Wireless Power Transfer Using Harvested Radio Freq

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Wireless Power Transfer Using Harvested Radio Frequency
Energy with Magnetic Resonance Coupling to Charge Mobile
Device Batteries
Neetu Ramsaroop and Oludayo O. Olugbara *

ICT and Society Research Group, South Africa Luban Workshop, Durban University of Technology, Durban 4000,
South Africa; neetu43r@gmail.com
* Correspondence: oludayoo@dut.ac.za

Abstract: This research paper presents the design of a wireless power transfer (WPT) circuit integrated
with magnetic resonance coupling (MRC) and harvested radio frequency (RF) energy to wirelessly
charge the battery of a mobile device. A capacitor (100 µF, 16 V) in the RF energy harvesting circuit
stored the converted power, and the accumulated voltage stored in the capacitor was 9.46 V. The
foundation of the proposed WPT prototype circuit included two coils (28 AWG)—a transmitter
coil, and a receiver coil. The transmitter coil was energized by the alternating current (AC), which
produced a magnetic field, which in turn induced a current in the receiver coil. The harvested
RF energy (9.46 V) was converted into AC, which energized the transmitter coil and generated a
magnetic field. The electronics in the receiver coil then converted the AC into direct current (DC),
which became usable power to charge the battery of a mobile device. The experimental setup based
on mathematical modeling and simulation displayed successful charging capabilities of MRC, with

 the alternate power source being the harvested RF energy. Mathematical formulae were applied to
calculate the amount of power generated from the prototype circuit. LTSpice simulation software
Citation: Ramsaroop, N.; Olugbara,
O.O. Wireless Power Transfer Using
was applied to demonstrate the behavior of the different components in the circuit layout for effective
Harvested Radio Frequency Energy WPT transfer.
with Magnetic Resonance Coupling to
Charge Mobile Device Batteries. Appl. Keywords: battery; coupling; energy; frequency; magnetic; mobile; power; radio; receiver; resonance;
Sci. 2021, 11, 7707. https://doi.org/ transmitter

Academic Editor: Cheonshik Kim

1. Introduction
Received: 29 June 2021 The fourth or fifth industrial revolution is the future of our society, and the requirement
Accepted: 19 August 2021 for wirelessly charging the batteries of electronic devices has motivated power electronic
Published: 21 August 2021
engineers to find innovative ways to overcome the future charging infrastructure prob-
lem [1]. The electronic product designers and engineers previously experienced power
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
challenges in the form of continuously supplying power, recharging batteries, optimizing
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
the location of sensors, and dealing with rotating and moving joints in electronic machinery.
published maps and institutional affil-
Although these challenges remain unresolved, new demands that arise from the increased
use of mobile devices and the operation of these devices in dirty or wet environments mean
that designers require new approaches for supplying power to electronic equipment [2].
The vision of wireless power transfer (WPT) provides a practical resolution to the
challenges often experienced with the incessant contact-charging or wired cable charging
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. of mobile device batteries. The conjecture and evidence of WPT originated in the early
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
19th century. The idea of transferring power wirelessly was initially suggested by Nikolas
This article is an open access article
Tesla in 1891 with his Tesla coil invention [3]. The theory of electromagnetism states that
distributed under the terms and
electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light and that light is a wave [4]. Power can
conditions of the Creative Commons
be wirelessly transmitted up to certain distances using a transmitter coil and a receiver
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
coil. This technique can make a dramatic change in the field of electrical engineering
in the nearest future. It can cause breakthrough innovation or disruptive innovation by

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11167707 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 2 of 10

