Curriculum Map Tle
Curriculum Map Tle
Curriculum Map Tle
Practicing .Coverage of services 1.Independently 1.Discuss the following: Written Test 1.Make a research on Career Pathways in Practice safety
Occupational .Safety Measures in practice a.Safety measures in Performance Test different types of TLE – Home measures in
Safety and Health doing Household tasks occupational doing household chores Techno Quiz hazards that found in Economics doing
Procedures . Cleaning g tips health and safety b.Safety tips on the workplace. (exploratory household task
. The safety regulations household chores 2.Conduct actual Xandra S. Caballero
and policies c. Cleaning tips drills/training first aid in Page-25
d. The safety regulations a disaster situation.
. Waste management and policies 3. conduct an interview
1.Types of solid waste e. waste management to those people who are
2. Sources of waste f. Disaster preparedness responsible in disaster
3.Classification of and management management plan in
wastes according to g.Phases of emergency your community.
their properties management
4. Classification of 2. Explain demonstrate
wastes according to what to do in case of an
their effects on human earthquake
health and environment 3. Explain the general
- Different types of procedures for first aid.
waste disposal
.Disaster preparedness
and management
. Operational health
and safety procedure,
practices, and
Drills of an earthquake
drills and traini7ngs
Maintaining an 1.Household workers 1.Independently 1.Discuss household Written/oral Make a research from Career Pathways in Promote ethical
effective Ethical responsibilities perform the workers ethical examination the internet or story TLE (Home responsibilities
Relationships to colleagues desirable responsibilities as from magazines Economics) towards
with 2. Desirable traits of a character traits of professionals. Performance test featuring the role of a Exploratory workers and
clients/Customer household worker a household 2. Enumerate the duties household worker: Page-47 colleagues
s 3. Other tasks in a worker. and responsibilities of a 1. Household
housekeepers duties household worker workers ethical
and responsibilities 3. Identify the uniform, responsibilities
4. Duties and equipment and to clients
responsibilities of a paraphernalia of a 2. Household
household worker household worker. workers ethical
5. Uniform, equipment responsibilities
and paraphernalia of a to colleagues
household worker 3. Household
6. Personal hygiene and workers ethical
good grooming responsibilities
as professional.
Independently 1.Discuss the Post Assessment test 1.Ask the students to do Career Pathways in Promote the
Quarter - Performing measure and development of baking the following: TLE- Home care for tools
2 Bread and Pastry mensuration and calculate industry. Performance test a.Cut pictures of Economics and
Production calculation in baking ingredients in 2.Identify baking terms different tools, (exploratory) equipment’s
baking 3. Classify baking tools Written test utensils ,and baking Page-67
Tools and Bakery and equipment according equipment from
Equipment to their uses. Answer techno quiz. magazines. Paste them
4.Prepare tools and in a short bond paper.
equipment for specific Classify them according
baking purposes. to their uses.
5. Demonstrate how to
operate an oven.
To know how to clean Perform the Demonstrate how to: Performance test Career Pathways in Promote the
Maintaining and the oven, electric cleaning of oven, a.Clean the oven Have a class discussion TLE-7 (exploratory) cleanliness for
cleaning tools mixers, baking tray electric mixers, b.Clean electric mixers Written test on the following: Xandra S. Caballero materials and
and equipment a.Types of household Page- 79 equipments
To know the baking tray and c. Clean the baking tray Techno Quiz cleaning materials
importance of proper types of b. Natural cleaning
storage of tools and household Discuss the following: materials
equipment, natural cleaning products a.Types of household c. Other uses of
cleaning materials and cleaning products disinfectant Career
other uses of b. Natural cleaning Pathways in TLE- Home
disinfectant. materials Economics (exploratory)
c. Other uses of d. Proper storage of
disinfectant tools and equipment
d. Proper usage of tools e. Importance of proper
and equipment storage of tools and
e. importance of proper equipment
storage of tools and
equipment’s. Demonstrate to the
a. Clean the oven,
electric mixer,
baking tray,
pastry brush
and rolling pin
To know the different Perform how to Familiarize on self with Performance Test Career Pathways in Promote
Basic Ingredients basic ingredients; measure flour, the table weights and Have a class TLE- 7-Exploratory independence
in Baking 1. Kinds of flour powdered milk, measures in baking. Written Test demonstration on how Xandra S. caballero in doing
used in baking baking to measure flour, Page-91 individual works
2. Kinds of sugar powder/baking Techno Quiz powdered milk, butter
stick and peanut butter,
To know minor soda, butter stick, Measure dry and liquid liquid milk and bulk dry
ingredients in baking, peanut butter and ingredients accurately. ingredients.
mensuration, liquid milk. Apply basic mathematical
substitution of operations in calculating
ingredients. How to measure weights and measures
To know the measuring bulk dry
of dry and liquid ingredients.
