IBPS PO 10-Oct-2015 by Cracku
IBPS PO 10-Oct-2015 by Cracku
IBPS PO 10-Oct-2015 by Cracku
A nutrient
B threat
C argument
D incentive
E satisfaction
2. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word SPELLS given in bold as used in the
A curses
B predictions
D charms
E results
3. Which of the following best describes the opinion of experts regarding inequality?
E Easing the flow of credit to poor households is the way to reduce inequality.
4. According to the passage, which of the following is/are the possible impact(s) of inequality?
(A) It affects economic stability-Of a country.
(B) The public may object to policies like free trade.
(C) It discourages entrepreneurship and innovation.
A Only (A)
B Only (B)
5. What do the examples of Hilary Clinton and IMF economists cited in the passage convey?
B Americans are not con-. cerned with the impact of growing inequality.
C Social issues arc focused on prior to elections but not implemented thereafter,
E America and the IMF di-. agree on the measures “to be adopted to handle inequality
6. What is the author’s view regarding policies such as high top tax-rates?
D These are unfair as they impact less than 20 percent of the population.
A Governments and central bankers are in agreement on the measures needed to reduce inequality.
8. Choose the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word BENIGN given in bold as used in
the passage.
A mild
B gentle
C selfish
D friendly
E nasty
9. Which of the following is the central idea of the passage?
E The IMF should take the lead and define acceptable norms of inequality.
10. Choose the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word FREE given in bold as used in
the passage,
A restricted.
B expensive
C independent
D confidential
E boundless
Instructions [11 - 15 ]
(A) These nuggets contain words of caution because many young middle-class Chinese who gear up during the
nation’s glittering boom years, are suddenly confronting the shadow of an economic slowdown and even hints
of austerity.
(B) Titled “Guide on Safe Passage Through the Economic Crisis”, it is aimed at young Chinese urban
(C) Recently, an advice column has been circulating widely on China’s most popular social media phone app.
(D) Its nuggets of wisdom include “Work hard at your job so you are the last to be laid off and “In an economic
crisis, liquidity is the number one priority”.
(E) By austerity they mean cancelling vacations and delaying weddings and even selling recently purchased
apartments to have cash on hand.
(F) These frantic measures are prompting the leaders to take appropriate actions to bring the situation under
11. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
12. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
13. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after
14. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
15. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
Instructions [16 - 20 ]
Each sentence below has two blanks. each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the
words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
16. The actress is …………. that she will be spending her birthday with her husband and other………….. of the
A ecstatic, elements
B abject, sources
C confused, people
D mundane, partners
E thrilled, members
17. Steep hills and low rise traditional buildings that once …………..the mosque have in recent years…………. given
to shopping malls and luxury hotels.
A befell, up
B encased, space
C beautified, forward
D hid, liberty
E surrounded,way
18. Scientific research has now………..that a fish-rich diet can help ………….depression.
A established, react
B confirmed, curb
D revealed, accustom
E deepened, limit
19. The actress who put on a lot of weight to effectively …………the character she played in her film, looks like
a………..heroine now.
A depict, conventional
B pass, regular
C portray, more
D revolve, usual’
E represent, absolute
20. Even as he………. himself for his film debut, the comedian is……….. getting a taste of how some friendships in
showbiz come with a price tag.
A prepares, favourably
B readies, allegedly
C locates, reportedly
D shows, apparently
E apportions, supposedly
Instructions [21 - 25 ]
In the following questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error,
if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Select the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error,
select No error’ as your answer. Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.
21. The pledges that countries (a)/ are making to battle climate change (b)/ will still result in the world (c)/
heating up by more than 6 degree Celsius. (d)/ No error (e).
E No error
22. When it come to helping (a)/ one another, it turns out (b)/ that some fish are better (c)/ at it than previously
thought. (d)/ No error (e)
E No error
23. Every child in our (a)/ country has the right (b)/ to acquire quality (c)/ primary and secondary education. (d)
/ No error (e).
