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IN 2021/2022


Reg. Number: 182108007


IN 2021/2022


Submitted to
Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli and the English
Education Study Program in Particular Fullfillment for the
Requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Reg. Number: 182108007



The thesis is proposed by :


Register Number :182108007

Program :Scholar

Department : EnglishEducationStudyProgram

Faculty : Education of Languages and Arts

The Title of Thesis :The Description of Teachers' Pedagogic Competence in

Teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in

has been approved by the board of thesis examiners on January 2022.

Gunungsitoli, January 2022

Advisor I Advisor I

Dra.Nursavani Maru'ao, M.Pd Kristof M. EATelaumbanua, S.S., M.Pd

NIDN. 0101066003 NIDN. 0104117202

Acknowledged by:
Chair of English Education Study Program

Yasminar A. Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN. 0130047702
The thesis is proposed by

Register Number :182108007

Program :Scholar

Department :English Education Study Program

Faculty : Education of Languages and Arts

Thesis Title : The Description of Teachers' Pedagogic Competence in

Teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhem berua in 2021/2022

has been approved by the Board of Examiners on 29 January 2022

Gunungsitoli, 27 January 2022

Board of Examiners,
1. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd.,M.Hum 9 *******5**

2. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S.Pd.,M.Pd 2.

3. Yasminar A. Telaumbanua, S.Pd.,M.Pd 3 *****

4. Kristof M. E. Telaumbanua, S.S., M.Pd

5. Dra.Nursayani Maru'ao, M.Pd 5..

The committee of Thesis Examiners

Chief, Secretary,

Riand, M.Pd Yasminar A, Telaumbanua, M.Pd

NIDN. 0114026404 NIDN. 0130047702

Approved by,
Rector of Institute ofTeacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli,

Adieli Ladl SPa/MP

NIR 196427 199402001

The thesis is proposed by

Register Number :182108007
Program Scholar
Department : English Education Study Program
Faculty Teacher Training and Education
Thesis Title :The Description of Teachers' Pedagogic Competence in Teaching
English in SMK Negeri1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022

No Name of Lecturers Position Date Signature Explanation

Afore Tahir Harefa, Examiner of 1/01-10 Has been approved/
S.Pd.M.Hum Study uwFas-not been-appreved
Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, Examiner of Has been approved/
. 11/01-10
S.Pd., M.Pd Education Has mot been approved
Yasminar Amaerita Tel., Examiner of Has been approved/
3 S.Pd.,M.Pd Research Has-not been approved

Kristof Marthin E. Tel., Advisor II Has been approved/

4. 27/01-10
S.S., M.Pd Examiner Has-net-been approved
Dra. Nursayani Maru'ao, Advisor / Has been approved/
5 21/01-102
M.Pd Examiner Has-not been-approved

Gunungsitoli, U) January 2022

Acknowledged by:
Chair of English Education Study Program,

Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd.M.Pd


Zai, Ardiwanton. 2021. The Description of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competetence in

Teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022. Thesis,
Advisors (1) Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd. and (2) Kristof M. E.
Telaumbanua, S.S.,M.Pd.

Pedagogic competence is teacher’s ability in managing students’ learning

from planning, implementing and evaluating the process and the learning
outcome. The method used in the research was descriptive qualitative. The focus
of the research was the teachers’ pedagogic competence in teaching. The purposes
of the research were to describe the teachers’ pedagogic competence in teaching
English and to find out the factors that affected the teachers’ pedagogic. The data
were gained from the observation checklist which then was described to reveal
teachers’ pedagogic competence. The data of the interviews were described to
reveal factors that affected the teachers’ pedagogic competence in teaching
English. Furthermore, the informants of the research were 2 English teachers of
SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022. After conducting the description of
teachers’ pedagogic competence through observation and interview, the researcher
found that both of teachers did not use technology skill while explaining the
material in advance. The teachers have conducted the effective classroom
management, effective teaching practices, effective assessment but still not about
technology skill. Furthermore, the research findings also revealed the factors that
affected were not all teaching materials can be facilitated by technology and also
the limited technology, especially projector in the school. So, the research
findings were concluded that both of teachers have pedagogic competence, but not
maximal in using technology skill when teaching English in the classroom.
Suggestions were addressed toward the English teachers, the principal of school
and the next researchers. For the English teachers, it is substantial to facilitate and
use technology while teaching English in the classroom. Because it can make the
students to understand material easily and support the skill of teachers as the
professional educator. Then, the researcher suggests the principal of shool to
facilitate the technology in the classroom, especially projector, that can support
the teaching learnig process. Furthermore, the researcher expects the next
researchers to conduct the same research to find out more the teachers’ pedagogic
competence and factors influencing it in the future by making this research as the
reference in the same field.

Keywords : English Teachers, Pedagogic Competence, Descriptive Research.


As the researcher accomplishes the research, the researcher gives his deep

and immeasurable thanks to Jesus Christ who has bestowed blesses, strength and

health upon his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli and in finishing this thesis entitled,



thesis is presented to fulfill one of the requirements for Scholar Degree (S-1) in

IKIP Gunungsitoli, faculty of Education of Languages and Arts, English

Education Study Program.

In the process of arranging this thesis, it is not possible to be completed

without help, guidance and prayers of blessing from valuable people. The

researcher is deeply grateful to many people who supported him to finish this

thesis. Hence, the researcher wants to express his appreciation and thanks to:

1. Mr. Adieli Laoli, M.Pd, as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli who always

motivates and supports all of the activities of the students of IKIP


2. Mr. Drs. Amin Otoni Harefa, M.Pd, as Vice Rector I, and Mr. Adrianus

Zega, S.T., M.Psi. as Vice Rector III who also give motivation and

supports to all of students of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

3. Mrs. Riana, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Dean of FPBS, who always gives helps and

guides during finishing this thesis and his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

4. Miss Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd.,M.Pd as the Chair of

English Education Study Program and his examiner of research method


who always guides him by giving wonderful input, time, motivation,

suggestion to support the researcher in finishing this thesis.

5. Mr. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S,Pd.,M.Pd as secretary of English Education

Study Program and as his examiner of education who provides helps,

advice and solution needed by the researcher.

6. Mrs. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd as the first advisor who motivates the

researcher and gives time, suggestions, solutions, corrections in arranging

this thesis.

7. Mr. Kristof Marthin E. Telaumbanua, M.Pd as the second advisor who

motivates the researcher and gives time, suggestions, solutions, corrections

in arranging this thesis.

8. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd, M.Hum as his examiner of education and

also as his examiner of study who always gives helps, guides, advices and

new knowledges and valuable inspirations to him in studying as a student

of IKIP Gunungsitoli and finishing this thesis.

9. Mr. Elwin Piarawan Zebua, S.Pd., M.Pd, as his Academic Advisor who

helped and inspired the researcher from the first arranged the title of the

research, always gives the brilliant solution, motivation, suggestion, advice

like father to his son, supports him until finished the thesis.

10. All of the outstanding lecturers of English Education Study Program of

IKIP Gunungsitoli who have taught him with valuable knowledge during

his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

11. The principal and the English teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua for

permitting and helping him to conduct the research.


12. Miss Oktriani Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd., Mrs. Titian Nidam Hulu, S.Pd.,

and Mr. Yarudi Gulo, S.Pd., as validators who validated the test

instrument used in the research.

13. The researcher’s organization of HMPS and the community of Hagajinos

Pirates (Kohare) who helped, motivated and supported him.

14. The researcher’s Lovely Family, the researcher’s parents who always pray

and support the researcher in the research in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

15. All his dearest and magnificent friends of class A, B, and C of 2018

generation whose name cannot be mentioned one by one in English

Education Study Program of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis still has some weakness and

still far for being perfect. Thus, he would be grateful to accept any constructive

suggestions and corrections from anyone for better thesis.