To know the different To know how to 1.Identify the different Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop
Baking Cookies types of cookies bake different types of cookies. Group the class into six. TLE-7 Exploratory) camaraderie in
types of cookies. Written Test Each group will bake the Xandra S. caballero group activities
To know the tools and 2.Identify the tools and different types of Page-111
equipment, the basic equipment used in baking Techno Quiz cookies.
cookie ingredients and cookies. 1-Pressed cookies
suggested cookie 3. Enumerate the basic 2.Dropped cookies
recipe. cookie ingredients. 3.Rolled cookies
4. Bake different types of 4. Molded cookies
cookies. 5. Bar cookies
6. Refrigerated cookies
To know the kinds of To know how to Identify the different Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop skills in
Baking Pies and pies and types of make pastry kinds of pies and types of Collect different recipes TLE-7 (Exploratory) baking
Pastries pastries and dough. pastries and dough. Portfolio making of pies and pastry. Xandra S. Caballero
To know how to Page 127
How to make pastry, make a lattice top Discuss the basic To evaluate the Divide the class into 5
lattice top for pie crust for pie crust. principles of preparing outcome of the groups. Each group will
pies. lesson (Techno Quiz) bake some pies and
To know the To know the pastry that presented in
characteristics of good techniques for Demonstrate how to the lesson.
pastry and techniques puff pastry make pies and pastry.
for puff pastry. Evaluate the works of
the student, use the
rubric for baking pies
and pastries/baking
To apply and practice The practice of 1.Identify the and explain Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop in
Practicing the occupational safety occupational workplace hazard and Make a research on the TLE-7- managing risk in
Occupational and health act of 1971. health and safety risks. Written Test different types of (exploratory) work place area
Safety and Health 2. Identify hazards and hazards that are Xandra S. Caballero
To aware for the risk and their To evaluate the commonly found in the Page-160
commonly encountered corresponding indictors in outcome of the bakery.
maintenance problems line with the company lesson (Techno Quiz)
in commercial kitchen. procedures.
To know the factors to
consider during the risk
assessment process.
Quarter-3 The learner To know the The learner expected to Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop skills in
Beauty Care (Nail demonstrate common tools use gain the following Make a portfolio of the TLE -7 (exploratory) making portfolio
Care Services) understanding of basic in giving manicure competencies: Written test different tools and Xandra S. Caballero
concepts and principles and pedicure 1.Identify the different equipment used in nail Page -185
Use of Nail Care in developing implements and tools. Portfolio Making care services
tools and fundamental skills in: To know the 2. Demonstrate the
Equipment Beauty Care (nail care proper way to proper way to hold and Demonstrate the class
services) hold and use use manicure the proper use of nail
1.Proper way to hold manicure and implements. care tools and
and use manicure pedicure equipment.
To know the proper To perform the Demonstrate the Performance Test Career Pathways in Promote
Maintaining tools cleaning and proper cleaning following: Perform and TLE-7 (exploratory) cleanliness
and equipment disinfection and disinfection. 1.Proper cleaning and Written Test demonstrate the Xandra S. Caballero
disinfection. following: Page -193
Methods of proper To know the Evaluate the 1.Sanitize hand and foot
disinfection methods of 2.Methods of proper outcome of the 2. Sterilize metal
proper disinfection lesson by answering tools/implements
Sanitizing and disinfection. techno quiz. 3. Sanitize non-metal
disinfecting tools and 3.Sanitizing and tools/implements
implements disinfecting tools and 4. Sanitize
implements. environmental surfaces
Steps in sanitizing
porous tools and non-
porous tools.
The learners should be 1.Identify the types of 1.Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop health
Practicing able to know : hazards Visit a nail salon nearby TLE-7 (exploratory ) practice and
Occupational 1.The Types of hazards 2. Discuss the following; 2.Portfolio Making your place. Use the Zandra S. Caballero safety
Health and safety 2. Hazardous chemicals a. Hazardous chemicals checklist provided on Page 205 procedures
procedures found in nail salon found in nail salon 3.Evaluate the the book to serve as
products products outcome of the your basis in evaluating
3. Steps in reducing b. Steps in reducing lesson by answering hazards and risk in a nail
ergonomic hazards ergonomic hazards the techno quiz salon.
