Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can
Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can
Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can
L.) – Hasan et al.
Corresponding Author:
Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan
Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), volume 4 issue 3 – December 2023 246
Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
1. Introduction
Diarrhea is an endemic ailment in Indonesia and is a capacity excellent occasion (KLB)
followed by death. The number of diarrhea sufferers in 2016 was 3,176,079 patients, and there
was an increase in 2017 to 4.274.790 diarrhea sufferers in health facilities (Indonesia, 2017).
Dehydration due to diarrhea is one of the causes of death in diarrhea sufferers (Yushananta &
Usman, 2018). Causes of diarrhea include infection, malabsorption, allergies, poisoning, and
immune deficiency. One of the causes often found in diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection.
Bacteria that often cause diarrhea are Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholera, Escherichia coli,
Shigella flexneri, and Campylobacter jejuni (Omwenga et al., 2011). Bacteria that enter the
body with food and drink will reach the epithelial cells of the small intestine and cause infection
so that the epithelial cells will be damaged. Fluids and food that are not absorbed will be pushed
out, and diarrhea will occur. Generally, diarrhea can be treated by giving ORS, zinc, and
antibiotics (N. Utami & Luthfiana, 2016). Antibiotics can inhibit the growth of bacteria or kill
bacterial cells. Using synthetic antibiotics is expensive and impacts the environment because
the residues are difficult to decompose (Utami, 2012).
Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a type of plant popular as a beverage. Based on the refining
process, tea is divided into white, green, oolong, and black tea. The catechin content of the
Assamica variety has benefits (Anjarsari, 2016). Bioactives in tea are reported to have benefits
such as anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, treating diarrhea, and lowering blood pressure.
The chemical content of tea leaves is divided into four main groups: phenolic, non-phenolic,
aromatic, and enzyme. Phenolic substances consist of flavonols and catechins (polyphenols).
Non-phenolic substances include proteins, amino acids, chlorophyll, other dyes, organic acids,
vitamins, resins, and minerals. The enzymes contained in tea are invertase, amylase, -
glucosidase, oxymethylase, protease, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, pectase, and
chlorophyllase (Towaha, 2013). The aroma of tea is classified into four groups, namely the
carboxylate, phenolic, carbonyl, and free carbonyl fractions (Anggraini, 2017). Catechins, the
main bioactive of tea, can bind to the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls. In addition,
cell wall permeability is disturbed, which can cause molecules to detach from the cellular
membrane (Tsou et al., 2017). Siregar (2017) reported that green and white tea have higher
catechin content. However, the three types of tea are very different and tend to be expensive
compared to black tea (Fuzi et al., 2017). Therefore, the formulations of the three types need
to be tested to get the correct formulation and perspective for commercialization.
This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of three types of tea extract and
determine the effect of temperature on tea steeping to achieve the best antibacterial effect.
2. Methods
2.1. Materials
The materials used were black, green, and white tea samples, cultures of Escherichia
coli, Staphylococcus aureus, chloramphenicol, Artemia salina, distilled water, seawater, NB
(Nutrient Broth), NA (Nutrient Agar), and disc paper (a diameter of 6 mm).
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
2.1.2. Moisture Content ([AOAC], 2012)
The empty mass of the sealed porcelain cup was dried in an oven for 1 hour at 105 °C,
and the cup was cooled in a desiccator for 30 minutes, after which it was weighed. In addition,
no less than 3 g of simplicity from three types of tea leaves were placed in each cup, after which
the total weight was measured. The porcelain cup containing Simplicia was placed back into
an oven at 105°C for 3 hours. This weighing was repeated three times until a constant weight
was obtained. The test was carried out in triple. Then, the water content is calculated using the
following formula:
M2 - (M3 - M1)
Moisture content (%) = x 100%
Information: M1: cup weight, M2: sample weight, and M3: weight of cup+dry sample
2.1.5. Preparation of Black, Green, and White Tea Extract Solutions (Modification of Shabri
& Rohdiana, 2016)
Bottles as containers, measuring flasks, and pipettes are cleaned first. Then, a solution of
black tea, green tea, and white tea extract was made with a concentration of 60000 ppm to test
the optimization of the extraction temperature. The extract solution was then transferred to a
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
measured with a spectrophotometer at 625 nm to obtain an absorbance of 0.08-0.10; if it was
too concentrated, NB medium could be added. The absorbance is equivalent to the standard
McFarland turbidity of 0.5 at a bacterial concentration of 108 CFU/mL (colony-forming unit).