eliminating the use of physical wires, different cables, connectors, and power cords that
are currently pervasively used to transmit power up to large distances [5]. In addition,
the magnetic resonance coupling (MRC) would be a practical resolution for wirelessly
charging the batteries of pacemakers fitted inside the body of heart patients to eliminate
the endless replacement of pacemaker batteries [6]. WPT is trending in the medical field [7]
through implementing a wireless charging method for active implantable medical devices
(AIMDs). These devices include mechanical pumps that are responsible for pumping blood
within the body of a patient, a Doppler flow meter that monitors the flow of blood for
signs of clotting, and endoscopic capsules that detect or diagnose health risks related to
the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [8]. MRC can be used for different real-life applications like
charging the batteries of mobile devices, including the batteries of laptops, iPods, aviation
devices, wind turbines, and automation systems [8].
The method of charging the batteries of mobile devices will be made more convenient
when WPT is finally accomplished, because the method will eliminate the necessity to
regularly plug a cord into an electrical outlet [9–11]. In addition, as power can be transferred
constantly to the batteries of mobile devices, the battery size can be reduced significantly.
Moreover, the danger of being electrocuted because of the wear and tear of old power cords
will be avoided completely. This is because the process of handling a power cord would
not be necessary, thus making the charging process safer. The WPT system must satisfy
three essential conditions of high efficiency, large air gaps, and high power in order to
achieve wireless charging [12]. There are a few challenges that need to be considered when
utilizing the WPT system to charge the batteries of electronic devices. They include an
interruption to the frequency of less than 150 kHz, WPT charging points, and appropriate
charging frequencies for the various devices. These should be considered with the charging
expectations of the WPT system [13]. Extensive research has been conducted on WPT
used for charging electric vehicles. The agglutination of WPT with MRC was used to
charge the wheel motion in electric vehicles [14]. The current research trends include using
a contactless energy harvester to power the condition of monitoring sensors in a smart
grid to harvest more energy [15]. A major issue experienced with using WPT to charge
electric vehicles was stated in various publications as stray magnetic fields. The existence
of stray magnetic fields within the WPT charging field results in the charging magnetic
field becoming weak [16]. Studies have been conducted on measuring the stray magnetic
fields for improving the charging apparatus so as to limit stray magnetic fields [17–20].
Radiofrequency (RF) energy harvesting is an emerging technology and an intriguing
research area that promises to produce enough power to run miniaturized wireless devices
and supply power to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The RF energy harvesting system
aimed to convert the received ambient RF energy into usable DC power. The evolution of
RF energy scavenging in free space originated in the late 1950s with a microwave-powered
helicopter [21]. The existence of electromagnetic radiation started with the research con-
ducted by Heinrich Hertz, who proved the presence of electromagnetic radiation and radio
waves in experiments from 1886 to 1888 [22]. Popular energy harvesters used today include
solar cells, wind, waves from the ocean, thermal energy, and vibration [23]. Although these
are extensively used, energy harvesters have limited capabilities, such as high installation
costs, and solar cells will not work efficiently in cloudy weather. The types of devices that
produce RF signals from which energy can be harvested according to operating distances
are Bluetooth (2.40 to 2.48 GHz), WIFI (2.40 GHz to 5.8 GHz), and cellular technology
(700 MHz to 2.7 GHz) [24]. The MRC offers freedom from the annoying wires during charg-
ing, and when combined with the RF energy harvesting as an alternate power source [25], it
becomes an efficient method for charging the batteries of mobile devices. There are various
studies on WPT techniques, MRC, and related components, but limited research has been
conducted on the wireless transfer of RF harvested power using the MRC method. This
research contributes to filling this literature void of the dearth of studies on the application
of MRC for the wireless transfer of RF harvested power to charge the batteries of mobile
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 3 of 10

