Kingdom: Protista
Similar to Bacteria
One of the first groups of living things on Earth. (1.5 billion years ago.)
Can cause disease.
Can be parasites
Has a nucleus.
Live in watery environment.
Generally live as individual cells.
Protists vary greatly in appearance and function.
I. Animal-like Protists.
1. Sarcodines:
2. Ciliates:
Have cilia (tiny hair like projection used for movement, to gather food and as feelers) on the outside
of their cells.
Example: paramecium
3. Flagellates:
4. Sporozoans:
1. Euglenoids
o Green, Unicellular, Chloroplasts , Pellicle
o Live in fresh water
o Autotrophs, but can be heterotrophs under certain conditions.
o Flagella, Eyespot: sensitive to light,
2. Diatoms
o Unicellular, Aquatic, 10,000 living species.
o Glass like cell wall
o Diatomaceous earth: course powder that comes from dead diatoms (toothpaste, car polish &
reflective paint.
3. Dinoflagellates
4. Red Algae
6. Brown algae
o Live in water or moist places, Tiny threads that look like fuzz, Attack food crops
o Caused the Irish Potato Famine.
Slime Mold