2.1.10. Black Tea, Green Tea, and White Tea Extract Formulation Test
Preparation of Test Stock Solution (Ouedrhiri et al., 2016). First, a solution of 1800 ppm
black, green, and white tea was made. This concentration is determined from the LC50 value
resulting from the BSLT test. Furthermore, different tea solution mixtures were made using the
simplex-centroid design method (Table 1).
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
Tabel 1 Simplex-centroid design tea solution mix
Black Tea Green Tea White Tea
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1 0 0 1800
2 0 1800 0
3 1800 0 0
4 0 900 900
5 900 0 900
6 900 900 0
7 600 600 600
Figure 1. Mixture design for the formulation of three types of tea extract
The extract yields are shown in the graph in Figure 2. The yields of the most extensive
tea extracts at 70 C were black tea, white tea, and green tea extracts, which were 26.522%,
18.385%, and 14.502%. The yield of tea extract at a temperature of 100 C from the largest is
black tea leaf extract, green tea, and white tea, which is 24.026%, 16.18%, and 11.531%. As
for the extract at a temperature of 121 C, the most considerable extracts were black tea leaf
extract, green tea, and white tea, with yield values of 32.674%, 32.016%, and 23.155%.
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
Figure 2. Yield of black tea leaf extract, green tea, and white tea
Figure 3 shows the results of zones of inhibition against E. coli produced by three
different types of tea extracts at different maceration temperatures. Figure 4 shows the
inhibition zone produced against S. aureus with different maceration temperatures. The highest
inhibition zone was produced by the maceration temperature of 100oC from the extracts of the
three types of tea. Tests on E. coli showed an inhibition zone of 17.03 mm, higher than that of
S. aureus of 11 mm.
Figure 3. Results of zones of inhibition against E. coli produced by extracts of three different
teas at different steeping temperatures
Figure 4. The inhibition zone produced against S. aureus with different maceration
The cytotoxicity test of the tea extract was performed using the BSLT (Brine Shrimp
Lethality Test) method. The experiment was conducted by observing the mortality of Artemia
Salina shrimp larvae when they were given a black, white, and green tea solution. The tea
samples used were macerated at a temperature of 1000C. The result of larval mortality was
measured by the value of Lethality Concentration 50 (LC50) in g/mL. The LC50 value indicates
a concentration that can kill as much as 50% of the shrimp larvae population. This
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
concentration value is obtained by calculating probit analysis. The LC50 values produced by
black, green, and white tea were 1762.69 g/mL, 1463.24 g/mL, and 1243.38 g/mL (Table 2).
Figure 6. The results of the inhibition zone of the extract formula, positive control, and
negative control against S. aureus.
Figure 7. shows that a single sample of white tea produced the highest inhibition zone. The
blue to yellow color indicates the inhibition zone from lowest to highest.