2. Methods
The mathematical modeling and simulation (M&S) research method [26] formed the
basis for implementing a prototype system to test the viability of a complete WPT cir-
cuit. M&S assisted in acquiring the necessary information about the behavior of the WPT
prototype through simulation and mathematical equations before the physical implemen-
tation, testing, and deployment. The LTspice simulation software (Analog Devices Inc.,
Wilmington, MA, USA) was utilized to analyze the test results of the WPT prototype cir-
cuit [27]. The variables considered for the energy harvesting circuit were distance, antenna
type, and amount of energy harvested based on the feasibility of the circuit model. The
variables considered for the MRC [28] circuit were the resistance and conductivity of the
copper wire. The relevant formulae were applied to display the quality factor aspect of
the complete WPT prototype circuit. It is practical to take into consideration the RF energy
harvesting system, the circuitry of the magnetic resonant system, and the signal strength
of the receiving antenna (Yagi-Uda) with a frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz. The
factors affecting the efficiency of the wireless power system were based on the coil design
configuration, transmission distance, and coupling. A less efficient system will generate
more emissions and result in less power passing through to the receiver device or load [29].
The prototype system consisted of the RF energy harvesting circuit initially tested
in a previous study [30], which represented the input to the WPT system utilizing MRC.
Figure 1 presents the block diagram for the WPT prototype system. The received RF signals
are converted to electrical power through the RF energy harvester circuit (A) [30]. The
power management system (B) sends the converted electrical power to be used as the input
load (C) to the transmitting coil (D) in the WPT system. It consists of single transistor
oscillator attached to the transmitting coil [31]. The receiving coil (E) transfers the electrical
power (AC), referred to as the load to be converted by the rectifier (F) into DC power, which
is stored in the storage capacitor (G). The voltage regulator (H) transfers the required DC
power wirelessly through the MRC to the battery of a miniaturized electronic device (I)
for charging. The components used for the initial magnetic resonance prototype circuit
consisted of 22 AWG magnetic wire, 15 turns magnetic wire (receiver coil (D)), 7.5 turns
of the magnetic wire with a looped tap (3 cm), and another 7.5 turns of magnetic wire
(transmitting coil (E)), each with a diameter of 5 cm. The resistivity, resistance, conductance,
area, and length of coils were taken into consideration because they impact the flow
of voltage through the circuit. The RF energy harvesting circuit included the rectifier
component, similar to the full bridge rectifier circuit [30].
The block diagram (Figure 1) can be divided into two components—the RF energy
harvesting circuit and wireless power charging circuit. The RF energy harvesting circuit
consisted of a voltage rectifier component (full-wave), Yagi-Uda antenna connection with a
frequency range of 30 MHz to 3 GHz (RG-5 coaxial cable), and ground connection, which
is a straight copper cable attached to a metal pole inserted 6 m into the ground [30]. The
rectifier component within the RF energy harvesting circuit is responsible for converting
the RF signals from the antenna to DC voltage [25,30,32]. The wireless power charging
circuit includes the magnetically coupled coils shown in Figure 2, the transmitting coil
(D) connected to single transistor oscillator, the receiving coil (E) with the rectifier (F) to
convert AC to DC [33], and a capacitor (G) to smooth or filter the pulsating DC output
after rectification and to store the converted voltage. Rectification comprises a bridge
rectifier attached to the receiving coil to make the conversion from AC to DC [34–36]. The
responsibility of the voltage regulator is to normalize the voltage to the load. The voltage
regulator was included to maintain a constant voltage to the load for charging, but should
this component be removed, the WPT circuit will still function.
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Figure Figure
Block 1. Block
diagram for diagram
forthe for the
wireless wireless
power power
transfer transfer prototype
prototype circuit. circuit.

Figure 2. Magnetic resonance coupling circuit.

Figure 2. Magnetic resonance coupling circuit.
3. Simulation
3. Simulation
Figure 2.
The mutual Magnetic resonance
inductance represented coupling circuit.
in Figure 3 is the operating principle of all electrical
The mutual inductance represented in Figure 3 is the operating principle of all elec-
components interacting with the magnetic field. In this episode, all the components from
3. Simulation trical components interacting with the magnetic field. In this episode, all the components
the primary (transmitter)
from the primary coil(transmitter)
interact withcoil the components
interact of the secondary
with the components (receiving)
of the secondary (receiv-
coil, asThe mutual
presented inductance
in the block represented
diagram of in
the Figure
WPT 3 is the
charging operating
circuit principle
ing) coil, as presented in the block diagram of the WPT charging circuit (Figure 1). of all1).
tricalThe mutual inductance
components interactingofwith coilsthe
was taken into
magnetic field.consideration
In this episode,to all
analyze the WPT
the components
circuit by applying Equation (1).
from the primary (transmitter) coil interact with the components of the secondary (receiv-
ing) coil, as presented in the block diagram p of the WPT charging circuit (Figure 1).
M = k LpLs, 0 ≤ k ≤ 1 (1)

where Lp and Ls represent the equivalent inductance in the primary (transmitter) and
secondary (receiver) coils, respectively; k is the coupling coefficient that measures the
magnetic coupling between the two coils; and M is the mutual inductance. The magnetic
flux (∅) common to both the transmitting and receiving coils are represented by k∅T , where
∅T is the total magnetic flux at a 00 angle. The magnetic flux is only presented in one
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 5 of 10

coil, it is not included in the energy transfer and is represented by (1 − k)∅T . The overall
inductance L can be calculated using the following equation.

n2 × µ0 × A
L= (2)

where n is the number of turns in the coil, µ0 is the permeability of free space as measured
in the unit of Henry (H). The parameter “A” is the cross-sectional area of the coil measured
in square meters (m2 ) and Le is the length of coil measured in the unit of a meter (m). The
coupling coefficient, k, can be calculated from Equation (1) as follows.

k= p (3)

Figure 3. Mutual inductance of the primary and secondary coils.

