Meesho Project

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Meesho project (Madurai Kamaraj University)

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Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce while allows consumers to
directly buy or services from seller over the internet using a web browser or a mobile app.

Online shopping is a process where consumers directly buy goods or services etc..,
from sellers without an intermediary service over the internet. Shopping can visit web stores
from the comfort of their house and shop as by sitting in front of the computer.

Now a day the life style of the people is different people feel uncomfortable and
time consuming for going to crowded market, so e-shopping is saved a lot of time. Online
stores are usually available 24 hours a day and many consumers have internet access both at
work and at home. So, it is very convenient them to shop online shopping is variety of goods
are available in online.

In this online shopping Meesho app is India’s biggest online reseller marketplace.
Millions of people in India are earning money by reselling through Meesho. Through
Meesho you will be able to establish your business on social media like facebook, WhatsApp
etc. It is the most popular online marketplace in India exclusively for reseller. Meesho app
allows anyone to start their busin8ess with zero investment. It is one of the largest social
commercial platforms especially in India in which any one can start their online business. All
a user needs to do is resell Meesho product to your contacts.

Women who want to start a business or earn a considerable income by working

from home can endroll themselves as a Meesho seller and kick start a bright future. The app
society constitutes women entrepreneurs, college student, shop owner, wholesale traders or
anyone looking for a part time job as for a way to start their own online business.

Meesho is a platform you can consider. Meesho is online resale platform that
allows anybody to establish a company without having to put up any money.

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Meesho provides secure and timely transaction as well as low-cost returns and
shipping. More than 2.6millions resellers throughout India trust Meesho. Meesho India’s
largest resale platform in 2015, Meesho app essentially connects manufacturer to reseller.
After the consumer and reseller have agreed on the purchase the meesho items are delivered
to buyer home. Buyers have the option of paying with debit/credit or for secure and quick
procedure of transaction.

Today one can easily their very own online business seated comfortably at
their home, without investing a lot of money. People are depending on online purchasing
platform more than ever since the outbreak of the pandemic and many are also using their
opportunity to develop their own online empires. Further moving we can understand more
about this topic by various researching the satisfaction level of consumers in buying on online
product from Meesho.


The important statement of the problem is “To study the satisfaction level of
consumers buying an online product from Meesho’ ’This study helps to understand the
behaviour of consumer satisfaction.

The use of online shopping is increasing day to day. Today we are all lead busy
lives. We are always looking at saving time everywhere possible and
everyone is trying to save time.

There are many online shopping apps on the online platform and Meesho is one
of the most popular. Meesho app allows anyone to start their business with zero investment.
It is very important to understand how happy customers are, while using these online
platforms for shopping. So, we conduct a study on the satisfaction level of consumer in
Meesho online shopping.

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▪ To study the satisfaction level of consumers in buying an online product Meesho.


 To find out the price range at which more people prefer to buy.
 To analysis socio economic background of customers.
 To check how Meesho is different from other shopping site.
 To identify the income opportunities are provide by Meesho to customers.


The use of online shopping was increased in recent year. People are getting
caught up in a lot of fake app. Online shopping is likely to cause big
problem in terms of satisfying consumer preferences and expectations. Hence the need to
know the consumer satisfaction of online shopping. So, we learn about the consumer
satisfaction from Meesho online shopping in special reference to Malappuram district.


The descriptive research was conducted by using the procedure survey
method that is type of methodology in higher education. It is the conceptual structure within
which research is conducted; it constitutes the blue print of collection measurement and
analysis of data. Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding of the state of affairs as
it exists at, in this project decided to choose descriptive research.

The samples are selected adopting convenient sampling techniques which is a
non-probability sampling method.

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Satisfaction level purchasing product a form Meesho. Sampling method is used for
Sample method used for the study. Sample size is determined as consumers the study. The
sample size for the study was 100.

Data can access two types of sources i.e.

Primary data is collected by using questionnaire. This method is used to collect
data from people through personal interview method and questionnaire methods are used to
collect data educated people.

Secondary data collected from already published materials. Secondary data are
usually in shape of finished product, there for primary data in hand of one will be secondary
in hands of another. Secondary data has been collected from already published materials. The
data is collected from various website, books, magazine.


Questionnaire is used as tool for data collection.


* Percentage analysis
* Bar diagram
* Pie diagram
Tables and charts are used for presenting data and percentage analysis is used
for analyzing data mainly bar chart, pie charts are used for in this study.


The study was conducted in Malappuram district.

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 Inadequate time for conducting detailed study on the topic.

 Some respondents do not have idea about a new products or brand.
 Consumer’s perception and opinions are supposed to change from time to time.
 This study is limited to number of respondents and the period of study is also limited.
 Incomplete information provided by respondents in some case become another
obstacle in the way of proper analysis of data.

This chapter deals with the introduction, statement of the problem, objective of
the study, scope of the study, research methodology and limitations of the study.


This chapter deals with the study conducted by others about online business


This chapter deals with the meaning of customer satisfaction, importance, ways
to increase customer satisfaction, meaning of online shopping, history, advantages and
disadvantages, benefits, scope, Meesho online shopping, ecommerce, other online business


This chapter deals with the analysis of data collected from 80 respondents.
The collected data are tabulated and analyzed.


This is the concluding chapter of the study. The findings, suggestions and
conclusion of the study is presented.

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Review of related literature is one of the first four steps in research process. It
consists of summary of finding of research carried out in the past on the same directly and
indirectly related topic. This review provides insight to the researchers regarding what is
already known and what remains to be tested regarding the topic of research.

It is essential for a research scholar to do a review on the related literature

for his study to have a comprehensive knowledge about the research. It helps the researcher
to take the initial step of fixing the problem on which the study is to be done. The review of
literature gives the researcher, a broader outlook on the background and situations under
which the study has been conducted.

