2022may Psad Unlocked Compress
2022may Psad Unlocked Compress
2022may Psad Unlocked Compress
l l l A
L 100 × 100 × 8
14. Based on wide beam shear, what is the allowable axial load
(kN) at ultimate condition?
A. 1848 C. 2053
B. 1828 D. 1612
15. The design moment at ultimate loads at the face of the
column is 300 kN-m. How many 20 mmm diameter bars are L1 L2
A. 5 C. 9
B. 8 D. 7
Situation 6 – The pile cap shown in the figure supports a 600- 19. How much is the maximum tensile capacity (kN) of the
mm square column. angle?
Given A. 438 C. 236
Dimensions: B. 263 D. 348
a = 0.6 m; b = 2.4 m 20. Determine the minimum length L2 (mm).
Effective depth, d= 650 mm A. 433 C. 465
Diameter of pile = 350 mm B. 474 D. 456
Strength: 21. Determine the minimum length L2 (mm) when a weld size of
Ultimate pile capacity = 280 kN 5 mm is added at the end of the angle?
Loads: A. 456 C. 465
Column axial loads: B. 474 D. 433
D = 420 kN; L = 360 kN; E = 210 kN
Column earthquake Load, ME = 160 kN-m Situation 8 – Refer to the truss shown:
Strength Reduction Factors Given:
0.75 for Shear Dimensions:
0.90 for Moment s = 1.5 m
Load combinations: h=3m
D + L: U = 1.2D + 1.6L Wind loads:
D + L + E U = 1.32D + 1.1L + 1.1E P1 = 13 kN
16. Determine the maximum beam shear stress (MPa) in the pile P2 = 6.5 kN
cap. P2
A. 0.233 MPa C. 0.311 MPa P1
B. 0.350 MPa D. 0.467 MPa P1 C
17. Determine the punching shear stress (MPa) on the column. P1 O Q
A. 0.291 MPa C. 0.309 MPa
B. 0.218 MPa D. 0.388 MPa P2 M h
18. Determine the punching shear stress (MPa) on the most S
heavily loaded pile.
A. 0.179 MPa C. 0.089 MPa A B
B. 0.134 MPa D. 0.067 MPa H G E D I K L
a b a
s s s s s s s s
22. What is the reaction (kN) at the pin support?
a A. 23.25 C. 27.42
B. 14.53 D. 20.12
23. What is the reaction (kN) at the roller support?
A. 31.98 C. 27.42
B. 0 D. 20.12
b 24. How much is the force on member CD if a vertical load if 27.5
kN is applied at joint C?
A. 0 C. 27.5 (T)
B. 27.5 (C) D. 25.7 (T)
Situation 9 – An 18 m precast pile is being lifted. Its left end is
laid on the ground while it is supported at 3 m from the right
end. The weight of the pile is 15 kN/m.
Situation 7 – The line of action of the force P coincides with the 25. How much is the resulting maximum positive moment (kN-
axis of the angle which is at a distance x = 29 mm from the m) due to its weight?
back of the connected length. A. 270.0 C. 67.5
Properties of one angle 100 mm × 100 × 8 mm B. 388.8 D. 75.6
Area, A = 1770 mm² 26. At what equal distance (m) from the ends should the pile be
Yield strength, Fy = 248 MPa lifted so that the resulting maximum bending stress is the
Allowable weld shear stress, Fvw = 93 MPa least possible?
Weld thickness, tw = 6 mm A. 3.73 C. 2.73
31. How much is the maximum load P (kN) based on bolt shear?
A. 339 C. 393
Situation 19 – Refer to the given code. 4. The additional area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion,
From load analysis, the following factored design forces in a Al, shall not be less than:
girder are obtained:
Mu = 440 kN-m At fyt
Vu = 280 kN Al = ph ( ) cot2 θ
s fy
Tu = 180 kN-m
b × h = 400 mm × 500 mm 5. Minimum torsion reinforcement: Where torsional reinforcement
Concrete, fc’ = 29.7 MPa is required, the minimum area of traverse closed stirrups shall be
Lateral ties, fyv = 275 MPa computed by:
Longitudinal steel, fyl = 415 MPa
Concrete cover to the centroid of tension steel = 95 mm bw s
Concrete cover to the centroid of compression steel = 95 mm Av + 2At = 0.062 √f 'c
Steel ratio at balanced condition, ρb = 0.021
Allowable concrete shear stress at factored load = 0.76 MPa but shall not be less than (0.35bw s)/fyt
55. Which of the following gives the tensile reinforcement
(mm²) required for the factored moment , Mu? 6. Where torsional reinforcement is required, the minimum total area
A. 2200 C. 4200 longitudinal torsional reinforcement, Al, min, shall be computed by:
B. 3500 D. 2600
56. Which of the following gives the spacing (mm) of 12 mm
5√f'c Acp A fyt
diameter ties for the factored shear, Vu? Al,min = -( t ) ph
A. 75 C. 85 12fy s fy
B. 135 D. 150 Where At /s shall not be taken less than (1/6) bw /fyt ; fyt refers to
57. Which of the following gives the longitudinal reinforcement
closed transverse torsional reinforcement, and fy refers to
of (mm²) required for torsion, Tu? Assume 40 mm clear
cover to lateral reinforcement. longitudinal torsional reinforcement.
A. 3420 C. 2410
B. 1470 D. 4210 7. Spacing of torsion reinforcement: The spacing of transverse
torsion reinforcement shall not exceed the smaller of ph /8 or 300
FIGURE CODE – RC-005 mm.
The longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion shall be
1. Threshold torsion: For Nonprestressed members, it shall be distributed around the perimeter of the closed stirrups with a
permitted to neglect torsion effects if the factored torsional moment maximum spacing of 300 mm. the longitudinal bars or tendons shall
Tu is less than: be inside the stirrups. There shall be at least one longitudinal bar or
tendon in each corner of the stirrups spacing, but not less than a No.
1 Acp 2 10.
Tu < ∅ √f ′c ( )
12 Pcp
2. Torsional moment strength: The adequacy of solid sections under Acp - area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross
combined shear and torsion shall be such that: section, mm2
Al - total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist
Vu 2 Tu Ph 2 Vc 2 torsion, mm2
√( ) +( ) ≤ø[ + √f c ′ ] Ao - gross area enclosed by shear flow path, mm2
bw d 1.7Aoh bw d 3
Aoh - area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed
3. Where Tu exceeds the threshold torsion, design of cross-section shall transverse torsional reinforcement, mm2
be based on: At - area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion
within spacing s, mm2
ø Tn ≥ Tu fyt - specified yield strength fy of transverse reinforcement, MPa
Pcp - outside perimeter of concrete cross section, mm,
2Ao At fyt ph - perimeter of centerline of outermost closed transverse
Tu = cot θ
s torsional reinforcement, mm