The possible conclusion for the value of k satisfying 0 ≤ k ≤1 is that when the value
is less than 0.5, the coils are loosely coupled; when the value is greater than 0.5, the coils
are tightly coupled; and when the value equals 1.0, the coils are magnetically coupled. It
was necessary to separate the coupled circuit and to include the dependent voltage sources
to each coupling circuit in further analyses. The dependent voltage sources are replacing
the coupling between the two circuits. The current running through the secondary coil
(receiving), I2 , can be calculated as follows.

− jωMI1
I2 = (4)

where I1 is the current running through the primary coil (transmitting), jωMI2 is the
dependent voltage of the primary coil, jωMI1 is the dependent voltage of the secondary
coil, and Zs is the reflective impedance that considers Ls , as given by Equations (5)–(8).
The parameter Cs represents the capacitance at secondary coils; RL represents the output
voltage load passed to the rectifier, storage capacitor, and/or voltage regulator to charge
the battery of a mobile device; Rs represents the resistance at the secondary coil; and ZRi is
the overall reflective impedance of both coils.

Zs = R L + + jωLs + Rs (5)
ω 2 M2
jωMI2 = + I1 (6)
ZRi = (7)
 p 2
ωk LpLs
ZRi = (8)
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 6 of 10

The value at I1 is at a maximum when Zs is at a minimum. The total resistance (RL ’)

of the circuit can be obtained based on the total load (RL ) and resistance at the secondary
coil (Rs ) according to the following equations with Vin = ωo , where Cp represents the
capacitance at the primary coil.

1 1
ωo = p = √ (9)
L p Cp Ls Cs

( ω o M )2 k2 ωo 2 L
0 = (10)
R L 0 = R L + Rs (11)
where the parameter P is the power given by the Equations (12) and (13).

P = I2 2 R L (12)

( ω o M )2 RL
P = I2 2 · (13)
RL 0 R L + Rs
The resistivity equation [37] of copper wire is a measure of how intensely the copper
wire coils can oppose the flow of electric current through the copper coils. The resistivity
can be calculated as follows.
ρ= (14)
where ρ is the resistivity, A is the area of the copper wire, le is the length of the copper wire,
and R is the resistance. The voltage resistance [37] of the copper wire is the opposition
of voltage flow through the copper wire coils. The resistance is given according to the
following equation.
R= (15)
where R represents the resistance value in ohms (Ω), ρ is the resistivity, le is the length of
the copper coils, and A is the area. The conductance of the copper wire determines the
amount of voltage that flows through the copper wire. It is computed using the following
equation [37].
G= (16)
where G represents the conductance value, A is the area of the copper wire, ρ is the
resistivity, and le is the length of the copper wire. The conductance was affected by the
resistivity of the copper wire, which is the total resistance of the copper wire. The larger
the resistivity of the copper wire, the lower conductance it possesses in a circuit. The lower
the resistivity, the greater conductance it possesses. The coupling constant does not include
the number of turns in a coil, which defines the magnetic field to be formed for a given
current. The coupling constant includes how the lines of magnetic force created by one coil
relate to the second coil. The coupling constant amid two air-spaced coils is dependent on
the physical size and nature of the air space. Hence, to obtain the best coupling between
the transmitting and receiving coils in the WPT circuit, the size and spatial relationships of
the coils can only be changed. The average direct current (DC) output voltage in the energy
harvesting circuit, represented in the block diagram (Figure 1) across the sine wave in the
full-wave rectifier circuit, is calculated using the following equation [32].