Baljeet Kaur, Sushila Madan (2013), found out the factors influencing the trust
and subsequently the willingness of the Indian consumer to buy online. Consumers are
bothered about the product quality, credit card frauds, availability of returns, product
delivery, security and privacy of their information. Therefor trust plays a significant role as it
is the most important factor for any exchange to take place. The factors attributing to the trust
by an Indian consumer is very different as compared to the trust factors exhibited by the
consumers of a developed economy.

Olusoji James George, A olufemi, OLasisi Jubrill, OLucas (2015), examine and
investigate online shopping in Nigeria considering perceived risk and trust among online
shoppers and online vendors. Trust in the internet world can be influenced by perception of
the vendors. This study emphasis on consumer trust in online vendors rather than trust in
infrastructure. Findings reveals that the presence of perceived risk negatively affects trust in
on actual usage online shopping and that usefulness of online shopping has a positive effect
of online shopping.

Nikolas Pappas (2016), found out the interrelationship between perceived risk
factors, the marketing impacts, and their influence on product and web vendor consumer
trust. The findings reveal the associations between Internet perceived risks and the relatively
equal influence of product and eChannel risks in consumers’ trust, and that online purchasing
intentions are equally influenced by product and e-channel consumer trust.

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Prof. Ashish Bhatt (2017), Says that commerce via internet, or ecommerce, has
experienced rapid growth since the early years, it is well known to most of the interest
researcher that the volume of online business to consumer transaction is increasing annually
at very high rate. How ever there is still a need for closer examination on the online shopping
buying behavior in developing countries like India. The implementation of information
system depends on specific social, cultural, economic, legal and political context, which may
differ significantly from one country to another country. Online shopping in Meesho is
rapidly changing the way people do business all over the world.

Dr.P.senthilkumar (2017), pointed out the consumer had sufficient time to visit
shopping centers searching for various product. Many consumers prefer bargaining and
decide the purchase after physical examination of commodities. The entire process can range
from few hours to week depending on quality, quality and source of purchase. Today there is
radical change in entire scenario. Everything in today world internet oriented like electronic
data interchange e-mail, e-business and e-commerce. Ecommerce is exchange of information
using network base technologies.

NandhiniBalasubramanian and Isswarya (2017), Based on their 3it is attempt to

analysis customer satisfaction level of Amazon and Flipkart. The objective of study to
identify the respondent perception towards Amazon online shopping. In this competitive
market Flipkart satisfies the customer in terms of websites usages, delivery and order
tracking. But Amazon also gives tough competitive to Flipkart which satisfies the customer in
the aspect of quality of the product. End of the study the review reveals that both are doing
very well in Indian e-commerce market.

Anand Thakur, Rupinderdeep Kaur (2017), found out that lack of trust is the
biggest obstacle to the success of online shopping. The study focuses on the relationship of
trust antecedents with customer trust and customer trust with online shopping activities
conducted in Punjab. They found that knowledge and privacy protection did not have a
significant relationship with customer trust. The results revealed that security protection,
perceived risk, and perceived benefits are important antecedents for building trust
among the consumers towards online shopping. Consumer trust has a significant relationship
with online shopping activities.

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Nikolas Binti Tasin (2017), examined factors affecting customer trust in Malaysia as
well as to investigate the relationship between trust and purchasing decision. Researcher
found out that trust in online shopping is built on information quality online consumer review
and site quality. It was also found that trust contributes to the online purchasing decision.

Pushap singhal and Dr.supriyapathra (2018) says that the various factors that
affect the online shopping behavior of consumers by using buyer black box model. The
objective of the study is to understand consumer awareness and preference towards various
products available in online. This research proved very interesting and un-surfaced certain
interesting behavior pattern among the people of Kolkata. People generally look for
convenience and fast delivery for purchasing online. The major reason behind their
perception was based on various discounts. Easy payment facilities easy
return facility, timely and express delivery.

Plavini Punyatoya (2018), proposed that consumer trust in an online retailer has
two principal forms; they are cognitive trust and affective trust. The study examined various
factors influencing the development of each form of retailing context. Cognitive trust and
affective trust are found to mediate customer online trust and the subsequent effect on
customer satisfaction and loyalty intention. The researcher found out the multi-dimensional
nature of consumer trust in online the relationship between perceived website quality,
security and privacy policy, prior interaction experience, perceived e-tailer reputation and
shared value and customer satisfaction.

Hannah R. Mariott, Michael D. Williams (2018), developed a theoretical

model to examine multi-faceted risk and trust effects on consumer adoption intention.
Empirical results demonstrate many risk perceptions as well as trust as the effects may vary
on consumer’s m-shopping intention. They found out that financial, psychological and
performance risks are the most important concerns among consumers and that trust
enhancements must become first and foremost concern for practitioners to reduce risk
perceptions and encourage m-shopping behave.

Paulo Duarte, Susana Costa e Silva, Margarida Bernardo Ferreira (2018),

found that in addition to offering competitive prices, keeping a high level of online shopping

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convenience has become a strategic driving force for online retailers to promote and maintain
customer loyalty. The main aim of this research is to study what convenience dimensions
more heavily influence customer’s satisfaction and intention to engage and recommend
online shopping. They found out that frequent monitoring of consumer’s perceptions and
expectations about online convenience is a prerequisite for achieving continuous
improvement in providing highly convenient online services.

Umama Nasrin Haque, Rabin Mazumder (2020), found out that

customer loyalty is primarily achieved by satisfying customer expectations. In online
shopping, since the products are intangible, it is important to build trust among the customers.
This study attempts to study the relationship between customer loyalty and customer trust in
online shopping since trust is the glue that holds customer relationship together in the current
competitive market. The result of this study gives the idea that trust of the customer acts as a
mediating factor which enhances the loyalty of customer in regard to the further purchase and
consumption of the particular product or service in the online environment.

Fereshte Rasty, Seyyed Habibollah Mirghafoori (2021), identified 18 barriers

affecting trust in online shopping and were prioritized through the combination of entropy
and VIKOR methods in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment. They found out that the most
important trust barriers include privacy risk, lack of feel and touch associated with online
purchases and social risk. In order to increase customer marketing managers should focus on
improving and promoting the infrastructure security of their online shopping sites and also by
presenting satisfied consumer’s testimonials.

