22-11-2023 Project Sem7
22-11-2023 Project Sem7
22-11-2023 Project Sem7
Software development teams face challenges in maintaining code quality and
consistency. The manual code review process is time-consuming and prone to
human errors. This project aims to implement an automated code review system
using Python to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the
code review process.
Bugs: Code reviews can uncover bugs so they can be remediated before going into
Efficiency: Code reviews involve checks to ensure code will run quickly and
Code reviews initially happened manually, but a variety of tools exist to help
developers automate the review process. In this post, we’ll cover the types of code reviews,
the role of static analysis, our top eight Python code review tools, and a checklist to help you
execute your own code reviews.
There are several types of code reviews, including manual, unit testing, and linting. Let’s take
a quick look at each one:
Manual reviews
In this type of review, the process is manual, with a review team coordinating the steps from
start to finish. Virtual collaboration tools that allow developers to see and share work can
help streamline manual review tasks.
Unit testing
Unit testing works on the principle that it’s much easier to correct a small portion of code
than a large section of code. Unit testing is built into Python and allows you to analyze code
in the smallest testable chunks. Developers can confirm that code sections work as expected
before merging them with the remainder of the code.
Linting is a type of code review that uses a linting tool to scan code to uncover potential
bugs. Since linters scan code without running it, they are considered a simple type of static
analysis tool.
Static analysis tools do much of the heavy lifting that would normally require careful line-
by-checks during a code review. These quickly grow cumbersome for longer, more complex
As mentioned above, linters are an example of static analysis tools that serve this purpose.
1. Pylint
An open source that is widely used in the Python community, pylint is highly
configurable so you can customize your pre-commit checks. For instance, you can customize
the confidence level a warning requires to be displayed, or configure pylint to show
suggestions instead of false positive-prone error messages.
2. Snyk Code
Snyk Code is a static analysis tool that uncovers vulnerabilities within code before it goes
into production, ensuring that the code you’re reviewing is secure, and you don’t pass any
security vulnerabilities down the development pipeline.
3. Github
GitHub has a built-in code review tool that performs lightweight code reviews for every pull
request. GitHub includes other features that help with reviews, including diffs, history, and
blame view that give you various insights into the changes a piece of code has undergone.
4. CodeScene
CodeScene uses machine learning to identify areas of poor code health and offers suggestions
for improvement. It differs from other tools in its behavioral analysis component, which gives
insights into how teams of developers collaborate. This helps you understand the factors
contributing to technical debt.
5. Collaborator
Collaborator is a code review tool designed for companies with hefty regulatory
requirements. It features a comprehensive tool for reviews along with detailed reports and
electronic signatures for regulatory compliance.
6. Codacy
Codacy is an automated code review tool that works with Python (among more than 40
programming languages). It is noted for its easy GitHub integration, its sharing features that
establish a single source of truth, and its open source and startup friendly principles.
7. RhodeCode
RhodeCode unifies security and code review across repositories including Git, Subversion,
and Mercurial. Large-scale, global organizations that use multiple repositories can benefit
from its coding and collaboration features. An on-premises version is available by download.
A cloud-hosted instance is available for enterprises.
8. Reviewable
Reviewable is a GitHub tool that gives richer features than what is built into GitHub. These
include a commenting feature that requires all threads to be completed before merging, and a
feature that blocks multiple commits from a single pull request.
1. Verify requirements
2. Code readability
6. Documentation
Modern development is typically a team practice so it’s important to ensure that code is also
easy to read and understand. This helps other developers maintain code in case its author
moves on from the organization. PEP 8 is a widely used Python style guide (written by
authors including Guido himself!) that’s intended to help Python developers write more
readable code.
3. Examine whether the pull request (PR) corresponds to the basic protocol
It's important to follow protocol around pull requests to help teammates work together as they
review code. GitHub has its own recommendations for pull requests, such as including the
purpose of the pull request and specifications about feedback. These serve as a good template
for your own protocol.
Does your code actually work? Verifying that code meets your requirements is a critical step
in any review. Furthermore, code should be checked to ensure that it will integrate well with
the larger project.
With the arrival of agile development methodologies and a shift left approach to security,
testing should occur early and often within the development process. Developers should also
apply secure coding practices to avoid issues from the start.
6. Documentation
One of the key factors for code quality is maintainability, a subjective quality around how
easy it is for someone other than the author to maintain or update code. To help other
developers understand what code does, it’s important to use documentation. This can include
self-documentation, where the code itself is simple enough to understand on its own, or
docstrings after a definition of a function or class for more complex code.
For more tips, check out our post on code review best practices.
Keep learning:
Developers love to automate tasks as much as possible, and code review is no different. Code
review tools make it possible to review large-scale projects with dozens of developers. They
allow you to test code without running it, and ensure you can be confident before merging the
pull request.
