39.43 P.J.M.Costa ICS2009
39.43 P.J.M.Costa ICS2009
39.43 P.J.M.Costa ICS2009
† Centro de Geologia & Departamento de Geologia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1749-016, Portugal
‡Dép. Géologie et Océanographie, UMR5805,CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux I, Talence, France.
{ppcosta@fc.ul.pt; candrade@fc.ul.pt; cfreitas@fc.ul.pt; alexandraoliv@gmail.com; jm.jouanneau@epoc.u-bordeaux1.fr}
COSTA, P. J. M., ANDRADE, C., FREITAS, M. C., OLIVEIRA, M. A. and Jouanneau, J.-M., 2009. Preliminary results
of exoscopic analysis of quartz grains deposited by a palaeotsunami in Salgados lowland (Algarve, Portugal).
Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), 39 – 43. Lisbon,
Portugal, ISSN 0749-0258.
The recognition of coastal inundations by tsunamis beyond the historical record depends solely on the
identification of characteristic ancient deposits and the stratigraphical record can provide crucial information on
recurrence and patterns of coastal flooding and/or specificities of a particular event. A palaeotsunami deposit was
found in the Salgados lowland (south coast of the Algarve, Portugal) and correspondent to the AD 1755 event
was studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based analysis of quartz grain microtextures (e.g.
grooves, precipitation/dissolution, marks, fractures, relief, roundness, craters, upturned plates) to investigate the
existence of specific signatures and to compare tsunami-deposited sand particles with grains of possible sources
in coastal to nearshore depositional contexts. The preliminary results suggest that in this specific location, the
AD 1755 tsunami did not craft an obvious microtextural signature in sand particles. Instead, the grains deposited
by this event were essentially characterized by source-inherited features and we suggest that coastal foredunes
may have been a relevant source.
Figure 1A, 1B and 1C. Location of study area (Lagoa dos Salgados). 1D- Nearshore (NS) sample locations. 1E- Surface samples, core
locations and thickness of the tsunami deposit (SG14 – core sample; B – berm; BF – beach face; C – channel; D – dune; DC – dune crest).
development, location relative to the Azores-Gibraltar plate channel) were also collected. Visual description of sediment was
boundary and neotectonic- and gravity-induced sea-floor activity conducted focusing in color, lithology, texture, erosional features
offshore the Gulf of Cadiz. The mean tidal range in the area is and macrofossil content. Logs were plotted and correlations were
approximately 2.1 m and ca. 3 m during spring tides, but during established. A thin layer of coarse sediment was detected within
extreme tides the high water level may exceed 2 m above MSL Late Holocene low-energy sediments of Salgados lowland with
(ANDRADE and HINDSON, 1999). The wave climate in the Algarve many of the stratigraphical, textural and compositional diagnostic
is one of low-energy. On average, once every winter a SW storm criteria used to recognize tsunami deposits (Figure 1); in a smaller
raises waves with significant height of about 3 m and mean period group of cores from this lowland, a second and younger high-
of 7-8 s (CAPITÃO, 1992). energy event layer with a controversial origin was also detected.
The Salgados lowland is located in the bay between Armação de
Pêra and Galé (FIGURE 1A, 1B, 1C). This coast features a 6 km- Exoscopy
long intermediate-reflective sand beach backed by a continuous, 3 The use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) in sedimentary
to 17 m-high vegetated foredune, the latter covering cemented studies was initiated by BIEDERMAN (1962) and KRINSLEY et al.
Pleistocene-Holocene aeolianites and beachrock (PINTO et al., (1964) and developed to study microtextures in quartz grains by
2001). The continuity of the beach-dune system is interrupted by KRINSLEY and DOORNKAMP (1973). Since then, a considerable
the ephemeral inlets of two infilled lagoons, which developed in number of studies have been produced in this subject. However,
relation with the outlet of intermittent streams: the Alcantarilha this technique has not been consensual in the scientific community
lagoon and stream, and the Salgados lagoon and Espiche stream, due to a certain degree of subjectivity in the visual analysis of
which drain, respectively, 204 and 41 km2 watersheds, mostly microtextures and conflicting interpretations of the surface
developed in Early Miocene limestone and Late Miocene siltstone features. The use of exoscopic analysis has been focusing in
and sandstone. The Salgados Lagoon extended across some 1.5 establishing the provenance of the quartz grains (e.g. NIETER and
km2 but about ½ of this surface has been reclaimed and landfilled KRINSLEY, 1976; LE RIBAULT, 1977; MAHANEY, 1988; MAZZULLo
for a golf course, which occupies its eastern section (FIGURE 1C). et al., 1988; MORAL CARDONA et al., 1997; BRUZZI and PRONE,
The remnant surface is a flat-floored depression developing about 2000; MAHANEY, 2002; PARIS et al; 2007) and all the studies on
1.1 to 1.7 m above mean sea level, collecting water and muddy quartz grains microtextures were based on visual description, thus
sediment from the adjacent watershed and is usually flooded by increasing the degree of subjectivity. So far, only WILLIAMS et al.
about 1 m of water. Water addition by rain and marine overwash (1998) proposed a quantitative method for characterizing and
may rapidly increase the water level and expand the wet perimeter classifying the shape and features of quartz grains by
until the dune line and the inlet is artificially opened to prevent mathematical analysis of surface textures.
damaging of the golf facilities; seasonal drought conditions
leading to eutrophication, may also require additional re-opening
of the inlet to allow for water renewal. In any case, the inlet closes METHODS
naturally in a matter of weeks by wave action. Twelve grains from the tsunami layer referred above (here
Hundred and forty three short sediment cores were obtained, in represented by sample SG TSU obtained in core SG 14) and 12
Lagoa dos Salgados (Figure 1), using hand-operated gauge and grains from the controversial deposit (referred to in this study as
Edelman augers, extension rods and a Van der Staay suction corer. SG_X) were analyzed with SEM. In addition, 490 quartz grains,
Moreover, 30 surface samples (nearshore, beach, dune and inlet from 5 different sedimentary environments around and within
Figure 2. SEM images of quartz grains from Lagoa dos Salgados. Figure 3. 210Pb excess and 137Cs depth profile from core SG48.