Abetare Prebreza, Blerona Shala (2021), found that consumer trust with online
shopping is directly dependent on a few factors. There is a constant dilemma in the market
related to the question, which online shopping determinants affect the customer trust. This
paper deals with the analysis of customer satisfaction, with the aim of utilizing the empirical
research on the Kosovo market in Covid-19 period in order to determine the connection
between customer trust and certain determinants of online shopping.

Michael Aldrich, pioneer of online shopping in the 1980s. English entrepreneur

Michael Aldrich invented online shopping in 1979. His system connected a modified
domestic TV to a real-time transaction processing computer via a domestic telephone line. He

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believed that video tex, the modified domestic TV technology with a simple menu-driven
human–computer interface, was a 'new, universally applicable, participative

Communication medium — the first since the invention of the telephone.' This
enabled 'closed' corporate information systems to be opened to 'outside' correspondents not
just for transaction processing but also for e-messaging and information retrieval and
dissemination, later known as e-business. His definition of the new mass communications
medium as 'participative' [interactive, many-to-many] was fundamentally different from the
traditional definitions of mass communication and mass media and a precursor to the social
networking on the Internet 25 years later. In March 1980 he went on to launch Redifon's
Office Revolution, which allowed consumers, customers, agents, distributors, suppliers and
service companies to be connected on-line to the corporate systems and allow business
transactions to be completed electronically in real-time.

During the 1980s he designed, manufactured, sold, installed, maintained and

supported many online shopping systems, using video tex technology.These systems which
also provided voice response and handprint processing pre-date the Internet and the World
Wide Web, the IBM PC, and Microsoft MS-DOS, and
were installed mainly in the UK by large corporations.

Paulo Duarte, Susana Costa e Silva, Margarida Bernardo Ferreira (2018),

,found that in addition to offering competitive prices, keeping a high level of online shopping
convenience has become a strategic driving force for online retailers to promote and maintain
customer loyalty. The main aim of this research is to study what convenience dimensions
more heavily influence customer’s satisfaction and intention to engage and recommend
online shopping. They found out that frequent monitoring of consumer’s perceptions and
expectations about online convenience is a prerequisite for achieving continuous
improvement in providing highly convenient online services.

Plavini Punyatoya (2018) proposed that consumer trust in an online retailer has
two principal forms; they are cognitive trust and affective trust. The study examined various
factors influencing the development of each form of customer online trust and the subsequent
effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty intention. The researcher found out the multi-


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dimensional nature of consumer trust in online retailing context. Cognitive trust and affective
trust are found to mediate the relationship between perceived website quality, security and
privacy policy, prior interaction experience, perceived e-tailer reputation and shared value
and customer satisfaction.

Nadiah Binti Tasin (2017) examined factors affecting consumer trust in Malaysia
as well as to investigate the relationship between trust and purchasing decision. Researcher
found out that trust in online shopping is built on information quality, online consumer
review and site quality. It was also found that trust contributes to the online purchasing

Nikolas Pappas (2016), found out the interrelationship between perceived risk
factors, the marketing impacts, and their influence on product and web- vendor consumer
trust. The findings reveal the associations between Internet perceived risks and the relatively
equal influence of product and e-channel risks in consumers’ trust, and that online purchasing
intentions are equally influenced by product and e-channel consumer trust.

Tim Brady (2016), millions of small merchants in india are moving their business
online,but great e-commerce tools aimed at there small business don’t exist me has confined
would class engineering with local know how to create an e-commerce platform well adapted
to the unique needs of the merchant.

Nihan Ozguven (2011) found that in the online shopping era, website
security is a im p o r t a n t a s p e c t w h i c h i n f l u e n c e c u s t o m e r t r u s t a n d t h i s
t r u s t r e s u l t s i n c u s t o m e r loyalty. This study considered three factors which are
associated with online shopping; perceived security, loyalty and trust. Customer trust and
loyalty are important in online shopping and customers continue to shop at the
website which they have shopped before and consider it as trustworthy. He
concluded that as customer loyalty depends on the website security, taking
measures to improve the perceived security of the website in turn increase the
customer trust and customer loyalty.

S.Srinivasan(2004), found out that customer trust is an important aspect in the

success of an e-business. The two factors that mainly influence the success of e-business


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includes the rust people in the online business and how secure they feel in conducting
transactions on the business. Trust is developed over time. He concluded that as people trust a
business based on their past experiences as well as by recommendation of others adequate
measures must be taken to build and maintain customer trust.

Ing-Long Wu(2012), found out that complain behaviors are critical to maintain
customer loyalty in an online market. It provides insight into the customer’s experience of
service failure and helps to redress the failures. The importance of trust in developing a
psychological state with good or negative feeling about e-vendors cannot be overstated.
Justice, technology and trust are the three most pressing challenges. This study presents a
research approach to examine compliant intentions by combining these issues. Trust and
technology based features are important to determine the two target variables.

Fereshte Rasty, Seyyed Habibullah Mirghafoori (2021),identified 18 barriers

affecting trust in online sopping and were prioritized through the combinations of FMEA,
entropy and VIKOR methods in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment. They found out that the
most important trust barriers includes privacy risk, lack of feel and touch associated with
online purchases and social risk. In order t increase customer trust marketing mangers should
focus on improving and promoting he infrastructure security of their online shopping sites
and also by presenting satisfied customer’s testimonials.

Lu Yaobin, Zhou Tao (2007) ,identified Chinese consumer’s attitude and initial trust
in online stores in China. They found out that the challenges faced by companies who have
built online stores on the Internet are to attract new visitors and to establish their initial trust
in their online stores. Online stores should always focus on the security of awebsites and take
all possible measures including advanced technologies and strict rules to protect consumers’
privacy and financial information.

Sonja Grabner, Kraeuter (2002), analyzed the role of consumer trust as a foundation
for the diffusion and acceptance of electronic commerce. Starting from a functional
perspective, trust is seen a distinct but potentially coexisting mechanism for reducing.

