Global Migration Handout

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Global Migration

 Introduction:
Global migration is the term used to describe the movement of people throughout the
world for a variety of reasons, including economic opportunity, family reunification, or escaping
persecution or violence. It has shaped civilizations and cultures all across the world and has been
a major part of human history.

 Causes of Global Migration:

1. Economic Factors: Individuals frequently relocate in quest of better employment prospects,
more pay, or superior living standards.
2. Social Factors: A family's desire to reunite, access to healthcare, or education can all be
reasons in migration.
3. Political Factors: People may be forced to from their native nations in search of safety due to
political unrest, conflict, or persecution.
4. Environmental Factors: The need for people to migrate in pursuit of safety and a living can
also be imposed by environmental deterioration, climate change, and natural disasters.

 Types of Migration:
1. Internal Migration: Migration from rural to urban areas is one example of movement inside a
2. International Migration: Movement across international borders, which can be further
categorized into:
- Labor Migration: Looking for work overseas.
- Refugee Migration: Running away from war, strife, or persecution in one's native nation.
- Family Migration: Joining relatives who have already moved abroad.
- Irregular Migration: Cross-border travel without authorization or documentation.

 Impact of Global Migration:

1. Social Impact: Migration may result in variety, cultural interchange, and societal benefit. But
it may also cause conflicts over resources and cultural differences, straining societal
2. Economic Impact: The economy frequently benefits from the work, entrepreneurship, and
consumption of migrants. They could also cover workforce shortages in certain industries. On
the other hand, pay deflation and job competitiveness may raise worries.
3. Political Impact: Political discussions and policies, particularly those pertaining to border
security, immigration regulations, and refugee rights, can be influenced by migration. It may also
bring up questions of sovereignty and national identity.
4. Environmental Impact: Environmental problems may arise as a result of mass migration's
strain on the infrastructure and natural resources of the destination locations.

 Challenges and Solutions:

1. Integration: guaranteeing the effective assimilation of immigrants into receiving communities
by means of language instruction, educational programs, and job assistance.
2. Protection: Preserving the rights of immigrants and refugees, as well as creating official channels for

3. Addressing Root Causes: Addressing the fundamental causes of migration, such as conflict,
poverty, and climate change.

4. Global Cooperation: Improving global coordination and collaboration on migration-related

policies and programs.

 Conclusion:
The topic of global migration is complex and broad, with significant social, economic,
and political ramifications. A comprehensive and cooperative strategy at the local, national, and
international levels is needed to address its issues. Societies may capitalize on migration's
potential advantages while reducing its negative effects by comprehending the factors that drive
migration and putting in place sensible regulations.
 References:

 Aubry, A., Burzyński, M., & Docquier, F. (2016). The welfare impact of global migration in OECD
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 Batalova, J. B. J. (2023, September 20). Top statistics on global migration and migrants.

 Dimock, M. (2016, July 5). Global migration’s rapid rise. The Pew Charitable Trusts.

 Global migration, by the numbers. (2022, April 14). World Economic Forum.

 Global Migration Database | Population Division. (n.d.).


 Global Migration Data Portal. (n.d.). Migration Data Portal.

 Global Migration: Definition, Type & Response | StudySmarter. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.

 Global migration, by the numbers. (2022, April 14). World Economic Forum.

 Hatton, T. J., & Williamson, J. G. (2005). Global migration and the world economy. In The MIT Press

 Interactive World Migration Report 2022. (n.d.).


 Mavroudi, E., & Nagel, C. (2016). Global migration. In Routledge eBooks.](

 McKeown, A. (2004). Global Migration, 1846-1940. Journal of World History, 15(2), 155–189.](

 OHCHR. (n.d.). The Global Migration Group.


 Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2022, November 18). Migration. Our World in Data.](

 Pew Research Center. (2022, December 16). Key facts about recent trends in global migration | Pew
Research Center.
 Pellerin, H. (1993). Global Restructuring in the World Economy and Migration: The Globalization of
Migration Dynamics. International Journal, 48(2), 240–254.

 Sabillo, N. M. (2021, October 13). Global migration [Slide show]. SlideShare.


 The General Board of Church and Society. (n.d.). Global migration. GBCS.

 United Nations. (n.d.). International migration | United Nations.


 Woetzel, L., Madgavkar, A., Rifai, K., Mattern, F., Bughin, J., Manyika, J., Elmasry, T., Di Lodovico, A.,
& Hasyagar, A. (2016). Global migration’s impact and opportunity. In McKinsey & Company.

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