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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the relationship between parent support, peer support, and
academic resilience. This study used a quantitative method with a correlational design. The sample of
the study was 165 students, selected using the purposive sampling technique with the criteria: students
at least in the seventh semester and currently working on the final paper at the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education. Peer and parent support was measured using the social support questionnaire
developed by the researchers, while academic resilience was measured using The Academic Resilience:
Scale-30 (ARS-30). Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression and assisted by the
SPSS 25.00 for Windows application. The results of the study showed that most students (52%) had high
resilience; 98% of students had a moderate level of parent support; and all students (100%) had a
moderate level of peer support. Based on the partial test results, it can be concluded that there is a
relationship between parent support and academic resilience, but no relationship between peer support
and academic resilience. However, the results of the simultaneous test showed that peer support and
parent support are correlated with academic resilience.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara parent support dan peer support
terhadap resiliensi. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional. Sampel
penelitian ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa minimal
semester tujuh dan sedang memprogram tugas akhir pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
sebanyak 165 mahasiswa. Dukungan teman sebaya dan orangtua diukur menggunakan angket dukungan
sosial yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti, serta resiliensi akademik diukur menggunakan The Academic
Resilience Scala-30 (ARS-30). Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan
SPSS 25.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat resiliensi sampel berada pada
kategori tinggi yakni 52%, sedangkan parent support mayoritas berada pada ketegori sedang yakni 98%,
dan peer support 100% berada pada kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil uji parsial dapat disimpulkan
bahwa terdapat hubunganan antara parent support dan resiliensi akademik mahasiswa, adapun peer
support tidak memiliki korelasi dengan resiliensi akademik. Sedangkan hasil uji secara simultan
menunjukkan bahwa peer support dan parent support memiliki korelasi dengan resiliensi.
Copyright © 2023 Universitas Negeri Makassar. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Jumraeni, Suarja, Galugu Zainuri, Academic resilience …│ 23
in a unit consisting of a father, a mother, and process of completing the final paper.
children. Thus, it can be assumed that parents are The study used the measurement tool
the forefront of educating, providing, protecting called the academic resilience scale (ARS)
and becoming members of the society. developed by (Cassidy, 2016). The Indonesian
The study by (Pratiwi, 2021) revealed ARS measures academic resilience using three
that all the dimensions of parent support are dimensions: optimism with nine items, regulation
correlated positively and strongly with with seven items, and self-efficacy with eight
intellectual resilience, meaning that a person’s items. Meanwhile, parent support and peer
academic resilience increases as parent support support scales were developed from social
rises. support scale, consisting of emotional support,
In addition, peer support is also closely appraisal support, instrumental support, and
related to improving resilience in students, as a informational support subscales.
previous study suggested that peer support has a The data were collected by developing
significant influence on adolescent resilience the instrument of previous studies, conducting a
(Putri and Rusli, 2020). Meanwhile, a study by pilot test, performing validity and reliability test,
(Setiawan and Riadin, 2021) found that peer and distributing questionnaires that had been
support can improve students’ learning outcomes. previously tested. The data were analyzed using
The aim of the present study is to investigate the the multiple linear regression technique with the
relationship between parent support, peer SPSS application for Windows 25.
support, and resilience in students who The pilot test on the entire questionnaire
experience academic difficulties. was conducted for the validity and reliability test.
The academic resilience scale consisted of 29
METHOD items, parent support 14 items, and peer support
19 items, so the total 62 items were tested for
The participants of the study were validity and reliability. Out of the developed 62
actively enrolled students at the seventh semester items, 19 items were not valid and 43 items were
and above from the Faculty of Teacher Training valid (rtabel ≥ 0.349); the invalid items were
and Education (FKIP) at Muhammadiyah removed After being tested for reliability based
University of Palopo, taken with 10% error rate on the Crombach alpha ≥0.60, the questionnaire
from the total population (Creswell, 2012). The in this study was found to be reliable with scores
type of the study was quantitative with a of 0.793 for academic resilience, 0.668 for parent
correlational design. The sample of the study was support, and 0.860 for peer support.
selected using purposive sampling technique with
the criteria: actively enrolled students at the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
seventh semester and above from the Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education at Statistical data
Muhammadiyah University of Palopo and in the
It can be seen from the table above that University of Palopo had high resilience, while
52% of the students at Muhammadiyah 48% had moderate resilience
The table above shows that the majority 2% of the students had low parent support.
of students (98%) had high parent support, while
1 ≥53 - - High
2 19-53 165 100% Moderate
3 ≤ 18 - - Low
It can be seen from the table that all normally distributed. The data of each variable
students (100%) had moderate peer support. were discovered to have a normal distribution as
Normality Test the significance value of each variable was ≥
Normality test was performed before 0.05. The results of normality test are presented
hypothesis testing to ensure that the data were in the table below.
Hypothesis Testing
Table 5. The relationship between parent support and academic resilience
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t sig
Constant) 45,618 6,067 7,519 .000
RA 1,082 .088 .684 12,299 .000
As seen in the table above, the 12.299≥1.974). These results indicate that there is
significance value is 0.000, which is less than a relationship between parent support and
0.05 (0.000≤0.05) and the t-count value is 12.299, academic resilience.
which is greater than the t-table of 1.974 (t-count
Table 6 shows that the significance value relationship between peer support and academic
of peer support is 0.007, which greater than 0.05 resilience is weak, meaning the higher X1, the
(sig 0.001≥0.05) and the t-count value was lower lower the peer support in students.
that the t-table value (t-count 2.737≤ t-table
12.99). These results showed that the
The results of simultaneous testing show than those who live in unsupportive environments
that the significance value is 0.000 ≤0.05 and the (Muakhidah 2021).
f-count is 80.677 ≥ 2.66, indicating that parent Social support from peers is when peers
support and peer support have a simultaneous offer help or perceived support when needed,
effect. making them feel liked and valued by their
Based on the results of data analysis, out environment (Kartika, Sari, and Indrawati 2016).
of 165 FKIP students at Muhammadiyah According to (Galugu and Amriani 2019), the
University of Palopo, 52% had high resilience. amount of social support from parents, teachers,
Consistent with the findings of the study by and peers affects students’ achievement
(Rudiani, Ramli, and Hotifah 2021), students motivation. Therefore, it is crucial for all parties
with high resilience had high scores on resilience- to understand the importance of supporting
related characteristics, such as social competence, people both morally and financially.
optimism, and positive thinking. based on the
study by (Mujahidah and Listiyandini 2018), CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS
students’ resilience has an impact on their
depressive symptoms. Each student needs to be Based on the results of the study, it can
resilient to reduce depression. be concluded that most students (52%) were
The study on student well-being in the highly resilient, while the rest (48%) were
academic setting is an ongoing discussion moderately resilient. The majority of students
because it is inextricably linked to the (98%) had a moderate level of parent support,
development of individual mental health (Huwae, while the rest (2%) had a low level of parent
Saija, and Dese 2022). According to (Salim and support. Meanwhile, all the students (100%) had
Fakhrurrozi 2020), resilience is a person’s ability a moderate level of peer support.
to successfully adapt over time to life-changing The results of the partial test suggest that
situations. A person who instills academic parent support and academic resilience have a
resilience in themselves will be able to quickly positive relationship, while peer support has no
return to normal conditions, withstand negative correlation with academic resilience. However,
blows, and manage stress. based on the results of the simultaneous test, peer
The results of the present study are support and parent support are correlated with
parallel to the results of the study by (Said, academic resilience.
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