Oluoji James George, A Olufemi, O Lasisi Jusbril, O lucas (2015), attempted to

examine and investigate online shopping in Nigeria considering perceived risk and trust


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among online shoppers and online vendors. Trust in the internet world can be influenced by
perception of the vendors. This study emphasis on consumer trust in online vendors rather
than trust in infrastructure. Findings reveals that the presence of perceived risk negatively
affects trust in online shopping and that usefulness of online shopping has a positive effect on
actual usage of online shopping.

Jamin Lee, Do- Hng Park, Ingoo Han(2011), found out that online customer
reviews (OCR) are more influenced by trust in online shopping malls than OEAs. When trust
in online shopping malls is high, consumer’s purchase intensions influenced by OCRs are
more favorable than those influenced by OEAs. This study is an initial consumer
endorsement research that uses OCRs to extent the trust transfer theory and extends the
interpersonal online trust perspective.

The term ‘consumer’ refers to the person who buys goods and services for his
personal consumption. A consumer is a person or a group who intends to order or uses
purchased goods, products or services primarily for personal, social, family, household and
similar needs, not directly related to business, activities. They are the end users in the


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distribution chain of goods and services. They do not sell the item they have bought for

Satisfaction is the end result the customer experiences when we have done all
that is necessary to meet and exceed their expectations in a timely, responsible fashion, on a
consistent basis. It is ultimately the experience our customer has, that defines their level of
* Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a firm fulfills a consumer's needs, desires, and
* As some needs are met, others may become more important.
* Expectations may change based on experiences-Satisfying experiences may lead to
increasing expectations.


• Customer is the boss of the market.
• Customer dictates market trends and direction.
• The organization is dependent on the customer and not the otherway round.
• Customer satisfaction means loyalty towards the organization.


➢ The average business does not hear from 96 percent of its unhappy customers.
➢ For every complaint received, 26 customers actually have the same Problem. ➢ The
average person with a problem tells nine or 10 people; 13 percent will tell more than 20.
➢ Customers who have their complaints satisfactorily resolved tell an average of five people
about the treatment they received.
You cannot hope to serve and satisfy your customers if you fail to
understand and deliver on their expectations. If you fail, there is disconnect between
customer expectations and your product or service, take the necessary steps to bridge it.
Speak to them, send out customer surveys, and seek their feedback. Act on the customer
feedback received; this will boost customer loyalty and encourage them to provide feedback

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in the future. This does not mean you can set expectations, and if you do, you best stick to it.
Is their feedback relayed to the right departments? When can they expect their issues
will be resolved? These are just a few examples that you can use to define and refine your
customer processes.


There are several touch points at which your customers will interact
before, during, or after purchase. Why don't you go through the experience yourself? Sign up
for a demo; see how it goes. Register a complaint, record the turnaround time. Once you
know all of this first-hand, you will know which areas need improvement. This will make
your processes and operations efficient boosting customer experience and customer


Often overlooked, but you need to interact with your agents regularly and
Ona-need basis. They are the ones facing customers directly; they know what the issues are.
Use that data to fix any shortcomings you have in the customer journey. It is also important
that you trust and empower your agents. Let them be involved in the process and passionately
resolve customer issues. If at all, that does not work, they can always escalate it. This will
ensure they are engaged and will reduce employee attrition.


Goes without saying but is very important. Tend to your customers the way
you'd expect and then raise that bar. Treat them with respect, your utmost attention, and
commitment. This has to reflect across all your teams and functions. Empathize with their
issues when they post a concern, under their reasons behind any concerns navigate website or
connecting with support, etc. If a customer feels the website is not helpful or hard to navigate,


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have a live chat for capturing that feedback. All customer-centric organizations put in efforts
to make their websites user-friendly, visually appealing to make customers happy.


Teams that are trained well are better at handling and resolving customer issues.
Trained customer service has better records and significantly increases customer satisfaction
and loyalty.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to
directly buy goods or services from a seller over the internet using a web browser or a mobile
app. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailers directly or by
searching among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine, which display the same
products availability and printing at different e-retailers. Online stores usually enable
shoppers to use “search” features to find specific models, brands or items. Online shopping
can save time for both the buyers and retailers, reducing phone calls about availability,
specifications, hour of operation or other information easily found on company and product
pages. The form of shopping in which people can easily purchase goods and services by
using the internet is called online shopping. Online shopping gives as an idea of availability
of everything online at a cost of our data. Online shopping is growing and trending aspect. It
provides customers with buying various products and services, and sellers to carry on their
business and transaction in an online mode. It is time saving and convenient way of shopping.
Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic Commerce which allows consumers to
directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.
Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop,e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store,
online store, online storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce describes purchasing from
an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app. As the quantity of E-commerce
destinations develops every day ever-increasing number of individuals like to shop online for
accommodation decisions and simplicity of cost examination internet shopping experience is
simpler than any time in recent memory. Online Shopping occurs when a customer buys
through a digital platform. An example of such a platform is Bike.



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Online shopping became popular during the Internet boom in 1999-2000., the online bookstore founded by Jeff Bezos, created history by becoming the
first bookstore with a presence only on the Internet. Following the success of Amazon, many
bookstores with a physical presence also created an online presence on the Internet. Later,
portals such as


In 1994 the German company Inter shop introduced its first online shopping
system. Though surprising, Pizza Hut was the First Online Retailer during a 1994 test phase
in Santa Cruz, California. 'All locations' option was put in 2007.In 1994 Amazon launched its
online shopping site. E Bay was founded on September 3, 1995 Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos
started with a online book store but soon it grew into selling everything. And at present it is
the 15 most popular site on internet.


* A convenient and flexible way of shopping.
* Good discounts and offer prices.
* Varieties in products.
* Best way to send gifts.
* Easy Access to Shopping.
* Time-saving.
* No Pressure from Seller.
* Discounts and offers.
* Better Options for Products.


* Check the products personally until delivered.
* Delay in delivery of products.
* Chances of receiving damaged or wrong products.
* Losing personal touch with society.
* Late Deliveries.


