Biology Lesson Note SS1 Second Term
Biology Lesson Note SS1 Second Term
Biology Lesson Note SS1 Second Term
34 minutes read
Ecology is the study of living organism e.g. plants and animals in relation
to their environment. Ecology is divided into two main groups:-
1. Habitat.
2. Environment.
3. Eco system:
4. Biotic community:
5. Biome:
6. Biosphere or Ecosphere:
7. Lithosphere:
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9. Atmosphere:
11. Population:
2. Abiotic Factor: These are factors that which the organisms need
to stay alive. They include.
C. Sahel savanna
IV. It has little undergrowth due to canopy formed by the tall trees.
V. The plant species are not in pure stand i.e. trees are scattered.
IX. Tropical rain forest has high temperature between 25°c-37°c with
a small annual range of 2-3°c.
V. The trees are scattered and deciduous i.e. they shed their leaves
during dry season.
VI. Important plants include locust bean tree, Shea-butter, Isobelina.
6. Common plant specie present in this area are Acacia, date palm,
silk cotton plant, baobab
1. The biome has high temperature and very low rainfall below 50cm
per annum.
1. Tropical rainforest
2. Savanna
3. Deserts
4. Shrubs
5. Afro-aphine
6. Swamp
Tropical Rainforest
The tropical rainforest of the world is located around the equator with
latitude 50 North and South of the equator. The forest is found in the
amazon basin of South America, Zaire basin of central Africa, the coast
of west Africa and interior Malaysia.
i. Tropical grassland.
0 0
v. The temperature of tropical grassland ranges from 210 to 300
1. Hot Desert:- Hot desert of the world are on the western coastal
of the continent within latitude 150 and 300 N and S of the equator. Hot
desert include Sahara desert in North Africa, Arabian desert in Arabia,
Iranian desert in Iran, Nambi and Kalahari desert in South Africa, great
Australian desert in Australia, Atacama desert in south Africa America.
d. It has drought resistant plant with woody stem and needle like or
spiny to reduce evaporation
2. The wind ward side of the mountain may have luxuriant forest
type of vegetation.
The swamp forest are usually found in tropics along coastal region and
river mouth in West, East and South Africa. Swamps are generally found
along the coast all over the world.
I, Ecosystem(ii)niche(iii)community(iv)hydrosphere
Ecological Management
Types of Associations
a.Predation: is an interaction in which a free living organism kills
another free living organism and eat it as food. The killed is the predator
for each example domestic’s cat kill rat for food.
e.Epiphytism: The process involves two plants, one lives on the stem
or branch of the other, where it seeks support. It does not necessarily
get nutrient directly from its host their nutrient are gotten from dead
leaves or dead remains of some small animals. Examples of epiphytes
are fern, mosses and mistletoes.
Tolerance is the study or reactions of an organism to physical and
chemical factors in the environment. OR tolerance is the limit to which
living organisms can withstand unfavourable changes in the
environment in any ecosystem, with several biotic factors like
temperature, rainfall, salinity which a ect the distribution and survival
of living organism. A change in any of these factors may or become
unfavourable for the living organisms.
Laws of Tolerance
The law states that the distribution of species will be controlled by that
environmental factor for which the organism has the minimum range of
adaptability or control. Animals range of tolerance is di cult to study
since their mobile nature makes them escape from unfavourable
Some migrate e.g. Birds, shes e.t.c while others hibernate especially
during winter e.g. rodent, squirrels’ avoiding food.
Geographical Range
This is a given location within which most organisms can live. The
tolerance range of living organism determines the areas where they are
Examples are water lily, water hyacinth, water weeds, duck weed,
and water cabbage.
1. Seed- eating birds have beaks adapted for picking and conical
beaks adapted for cracking seeds or nuts.
2. Birds of prey like hawk, eagle and owls have sharp, curved beaks
for tearing esh and strong claw feet for capturing and killing their
3. Aquatic birds like duck sea quills have long, at beaks adapted for
straining or shifting plants and animals from the water and for gripping
sh and sieving muddy water for food.
5. Birds that eat insect like wood peckers have beaks that are long
and chisel like for boring into wood to eat insect.
6. Some birds like crows have multi purpose beaks that are adapted
to eat fruits, seeds, insect, shes and other animals.
7. Presence of feathers which enclose a layer of air and thus keeping
the bird warm.
10. Presence of keen sight for seeing their prey a far o e.g. Vulture.
11. Possession of light weight e.g. sun bird which help them to feed
2. Lizard has ability to regenerate its lost tail when attacked and this
helps the animals to escape from danger.