2V p
Va = (17)
where Va is the average voltage and Vp is the peak load voltage, or the input voltage
divided by π. Electrical resistance is the opposition to the flow of voltage within the
full-wave rectifier circuit and this was calculated using the following Ohm’s law [38].
in the energy harvesting circuit, represented in the block diagram (Figure 1) across the
sine wave in the full-wave rectifier circuit, is calculated using the following equation [32].
Va = π (17)
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 7 of 10
where Va is the average voltage and Vp is the peak load voltage, or the input voltage di-
vided by π. Electrical resistance is the opposition to the flow of voltage within the full-
wave rectifier circuit and this was calculated using the following Ohm’s law [38].
R= R =I VI (18)

where RRrepresents
where representsthe theresistance
ohms(Ω), (Ω),VV is
is the
the voltage,
voltage, andand II is
is the
the current
of the
the resistors
resistors in in amps
amps (A).
(A). The
The input
input voltage
voltage was was set
set at
at 66 V,V,which
intended to to be
be acquired
acquired by by the
the actual
actual RF
RF energy
energy harvesting
harvesting circuit
circuit in
in order
orderto toinitiate
charging of of the
the battery
battery ofof aa mobile
mobile device.
device. It
It is
is represented
represented by by aa constant
constant sine
the start-up
start-up toto 22 ss timeframe,
timeframe, as as depicted
depicted by
by trace
trace analysis
analysis in in Figure
Figure4. 4. Approximately
Approximately55 V V
is required
requiredto tocharge
chargethe thebattery
batteryofofa amobile
mobile device
device based
based onon thethe
output voltage
voltage of most of
of most
the mobile
of the device
mobile device chargers.

Figure 4. Trace analysis of the input voltage set at 6 V to initiate a charge.

Figure 4. Trace analysis of the input voltage set at 6 V to initiate a charge.
The output voltage after the transient analysis was conducted is depicted in Figure 5,
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW The output voltage 9 of 12
representing 5.4 V, whichafter the transient
clearly analysisdrop
shows a voltage was conducted
of 0.6 V. Theis depicted
transient in Figure
5, representing
monitors 5.4 V, which
the changes in the clearly
state ofshows a voltage
the circuit fromdrop
one of 0.6 V.
point in The
timetransient analysis
to another. The
output the changes
voltage over theinsimilar
the state of the circuit
2 s timeframe from one
is shown point5.in time to another. The
in Figure
output voltage over the similar 2 s timeframe is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The predicted output voltage of the RF energy harvesting circuit.
Figure The predicted
predicted output
output voltage
voltage of the of
RFthe RF harvesting
energy energy harvesting
circuit circuit. 322
Table 1 displays the parameter symbol, brief definition, unit of measurement, and
Table 1 displays the parameter symbol, brief definition, unit of measurement, and
parameter valuethe
Table 1 displays considered in symbol,
parameter the simulation experiments
brief definition, unit of this study.
measurement and 323
parameter value considered in the simulation experiments of this study.
parameter value considered in the simulation experiments of this study. 324
Table 1. Simulation Parameters. 325
Table 1. Simulation Parameters 326
Parameter Symbol Parameter Definition Unit of Measurement Parameter Value
Parameter nSymbol Parameter
Number of turns in coil 227
Definition Unit of Measurement Parameter Value
nH Permeability
Number of turns of free space
in coil n2 µ0 227 1.26
A Cross-sectional area of coil 2
H Permeability of free space µ0 m 1.26 0.05
A Le Lengtharea
Cross-sectional of coil
of coil m2 m 0.05 2.70
LeM Length of coil
Mutual inductance m H 2.70 2.62
ML Mutual Inductance
inductance H H 2.62 2.62
LR Inductance
Resistance H Ω 2.62 2.29
Rk Resistance
Coupling coefficient Ω k 2.29 1.00
kVin Coupling coefficient
Input voltage k V 1.00 6.00
VinVa Input voltage
Average voltage V V 6.00 3.82
VaΦ Average voltage
Magnetic flux V Wb
3.82 0.05
Φ Magnetic flux Wb 0.05 Del


4. Results and Discussion 329

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 8 of 10

4. Results and Discussion

The prototype WPT circuit included two copper coils of 28 AWG magnetic wire,
because 28 AWG is more efficient regarding the transfer of power than 22 AWG with a
higher inductance value (Table 2). A voltage regulator component to control the required
voltage passed to the mobile device battery for charging with 5 V to initiate the charging
process, as depicted in Figure 6. The purpose of a voltage regulator was to normalize the
voltage levels. The voltage regulator steps down the input voltage to the anticipated level
and preserves it at a similar level during the supply. This ensures that even when a load is
applied, the voltage does not drop.

Table 2. AWG wire inductance comparison [39].

