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Faculty Cont. 2024 Advt

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Basni Phase-II, Jodhpur-342005 (Raj)

(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)

Website: http://www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in

Advertisement No: Admn/Faculty/02/2024-AIIMS.JDH Dated: 07th May, 2024



All India Institute of Medical Science, Jodhpur an Autonomous Institute of National Importance is one of
the new AIIMS and apex healthcare institute being established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with the aim of correcting
regional imbalance in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country, and attaining self-sufficiency in graduate and
postgraduate medical education and training.

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals and OCI Cardholders (Overseas Citizen of India) for the
following faculty posts in various departments on CONTRACT BASIS of All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Last Date for submission of online application is 17th May 2024 (till 05:00 PM).

S. Name Total Posts EWS UR OBC SC ST

N Of Department
Assistant Professor
1. Anaesthesiology &
1 - - - 1 -
Critical Care
Endocrinology &
2. 1 - 1 - - -
3. Medical
1 - 1 - - -
4. Neurology 1 1 - - - -
Total 4 1 2 - 1 -

Abbreviation Used: - Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Unreserved (UR), Other Backward Caste (OBC),
Schedule Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribes(ST).

Note: -
1. The above vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Executive Director, AIIMS, Jodhpur reserves
the right to vary the vacancies including reserved vacancies as per the Govt. of India rules/circulars and
2. Reservation will be as per Government of India guidelines issued from time to time.
3. The relaxation of essential teaching/research experience for one year for candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribes may be given as per Rules/ Guidelines issued by DoP&T.
4. Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) will be as per Government of India guidelines.
5. As per EWS guidelines, if vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot be filled up due to non-availability of a
suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancies for that particular recruitment year shall not be
carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog, hence other category candidates may be allowed
provisionally to apply for these posts, subject to condition that they will be considered for the post as an
UR candidate, only if EWS category vacancy is otherwise not filled.
6. Age and all other qualification will be counted on the last date of submission of application.
7. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders under section 7(A) of Citizenship Act, 1955 are also eligible to
apply for teaching post as per Ministry of Home Affairs Order No. 26011/52/2016- OCI dated 02nd August,
8. The period of experience wherever prescribed shall be counted after obtaining the prescribed qualification.

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Qualification for the Posts are as under:-

Essential for Medical Candidates (for General Discipline)

Educational Qualification
1. A medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of
the third schedule to the Indian medical council Act of 1956(Persons
possessing qualifications included in part II of third schedule should
also fulfill the condition specified in section 13(3) of the Act.)

2. A post graduate qualification e.g. MD/MS or a recognized

qualification equivalent thereto in the respective discipline/subject.
Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized
institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying
degree of M.D. /M.S .or qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
Essential for super specialty discipline:-

Assistant Educational Qualification

1. A medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part
II of the third schedule to the Indian medical council Act of
1956(Persons possessing qualifications included in part II of third
schedule should also fulfill the condition specified in section 13(3) of
the Act.)

2. A post graduate qualification e.g. MD/MS or a recognized

qualification equivalent thereto in the respective discipline/subject.

3. D.M. in the respective discipline/subject for medical super-

specialties and M.Ch. in the respective discipline/subject for surgical
super-specialties (2 years or 3 years or 5 years and 6 years recognized
course) Or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto.

One years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized
institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying
degree of D.M. /M.Ch. (2 years or 5 years and 6 years recognized
course after MBBS) or qualification recognized degree in D.M./M.Ch
or qualification recognized equivalent thereto,

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No experience is necessary for the candidates possessing the 3 years or
post MBBS 6 years recognized degree of D.M/ M.Ch or qualification
recognized equivalent thereto.

Essential for Non- Medical Candidates-

Educational Qualifications*
1-Master’s degree in concerned specialty.
2-A doctorate degree of recognized university.
Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized
institution in the discipline/subject concerned after obtaining the
doctorate degree.

DNB Equivalence:-

In case of those who are holding DNB in broad specialties or super specialty as qualifying education,
they have to produce documentary evidence issued by Competent/ Authority about DNB
equivalence with MD/MS/DM/M.Ch. as per MCI, New Delhi notification dated 31.10.2018.

Those who have undergone DNB training from institution given under Para 2 at (a) & (b) of
aforementioned MCI notification- will not need to have extra experience after qualifying degree.

