and L1, which is accompanied by a corresponding re-
performance of wireless power transfer systems. sistance, denoted as R1. The inclusion of capacitor
C1 serves to establish resonance at the intended
Voltage Rectifier frequency within the power loop. The transmitter
The voltage rectifier is an essential element within loop, denoted as Tx, consists of two components:
the system. The device is tasked with the conver- the parasitic resistance R2 and a single-turn air
sion of the received alternating current (AC) volt- core inductor L2. The self-capacitance, denoted as
age from the load coil into a direct current (DC) C2, is determined by the geometry of the Tx loop.
voltage, thereby enabling its use for powering a The inductors L1 and L2 are interconnected with
DC load. The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier has been a coupling coefficient k12, and the receive side
selected as the preferred rectifying circuit for this is defined similarly. The interconnection between
application due to its capability to produce an out- the transmitter and receiver loops is established
put voltage that is exclusively direct current (DC) through the coupling coefficient, denoted as k23.
or possesses a predetermined DC component. The In a conventional implementation, the drive loop
rectifier in question employs a closed loop “bridge” and the Tx coil would be combined into a unified
configuration consisting of four interconnected entity, thereby resolving the issue of k12. Similar-
rectifying diodes to achieve the intended output. ly, the value of k34 would also remain constant.
To mitigate the ripple present in the full-wave rec- As a result, k23 would represent the sole uncon-
tifier output, a smoothing capacitor is connected trolled variable, subject to variation depending
to the bridge circuit. The purpose of this arrange- on the distances separating the transmitting and
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
푽풔 풁ퟏ 풋흎푴ퟏퟐ ퟎ ퟎ 풊ퟏ
RS R1 풋흎푴ퟏퟐ R3 풁ퟐ −풋흎푴ퟐퟑ ퟎ 풊
R2 �ퟎ�=� R4 � � ퟐ�
ퟎ ퟎ −풋흎푴ퟐퟑ 풁ퟑ 풋흎푴ퟑퟒ 풊ퟑ
C1 C2 ퟎ C3 ퟎ ퟎ 풋흎푴ퟑퟒ C4 풁ퟒ RL 풊ퟒ
V1 풌풙풚 = , L3 ퟎ ≤ 풌풙풚L4≤ ퟏ
L1 L2 �푳풙 푳풚
k12 k23 k34
푽풔 풁ퟏ 풋흎푴ퟏퟐ ퟎ ퟎ 풊ퟏ
Figure 5. �ퟎ�=�
풋흎푴ퟏퟐ 풁ퟐ −풋흎푴ퟐퟑ ퟎ
� � ퟐ�
풋흎푴ퟑퟒ 풊ퟑ
ퟎ −풋흎푴ퟐퟑ
Equivalent Circuit Model of theퟎ System
ퟎ ퟎ 풋흎푴ퟑퟒ 풁ퟒ 풊ퟒ
풌풙풚 = , ퟎ ≤ 풌풙풚 ≤ ퟏ (ퟐ)
receiving entities. The parallel resonators in the �푳풙 푳풚
푹ퟏ + 풋흎푳ퟏ
model represent each of the four antenna ele- 풁ퟏ = 푹풔 + ퟐ (3)
흎 푳ퟏ − 풋흎푪ퟏ 푹ퟏ + ퟏ
ments, which are interconnected by mutual in-
ductances and coupling coefficients. 풁ퟐ = 푹ퟐ + 풋 �흎푳ퟐ − � (4)
One effective approach for examining the trans- 흎푪ퟐ
푹ퟏ + 풋흎푳ퟏ ퟏ
fer characteristics of a resonator system with 풁ퟑ = 푹풁ퟑퟏ =+푹풔풋+�흎푳 ퟑ −ퟏퟏ푹ퟏ + ퟏ �
흎ퟐ 푳ퟏ − 풋흎푪 (5)
straightforward method for systematically exam- The calculation of the current (i4) in the load coil
ining the characteristics of the system. The utili- resonant circuit is determined by utilizing the ma-
zation of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) enables trix in equation 1 through the application of the
the representation of the connection between the substitution method.
current passing through each coil and the voltage
풋흎ퟑ 푴ퟏퟐ 푴ퟐퟑ 푴ퟑퟒ 푽풔
applied to the power coil, as illustrated in equation 풊ퟒ = −
풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ + 흎ퟐ 푴ퟏퟐ ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ + 흎ퟐ 푴ퟐퟑ ퟐ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟒ + 흎ퟐ 푴ퟑퟒ ퟐ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ + 흎ퟒ 푴ퟏퟐ ퟐ 푴ퟑퟒ ퟐ
of S21. The calculation of the S21 parameter is alterations in the orientation or misalignment of
based on the work of Sample et al. (2011), as the transmitting and receiving resonators have an
referenced in the studies conducted by Fletch- impact on the coefficient. The mutual inductance
er and Rossing (1998) and Mongia (2007). between the coils exhibits a negative correlation
with distance, implying that an increase in dis-
푽푳 푹풔 ퟏ/ퟐ tance will result in an increase in the value of k23.
