App 2
App 2
App 2
Physical Properties of
Selected Gases and
Composition of Air
Table B-1
Molecular weight, specific weight, and density of gases found in water at
standard conditions (0◦ C, 1 atm)
Gas Formula Molecular Weight, g/mol Density, g/L
Air — 28.97a 1.2928
Ammonia NH3 17.03 0.7708
Carbon dioxide CO2 44.00 1.9768
Carbon monoxide CO 28.00 1.2501
Hydrogen H2 2.016 0.0898
Hydrogen sulfide H2 S 34.08 1.5392
Methane CH4 16.03 0.7167
Nitrogen N2 28.02 1.2507
Oxygen O2 32.00 1.4289
Source: Adapted from R. H. Perry, D. W. Green, and J. O. Maloney (1984) Chemical Engineers’
Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
a Value reported in the literature vary depending on the standard conditions. Note: (0.7803 ×
Table B-2
Composition of dry air at 0◦ C and 1.0 atm
Percent Percent
Gas Formula by Volumea by Weight
Nitrogen N2 78.03 75.47
Oxygen O2 20.99 23.18
Argon Ar 0.94 1.30
Carbon dioxide CO2 0.039 0.05
Otherd — 0.01 —
a Adapted from North American Combustion Handbook, 2nd ed., North American Mfg.,
Cleveland, OH.
b Hydrogen, neon, helium, krypton, xenon.
Table B-3
Density and viscosity of air (SI units)
Dynamic Kinematic
Temperature Density Viscositya,b Viscosity
T ρ μ ν
(◦ C) (kg/m3 ) (× 10−5 kg/m · s) (× 10−5 m2 /s)
0 1.293 1.736 1.343
5 1.269 1.762 1.388
10 1.247 1.787 1.433
15 1.225 1.812 1.479
20 1.204 1.837 1.525
25 1.184 1.862 1.572
30 1.165 1.886 1.619
35 1.146 1.910 1.667
40 1.127 1.934 1.716
45 1.110 1.958 1.765
50 1.093 1.982 1.814
60 1.060 2.029 1.915
70 1.029 2.075 2.017
80 1.000 2.121 2.121
90 0.972 2.166 2.228
100 0.946 2.210 2.336
a Dynamic viscosity can also be expressed in units of N · s/m2 .
b Dynamic viscosity calculated at <>
B-2 Change in Atmospheric Pressure with Elevation 1859