Those who have undergone DNB training at Institution given at (c) & (d) of aforementioned MCI
notification will need to have 1 year & 2 years extra experience i.e total 4 & 5 years experience
respectively from MCI recognized/ permitted institution for equivalence.

The relaxation of essential teaching/research experience for one year for Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribes will be given as per Rules/ Guidelines issued by DoP&T.

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1. Application Process: - The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect
can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The On-line registration of
application is made available on AIIMS, Jodhpur official website i.e.
http://www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in. Last Date for submission of online application is 17th May 2024
(till 05:00 PM). No Documents including online application form is required to be sent, however,
all the applicants are advised to keep a copy of online application form with them, along with
proof of payment (a Copy of challan /online payment receipt) for their record.

2. The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding
their eligibility for the post applied for. They must be fulfilling eligibility criteria as on the
closing date of applications failing which their application will be rejected.

3. The Candidate must ensure that their photo and signature should be clearly visible in preview
at the time of filling of application in online mode. If photo/signature image is displayed small
or not visible in preview on website, that means photo/signature is not as per the AIIMS,
Jodhpur prescribed and in that case, your application will be rejected. So, be careful while
uploading your photo and signature. Both must be visible clearly on Online Application form.

4. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she is required to fill in the form
separately through On-line mode only.

5. Tenure: - The appointment for a period of 01 Year or the post is filled on regular basis
whichever is earlier. Further extension in exigency of the services may be considered by the
Competent Authority as admissible under the rules. The engagement will be purely on
contractual basis and it will not bestow any rights implicitly upon the candidate to claim any
permanent absorption or any liability by the AIIMS, Jodhpur on termination of contract.
However, the initial tenure of engagement can be less than one year as per the decision of the
Competent Authority.

6. Pay Scale:-
The approved lump sum remuneration for Faculty
S.No. Name of the Post
(Contract Basis)

1. Assistant Professor ₹ 1,42,506/- Per month (Consolidated)

7. The Contractual Faculty in the event of being provided campus accommodation/ guest house
facilities, applicable deductions in respect of such accommodation would be made from the
above remuneration as under: -

S.No. Name of the Post Applicable deductions in respect of accommodation

Assistant Professor Applicable for Assistant Professor stationed at AIIMS,

(Contract Basis) Jodhpur
8. Upper Age Limit:-
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor: - Not exceeding 50 (Fifty) years as on closing date.

(i) Upper age limit shall be determined as on last date of submission of online applications.

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(ii) No age relaxation would be available to SC/ST/OBC Candidates applying for
unreserved vacancies.
(iii) Age relaxation permissible to various categories is as under:-
Age Relaxation permissible
S. No. Category beyond the upper age limit

1. SC/ST 05 Years

2. OBC 03 Years
Persons with Benchmark Disability
3. 10 Years
4. Government Servant 05 Years

5. Ex-Service Men* 05 Years

* As per Govt. of India Guidelines.
9. Candidates applying under any of the reserved category posts, viz. EWS/SC/ST/OBC/ PwBD
will be considered subject to submission of Certificate issued by the appropriate/ competent
authority on the prescribed format. Community should be clearly and legibly mentioned in the
certificate. A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of community reservation only in case
the particular caste to which the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved
communities issued by the Central Government. If a candidate indicates in his/her application
form that he/she belongs to EWS/SC/ST/OBC/General category but subsequently writes to the
institute to change his/her category, such request shall not be entertained by the institute.

10. OBC candidate’s eligibility will be based on the caste(s) borne in the Central List of
Government of India. OBC candidate(s) should not belongs to Creamy Layer and their sub-
caste should be match with the entries in Central List of OBC, failing which their candidates
will not be considered under any of the applied reserved category post(s).

11. Candidates applying under EWS category post will be considered subject to submission of
certificate in attached proforma (Annexure-I). EWS Certificate must be valid for the year
2024-25 and must have been issued between 01.04.2024 and date of interview of respective

12. Person with Disabilities (PwD) candidate(s) with benchmark disability will be allowed in
accordance with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment’s, Notification No. 16- 15/2010-
DD.III dated 29th July, 2013 as amended from time to time, in the above recruitment process.
Further, only such persons would be eligible for reservation under PwBD quota in service/posts
who suffer from not less than 40% of physical disability.

13. Person who want to avail the benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability
Certificate issued by a competent authority in prescribed format.