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
3.2. Discussion
Moisture content analysis can be done using drying, distillation, and Karl Fischer titration
methods (Atma, 2018). The moisture content of black, green, and white tea was dried using
oven drying. The principle of this method is to remove the sample's water content by heating
it to 105 oC so that the physically activated air in the sample evaporates and a constant weight
is obtained. (Harun & Rahmawati, 2022). Tea is a hygroscopic material that quickly absorbs
air from the air during storage. Air absorption will increase tea's water content (Zayadi et al.,
2016). Regulation No. 12 of 2014 of the Food and Drug Administration of Indonesia (BPOM)
on Quality Requirements for Traditional Medicines states that the allowed water content of
simplicia is less than 10% (BPOM, 2014). Figure 1 shows the air content in black, green, and
white tea, 4.411%, 6.686%, and 6.335%, respectively. Based on Yenita A. (2018), the water
content of green tea is 9.513%, and black tea is 7.697%, and based on the research of
Widyasanti et al. (2018), the water content of white tea is 6.9%. The water content produced
from each type of tea is different. This is due to the different processing processes for each
type of tea. According to Kusumaningrum et al. (2013), those who were processed through the
enzymatic oxidation process had lower air content than those who did not undergo enzymatic
oxidation. Oxidation by this enzyme changes the tannin compound into its derivative
compounds, namely the arubighin and theaflavin. The tea that undergoes this enzymatic
oxidation is black tea. Tannins contained in tea leaves are condensed tannins, so the presence
of condensed tannins is forgotten; the air in the tea leaves will also evaporate. The enzymatic
oxidation process by the polyphenol oxidase enzyme can cause many compounds to be lost,
one of which is air (Moon et al., 2020).
The water content of black, green, and white tea samples has met the criteria set, which
is no more than 8% by BPOM (2014), which is no more than 10%. This is because the analysis
is carried out directly when the sample has arrived and does not go through a long storage
process that allows the air in the air to be absorbed by the sample (Zayadi et al., 2016). Water
content below 10% will have a long shelf life; the decay process by bacteria and fungi can
inhibit it, making it more stable and resistant during storage (BPOM, 2014). Water content in
simplicia that exceeds 10% can undergo decay and affect texture, taste, and shelf life (Chandra
et al., 2013). The difference in water content is also caused by the withering time of each type
of tea. This withering process can reduce the water content by 55-70% based on the evaporation
process, both by air and exhaled heat (Kusumaningrum et al., 2013). The long withering
process will reduce the water content relatively high because the evaporation that occurs is
increasing (Praharwati, 2015). The withering process of green tea takes about 5 minutes, while
black tea lasts for 6-18 h (Sugiarto, 2013). This is consistent with the study's results, showing
that green tea's water content is higher than that of black tea. White tea's water content is lower
than green tea's, and this result does not correspond to the theory because the production
process is shorter than green tea's, only by withering and drying. This is because there are
differences in the processing processes of each factory. Therefore, the results of this study
differ from the theory (Fuzi et al., 2017).
Extraction is a process that aims to extract the chemical components contained in a
material using a specific suitable solvent. The effectiveness of the extraction depends on the
solvent used. Several things must be considered when choosing a solvent, including toxicity,
selectivity, polarity, and solvent price (Agustina et al., 2018). The principle of this method is
the diffusion of the filtered liquid into the plant cells containing the active ingredient. This
diffusion results in a difference in osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell. Due to osmotic
pressure, active compounds are forced out (Untari et al., 2014). Extraction is done by
maceration using water as a solvent. Water is a readily available, inexpensive, and harmless
solvent that is safe for food. However, evaporation takes a long time because it has a higher
boiling point than other solvents (Warnasih & Hasanah, 2019). The temperatures during
maceration were 70, 100, and 121oC with an immersion time of about 15 minutes. The ratio of
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
tea and water used is 1:60 b/v. This is because tea is generally made using 70 C (dispenser) or
100oC (boiling water). Autoclave extraction was performed to determine the difference in the
extracted antibacterial compounds since catechin compounds dissolve poorly in cold water but
well in hot water (Yeni et al., 2014). The duration of brewing there is no special provision for
the length of time in brewing. However, if the tea is brewed too quickly, the taste and flavor of
the tea will be less visible, while steeping for too long will have a more bitter taste (Shuyuan
et al., 2017). Based on the research of Tram (2015), maceration of tea with a ratio of 1:60 w/v
produced the highest polyphenols. The ratio of solvent to extract affects the extraction yield of
plant bioactivity. The higher the solvent-to-solute ratio, the higher the extraction yield.
However, the content of soluble solids will decrease (Vuong et al., 2011).