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* Fraud Cases.
* Some returns are complicated.
* Not good for Environment.
* Delay
* Inferior product
* Shipping Charge
* Delivery Problem
* Scam
* Some items are better to buy from the real Store.
* Return problem.
* Warranty issues.
* Miscellaneous trouble.


There is no doubt that shopping online can be very cost.


When you shop online, you can compare offerings and pricing at different stores
with the simple click of a button rather than having to get in your car and spend your


When you shop online, you might find that there are more options available to
you than if you focused your product search only on items available in your local areas


When you start shopping for a product to address a specific need, it's possible
that there's a solution you don't even know about, or that isn't available locally.



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In India the Online Retail Market is just 1% of the total Retail Market. So, it is
expected that the Online Retail Market will grow at a compound rate of 39% of what it is
today, during FY 2013 to FY 2016.Moreover due to urbanization the distance between places
increase sand so the travelling increases waste of time and fuel. So here in such situations
Online Shopping is favorable. Today People don't like to stand in long queues and neither
they like to interact with idiotic mall representatives who do not have accurate knowledge
about the specific product. This further increases the scope for Online Shopping Future for
setting up an Online Shopping Portal appears bright enough and is a booming industry to be
associated with.


Online shopping, choose Meesho the best app for ordering the best products
for at a reasonable price. If you want to purchase a product on Meesho without a margin,
Meesho is an amazing app for purchasing quality products online. Meesho offers a very
flexible return and exchange policy. If your customers is not satisfied with the order you can
easily return and exchange the product using our app itself. Meesho, India’s largest resale
platform, was founded in 2015. Meesho app essentially connect manufacturers to resellers.
Manufacturers list their commodities on the Meesho shopping app, which allows merchants
to choose from any their products and sell them to customers using social network like
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook. Accessories, furniture, cosmetics producers are among the
suppliers who list their product to Meesho. The online payment methods included
credit/debit card, net banking are provided.

Meesho is an Indian social e-commerce company, headquartered in
Bangalore It was founded by IIT Delhi graduates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barwal in
December 2015 It enables small businesses to start their online stores and connects them with


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resellers who can sell the products via social channels such as WhatsApp. Facebook and
Instagram Meesho was one of the three Indian companies to be selected for Y Combinator in
2016 It was also a part of the first batch of Google Launchpad - Solve for India program
Meesho was reported to be India's most downloaded app on Play Store for July 2011.


A few years after graduating from IIT-Delhi, batchmates Vidit Aatrey and
Sanjeev Banwal founded a hyperlocal, on-demand fashion marketplace, or the "Swiggy for
fashion" as they call it the startup failed, but in the process the duo hit upon a key insight
several small businesses were selling their wares online, but weren't using their own websites
to do so; nor were they listed on Amazon or Flipkart Instead, they were leveraging the power
of social media "But Facebook and WhatsApp lack features for commerce," says Aatrey
Connder the separate notifications that need to be sent on WhatsApp for every new product,
or that searches or payments aren't possible via these channels. So, the Y-Combinator alums
set up Meesho-short for "men shop"- in December 2015 to help merchants sell more
efficiently through social media. Traders and manufacturers-or "sellers"-create a marketplace
on the Meesho app, while "resellers, mostly housewives, promote and sell products curated
from this marketplace within their social network they simply link their Facebook pages to
Meesho to set up a mobile store, chat with customers via WhatsApp from the app and can
easily close sales by sending a payment link on the messaging service. Meesho takes care of
delivery and monetizes by charging sellers a commission. About 1,000 sellers and 30,000
resellers are listed on the platform, which is growing by 40 percent month-on-month.


Reselling with Meesho is a way of running your own business with zero
investment. As a Reseller, you share products listed on the Meesho app either with your
network or on social media and earn a profit with every sale. There are 1 Lakh+ products on
the app through which you can browse.


E-Commerce refers to a business model that enable an individual or a firm
to conduct business over an electronic network. It is buying and selling of products and
services over the internet. E-Commerce is an advanced form of mail order business. Almost


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all products and services can be bought and sold through E-Commerce. Business operations
occur either as business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), consumer to
business (C2B), or consumer to consumer (C2C). It can be conducted over computers, smart
phones and other smart devices.“E-Commerce is sharing business information, maintaining
business relationships and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunication
networks”. E-Commerce describes the buying and selling of products, services and
information via computer networks including the internet”.

Meesho is an Indian social e-commerce company situated in Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India. Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal launched it in December 2015.Meesho is
the abbreviated form for ‘My E-shop’. It is an online platform where users can purchase and
resell the products provided by the organization. It is now a part of WhatsApp business with
the catalogue feature. It is available for download from both the Google play store and Ios
app store, which allows anyone to establish a business with zero investment. This app is one
of the India’s most popular social commerce platforms, allowing anyone to launch an online
business. In June 2019, Meesho became the first Indian startup to obtain funding from
Facebook. It employs over 750 people. According to the reports Meesho is the most
downloaded app on Play store for July 2021. In April 2021, Meesho raised $300 million led
by Soft Bank Vision Fund giving it a valuation of $2.1Billion. Its tagline says, “Not just a
homemaker, a Meesho entrepreneur”. Meesho claims that their platform has connected them
with more than 13 million entrepreneurs. Women make up the vast majority of business
owners. Meesho is India's largest and most reliable platform for Resellers that sell things
online via WhatsApp and Facebook. Meesho is trusted by over 50,000 resellers and helps
them expand their online business by supplying hit items at low costs with excellent quality
and a simple return policy. All around India, they deliver to your doorstep. Payment Options
are available in both online and cash on delivery. Meesho has helped thousands of people
earn a living over the last two years by making it easier for them to establish and expand their
online reselling businesses. Meesho has strict quality controls in place to ensure that only
high-quality vendors are on boarded. They have a simple return and exchange policy in case
the product quality isn't up to par. In addition, the team actively solicits user input on product
quality and after-sales service. On the Product Details page, you can also see this feedback in