Gunungsitoli, January 2022

The Researcher,

Ardiwanton Zai
Reg. No. 182108007
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ vii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. viii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... ix
A. The Background of the Problem ............................................ 1
B. Focus of the Research............................................................. 4
C. The Purpose of the Research ................................................. 5
D. The Significance of the Research ........................................... 5
E. The Limitation of the Research .............................................. 6
F. The Key Terms Defenition of the Research ........................... 6
G. Research Method ................................................................... 7
1. Research Approach and Type ........................................... 7
2. The Settings of the Research ............................................. 8
3. Research Data and Informant ............................................ 8
4. Schedule of Action ........................................................... 9
5. Procedures of Collecting Data ........................................... 9
6. Techniques of Analyzing Data .......................................... 10
7. Checking the Validity of the Data and Research
Findings Data ..................................................................... 14
8. Procedures of the Research ................................................ 23
A. Theoretical Framework .......................................................... 24
1. Teacher and Pedagogic Competence ................................. 24
a. Definition of Teacher Competence............................. 24
b. Definition of Pedagogy Competence .......................... 26
2. Dimension of Teacher Pedagogy Competence .................. 28
3. The Relationship between Teachers’
Pedagogic Competence and Teaching English .................. 30

B. The Latest Related of Research ............................................. 31
C. Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 34
A. Research Findings ..................................................................... 36
1. The Result of the Observation ............................................. 38
2. The Result of Teachers’ Interview ....................................... 40
B. Discussion ................................................................................. 42
1. The Description and Interpretation of the Research
Findings ……………………………………………………42
a. The Teachers’ Pedagogic competence in Teaching
English ............................................................................. 42
b. The Factors Affected the Teachers’ Pedagogic
competence in Teaching English ..................................... 47
2. The Research Findings compared to the Latest Related
Reseaches ............................................................................. 49
3. The Research Findings compared to Theories ..................... 51
4. The Research Findings Implications .................................... 52
5. The Research Findings Limitations ..................................... 52
A. Conclusions............................................................................... 53
B. Suggestions ............................................................................... 54
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 55

1. The Conceptual Framework of the Research ............................................ 35

1. An example of teachers’ interview sheet .................................................. 12
2. Lincoln and Guba’s principles for evaluating trustworthiness in
qualitative research.................................................................................... 15
3. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of credibility .............................................. 16
4. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of transferability ........................................ 18
5. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of dependability......................................... 19
6. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of confirmability........................................ 21
7. Advisor’s And Teachers’ Validation ........................................................ 22
8. The description checklist of teachers’ pedagogic competence…………..29

1. Appendix 1 The Observation Checklist of Teachers’ Pedagogic
Competence Instrument ............................................................................
2. Appendix 2 Teachers’ Interview Instrument.............................................
3. Appendix 3a The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator I) ............................................
4. Appendix 3b The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator II)...........................................
5. Appendix 3c The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator III) .........................................
6. Appendix 4 Guideliness for Validating ...................................................
7. Appendix 5 Field Notes ...........................................................................
8. Appendix 6a The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator I) ..............
9. Appendix 6b The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator II) ............
10. Appendix 6c The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator III) ...........
11. Appendix 7a Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
Data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator I) ...…….…….....................
12. Appendix 7b Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator II) ……….……....................
13. Appendix 7c Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator III) ……….……...................
14. Appendix 8 The Description of Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings .................... ……….…….....................
15. Appendix 9 Documentation ……………………………….……................




A. The Background of the Research

Teaching is a highly professional activity. It is often said that good

teachers are born. Teaching English is something people do when they are ready

to change their lives. Teachers‟ roles and responsibilities in education are very

heavy and hard. Therefore, teachers should really bring their students to the

learning objectives to be achieved. Teachers must be able to influence their

student. Considering with this description, it is important for teachers to be

competent. Teachers‟ pedagogical competence seems to significantly relate to

students‟ attitude towards learning in the school. Teachers are people who are

very influential in the teaching-learning process.

English subject equips the students with the ability to communicate in

daily life according to global demands, and develop communication to a higher

level. Competence is a personal ability. When this is able to be communicated

and even to the global level, it will be a glorious achievement. Furthermore,

competence as described by Popoola (2013) in Anegbola and Florence

(2019:656) the underlined characteristics of a person relating to the effectiveness

of individual performance on any job. Understanding comprises the skills for

planning lessons, making decisions on how learning would be systematic,

explaining materials clearly, responding to individual differences and guide

students how to learn. Therefore, competence is a skill possessed by each


individual in carrying out a task or work in a particular field, in accordance with

the position that has been given. In this research, it focuses on the teachers‟

pedagogic competence in teaching English.

According to the regulation of teacher competence classifies into four

areas, that are pedagogical competence, personal competence, professional

competence and social competence (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2007b)

in Kuntarto et al. (2019:9). But in this research, the researcher only focusses the

pedagogic competence in teaching, that means that the ability of teachers to

understand the learners and manage learning.

In curriculum of 13, teachers who have pedagogic competence in

curriculum development and the development of educational activities will

produce good performance in lesson planning. Teachers who have pedagogical

competence in mastering student characteristics and learning theories and can

facilitate or as potential liaisons and communicate well, the teacher shows

responsible performance in the implementation of active and effective activities.

Therefore, the benefit of pedagogic competence is the teachers can understand

the students by utilizing the principles of students‟ cognitive development,

personality development and reflect on it in the learning process.

Pedagogical competence refers to performance, knowledge and skill in

teaching and learning (Cooper, 1986) in Syahruddin, et al. (2013) thus it includes

teachers‟ capability to manage the teaching and learning process from the

planning to the evaluation stages. Indonesian government policy and regulation

in Syahruddin, et al. (2013) define that teachers‟ pedagogical competence as the


understanding of basic education, students, curriculum development, lesson

plans, dialogical teaching and learning process, learning evaluation, and students

potential developments. Additionally, Suciu and Mata (2011) in Astuti, et, al

(2019:250) state that pedagogical is a set of behaviors or capacities allowing for

efficient manifestation of an activity, or as a minimum professional standard. It is

often specified by law which professionals should reach. So, teacher pedagogic

competence is the skill of teacher who can manage a learning process or teaching

and learning interaction with students.

However, based on the reseacher‟s observations to the English teachers

on November 2021 SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, when the researcher observed

the English teachers in the classroom, the researcher found a problem. The main

problem was the teachers did not use technology skill while explaining the

material in advance. Furthermore, Nessibayeva (2012) in Otaya et al. (2018:26)

states that there are four dimensions of teachers pedagogy competence, namely:

effective classroom management, effective teaching practices, effective

assessment and technology skill. In this school, the teachers did not conduct one

dimension, that is technology skill but others have been done.

Inspired by the fact, the researcher has conducted the description of

teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching learning. According to Kuntarto, et

al. (2019:9) that pedagogical competence is the ability of teachers to understand

the learners and manage learning. Pedagogical competence refers to educational

and teaching qualifications. It means that pedagogical competence of teacher is

the ability of teacher in learning management of the learners. The teaching and

learning achievement is not regardless of the teachers‟ ability on how the teacher

manages the class. The ability to manage the class is a part of pedagogical


The method of the research was descriptive research. Descriptive research

is about describing how reality is. According to Gall, Gall, & Borg (2007) in

Nassaji (2016:129) that the goal of descriptive research is to describe a

phenomenon and its characteristics. This research is more concerned with what

rather than how or why something has happened. A lot of descriptive research is

trying to describe reality according to a systematic approach rigorously followed.

Usually it is based on theoretical considerations and is dependent on the

objective of the study as well. The descriptive qualitative research is a research

tends to describe a phenomenon of human experiences in natural setting.

Therefore, observations and interviews have been conducted to collect qualitative

data from the participants in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

Regarding to the explanation above, the researcher has investigated the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence when teaching English in the classroom by

using descriptive qualitative research method by promoting research title, “The

Description of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English in

SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022”.

B. Focus of the Research

To clarify the research, the researcher has formulated the research focuses

which were intended to answer the following questions, as follows:


1. The description of teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English in

SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, the researcher uses this question :

How were the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English?

2. To find out the factors affecting the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in

teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, the researcher uses this


What factors are affecting the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching


C. The Purpose of the Research

There are some purposes that can be taken from this research as follows:

1. To describe the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English in SMK

Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

2. To find out the factors were affecting the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in

teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

D. The Significances of the Research

There are some significances that can be taken from this research as


1. Theoretically, the result of this study provides the description of a situation

as it naturally happens in the class, especially in teaching learning English.

2. Practically, the researcher expects that this research can give more

knowledge to the reader about the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in

teaching English.

3. For the researcher, as a tool and way to enrich his knowledge and experience

in analysing the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English.

4. For the teachers, it improve the teachers‟ ability and knowledge for looking

the best and suitable components of teaching English in the class such as

strategy, material, media ect.

5. For other researchers, this research can be used as references and a source of

improvemnet in doing research in the same field in the future.

E. Limitation of the Research

In order to investigate the problem more accurately and correctly, the

researcher has conducted the research by using observation and interview to find

out the result of description of teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching

English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022.