3.The following the adaptations are associated the ight of birds except
(a)reduced body weight(b)streamlined shape(c)presence of powerful
muscles(d)clawed digits
Types of Pollution
1. Air pollution
2. Noise pollution
3. Land pollution
4. Water pollution
a. Air pollutants
E ects of CO
1. It causes ill health e.g. irritation of eyes, lungs, skin, cough and
other respiratory disease.
E ects of NO2
3. Smoke and soot: these are released into the air by burning of
substances from industries, machines and coal.
2. The particles of soot can cover the leaves of plant thereby reduces
3. It reduces visibility
2. It reduces visibility.
3. Dust containing pollen grain can a ect the lungs which may result
to asthma.
5.Chloro uorocarbon(CFCs).
Noise pollution
It is a condition in which the top thin layers of fertile top soil are
damaged. Soil is very important for the proper function of terrestrial
ecosystem because it is the major source of essential mineral nutrient
and water for plant. In a balanced ecosystem, this layer is continually
pre- maintained by various nutrient cycle and activities of decomposer
and soil system.
E ects
2. Industrial wastes
E ects
1. by irrigation.
Conservation of Forest
1. by reforestation
1. Hunting is to be limited
Conservation of Soil
5. Ministry of Agriculture
4. Over grazing
1.State two that can be derived from forests and name two forest
reserves in Nigeria
2.List four natural resources that can be conserved apart from forest
4.a List four natural resources that can be conserved apart from forest
WEEK 9& 10
Types of Reproduction
Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
2. Budding
3. Spore formation
4. Fragmentation
5. Vegetative propagation
-Runners -Sucker
-Rhizome -Tuber
– Budding
– Layering
– Grafting
– Stem cutting
– Marcotting
The two individual paramecia ready for conjugation come together and
get fused by the groove. In each conjugants, the nucleus dissolves in the
cytoplasm .while the micronucleus remain to take part in the whole
process of mating. The micro nuclei divides twice by meiosis and four
nuclei are form, three of this nuclei get dissolved in the cytoplasm in
each conjugant. The remaining micro nucleus divides unequally into two
in each conjugants. The smaller micro nucleus are exchange between
the two conjugant. The migratory micro nucleus fuses with the
stationary micronucleus in each conjugants from zygote after the
conjugant then separates, the zygote in each component divides thrice
to form eight (8) nuclei four of the eight nuclei four mega nucleus while
the three of the remaining four get dissolves in the cytoplasm. The
remaining micronucleus divides twice to form four micronuclei divide to
form four paramecium. Then the paramecium has one micronucleus
and one mega nucleus.
Reproduction in Spirogyra
Reproduction In Earthworm
and the male reproductive opening on the 15th. It has a structure called
clitellum which covers segment 32- 37. The clitellum is very important in
reproduction because it produces material for holding, mating worm
pairs together and also secrete the cocoon in which eggs are laid.
Reproduction in Cockroach
Cockroach carries out sexual reproduction and its life history is based an
I complete metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is de ned as series of
gradual changes that occur during the development of an animal
organism from the zygote to the adult stage or to a mature adult.
Cockroach uses internal fertilization after mating, the sperm of the male
cockroach are stored in a structure in the female abdomen called sperm
theca or sperm pouch. Fertilization of the egg with the spermtheca take
place in a pouch on the 7th segment, it is the pouch that later form the
dark brown pouch ootheca or egg case. The ootheca contains
between10- 16 eggs. After some days, the female deposits the egg in a
dark corner. The length of incubation period depends on a number of
factors including temperature and moisture but it usually takes a
When the eggs hatch, the young one produced called nymph resemble
the adult cockroach but the colours is pale and small in size. The nymph
grows and mount several times by a process called ECDYSIS to allow for
increase in size until it becomes an adult. Cockroach is said to undergo
incomplete metamorphosis because the young one does not undergo
change to forms in the course of life history
Reproduction in House y
The adult male and female house ies mate, the fertilize eggs are laid
within two- three days.
There are some pads on the segment which are locomotion. The rst
thoracic segment which also aid locomotion bears a pair of posterior
spiracle is found on the segment twelve. On the rst segment is a mouth
with hook with which the larva feed continuously. It moults twice before
metamorphosing into a pupa after 5 days. The pupa is formed when
the larva moves to a dry spot, shorten and its skin harden to make it
assume a barrel shape.
1.De ne reproduction