04.carloni 2013 - Tea Antioxidant Activity
04.carloni 2013 - Tea Antioxidant Activity
04.carloni 2013 - Tea Antioxidant Activity
a r t i c l e i
n f o
The present study explored what effect manufacturing has on the antioxidant properties
Article history:
Received 17 February 2012
of teas coming from a single cultivar but processed differently to give a white, two black
Received in revised form 24 July (Orthodox and CTC) and two green (low-caffeine and non-decaffeinated) teas. Total phenol
2012 Accepted 26 July 2012 (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), theaflavins, individual cate- chins content, and chelating activity
were also investigated. Using the ABTS, ORAC and LDL assays the follow- ing ‘antioxidant
Keywords: profile’ was obtained: green≥low-caffeine green> white≥black Orthodox> black CTC, with
Tea statistically significant correlation between ORAC and LDL assays (r2 = 0.444, p=
Green/black/white tea processing 0.0067), whereas TPC and TFC significantly correlate with the ABTS one (r2 = 0.871, p=
Antioxidant activity 0.000 and r2 = 0.438, p= 0.007, respectively). Metal chelating activity, which was lowest
Chelating activity in the green teas, does not correlate with antioxidant activity but appears to be in fluenced
by theaflavins content. The results contribute to better understand how the manufacturing
Phenolic composition
process influences the antioxidant activity of tea when variables (geographical region,
envi- ronmental conditions, cultivar type, plucking techniques) are kept to a minimum.
Secondly, we show that novel African green, white and black Orthodox teas, made from
tea varieties typically used in black CTC tea production, may have potential health
benefits comparable with commonly consumed teas.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0963-9969/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnusdottir, 2002; Venditti et al., 2010) while others report
2.2. Tea samples and preparation
the ab- sence of any significant differences (Hodgson et al.,
1999; Lin, Juan, Chen, Liang,& Lin, 1996). The numerous
Five tea samples processed from hand plucked leaves of
variables that affect tea compo- nents according to cultivar type,
the superior cultivar PC108, bred in Malawi for typical black
growth conditions (season, climate, soil), horticultural practices
CTC tea production by the Tea Research Foundation based
(mechanical- or hand-plucking, age of leaves) and the different
in Mulanje, and grown ona private es- tate, were analyzed.
technologies of the tea companies may account for these
The green leaves had been harvested from the same field at
conflicting reports (Kan, 1980; Wicremasinghe, 1974). Hence, it
three different times: February (typically overcast, wet,
is not strictly correct to compare the antioxidant activities of
warm con- ditions), April (bright sunny days and cool nights)
black, white, and green teas unless these variables are
and September (hot clear days and warm nights) 2008.
Fresh leaves were then processed according to the flow-
Therefore, the present study was carried out to explore
chart reported in Fig. 1 to give five different teas: white,
what effect manufacturing has on the antioxidant properties
green, low-caffeine green, black CTC and black Orthodox
of teas coming from a single cultivar (grown and plucked
teas. The withering was done in troughs and ambient or
under the same conditions) but processed differently in the
heated air was blown into a plenum chamber and up
same factory to give two black teas (Orthodox and CTC),
through the leaf. In order to achieve the target moisture
two green teas (low-caffeine and non-decaffeinated) and one
content, the withering time varied depending on the
white tea. Total phenol, flavonoids, theaflavins, individual
prevailing weather conditions and conditions of leaf on
catechins and caffeine content, as well as chelating activity
receipt into the factory. The target moisture content for all
were also investigated.
teas at the end of the drying process carried out in a fluid
bed drier was 3–4%.
Prior to preparation of hot tea infusions, the teas were
2. Materials and methods
ground using a pestle and mortar to obtain a homogeneous
fine powder. The infusions were prepared by pouring 20 ml
2.1. Chemicals and equipment
of mineral water at 90 °C on 0.5 g of tea and brewed for 7
min. They were then filtered through Whatman paper filters
All reagents, standards for HPLC analysis and solvents of
43–48 μm and diluted appropriately with water according to
highest purity available, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
each specific assay.