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the form of Ratings & Reviews. Meesho's quality control method is improved as a result of
this feedback, and low-quality vendors are eliminated. On the supply side, the corporation is
also experimenting with new categories. For example, in the case of travel packages, resellers
are attempting to sell travel packages to end users. Currently, the majority of them are
women's and children's clothing, but Meesho is experimenting with travel, FMCG, and
beauty, among other things. So far, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has met the company's
cloud server needs, and the company's expansion into new categories likewise based on this
infrastructure. Meesho resale concept is similar to that of a personal shopper. Customers
purchase products straight from e-commerce sites such as Flipkart or Amazon. A reseller
model, on the other hand, adds a third party between the platform and the consumer. A
product will be shared with the reseller's network via WhatsApp or Instagram. If a customer
wishes to place an order, they may do so after adding their margin, and Meesho will deliver
the product directly to the customer. The supplier saves money on marketing and shipping,
the reseller gains money from their markup on each product, and Meesho receives a
commission from the provider. Resellers aren't Meesho's sole competitive advantage over
Amazon and Flipkart. Another secret sauce of Meesho is the creation of an easy-to-use
platform, similar to WhatsApp. Their goal was to create something as simple as WhatsApp.
In fact, the first few versions of the app were designed to seem extremely similar to
WhatsApp's User experience in order to familiarize users with the service when they went
online. As transactions increased, Meesho's income nearly tripled to 307 crores in the fiscal
year ended March 2020. However, losses increased threefold to 315.4 crore, owing to higher
logistics and fulfilment expenses. The bottom line will seem healthier when economies
of scale kick in. The success of Meesho, as well as the markets potential, has attracted some
notable investors. Soft Bank, for example, is investing in Meesho for the third time in India's
e-commerce market, following Snapdeal and Flipkart. Vidit and Sanjeev have developed a
sophisticated understanding of the Indian market and have built a platform to service the next
500 million internet shoppers. They are connecting more than 50 million SMEs to the
internet while also supporting women businesses. Meesho's success can be attributed to
Facebook India. Meesho has been effective in providing a platform for small firms and
entrepreneurs to increase sales outside of urban areas. Fashion, beauty, furnishings, and home
appliances are among Meesho's unbranded and long-tail sectors. As a result, a shift into
grocery seemed inevitable, despite the fact that the circumstances were far from perfect


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Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce firm based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and

registered as a private limited company in Singapore. Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both
IIT Delhi alumni and former Amazon workers, discovered it in October 2007. Before
expanding into other product categories such as consumer electronics, fashion, home goods,
groceries, and lifestyle products, the company initially focused on online book sales. Flipkart
gradually gained traction, and by 2008, it was receiving 100 orders each day.
Flipkart bought We Read, a social book discovery service based in Bangalore, from
in 2010. Walmart purchased a 77 percent controlling stake in
Flipkart for $16 billion in August 2018, valuing the company at roughly $ 20
billion. It employs around 30,000 people. It’s curred CEO is Kalyan
Krishnamurthy. According to reports, Flipkart’s estimated revenue is U.S.
$5.8 billion for the financial year 2019 (ie, R.S.43,615 Crore).



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lOMoARcPSD|39098838, Inc. is an e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and

artificial intelligence-focused American multinational technology firm. It has been called
"one of the world's most powerful economic and cultural forces," as well as the world's most
valuable brand. Along with Google (Alphabet Inc.), Apple, Meta (Facebook), and Microsoft,
it is one of the Big Five American information technology corporations. On July 5, 1994, Jeff
Bezos launched Amazon in his garage in Bellevue, Washington. Originally a bookselling
website, it has since expanded into a wide range of other categories, earning it the moniker
"The Everything Store." Amazon Web Services (cloud computing), Zoox (autonomous
vehicles), Kuiper Systems (satellite Internet), and Amazon Lab126 are among its subsidiaries
(computer hardware R&D). According to revenue and market share, it is the world's largest
Internet Corporation, online marketplace, AI assistant provider, cloud computing
platform, and live-streaming service in 2021. Outside of China, it eclipsed Walmart as the
world's largest retailer in 2021, owing in large part to Amazon Prime, a paid subscription
service with over 200 million subscribers globally. In the United States, it is the second-
largest private employer.


Myntra is a well-known Indian fashion e-commerce startup based in Bengaluru,

Karnataka. The business began in 2007 with the goal of selling customized gifts. Flipkart
purchased in May 2014. Myntra was founded by Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh
Lawania, and Vineet Saxena to sell personalized gifts on demand. During its early years, it
mostly worked on a B2B (business-to-business) model. Customers could personalize T-shirts,
mugs, mouse pads, and other items on the site between 2007 and 2010. Myntra shifted away
from customization in 2011 and began selling fashion and leisure products. By 2012, Myntra
has 350 Indian and international brands to choose from. Fastrack Watches and Being Human
were launched on the website. Flipkart bought Myntra for 2,000 crore (US$270 million) in a
deal that closed in 2014. Two major common shareholders, Tiger Global and Accel Partners,
were influential in the purchase. Myntra operates and functions independently. Under


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Flipkart's ownership, Myntra continues to operate as a separate brand, focused on "fashion-

conscious" customers.


Nykaa is an Indian e-commerce startup based in Mumbai and started by

Falguni Nayar in 2012. It provides beauty, wellness, and fashion products online, on mobile
apps, and in 76 physical locations. It was the first unicorn business in India to be led by a
woman in 2020. Nykaa distributes products that are made both in India and around the world.
The company transitioned from an online-only to an Omni channel model in 2015, and began
selling things other than beauty. As of 2020 it retails over 2,000 brands and 200,000products
across its channels. Nykaa has raised money through numerous rounds of fundraising since
2012. It raised 100 crore (US$13 million) from Stead view Capital in March 2020, making it
a unicorn startup worth 85 billion rupees (US$1.1 billion). Fidelity Investments, a worldwide
asset management organization, invested in the company in November 2020 after purchasing
shares from an existing equity investor. Nykaa went public on the NSE and BSE on
November 10, 2021, with an opening day price increase of 89.2percent, valuing the firm at
over US$13 billion. Falguni Nayar, the company's founder, became India's wealthiest self-
made female billionaire with a 53.5 percent share.