AWG Wire Wire Diameter (mm) Loop Diameter (mm) Relative Permeability Inductance (H)
21 0.7239 50 1.256 × 10−6 1.70 × 10−13
22 0.6438 50 1.256 × 10−6 1.75 × 10−13
24 0.5106 50 1.256 × 10−6 1.83 × 10−13
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 11
26 0.4038 50 1.256 × 10−6 1.93 × 1013
27 0.3606 50 1.256 × 10−6 1.98 × 10−13
28 wirelessly.
0.3211 It can be concluded
50 that the higher the × 10−6 energy, the
1.256 more
2.02 −13
× 10effective
the charging process of the battery of a mobile device.

(a) (b) (c)


5. Conclusions
The voltage (1.142 V) initially acquired from the RF energy harvesting circuit [30] was
too The
limited for charging
wireless the battery
power transfer is aofpromising
a mobile device. Transferring
innovation for wirelessthe power
of the
battery of a mobile phone using magnetic resonance coupling with radio frequencyWPT,
would result in some voltage being lost. The RF energy harvesting process with en-
as shown
ergy in Figure
harvesting. 6, is summarized
This connotation as follows.
can promote greenA capacitor
energy (100and
sources µF,it16
was mo-
bile devices in the RF energy harvesting
self-sustaining. However,circuit
theretoisstore the converted
limited power [30].on
research conducted Referring
the simulated tests, 6 V was the estimated input voltage to
both magnetic resonance coupling and radio frequency energy harvesting for thisinitiate the charging process.
Compared with the experimental results, the RF energy harvested
pose. The wireless power transfer prototype circuit that is provided in this paper has power exceeded that
value and provided 9.46 V to the magnetically coupled circuit for
yielded promising results to consider for the improved physical circuit. The unique con- the wireless power
transfer of
tribution tothis
load is
thecharging. The capacitorofwas
seamless agglutination connected
a radio frequency to energy
the RFharvesting
circuit for 7.5 h. The accumulated voltage stored in the capacitor
circuit with magnetic resonance coupling to successfully transmit the harvested energywas 9.46 V. Taking into
consideration the average voltage (6.03 V) flowing
through an air gap to charge the battery of a mobile device. through the circuit, this was sufficient
for the charging of the mobile device battery. An additional capacitor with the stored
Patents after rectification (conversion of AC to DC) was connected to the WPT charging
circuit. This was sufficient to commence the charging of the battery of a mobile device
A patent
through application
the wireless poweris pending.
transfer and in the event of voltage loss across the air gap. It
can be concluded based on the results discussed in this research paper that WPT as an
Author Contributions: conceptualization, N.R. and O.O.O.; methodology, N.R.; software, N.R.; Val-
alternative form of energy is possible and is readily available for charging the batteries of
idation, N.R. and O.O.O.; formal analysis, N.R.; investigation, N.R.; resources, N.R. and O.O.O.; data
mobile devices wirelessly. It can be concluded that the higher the harvested energy, the
curation, N.R.; writing—original draft preparation, N.R.; writing—review and editing, N.R. and
more effective
O.O.O.; the charging
visualization, N.R. andprocess
the battery O.O.O.;
of a mobile device.
project administration, N.R. and
O.O.O.; funding acquisition, O.O.O. All of the authors have read and agreed to the published ver-
sion of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7707 9 of 10

5. Conclusions
The wireless power transfer is a promising innovation for wireless charging of the
battery of a mobile phone using magnetic resonance coupling with radio frequency energy
harvesting. This connotation can promote green energy sources and it can make mobile
devices self-sustaining. However, there is limited research conducted on utilizing both
magnetic resonance coupling and radio frequency energy harvesting for this purpose.
The wireless power transfer prototype circuit that is provided in this paper has yielded
promising results to consider for the improved physical circuit. The unique contribution of
this study is the seamless agglutination of a radio frequency energy harvesting circuit with
magnetic resonance coupling to successfully transmit the harvested energy through an air
gap to charge the battery of a mobile device.

6. Patents
A patent application is pending.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.R. and O.O.O.; methodology, N.R.; software, N.R.;
Validation, N.R. and O.O.O.; formal analysis, N.R.; investigation, N.R.; resources, N.R. and O.O.O.;
data curation, N.R.; writing—original draft preparation, N.R.; writing—review and editing, N.R.
and O.O.O.; visualization, N.R. and O.O.O.; supervision, O.O.O.; project administration, N.R. and
O.O.O.; funding acquisition, O.O.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data generated within the study are contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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