A Python code review starts with being clear about the requirements for the code. It then
checks if the requirements are satisfied (ie: the code actually works), along with other
considerations such as readability, security, and documentation. The overall process is
manual but a plethora of tools exist to help development teams as they conduct code reviews.
One of the most essential parts of a secure code review is to ensure the reviewer
takes the time to understand the code's functionality fully. As a result, one of the
best ways to reduce false positives and negatives during a manual code review
is for the reviewer to take a slow, methodical approach.
Assuming the code functions as intended is a significant source of error when
conducting a code review. The probability of humans — even an expert review
panel — allowing undetected errors through the manual review highlights the
need for an effective automated review process. In addition, a manual review
can guide the programmers in creating standards by which the analyzer can use
to compare the source code with its intended performance .
It isn't enough to run the analyzer, let it find the errors, and correct
them in the source code. You can require that code changes and pull
requests (PRs) be accompanied by unit and integration tests, which
can improve confidence and reduce errors to improve the entire
process continuously. Employing a unit test ensures the new code
section operates as the developer intended before merging it into the
main code repository. Setting general input conditions or tailoring the
code to deliver a known output are good practices to conduct this type
of testing. After that, adding integration testing in a stepwise fashion
by linking a few units at a time can ensure the interaction is seamless
and will not yield false positives or negatives during an effective code
The best way to do a code review that minimizes false positives and
negatives is to select a high-quality, robust scanning tool. Using an
automated code reviewer that differentiates when an issue should be
flagged or not is critical to improving the quality and security of the
We have formulated this guide in the form of a checklist. It lists a set of questions
that you need to ask about the code. If the answer to any of them is not a 'yes', you
should leave a remark on the PR.
Do note that this list is only meant to serve as a guideline. Your codebase, like
every codebase, has its own specific set of needs, so feel free to build upon this
guide and override pieces of it that do not fit well for your use-cases.
The first and foremost thing to check during a review is how closely the PR
adheres to basic etiquettes. Good PRs are composed of bite-sized changes and
solve a single well-defined problem. They should be focused and purposefully
narrow to have as few merge conflicts as possible. Put simply, a good PR
facilitates being reviewed.
For large-scale swooping changes, make a separate target branch and then make
small incremental PRs to that target, finally merging the target with the main
branch. Making one humongous PR makes it harder to review, and if it goes stale,
many merge conflicts may pop up.
When reviewing PRs from new developers, I also make it a point to ensure their
commit messages are well-written.
Is the PR atomic?
Does the PR follow the single concern principle?
Are the commit messages well-written?
Enforce a commit message format in the team. For example, you
could try gitmoji wherein you use emoji in commit messages. For
example, bugfixes should start with [FIX], or the 🐛 emoji and new
features should start with [FEAT] or the ✨ emoji. This makes the
intention of the commit very clear.
and syntax
Once we've established that the code works, the next step is to check
how well it integrates with the existing codebase. One key thing to
inspect in this regard is duplication. Often, code added to a repo
provides functionality that might already be a part of the code in a
different location or something provided by the frameworks or Pip
packages in use. This knowledge is something that one can only gain
by experience. As a senior, it becomes your duty to point such
duplication out to new developers contributing to your repo.
Does the code keep with the idioms and code patterns of the
Does the code make use of the language features and standard
Most linters, popularly PyLint, can help you identify deviations from
the style guides and, in most cases, even automatically fix them.
Linters work incredibly fast and can make corrections to the code in
real-time, making them a valuable addition to your toolchain.
A good code formatter like Black can help a lot in formatting the
code for consistency and readability. Black also offers minimal
customization, which is good because it eliminates all forms of
The next thing to check is the maintainability of the code. Any code
added or changed by the PR should be written to facilitate someone
other than the original author to maintain it.
Ensuring that the application remains secure is critical. The next thing
to check is if the PR maintains or improves the security of the project.
You need to ensure that the changes do not increase the attack surface
area or expose vulnerabilities. If the PR adds new dependencies, they
could potentially be unsafe, in which case you might need to check
the version for known exploits and update the dependencies, if
Is the code free of implementation bugs that could be
Have all the new dependencies been audited for
... with details about the vulnerability and PRs in your repositories
that you can merge to patch them.
The final things to check are the performance and reliability of the
code at scale. While these are undoubtedly key metrics, I put them on
the bottom of the checklist because I believe well-planned, well-
designed, and well-written code generally works well too.
So each review must be as productive as possible. This is where all the tooling and
automation efforts should be directed. By automating whatever can be automated, which is
generally the mundane parts of the review, such as code style and formatting, we can allow
devs to focus on the important stuff like architecture, design, and scalability.
I'll leave you with a profound thought my mentor shared with me.
A good code review not only improves the code but the coder as well.
Perform analysis and resolve issues directly from the convenience of your VS Code environment.