F. The Key Terms Definition of the Research

To avoid some misconceptions of the research, the researcher identified

key terms of the study, as follows:

1. Descriptive research is about describing how reality is. In this regard

descriptive research differs from prescriptive research that is primarily

concerned with the question how the reality should be.

2. Teacher competence is a combination of personal, scientific, technological,

social, and spiritual abilities that form the standard competency of the teacher

profession which includes material mastery, understanding of students,

educational learning, personal development and professionalism.

3. Pedagogical competence is the ability of the teacher to manage classroom

learning, to master the situation in the classroom, to know the students‟

weaknesses and strengths in the class.

G. Research Method

To conduct the research, the researcher used the descriptive qualitative

method. Mimansha and Nitin (2019:49-50) say:

Descriptive Research: As the name itself indicates, this research deals

with description. It includes different data collection like survey method
and fact-finding techniques. The main character of this research is that,
the researcher does not have control over the variables. He should
describe what has happened and what is happening.
Furthermore Atmowardoyo (2018) says :

Descriptive research is defined as a research method used to describe the

existing phenomena as accurately as possible. The word “existing
phenomena” makes descriptive research contrary to experiment research
which observes not only the existing phenomena, but also the phenomena
after a certain period of treatment. The phenomena observed in
descriptive research are already available. What is necessary for a
researcher to do is collecting the available data through the use of
research instruments such as test, questionnaire, interview, or even
observation. The main goal of descriptive research is to describe
systematically the existing phenomena under the study.

1. Research Approach
The approach used by the researcher to conduct the research is a

qualitative research which is using inductive approach with the aim of finding

the meaning that originates the facts with an approach to make observation,

recording all facts holistically scientific with the observed problem. Mimansha

and Nitin (2019: 53) say that the inductive approach does not involve

formulation of hypothesis. It starts with research questions and aims and

objectives that need to be achieved during the research process”. It may also

involve collaborating with the participants interactively, so that participants

have a chance to shape the themes or abstractions that emerge from the

process. Furthermore, there are two types of instrument divided into two kinds

of data used in the research. The first is observation as the observation

checklist that the researcher described as the primary data. Then, interview as

the secondary data. The researcher conducted the interview to the teachers

based on the structured interview questions.

2. The Setting of the Research

The location of the research was in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua that is

located in Kecamatan Tuhemberua. There are 2 English teachers in this


3. Research Data and Informant

The data of the research indicates the types of data that shoud be

collected and analyzed by the researcher. Tracy (2013:3) states that qualitative

research is about immersing oneself in a scene and trying to make sense of it

whether at a company meeting, in a community festival, or during an

interview”. Qualitative researcher purposefully examine and make note of

small cues in order to decide how to behave, as well as to make sense of the

context and build larger knowledge claims about the culture. It means that the

selected data and informant are supposed to help the researcher to understand

the problem and the research focuses that have been formulated.

The data sources were the result of observation and also the transcripts

of structured interview of the teachers. Observation sheet was the primary

data, and the transcripts of structured interview was the secondary data. The

researcher chose 2 English Teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua as the


4. Schedule of Action

This research has been conducted from October until November 2021.

5. Procedures of Collecting the Data

In collecting the data, some procedures were needed. Creswell

(2014:239) states:

The data collection of qualitative research consists of some procedures

as follows: identify the purposefully selected sites or individuals for
the proposed study, a related topic would be the number of sites and
participants to be involved in your study, indicate the types of data to
be collected, collecting information through unstructured or semi
structured observations and interviews, documents, and visual
materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording

Moreover, because the researcher aims to describe the teachers‟

pedagogic competence in teaching English, the researcher used observation

and interview. In here, the content of observation was observation checklist

and also conducting interview as the process of collecting the data.


a. Observation

Observation is monitoring with systematic phenomenon which is

investigated. Tracy (2013:25) states that observations are registered

through the researcher‟s mind and body. In such circumstances, self-

reflexivity about one‟s goals, interests, proclivities, and biases is especially

important. It means the researcher comes to the location of the research,

then the researcher observed the teachers' pedagogical competence in

teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

From this observation, the research has used the observation

checklist and field notes to describe the teachers‟ pedagogical competence

in teaching English. Cresswel (2014:239) says :

A qualitative observation is when the researcher takes field notes on

the behavior and activities of individuals at the research site. In
these field notes, the researcher records, in an unstructured or
semistructured way (using some prior questions that the inquirer
wants to know), activities at the research site. Qualitative observers
may also engage in roles varying from a nonparticipant to a
complete participant. Typically these observations are open-ended
in that the researchers ask general questions of the participants
allowing the participants to freely provide their views.

It means that observation is systematic data collection approach which the

researcher used all of the sense to describe the people in natural setting.

b. Interview

Interviews are particular useful for getting the story behind a

participant‟ experience. The interviewer can pursue-in depth information

around the topic. The researcher conducted the interview to the teachers.

Interviewing in qualitative research is increasingly being seen as a moral

inquiry (Kvale, 2007) in Creswell (2014:137). It could equally be seen as

such for quantitative and mixed methods research. As such, interviewers

need to consider how the interview will improve the human situation (as

well as enhance scientific knowledge), how a sensitive interview

interaction may be stressful for the participants, whether participants have a

say in how their statements are interpreted, how critically the interviewees

might be questioned, and what the consequences of the interview for the

interviewees and the groups to which they belong might be.

Creswell (2014:239) states that in qualitative interviews, the

researcher conducts face-to-face interviews with participants, telephone

interviews, or engages in focus group interviews with six to eight

interviewees in each group. There are some types of interview, such as

single or multiple session interview, structured interview, unstructured

interview, and semi-structured interview. In this study, the researcher used

structured interview. Gay, et al. (2012:387) says “in a formal structured

interview, the researcher has a specified set of questions that elicits the

same information from the respondents.”

In conducting the interview, the researcher has conducted the

example of teachers‟ interview sheet below.


Table 1.1


1. Berapa lama Bapak/Ibu mengajar Bahasa Inggris ?
2. Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memanajemen kelas dalam mengajar ?
3. Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mempersiapkan materi sebelum proses
pembelajaran berlangsung ?
4. Apa saja kendala yang Bapak/Ibu temui dalam manajemen kelas yang
5. Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengukur tingkat kemampuan peserta didik
yang telah diajarkan ?
6. Bagaimana langkah Bapak/Ibu mempraktikkan materi yang diajarkan
secara efektif.
7. Apakah dalam proses pembelajaran Bapak/Ibu menggunakan teknologi
untuk mendukung penyampaian materi kepada siswa ?

6. Technique of Analyzing Data

In this research, the researcher has used the instruments of

observation and interview to analyze the data.

Analyzing the Qualitative Data

The researcher analyzed the qualitative data source from the

transcripts of interviews. Gay, et al. (2012:467) say that one way to proceed

with analysis is to follow three iterative, or repeating, steps:

reading/memoing, describing what is going on in the setting, and classifying

research data.

1) Reading and Memoing

This step focuses on becoming familiar with the data and identified

potential themes. The researcher read and wrote memos about observation

sheets and the transcripts of interviews. In the process of reading the


researcher also highlighted the important sentences and made notes for

the important parts of the data needed for more explanation. In addition,

the researcher re-reads the interview‟s result. Then the researcher

highlight some important answer from the students that used to get some

information about their opinion in teachers‟ pedagogic competence.

2) Describing

This step focuses on examining the data deeply to provide detailed

descriptions of the setting, participants, and activity. In this step, the

researcher analyzed comprehensive descriptions of the participants, the

setting, and the phenomenon studied to convey the rich complexity of the

research. This step describes all important things about the data, such as,

where data from, how the data taken and so on.

3) Classifying

This step focuses on categorizing and coding pieces of data and

grouping them into themes. In this step, the researcher categorized all of

the collected data into some classifications or categories. The observation

checklist are classified based on the categorized of the data. For the

interview‟s data, the researcher classifies based on the order of the

teachers interview. The researcher examined and compared all data, one

to another to categorize them.

Through the steps, the researcher could easily analyzed the secondary

data. Firstly, the researcher read the data and remembered it to make it

familiar. Secondly, the researcher described the experience from the

phenomena. The last, the researcher categorized to classify the data.