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Snapdeal is a New Delhi-based Indian e-commerce firm. Kunal Bahl and Rohit
Bansal, both Wharton School and IIT Delhi alumni, started the company in February 2010.
Snapdeal has evolved into one of India's most popular online marketplaces. Snapdeal is
concentrating its efforts on the value ecommerce industry, which is three times larger than the
branded products sector. Snapdeal sellers offer high-quality (local / regional / seller branded)
items that provides clients with good value for money, akin to what would be sold in city
markets and high streets. The majority of products sold by Snapdeal's over 500,000
independent sellers are in the fashion, home, and general commerce categories. Snapdeal is
used by buyers from around 3,700 towns across India, accounting for 92 percent of the
country's total 4,000 towns and cities. Snapdeal is a member of the International Trademark
Association (INTA), a global organization with over 7200 members in 187 countries
dedicated to promoting intellectual property protection on online marketplaces. According to
the reports its net worth for the financial year2019 is R.S. 925 crore (US$120 million).

Ajio is a newly developed app by the business tycoon Mukesh Ambani. This app
was created as an online shopping app backed by the popular Reliance family's confidence
and assurance. For all fashionistas in India, this e- commerce platform is a one-stop
destination. Ajio was first introduced to the world on April 1, 2016, at the Lakme Fashion
Week, with its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Reliance Industries' first foray
into e-commerce was Ajio. They launched the app with a diverse selection of apparel,
footwear, and accessories. AJIO, like Amazon and Flipkart, is now one of India's most
popular e-commerce firms. is a shopping gateway that allows you to purchase
from the comfort of your own home.



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EBay Inc., based in San Jose, California, is an American global e-commerce

organization that enables consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its
website. Pierre Omidyar launched eBay in 1995, and it quickly became a renowned dot-com
success store. As of 2019, eBay is a multibillion-dollar company with operations in around 32
countries. The corporation runs the eBay website, which is an online auction and shopping
platform where people and businesses from all over the world can buy and sell a wide range
of goods and services. Buyers can access the site for free, but sellers must pay to list products
once a certain number of free listings have been used, and then again when those items are
sold. In addition to the original auction-style sales, eBay has grown and changed to include
instant ‘buy it now’ option. As per reports its current net income amount to 5.7 million US


Tata CLIQ is an Indian e-commerce firm headquartered in Mumbai. Tata Digital

Limited, of Tata Group Company, own it. Electronics, Fashion, Footwear, and Accessories
are some of the categories in which Tata CLIQ works. Tata CLIQ, the e-commerce platform
of the Tata Group, has recently launched Tata CLIQ Luxury &Premium, a premium and
luxury apparel and leisure destination. It houses a wide choice of luxury and bridge-to-luxury
brands' clothes and accessories for men and women. On May 27, 2016, Tata CLIQ was
released. It teamed with Genesis Luxury Fashion on selling worldwide luxury labels and
Adobe for digital shopping. Tata CLIQ Luxury, a luxury apparel and leisure brand, was
launched in December 2016. Tata CLIQ's marketplace model is omni-channel.

Table - 4.1


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1 MALE 48 48%

2 FEMALE 52 52%

TOTAL 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.1: Gender of the respondents

From the above table and piechart we can understand that 52% of
respondents under study are female and 48% of respondents are male.

Table – 4.2

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S.NO Particular Respondents Percentage

1 Below 20 33 33%

2 21-30 48 48%

3 30-40 16 16%

4 Above 40 3 3%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.2: Age of respondents

From the above table and piechart 48% of respondents are in between
21-30 age 33% of respondents are in between below 20 age, 16% of respondents are in
between 30-40 age and remaining 3% of respondents are in between above 40 age


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Table – 4.3

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 SSLC 3 3%

2 HSC 10 10%

3 UG 63 63%

4 PG 22 22%

5 Others 2 2%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.3: Educational level of the respondents


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From the above table and piechart we can understand that 63% of
respondents are UG, 22% of the respondents are PG ,10% of the respondents are HSC, 3% of
the respondents are SSLC and remaining 2% of the respondents are Others.

Table – 4.4

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Married 30 30%

2 Unmarried 70 70%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.4: Married status of the respondents


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The above table and piechart that 70% of respondents are married
status, 30% of the respondents are unmarried status.

Table – 4.5

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Joint Family 45 45%

2 Nuclear Family 55 55%


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Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.5: Type of the family respondents

The above table and pie chart that 55% of the respondents are nuclear family and 45%
of the respondents are the joint family.

Table – 4.6

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentages


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1 Yes 96 96%

2 No 4 4%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.6: Satisfied of using with Meesho App

The above table and piechart that 96% of the satisfied of using with meesho
app and 4% of the not satisfied of using with meesho app.


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Table – 4.7

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentages

1 Students 57 57%

2 Home Maker 11 11%

3 Business 19 19%

4 Employee 13 13%

5 Others 0 0%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.7: Occupation of the respondents


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From the above table and piechart that 57% of the respondents are School level, 19%
of the respondents are business , 13% of the respondents are the Employee and remaining
11% of respondents are Home maker.

Table – 4.8

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 98 98%

2 No 2 2%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.8: Do you shop online


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The above table and piechart are that 98% are the shop online and 2% of the
respondents are not shop online.

Table – 4.9

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Television 40 40%

2 Newspaper 10 10%


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3 Internet 44 44%

4 Others 6 6%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.9: How you came to know about Meesho?

The above table and piechart are that 44% of the respondents are Internet, 40% of the
respondents are the Television, 10% of the respondents are the Newspaper and remaining 6%
are the others.

Table - 4.10


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S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentages

1 Yes 94 94%

2 No 6 6%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.10: Do you think meesho should expend its product versality

The above table and piechart are that 94% of the respondents are expend its
product versality and 6% of the respondents are the not expend its product versality.

