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Protists are unicellular organisms that have a nucleus.

Kingdom: Protista

Similar to Bacteria

 Unicellular
 One of the first groups of living things on Earth. (1.5 billion years ago.)
 Microscopic
 Can cause disease.
 Can be parasites

Difference from Bacteria

 Has a nucleus.
 Live in watery environment.
 Generally live as individual cells.
 Protists vary greatly in appearance and function.

Protists are divided into three categories

I. Animal-like Protists.

II. Plant-like Protists.

III. Fungus-like Protists.

I.Animal-like Protists (Protozoan)

o Protozoan means “first Animal”

o Calls contain a nucleus
o Cell lack a cell wall
o They are heterotrophs
o Most can move on their own

There are 4 groups of Animal-like Protists

1. Sarcodines:

o Have pseudopods (false foot)

o Extension of the cell membrane and cytoplasm
o Pseudopods are used for movement and to capture food.
o Many have shells. These shells form limestone, marble and chalk.
Example: Amoeba

 Most familiar Sarcodine.

 Pseudopods:
 Blob shaped.
 Contractile Vacuoles: controls amount of water inside
 Food Vacuole: where food is digested
 Ameba's reproduce by dividing into two new cells (binary fission).
 Ameba's can respond to their environment.
 They are sensitive to light and some chemicals.

2. Ciliates:

Have cilia (tiny hair like projection used for movement, to gather food and as feelers) on the outside
of their cells.

Example: paramecium

 Pellicle: tough outer wall.

 Slipper shaped
 Oral groove: like the mouth
 Gullet: holds food.
 Food Vacuole: digests food.
 Anal Pore: removes wastes
 2 Contractile Vacuoles
 2 Nuclei
 Reproduces by either binary fission or conjugation.

3. Flagellates:

Have flagellum (a long whip like structure used for movement).

Symbiosis: a close relationship, at least one benefits

Mutualism: when both partners benefits

4. Sporozoans:

o All Sporozans are parasites.

o They feed on cells and body fluids.
o Form from Spores (tiny reproductive cells).
o Pass from one host to another.
o Pass from ticks, mosquitoes or other animals to humans.

II) Plant like Protists

o Unicellular and Multicellular

o Colonies (groups of unicellular protists)
o Can move on their own
o Autotrophs: make their own food from simple materials using light energy (photosynthesis).
o 70% of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by Plant-like Protists!
o Pigments: chemicals that produce color

There are 6 Groups of Plant like Protists

1. Euglenoids
o Green, Unicellular, Chloroplasts , Pellicle
o Live in fresh water
o Autotrophs, but can be heterotrophs under certain conditions.
o Flagella, Eyespot: sensitive to light,
2. Diatoms
o Unicellular, Aquatic, 10,000 living species.
o Glass like cell wall
o Diatomaceous earth: course powder that comes from dead diatoms (toothpaste, car polish &
reflective paint.

3. Dinoflagellates

o Unicellular, Cell walls are like plates of armor, Two flagella

o Spins when it moves.
o Colorful (pigments),Can glow in the dark.
o Causes Red Tide

4. Red Algae

o Multicellular seaweeds. Live in deep ocean waters

o Used for ice cream and hair conditioner
o Used as food in Asia
5. Green Algae

o Most are unicellular, Some form colonies, Few are multicellular

o Can live in fresh and salt water and on land in damp places.
o Very closely related to green plants.

6. Brown algae

o Commonly called seaweed, Attach to rocks, Have air bladders

o Can contain brown, green, yellow, orange and black pigments.
o Giant Kelp can be 100 meters long!
o Used as food thickeners

III) Fungus like Protist

o Heterotrophs, Have cell walls.

o Many have flagella and are able to move at some point in their lives.
o Three types: Slime Molds, Water & Downy Molds
o Reproduce with Spores (tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism)

Water & Downy Molds

o Live in water or moist places, Tiny threads that look like fuzz, Attack food crops
o Caused the Irish Potato Famine.

Slime Mold

o Reproduce by Fruiting Bodies:

o The Fruiting Bodies contain Spores.
o At first they look like amoeba, then later they look like mold.
o Live on moist shady places.
o Feed on bacteria and other microorganisms.

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