14. The Contractual faculty will be assigned clinical, teaching and research duties, besides any
other work as deemed fit by the Executive Director of the Institute.

15. The contractual faculty will report to the Executive Director, AIIMS Jodhpur.

16. During the period of contract, Contractual faculty will be paid a consolidated monthly
remuneration as indicated in the letter of engagement subject to satisfactory output. His
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remuneration shall be all inclusive arid subject to deduction of tax at source and / or any other
statutory deductions to the extent required under the laws.

17. Participation of Contractual faculty in National Seminars/ Conferences would be permissible

as per entitlement of regular Faculty. In case contractual faculty is also deputed out of station
on official assignment, TA/DA would be paid on tour, as admissible, as per entitlement
against post last held immediately before retirement.

18. Contractual faculty will be eligible for Thirty (30 days) leave in a calendar year, on cumulative

19. During the period of contract, the engagement is liable to be terminated at any time with a
one-month notice, without assigning any reason whatsoever. It will be open to the Institute
to pay, in lieu of notice, salary for the period by which the notice period falls short. Similarly,
the Contractual faculty may also terminate the contract any time with one month's notice.
The termination may be allowed with lesser notice period also provided contractual faculty
deposits with the Institute appropriate amount equivalent to the consolidated remuneration of
the period by which the notice period falls short, in lieu of the notice period.

20. Private practice of any kind, including laboratory and consultant practice is prohibited. The
Contractual faculty will not engage himself/herself in any other paid assignment during the
validity of this contract.

21. If at any time, in the opinion of competent authority, which is final in this matter, Contractual
faculty is found non-performing or guilty of any offence, dishonest, disobedience, disorderly
behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence from duty without permission or any other
conduct considered by the competent authority, deterrent to the interest of AIIMS or violation
of one or more terms and conditions of this letter, his/her services may be terminated without
notice and the competent authority shall be entitled to recover any damages arising out of
any act or omission on his/her part, from him/her.

22. Other conditions of service will be as provided under the Rules, Bye laws and Regulations
of the Institute and governed by the relevant rules and orders issued by the Government of
India. It may please noted that the contractual faculty will be required to conform to the
Rules, Bye laws, Regulations, Discipline and Code of Conduct prevailing in the Institute
from time to time.

23. Contractual faculty will be governed, in respect of any matter relating to the conduct,
discipline, in respect of which no provisions have been made in these terms and conditions,
the provisions of CCS Conduct Rules 1964 and Central Civil Services Classification Control
and Appeal Rules 1965 as amended from time to time.

24. Contractual faculty will be at the disposal of the Institute on whole time basis and his/her
services may be utilized in any manner required by the Competent Authority of the Institute
without any claims for any additional remuneration.

25. The Institute will not be responsible for any loss, accident, damages or injury while
performing the consultancy assignment including travel.

26. Contractual faculty will not have or acquire during validity of this contract either directly or
indirectly any outside interest, in any business or otherwise, which could be in conflict with
the interest of Institute as a whole or that would be prejudicial to his/her position. Contractual
faculty will declare any interests in, any commercial concern or companies etc. before

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joining. Failure to do so will entail termination of his/her contract forthwith without prejudice
to the right of this Institute for initiation of legal action against him/her as deemed fit.

27. Contractual faculty and his/her family members shall not accept any gifts or presentations,
directly or indirectly, whether in the form of money, free possession of goods or other
benefits from any person or firm with whom he/she is or likely to be, in contract, by virtue
of this contract with whom he/she has or is likely to have dealings. His/her services would
be terminated, if found involved in corrupt practices, besides taking action as per rules/law.

28. Contractual faculty will devote his/her whole time and attention exclusively to the duties
entrusted to him/her to the best of his/her power ability and skill. He/ She will acknowledge
that his/her position entails absolute confidentiality and therefore during the continuance of
this contract/ arrangement and / or after cessation of this contract for any reasons whatsoever,
he/she will not indulge or disclose any information papers and documents in his/her
knowledge and custody to any outsider and maintain absolute confidentiality.

29. Contractual faculty is liable to make good any of loss sustained by the Government due to
his/her misbehavior or negligence.

30. Contractual faculty will not engage himself/herself in any other paid assignment during the
validity of this contract.

31. Contractual faculty will not disclose or divulge or make public or shall personally use for
any gain any of the materials, processes, accounts, transactions, dealings, information etc.
whether the same may be confined to him/her or may become known to him/her during the
course of his/her services or otherwise.