Furthermore, the interview for the teacher was conducted after the

researcher analyzed the primary data. As the researcher stated before the

primary data were the observations of teachers‟ pedagogic competence in

teaching English such as observation checklist. Based on the result of data

analysis, the researcher has conducted the interviews to obtain the factors

that affected the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English. In this

research, the researcher used structured interview. Gay, et al (2012:387) say

“In a formal structured interview, the researcher has a specified set of

questions that elicits the same information from the respondents.”

Based on the results of the interview, the answers from the teachers

were the conclusions of factor that affected teachers‟ pedagogic competence

in teaching English.

7. Checking the Validity of the Data and Research Findings

Checking the validity of the data is an important thing to do in

conducting a research. As Creswell (2014:251) says that validity is one of

the strengths of qualitative research and is based on determining whether the

findings are accurate from the standpoint of the researcher, the formant, or

the readers of an account. Moreover, Gay et al. (2012:160) says that validity

is important in all forms of research and all types of tests and measures and

is best thought of in terms of degree: highly valid, moderately valid, and


generally invalid. Validation begins with an understanding of the

interpretation to be made from the selected tests or instruments. It then

requires the collection of sources of evidence to support the desired


In checking the validity and research findings, the researcher used

four criteria by Lincoln and Guba in Johnson, et al. (2016:12) as folows:

Table 1.2



Qualitative Questions that underpin the principles of qualitative

Research research (Pretty, 1994: 42)
How can we be confident about the „truth‟ of the
Can we apply these findings to other context or with other
groups of people?
Would the findings be repeated if the inquiry were
Dependability replicated with the same (or similar) subjects in the same
or similar context?
How can we be certain that the findings have been
determined by the subjects and contexts of the inquiry,
rather than the biases, motivations and perspectives of the

a. Credibility

Many researchers argue that the most important criterion for

judging a qualitative study is its credibility. Shanton in Chowdhury, et al.

(2015:148) says that credibility is the accuracy of research findings where

investigators attempt to demonstrate that a true picture of the

phenomenon under scrutiny is being presented. Moreover, Johnson, et al.

(2016:15) say that a research is seen as credible when the researcher has

confidence in the truth of the findings with regard to the subjects of

research and the context where it was conducted. It means that credibility

establishes whether the research findings represent possible information

drawn from the informants‟ original data (truth) and is a correct

interpretation of the informants‟ original view.

Table 1.3



Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Credibility Design Purposeful To involve as many experiences as
sampling possible until thematic saturation is
(Authentic reached and to include negative cases
representation Time sampling To sample all possible situations,
of experience) different social settings; times of day,
week, and season; and interactions
among different social groupings to
see how research participants interact
with one another in a number of
contexts at different times.
Data Collection Reflexivity To assess the influence of the
(field journal) researcher's own background,
perceptions, and interests on the
research process
Disciplined To monitor the researcher‟s own
subjectivity influence on developing thematic
constructions and be aware of their
own biases

Prolonged To identify reappearing

engagement in patterns/themes and to build rapport
the field
Persistent To observe phenomenon under
observation scrutiny in the natural context
Data Analysis Peer debriefing To discuss data and interpretation
with colleagues
Triangulation To cross check data and interpretation
Negative case To constantly revise the hypothesis

Continued Table 1.3…

review against all the texts until it accounts

for all of the cases
Referential To verify „…the constructs developed
adequacy through an interpretation of the bulk
of the data by the subsequent analysis
of a selection of previously collected
data which has been archived (Baxter
and Eyles, 1997:515)
Writing up Structural To ensure coherent structure of the
coherence story line and that there is no
unexplained inconsistencies between
the data and their interpretations
Member To constantly check the data, analysis
checking and interpretation with informants
Using quotes To check the interpretation against
verbatim accounts

Regarding the explanation, researcher simplified the credibility

was test trust to result of the research. Hence, the research can be trust

and undoubted.

b. Transferability

Transferability is when the research descriptions and findings are

sufficient to draw similarities with another context. Transferability refers

to the degree to which the result of qualitative research can be transfered

to other contexts with other respondents, it is the interpretive equivalent

of generalizability. According to Bitsch in Anney (2014:277) in

transferability, the researcher facilitates the transferability judgement by a

potential user through thick description and purposeful sampling. In other

words, when the researcher provides a detailed, clear, sistematic

description of the research, so it will encourage the readers for deciding

the application of that research to other contexts as well as it facilitates

the tranferability of the research.


To achieve this criterion, the researcher needs to provide detailed

descriptive information.These details should enable the reader to judge

the applicability of findings to his own settings. Nevertheless, the

researcher has the (ethical) responsibility to describe the findings in the

way that allows transferability and let the reader decide whether those

meanings are transferrable to her context (Baxter and Eyles, 1997 in

Johnson et al., 2016).

Table 1.4



Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Transferability Design Purposeful To search for as many different cases as
(Fit within sampling possible until new themes stop emerging
contexts Writing up Thick To give detailed information about the
outside the description research participants, contexts and
study settings
situation) Comparison of To compare the characteristics of the
sample to research participants against the
Applicability demographic demographic information available on
data the group under scrutiny.

Related to the previous theory, the researcher used transferability

to know the accurate of the data result of the research, transferability can

see if the result can be use in the different situation. In transferability, the

researcher gave the detail, clear, and systematic of the research.

c. Dependability

According to Bitsch in Anney (2014:278), dependability refers to

stability of finding over time, it involves the participants evaluating the


findings and the interpretation and recommendations of the study to make

sure that they are all supported by the data received from the informants

of the research. Moreover, Johnson et al. (2016:22) say that dependability

is to ensure consistent data collection without unnecessary variations to

ensure repeatability of the research process.This is about being able to

trace sources that the data comes from and about documenting the data,

methods and decisions made during the fieldwork. So consistency in the

entire research process is key for achieving dependability.

Table 1.5



Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Dependability Data collection Low inference To check the level of „agreement‟
(Minimization of descriptors, between data and its interpretation
idiosyncrasies in mechanically through checking the field notes,
interpretation; recorded data quotations, and other narratives.
Variability Audit check To document the methods of data
tracked to gathering, analysis, and interpretation
identifiable to make it repeatable and auditable for
sources) another researcher to understand the
decision trail, the process and findings
Repeatability Triangulation, Checking between researchers‟ to
inquiry audit check the process of the research in
terms of relevant decision making done
along the way as well as introducing
alternative perspectives in data analysis
prior to finalizing the set of theoretical
Thick To generate detailed descriptions of
description of methods including their purposes,
methods limitations, order of using them,
matching them with research questions
Data analysis A stepwise Teams or researchers work separately
replication on the data and compare results
A code-recode A researcher codes a segment of data

Continued Table 1.5…

Procedure and checks its coding after a while

(eg.1-2 weeks)
Writing up Peer Colleagues check the research plan and
examination, implementation

Based on the previous theory, dependability was criteria to see the

consistency of the research result. In checking dependability, the

researcher did the audited to advisor about the process of the research, in

order to minimize the mistake in presenting result of the research.

d. Confirmability

Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results of an

inquiry could be confirmed or corroborated by other researchers. Baxter

and Eyles in Johnson et al. (2016:20) say that confirmability is about

ensuring that the research process and findings are not biased, hence it

refers to both the researcher and the interpretations.

This raises the issue of distance from and influence of the

researcher on data collection and analysis when the researcher is actively

involved with research participants and constantly engages with the data.

This closeness of the researcher to the object of the study is argued to be a

unique feature of qualitative data, so it is challenging for the researcher as

a „positioned subject‟ (Rosaldo in Johnson et al., 2016:20) to consciously

reflect about his own acts and background in relation to the data.

Confirmability is concerned with establishing that the data and

interpretations of the findings are not figments of the inquirer‟s


imagination, but are clearly derived from the data. The result was

obtained from the process. Confirmability is achieved when the

interpretation of data is neutral and free from the researcher‟s personal

bias (Johnson, et al., 2016:20).

Table 1.6



Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Confirmability Data collection Audit trail To follow through the progression of
(Extent to which events and decisions made as well as
biases, the product, data, findings,
motivations, interpretations to arrive at comparable
interests or findings
perspectives of Field notes, To keep notebooks, journals or a log of
the inquirer reports, everyday events during the fieldwork
influence journal/notebook as well as to reflect on the researcher‟s
interpretations) thoughts, feelings, assumptions, etc.
Data analysis Ethics Ethics in truthfully interpreting data,
True findings free applying respectful attitudes to
of biases research
participants and being reflexive of own
personal biases
Systematic To show how data was interpreted,
coding and data reduced and how the main
reduction themes/claims emerged as a result

In other word, confirmability concern with establishing that the

data and interpretations of the findings were not figments of the inquirer‟s

imagination, but were clearly derive from the data. The result was

obtained from the process. Based on the previous theories, to conduct the

research, the researcher validated the data by consultation to the


validators and the teacher. They have been marked such checklists on the

next page based on their validation.

