Impairment of PPE
Impairment of PPE
Impairment of PPE
a) Assets are acquired to generate economic benefit (benefit ito Profits, Income, Cash flow etc)
b) Asset is impaired - economic benefit associated with the use of the asset also decreases
c) Asset is impaired - amount we can recover from the asset (disposed of) will also decrease
d) We also reflect the value the asset at its value in which it generates economic benefit
e) There needs to be an event that will indicate that the Asset is impaired:
Event is referred to as an indicator of impairment
If an indicator of impairment exists then we need to test whether an Asset needs to be impaired or not:
Carrying value:
FV = Open Market value less any potential cost incurred to dispose of the asset
selling cost, dismantling costs, advertising, professional
Market value is not the Residual Value.
What is the Residual Value - value at the end of the useful life of PPE
Market value - the selling price the asset could be sold at any given time (potential proceeds of disposal)
Residual is used to calculate depreciation
Market value is used to calculate the value of impairment of assets
b) Value in use
Future economic benefit that will flow to the enity through use of the asset over the remaining useful life
Economic benefit is calculated on the basis of a discounted Future Net Cash Flow generated over the remaining useful life
R10 in 2020
1 Box of matches
Bubble gum
2021 - will I be able to buy the same of goods as in 2020 for same R10???
- Inflation
- eroding of your purchase power
- R1 today will be able to buy more today than R1 in the future
Step 1
Step 2:
Calculate the carrying value of the asset at the date the indicator exists
NB: Depreciate the asset for the period up until date of the indicator
Step 3:
a) Fair value or
b) Value in use
Step 4:
Impairment Expense Dr
Accumulated Impairment on…. Cr
4.5) After the asset has been impaired, how is the carrying calculated???
= depreciation
r wear and tear as result of harder use
nctioning properly - output is reduced
s of disposal)
ng useful life
over the remaining useful life