Chemical Co. (Milan, Italy) and used as received. Ultrapure
water was used through- out and obtained from a Milli-Q
2.3. Total phenol content (TPC)
system from Millipore (Milford, MA), except for preparation
of teas where bottled mineral water purchased from local
Total phenol content in the tea infusions was determined
retail shops was used.
using the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (Singleton, Orthofer,
Spectrophotometric measurements were recorded on a Lamuela-Raventos, & Lester, 1999). To 1.975 ml water, 0.125
UV Kontron 941 spectrophotometer or on a microplate ml of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent followed by 0.025 ml of tea
reader (Synergy HT, Biotek, Winooski, VT, USA). previously diluted 5 fold, or appropriately diluted gallic acid
standard ethanolic solution, or water as blank, were
Fig. 1. Flow chart showing the different stages in the manufacture of the different teas investigated. LTP= Lawrie tea processor; CTC= crush-tear-curl (see
Materials and methods for details).
added and mixed. After 10 min, 0.375 ml of 20% Na2CO3 reacting aqueous stock solutions of ABTS [2,2′-azinobis-(3-
were added, mixed and samples were left for 2 h at room ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt] and
temperature in the dark. Absorbance was read at 760 nm K2S2O8 to reach final concentrations of 6.3 mM and 2.45 mM
and the results were expressed as mM Gallic Acid respectively, for 12–16 h in the dark at room temperature.
Equivalents (GAE) using the linear regression value Prior to use, the ABTS+• stock solution was diluted~ 80 fold
obtained from the gallic acid calibration curve. with water in order to obtain an ab- sorbance at 734 nm
ranging between 0.6 and 0.8. To 2.475 ml of this ABTS+•
2.4. Total flavonoid content (TFC) solution, 0.025 ml of tea previously diluted 40 fold or appro-
priately diluted Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-
The total flavonoid content in the tea infusions was tetramethylchroman-2- carboxylic acid) standard ethanolic
measured using a colorimetric assay according to the solution, or water as control,
method of Gursoy, Sarikurkcu, Cengiz, and Solak (2009)
with some modifications. Briefly, 0.05 ml of tea infusion or
appropriately diluted (+)-catechin standard ethanolic
solution, or water as blank, were added to 1.35 ml of
distilled water. After mixing, 0.05 ml of 5% NaNO 2
followed by 10% AlCl3 (0.05 ml) were added and mixed
and samples were left for 10 min at room tem- perature in
the dark. Absorbance was read at 415 nm and the results
were expressed as mM Catechin Equivalents (CE) using
the linear re- gression value obtained from the catechin
calibration curve.
3. Results
4. Discussion
Fig. 2. Box-plot diagrams of the levels of total tea polyphenols, flavonoids and theaflavins in the tested teas. The cross represents the median value, 50% of
the data are contained within the box and the lines indicate the upper and lower quartiles, each one corresponding to 25% of the data. Panel A: Total
polyphenols content (expressed as mM Gallic Acid Equivalents) determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent; Panel B: Total flavonoid content (expressed
as mM Catechin Equivalents) determined using the aluminum chloride colorimetric method; Panel C: Total theaflavin content (expressed as mM
theaflavines) determined using the Flavognost reagent (see Materials and methods for details). Statistical significance of one-way ANOVA was pb 0.0001.
p for Tukey's least significant difference is summarized below each box-plot; ns= non-significant.
Table 1
Content of phenolic compounds and caffeine in tea infusions expressed in mg/ml.
Fig. 4. Box-plot diagrams of antioxidant activity of the tested teas. The cross represents the median value, 50% of the data are contained within the box
and the lines indicate the upper and lower quartiles, each one corresponding to 25% of the data. Panel A: ABTS assay results expressed as mM Trolox
Equivalents; Panel B: ORAC assay expressed as mM Trolox Equivalents; Panel C: LDL assay shown as the lag time for formation of conjugated dienes.