Table 1.7

The Research Title : The Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English in

SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2021/2022.
The Researcher : Ardiwanton Zai
Research Site : SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua

Principles Steps Description Validation

Data A. Design
Collection 1. Purposeful sampling
2. Time sampling
B. Data Collection
1. Reflexivity (field journal)
2. Disciplined subjectivity
3. Prolonged engagement in the field
Credibility 4. Persistent observation
Data Analysis Peer debriefing
Triangulation (methods, sources, researchers,
Referential adequacy
Structural coherence
Member checking
Data Purposeful sampling
Collection Thick description
Transferability Comparison of sample to demographic data

Data Low inference descriptors, mechanically

Collection recorded data
Audit check
Triangulation, inquiry audit
Dependability Thick description of methods
Data Analysis A stepwise replication technique
A code-recode procedure
Peer examination, Multiple researchers
Data Audit trail
Collection Field notes, reports, journal/notebook
Confirmability Data Analysis Ethics
Systematic coding and data reduction

Furthermore, the data have been validated based on the result

validation. To validate the data, the researcher needed three validators.


The aims were to ensure the result of secondary data. Three validators

were two English teachers and one lecturer from the campus.

8. Procedures of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher conducted some

procedures to obtain the result as follows:

a. The researcher asked permission to the principal of SMK Negeri 1

Tuhemberua to conduct the research.

b. The researcher decided the the number of informant of the research.

c. The researcher came to school and made a schedule with the English

teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

d. The researcher prepared the observation sheet and field notes to describe

the teachers.

e. The researcher came to school and observed the teachers in the

classroom while teaching learning process.

f. After described the teachers by observation sheet, the researcher

conducted the structure interview.

g. The researcher listed the questions for the teachers.

h. After that, the researcher described the English teachers.

i. The researcher concluded and made interpretation of the research.

j. The researcher analyzed the data

k. The researcher checked validity of research findings from the validators

l. The researcher did the report of research findings.




A. Theoretical Framework

1. Teacher and Pedagogic Competence

a. Definition of Teacher Competence

A teacher is someone who has devoted himself to teaching a

science, educating, directing, and training his students to understand the

knowledge he teaches. Ramayulis (2017: 19) in Nurahmah (2020:6) states

that teacher is a person who does the guidance; this understanding gives

impression that teacpher is people who are do activities in education. In

addition, Kunandar (2009: 40) in Nurahmah (2020:6) says that teacher is

the forefront in creating human resources. Teacher faces the students in the

classroom through the learning process. Through teacher‟s hands, it can

produce qualified students. Students should have well in academically,

skills, emotional maturity, moral and spiritual. Teachers is a person who

standing in front of the class, teaching about certain knowledge and skill to

students who come to learn.

In addition, Apriyanti (2014: 9) in Nurahmah (2020:7) states that

the teacher is one of the important components involved determine the high

and low quality of education. Teacher attendance is absolute requirements

for the implementation of the learning process in school.


From the some definition above can be concluded that teacher is

one of the important components in education to educate, teach, guide,

direct, train, assess, and evaluate students in order to achieve objectives or

goals of the teaching and learning activity both in spiritual and physical.

Competence is a collection of knowledge, behavior, and skill that

teacher must have in order to achieve the learning and educator goals.

Competence is obtained through educating, training and independent

learning by utilizing learning resources. Sanjaya (2008:133) in Nurahmah

(2020:8) says that competence is a combination of knowledge, skill, value

and behavior that are reflected in habits thinking and acting in the teaching

system. Competence is used to describe professional abilities, namely the

ability to advance knowledge and conceptualization at a higher level.

Additionally, Mulyasa (2017:9) in Nurahmah (2020:8) states that

competence is a rational behavior in order to be able achieve the require

goals in accordance with expected conditions. The competence can

describe a qualification or ability of someone in conduct something that

accordance with the competence. Therefore a teacher should learn, training,

and have a lot of experience to have a good competence.

Broke and Stone in Nurahmah (2020:8) say teacher‟s competence is

descriptive of qualitative nature of teacher behavior appears to be entirely

meaningful. This means that teacher competence can be interpreted as a

round of knowledge, skills and attitudes that make intelligent and

responsible actions in carrying out their duties. Teachers‟ competence in


managing the classroom becomes a significant factor in the students‟

comprehension, and further, in developing their competence. Teacher

competency has an important role in maximizing student potential and

improving the quality of education.

Thus, it can be concluded that teacher competence is the ability of

teachers who have competency standards to carry out their tasks. The

competencies possessed by each teacher will show teacher quality in

teaching. These competencies will be realized in the form of mastering

knowledge and professionals in carrying out their functions as teacher. This

means that teachers not only have to be smart but are good at transferring

their knowledge to students in order to get a good quality in teaching and

learning activity.

b. Definition of Pedagogic Competence

Pedagogical competence is a competence that will determine the

success of teaching and learning process and also the students‟ learning

outcomes. Pedagogical competence is teachers‟ ability in managing

students‟ learning from planning, implementing and evaluating the process

and the learning outcome which consist of teachers‟ understanding of : (a)

education foundation, (b) students‟ characteristics, (c) curriculum

development, (d) lesson plan, (e) implementation of educational learning,

(f) Implementing of dialogic learning, (g) Information and communication


technonology utilization, (h) learning outcome evalution, (i) students‟

potential development (Mulyasa, 2007) in Sari (2020:5).

Moreover, pedagogic means as a science of education which

emphasizes how to educate implementation, evaluation of learning

outcomes, and development of learners to actualize their potential,

Lengeverd (2017) in Nurahmah (2020:10). So, pedagogic competence is

the ability of teachers to implement their knowledge to regulate the

activities of the teaching and learning process from the beginning to the

end that accordance with students needs in order to achieve the objectives

of the teaching and learning process.

Based on some definition above, it concluded that pedagogic

competence is the teacher's ability to process student learning, that is

obtained through systematic learning processes and efforts. The notion of

competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, and personality

attributes of each individual, so as to improve their performance and be

able to make a good contribution to the success of the teaching. It means

that being a teacher, someone should have to realize the purpose of

learning, able to manage and process the learning, this competency

specially characterize and differentiate teacher profession with other

professions that must also be supported by multimedia in teaching learning


2. Dimension of Teacher Pedagogy Competence

There are some dimension of teacher pedagogy competence as state by

Nessipbayeva (2012) in Otaya et al. (2018:26), below:

1) Effective classroom management: maximizing efficiency, maintaining

discipline and morale, promoting team work, planning, communicating,
focusing on results, evaluating progress, and making constant
adjustments. A range of strategies should be employed to promote
positive relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning. Organizing,
assigning, and managing time, space and activities should ensure the
active and equitable engagement of students in productive tasks.
2) Effective teaching practices: teaching and learning strategies should help
engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the
development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance
capabilities while helping them assume responsibility for identifying and
using learning resources.
3) Effective assessment: strategies should be developed that involve learners
in self-assessment activities to help them become aware of their strengths
and needs and encourage them to set personal goals for learning, example
incorporating formal tests; responses to quizzes; evaluation of classroom
assignments, student performances and projects, and standardized
achievement tests to understand what students have learned.
4) Technology skill: knowing when and how to use current educational
technology, as well as the most appropriate type and level of technology
to maximize student learning.

Based on the dimensions above, the researcher made the observation

checklist (√) to describe the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching

English below.

Table 2.1


Name of Teacher :
Day/date/year :


Maximizing efficiency the classroom.
Maintaining discipline and morale.
Promoting team work, planning,
communicating, and focusing and results.
Evaluating progress and making constant
1. Organizing, assigning, and managing
time in the classroom.
Positive relationships, cooperation, and
purposeful learning in the classroom
Ensuring the active and and equitable
engagement of students in productive
Engaging students in active learning
Developing the critical thinking, problem
solving and performance capabilities
Helping the students to assume
Involving the learners in self-assessment
Encouraging the learners to set personal
goals for learning.
Giving the example of incorporating
3. formal tests, and responses to quizzes
Evaluating of classroom assignments,
student performance and project.
Applying the standardized achievement
tests to understand what students have
Using the current educational technology
4. The level of technology is maximal for
student learning

3. The Relationship between Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence and

Teaching English

Teachers who have pedagogical competence in mastering student

characteristics and learning theories and can facilitate or as potential liaisons

and communicate well, the teacher shows responsible performance in the

implementation of active and effective activities. It means that teacher

pedagogic competence is an ability that must be possessed by teachers with

regard to student characteristics. Teachers who have pedagogical competence

will have good teacher performance and are manifested in learning.