The yield of the extraction results is shown in Figure 2. Based on Rohadi et al. (2019),
the extract produced by maceration of tea at a temperature of 60oC yielded 14.80% in black
tea, 6.72% in green tea, and 2.24% in white tea. High solvent temperature can increase
extraction efficiency because heat can increase cell wall permeability, solubility, and
dispersion of extracted compounds and reduce solvent viscosity. However, high temperatures
can also degrade polyphenolic compounds (Maslukhah et al., 2014). Differences in yield
results were attributed to solvent type, material weight to solvent volume ratio, extraction time,
temperature, and particle size (Sabathani et al., 2018). Temperature optimization is a way to
get the best temperature conditions. The optimal temperature is chosen by testing the
antibacterial drug against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Escherichia coli is a
gram-negative bacterium always present in humans' and animals' digestive tracts (Melliawati,
2009). These bacteria are facultative anaerobes, live in the range of 20-40oC, and are optimum
at 37oC (Yogi Rabani RS & Elza Fitriani, 2022). Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive
bacteria found in various parts of the human body, such as skin, hands, digestive tract, and hair
(Kurniadi et al., 2017). These two bacteria were chosen because they cause diarrhea (Omwenga
et al., 2011). Diarrhea can occur due to more than one mechanism. Diarrhea caused by bacterial
infection has at least two mechanisms: increased intestinal secretions and decreased absorption
in the intestine. Bacterial infections cause inflammation and release toxins. The mechanism of
diarrhea caused by bacteria includes attachment of bacteria to epithelial cells with or without
mucosal damage, mucosal invasion, and production of enterotoxins or cytotoxins. One
bacterium may use one or more mechanisms to impair intestinal mucosal defenses (Muttaqin
et al., 2018).
The disc diffusion method is often used to test the antibacterial activity of plant extracts.
This method can predict the antibacterial activity of an extract solution at a given concentration
based on the zone of inhibition of an agar test medium. Disc diffusion's advantages are that the
test is simple and the cost is low (Ouedrhiri et al., 2016). Antibacterial testing in this study was
intended to select the optimal temperature during maceration for the formulation test of the
three teas. This test uses a concentration of 60,000 ppm, which is the result of research by
Rohdiana et al. (2013), which used a concentration of 60,000 ppm showed the highest
inhibition zone, the inhibition zone in green tea Tong Tji 9.4 mm and black tea 7.8 mm. An
antibacterial agent is a compound that can kill or inhibit the growth and reproduction of
bacteria. The antibacterial substance is usually present in the body as a secondary metabolite
(Sartika et al., 2013). Antibacterial activity was indicated by the inhibition zones of E. coli
(Figure 4) and S. aureus (Figure 5) produced by the three types of tea with different maceration
temperatures. The tea with the highest inhibition zone in the E. coli test was white tea, with an
inhibition zone of 17.03 mm at 100oC maceration temperature. The highest inhibition zone of
S. aureus was white tea, with an inhibition zone of 11.00 mm and a maceration temperature of
100 C. This optimal temperature (which produces the highest zone of inhibition) was chosen
to test the antibacterial agents of three types of tea preparations. A positive control in the form
of chloramphenicol and a negative control in the form of distilled water was used in this test.
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria (Prisinda et al., 2021).
Maceration at 100oC showed the highest inhibition zone. This is presumably because
antibacterial compounds such as polyphenols (catechins) are soluble in water solvents. The
inhibition zone at the maceration temperatures of 70oC and 121oC was smaller than at 100oC.
According to Suzuki et al. (2003) and Wazir et al. (2011), maceration with higher temperature,
higher total phenol, and high temperature can increase phenolic solubility and release bound
phenolic compounds caused by damage to cell elements. However, temperatures that are too
high can cause polyphenols (catechins) to epimerize at high temperatures (Rohdiana & Al-
ghifari, 2015). According to research by Rohdiana et al. (2013), the polyphenol content soaked
for 3 minutes was higher at 75oC than at 95oC. This is thought to be due to catechin compounds'
degradation, epimerization, and oxidation. This epimerization occurred at a temperature of
120oC (Nurjanah et al., 2016). The diameter of the zone of inhibition produced by white tea
was greater than that of green and black tea. This is due to differences in the concentrations of
antibacterial compounds in the three types of tea. According to Fakheri et al. (2015), the content
of phenolic compounds in white tea and green tea is higher than in black tea. This happens
because of the short processing and the absence of oximatic process. The phenolic compounds
(catechins) in black tea will be oxidized during the oximatic process to produce two primary
pigments: the aflavins and the arubigins (Mitrowihardjo et al., 2012). Almajano et al. (2008)
showed a higher yield of antibacterial activity of unfermented tea than that of fermented tea.
