Housing Assignment 2
Housing Assignment 2
Housing Assignment 2
◌ Housing
Submitted to:
Ar. Franklin Cale, Jr.
Submitted by:
Medenilla, Ivy F.
The behavioral aspect of housing is a man’s view of its
environment and the built space.
◌ In other words, the space that we see around us that
affects our behavior, thoughts, and actions. Our
behavior is affected by our Psychological Perspective
of space and the culture that influences us.
Psychological Perspective
Focuses attention on cognitive processes, attitudes,
beliefs, and so on.
Environmental Stimuli
They are basically events that occur in the environment
that our senses notice and respond to either consciously or
unconsciously. Changes in weather, temperature, humidity,
length of day, heat, cold, smell, taste, and etch.
◌ Size and height of space– predicts perceive angles,
distances, and shapes. It Can be used by individuals to
judge if their homes satisfy their psychological needs.
Height has better capabilities of influencing positive
emotional responses whereas overly long and wide
spaces were alienating.
◌ Color - it has a big impact in our sight, it catches the
attention of users and identifies the types of a buildings
buy colors examples are fire station is red, hospital is
white, police station is blue and etc.
◌ Temperature - The effect of provocation on emotional
experience. The comfortability of the users.
◌ Noise- it affects people’s concentration. Social interaction
is interrupted by masking of sounds.
A pattern of behavior and attitudes held by individual or
group that is based on perceived, attempted or actual control of
definable physical space, object or idea and may involve
habitual occupation, defense, personalization and marking of it.
It is associated with nonverbal communication that refers
how people use space to communicate ownership or occupancy
of areas and positions. An example of demonstrating territoriality
might be the house and lot.
◌ Solitude - the state or situation of being alone. Is a
state of seclusion or isolation.
◌ Intimacy - the ability of a small number of people to
be by themselves undisturbed.
◌ Anonymity - the ability to interact or be with others
without releasing full information about oneself to avoid
being identified or accountable.
◌ Reserve – the ability to limit communication about
oneself to others.
Cultural Perspective
The cultural perspective of housing is the influences that
changed us to what we are today.
It means the influence that a culture or society has on a
person’s worldview and perspective. When culture is layered
on top of point of view it means that someone is seeing a
situation based upon their beliefs, values, experiences that
are commonly found in their own culture.