C to acquire quality
E No error
24. The club members are (a)/ socially responsible and (b)/ take part in (c)/ variety volunteering activities. (d)/
No error (e)
C take part in
E No error
25. On Sunday night, (a)/ a rare astronomical phenomenon will have produce (b)/ a moon that will appear
slightly bigger (c)7 than usual and have a reddish hue. (d)/ No error (e)
A On Sunday night,
E No error
Instructions [26 - 30 ]
In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
A (26) affecting the quality of primary education appears to be (27) levels of teacher motivation. In 2002-2003,
25% of primary-school teachers’, in rural India were absent on any given day. The impact of absenteeism is (28)
by the fact that the average primary school in India has a workforce of no more than three teachers. The
A important
B tip
C pointless
D key
E seriously
A high
B pointed
C acute
D low
E beneath
A exacerbated
B married
C stated
D witnessed
E portrayed
A presence
B forcing
C driver
D reckon
E case
A together
B says
D couple
E impart
31. The time taken by a boat to travel a distance downstream is half the time taken by it to travel the same
distance upstream. What is the speed of the boat downstream if it travels 7.5 km upstream in 1 hour 30
minutes ? (in km/h)
A 7.5
B 5
C 9
D 10
E None of these
Instructions [32 - 36 ]
In these questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and select
the appropriate option.
32. I. x2 = 144
II. y − 24y + 144 = 0
A x≤y
B x≥y
D x< y
E x> y
33. I. 2x2 − 9x + 10 = 0
II. 2y − 13y + 20 = 0
A x≤y
B x≥y
D x< y
E x> y
A x≤y
B x≥y
D x<y
E x> y
A x≤ y
B x≥y
D x<y
E x>y
36. I. 5x2 + 8x + 3 = 0
II. 3y 2 + 7y + 4 = 0
A x≤y
B x≥y
D x<y
E x>y
Instructions [37 - 41 ]
What approximate value will come in place of, the question mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are not
expected to calculate the exact value).
37. 159 ÷ 39.99 + 4 × 180 − 120.05
A 28
B 24
C 32
D 18
E 8
A 1680
B 1940
C 1640
D 1880
E 1780
39. 1576 ÷ 45.02 + 23.99 × 255 =?
A 340
B 420.
C 380
D 460
E 360
40. ?+ 30.01% of 651 ÷ 25.05% of 59.98 = 135
A 68
B 140
C 122
D 78
E 128.5
A 125
B 250
C 155
D 135
E 225
42. ‘A’ gave 25% of an amount to ‘B’. from the money B got, he spent 30% on a dinner. Out of the ;remaining
amount, the respective ratio between the amount B kept as savings and the amount he spent on buying a
book is 5 : 2. If B bought the book for Rs. 460, how much money did A have in the beginning ?
A Rs. 12600
B Rs. 9200
D Rs. 9000
E Rs. 8000
43. The respective ratio of the sums invested for 2 years each, in scheme A offering 20% per annum compound
interest (compounded annually) and in Scheme B offering 9% p.a. simple interest is 1 : 3. The difference
between the interests earned from both the schemes is Rs.1200. How much was invested in scheme A?
A Rs. 10500
B Rs. 15000
C Rs. 12000
D Rs. 12500
E Rs. 10000
44. A bag contains 4 red, 5 yellow and 6 pink balls. Two balls are drawn at random. What is the probability that
none of the balls drawn are yellow in colour?
A 1
B 3
C 2
D 5
E 9
45. 18 men can complete a project in 30 days and 16 women can complete the same project in 36 days. 15
men start working and after 9 days they are replaced by 18 women. In how many days will 18 women
complete the remaining work ?
A 20
B 30
C 26
D 28
E 24
Instructions [46 - 50 ]
What will come in place of the question mark ?) in the following number series ?
46. 155, 151, 144, 132, 113, ?
A 89
B 71
D 92
E 60
A 254
B 228
C 212
D 176
E 194
48. 9, 10.8, 14.4, 21.6, ?, 64.8
A 36
B 44
C 34
D 41.8
E 37.6
49. 6, 5, 8, 21, 80, ?
A 268
B 192
C 255
D 364
E 395
A 19
B 25
C 17.5
D 28
E 22.5
51. A trader has 600 kgs of rice, a part of which he sells at 15% profit and the remaining quantity at 20% loss.
On the whole, he incurs an overall loss of 6%. What is the quantity of rice he sold at 20% loss ?
B 320 kgs
C 420 kgs
D 360 kgs
E 480 kgs
52. A vessel contains a mixture of Grape, Pineapple and Banana juices in the respective ratio of 4 : 6 : 5. 15
litres of this mixture is taken out and 8 litres of grape juice and 2 litres of pineapple juice is added to the
vessel. If the resultant quantity of grape juice is 10 litres less than the resultant quantity of pineapple juice.
what was the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel ? (in litres)
A 120
B 150
C 105
D 135
E 90
53. ‘B’ is 3 years older than ‘A’ and ‘B’ is also 3 years younger than ‘C’. 3 years hence, the respective ratio
between the ages of A and C will be 4 : 5 What is the sum of the present ages of A. B and C ?