According to Taniredja and Abduh (2016:268) that a significant

correlation between the teachers‟ pedagogical competence and the teachers‟

performance is reasonable, because the pedagogical competence is the ability

to manage the learning process of the students that included an understanding

of the students, learning designing, implementation, and evaluation. The

pedagogical competence included: (1) identifying the students; (2) mastering

the pedagogical knowledge; and (3) understanding the various models of

learning (Suparno, 2002) in Taniredja and Abduh (2016:268).

Moreover, Sagala (2009:32) in Taniredja and Abduh (2016:268)

states that pedagogical competence is the ability to manage the learners in

which it covers: (1) understanding the diversity of learners, (2) developing

curriculum/syllabus both in the form of documents and implementation of

learning experiences; (3) preparing the lesson plans and strategies based on

the standards of competence; (4) carrying out the teaching and learning

process with interactive and dialogic atmosphere, to encourage active,

innovative, creative, effective and fun learning process; (5) evaluating the

learning outcomes in compliance with the required procedures and standards;

and (6) developing the students‟ talents and interests through intra-curricular

and extra-curricular activities to actualize various potentials.

Government Regulation No. 19/2005 about Education National

Standard which say that, The pedagogic competence is the ability to manage

the learning of learners which includes the understanding of learners, the

design and implementation of learning, evaluation of learning outcomes, and

the development of learners to actualize the various potentials it possesses in

Novebri et al. (2018:967). So, in education, governance the teacher's way of

dressing to be prime example for students, so that they can create a good way

of teaching and effective. Therefore, teachers are required to have knowledge

and ability in applying pedagogical competence in good educational

interactions so that needs and goals are achieved effective.

B. The Latest Related Research

In conducting this research, the researcher is inspired by some of the

earlier researches related to this research. The researches are explained below.

The first previous study was written by Syahrul (2016), entitled The

Analysis of Pedagogical Competence of the English Teachers’ of the Second

Grade Students at MTS Negeri 1 Jeneponto in Teaching English. The research

aims to know the pedagogical competence of in Teaching English at the Second


Grade students of MTsN Binamu Jeneponto and to analyzis the students

perspectives on the teachers‟ pedagogical. This research used Descriptive

qualitative in acquiring the result of interview which was used to find wether the

teachers‟ pedagogical competence in Teaching English that affected teachers

easier in teaching English. The subject of this research were the second grade

students of MTsN Binamu which consisted of 360 students and the English

teachers of MTsN Binamu Jeneponto which consist of 4 teachers. the sample of

the research consisted of 120 students which were taken randomly, 15 students of

each class and the sample of teachers were 2 teachers. There were three kinds of

instruments in this research; they were observation, interview, and questionnaire.

The findings of this research showed that the score of students‟ perception on

teachers‟ pedagogical competence in teaching English were 31 including medium

category. In addition, the teachers‟ pedagogic competence were very good in

teaching English at the second grade students of MTsN Binamu Jeneponto.

The next previous study was written by Sari (2020), An Analysis of

Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence in Teaching English at Madrasah Aliyah

Laboratorium Kota Jambi. The purpose of this study is to know how teachers‟

pedagogical competence especially mastery students‟ characteristic in teaching

English at MA Laboratorium Kota Jambi. This research is a qualitative research,

using a qualitative descriptive design that describes the teachers‟ pedagogical

competence especially mastery students‟ characteristic in teaching English.

There are three English teachers as the subject of this research. Data collection

instruments used are observation, interviews and documentation. In this research,


researcher can conclude that to master students‟ characteristics that included

level intelligence these are: exercise at the end of the lesson, approach,

measurement of four English skills. Creativity these are : demonstration, and

English‟s day. Physical condition : there is no student with disabled condition.

And growth and cognitive development : the teachers will focus to the

psychological of the students. Every teacher has different ways to master about

students‟ characterisics.

Nurahmah (2020), Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English

at SMPN 1 Lambu. She researched to know the teachers‟ pedagogic competence

by focuses on the teachers’ pedagogic competence in teaching English at SMPN

1 Lambu. This research has a main problem about what the pedagogic competence

of English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu. This research aimed to know the pedagogic

competence of English teachers in teaching English at SMPN 1 Lambu. The subjects

of this research were three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu. The method used

was descriptive qualitative research with used observation and questionnaire as

instrument in collecting data. In analysis the data that has been obtained, researcher

conducted it through three steps, first step was data reduction, the second step was

data display, and the last was made the conclusion or drawing the data in good

statement. Based on the findings and discussion, the results of this research show

that the pedagogical competence of the three English teachers in teaching English at

SMPN 1 Lambu were understanding students‟ characteristics, mastering learning

theory and principle of education learning, developing curriculum, conduct


educational learning activities, developing students‟ potential, communicating with

students, as well as assessment and evaluation students‟ learning results.

Regarding to the elaboration of the latest related research, the researcher

was confident to conduct the similar research by using descriptive qualitative

research design. However, the latest related research provides the information

related to this research.

C. Conceptual Framework

The research was set out from researcher‟s desire in knowing the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English. The researcher came to

SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. There were two English teachers that the researcher

chose. The researcher did the description of teacher‟s pedagogic competence in

teaching English.

In this research, the researcher has used the data, namely: observation and

interview. The researcher took the data analysis to get the result in research. The

researcher reported the real situation happens in the field based on the result of

the analyzing the data without making any changes or setting up the situation and

the result of the data.


The researcher has conducted the research by using the following concept:

The Researcher

SMK Negeri 1

English Teachers

Description of Teachers’
Pedagogic Competence

Observation Interview

Data Analysis


Figure 2.1 The Conceptual Framework of the Research



A. Research Findings

The location of the research was in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, with 2

English Teachers. The research was conducted accordingly to steps in approach

and design. Based on the research design, the researcher described the teachers‟

pedagogic competence in teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua on

Friday 12th and 16th November 2021. After collecting the data, the researcher

analyzed the data from description list of teachers pedagogic competence in

teaching English and used the field notes while teachers were teaching English

in the classroom. After identifying the data, the researcher conducted the

interview and then described the factor that affected teachers pedagogic

competence in teaching English. The instruments and the result of the research

were validated by three validators (Ms. Oktriani Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd,

Ms. Titian Nidam Hulu, S.Pd., and Mr. Yarudi Gulo, S.Pd.), they were

considered as the experienced validators because they teach English frequently.

The validation sheets were checked and approved by the validators to ensure

the appropriateness of the data collection. (See appendix).

The validators have validated the result of the research based on the four

criteria that consists were credibility, transferability, dependability,

confirmability. The result of the validation was support by theory Lincoln and

Guba (1985) in Moon et al (2016:17). Credibility refers to the degree to which


the research represents the actual meanings of the research participants, or the

“truth value”. The credibility of research findings that were used to assessing

the extent to which the reader believes the recommendations are credible has

implications for the expected success of implementation. It means that

credibility relate to all aspects of the research design, including the focus of the

research, the context, participant selection, data collection, and the amount of

data collected, all of which influence how accurately the research questions can

be answered. Transferability refers to the degree to which the phenomenon or

findings described in one study were applicable of useful to theory, practice and

future research that was the transferability of the research findings to other

contexts. In other word, transferability can be critical to the application of

research findings because policy and management can rely on data,

conclusions, and recommendations from a single or small number of research

projects, often relying on evidence from a range of contexts that can be

different to the one in which applications will be made.

Moreover, dependability refers to the consistency and reliability of the

research findings and the degree to which research procedure were documented,

allowing someone outside the research to follow, audit, and critique the

research process. Both credibility and dependability relate to all aspects of

research design that influence how accurately the research question/s can be

answered. Confirmability means establish the degree to which the findings of a

research were a function solely of the subjects (respondents) and conditions of

research. To achieve confirmability, researchers demonstrated that the results


were clearly linked to the conclusion in a way that can be followed. The

researcher enables the reader to determine confirmability, showing how data

and theories emerging from it and can be accepted.

1. The Result of the Observation

The result of observation of the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching,

when the researcher was observing both of the teachers in the classroom at

different time, namely as followed.