A – SG_X controversial sample; B – SG TSU tsunami sample; C
– Dune sample; and D – Beach sample.
which is the near vicinity of the maximum nuclear testing in the
northern hemisphere.
Lagoa dos Salgados (e.g nearshore, beach face, beach berm, dune The statistical analysis of the microtextures using Principal
and dune crest), all sharing potential to constitute source for the Component Analyses indicate that two sets of characteristics can
tsunami deposit were also studied. A minimum of 12 quartz grains be identified (FIGURE 4) and that they are orthogonal. One set
per sample (FIGURE 2) were collected from the (previously sieved) consists of features associated with mechanical reworking of
125-500µm size-fraction and these grains were considered as grains and energy level (roundness, fresh surfaces, sharp edges,
representative in what concerns exoscopic properties. The bulk abrasion marks, upturned plates, linear fractures, conchoidal
samples were washed with tap water and wet-sieved with 0.5 fractures, parallel fractures and steps) and the other includes
interval. Quartz grains were analyzed under the binocular features related with chemical reworking (precipitation,
microscope and prepared for SEM. This involved mineralization dissolution, linear grooves, circular grooves, deep grooves and
of the grains (coating), either with gold or carbon. The grains were relief); however, a small number of mechanically-borne
them taken to the SEM lab and photographs obtained. Two SEM characteristics (craters, V-marks and crescent marks) plot together
were used: JEOL JSM 5200 LV (FCUL, Lisbon) and JEOL JSM- and directly correlate with the chemical features. The features
5910 LV (Univ. Clermont-Ferrand). After this, a visual analysis of adhering particles and cracked grains showed poor discriminating
each grain was performed including the careful inspection of potential.
microtextures in grain surfaces and their classification according No peculiar microtexture feature or association of features of
to established criteria. A list of characteristic microtextures was grains, exclusive of tsunami SG TSU sand was found, preventing
compiled based on selected references (e.g. MAHANEY, 2002) and clear-cut discrimination with other deposits. Similarities between
in the authors criteria; each grain was described using all samples were investigated using bivariate plots of features versus
microtextural features and the relative performance of each features and features versus sedimentary environments. The plot
characteristic was rank-ordered from “high” to “low”. In this of features versus a or b-axis of grains indicates that the former
classification scheme, roundness (according to Power’s scale) are not influenced by grain size, in agreement with the findings of
varies from 1 (well rounded) to 6 (very angular) and was BRUZZI and PRONE (2000). The plot of all test-samples from
evaluated by comparison with a reference chart; relief, dissolution distinct environments in bivariate diagrams are scattered and
and precipitation vary in the range of 1 (low) to 3 (high) and rank significant intersection occurs between fields representing
ordering depended on visual appreciation. All the remaining different depositional environments. FIGURE 5 presents one
characteristics (e.g. fresh surfaces, steps, fractures, upturned example showing that overlap between different environments
plates, grooves, craters, abrasion marks, crescent marks, v-marks) varies from app. 30% (e.g. dune) to app. 65% (e.g.
were classified according to the percentage of area occupied by channel).Moreover, it was noted that the SG-X and SG-TSU
features in the grain (e.g. 0 - not present to 5 - dominant >75% of samples do not systematically cluster with any other specific
the grain surface occupied by the microtexture analyzed). environment. In addition, significant scattering occurs when all
Average and median values for each variable characterizing each grains in one sample are plotted, instead of the representative
set of grains were calculated after normalization by the largest median value. However, the enigmatic SG_X sample plots close
value. to the tsunami sand in the majority of bivariate diagrams. The
features of the tsunami sample in bivariate plots are consistent
RESULTS with a wide range of possible sources: in fact, if a small number of
Age constraining of the coarse layer found within low-energy attributes is carefully selected, it is possible to suggest strong
deposits of Salgados was attempted using 210Pb and 137Cs affinity towards a specific sedimentary environment. However, if
(Universitée de Bordeaux). Results are consistent and coherent a different set of attributes is selected, grains from other
with the AD 1755 tsunami event, which is known to have environments may show stronger resemblance with the tsunami
extensively impacted this area (e.g. PEREIRA DE SOUSA, 1919). The sample.
accumulation rate derived from the vertical profile of 210Pb excess Notwithstanding the above limitations, our results suggest that
(2.6 mm/yr) suggests that low-energy deposits resting upon the the SG 14 tsunami sample exhibits the highest values of
coarse (tsunamigenic) layer are younger than AD 1840 (FIGURE dissolution and grooves, both deep and linear. Adhering particles
3). Moreover, if that rate is used to calculate the age of the were less represented in beach samples. Relief tends to be higher
maximum value of 137Cs in the core, the date obtained is AD 1961, in beach and palaeotsunami grains, which also showed higher and
more recent steps and fractures, just as grains from the inlet