A 48 years
B 56 years
C 63 years
D 84 years
E 72 years
54. If the volume and curved surface area of a cylinder are 616 m3 and 352 m2 respectively what is the total
surface area of the cylinder (in m2 )
A 429
B 419
C 435
D 421
E 417
Instructions [55 - 59 ]
Study the table and answer the given questions.
A 25 : 16
B 5:4
C 25 : 11
D 21 : 16
E 17 : 11
56. The number of appeared candidates increased by 40% from 2006 to 2011. If 25% of the appeared
candidates qualified in 2011, what was the number of qualified candidates in 2011 ?
A 240
B 225
C 255
D 245
E 230
57. In 2007, the respective ratio of number of appeared candidates to the qualified candidates was 5 : 4.
Number of female qualified candidates constitutes what percent of number of appeared candidates in the
same year ?
A 20
B 25
C 30
D 15
E 40
58. In 2009, if the difference between number of male qualified candidates and female qualified candidates
was 72, what was the number of appeared candidates in 2009 ?
A 800
B 900
D 600
E 950
A 40
B 30
C 20
D 35
E 25
60. To reach point B from point A, at 4pm, Sara will have to travel at an average speed of 18 kmph. She will
reach point B at 3 pm if she travels at an average speed of 24 kmph. At what average speed should Sara
travel to reach point B at 2 pm ?
A 36 kmph
B 28 kmph
C 25 kmph
D 30 kmph
E 32 kmph
Instructions [61 - 65 ]
Read the graph and answer the given questions.
Number of visas issued by Country ICYZ’ for Country A and Country B in 6 different months
61. What is the difference between the total number of visas issued for Country A and Country B together in
April and the total number of visas issued for both the countries together in June ?
B 70
C 110
D 100
E 80
A 315
B 310
C 320
D 335
E 325
63. The number of visas issued for Country A in March decreaSed by 20% from the previous month. What is the
respective ratio between the number of visas issued for Country A in February and the number of visas
issued for the same country in May ?
A 25 : 13
B 25 : 18
C 26 : 13
D 24 : 13
E 26 : 15
64. The number of visas issued for Country A decreased by what per cent from May to July ?
A 35 13
B 33
C 30 59
D 32 23
E 32 49
65. The number of visas issued for Country B in March is what per cent less than the number of visas issued
for Country A in June ?
A 8.5
B 7.75
D 6.25
E 5.75
Instructions [66 - 68 ]
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Each of the six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U has lived in India for a different number of days. S has stayed for.
more number of days than R but less than T. P has stayed formore number of days than only U. T has not
stayed for the most number of days. The one stayed for the second least number of days stayed for 14 days in
India. The one who stayed for second highest number of days stayed for 47 days, S stayed for 15 days less than
66. For how many days did R possibly stay in India ?
A 56
B 41
C 33
D 25
E 11
67. Who amongst the following stayed for the second highest number of days ?
68. If the number of days for which Q stayed in India is less than 60 and is an even number which is divisible by
3 but not by 4, for how many days did Q stay in
A 54
B 42
C 56
D 48
E 30
Q is the sister of T. T is the mother of D. T has only one son. D is the brother of J. J
is married to M. Y is the daughter of M.
69. How is J related to Q ?
A Son
B Cannot be determined
C Daughter
D Niece
E Nephew
A Daughter
B Daughter-in-law
C Cannot be determined
D Niece
E Grand daughter
Instructions [71 - 75 ]
In each of the following questions, relationship between the different elements is shown in the statements. The
statements are followed by two Conclusions numbered I and II. Study the Conclusions based on the given
statements and mark the appropriate answer :
73. Statements
B < L < A = M > E ≥ S;
Conclusions :
I. L < S
II. E > W
Instructions [76 - 80 ]
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that there is equal
distance between adjacent persons. In row-1, A, B, C, D and E are seated (but not necessarily in the same order)
and all of them are facing north. In row-2, L, M, N, O and P are seated (but not necessarily in the same order)
and all of them are facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row
faces another member of the other row. B sits second to the right of D. The person facing B sits to the
immediate left of N. L sits second to the right of N. Only two persons sit between L and P. E is not an immediate
neighbour of D. O does not face E. C neither faces N nor sits at an extreme end of the line.
76. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding 0?
C 0
78. Who amongst the following is facing M?
80. What is the position of C with respect to B?
C Immediate left
D Immediate right
A ke
B jp
D fi
E sc
87. What is the code for ‘mind’ in the given code language ?
A bu
B ag
C lw
D ke
E ty
88. In the given code language, what does the code ‘nd’ stand for ?
B music
C mind
D always
A ke ty bu
B hr tw ag
C hr ke sc
D ty ke hr
E bu ty hr
90. What may be the possible code for ‘divine passion’ in the given code language?
A mo ag
B bu mo
C xy ag
D xy bu
E mo xy
Instructions [91 - 95 ]
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Seven persons, namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R will appear for a different exam but not necessarily in the same
order, in seven different months (of the same year) namely January, February, April, May, July, September and
December. Each of them also likes a different genre of TV shows namely Family, Action, Comedy, Reality,
Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same order. O will appear for an exam in a month which
has only 30 days. Only one person will appear between the one who likes animated shows and O. The one who
likes Action will appear for an exam immediately before the one who likes Animated Shows. The one who likes
Thriller will appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
Only two persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Q. M will appear for an exam
immediately after Q. R will appear for an exam immediately before N. P likes History shows. The one who likes
Family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days. O does not like Comedy shows.
91. Which of the following genres of TV shows does 0 like?
A History
B Thriller
D Action
E Reality
92. How many persons will appear for an exam between the months on which N and L will appear for an exam?
A One
B None
C Three
D Two
A Family shows
B Thriller shows
C Comedy shows
D History shows
E Animated shows
94. Which of the following represents the month in which L will appear for an exam?
A December
B May
C July
D September
E Cannot be determined
95. Which of the following represents the persons who will appear for an exam in January and December
respectively ?
A N, P
B N, M
C R, P
D R, M
E M, P
Instructions [96 - 100 ]
A One
B Five
C Two
D None
E Three
97. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given information?
A A is the son of D.
B C is an immediate neighbour of D.
C N’s sister
D N’s husband
99. Who amongst the following is the son of N ?
A Grandmother
B Son-in-law
C Grandson
D Uncle
E wife
31. D
Let the speed of boat in still water and speed of river be B km/hr and R km/hr respectively .
Speed of boat in downstream = B+ R km/hr
B+R = 10 km/hr
32. A
x2 = 144
x = −12, 12
y − 24y + 144 = 0
(y − 12)2 = 0
y = 12
33. A
2x2 − 9x + 10 = 0
(2x − 5)(x − 2) = 0
x = 2, 52
2y 2 − 13y + 20 = 0
(2y − 5)(y − 4) = 0
y = 52 , 4
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34. D
2x2 + 15x + 27 = 0
(2x + 9)(x + 3) = 0
x = − 92 , −3
2y 2 + 7y + 6 = 0
(2y + 3)(y + 2) = 0
y = − 32 , −2
3y 2 − 13y + 14 = 0
(3y − 7)(y − 2) = 0
y = 2, 73
3y 2 + 7y + 4 = 0
(3y + 4)(y + 1) = 0
y = −1, − 43
37. A
The given equation can be written as 160
40 + 4
5 ∗ 180 − 120
4 + 144 − 120 = 28
Option A is the right answer.
38. D
The given statement can be written as 1600
40 + 1960 − 120 = 1960 − 80 = 1880.
Option D is the right answer.
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39. B
The given statement can be written as 1575
45 + 24 ∗ 256
=35 + 24 ∗ 16
=35 + 384
= 419 ( Approximately 420)
Option B is the right answer.
40. C
Let the missing number be y
30.01 ~ 30
650 ~ 1
25.05 ~ 25
59.98 ~ 60
So, (y+ 30.01% of 651 ÷ 25.05% of 59.98 = 135) the equation becomes equivalent to (y+ 30% of 650 ÷ 25% of 60
= 135)
Now , using BODMAS rule
y + 195 ÷ 15 = 135
54x 11x
100 − 25
= 1200
x = 12000
Hence, amount invested in scheme A = Rs. 12,000
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44. B
Number of non-yellow balls = 4 + 6 = 10
Required Probability = C2
15 C
= 7
45. E
M 1D1 M 2D2
W1 = W2
W1=W2 = Q
18M x30
Q = 16WQx36
M = 32
30 W ....(1)
Let the days required by 18 women to complete the remaining work = y days
(15M ×9)+(18W ×y)
so Q = 16WQ×36 ......(2)
49. E
6*1 -1 = 5
5*2 - 2 = 10-2 =8
8*3 - 3 = 24-3 = 21
21*4-4 = 84-4 = 80
80*5-5 = 395
Option E is the right answer.