Table – 4.11

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S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 65 65%

2 No 12 12%

3 Maybe 23 23%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.11: Are you satisfied with the product quality

The above table and pie chart are that 65% of the satisfied with the product
quality of meesho , 23% of the Maybe satisfied with the product quality of meesho and
remaining of the 12% of the not satisfied with the product quality of meesho.


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Table – 4.12

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 51 51%

2 No 25 25%

3 Maybe 24 24%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.12: Did you receive any defective product from Meesho


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The above table and pie chart that 51% of the respondents are the defective
product from meesho, 25% of the respondents are not defective product from meesho and
remaining 24% of the respondents are maybe any defective product from Meesho.

Table – 4.13

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 One 7 7%

2 Two 10 10%

3 Three 19 19%

4 Four 27 27%

5 Five 37 37%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.13: Rate of the product quality of meesho on a scale of 1-5 are
satisfied with the fast delivery of meesho?

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The above table and pie chart are 37% of the respondents are the fast delivery
of meesho rate on five, 27% of the respondents are the fast delivery of meesho rate on four,
19% of the respondents are the fast delivery of meesho rate on three, 10% of the respondents
are the fast delivery of meesho rate on two and remaining 7% of the respondent
Are the fast delivery of meesho rate on one.
Table – 4.14

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 One 3 3%

2 Two 12 12%

3 Three 19 19%

4 Four 38 38%


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5 Five 28 28%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.14:Rate the refund product of meesho on 1-5 would you
recommend people to purchase products from meesho?

The above table and pie chart that 38% of the respondents are the recommend
people to purchase products from meesho rate on four, 26% of the respondents are the
recommend people to purchase products from meesho rate on five, 19% of the respondents of
three,12% of the respondents are the recommend people to purchase products from meesho
rate on two and 3% are the purchase products from meesho rate on one.

Table – 4.15

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage


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1 One 4 4%

2 Two 8 8%

3 Three 19 19%

4 Four 38 38%

5 Five 31 31%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.15: Rate of the customer service of meesho

The above table and pie chart 38% are the respondents of the customer
service of meesho rate on four, 31% are the respondents of the customer service of meesho
rate on five,


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Table – 4.16

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Once or twice in a 30 30%


2 Once in 2-3 months 37 37%

3 Once in 6 months 32 32%

4 Never 1 1%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.16:Frequently do you purchase online from meesho


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The above table and piechart that 37% of the respondents are the purchase
online from meesho on Once in 2-3 months,32% of the respondents are the purchase online
from meesho on once in 6 months, 30% of the respondents are the purchase online from
meesho on once or twice in a month and remaining 1% never purchase online from meesho.

Table – 4.17

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Very Satisfied 47 47%

2 Satisfied 37 37%

3 Neutral 16 16%

4 Dissatisfied 0 0%

5 Very Dissatisfied 0 0%


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Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.17: Satisfied through online shopping from meesho

The above table and pie chart are that 47% of the satisfied online shopping
from meesho on very satisfied, 37% of the satisfied online shopping from meesho on satisfied
and remaining 16% of the satisfied online shopping from meesho on neutral.

Table – 4.18

S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Clothing 61 61%

2 Electronics 18 18%


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3 Accessories 15 15%

4 Household Product 5 5%

5 Other 1 1%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.18: Type of product purchased from meesho

The above table and pie chart are that 61% of the type of product purchase
from meesho on clothing, 18% are the respondents of the electronics, 15 % are the
respondents of the accessories, 5% are the respondents of the household products and
remaining 1% of the respondents of the others.

Table – 4.19


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S.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Cash 43 43%

2 Debit card/credit 31 31%


3 Net Banking 20 20%

4 UPI 8 8%

Total 100 100%

(Source: Primary data)

Chart 4.19 Payment method of online shopping Meesho

The above table and pie chart are that 43% of the respondents payment
method of the online shopping meesho on cash, 31% of the respondents payment method of
the online shopping meesho on debit card/ credit card , 20% of the respondents payment


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method of the online shopping meesho on net banking and remaining 6% arethe respondents
of UPI.



 Most of the respondents 52% are female.

 A high respondent 48% are between the ages group of 21-30.
 63% of respondents are UG students.
 The Majority 70% of respondents are marital status was Un married.
 The Majority 55% of respondents are Nuclear Family.
 The most of the 96% of the respondents with satisfied using with Meesho are yes.
 The majority of the respondents 57% occupation is Students.
 The most of the 98% of the respondents with shop online with meesho are yes.
 It is observed that the majority of the respondents 44% are know about meesho in internet.
 94% of respondents are expand its product versality of yes.
 The majority of the 65% satisfied with the product quality with yes.
 The most of the 51% of the respondents with defective products from meesho on yes.
 37% of the respondents with fast delivery of meesho rating on 5.
 The majority of the 38% recommend people to purchase product from meesho rating on 4.
 The most of the 38% of the respondents with rate of the customer service of meesho rating 4.
 37% of respondents are frequently purchase online from meesho on once in 2-3 months.
 The majority of the 37% satisfied through online shopping from meesho on satisfied.
 The most of the 61% of the respondents type of product purchase from meesho on clothing.
 43% of the respondents are payment method of online shopping meesho with cash.


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 People are getting promotion only through their mobile phones. It will not reach more
people so the awareness should be done in all modes of advertisement like television,
radio, newspaper, magazines etc.
 The product shown in this app is not same when it is reaches the
 Visuals should be provided without filters edits.
 Complaints should be handled properly.
 The speed of loading websites should be increased in order to make online shopping
easier for consumer


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The study is titled “To study the satisfaction level of consumers in buying an
online product from Meesho”. The research concludes with the following observations. On
this study we can to know that the awareness about the Meesho app is very useful among the
people especially women. Meesho app is very comfortable and they are benefited by the
application. This study will support the Meesho app to know how their mistake and improve
the users of Meesho app to earn more profit.98%of people under this research use Meesho.
Most of the people buy a product in the cash range of less than 1000. Online shopping is
growing because of time savings and easy choice of favorite.


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