High antibacterial activity was observed in samples with high phenol content (Fakheri et al.,
The resulting inhibition zone was higher in Escherichia coli bacteria compared to
Staphylococcus aureus. This happens because Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria. The
cytotoxicity or bioactivity test was performed using the shrimp Artemia Salina Leach larvae.
The shrimp mortality test is often used in bioassays and preliminary tests of compounds with
bioactive content and pharmacological effects (Meyer et al., 1982). Larval mortality was
measured as lethal concentration 50 (LC50) in g/ml. This LC50 value indicates a concentration
that can kill as much as 50% of the shrimp larvae population. This concentration value is
obtained by calculating probit analysis. The LC50 values produced by black, green, and white
tea were 1762.69 g/mL, 1463.24 g/mL, and 1243.38 g/mL (Table 3). The difference in the LC50
value may be due to differences in the bioactive compounds extracted from the sample
(Theresia et al., 2019). The highest LC50 value was then used to test the tea extract formula for
antibacterial activity. The toxicity level of the extract was classified as highly toxic with an
LC50 of 30 ppm, toxic with an LC50 of 31 ppm, 1000 ppm, and non-toxic with an LC50 of
1000 ppm (Kaban et al., 2016). Samples that have this bioactivity can be seen from shrimp
larvae's death. The LC50 value is a concentration that can kill 50% of the test animal
population. This toxicity test has a broad pharmacological spectrum with a reliable, rapid, and
inexpensive procedure (Mclaughlin et al., 1998).
One way to determine the potential of a compound as an alternative to new drugs is to
conduct a biological toxicity test. The principle of the toxicity test is that bioactive components
are always toxic in high doses and drugs in low doses. The toxicity of the extract results from
the concentration of compounds in the extract (Agustini & Setyaningrum, 2017). The toxicity
test was performed on 4-hour-old larvae. Larvae at this age have a low resistance to the
environment. If it is more than 48 h, other factors such as oxygen content, nutritional needs,
and light also influence. Two ways can cause shrimp larvae's death are inhalation and diffusion.
Inhalation is the entry of toxic substances into the body through inhalation, while diffusion
occurs through thin tissue of larval skin (Sukardiman., 2004). The formula for extracts of black
tea, green tea, and white tea uses a total concentration of 1800 ppm, where this value is derived
from the LC50 value. The test was carried out by testing each tea with a concentration of 1800
ppm, while for a mixture of two types of tea using a concentration ratio of 900 ppm: 900 ppm
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
and for a mixture of three types of tea using a concentration ratio of 600 ppm: 600 ppm: 600
ppm. The tea extract used is tea from maceration with a temperature of 100oC. This test was
carried out on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Chloramphenicol at a
concentration of 1800 ppm was used as a positive control. Zone of inhibition results were then
analyzed using Design Expert 10.0® software and the Simex centroid design-mixture design
method. Antibacterial activity tests of black tea, green tea, and white tea extract formulations
are shown in Figures 6 and 8. The antibacterial test results showed that single extracts and
mixed extracts had a zone of inhibition against both E. coli and S . aureus. Based on Duncan's
analysis, there was a significant difference (p<0.5) in each mixture extract and single extract
as an antibacterial agent. Duncan's test results showed the homogeneity of the sample's ability
to inhibit bacterial growth. The homogeneity is shown in Figure 6 and Figure 8 with superscript
letters; the same letters indicate a homogeneous response from each sample.