50. E
13*0.5 - 0.5 = 6.5-0.5 = 6
6*1 - 1 = 6-1 = 5
5*1.5 - 1.5 = 7.5 - 1.5 = 6
6*2 - 2 = 12-2 = 10
10*2.5 - 2.5 = 25-2.5 =22.5
Option E is the right answer.
51. D
let the cost of per kg rice be Rs y
Let the amount of rice sold at 15% profit be m kg and so the rice sold at 20% loss be (600-m)kg
selling price of m kg rice which is sold at profit = 1.15y per kg × m
Selling price of (600-m) kg rice at 20% loss = 0.8y × (600-m)
Over all loss is = 6%
54. A
Volume of a cylinder=π × r2 × h
where r and h are the radius and height of the cylinder.
π × r2 × h = 616m3
Curved Surface Area of Cylinder=2 × π × r × h=352m2
π × r × h=176
55. C
Total no. of appeared candidates in 2010 = 900
No. of qualified candidates in 2010 = 100 * 900 = 576
57. C
In 2007, let the number of appeared candidates = 500x
Let the no. of qualified candidates = 400x
Ratio of male qualified to female qualified = 5:3
Required % = 150x
500x * 100 = 30%
58. D
In 2009, let the number of male qualified candidates = 9x
Female qualified candidates = 5x
Difference between male and female qualified candidates = 9x - 5x = 72
=> x = 72/4 => x = 18
Thus, total no. of qualified candidates in 2009 = 9x + 5x = 14*18
59. B
Total no. of candidates qualified in 2006 & 2008 = 249*2 = 498
No. of candidates qualified in 2008 = 100 *480 = 288
60. A
average speed = (total distance ) /(total time)
Let her time taken to finish race with 18km/hr average speed be y hours
And distance covered in both cases is same
D = 18 × y.....(1)
D = 24 x (y-1)....(2)
From equation 1 and 2
y = 4 hours
And D = 72 km
Now if she need to reach at 2pm i.e in 2 hours then the average speed = 72/2 = 36 km/hr
61. A
Total no. of visas issued for country A & B in April = 310+350 = 660
Total no. of visas issued for country A & B in June = 320+250 = 570
Required difference = 660-570 = 90
62. A
No. of visas issued for country B in :
Mar - 300
May - 280
Jul - 320
Aug - 360
Total = 300+280+320+360 = 1260
Average no. of visas issued for country B in these 4 months = 1260/4 = 315
63. B
No. of visas issued for country A in Mar = 400
Since, it is decreased by 20% from previous month i.e. Feb
No. of visas issued for country A in Feb = 500 [Since, 20% of 500 is 400]
No. of visas issued for country A in May = 360
Required ratio = 500/360 = 25:18
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64. C
Explanation [66 - 68]:
S>R and T>S thus T>S>R.
P>U as P has stayed for more number of days than only U, which makes P second last and U last in terms of
number of days spent.
T>S>R>P>U which leaves us with Q, which leads to :-
Q>T>S>R>P>U. (T has not spent the most number of days)
66. D
The person who has spent second most days, i.e. T has spent 47 days.
S has spent 15 days less than T, i.e. 32.
Now, the person who has spent second least days, i.e. P has spent 15 days.
Thus R has spent less than 32 days and more than 15 days :-
The only option satisfying this is (D).
67. B
p>The person who has spent second most days is T.
Hence answer is option (B).
68. A
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69. D
Q is the sister of T, who is mother of D. T has only 1 son while D is brother of J, => J is daughter of T.
J is married to M having a daughter, Y.
The flow chart will be :
where, (m) represents male
(f) represents female
N sits opposite A.
78. A
B sits second to the right of D and The person facing B sits to the immediate left of N :-
L sits second to the right of N. Only two persons sit between L and P.
E is not an immediate neighbour of D. 0 does not face E.