32. In case Contractual faculty is employed elsewhere, he/she will bring a letter from his/her
present employer stating that his/her resignation has been accepted and he/she is relieved.

33. In case any of the above conditions are violated, the appointment shall automatically stand

34. Upon termination for whatever reasons, Contractual faculty will forthwith return to Institute
all records/documents and papers that are in his/her custody and control, by virtue of his/her
engagement and obtain discharge in writing from Institute.

35. Contractual faculty will not seek or try to secure any other job or employment without
previous written sanction/consent of the Institute.

36. Clearances: Appointments are subject to clearances as for equivalent posts in Government
of India.

37. Qualifications and Experience: Qualifications may be relaxed for highly experienced,
trained or reputed candidates at the discretion of the Selection Committee. The experience
will be counted as on last date of submission of application.

38. Short Listing: The prescribed qualification is minimum and mere possessing the same does
not entitle any candidate for selection. Based on bio-data, the Selection Committee may
short-list candidates for interview Candidates called for interview will have to produce all
relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in their application at the time of
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39. The applicants already in Government service shall have to produce Relieving Certificate
from their present employer at the time of joining the Institute.

40. AIIMS, Jodhpur decision final:

The decision of the AIIMS, Jodhpur in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or
rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of
examination(s), allotment of examination centers, selection and allotment of
posts/organizations to selected candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and
no enquiry / correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

41. Those who are in employment (In Case Central/State Government/Semi Government /
Autonomous body) must submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the
employer at the time of Interview.


(i) The All India Institute of Medical Science is an autonomous body established under Act of

(ii) Service under the Institute is governed by that Act and the Rules & Regulations framed there

(iii) Tenure:- The appointment for a period of 01 Year or the post is filled on regular basis
whichever is earlier. Further extension in exigency of the services may be considered by the
Competent Authority as admissible under the rules. The engagement will be purely on
contractual basis and it will not bestow any rights implicitly upon the candidate to claim any
permanent absorption or any liability by the AIIMS, Jodhpur on termination of contract.
However, the initial tenure of engagement can be less than one year as per the decision of the
Competent Authority.

(iv) Leave:- Contractual faculty will be eligible for Thirty (30 days) leave in a calendar year, on
cumulative basis.

(v) The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of
applications, will not be considered.

(vi) Incomplete application(s) will not be considered.

(vii) The period of experience wherever prescribed shall be counted after obtaining the prescribed
educational qualification.

(viii) Last Date for submission of online application is 17th May 2024 (till 05:00 PM).

(ix) The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind is prohibited.

(x) The Candidate are likely to be posted at rural health and urban center attached with the
institute for the period to be decided by the Institute as applicable.

(xi) AIIMS reserves the rights to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.

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(xii) No travelling or other allowances will be paid to the candidate for joining the post.

(xiii) Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.

(xiv) The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.

(xv) In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the
candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to this appointment,
he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and any action taken as deemed fit by
the appointing authority.

(xvi) The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to
this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice.
(xvii) The decision of the competent authority regarding interview, verification of documents and
selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation correspondence
will be entertained in this regard.

(xviii) All disputes will be subject to jurisdiction of Court of Law at JODHPUR.

Clarification & Enquiries (Only For Online Application Form Related Query):

Mail to: fr.aiimsjodhpur@gmail.com

Contact No.: 0291 – 2740741


Senior Administrative Officer

AIIMS, Jodhpur

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Government of……………………………….
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)



Certificate No. Date: ___________

VALID FOR THE YEAR_____________

This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari _____________________son/daughter/wife

_____________________ of permanent resident of_____________________, Village/Street
_____________________Post. Office _____________________District _____________________in
the State/Union Territory_____________________ Pin Code _____________________whose
photograph is attested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income*
of his/her family** is below Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year__________.
His/her family does not own or possess any of the following assets***:-
I. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
II. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
III. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
IV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in. areas other than the notified municipalities.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari _____________________ belongs to the ________ caste which is not

recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List).

Signature with seal of Office:-_____________________


Recent Passport
size attested
photograph of the

*Note: Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
**Note 2: The term 'Family" for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below
the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of IS years
***Note 3: The property held by a "Family' in different locations or different places/cities have been clubbed while applying the land
or property holding test to determine EWS status.

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