The zone of inhibition generated from each sample is different. A single sample of white
tea showed the highest inhibition zone in the test against E. coli. The three-tea mixture sample
showed the highest zone of inhibition in the test against S. aureus. All samples tested against
E. coli and S. aureus had lower antibacterial activity than positive controls. This indicates that
the sample has lower antibacterial activity than antibiotics (chloramphenicol), even at the same
concentration. Using the simple centroid design method, the resulting inhibition zones were
analyzed using Design Expert 10.0. The input data results will provide a polynomial model
that is in accordance with the results of the response measurements used. A polynomial model
can be determined based on the value of the standard deviation, the estimate of the sum of
squares, and the prediction of R2. A good polynomial model has a low standard deviation value
and prediction of the number of squares and a high predictive value of R2 (Abdullah & Chin,
2010). Based on the regression coefficient of the test on E. coli from the three extracts used, it
showed that white tea (9,498) had higher inhibitory activity than green tea (9.085) and black
tea (8.525). Based on the regression coefficient of the test on S. aureus from the three extracts
used, it was shown that white tea (9.211) had higher inhibitory activity than green tea (8.718)
and black tea (8.592). The coefficient in the equation obtained has a positive value. This shows
that all components are complementary (Abdullah & Chin, 2010). Contour plots describe the
proportion of the best mix or mixed model to the response (Sahin et al., 2016). The contour
plot displays the response region generated by the sample and the upper and lower limits of the
resulting inhibition zone. The response area on the contour plot is limited by the upper and
lower limits, represented by different colors. In this analysis, the color for the upper limit is
red, and the lower limit is blue. The blue-to-red color indicates an increasing response from the
resulting inhibition zone.
Figure 7 shows the green-to-yellow color in the area around the white tea. This indicates
that the antibacterial activity against E. coli was not significantly different. However, white tea
samples produced the best response, which could be seen from the yellow color in the white
tea area. Figure 7 shows almost the same color, namely green to yellow. These results indicate
that the response is similar against S. aureus. The inhibition response area analysis results of
each sample showed no significant antibacterial activity (p<0.05) against the simplex centroid
design model. This can be seen in ANOVA Tables 3 and 4, generated from the linear model
showing p>0.05. The single extract of white tea inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. aureus
very well. The mixed extract of the three types of tea inhibited S. aureus well, while E. coli, it
was pretty good, although it was inferior to the white tea extract. Mixture design creates a
system consisting of a mixture of components whose total number is constant. The resulting
response is a function of the relative proportion of each component in the system. Mixture
design can use two or more components. Increasing the number of components will increase
the dimensions of space used to describe the mixture. The simplest object that represents the
dimensions of the mixture is called a simplex. Simplex-lattice, simplex-centroid, or simplex-
centroid with axial design can be used in mixture designs (Şahin et al., 2015). The simplex-
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
centroid design is mixed with a dot pattern on the sides. This method pays attention to the effect
of single components and two-component combinations and studies three-component
combinations (Şahin et al., 2015).
Greenwell and Rahman (2015) and Rahman (2016) state that tea extraction with water as
a solvent can extract phenolic compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and
tannins. The presence of antibacterial activity is due to phenol and flavonoids, which are the
main components of antimicrobial agents. These compounds can damage the cell walls of
bacteria. Damage to the cell wall can kill bacteria (Pillet et al., 2016). Other compounds capable
of acting as antibacterial are alkaloids (Devi et al., 2012). Phenol compounds can work by
denaturing cell proteins and damaging cell membranes. Depending on the concentration used,
phenol compounds can be bactericidal or bacteriostatic (Arifin et al., 2017). The mechanism
of action of phenol as an antibacterial agent poisons the protoplasm, damages and penetrates
the cell wall, causing cell leakage, and precipitates bacterial cell proteins at high
concentrations, while at low concentrations, inhibits enzyme synthesis. According to Arshad
and Batool (2017), phenolic compounds can break through cell walls to break the cross-links
of peptidoglycans. By breaking through the cell wall, phenolic compounds cause the cell to
leak nutrients by damaging the hydrophobic bonds of components that make up cell
membranes, such as proteins and phospholipids, and dissolving the binding hydrophobic
components, which increases membrane permeability. Damage to this membrane will inhibit
the activity of biosynthetic enzymes needed in bacterial metabolism.