[ M ] [ L ][ O ] [ N ] [ P ] Or [ L ][ O ] [ N ] [ P ] [ M ]
[ E ] [ __ ][ D ] [ _ ] [ B ] Or [ _ ][ D ] [ __ ] [ B ] [ E ]
E is facing M.
79. D
B sits second to the right of D and The person facing B sits to the immediate left of N :-
L sits second to the right of N. Only two persons sit between L and P.
E is not an immediate neighbour of D. 0 does not face E.
[ M ] [ L ][ O ] [ N ] [ P ] Or [ L ][ O ] [ N ] [ P ] [ M ]
[ E ] [ __ ][ D ] [ _ ] [ B ] Or [ _ ][ D ] [ __ ] [ B ] [ E ]
81. E
Let consider one possibility as shown in the diagram below -
Conclusions :
I. At least some soils are deltas = false
II. All basins are soils = false
Thus, neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows.
=> Ans - (C)
83. A
As no decision is a verdict, any subset of decision will also not overlap with the set verdict. Hence, no policy is a
verdict or no verdict is a policy. Hence, Conclusion II follows from the statements.
As no information has been given about the overlap between the sets results and policies, all results being
policies is a possibility. Hence, even Conclusion I follows.
84. B
from the above statement and figures we can say that either phones will be machines or no phones will be
machine, both are the possibilities and hence either of the conclusion can be followed.
85. D
As Autumn is a subset of Falls, and Autumns intersects Winters, Falls also intersects Winters. Hence,
conclusion I follows.
From the diagram, we can see one situation where conclusion 2 is not true. Hence, conclusion II does not
86. B
91. E
O appears for the exam in a month having only 30 days, i.e. either in April or in Sept.
Lets take the case where O appears for the exam in Sept.
Since only one person appears between O and the one liking Animated series, the one liking Animated Series
would appear in May. This makes the one liking Action appearing in April. The one liking Thriller appears in Feb
and Q appears in July. Now since M appears immediately after Q (which means in sept) This case is rejected.
92. A
O appears for the exam in a month having only 30 days, i.e. either in April or in Sept.
Lets take the case where O appears for the exam in Sept.
Since only one person appears between O and the one liking Animated series, the one liking Animated Series
would appear in May. This makes the one liking Action appearing in April. The one liking Thriller appears in Feb
and Q appears in July. Now since M appears immediately after Q (which means in sept) This case is rejected.
Lets take the case where O appears for the exam in Sept.
Since only one person appears between O and the one liking Animated series, the one liking Animated Series
would appear in May. This makes the one liking Action appearing in April. The one liking Thriller appears in Feb
Pattern - nth Month : Likes of the person taking exam in (n+2)th month.
Hence History.
94. B
O appears for the exam in a month having only 30 days, i.e. either in April or in Sept.
L appears in May.
95. C
Lets take the case where O appears for the exam in Sept.
Since only one person appears between O and the one liking Animated series, the one liking Animated Series
would appear in May. This makes the one liking Action appearing in April. The one liking Thriller appears in Feb
and Q appears in July. Now since M appears immediately after Q (which means in sept) This case is rejected.
R and P respectively.
96. A
3 persons sit between N and B :-
Now, Only three persons sit between M and N’s husband and N’s daughter sits third to the right of P.
These 2 conditions contradict themselves, hence this can't be the solution.
Now, Only three persons sit between M and N’s husband and N’s daughter sits third to the right of P.
These 2 conditions contradict themselves, hence this can't be the solution.
Thus, P sits second to the left of N.
N's Father sits to the immediate right of P.
N’s sister sits third to the right of N’s father.
Only one person sits between N’s sister and N’s son. M sits third to the left of N’s son.
Only three persons sit between M and N’s husband and N’s daughter sits third to the right of P.
A sits second to the right of N’s husband.
N’s mother sits to the immediate right of C. C is not the husband of N.
Now, Only three persons sit between M and N’s husband and N’s daughter sits third to the right of P.
These 2 conditions contradict themselves, hence this can't be the solution.
Thus, P sits second to the left of N.
N's Father sits to the immediate right of P.
N’s sister sits third to the right of N’s father.
Only one person sits between N’s sister and N’s son. M sits third to the left of N’s son.
Only three persons sit between M and N’s husband and N’s daughter sits third to the right of P.
A sits second to the right of N’s husband.
B is N's son.
100. C
3 persons sit between N and B :-
B is A's Grandson.
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