푺ퟐퟏ = ퟐ � � (8) (ퟖ) a modification when there is
The k23 undergoes
푽푺 푹푳 a variation in orientation or misalignment. The
Therefore, by incorporating the equation Mxy=kxy graphical representation in Figure 6 illustrates the
√(Lx Ly ) derived from equation 2, the S21 param- interconnections among S21, k23, and frequen-
eter can be expressed as cy. Based on the data presented in the figure,
풋ퟐ흎ퟑ 풌ퟏퟐ 풌ퟐퟑ 풌ퟑퟒ 푳ퟐ 푳ퟑ �푳ퟏ 푳ퟒ 푹풔 푹푳
푺ퟐퟏ = (ퟗ)
풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ + 풌ퟏퟐ 푳ퟏ 푳ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟐퟑ ퟐ 푳ퟐ 푳ퟑ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟑퟒ ퟐ 푳ퟑ 푳ퟒ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟏퟐ ퟐ 풌ퟑퟒ ퟐ 푳ퟏ 푳ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ
The utilization of equation 9 for the analysis of it can be observed that for scenarios where k23
the system’s performance proves to be advan- is small, such as instances involving significant
tageous. The efficiency of the system is deter- separation between the transmitter and receiver
mined by the parameter known as the magnitude or a combination of misalignment and orientation
of S21. This parameter can be expressed as a deviation, the efficiency, as indicated by the mag-
function of two variables, namely k23 and fre- nitude of S21, exhibits a maximum value at the
quency. The values of풋ퟐ흎 all ퟑcircuit parameters can
풌ퟏퟐ 풌ퟐퟑ 풌ퟑퟒ 푳ퟐ 푳ퟑ �푳ퟏ 푳ퟒ 푹풔 푹푳 self-resonant frequency of approximately 580kHz.
푺ퟐퟏ = be found in Table 1. The coupling coefficient k23, Consequently, the resonant (ퟗ) frequency under-
풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ + 풌ퟏퟐ ퟐ 푳ퟏ 푳ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟐퟑ ퟐ 푳ퟐ 푳ퟑ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟑퟒ ퟐ 푳ퟑ 푳ퟒ 풁ퟏ 풁ퟐ 흎ퟐ + 풌ퟏퟐ ퟐ 풌ퟑퟒ ퟐ 푳ퟏ 푳ퟐ 풁ퟑ 풁ퟒ 흎ퟐ
as previously mentioned, is the parameter that goes variation in response to alterations in k23.
undergoes changes in response to alterations in A thorough analysis of the relationship between
circumstances. The presence of a variable dis- the magnitude of S21 and the variable k23 yields
tance can result in variations in k23. Moreover, valuable insights. The magnitude of S21 exhib-
its a diminished value when the coefficient k23
assumes a significantly small value, a circum-
Parameter Value stance that arises when the distance between
the transmitter and receiver is excessively large.
푅� , 푅� 50Ω
The magnitude of |S21| exhibits an increase as
퐿� , 퐿� 0.654휇퐻 the separation between the resonators decreas-
es, which is attributed to an augmentation in the
퐶� , 퐶� 110푛퐹 value of k23. However, increasing the value of
k23 does not necessarily lead to a higher mag-
푅� , 푅� 0.20Ω nitude of |S21| once the threshold level of |S21|
is attained. Furthermore, a notable issue arises
퐿� , 퐿� 0.944휇퐻 regarding frequency splitting, which substan-
80푛퐹 tially diminishes the efficiency of the apparatus.
퐶� , 퐶�
The location within the system at which the ini-
푅� , 푅� 0 . 20Ω tial resonance frequency (593.383 kHz) deviates
hold considerable influence. The superior perfor-
푘�� 0.001 푡표 0.30 mance of the system is evident through the rela-
tive positioning of the resonators. The efficiency
푓� 580 푘퐻푧 is inadequately characterized when the distance
exceeds the specified range. However, the effi-
푓푟푒푞푢푒푛푐푦 100푘퐻푧 푡표 1.5푀퐻푧
ciency remains high despite the detuning of the
resonant frequency in two furrows. Optimal pow-
Table 1. er transmission would be achieved if the frequen-
Component Values in the Circuit model. cy could be adjusted to the desired frequency.