Table 3.1


1. Name of Teacher : Tri Kurniat Jaya Zai, S.Pd.
Day/date/year : Friday, 12 November 2021
Maximizing efficiency the classroom. √
Maintaining discipline and morale. √
Promoting team work, planning, √
communicating, and focusing and results.
Evaluating progress and making constant √
1. Organizing, assigning, and managing √
time in the classroom.
Positive relationships, cooperation, and √
purposeful learning in the classroom
Ensuring the active and and equitable √
engagement of students in productive
Engaging students in active learning √
Developing the critical thinking, problem √
solving and performance capabilities
Helping the students to assume √
EFFECTIVE Involving the learners in self-assessment √
ASSESMENT activities.

Encouraging the learners to set personal √

goals for learning.
Giving the example of incorporating √
formal tests, and responses to quizzes
Evaluating of classroom assignments, √
student performance and project.
Applying the standardized achievement √
tests to understand what students have
Using the current educational technology √
4. The level of technology is maximal for √
student learning

2. Name of Teacher : Elsy Novi Kristalina Zendrato, S.Pd.

Day/date/year : Wednesday, 16 November 2021
Maximizing efficiency the classroom. √
Maintaining discipline and morale. √
Promoting team work, planning, √
communicating, and focusing and results.
Evaluating progress and making constant √
1. Organizing, assigning, and managing √
time in the classroom.
Positive relationships, cooperation, and √
purposeful learning in the classroom
Ensuring the active and and equitable √
engagement of students in productive
Engaging students in active learning √
Developing the critical thinking, problem √
solving and performance capabilities
Helping the students to assume √
Involving the learners in self-assessment √
Encouraging the learners to set personal √
3. goals for learning.
Giving the example of incorporating √
formal tests, and responses to quizzes
Evaluating of classroom assignments, √

student performance and project.

Applying the standardized achievement √
tests to understand what students have
Using the current educational technology √
4. The level of technology is maximal for √
student learning

The table above showed that the both of English teachers have pedagogic

competence but they were not maximal in using technology skill which is the part of

pedagogic competence. Further explanation would be discussed in the description and

interpretation of the research findings. (The teacher’s observation sheet can be seen in

appendix 3a, 3b, and 3c).

Furthermore, based on the researcher‟s field notes, the researcher found that

both of teachers have conducted the effective classroom management, effective

teaching practices and effective assessment but did not conduct technology skill when

teaching English in the classroom. The researcher observed that the teachers still used

manual method in teaching English without facilitating the supporting technology

such as: projector, laptop, loudspeaker, hand phone, etc. It means that the teachers

and students also still used books, dictionary, whiteboard, etc. (The researcher’s field

notes sheet can be seen in appendix 5).

2. The Result of Teachers’ Interview

a. The First Teacher’s Interview

Based on the research design, the researcher conducted the

interview to the teachers in answering the second focus of the research.

The researcher conducted the interview by using interview to the first


teacher on Friday, 19th November 2021. In conducting the interview, the

researcher cooperated with the teacher to do it. After collecting the

teachers‟ interview sheets, the researcher made the description about the

teacher‟s pedagogic competence in teaching English. The researcher

interviewed the English teacher aimed to find out what factors that

affected the teacher‟s pedagogic competence in teaching English. The

researcher wrote the English teacher answer in interview sheet.

The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not about

technology skill. Therefore the researcher asked the teacher about

technology skill that also affected the pedagogic competence. In the

interview, the English teacher said that because not all teaching

materials can be facilitated the technology, such as the projector, etc. in

the classroom. At this semester, the teacher did not use technology skill

while teaching English. (The teacher’s interview sheet can be seen in

appendix 6a, 6b, and 6c).

b. The Second Teacher’s Interview

Based on the research design, the researcher conducted the

interview by using structured interview to the second teacher in

answering the second focus of the research. The researcher conducted

the interview to the second teacher on Wednesday, 23rd November 2021.

In conducting the interview, the researcher cooperated with the teacher

to do it. After collecting the teachers‟ interview sheets, the researcher


made the description about the teacher‟s pedagogic competence in

teaching English. The researcher interviewed the English teacher aimed

to find out what factors were affecting the teacher‟s pedagogic

competence in teaching English. The research wrote the English teacher

answer in interview sheet.

The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not about

technology skill. Therefore the researcher asked the teacher about

technology skill that also affected the pedagogic competence. In the

interview, the English teacher said the factors that affected the teacher‟s

pedagogic competence, because the technology did not support in the

shool, especially the only one projector, etc. So, on this semester the

teacher still used the manual method in teaching English in the

classroom. (The teacher’s interview sheet can be seen in appendix 6a,

6b, and 6c).

B. Discussions

1. The Description and Interpretation of the Research Findings

a. The Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English

Based on the theory as state by Nessipbayeva (2012) in Otaya et

al. (2018:26), that there are four dimensions of teachers pedagogy

competence, namely: effective classroom management, effective teaching

practices, effective assessment and technology skill.


On the research findings, the first teacher has conducted effective

classroom management, effective teaching practices, and effective

assessment. On the effective classroom management, the teacher arranged

the students‟ place and facilities in the classroom like tables, chairs, etc.

effectively. Then, when the researcher saw the teacher that he came to

school and entered the classroom on time and had the good attitude which

gave motivation and respected for students, such as guided the students

effectively. Then, the teacher made the group discussion and handled the

students to conduct communication in discussing material. After that the

teacher used the time effectively based his schedule in the class.

Furthermore, the teacher accepted the students‟ idea about their

responsibilities in the class.

Ahmad et al. (2012:174) state that classroom management is the

process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite of

disruptive behavior by students. Moreover, Karwati and Priansa

(2014:28) state the goal of classroom management is to increase the

effectiveness and efficiency in achieving learning objective, as for

physical management activities and socio emotional management which

is a part of achieving learning objective and students‟ learning.

On the effective teaching practices, the teacher gave the chances

for student to be active in the class effectively, such as their responses or

arguments of material. Then, the teacher gave the freedom for students to

make them learn more and know more about material. After that, if the

students had difficulties in teaching learning process, the teacher would

give solution to help them. Moreover, teaching practices are important for

understanding and improving educational processes. They are closely

linked to the teachers‟ strategies for coping with challenges in their daily

professional life and to their general well-being, and they shape the

learning environment and influence learner motivation and achievement

On the effective assessment, the teacher gave assignment for each

student in the class, so they can follow and focused the teaching learning

activities. The teacher gave support for the students to get the goal in

learning. Then, the teacher gave the illustration to connect about material

in teaching learning process. Next, the teacher evaluated the students‟

assignment through checking their creative leaning in the classroom.

Here, the teacher asked the students about material and then the students

gave feedback about that, how they did their obligations. After that, the

teacher had the target to achieve the goal of test, which he gave the detail

understanding for the students. Furthermore, the teacher did not use

technology skill where the teacher did not facilitate technology such as

projector, computer, etc., and he still used manual method in teaching


Gould & Roffey 2014:93 state that assessment is always a

balancing action between what is practical and affordable and giving

learners the best learning and assessment environment in order to

succeed”. In an ideal world each student would be assessed using multiple


real world projects that exactly mimic what would be required of them

once they achieve the qualification.

For the second teacher, she has conducted effective classroom

management, effective teaching practices, and effective assessment. On

the effective classroom management, the teacher arranged the students‟

place and facilities in the classroom like tables, chairs, etc. effectively.

Then, the teacher also came to class on time and started the learning by

pray. Next, the teacher made the group discussion and handled the

students to conduct communication in discussing material. Then, the

teacher gave assignments for the students, like making dialogue

conversation then the students practiced it. After that, the teacher gave

rewards for the students. Then, the teacher used the time effectively based

on his schedule in the class. Then, the teacher appreciated the students

activities, like making the students keep happy and enjoy the learning.

After that, the teacher accepted the students‟ idea about their tasks in the


Emmer & Sabornie (2015:26) state that there are two aims of

classroom management. First, maintaining order, engagement, and

cooperation; second, developing self-discipline. Moreover, Ahmad et al

(2012:174) state the term of classroom management is the prevention of

disruptive behavior of students. So, it can be concluded that classroom

management has the goal in creating and maintaining classroom


condition, so that teaching learning process and learning objective can

achieve well.

On the effective teaching practices, the teacher gave the chance

for student to be active in the class effectively. The students had the time

to practice material like speaking by conversation with their friends and

answered the teacher‟s questions effectively. Then, the teacher gave the

freedom to make the students learn more and know more about material.