Introducing, DeepSource Runner
Platform Engineering
Linting should be added to build validation, and both linting and code formatting can be
added to your pre-commit hooks and VS Code.
Both Pylint and Flake8 can be configured in VS Code using the VS Code python extension.
Flake8 is a simple and fast wrapper around Pyflakes (for detecting coding errors)
and pycodestyle (for pep8).
Install Flake8
Add an extension for the pydocstyle (for doc strings) tool to flake8.
Add an extension for pep8-naming (for naming conventions in pep8) tool to flake8.
Run Flake8
Run Pylint
black [file/folder]
Autopep8 is more lenient and allows more configuration if you want less stringent formatting.
yapf Yet Another Python Formatter is a python formatter from Google based on ideas from
gofmt. This is also more configurable, and a good option for automatic code formatting.
The Pyright extension augments VS Code with static type checking when you use type hints
Build validation
To automate linting with flake8 and testing with pytest in Azure Devops you can add the
following snippet to you azure-pipelines.yaml file.
- develop
- master
- src/*
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- job: LintAndTest
displayName: Lint and Test
- checkout: self
lfs: true
- task: UsePythonVersion@0
displayName: 'Set Python version to 3.6'
versionSpec: '3.6'
- script: |
# Install Flake8
pip3 install --user flake8
# Install PyTest
pip3 install --user pytest
displayName: 'Install Flake8 and PyTest'
- script: |
python3 -m flake8
displayName: 'Run Flake8 linter'
- script: |
# Run PyTest tester
python3 -m pytest --junitxml=./test-results.xml
displayName: 'Run PyTest Tester'
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: 'Publish PyTest results'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
testResultsFiles: '**/test-*.xml'
testRunTitle: 'Publish test results for Python $(python.version)'
Pre-commit hooks
Pre-commit hooks allow you to format and lint code locally before submitting the pull
Adding pre-commit hooks for your python repository is easy using the pre-commit package
3. Add a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in the root of the repository, with the desired pre-
commit actions
4. repos:
5. - repo: https://github.com/ambv/black
6. rev: stable
7. hooks:
8. - id: black
9. language_version: python3.6
10. - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
11. rev: v1.2.3
12. hooks:
13. - id: flake8
14. Each individual developer that wants to set up pre-commit hooks can then run
15. pre-commit install
At the next attempted commit any lint failures will block the commit.
Note: Installing pre-commit hooks is voluntary and done by each developer individually.
Thus, it's not a replacement for build validation on the server
Do functions use type hints, and are there any type hint errors?
Is the code readable and using pythonic constructs where?
Code reviews are a crucial part of development. During reviews, developers often
identify issues and inefficiencies that otherwise would've slipped right by the team.
Given how informative a code review can be, it's one of the most crucial aspects of
development, but time is always a factor.
To save time and get the most out of your code review process, always adhere to established
best practices.
Here is our list of Python code review checklist that we consider it should be followed and
not only;
1. Backtrack on Requirements
It's critical that you always confirm the need for a new feature before you begin building it,
but sometimes requirements are overlooked.
Therefore, the best way to kick off a Python code review is by comparing it to the original
Get to know:
What problem did you try to solve, and is this the best way to solve it?
Is implementing this code the only way to solve the problem, or is there a simpler solution?
Have you missed requirements that may not have been disclosed?
There's always a trade-off, but if you don't solve the problem you set out to solve, you need to
evaluate whether moving forward is a viable option.
You also need to consider if implementing the code is the best way forward. Sometimes
coding a solution is unnecessarily complicated, and the problem could be more easily
resolved by a third-party provider or by addressing the issue from another angle.
Lastly, you should always test the code in multiple scenarios, especially those that haven't
been thought of at first.
Following up with the author of the original requirements is also a good idea to ensure
everything was appropriately interpreted and addressed.
2. Confirm Your Implementation Plan
The next step in your Python code review process is evaluating how well the implementation
fits into your existing system.
Making adjustments to your implementation plan is far easier now than it will be later.
Remember always to follow the golden rule of avoiding duplicate code by looking for
opportunities to reuse what's already there.
For instance, you might move forward even if there are performance issues and plan to make
the code lighter down the road.
On the other hand, if you've left out key user scenarios, like what happens with "no data" or
when someone isn't logged in, those are likely more pressing issues.
Decide what is of the highest priority to address so that you have an efficient plan moving
4. Prepare for Production
If you've made it to this phase, you're now ready to prepare the code for production by
checking testing, monitoring, and security tools.
However, never forget about documentation updates and any notices that you need to send
out to users or partners.
If you're in the process of reviewing Python code and you need help making sure that it
"checks all of these boxes", our team can take your processes to the next level.
We are quality enablers for your software applications, no matter how complex or coupled
they may be.
Interested in learning more about how Adservio can help your business succeed with its
digital experiences? Contact us today!
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