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
Figure 6.
|S21 | as a Function of k23 and frequency
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
Figure 7.
The Energy Transfer Experimental Device
the impact would be minimal if the object is early fit, the data points were strongly correlated.
smaller than the diameter of the coil or if it is To put it another way, the Power Transfer Effi-
unable to generate a significant eddy current. If ciency rapidly declines as a function of distance
metallic objects that can generate larger eddy outside the linked mode zone. This exemplifies
currents or forming a closed loop are near this the hypothesis that coupled mode resonance
system, the resulting impact will be more signifi- vanishes as the distance between the two anten-
cant, potentially hindering the transfer of energy. nas grows, allowing the antennas to operate in
Based upon the data collected on Table 2, the the near field as conventional transmitting and
following graph shows voltage as a function of receiving antennas. Figure 9, shown below, il-
distance between the loop, the transmitter and lustrates the relationship between voltage gain
receiver. Curves in figure 8 show the impact on and distance. It is seen that as the distance de-
the output voltage caused by different transfer di creases, the voltage gain increases. Therefore,
tance. It is obvious that the longer is the distance an increased separation between the transmit-
between the two loops, the lower the output volt- ting and receiving coils results in a decrease in
age of the receiving loop is. Since the coefficient of the gain voltage. The graph reveals the pres-
determination R2 has a value close to 1 for the lin- ence of a finite separation between the two coils.
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
풚 = ퟏퟎ. ퟔퟑퟐퟒퟕ − ퟎ. ퟏퟎퟖퟓퟓ풙
Output Voltage (V)
8.0 푹ퟐ = ퟎ. ퟗퟒퟏퟎퟑퟔ
Distance (cm)
Figure 8.
Relationship between the transfer distance and output voltage of the load loop
The statistic multiple R suggests that efficien- the distance of the two coils can explain 93.32
cy is highly related to the distance between the percent of the variance in the efficiency tested
coils. Moreover, the R-square (R2) suggests that during the experiment. This result could be in-
풚 = ퟎ. ퟖퟑퟏퟔퟖퟔ − ퟎ. ퟎퟎퟖퟓퟓ풙
푹ퟐ = ퟎ. ퟗퟑퟑퟏퟗퟗ
Gain (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Distance (cm)
Figure 9.
Relationship between the Voltage Gain and the Separation Distance
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
Input Output
Voltage Current Power Voltage Current Power
(Volts) (Ampere) (Watts) (Volts) (Ampere) (Watts)
0 5.61 7.72 43.3092 8.5 2.05 17.425
5 4.26 8.75 37.275 7.29 1.95 14.2155
10 11.48 2.75 31.57 4.54 1.6 7.264
15 12.63 1.94 24.5022 2.28 1.31 2.9868
20 12.68 1.85 23.458 1.79 0.52 0.9308
25 13.09 1.79 23.4311 1.72 0.31 0.5332
30 13.01 1.75 22.7675 1.702 0.18 0.30636
35 13.29 1.72 22.8588 1.67 0.11 0.1837
40 13.18 1.72 22.6696 1.645 0.07 0.11515
45 13.3 1.69 22.477 1.625 0.04 0.065
50 13.31 1.71 22.7601 1.59 0.02 0.0318
55 13.35 1.69 22.5615 1.5 0.01 0.015
Table 3.
Measured Value for Voltage, Current and Power
terpreted to mean that there is enough evidence result could be interpreted to mean that there is
to show that the distance between the coils de- enough evidence to show that distance between the
termines the higher gain voltage of the system. coils determines higher efficiency of the prototype.
This result finds support from the studies of
System Efficiency
The power received in the receiver coil divided
by the power emitted from the transmitter coil 40
is used to calculate the power transfer efficien- 풚 = ퟐퟗ. ퟕퟎퟐퟕퟐ + ퟎ. ퟕퟎퟕퟒퟕ풙
cy, which describes the direct energy transfer 35 ⬚
푹ퟐ = ퟎ. ퟕퟏퟏퟓퟎퟒퟕퟐퟏ⬚
between the transmitter and receiver coils as
Efficiency (%)
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
210° 330°
225° 315°
240° 300°
255° 285°
Figure 12.
Voltage Pattern in Different Orientation
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
Voltage Gain [%]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Distance [cm]
Figure 13.
System’s Voltage Gain Relative to Voltage Ratio
Figure 14.
Relationship Between the Different driving Frequency, Resonant Frequency, and the Output
Voltage on Load Loop
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1
Current Integrative Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-59, ISSN: 2995-6307
DOI: 10.59762/cie570390542120240205133744
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.