Human LDL (100 μg protein/ml) oxidation was initiated by addition of 5 μM Cu2+ and formation of conjugated dienes at 234 nm was determined in the
presence of tea infusions. The control sample lacked tea. The lag time was calculated from the sigmoidal kinetic curves of LDL oxidation obtained for
each sample. See Materials and methods for details. Statistical significance of one-way ANOVA was pb 0.0001. p for Tukey's least significant difference is
summarized below each box-plot; ns= non-significant.
Fig. 5. Box-plot diagram of metal chelating activity (expressed as mM EDTA Equivalents) of the tested teas determined using the Ferrozine assay (see
Materials and methods for details). The cross represents the median value, 50% of the data are contained within the box and the lines indicate the upper
and lower quartiles, each one corresponding to 25% of the data. Statistical significance of one-way ANOVA was pb 0.0001. p for Tukey's least
significant difference is summarized below each box-plot; ns= non-significant.
radical scavenging, stability of the resulting phenoxyl of all the other analy-
radical, solubility in the lipophilic phase, redox potential ses were similar to those of this season.
(Cao, Sofic, & Prior, 1997; Morel, Lescoat, Cillard, & In conclusion, this paper contains key information on how
Cillard, 1994), hence the reason for investigating this the manufacturing process of tea affects antioxidant activity,
activity. In this study, the green teas showed the lowest TPC, TFC, TTC and individual catechins content when
metal chelating activity while the white tea and the black variables are kept to a mini- mum: tea from a single specialty
Orthodox displayed the highest. This trend is unusual as cultivar grown under the same condi- tions and processed in
one would expect that teas with higher, overall catechins the same factory as a green, white and black tea. This is the
content and hence higher antioxidant activity would also first study of its kind as most literature reports investigating
display higher metal chelating activity. However, this does
not ap- pear to be the case, as also observed by Lin, Liu,
and Mau (2008). It seems that components other than
catechins might contribute most to the chelating ability; the
presence in a compound of a specific group bearing
adjacent hydroxyl and carbonyl functions has been
suggested to play a role in metal chelation (Lin et al.,
2008). This group for example, can be found in theaflavins
which are present in fermented teas and interestingly, in
our study, the teas that show the highest chelating activ- ity
(white and black teas) are also those that have the highest
content of theaflavins (Fig. 2C). White tea is commonly
considered a non- fermented tea although this is not strictly
correct: in fact, white teas do not undergo the inactivation
of enzymes before withering, and in this stage, polyphenol
oxidases and peroxidases, essential for color develop- ment
of this tea, remain active (Jiang, 2009). Therefore white tea
poly- phenols do undergo slight and slow oxidation, as
confirmed by the presence of significant amounts of
theaflavins found in the white tea in- vestigated (Fig. 2C).
The slight oxidation of white tea polyphenols might also
explain why the antioxidant activity observed for this tea is
always slightly lower than the green teas and similar to the
black Orthodox one. Tea products are manufactured with
tea leaves harvested at differ- ent seasons which is known
to influence the flavor and aroma of tea products (Kan,
1980). In our study, seasonal variations were observed but
it was not possible to predict which season produced
teas with higher antioxidant activities since there were no
remarkable differ- ences and an overall trend could not be
deduced. Hence the data obtained from the three seasons
were all pooled and analyzed togeth- er. The only
exception was the HPLC analysis of individual catechin
and caffeine contents reported in Table 1 and Fig. 3 which
were rela- tive to the April harvest, since the average data
the antioxidant properties of teas compare black, green
and white teas from different geographical regions.
Those that have studied teas from the same geographical
region, have either used teas processed in differ- ent tea
factories and from different cultivars (Karori et al.,
2007), or compared teas processed in the same way, i.e.
just green teas (Saito et al., 2007) or compared different
cultivars (Baruah & Mahanta, 2003). Secondly, since
there are very few non-CTC tea producers in Africa, this
study shows that black Orthodox, white and green teas,
can be made from tea varieties bred as quick fermenting,
astringent types, typ- ically used in black CTC tea
production. This initial study on the antiox- idant
properties of the novel African green, white and black
Orthodox teas, indicate that they may have comparable
or superior potential health benefits that could rival
commonly consumed teas present on the market.
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