After that, when the students have difficulties in teaching learning

process, the teacher gave solution to help them. Here, when the students

could not read or pronounced the vocabulary, so the teacher did the right

action. Furthermore, building teachers‟ competence for the practices that

can help all students learn might depend on teachers‟ experience of

diversity, as much as on their knowing about the reasons for inequalities

(Pantic, 2014).

On the effective assessment, the teacher gave assignment for each

student in the class, so they could follow the teaching learning activities.

The teacher encouraged the students to be spirit in getting the goal of

learning. Then the teacher gave the illustration to connect about material

in teaching learning process. Next, the teacher evaluated the students‟

assignment through checking their creative leaning in the classroom.

After that, the teacher achieved the goal of test, which he gave the

contrast understanding for the students. Furthermore, the teacher did not

use technology skill where the teacher did not facilitate technology such

as projector, computer, etc., and he still used manual method in teaching


Based on the research findings above, it can be concluded that

both of teachers have pedagogic competence where they conducted the

effective classroom management, effective teaching practices and

effective assessment.

b. The Factors Affected the Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching


Based on the data about the teachers‟ responses of the interview

aimed to know the things that affect ability in pedagogic competence,

there were different answer from the teachers. The theory, according by

Faidal, et al. (2020:41) that there are many factors, can make the learning

process running well, but the important one is a teachers' job. Teachers

should be able to influence their students into a better understanding. That

is one of the reasons why teachers should be competent in their field.

Teachers need to have the competence so that the learning process can

achieve the learning objectives by the demands of the times. In addition,

Rahman (2014) in Faidal, et al. (2020:42) argues that in order to improve

the performance of teachers, there is a need to improve the teacher's

pedagogical competence and motivation. The teacher needs to improve

pedagogical competence and motivation in managing the lesson, which is

not maximized the goal of the lesson. In other hand, the researcher

conducted interviews to obtain the information directly from the English


teachers about the causes of their ability in pedagogic competence in

teaching English. The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not

about technology skill. Intrigued by the fact, the researcher asked the

teacher about technology skill that also affected the pedagogic

competence. The first teacher stated that because not all materials need

the technology such as projector, etc. in teaching, while the second

teacher has the response about technology because the principal of school

did not facilitate the technology, like there‟s only one projector, etc.

Based on the fact that every material can be facilitated by

technology. Prayudi (2021:102) states the use of modern technology in

English teaching is widely understood as including the innovative

application of methods, tools, materials, equipment, systems and

strategies that are directly related to English language teaching and lead

to the realization of expected goals. In addition, Ahmadi (2017) in

Prayudi (2021:102) states that one of the important elements for learning

is the method that instructors use in their classes to facilitate language

learning process. Furthermore, Kearney (2018:487) states that the

technology was also considered supportive of teachers‟ file management,

lesson planning and capture as well as providing opportunities for

reflection on lessons. Therefore, although technology is now generally

accepted as an important educational and auxiliary tool across a range of

teaching and learning environments, English language teaching is

especially true because it provides many potential opportunities to


enhance the content and delivery of pedagogical methods that are often

compared with traditional English. So, it can be concluded that all

dimensions can affect the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching

English. The teachers have the power and ability to provide technology,

but it did not support in the school.

2. The Research Findings versus to the Latest Related Researchers

In the previous chapter, researcher stated there were three latest

related researches. The first previous study was written by Syahrul (2016),

who focused on the pedagogical competence of English teachers of the

second grade students at MTSN Binamu Jeneponto in teaching English and

the students perspectives on the teachers‟ pedagogical competence.

The next previous study was written by Sari (2020), who focused in

teachers‟ pedagogical competence especially in mastery of students‟

characteristic in English teaching and the result of the research was the

feedback from the students still not enough. So the achievement of the

teaching and learning process rather disturbed.

The last was Nurahmah (2020), who focused on what is the

pedagogic competence of the English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu. The result

of the research was the three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu about the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence in communicating with students show that

the ability of the three teachers in this aspect make the good communicating

or conversation between teacher and students, students and teachers, then

students and student so that the teaching and learning activity could run well.

In the research, the researcher focused to describe the teachers‟

pedagogic competence and found the factors that affected it particularly of

pedagogic competence in teaching English. The result of the research the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching English that both of teachers

have pedagogic competence although still not maximal in using technology

skill. In addition, the factors that affected teachers‟ pedagogic competence in

teaching English was technology skill did not support for teachers when

teaching in the classroom, especially in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. The

researcher found the comparison to the latest related researchers. The results

of the first related researcher was the teachers‟ pedagogic competence is

very good in Teaching English in the second grade students of MTsN

Binamu. Then, the results of the second related researcher was the feedback

from the students still not enough. So the achievement of the teaching and

learning process rather disturbed. Furthermore, the results of the third related

researcher was the three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu about the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence in communicating with students show that

the ability of the three teachers in this aspect make the good communicating

or conversation between teacher and students, students and teachers, then

students and student so that the teaching and learning activity could run well.

3. The Research Findings versus to Theories

Based on the result of research, the researcher has been known that

both of teachers have pedagogic competence and described them. The

researcher compared it with the theory of the research. According to Purnama,

et al. (2021:363) that the teacher is a person who is very influential in the

teaching-learning process, because teacher is a key of successful learning in

educational system. Furthermore, Tambunan (2014:70) says that to get the

optimal goal of learning requires teachers who are competent in managing

learning. Teachers‟ competence in the field of information technology is a

critical need to improve learning outcomes. Pedagogical competence is

teachers‟ ability in managing students learning from planning, implementing

and evaluating the process and the learning outcome which consist of

teachers‟ understanding of education foundation, students‟ characteristics,

curriculum development, lesson plan, implementation of educational learning,

implementing of dialogic learning, information and communication

technonology utilization, learning outcome evaluation, and students‟ potential

development (Mulyasa, 2007) in Sari (2020:5). In other hand, teachers should

be able to make themselves competence, use their current proficiency to the

fullest. They should try to use technology skill, such as projector, etc. in teaching

learning process in the classroom. In the research, the researcher found the

comparison of the research findings to the theories, include factors that affect the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence were not using technology skill while teaching


4. The Research Findings Implication

The research findings revealed implications toward the teachers‟

pedagogic competence and factors that affected it. For the English teachers, it

showed the teachers‟ pedagogic competence and the factors that affected it.

This enables the teachers to know their competence to increase their skill in

teaching English. The research findings finally revealed the competence of the

teachers have so far in dealing with the pedagogic competence, so they would

develop their initial capability and motivation to be more competent in

pedagogic to the future. Then, the teachers need to prepare and facilitate the

technology skill in teaching learning process. From the bright side, this was

the best opportunity for the teacher to generate and develop better teaching

change for better result. The research findings show the teachers‟ progress in

teaching as well as the level of their pedagogic competence and the factors

that affected it. It will improve and encourage the teachers‟ pedagogic

competence and knowledge in teaching English in the class such as strategy,

material, media etc.

5. The Research Findings Limitation

There are findings limitations of the research namely:

a. This study focused on the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in teaching

English in SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

b. The design of research was descriptive qualitative.

c. The both of teachers have the teachers‟ pedagogic competence



A. Conclusions

Dealing with the result of the research from the observation of teachers‟

worksheet and interview, it could be concluded that both of teachers have

pedagogic competence when teaching English in the classroom. The research

findings also indicated that the major factors that affected the teachers‟

pedagogic competence in teaching English were the first teacher, because not all

teaching materials can be facilitated by technology such as projector, etc. in the

classroom, while the second teacher, because the technology did not support in

the school, especially the only one projector, etc. In addition that the researcher

found that both of teachers still only used manual method without technology

during teaching English in the classroom, while they have the power and ability

to provide the technology. The technology skill is very important in teaching

English that can support the teaching learning activities in the classroom.


B. Suggestions

There are some suggestions from the researcher after conducting the

research, such as:

1. For the English Teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua

It is substantial to facilitate and use technology while teaching English in the

classroom. Because it can help the teachers make the students can understand

material easily. Besides that it can support the skill of teachers as the

professional educator.

2. For the Principal of Shool

The researcher suggests to facilitate the technology in the classroom,

especially the projector, that can support the teaching learning process.

3. For the Next Researcher

The researcher suggests to conduct the same research to find out more the

teachers‟ pedagogic competence and factors influencing it in the future by

making this research as the reference in the same field.



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