Flavonoids can damage the membranes of bacterial cells. These flavonoids will form a
complex compound between groups of flavonoid compounds with extracellular proteins in
cells. In addition, it can also inhibit the energy metabolism process in bacterial cells by
inhibiting the bacterial cell respiration system (Asif, 2017). Alkaloid compounds have a
blocking mechanism that disrupts the peptidoglycans of bacterial cells, so the cell wall layer is
not fully formed and causes cell death. Othman et al. (2019) state that the alkaloid compound
has a nitrogen-containing base group that reacts with and affects bacterial DNA. This reaction
causes changes in the structure and composition of amino acids, which causes damage and
promotes bacterial cell lysis. A positive control antibiotic in the form of chloramphenicol at a
concentration of 1800 ppm was used in the antibacterial activity test. Chloramphenicol is a
broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Prisinda
et al., 2021). In addition, distilled water was used as a negative control. Aquadest is also a
solvent used to prepare test solutions when this aquadest cannot prevent bacterial growth.
Jannata et al. (2014) classified an inhibition zone of 5–10 mm as a low antibacterial agent.
Based on how they work, antibacterials are categorized into bactericidal and bacteriostatic.
Bactericidal is an antibacterial that works to kill bacteria, while bacteriostatic works to inhibit
their growth. Some antibacterials will be bacteriostatic in low concentrations and bactericidal
in high concentrations (Dwicahyani et al., 2018).
The zone of greatest inhibition was shown in Escherichia coli bacteria. Gram-positive
inhibition response is stronger than gram-negative. According to Panawala (2017), this may be
due to differences in the cell wall composition of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microbes.
Gram-positive cell walls contain many teichoic and tectonic acid compounds and
polysaccharide molecules. Navarre and Schneewind (1999) state that these components protect
cells from enzyme lysis activities, while other substances determine cell reactions in Gram
staining. Silhavy et al. (2010) wrote that Gram-positive bacteria contain thicker peptidoglycan
than Gram-negative bacteria. The porin protein determines the permeability of the outer
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Porins are the gateway to several polar molecules.
Hydrophilic molecules, more minor than the diameter of the porin, will enter through the porin
(Ude et al., 2021). The effectiveness of antibacterial compounds is based on the zone of
inhibition around the disk paper, which is saturated with a specific concentration of the
substance. The resulting zone of inhibition varies greatly depending on the dispersion of the
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Antibacterial Ingredients That Cause Diarrhea Can Be Made from Black, Green, and White Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis
L.) – Hasan et al.
substance, the type of medium, and many other factors (Kowalska-Krochmal & Dudek-Wicher,
2021). Trianes et al. (2022), inhibition zone formation is influenced by incubation temperature,
time, and microbial concentration. Therefore, the growth inhibitory efficiency of the agar
medium formed during this study was also affected by temperature and incubation time, as
well as the concentration of microbes that produced inhibitory zones for these two bacteria.
Also, the diameter of the inhibition zone is not always directly proportional to the increase in
sample concentration because there are differences in the diffusion of antibacterial compounds
in the agar medium, and their activity is affected by their types and concentrations (Wang et
al., 2022).
4. Conclusion
Black tea, green tea, and white tea water extracts had antibacterial activity at all
maceration temperatures (70oC, 100oC, and 121oC). The most optimal temperature that
produces the highest inhibition zone is the maceration temperature of 100oC. The zone of
inhibition against Escherichia coli was 17.033 mm from white tea, and against Staphylococcus
aureus, it was 11.000 mm from white tea. The formula test against E. coli showed the highest
performance for white tea extract samples with an inhibition zone diameter of 9750 mm. In
contrast, the S. aureus test showed the highest inhibition results for white tea, tea, and black
tea in the 9.65mm blocking range. The simple centroid design analysis results showed that the
linear model results were not significant in the antibacterial test of E. coli and S . aureus.
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