CHS 7 May 09

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DAILY LESSON PLAN Maniwaya National High Grade

School Grade 7
School Level
Teaching MAY 9, 2023
Quarter 4TH Quarter
Date/Time 9:46-10:45 AM

The learners demonstrate understanding of concepts and underlying principles in maintaining the
A. Content Standards
tools,equipment and paraphernalia for computer hardware servicing
The learners independently maintain the tools,equipment and paraphernaliafor computer hardware
B. Performance Standards servicing.
LO1. Use and maintain hand tools,measuring instrument and equipment
1.2 Follow procedures in cleaning .tightening and simple repair of handtools,
C. Learning Competencies
(Write the LC code for equipment and paraphernalia
each) 1.3 Identify common malfunction (unplanned or unusual events)when using tools,equipment
and paraphernali
1.4 Follow the procedures in preparing a report to property custodian

D. Learning Objectives

II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) Proper Use of Cleaning Materials


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.2
2. Learner’s Materials pages Learning Module –Computer Hardware Servicing 20-22
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal Flat Head Screwdriver,Torx Screwdriver,Philips Head Screwdriver,Needle Nose Pliers,Anti-static mat
and Cleaning Materials
B. Other Learning Resources

Review :
Each group will get any of the tools to show on how it is properly use.
A. Initial Activity How are the following tools properly and safely use?
(Review of previous lesson/s or a. screws
Presenting the new lesson) b. Flat head screwdriver
ELICIT c. Phillips head screwdriver
d. Hex driver
e. Part retriever,needle-nose pliers,or tweezers
Do you think the group presented the proper ways of using their chosen tools?
The teacher will present the cleaning materials.
Guide Questions:
1.Are you familiar with this materials? Do you know the uses of this cleaning materials?Is there a need
to know the procedures on how to is it use ?

B. Motivation (Establishing a
purpose for the lesson)

Lint- free cloth Compressed air Soft brush and other cleaning materials and different kinds of
2. If a problem occurs in using this tools ,what will you do? To whom will you report this common
malfunction of
tools,equipment and praphernalia?
C. Analysis Volunteer students will used any of these cleaning materials,screwdrivers.
(Presenting examples / Who among them are properly and safely used the compressed air ,No.1? No.2 ?or no.3? Justify the
Instances of the new lesson) answer.
Hand tools and cleaning materials
After the video presentation on the procedures in cleaning,tightening and simple repair of hand tools at
the same time identifying common malfunction when using tools,equipment and paraphernalia.
D. Discussing new concepts Guide Questions:
and practicing new skills (sub- - How are cleaning materials properly used in cleaning the computer?
activity # 1) - Is common malfunctioning occur in using tools,equipment and paraphernalia? Justify the
EXPLAIN answer.
- Do you observe preventive maintenance in cleaning the computer?

Group activity:Cleaning the computer with proper ans safety procedures
ACT: Group 1- Resposible to prepare the needed hand tools and cleaning materials
ANALYZE: Group:2- Defines operational procedures in cleaning and will check if the prepared hand
tools and
cleaning materials are appropriate to use
APPLY: Group 3,4 &5 - The students will proceed to use the appropriate hand tools and cleaning
materials for the
The following:
a. Loosen computer casing screws
b. Blow away dust from keyboard
c. Tighten screws of computer case
d. Bundle cables inside the computer
e. Loosen nuts
f. Prevent from ESD effects
E. Discussing new concepts Rubrics for Performance
and practicing new skills (sub- Criteria 5 4
activity # 2) Use of tools and equipment Appropriate selection, Appropriate selection, Appropr
preparation and use of Preparation and use of materials Preparat
materials and tools and and tools and equipment most of material
equipment all the time the time equipme
Application of procedures Systematic application Systematic application of the Systema
of procedures all the procedures most of the time with procedur
time without minimum supervision time wit
supervision supervis
Safety work habits Highly self-motivated Self-motivated and observes Self-mo
and observes all safety most safety precautions most of observed
precautions at all times the time safety pr
Speed/time Work finished on time Work finished closed to given Work fin
time time given tim

Each group will make a slogan about the practices and the benefits in following the procedures for the
preventive maintenance of the computer.
F. Application Criteria Percentage
(Developing mastery) Relevance 40%
ELABORATE Creativity 20%
Originality 20%
Visual impact 20%
TOTAL 100%
Mrs Bautista got a problem to her computer.She asked you a favor to check her computer and you have
noticed that it as been used for a year without maintenance.What will you do if this is the condition of
her computer?
G. Valuing
(Finding practical application
of concepts and skills in daily

H. Abstraction After the activities the students will write the :

(Making generalization about a. Proper use of computer hand tools and cleaning materials
the lesson) b. benefits of following the procedures in cleaning ,tightening,and simple repair of computer
hand tools
c. common malfunctions ,when using tools,equipment and paraphernalia.
d. Problems to be reported to property custodian

Use the approprite tools to do each of the following tasks,Safety precautions must be observed while
1. Loosen computer casing screws
2. Blow away dust from keyboard
3. Tighten screws of a PC
4. Bundles cbles inside the computer
5. Test functionality of the printer port
Task Was the tool used correctly?
I. Evaluation YES NO
(Assessing learning) Loosen computer casing screws

Blow away dust from keyboard

Tighten screws of a PC

Bundles cbles inside the computer

Test functionality of the printer port

J. Agreement Conduct an interview with a computer technician about the preventive maintenance of the computer he
(Additional activities for is doing in his shop.
application or remediation)

V. REMARKS ____ Lesson carried. Move . ____ Lesson not carried.

____ Students did not find difficulties in answering the lesson.

____Students found difficulties in answering the lesson.
____Students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson.
____Students were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in answering the questions asked by the
____Students mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
____Majority of the students finished their work on time.
____Some students did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
____ out of ____ Grade 9 earned 80% above
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
____ out of ____ Grade 9 require additional activities for remediation.
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
____ Yes ____ No
of learners who have caught up with the
____ out of ____ Grade 9 earned 80% above
D. No. of learners who continue to ____ out of ____ Grade 9 continue to require remediation
require remediation
Strategies used that work well:
___ Metecognitive Development: Self – assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments.
___ Bridging: Thin-pair-share, quick-writes, and anticipatory charts
___ Schema-Building: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects.
___ Contextualization: Demonstrations, media, manipulative, repetition, and local opportunities.
___ Text Representation: Student created drawings, videos and games.
Other Techniques and Strategies used:
___ Explicit Learning ___ Group Collaboration
E. Which of my teaching strategies
___ Gamification/Learning through play ___ Answering preliminary activities
worked well? Why did these work?
___ Rereading of Paragraphs ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method Others (specify): __________________
___ Complete LMs ____ Availability of materials
___ Students’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ Bullying among students ___ Students’ behaviour/attitude
which my principal or supervisor can ___ Colorful LMs ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment
help me solve? ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ____ Additional clerical works
Planned Innovations:
___ Contextualized/Localized and Indigenize4d IM’s
G. What innovations or localized
___ Localized Videos
materials did I use / discover which I
___ Making module from views of the locality
wish to share with other teachers?
___ Recycling of materials to be used as Instructional Materials
___ Local poetical composition


Teacher I
Checked by:
Prinicipal I

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