4. Steps in preventing c.Steps in preventing
exposure and exposure and
protecting workers’ protecting worker
health health
5. Personal protective d. Personal protective
equipment for nail equipment for nail
salon workers salon workers
The learners should Discuss the following: 1.Perfromance Test Career Pathways in Promote in
Nail Disorders know the following: 1.Parts of nail Make a research of TLE (Exploratory) caring of our
and Disease 1.Parts of the nail 2.Nail disorders/illness 2.Evalaute the history of manicure and Xandra S. Caballero nails
2.Nail disorders/Illness 3.Tips to prevent outcome of the pedicure Page- 211
3. Tips to prevent hangnails lesson by answering
hangnails 4. Tips to prevent the tecno quiz Nail disorder and
4.Tips to prevent brittle paronychia diseases
nails 5. Tips to prevent brittle
5. Tips to prevent nails Visit a well know salon
ingrown 6. Tips to prevent in your locality and
6. Tips to prevent Ingrown interview a manicurist
fungal nail infections 7.Tips to prevent fungal about her techniques in
7. Right nutrition for nail infections handling with nail
healthy and beautiful 8. Right nutrition for disorder.
nails healthy and beautiful
The learner know the How to apply the The learner should be Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop skills in
Basic designs in choosing of a nail shape technique for nail able to discuss the On used plastic spoons, TLE -7(Exploratory making design
manicure, hand 1.Different types of nail colour. following: Evaluate the perform manicuring Xandra S. Caballero
massage, and SPA 2. Different types of 1.Choosing nail a nail outcome of the basic design. Mount Page-230
manicure Perform the shape lesson by answering them on any illustration
3. procedure for a plain different types of the techno quiz board label
manicure manicure 2.Different shape of nails
4. Step by step 3.Different types of Perform basic manicure
procedure in manicure Perform the manicure design with hand
5. How to apply nail procedure for 4. Explain and massage with your
polish plain manicure demonstrate the classmate/partner
6. Application procedure for a plain assigned by the teacher.
technique for nail color Perform the basic manicure
And hand massage 5. Demonstrate the step
7. Basic hand massage by step procedure in
6. How to apply nail
1.The learner should 1.Perform the 1.Explain and Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop the art
Pedicure and know the following: pedicure demonstrate the Practice the following: TLE -7 (exploratory) of manicuring
Foot Massage 1. Pedicure procedure procedure following: Evaluate the a. Cleaning toenails Xandra S. Caballero
2. Trimming nails a. Pedicure procedure outcome of the b. Shaping nails Page- 242
3.How to give foot 2.Perform the b. Trimming toenails lesson by answering c. Applying nail
massage trimming toenails c.How to give a fot the techno quiz. polish
4. Different toenail massage d. SPA pedicure
pedicure designs 3.How to give 2. Identify different e. Simple foot
foot massage toenail pedicure designs. massage
Quarter 4 The learner Perform different Discuss the following: Performance Test Career Pathways in Develop
Handicraft demonstrate embroidery 1.Choosing embroidery Make a research about TLE-7 (exploratory patience
understanding of basic stitches based on designs Written Test advanced embroidery Xandra S. Caballero
Producing concepts and principles the given steps. 2. Principles of design stitches and possible Page-267
embroidered in developing 3. elements of design finished products
article fundamental skills in 4.Propertioes of color
Handicraft Demonstrate 5.Classes of color
1.To know the history how to make a 6. Color harmonies Apply the principles of
of embroidery cross-stitch. 7. making a project plan designs and colors.
2. The materials used in 8. Reminders when doing
embroidery Identify the basic embroidery work.
3. Kinds of embroidery tools and
needle materials in
4. Selecting of thread embroidery
5. How to use an
embroidery hoop
6. Different types of
fabrics used in
The learner The learner is able Identify the tools and Performance Test Career Pathways I Promote
Bead Craft demonstrate how to to perform how to materials in bead crafts Make the following TLE-7 (exploratory hardworking
use the tools and make bead craft Written Test bead craft. Follow Xandra S. Caballero
materials in bead crafts Enumerate the different procedures that are Page-310
kinds of beads. discussed in the lesson.
Know the different Perform different a. Bead and pipe
kinds of beads bead crafts b. Beaded flower
c. Beaded earring
d. Beaded bangle
The learner know the Perform the Discuss the following; Performance Test Career Pathways I Promote to
Recycling importance of recycling methods and 1. Importance of Make a project out of TLE-7 (exploratory save the
techniques in recycling Portfolio Making recycled materials Xandra S. Caballero environment
Know the tools and recycling. 2. Tools and Page-325
materials used for materials used
recycling for recycling
3. Methods and
Know the methods and techniques in
techniques in recycling recycling
4. Parts of the
project plan
Know the materials and Demonstrate The learner discuss the Performance test Career Pathways in Develop
Gift Wrapping tools for gift wrapping how to wrap a gift materials and tools for Make a gift box and TLE-7 (exploratory) creativity
gift wrapping. different ribbons Xandra S. Caballero
Make an eco-friendly Make a gift box Page-342
gift wrapping Have and eco-friendly gift
Make a different wrapping
How to wrap a gift ribbons
Demonstrate how to
How to make ribbon wrap a gift